changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
child 18 c8fb4cf7b3ae
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:eb1f2e154e89
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  header file of base controls
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef C_CFEPUIBASECTRL_H
    20 #define C_CFEPUIBASECTRL_H
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    23 #include <w32std.h>
    24 #include <w32adll.h>
    25 #include <peninputuilayoutownerinf.h>
    26 #include <peninputuilayoutbase.h>
    27 #include <peninputlayoutminterface.h>
    29 class CFepUiLayout;
    30 class CLayoutTimer;
    31 class CCandidateWnd;
    32 class CFepUiLayoutRootCtrl;
    33 class CCoeControl;
    35 const TInt KDefaultFrameWidth = 1;
    36 // There are 8 shadow bitmaps
    37 const TInt KShadowBitmapTotalNum = 8;
    38 //for mask bitmap
    39 const TUint32 KTransparentColor = 0x0;
    40 const TUint32 KOpaqueColor = 0xffffff;
    43 //base control type
    44 typedef TInt64 TControlType;
    46 //UI layout leave code
    47 enum TUiLayoutErrorCode
    48     {
    49     EUiLayoutNotReady = -2000,
    50     EUiLayoutOwnerNotReady,
    51     EUiLayoutBadControlIndex,
    52     EUiLayoutBadEvent,
    53     EUiLayoutBadControlType,
    54     EUiLayoutCandiateNumIsNotSet,    
    55     EUiLayoutFuncNotImplemented,
    56     EUiLayoutBadKeyBmpIndex,
    57     EUiLayoutNoShadowBmp,
    58     EUiLayoutNoKey,
    59     EUiGeneralIndexError,
    60     EUiFullscreenWithoutHWRWnd,
    61     EUiLayoutBadParentType,
    62     EUiNullParam,
    63     EUiCursorNoOwner,
    64     EUiNoparent
    65     };
    67 //define base control types
    68 //Derived class should not re-assign new ctrl type.
    69 enum TStockBaseCtrlType
    70     {
    71     ECtrlBaseCtrl           = 0x0001,
    72     ECtrlTactileFeedback    = 0x0002,    
    73     ECtrlHwrWnd             = 0x0004 | ECtrlBaseCtrl,     //HWR writing window 
    74     ECtrlTransparentHwrWnd  = 0x0008 | ECtrlHwrWnd,       //HWR transparent window
    75     ECtrlCandidateList      = 0x0010 | ECtrlBaseCtrl,     //Candidate list
    76     ECtrlButton             = 0x0020 | ECtrlBaseCtrl | ECtrlTactileFeedback,     //Button
    77     ECtrlDragBar            = 0x0040 | ECtrlButton,       //drag bar
    78     ECtrlControlGroup       = 0x0080 | ECtrlBaseCtrl/* | ECtrlTactileFeedback*/,      //control group    
    79 //    ECtrlButtonGroup        = 0x0080 | ECtrlControlGroup,       //button group    
    80     ECtrlEditAreaBase       = 0x0100 | ECtrlBaseCtrl | ECtrlTactileFeedback,		//editor base
    81     ECtrlInputContextArea   = 0x0200 | ECtrlEditAreaBase,   //input context area
    82     ECtrlVirtualKeyboard    = 0x0400 | ECtrlBaseCtrl,   	//virtual keyboard
    83     ECtrlPopupWindow		= 0x0800 | ECtrlBaseCtrl,   	//pop up window
    84     ECtrlPopupChoiceList	= 0x1000 | ECtrlPopupWindow | ECtrlTactileFeedback,   	//pop up choice list
    85     //ECtrlVirtualItutKeypad  = 0x2000 | ECtrlVirtualKeyboard,
    86     ECtrlVirtualKey         = 0x2000 | ECtrlBaseCtrl | ECtrlTactileFeedback,       //virtual key control
    87     ECtrlVirtualItutKey     = 0x4000 | ECtrlVirtualKey,		//virtual itut key control
    88     ECtrlBackgroundCtrl	    = 0x8000,
    89     ECtrlCursor             = 0x00010000 | ECtrlBaseCtrl,   //editor cursor
    91     //Add more stock controls here. E.g ECtrlOskKey for VKB key
    92     ECtrlWndBasedCtrl           = 0x00040000,
    93     EUserCtrlBase = 0x00080000
    94     };
    96 //button type
    97 enum TButtonBmpType
    98     {    
    99     EBtnBmpNonActive ,                //bitmap for non active control
   100     EBtnBmpNonActivePressed,      //bitmap for pressed active control, 
   102     EBtnBmpActive,                //bitmap for active control
   103     EBtnBmpActivePressed,         //bitmap for pressed active control
   105     EBtnBmpDisabled,              //bitmap for disabled control
   106     EBtnBmpDimmed = EBtnBmpDisabled,    
   108     EBtnBmpMovingIndicator,
   110     EBtnBmpLastType = EBtnBmpMovingIndicator                 
   111     };
   113 //control event type
   114 enum TControlEvent
   115     {
   116     EEventButtonDown,               //for button
   117     EEventButtonUp,                 //for button
   118     EEventDraggingStart,             //for drag bar
   119     EEventDragging,                   //for drag bar
   120     EEventDraggingEnd,                //for drag bar
   121     EEventVirtualKeyUp,             //for virtual key
   122     EEventVirtualKeyDown,           //for virtual key
   123     EEventHwrStrokeStarted,         //for hwr window
   124     EEventHwrStrokeFinished,        //for hwr window
   125     EEventHwrCharacterTimerOut,     //for hwr window
   126     EEventCandidateSelected,        //for candidate window
   127     EEventButtonLongPress,          //for dragbar long press event  
   129     EEventSizeChanged,              //for base control size change
   130     EEventRegionUpdated,            //region has been updated
   132     EEventSetAppCursorSelection,    //for app cursor selection changing
   134     EEventControlFocusGained,
   135     EEventControlFocusLost,
   137     //Cancel button down event, this happends when button up in another control
   138     EEventButtonDownCanceled,  
   139     EEventHwrStrokeCanceled,     
   141     EEventControlDestroyed,
   143     EEventChoiceSelected,
   144     EEventPointerLeftControl,      //Pointer leaves a control after button down
   145     EEventPointerEnterControl,      //pointer re-enters a control after button down
   147     EEventVirtualKeyLatched,    //pointer down in a latched virtual key
   148     EEventVirtualKeyUnLatched,      //point down in a unlatched virtaul key
   149     EEventICFSelectionChanged,  //ICF selection has been changed   
   150     EEventRawKeyDownEvent,		//raw ITU-T key down event  
   151     EEventRawKeyUpEvent,		//raw ITU-T key up event  
   152     EEventPointerDownOnNomatch, //pointer down on ICF nomatch range
   153     EEventPointerDownOnInline, // pointer down on ICF inline, but not in nomatch range
   154     EEventCapturePointer,
   155     EEventIcfPointerUpEvent,		   //Point up in icfevent
   156     EEventTooltipPointerUp,
   157     EEventTooltipPointerLeave,
   158     EEventTooltipPointerEnter,
   159     EEventCommitUnderLine,
   160     EEventInsertSpace,
   161     EEventControlExtBase = 1000,    //extended event for common control
   162     EEventControlUserBase = 2000    //user event starts from here
   163     };
   165 //shadow bitmap index
   166 /****************************************************************************/
   167 // A shadow is drawn by 8 bitmaps. Their position is defined here
   168 //
   169 //      tl  tm  tr
   170 //      lm      rm
   171 //      bl  bm  br
   172 //
   173 /****************************************************************************/
   175 enum TShadowBitmapIndex
   176     {
   177     KShadowBmpTl,   //top left bitmap
   178     KShadowBmpTm,   //top middle bitamp     
   179     KShadowBmpTr,   //top right bitmap
   181     KShadowBmpLm,   //left middle bitmap
   182     KShadowBmpRm,   //right middle bitmap    
   184     KShadowBmpBl,   //bottom left bitmap
   185     KShadowBmpBm,   //bottom middle bitmap    
   186     KShadowBmpBr,   //bottom right bitmap   
   187     };
   189 /**
   190  *  CFepUiBaseCtrl
   191  *
   192  *  Base control for all FEP UI layout controls.
   193  *
   194  *  @lib feplayoutcontrol.lib
   195  *  @since S60 v4.0
   196  */
   197 class CFepUiBaseCtrl : public CBase, public MPositionObserver,
   198                         public MOnResourceChangFunctions
   199     {
   200 friend class CControlGroup;    
   201 friend class CInsertionPoint;
   202 public:
   203     enum TZOrder
   204         {
   205         EOrderBackground = 1500, //order for background control
   206         EOrderNomal = 1000, //default z-order for control
   207         EOrderFront = 500,  // front order for control
   208         EOrderTopMost = 0  // for top most control
   209         };
   211 public:
   212     /**
   213      * Constructor
   214      *
   215      * @since S60 V4.0
   216      * @param aRect The rectangle area for this control
   217      * @param aUiLayout Ui layout who contains this control. Ownership not transferred
   218      * @param aControlId control Id
   219      */    
   220     IMPORT_C CFepUiBaseCtrl(const TRect& aRect,CFepUiLayout* aUiLayout,
   221                                                             TInt aControlId);
   223     /**
   224      * Constructor. Used internally by CControlGroup
   225      *
   226      * @since S60 V4.0
   227      * @param aControl The control to be added. The control must set its extent
   228      *                  before added to the layout.
   229      * @param aUiLayout Ui layout who contains this control. Ownership not transferred               
   230      * @param aOwnership The ownership of the window control. ETrue if it's transfered 
   231      * to this control
   232      */                                                                    
   233      CFepUiBaseCtrl(CCoeControl* aControl, CFepUiLayout* aUiLayout,TBool aOwnership = ETrue);
   235     /**
   236      * Do base contruction. Allocate event data buffer
   237      * Each derived control must call this in its contruction time
   238      * 
   239      * @since S60 v4.0
   240      */
   241     IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL();    
   243     /**
   244      * Destructor.
   245      *
   246      * @since S60 V4.0        
   247      */    
   248     IMPORT_C virtual ~CFepUiBaseCtrl();           
   250     /**
   251      * Pure virtual function, draws the control
   252      *
   253      * @since S60 V4.0
   254      */               
   255      IMPORT_C virtual void Draw();
   257     /**
   258      * Redraws the content in a control
   259      *
   260      * @since S60 V4.0
   261      * @param aRect The rect to be redrawed
   262      */               
   263      IMPORT_C virtual void ReDrawRect(const TRect& aRect);     
   265     /**
   266      * Capture or release the pointer. 
   267      * After capturing, all UI layout event will be processed by this control
   268      *
   269      * @since S60 V4.0
   270      * @param aFlag The flag indicates capturing or releasing.
   271      * @return The control which captures the pointer before.
   272      */               
   273     IMPORT_C CFepUiBaseCtrl* CapturePointer(TBool aFlag = ETrue);
   275     /**
   276      * Clear the whole control area
   277      *
   278      * @since S60 V4.0
   279      */        
   280     IMPORT_C void Clear();
   282     /**
   283      * Clear a area in the control
   284      *
   285      * @since S60 V4.0
   286      * @param aRect The rect to be cleared.
   287      */                        
   288     IMPORT_C void ClearRect(const TRect& aRect);
   290     /**
   291      * Hide or shoe control. A hiden control will not handle the event.
   292      *
   293      * @since S60 V4.0
   294      * @param aFlag ETrue if want to hide the control.
   295      */                                               
   296     IMPORT_C virtual void Hide(TBool aFlag);
   298     /**
   299      * Bring the control to top most in current control group and show it.
   300      *
   301      * @since S60 V5.0
   302      */                                               
   303     IMPORT_C void BringToTop();
   305     /**
   306      * Bring the control to back most in current control group and show it.
   307      *
   308      * @since S60 V5.0
   309      */                                                   
   310     IMPORT_C void BringToBack();
   311     /*
   312      * Set background bitmap
   313      *
   314      * @since S60 V4.0
   315      * @param aBmp The background bitmap. Ownership transferred to control
   316      */
   317     IMPORT_C virtual void SetBackgroundBitmapL(CFbsBitmap* aBmp);
   319     /**
   320      * Set background mask bitmap
   321      *
   322      * @since S60 V4.0
   323      * @param aBmp The background bitmap. Ownership transferred to control
   324      */
   325     IMPORT_C virtual void SetBackgroundMaskBitmapL(CFbsBitmap* aBmp);
   327     /**
   328      * Check whether this control contains the point
   329      *
   330      * @since S60 V4.0
   331      * @param aPoint The point to be checked
   332      * @return ETrue if control valid region contains the point, otherwise EFalse
   333      */
   334     IMPORT_C virtual TBool Contains(const TPoint& aPt);
   336     /**
   337      * Set control's rectangle
   338      *
   339      * @since S60 V4.0
   340      * @param aRect The new control area
   341      */                                       
   342     IMPORT_C virtual void SetRect(const TRect& aRect);
   344     /**
   345      * Set shadow rect. Shadow rect defines the outside rect of the control.
   346      * The shadow is drawn between this rect and control's rect using bitmaps
   347      *
   348      * @since S60 V4.0
   349      * @param aRect The shadow rect. Shadow rect must bigger than control's
   350      *        rect, otherwise no effect.
   351      */    
   352     IMPORT_C void SetShadowRect(const TRect& aRect);        
   354     /**
   355      * Set shadow rect for a shadow area.
   356      * The nth shadow is drawn in this shadow rect
   357      *
   358      * @since S60 V4.0
   359      * @param aRect The shadow rect.
   360      * @param aIndex The index position for shadow rect 
   361      */        
   362     IMPORT_C void SetShadowAreaRect(const TRect& aRect, TShadowBitmapIndex aIndex);
   364     /**
   365      * Add event obeserver.
   366      * The observer will get notified when control event happens.
   367      *
   368      * @since S60 V4.0
   369      * @param aObserver An event obeserver. Ownership not transferred
   370      */                                       
   371     IMPORT_C void AddEventObserver(MEventObserver* aObserver);
   373     /**
   374      * Remove event obeserver
   375      *
   376      * @since S60 V4.0
   377      * @param aObserver An event obeserver to be removed.
   378      */                                                       
   379     IMPORT_C void RemoveEventObserver(MEventObserver* aObserver);
   381     /**
   382      * Report event to event observer
   383      *
   384      * @since S60 V4.0
   385      * @param aEventType the event type
   386      * @param aEventData Event data
   387      */
   388     IMPORT_C void ReportEvent(TInt aEventType, const TDesC& aEventData = KNullDesC);
   390     /**
   391      * Update control's valid region when other control hiding or displaying.
   392      * This is usually used for HWR window to change it's writing area.
   393      *
   394      * @since S60 V4.0
   395      * @param aCtrl The control whose displaying status changed
   396      * @param bFlag ETrue if control is hiden, otherwise EFalse
   397      */        
   398     IMPORT_C virtual void UpdateValidRegion(CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl,TBool aRemoveFlag);
   400     /**
   401      * Move conntrol
   402      *
   403      * @since S60 V4.0
   404      * @param aOffset The offset to be moved
   405      */                
   406     IMPORT_C virtual void Move(const TPoint& aOffset);
   408     /**
   409      * Set control active
   410      *
   411      * @since S60 V4.0
   412      * @param aFlag The active flag. ETrue if active, otherwise EFalse
   413      */                                
   414     IMPORT_C virtual void SetActive(TBool aFlag);   
   417     /**
   418      * Handle pointer down event
   419      *
   420      * @since S60 V4.0
   421      * @param aPoint The point position relative the layout
   422      * @return The control which handles the event.
   423      */                                        
   424     IMPORT_C virtual CFepUiBaseCtrl* HandlePointerDownEventL(const TPoint& aPoint);
   426     /**
   427      * Handle pointer move event
   428      *
   429      * @since S60 V4.0
   430      * @param aPoint The point position relative the layout
   431      * @return The control which handles the event.     
   432      */                  
   433     IMPORT_C virtual CFepUiBaseCtrl* HandlePointerMoveEventL(const TPoint& aPoint);
   435     /**
   436      * Handle pointer up event
   437      *
   438      * @since S60 V4.0
   439      * @param aPoint The point position relative the layout
   440      * @return The control which handles the event.     
   441      */                  
   442     IMPORT_C virtual CFepUiBaseCtrl* HandlePointerUpEventL(const TPoint& aPoint);
   445     /**
   446      * Cancel pointer down event.
   447      * This will be called when a control has pointer down but pointer up 
   448      * event happens in other ways. If overrided, this base implementation 
   449      * must be called in order to report the event.
   450      *
   451      * @since S60 V4.0
   452      * @param aFocusedFlag ETrue if got focused, otherwise EFalse
   453      */                                
   454     IMPORT_C virtual void CancelPointerDownL();
   456     /**
   457      * Handle pointer levae event. 
   458      * This will be called only when it's got pointer down event before and 
   459      * now pointer leaves without pointer up event
   460      *
   461      * @since S60 V4.0
   462      * @param aPoint current pointer position
   463      */
   464     IMPORT_C virtual void HandlePointerLeave(const TPoint& aPoint);
   466     /**
   467      * Handle pointer enter event. 
   468      * This will be called only when it's got pointer down event before and 
   469      * pointer leaves but now comes back without pointer up event.
   470      *
   471      * @since S60 V4.0
   472      * @param aPoint current pointer position     
   473      */
   474     IMPORT_C virtual void HandlePointerEnter(const TPoint& aPoint);    
   477     /**
   478      * Register to layout to require updaing control valid region constantly.
   479      *
   480      * @since S60 v4.0
   481      * @param aRequiredFlag Register or deregister. ETrue if register.
   482      */        
   483     IMPORT_C void RequireRegionUpdateL(TBool aRequiredFlag);
   485     /**
   486      * Set Tactile Feedback Type
   487      * Advanced Tactile feedback REQ417-47932
   488      * 
   489      * @since S60 v4.0
   490      * @param aTactileType.
   491      */
   492     IMPORT_C void SetTactileFeedbackType(TInt aTactileType);
   494     /**
   495     * Return control type
   496     *
   497     * @since S60 V4.0
   498     * @return The control type
   499     */                               
   500     inline TControlType ControlType();
   502     /**
   503     * Return tactile feedback type
   504     *
   505     * Advanced Tactile feedback REQ417-47932
   506     * @return the tactile feedback type
   507     */                               
   508     inline TInt TactileFeedbackType() const;
   511     /**
   512      * Get control Id
   513      *
   514      * @since S60 V4.0
   515      * @return The control id
   516      */                                       
   517     inline TInt ControlId();
   519     /**
   520      * Get control size in rect
   521      *
   522      * @since S60 V4.0
   523      * @return The control size in rect
   524      */                                      
   525     inline const TRect& Rect();    
   527     /**
   528      * Get valid region. A valid region is that the region responds to pointer.
   529      *
   530      * @since S60 V4.0
   531      * @return The control valid region
   532      */
   533     inline const RRegion& Region();    
   534     /**
   535      * Set background color
   536      *
   537      * @since S60 V4.0
   538      * @param aCol Background color to be used
   539      */                                       
   540     inline void SetBkColor(const TRgb& aCol);
   542     /**
   543      * Set mask background color
   544      *
   545      * @since S60 V4.0        
   546      * @param aCol The mask back ground color
   547      */
   548     inline void SetMaskBkCol(const TRgb& aCol);
   550     /**
   551      * Set pen size
   552      *
   553      * @since S60 V4.0
   554      * @param aSize New pen size
   555     */                                       
   556     inline void SetPenSize(const TSize& aSize);
   558     /**
   559      * Get pen size
   560      *
   561      * @since S60 V4.0
   562      * @return Pen size
   563      */                
   564     inline const TSize& PenSize();        
   566     /**
   567      * Set pen color
   568      *
   569      * @since S60 V4.0
   570      * @param aCol New pen color    
   571      */                                       
   572     inline void SetPenColor(const TRgb& aCol) ;
   574     /**
   575      * Set border size
   576      *
   577      * @since S60 V4.0
   578      * @param aSize New border size
   579     */                                       
   580     inline void SetBorderSize(const TSize& aSize);
   582     /**
   583      * Get border size
   584      *
   585      * @since S60 V4.0
   586      * @return Border size
   587      */                
   588     inline const TSize& BorderSize();    
   590     /**
   591      * Set pen color
   592      *
   593      * @since S60 V4.0
   594      * @param aCol New border color    
   595      */                                       
   596     inline void SetBorderColor(const TRgb& aCol) ;
   599     /**
   600      * Get pen color
   601      *
   602      * @since S60 V4.0
   603      * @return border color    
   604      */                                       
   605     inline const TRgb& BorderColor() ;
   607     /**
   608      * Get hide flag
   609      *
   610      * @since S60 V4.0
   611      * @return ETrue if control is hiden, otherwise EFalse
   612      */                                              
   613     inline TBool Hiden();
   615     /**
   616      * Get initialization status
   617      *
   618      * @since S60 V4.0
   619      * @return Control initialization status. ETrue if initialized, otherwise EFalse.
   620      */
   621     inline TBool Ready();
   623     /**
   624      * set control drawing status. It won't be drawn if not ready
   625      *
   626      * @since S60 V4.0
   627      * @param aReadyFlag The control ready flag
   628      */
   629     inline void SetReady(TBool aReadyFlag);
   631     /**
   632      * Test whether the control belongs one kind of control class
   633      *
   634      * @since S60 V4.0
   635      * @param aCtrlClass The control class type
   636      * @return ETrue if the control belongs to the class, otherwise EFalse
   637      */
   638     inline TBool IsKindOfControl(TStockBaseCtrlType aCtrlClass);       
   641     /**
   642      * Get active status
   643      *
   644      * @since S60 V4.0
   645      * @return active status
   646      */    
   647     inline TBool IsActive();
   649     /**
   650      * Set control type
   651      *
   652      * @since S60 V4.0
   653      * @param aCtrlType The control type
   654      */        
   655     inline void SetControlType(TControlType aCtrlType);
   657     /**
   658      * get control pointer down status
   659      *
   660      * @since S60 V4.0
   661      * @return The pointer down status. ETrue if has pointer down
   662      */    
   663     inline TBool PointerDown();
   665     /**
   666      * change control pointer down status
   667      *     
   668      * @since S60 V4.0
   669      * @param aFlag The pointer down flag.
   670      */    
   671     inline void SetPointerDown(TBool aFlag);
   674     /**
   675      * Set control valid region
   676      *     
   677      * @since S60 V4.0
   678      * @param aRegion The new control region
   679      */   
   680     inline void SetRegion(const RRegion& aRegion);
   682     /**
   683      * Tell whether it allows other control moving on top of it
   684      *
   685      * @since S60 V4.0
   686      * @return Overlap flag
   687      */
   688     inline TBool AllowOverlap();
   690     /**
   691      * Set overlap flag
   692      *
   693      * @since S60 V4.0
   694      * @param aFlag The new overlap falg
   695      */
   696     inline void SetAllowOverlap(TBool aFlag);
   699     // from base class MPositionObserver
   701     /**
   702      * From MPositionObserver
   703      * Handle position change event.
   704      * It's called to change the position after it's being dragging 
   705      *
   706      * @since S60 V4.0
   707      * @param aOffset The moving offset
   708      * @return The flag whether this observer has processed the event. ETrue if processed.
   709      */            
   710     IMPORT_C TBool HandlePositionChange(const TPoint& aOffset);
   712     /**
   713      * From MPositionObserver
   714      * Get observer's area to be moved when position changed
   715      *
   716      * @since S60 V4.0
   717      * @return The rect of observer's moving area
   718      */            
   719     IMPORT_C const TRect& MovingArea();
   721     /**
   722      * From MPositionObserver
   723      * Tell whether this observer is a fep base control
   724      *
   725      * @since S60 v4.0
   726      * @return ETrue if this observer is a control, otherwise, EFalse.
   727      */
   728     IMPORT_C TBool IsFepBaseControl();   
   730     /**
   731      * Get shadow rect
   732      * @since S60 V4.0
   733      * @return control shadow rect
   734      */                        
   735     inline const TRect& ShadowRect();
   737     /**
   738      * set control shadow bitmap and mask bmp
   739      * @since S60 V4.0
   740      * @param The shadow background bitmap. Ownership transferred
   741      * @param The shadow background mask bitmap. Ownership transferred
   742      * @param aIndex The shadow bitmap position index
   743      */   
   744     IMPORT_C void SetShadowBmp(CFbsBitmap* aBmp,CFbsBitmap* aMaskBmp,
   745                                 TShadowBitmapIndex aIndex);
   747     /**
   748      * OnActivate. Called when the layout is going to be shown.
   749      *
   750      * @since S60 v4.0
   751      */        
   752     IMPORT_C virtual void OnActivate();
   754     /**
   755      * OnDeActivate. Called when the layout is going to be hidden
   756      *
   757      * @since S60 v4.0
   758      */        
   759     IMPORT_C virtual void OnDeActivate();
   760     /**
   761      * Update layout area, cause screen update. However the updating is buffered until 
   762      * refresh timer time out.
   763      *
   764      * @since S60 V4.0
   765      * @param aRect the rect to be flushed in screen
   766      * @param aUpdateFlag ETrue if full update.
   767      */
   768     IMPORT_C void UpdateArea(const TRect& aRect,TBool aUpdateFlag= EFalse); 
   770     /**
   771      * Update layout area immediately
   772      *
   773      * @since S60 V4.0
   774      * @param aRect the rect to be flushed in screen
   775      * @param aUpdateFlag ETrue if full update.
   776      */
   777     IMPORT_C void UpdateAreaImmed(const TRect& aRect,TBool aUpdateFlag= EFalse); 
   779     /**
   780      * Get shadow area rect
   781      *
   782      * @since S60 V4.0
   783      * @param aIndex The index for shadow rect
   784      */
   785     inline TRect ShadowAreaRect(TShadowBitmapIndex aIndex);
   787     /**
   788      * Call back function when layout starts dragging
   789      *
   790      * @since S60 V4.0
   791      */
   792     IMPORT_C virtual void OnLayoutDraggingStart();
   794     /**
   795      * Call back function when layout ends dragging
   796      *
   797      * @since S60 V4.0
   798      */
   799     IMPORT_C virtual void OnLayoutDraggingEnd();
   801     /**
   802      * Get window based control
   803      *
   804      * @since S60 V4.0
   805      * @return The window based control associated with this control
   806      */
   807     inline CCoeControl* WndBasedControl();
   809     // from base class MOnResourceChangFunctions
   811     /**
   812      * From MOnResourceChangFunctions
   813      * Set resource Id
   814      *
   815      * @since S60 V4.0
   816      * @param aResId The resource id;
   817      */                
   818     IMPORT_C void SetResourceId(TInt32 aResId);    
   820     /**
   821      * Get hide flag
   822      *
   823      * @since S60 V4.0
   824      * @return ETrue if all controls are hiden, otherwise EFalse
   825      */ 
   826     IMPORT_C TBool WholeHiden();
   828     /**
   829      * From MOnResourceChangFunctions
   830      * Construct from resource
   831      *
   832      * @since S60 V4.0
   833      */                
   834     IMPORT_C void ConstructFromResourceL();
   836     /**
   837      * Get resource Id
   838      *
   839      * @since S60 V4.0
   840      * @return The resource id;
   841      */                
   842     inline TInt32 ResourceId();
   844     IMPORT_C void SetParent(CFepUiBaseCtrl* aParent);
   846     inline CFepUiBaseCtrl* ParentCtrl();
   848     /**
   849      * Get the associated CCoeControl control
   850      *
   851      * @since S60 V5.0
   852      * @return The CCoeControl it contains;
   853      */                    
   854     inline CCoeControl* WndControl();
   856     /**
   857      * Simulates a internal raw event. The event is handled inside pen input ui,
   858      * will not go for window server.
   859      *
   860      * @since S60 V5.0
   861      * @param aPtEvent The simulated raw event
   862      */
   863     IMPORT_C void SimulateRawEvent(const TRawEvent& aEvent);    
   865     IMPORT_C void SetOrdinalPos(TInt aPos);
   867     inline TInt OrderPos() const;
   869     TInt AbsOrderPos();
   871     /**
   872      * Check whether this control is on top of another control. If a control is on top of another
   873      * it will draw later so it will overwrite the overlapped area.
   874      *
   875      * @since S60 V5.0
   876      * @param aCtrl The compared control
   877      * @return ETrue if this control is on top of the specified  one. 
   878      */    
   879     TBool IsOnTopOf(CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl);
   881     /**
   882      * Check whether this control has overlapped area with another one
   883      *
   884      * @since S60 V5.0
   885      * @param aCtrl The compared control
   886      * @return ETrue if this control has overlapped area with the specified  one. 
   887      */        
   888     TBool Overlapped(CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl);
   890     /**
   891      * Compare order pos
   892      *
   893      * @since S60 V5.0
   894      * @return ETrue if this control is on top of the specified one.
   895      */                                                   
   896     TBool CompareOrder(CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl);
   899     /**
   900      * Compare order pos for two control within the same control grop
   901      *
   902      * @since S60 V5.0
   903      * @return ETrue if this control is on top of the specified one.
   904      */                                                       
   905     TBool CompareOrderInSameGroup(CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl);
   907 protected:
   909     /**
   910      * Draw bitmap to control rect
   911      *
   912      * @param aBitmap The given bitmap
   913      * @param aStretchFlag The flag tells whether this bitmap should be stretched
   914      */  	
   915 	IMPORT_C void DrawBitmap(const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,TBool aStretchFlag);    
   917     /**
   918      * Draw bitmap to control rect
   919      *
   920      * @param aRect The drawn rect
   921      * @param aBitmap The given bitmap
   922      * @param aStretchFlag The flag tells whether this bitmap should be stretched
   923      */  	
   924 	IMPORT_C void DrawBitmap(const TRect aRect, const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,TBool aStretchFlag);    
   926     /**
   927      * Get background color
   928      *
   929      * @since S60 V4.0
   930      * @return Background color
   931      */                        
   932     inline const TRgb& BkColor();
   934     /**
   935      * get mask background color
   936      *
   937      * @since S60 V4.0        
   938      * @return The mask back ground color
   939      */
   940     inline const TRgb& MaskBkCol();       
   942     /**
   943     * Get pen color
   944     * @since S60 V4.0
   945     * @return Pen colore
   946     */                        
   947     inline const TRgb& PenColor();
   949     /**
   950      * Get Ui layout
   951      *
   952      * @since S60 V4.0
   953      * @return The ui layout
   954      */        
   955     inline CFepUiLayout* UiLayout();  
   957     /**
   958      * Get ui layout root control
   959      *
   960      * @since S60 v4.0
   961      * @param aPos The new position. 
   962      */                        
   963     inline CFepUiLayoutRootCtrl* RootControl();        
   965     /**
   966      * get graphics context for sprite or window
   967      * @since S60 V4.0
   968      * @return The graphic context
   969      */
   970     inline CBitmapContext* BitGc();
   972     /**
   973      * get Bitmap device for sprite or window
   974      * @since S60 V4.0
   975      * @return The bitmap device
   976      */
   977     inline CFbsBitmapDevice* BitmapDevice();
   979     /**
   980      * get Mask bitmap device for sprite or window
   981      * @since S60 V4.0
   982      * @return The mask bitmap device
   983      */
   984     inline CFbsBitmapDevice* MaskBitmapDevice();
   986     /**
   987      * get control background mask bmp
   988      * @since S60 V4.0
   989      * @return The background mask bitmap
   990      */
   991     inline CFbsBitmap* BkMaskBmp();
   993     /**
   994      * get control background  bmp
   995      * @since S60 V4.0
   996      * @return The background bitmap
   997      */
   998     inline CFbsBitmap* BackgroundBmp();
  1000     /**
  1001      * set control background  bmp
  1002      * @since S60 V4.0
  1003      * @param The background bitmap to be set. Ownership transferred.
  1004      */   
  1005     inline void SetBackgroundBmp(CFbsBitmap* aBmp);
  1007     /**
  1008      * set control background mask bmp
  1009      * @since S60 V4.0
  1010      * @param The background mask bitmap to be set. Ownership transferred
  1011      */   
  1012     inline void SetBackgroundMaskBmp(CFbsBitmap* aBmp);  
  1013     /**
  1014      * Draw shadow
  1015      *
  1016      * @since S60 V4.0
  1017      */   
  1018     IMPORT_C void DrawShadow();
  1020     /**
  1021      * Do base contruction. Allocate event data buffer
  1022      * Each derived control must call this in its contruction time
  1023      * 
  1024      * @since S60 v4.0
  1025      * @param aRoot The root control.
  1026      */
  1027     void BaseConstructL(CFepUiLayoutRootCtrl* aRoot);
  1029     /**
  1030      * Draw mask background
  1031      * 
  1032      * @since S60 v4.0
  1033      * @param aBmpStretchFlag Flag tells whether the bitmap will be stretched
  1034      * to fit the rect. Default value is ETrue.
  1035      */    
  1036     IMPORT_C void DrawMaskBackground(TBool aBmpStretchFlag = ETrue);
  1038     /**
  1039      * Draw opaque mask background. Draw an opaque ground.
  1040      * 
  1041      * @since S60 v4.0
  1042      * @param aBmpStretchFlag Flag tells whether the bitmap will be stretched
  1043      * to fit the rect. Default value is ETrue.
  1044      */        
  1045     IMPORT_C void DrawOpaqueMaskBackground(TBool aBmpStretchFlag = ETrue);
  1047     /**
  1048      * Draw opaque mask background. Draw an opaque ground.
  1049      * 
  1050      * @since S60 v4.0
  1051      * @param aBmpStretchFlag Flag tells whether the bitmap will be stretched
  1052      * @param aRect Rect to be draw
  1053      * to fit the rect. Default value is ETrue.
  1054      */        
  1055     IMPORT_C void DrawOpaqueMaskBackground(const TRect aRect, TBool aBmpStretchFlag = ETrue);
  1057     /**
  1058      * Draw transparent mask background
  1059      * 
  1060      * @since S60 v4.0
  1061      * @param aBmpStretchFlag Flag tells whether the bitmap will be stretched
  1062      * to fit the rect. Default value is ETrue.
  1063      */           
  1064     IMPORT_C void DrawTransparentMaskBackground(const TRect& aRect, TBool aBmpStretchFlag = ETrue);
  1066     /**
  1067      * Draw background.
  1068      * 
  1069      * @since S60 v4.0
  1070      * @param aBmpStretchFlag Flag tells whether the bitmap will be stretched
  1071      * to fit the rect. Default value is ETrue.
  1072      */            
  1073     IMPORT_C void DrawBackground(TBool aBmpStretchFlag = ETrue);   
  1075     /**
  1076      * Draw background.
  1077      * 
  1078      * @since S60 v4.0
  1079      * @param aBmpStretchFlag Flag tells whether the bitmap will be stretched
  1080      * @param aRect Rect to be draw
  1081      * to fit the rect. Default value is ETrue.
  1082      */            
  1083     IMPORT_C void DrawBackground(const TRect aRect,TBool aBmpStretchFlag = ETrue);  
  1085     /**
  1086      * Test whether control is able to be drawn. e.g, is ready or shown?
  1087      * 
  1088      * @since S60 v4.0
  1089      * @return ETrue if able to be drawn.
  1090      */                
  1091 	IMPORT_C TBool AbleToDraw();    
  1093     /**
  1094      * Draw background to device
  1095      * 
  1096      * @since S60 v4.0
  1097      * @param aRect The device rect to be filled.
  1098      * @param aDevie The device to be drawn
  1099      * @param aBmp The background bmp
  1100      * @param aBrushCol The brush color
  1101      * @param aPenCol The pen color
  1102      * @param aBmpStretchFlag The stretch flag for drawing bitmap.
  1103      */  	
  1104     void DrawBackgroundToDevice(TRect aRect,CFbsDevice *aDevice, CFbsBitmap* aBmp, 
  1105     		const TRgb& aBrushCol, const TRgb& aPenCol,TBool aBmpStretchFlag);
  1107     /**
  1108      * Enable region update
  1109      * 
  1110      * @since S60 v5.0     
  1111      */	
  1112     inline void EnableRegionUpdating();
  1114     /**
  1115      * Enable region update
  1116      * 
  1117      * @since S60 v5.0     
  1118      */    
  1119     inline void DisableRegionUpdating();
  1121     /**
  1122      * Get the clip region 
  1123      * 
  1124      * @since S60 v5.0     
  1125      * @return The clip region
  1126      */                
  1127     IMPORT_C const TRegion& ValidClipRegion(); 
  1129     //From CBase
  1130     /**
  1131      * Get the extension
  1132      *
  1133      * @since S60 v5.0
  1134      * @param aExtensionId Extension UID
  1135      * @param a0 The extension returned
  1136      * @param a1 Any passed in parameter.
  1137      * @return Operation result. Implementation dependent
  1138      */													     
  1139     virtual IMPORT_C TInt Extension_(TUint aExtensionId, TAny *&a0, TAny *a1);    
  1140     /**
  1141      * Handle system resource change
  1142      *
  1143      * @since S60 V5.0
  1144      * @param aType The system resource change type
  1145      */
  1146     virtual IMPORT_C void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);
  1148     /**
  1149      * Handle pen UI graphic device size change event
  1150      *
  1151      * @since S60 V5.0
  1152      */
  1153     virtual IMPORT_C void GraphicDeviceSizeChanged();
  1155     inline void SetHidenFlag(TBool aFlag);
  1156 private:
  1157     /**
  1158      * Draw shadow bitmap
  1159      *
  1160      * @since S60 V4.0
  1161      * @param aRect The rect to be drawn
  1162      * @param aIndex The shadow bitmap position index
  1163      */   
  1164     void DrawShadowBitmap(const TRect& aRect,TInt aIndex);
  1166 protected:
  1167     /**
  1168      * Indicate whether the pointer has leaved a control
  1169      */    
  1170     TBool iPointerLeft;
  1171     /**
  1172      * Control rect. It's relative to ui layout 
  1173      */
  1174     TRect iRect;        
  1176     /**
  1177      * Control shadow rect. It's relative to ui layout 
  1178      */
  1179     TRect iShadowRect;        
  1181     /**
  1182      * Shadow area rect
  1183      */
  1184     TRect iShadowAreaRect[KShadowBitmapTotalNum]; 
  1186     /**
  1187      * CCoeControl based control
  1188      * Own
  1189      */ 
  1190     CCoeControl* iWndControl;
  1192     /**
  1193      * The resource Id associatied with this control
  1194      */
  1195     TInt32 iResourceId;
  1197     /**
  1198      * Control border color
  1199      */
  1200     TRgb iBorderColor;
  1202     /**
  1203      * Control border size
  1204      */
  1205     TSize iBorderSize;
  1207     /** 
  1208      * Valid region which reacts to the pointer event
  1209      */
  1210     RRegion iValidRegion;   
  1212     /**
  1213      * Parent control
  1214      * Not own
  1215      */
  1216     CFepUiBaseCtrl* iParentCtrl;
  1218     /**
  1219      * Flag indicates whether rect changed should report to parent
  1220      */
  1221     TBool iUpdateFlagEnabled;
  1223     /**
  1224      * The actual drawing region. so drawing won't happend outside of the region.
  1225      */    
  1226     RRegion iClipRegion; 
  1228 private:    
  1229     /**
  1230      * Control id
  1231      */
  1232     TInt iControlId;
  1233     /**
  1234      * Control type. 
  1235      * User derivated control should starts from EUserCtrlBase
  1236      */
  1237     TControlType iControlType;
  1239     /**
  1240      * Background color
  1241      */
  1242     TRgb iBackgroundCol;
  1244     /**
  1245      * Maks backgroud color
  1246      */
  1247     TRgb iMaskBkCol;
  1249     /**
  1250      * pen size
  1251      */
  1252     TSize iPenSize;
  1254     /**
  1255      * Pen color
  1256      */
  1257     TRgb iPenColor;
  1259     /**
  1260      * Flag indicates whether the control is hiden
  1261      */
  1262     TBool iHiden;
  1264     /* 
  1265      * Event type of current event
  1266      */
  1267     TEventType iEventType;
  1269     /**
  1270      * flag to show whether pen has beed pressed down in this control
  1271      */
  1272     TBool iPointerDown;
  1274     /**
  1275      * flag to indicate whehter this control is ready to drawn
  1276      */
  1277     TBool iReady;
  1280     /**
  1281      * control active status.
  1282      */
  1283     TBool iIsActive;    
  1285     /**
  1286      * Flag tells whether a draging component can be moved on top of this control
  1287      */
  1288     TBool iAllowOverlap;
  1290     /** 
  1291      * event observer list
  1292      */
  1293     RPointerArray<MEventObserver> iEventObserverList;               
  1295     //pointer members
  1297     /**
  1298      * Background bitmap
  1299      * Own.
  1300      */
  1301     CFbsBitmap* iBackgroundBmp;
  1303     /**
  1304      * Background mask bitmap
  1305      * Own.
  1306      */
  1307     CFbsBitmap* iBkMaskBmp;
  1309     /**
  1310      * The ui layout which contains this control
  1311      * Not own.
  1312      */
  1313     CFepUiLayout* iUiLayout;
  1315     /** 
  1316      * Root control. It's a control group.
  1317      * Not Own
  1318      */
  1319     CFepUiLayoutRootCtrl* iRootCtrl;        
  1320     /**
  1321      * Shadow bitmaps.
  1322      * Own
  1323      */ 
  1324     CFbsBitmap* iShadowBmp[2*KShadowBitmapTotalNum+1];
  1326     /**
  1327      * Layout owner
  1328      * Not own
  1329      */
  1330     MLayoutOwner* iLayoutOwner;
  1332     /**
  1333      * Ownership of the window control. If true, it will delete the window control during
  1334      * destruction.
  1335      */
  1336     TBool iOwnWndCtrl;    
  1339     //When pop up shown, the locked area will be also reduced from control.
  1340     RRegion iClipRegionWithoutLockedArea;     
  1343     TInt iOrdinalPos; 
  1344     /**
  1345      * Reservered
  1346      */
  1347     TInt iReservered1;
  1349     /**
  1350      * Reservered
  1351      */
  1352     TInt iReservered2;   
  1354     NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CFepUiBaseCtrlExtension)
  1355     	{
  1356     	public: 
  1358 		CFepUiBaseCtrlExtension(TInt aTactileType);
  1360 		/**
  1361 		 * Set Tactile Feedback Type
  1362 		 * Advanced Tactile feedback REQ417-47932
  1363 		 */
  1364 		void SetTactileFeedbackType(TInt aTactileType);
  1366 		/**
  1367 		* Return tactile feedback type
  1368 		*
  1369 		* Advanced Tactile feedback REQ417-47932
  1370 		* @return the tactile feedback type
  1371 		*/  
  1372 		IMPORT_C TInt TactileFeedbackType();
  1374     	private:
  1375         /**
  1376          * Tactile Feedback type
  1377          */
  1378         TInt iTactileType;
  1379     	};
  1380     };
  1381 //end of class CFepUiBaseCtrl
  1382 #include "peninputlayoutbasecontrol.inl"
  1383 #endif //C_CFEPUIBASECTRL_H