changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:eb1f2e154e89
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  generic HWR layout
    15 *
    16 */
    19 // System includes
    20 #include <aknfeppeninputenums.h>    // Command from fep or IME to plugin
    21 #include <AknFepGlobalEnums.h>      // Define EPluginInputModeHwr
    22 #include <peninputcmd.h>            // Use global signal
    23 #include <peninputpluginutils.h>    // Use resource utils and laf env
    24 #include <peninputlayoutchoicelist.h>
    25 #include <peninputlayoutbutton.h>
    26 #include <peninputdragbutton.h>
    27 #include <peninputcommonlayoutglobalenum.h>
    28 #include <peninputdataconverter.h>
    30 // User includes
    31 #include "peninputhwrarabic.hrh"
    32 //#include "peninputhwrevent.h"
    33 #include "peninputuistatemgrinterface.h"
    34 #include "peninputhwrarabiclayout.h"
    35 #include "peninputhwrarabicwindow.h"
    36 #include "peninputhwrarabicdatamgr.h"
    37 #include "peninputhwrarabicstate.h"
    38 #include "peninputhwrarabicstatestandby.h"
    39 #include "peninputhwrarabicstatebeginwriting.h"
    40 #include "peninputhwrarabicstateendwriting.h"
    41 #include "peninputhwrboxarabicstatecandidateselecting.h"
    42 #include "peninputuistatemgr.h"
    43 #include "peninputlayouthwrwnd.h"
    45 // constant definition
    46 //const TInt KMaxPredictiveLen = 128;
    47 const TInt KMaxCandidateLen = 128;
    48 //const TUint16 KBackRep = 0x2408;
    49 // convert displayable backspace
    50 const TUint16 KBackRep = 0x2190;
    51 const TUint16 KEnterRep = 0xF801;
    52 const TUint16 KSpaceRep = 0xF800;
    53 //const TUint16 KEnterCode = 0x2029;
    55 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    57 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp::NewL
    59 // (other items were commented in a header)
    60 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 //    
    62 CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp* CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp::NewL( 
    63     TAny* /*aInitParams*/ )
    64     {
    65     CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp* self = 
    66         new ( ELeave ) CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp();
    67     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    68     self->Construct(); 
    69     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    71     return self;
    72     }
    74 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp::~CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp
    76 // (other items were commented in a header)
    77 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78 //   
    79 CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp::~CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp()
    80     {
    81     }
    83 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp::CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp
    85 // (other items were commented in a header)
    86 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 //   
    88 CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp::CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp()
    89     {
    90     }
    92 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp::ConstructL
    94 // (other items were commented in a header)
    95 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 //   
    97 void CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp::Construct()
    98     {
    99     }
   101 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   102 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp::CreateFepUiLayoutL
   103 // (other items were commented in a header)
   104 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   105 //   
   106 CFepUiLayout* CPeninputHwrBxAbLayoutImp::CreateFepUiLayoutL(
   107     MLayoutOwner* aLayoutOwner, const TAny* aData )
   108     {
   109     CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout* uiLayout = 
   110         CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::NewL( aLayoutOwner, aData );
   112     return uiLayout;
   113     }
   115 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   116 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::NewL
   117 // (other items were commented in a header)
   118 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   119 //   
   120 CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout* CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::NewL( 
   121     MLayoutOwner* aLayoutOwner, 
   122     const TAny* aInitData )
   123     {
   124     CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout* self = 
   125         new ( ELeave ) CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout( aLayoutOwner );
   126     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   127     self->ConstructL( aInitData );
   128     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   130     return self;  
   131     }
   133 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout
   135 // (other items were commented in a header)
   136 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   137 //   
   138 CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout(
   139     MLayoutOwner* aLayoutOwner )
   140     : CPeninputCommonLayout( aLayoutOwner )
   141     {
   142     }
   144 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::~CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout
   146 // (other items were commented in a header)
   147 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 //   
   149 CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::~CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout()
   150     {    
   151     }        
   153 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   154 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::ConstructL
   155 // (other items were commented in a header)
   156 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   157 //   
   158 void CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::ConstructL( const TAny *aInitData )
   159     {
   160     CPeninputCommonLayout::ConstructL( aInitData ); 
   163     CPeninputHwrBxAbStateBase* initState = CPeninputHwrBxAbStateBase::NewL( UiStateMgr(), this );
   164     CPeninputHwrBxAbStateStandby* standbyState = CPeninputHwrBxAbStateStandby::NewL( UiStateMgr(), this );
   165     CPeninputHwrBxAbStateBeginWriting* beginWritingState = CPeninputHwrBxAbStateBeginWriting::NewL( UiStateMgr(), this );
   166     CPeninputHwrBxAbStateEndWriting* endWritingState = CPeninputHwrBxAbStateEndWriting::NewL( UiStateMgr(), this );
   167     CPeninputHwrBxAbStateCandidateSelecting* candSelectingState = CPeninputHwrBxAbStateCandidateSelecting::NewL( UiStateMgr(), this );
   169     UiStateMgr()->AddUiState( initState, EPeninputHwrBxAbStateInit );
   170     UiStateMgr()->AddUiState( standbyState, EPeninputHwrBxAbStateStandby );
   171     UiStateMgr()->AddUiState( beginWritingState, EPeninputHwrBxAbStateBeginWriting );
   172     UiStateMgr()->AddUiState( endWritingState, EPeninputHwrBxAbStateEndWriting );
   173     UiStateMgr()->AddUiState( candSelectingState, EPeninputHwrBxAbStateCandidateSelecting );
   174     UiStateMgr()->SetCurrentUiState( initState );
   175     }
   177 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::HandleCommand
   179 // (other items were commented in a header)
   180 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   181 //   
   182 TInt CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::HandleCommand( TInt aCmd, TUint8* aData )
   183     {
   184     CPeninputCommonLayout::HandleCommand( aCmd, aData );
   186     if ( aCmd == ECmdPenInputWindowOpen )
   187         {
   188         TInt curRange = CPeninputDataConverter::AnyToInt( RequestData( EPeninputDataTypeCurrentRange ) );
   189         UiStateMgr()->SetCurrentUiState( EPeninputHwrBxAbStateStandby );
   190         if (curRange == ERangeNative)
   191             {
   192             static_cast<CPeninputHwrBxAbWnd *>(LayoutWindow())->ResetAndShowDropdownList();
   193             }
   194         else
   195             {
   196             static_cast<CPeninputHwrBxAbWnd *>(LayoutWindow())->ClearAndCloseDropdownList();
   197             }
   198         }
   199     else if ( aCmd == ECmdPenInputWindowClose )
   200         {
   201         UiStateMgr()->SetCurrentUiState( EPeninputHwrBxAbStateInit );
   202         }
   203     else if( aCmd == ECmdPenInputLanguage )
   204         {
   205         ((CPeninputHwrBxAbWnd*)iLayoutWindow)->OnLanguageChange();
   206         }
   207     else if(aCmd == ECmdPenInputRange)
   208         {
   209         UiStateMgr()->SetCurrentUiState( EPeninputHwrBxAbStateStandby );        
   210         iLayoutWindow->SizeChanged(ETrue);
   211         }
   212     return KErrNone;    
   213     }
   215 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   216 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::HandleControlEvent
   217 // Handle event from control
   218 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   219 //
   220 void CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::HandleControlEvent(TInt aEventType, CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl, 
   221                                             const TDesC& aEventData)
   222     {
   223     MPeninputUiStateMgr * UIStateMgr = UiStateMgr();
   224     if (UIStateMgr)
   225         {    
   226         CPeninputHwrBxAbStateBase* current =
   227                         static_cast<CPeninputHwrBxAbStateBase*>(UIStateMgr->CurrentUiState());
   228         if (current)
   229             {
   230             TBuf<KMaxCandidateLen> charCode;
   231             TBool handled = EFalse;
   232             TRAPD(err, current->HandleControlEventPenL(aEventType, aEventData, *this, 
   233                                                         charCode, handled));
   234             if (KErrNone != err)
   235                 { // close peninput
   236                 CPeninputCommonLayout::HandleControlEvent(
   237                         EPeninputLayoutEventClose, NULL, KNullDesC);
   238                 handled = ETrue;
   239                 }
   240             if (handled)
   241                 {
   242                 return;
   243                 }
   244             }
   245         }
   246     CPeninputCommonLayout::HandleControlEvent(aEventType, aCtrl, aEventData);	
   248     return;
   249     }
   250 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   251 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::CreateLayoutWindowL
   252 // (other items were commented in a header)
   253 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   254 //   
   255 void CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::CreateLayoutWindowL()
   256     {
   257     iLayoutWindow = CPeninputHwrBxAbWnd::NewL( this, this );
   258     }
   260 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   261 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::CreateDataMgrL
   262 // (other items were commented in a header)
   263 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   264 //      
   265 void CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::CreateDataMgrL( const TAny* aInitData )
   266     {
   267     TPeninputLayoutData* layoutData = (TPeninputLayoutData*)aInitData;
   269     iDataMgr = CPeninputHwrBxAbDataMgr::NewL( this, (*layoutData).iPtiEngine );
   270     }    
   272 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   273 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::LayoutType
   274 // (other items were commented in a header)
   275 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   276 //   
   277 TInt CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::LayoutType()
   278     {
   279     return EPluginInputModeHwr;
   280     }
   282 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   283 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::SemiTransparencyRequired
   284 // (other items were commented in a header)
   285 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   286 //   
   287 TBool CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::SemiTransparencyRequired()
   288     {
   289     return ETrue;
   290     }
   292 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   293 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::LayoutWindow
   294 // (other items were commented in a header)
   295 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   296 //
   297 CPeninputLayoutWindow* CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::LayoutWindow() const
   298     {
   299     return iLayoutWindow;
   300     }
   302 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   303 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::TranslateCharCode
   304 // Translate the char code.
   305 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   306 //
   307 void CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::TranslateCharCode( TDes& aCharCode )
   308     {
   309     TPtrC16 ptr;
   310     ptr.Set(&KBackRep, sizeof(KBackRep)/2);
   312     if (aCharCode.CompareC(ptr) == 0)
   313         {
   314         aCharCode.Zero();
   315         aCharCode.Append((TChar)EKeyBackspace);
   316         }
   317     else 
   318         {
   319         ptr.Set(&KSpaceRep, sizeof(KSpaceRep)/2);
   320         if (aCharCode.CompareC(ptr) == 0)
   321             {
   322             aCharCode.Zero();
   323             aCharCode.Append((TChar)EKeySpace);
   324             }
   325         else
   326             {
   327             ptr.Set(&KEnterRep, sizeof(KEnterRep)/2);
   328             if (aCharCode.CompareC(ptr) == 0)
   329                 {
   330                 aCharCode.Zero();
   331                 aCharCode.Append((TChar)EKeyEnter);
   332                 }
   333             }
   334         }
   335     }
   337 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   338 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::ReplaceL
   339 // Delete the previous charcode and submit the new one
   340 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   341 //
   342 void CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::ReplaceL(const TDesC& aOldCharCode, const TDesC& aNewCharCode)
   343     {
   344     // user tries to correct the previous selection
   345     // Delete the previous character and append the new one
   346     _LIT(KSpaceChar, " ");
   347     TBuf<1> buf;
   348     buf.Zero();
   349     buf.Append(KSpaceChar);
   350     HBufC* p = NULL;
   351     HBufC* oldCharCode = aOldCharCode.AllocLC();
   352     HBufC* newCharCode = aNewCharCode.AllocLC();
   354     if (static_cast<CPeninputHwrBxAbWnd *>(LayoutWindow())->IsAddingSpace(newCharCode))
   355         {
   356         p = HBufC::New(aNewCharCode.Length() + 2 + buf.Length());
   357         }
   358     else
   359         {
   360         p = HBufC::New(aNewCharCode.Length() + 2);
   361         }
   362     if( p )
   363         {
   364         TInt len = aOldCharCode.Length();
   365         if (static_cast<CPeninputHwrBxAbWnd *>(LayoutWindow())->IsAddingSpace(oldCharCode))
   366             {
   367             len += buf.Length();
   368             }
   369         p->Des().Append((TUint16*)&len, 2);
   370         p->Des().Append(aNewCharCode);
   371         if (static_cast<CPeninputHwrBxAbWnd *>(LayoutWindow())->IsAddingSpace(newCharCode))
   372             {
   373             p->Des().Append(buf);
   374             }
   375         SignalOwner( ESignalReplaceText, *p );
   376         delete p;
   377         }
   378     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newCharCode);
   379     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(oldCharCode);        
   380     }
   382 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   383 // CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::SubmitL
   384 // Submit the char code.
   385 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   386 //
   387 void CPeninputHwrBxAbLayout::SubmitL(const TDesC& aCharCode)
   388     {
   389     HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC(aCharCode.Length());
   390     TPtr charcode(buf->Des());
   391     charcode = aCharCode;
   392     TranslateCharCode( charcode );
   393     SignalOwner(ESignalKeyEvent, charcode);
   395     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);
   396     }
   398 //End Of File