changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:eb1f2e154e89
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of HWR engine
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include <AknFepGlobalEnums.h>
    21 #include <aknfeppeninputenums.h>
    22 #include <PtiHwrRecognizer.h>
    25 #include "peninputhwrengine.h"
    26 #include "peninputhwrfscndatastore.h"
    29 #include "peninputhwrfscnstoreconstants.h"
    31 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32 // SplitString()
    33 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34 //
    35 static TInt SplitString( const TPtrC &aPtr, 
    36     TUint16 aSeperator, 
    37     RPointerArray<HBufC>& aStringArray )
    38 	{
    39 	// phrase input mode
    40     TInt start = 0;
    41     TInt length = 0;
    43     for ( TInt i = 0; i < aPtr.Length(); i++ )
    44         {
    45         if ( aPtr[i] == aSeperator )
    46             {
    47             TPtrC segment( aPtr.Ptr() + start, length );
    48             TRAP_IGNORE( aStringArray.AppendL( segment.AllocL() ) );
    49             start += ( length + 1 );
    50             length = 0;
    51             }
    52         else
    53             {
    54             length++;               
    55             }
    56         }
    58     if ( length )
    59         {
    60         TPtrC segm( aPtr.Ptr() + start, length );
    61         TRAP_IGNORE( aStringArray.AppendL( segm.AllocL() ) );
    62         }
    64     return aStringArray.Count();
    65 	}
    67 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    68 // Symbian constructor
    69 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    70 //
    71 CAknFepHwrEngine* CAknFepHwrEngine::NewL( CPtiEngine* aPtiEngine, 
    72     CPeninputHwrfscnDataStore* aOwner )
    73     {
    74     CAknFepHwrEngine* self = new ( ELeave ) CAknFepHwrEngine();
    76     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    77     self->ConstructL( aPtiEngine, aOwner );
    78     CleanupStack::Pop( self );//self
    80     return self;
    81     }
    83 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 // C++ constructor
    85 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 //
    87 CAknFepHwrEngine::CAknFepHwrEngine()
    88     {
    89     iNeedSetNumberMode = EFalse;
    90     iNeedSetCase = EFalse;
    91     iNeedSetRange = EFalse;
    92     iRecognizer = NULL;    
    93     iOwnPtiEngine = EFalse;
    94     }
    96 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    97 // destructor
    98 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 //
   100 CAknFepHwrEngine::~CAknFepHwrEngine()
   101     {
   102     if( iOwnPtiEngine )
   103         {
   104         delete iPtiEngine;
   105         }
   106     delete iCustomKeymap;
   108     delete iIdle;
   110     iNeedPermittedRanges.Close();
   111     }
   113 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   114 // Second phase constructor
   115 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   116 //
   117 void CAknFepHwrEngine::ConstructL( CPtiEngine* aPtiEngine, 
   118     CPeninputHwrfscnDataStore* aOwner )
   119     {
   120     if( !aPtiEngine )
   121         {
   122         iPtiEngine = CPtiEngine::NewL( ETrue );
   123         iOwnPtiEngine = ETrue;
   124         }
   125     else
   126     	{
   127     	iPtiEngine = aPtiEngine;
   128     	}
   130     iIdle = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityIdle );
   131     iOwner = aOwner;
   132     }
   134 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   135 // Convert stroke end mark
   136 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   137 //
   138 void CAknFepHwrEngine::ConvertStrokeEndMark( RArray<TPoint>& aTraceData, 
   139     TPoint aPnt1, TPoint aPnt2 )
   140     {
   141     TInt count = aTraceData.Count();
   143     for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   144         {
   145     	if ( aTraceData[i] == aPnt1 )
   146     	    {
   147     		aTraceData.Remove( i );
   148     		aTraceData.Insert( aPnt2, i );
   149     	    }
   150         }
   151     }
   153 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   154 // Do recoginize by engine
   155 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   156 //
   157 void CAknFepHwrEngine::DoRecognizeL( const RArray<TPoint>& aTraceData, 
   158     RPointerArray<HBufC>& aCandidates )
   159     {
   160     if ( !iRecognizer )
   161         {
   162         DoIdleConstructL();
   163         }
   165     TPoint ctrlStrokeEndMark = iOwner->StrokeEndMarkFromControl();
   167     if ( ctrlStrokeEndMark != iRecognizer->StrokeEndMark() )
   168         {
   169         ConvertStrokeEndMark( CONST_CAST( RArray<TPoint>&, aTraceData ), 
   170             iOwner->StrokeEndMarkFromControl(), 
   171             iRecognizer->StrokeEndMark() );
   172         iOwner->SetStrokeEndMark(); // make control's stroke end mark info same to engine
   173         }
   175     aCandidates.ResetAndDestroy();
   177     //Do recognition for number only    
   178     if ( iOwner->IsNumberOnly() )
   179         {     
   180         DoRecognizeOfNumberOnly( aTraceData,aCandidates );
   181         return;
   182         }
   184     TInt primaryCount = iRecognizer->Recognize( aTraceData, aCandidates ); 
   186     // filter recognized candidate, set start position for all ranges    
   187     TPtrC ptr( KSeparator );
   189     // remove uncessary aux candidate, including range separator 
   190     for ( TInt i=0; i<aCandidates.Count(); i++ )
   191         {
   192         if ( aCandidates[i]->Compare( KGestureBackspace ) == 0 )
   193         	{
   194         	// convert backspace returned by engine, to make sure it display correctly.
   195             *aCandidates[i] = KDisplayBackspace;
   196             break;
   197         	}
   198         }
   200     //reorder the secondary range
   201     ReorderSecondaryRange( aCandidates );
   203     // remove uncessary primary candidate
   204     TInt totallyCount = aCandidates.Count();
   205     TInt removePos = iTotalCandidateNum;        
   207     for ( TInt i = removePos; i < totallyCount; i++ )
   208          {
   209          delete aCandidates[removePos];
   210          aCandidates.Remove( removePos );
   211          } 
   213     // not allowing '-' to be the first char in chinese range 
   214     // not allowing '/' to be the first char in English and Number range 
   215     TPtrC dashPtr( KDash );
   216     TPtrC solidusPtr( KSolidus );
   217     if ( ( iPremaryRange == ERangeNative ) && 
   218         ( aCandidates[0]->Compare( dashPtr ) == 0 ) )
   219         {
   220         *aCandidates[0] = *aCandidates[1];
   221         *aCandidates[1] = dashPtr;
   222         }
   223     else if ( ( ( iPremaryRange == ERangeEnglish ) || 
   224         ( iPremaryRange == ERangeNumber ) ) 
   225         && ( aCandidates[0]->Compare( solidusPtr ) == 0 ) )
   226         {
   227         *aCandidates[0] = *aCandidates[1];
   228         *aCandidates[1] = solidusPtr;
   229         }
   230     }
   232 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   233 // Do recognition when the range is only number
   234 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   235 //
   236 void CAknFepHwrEngine::DoRecognizeOfNumberOnly( const RArray<TPoint>& aTraceData, 
   237     RPointerArray<HBufC>& aCandidates )
   238     {
   239     if ( iNumberMode == EAknEditorPlainNumberModeKeymap )
   240         {
   241         TBuf<KPlainNumSize> buf;
   242         buf.Append( KNumberString() );
   243         buf.Append( KGestureBackspace );
   244         iRecognizer->RecognizeWithCharSet( aTraceData, aCandidates, buf );
   245         }
   246     else
   247         {
   248         iRecognizer->Recognize( aTraceData, aCandidates );
   249         }
   251     //find special char and do special handling
   252     TInt count = aCandidates.Count();
   253     for ( TInt i = count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
   254         {
   255          //the space and enter are not allowed to be appeared in candidates
   256          if( ( *aCandidates[i] )[0] == KGestureSpace()[0] || 
   257              ( *aCandidates[i] )[0] == KGestureEnter()[0] )
   258              {
   259              delete aCandidates[i];
   260              aCandidates.Remove( i );
   261              }
   262          else if( aCandidates[i]->Compare( KGestureBackspace ) == 0 )
   263              {
   264              *aCandidates[i] = KDisplayBackspace; 
   265              }                    
   266         }
   268     if ( iCustomKeymap )
   269         {
   270         count = aCandidates.Count();
   271         for( TInt i = count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
   272             {
   273             if( iCustomKeymap->Find( *aCandidates[i] ) == KErrNotFound )
   274                 {
   275                 delete aCandidates[i];
   276     	    	aCandidates.Remove( i );
   277                 }
   278             }
   279         }
   281     // remove uncessary primary candidate
   282     count = aCandidates.Count() - iTotalCandidateNum;
   283     for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   284         {
   285         delete aCandidates[iTotalCandidateNum];
   286         aCandidates.Remove( iTotalCandidateNum );
   287         }
   288     }
   290 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   291 // Reorder secondary range in candidate list
   292 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   293 //
   294 void CAknFepHwrEngine::ReorderSecondaryRange( RPointerArray<HBufC>& aCandidates )
   295     {
   296     if( iRangeCount <= 1 )
   297         {
   298         return;
   299         }
   301     RPointerArray<HBufC> secondary;
   302     TInt auxCandidateNum = GetAuxCandidateNum();
   304     HBufC* secCandidate = NULL;          
   305     TInt candiateCount = aCandidates.Count();
   307     TInt primaryCountFromEng = 0;
   309     // Get all secondary candidates
   310     for( TInt i = 0; i < candiateCount; i++ )// "i" is the index of separater 
   311         {
   312         if( aCandidates[i]->CompareC( KSeparator ) == 0 )
   313             {
   314             if(primaryCountFromEng == 0)
   315                 {
   316                 // Save the primary candidates count from ptiengine
   317                 primaryCountFromEng = i;
   318                 }
   319             TInt auxCountFromEng = 0;
   320             while(i < candiateCount - 1 && aCandidates[++i]->CompareC( KSeparator ) != 0)
   321                 {
   322                 // calculate the secondary range candidate count
   323                 auxCountFromEng++;
   325                 // Copy all the secondary candidate to an array
   326                 secCandidate = aCandidates[i]->Alloc();
   327                 secondary.Append( secCandidate );
   328                 }
   330             for(TInt j = 0; j < auxCandidateNum - auxCountFromEng ; j++ )
   331                 {
   332                 // supply empty secondary candidate when engine not return
   333                 // enough cell
   334                 secondary.Append( KNullDesC().Alloc() );
   335                 }
   336             i--; // go back to the separator index
   337             }
   338         }
   341     // caculate the primary candidate count
   342     TInt primaryCount = 0;
   343     TInt rowCount = 0;
   345     if( iPremaryRange == ERangeNumber )
   346         {
   347         primaryCount = KCandidateCountNumMode - iRangeCount + 1;
   348         rowCount = 1;
   349         }
   350     else
   351         {
   352         primaryCount = KCandidateCountPerRow - iRangeCount + 1;
   353         rowCount = KCandidateRowCount;
   354         }
   356     // supply empty primary candidate when engine not return
   357     // enough cell
   358     if(primaryCountFromEng < primaryCount * rowCount)
   359         {
   360         for(TInt y = 0; y < primaryCount * rowCount - primaryCountFromEng; y++)
   361             {
   362             aCandidates.Insert( KNullDesC().Alloc(), primaryCountFromEng );
   363             }
   364         }   
   366     // insert secondary candidates into the end of each row
   367    	for( ; rowCount > 0; rowCount-- )
   368         {
   369         for( TInt m = 0; m < iRangeCount - 1; m++ )
   370             {
   371             TInt secondaryIndex = rowCount - 1 + m * auxCandidateNum;
   372             TInt insertPos = primaryCount * rowCount + m;
   373             aCandidates.Insert( secondary[secondaryIndex], insertPos );
   374             }
   375         }
   376     secondary.Reset();
   377     secondary.Close();
   378     }
   381 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   382 // Do predictive using trigger string
   383 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   384 //
   385 void CAknFepHwrEngine::DoPredictiveL( const TDesC& aTriggerStr, 
   386     RPointerArray<HBufC>& aPredictives,
   387     TBool aNextPage )
   388     {
   389     // predictive only valid for Chinese
   390     if ( ( iLanguage != ELangPrcChinese ) &&
   391         ( iLanguage != ELangTaiwanChinese ) && 
   392         ( iLanguage != ELangHongKongChinese ) )
   393     	{
   394     	return;    	
   395     	}
   397     // activate correct pti language according to given language
   398     if ( !aNextPage )
   399         {
   400     	iPtiEngine->SetCandidatePageLength( KPredictiveCountPerPage );
   402     	aPredictives.ResetAndDestroy();
   403     	if( !iPtiEngine->SetPredictiveChineseChar( aTriggerStr ) )
   404     		{
   405     		return;
   406     		}
   407         }
   408     else
   409         {
   410         if ( !iPtiEngine->NextCandidatePage() )
   411             {
   412         	return;
   413             }
   414         }
   416     TPtrC ptr = iPtiEngine->CandidatePage();    
   418     if ( ( iPtiEngine->InputMode() == EPtiEnginePinyinVkb ) || 
   419         ( iPtiEngine->InputMode() == EPtiEngineStrokeByPhrase ) ||
   420         ( iPtiEngine->InputMode() == EPtiEngineZhuyinVkb ) )
   421     	{
   422     	SplitString( ptr, KSegment, aPredictives );
   423     	}
   424     else
   425         {
   426         TInt predictiveCandidateNum = ptr.Length();
   428         for ( TInt i=0; i<predictiveCandidateNum; i++ )
   429             {
   430             aPredictives.Append( ptr.Mid( i,1 ).AllocL() );
   431             }
   432         }	
   433     }
   436 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   437 // Do homophonic using trigger string
   438 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   439 //
   440 void CAknFepHwrEngine::DoHomophonicL( const TDesC& aTriggerStr, 
   441                                       RPointerArray<HBufC>& aHomophonic )
   442     {
   443     // homophonic only valid for PRC Chinese and Taiwan Chinese
   444     if ( ( iLanguage == ELangPrcChinese ) || 
   445         ( iLanguage == ELangTaiwanChinese ) )
   446         {
   447         iPtiEngine->SetCandidatePageLength( KMaxHomophonicCandidateCount );
   448         aHomophonic.ResetAndDestroy();
   450         // get the spelling of the character
   451         TBuf<KMaxSpellingsLettersNum> spelling;
   452         TPtiSpelling spellingType = EPtiPinyin;
   454         if ( iPtiEngine->InputMode() == EPtiEnginePinyinVkb )
   455             {
   456             spellingType = EPtiPinyin;
   457             }
   458         else if ( iPtiEngine->InputMode() == EPtiEngineZhuyinVkb )
   459             {
   460             spellingType = EPtiZhuyin;
   461             }
   463         TInt result = iPtiEngine->GetSpelling( aTriggerStr[0], 
   464             spelling, spellingType );    
   465         if( KErrNone != result )
   466             {
   467             return;
   468             }
   470         // get homophonic or polyphonic candidates by spelling    
   471         GetHomophonicAndPolyphonic( spelling, aHomophonic );  
   473         // delete the repeated characters                                        
   474         TInt count = aHomophonic.Count();
   475         for ( TInt i = count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
   476             {
   477             if ( aTriggerStr == *( aHomophonic[i] ) )
   478                 {
   479                 delete aHomophonic[i];
   480                 aHomophonic.Remove( i );
   481                 }
   482             }
   483         // remove the seleted character to the first cell    
   484         aHomophonic.Insert( aTriggerStr.AllocL(), 0 );       
   485         }
   486     }
   488 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   489 // Get homophonic or polyphonic candidates
   490 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   491 //
   492 void CAknFepHwrEngine::GetHomophonicAndPolyphonic( TDes& aSpelling, 
   493     RPointerArray<HBufC>& aHomophonic )
   494     {
   495     TInt index = KErrNotFound;
   496     TBuf<KMaxOneSpellingLettersNum> tmpSpelling;
   498     while( aSpelling != KNullDesC16 )
   499         {
   500         tmpSpelling.Zero();    
   501 		// find the separator
   502         index = aSpelling.Find( KPolyphonicSeparator );
   503         if( index != KErrNotFound )
   504             {
   505 			// get one spelling in the polyphonic string
   506             tmpSpelling = aSpelling.Left( index );
   508 			// remove the left spelling and a separator
   509             aSpelling = aSpelling.Right( aSpelling.Length() - index - 1 );
   510             }
   511         else // only one spelling
   512             {
   513             tmpSpelling = aSpelling;
   514             aSpelling = KNullDesC16;
   515             }
   517 		// get candidate for each spelling
   518         RPointerArray<HBufC> candidates;
   519         HBufC* formatString = iPtiEngine->GetCandidatesByInputString( 
   520             tmpSpelling, 
   521             candidates, 
   522             EFalse );
   524         for( TInt i = 0; i < candidates.Count(); i++ )
   525             {
   526             aHomophonic.Append( candidates[i] );        
   527             }
   528         delete formatString;
   529         candidates.Reset();
   530         }
   531     }
   534 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   535 // Set primary and auxiliary ranges for hwr engine
   536 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   537 //
   538 void CAknFepHwrEngine::SetRanges( const RArray<TInt>& aPermittedRanges )
   539     {
   540    	ASSERT( aPermittedRanges.Count() > 0 );
   542     if ( !iRecognizer )
   543         {
   544     	iNeedPermittedRanges.Reset();
   546     	for ( TInt i = 0; i < aPermittedRanges.Count(); i++ )
   547     	    {
   548             iNeedPermittedRanges.Append( aPermittedRanges[i] );
   549     	    }
   551     	iNeedSetRange = ETrue;
   552     	return;    
   553         }
   554     else 
   555     	{
   556         iPremaryRange = aPermittedRanges[0];
   557         iRangeCount = aPermittedRanges.Count();
   559         if( iPremaryRange == ERangeNumber )
   560             {
   561             SetCandidatesMaxCount( KCandidateCountNumMode );
   562             SetAuxCandidateNum( KAuxCandidateCountNumMode );
   563             }
   564         else
   565             {
   566             SetCandidatesMaxCount( KCandidateCount );
   567             SetAuxCandidateNum( KAuxCandidateCount );
   568             }
   570         TRecognitionRange range;
   572         SetRecognitionRange( aPermittedRanges[0], range );
   573         iRecognizer->SetRange( range );
   575         // set auxiliary ranges for hwr engine
   576         for ( TInt i=1; i<aPermittedRanges.Count(); i++ )
   577             {
   578             SetRecognitionRange( aPermittedRanges[i], range );
   580             iRecognizer->AddAuxiliaryRange( range );
   581             }
   583         SetCase( iCase );
   584     	}
   585     }
   588 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   589 // Set case
   590 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   591 //
   592 void CAknFepHwrEngine::SetCase( TInt aCase )
   593     {
   594     iCase = aCase;
   596     if ( !iRecognizer )
   597         {
   598     	iNeedSetCase = ETrue;
   599         }
   600     else
   601         {
   602         // set letter to lower first when LowerCase
   603 	    // set letter to upper first when UpperCase and TextCase
   604         if ( aCase == ECaseLower )
   605             {
   606             iRecognizer->SetFirstLetterOrder( ELowerFirst );
   607             }
   608         else
   609             {
   610             iRecognizer->SetFirstLetterOrder( EUpperFirst );
   611             }
   612         }
   613     }
   615 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   616 // Set number mode for hwr engine
   617 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   618 //
   619 void CAknFepHwrEngine::SetNumberMode( const TAknEditorNumericKeymap& aNumberMode )
   620     {
   621     iNumberMode = aNumberMode;
   623     if ( !iRecognizer )
   624         {
   625         iNeedSetNumberMode = ETrue;
   626         }
   627     else
   628         {
   629         iRecognizer->SetNumberMode( aNumberMode );
   630         if( aNumberMode !=  EKeymapFromResource )
   631             {
   632             ResetCustomKeyMap();
   633             }
   634         }
   635     }
   637 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   638 // Get stroke end mark from hwr engine
   639 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   640 //
   641 TPoint CAknFepHwrEngine::StrokeEndMark() const
   642     {
   643     if ( iRecognizer )
   644         {
   645         return iRecognizer->StrokeEndMark();
   646         }
   647     else
   648         {
   649         return TPoint( KDefaultStrokeEndMarkX, KDefaultStrokeEndMarkY );
   650         }
   651     }
   653 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   654 // Set primary candidate num for hwr engine
   655 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   656 //
   657 TInt CAknFepHwrEngine::SetPrimaryCandidateNum( TInt aNum )
   658     {
   659     if ( iRecognizer )
   660         {
   661         return iRecognizer->SetCandidateNum( aNum );
   662         }
   663     else
   664         {
   665         return KErrGeneral;
   666         }
   667     }
   669 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   670 // Set aux candidate num that should be shown
   671 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   672 //
   673 TInt CAknFepHwrEngine::SetAuxCandidateNum( TInt aNum )
   674     {
   675     if ( iRecognizer )
   676         {
   677         return iRecognizer->SetAuxCandidateNum( aNum );
   678         }
   679     else
   680         {
   681         return KErrGeneral;
   682         }
   683     }
   686 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   687 // Get aux candidate num that should be shown
   688 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   689 //
   690 TInt CAknFepHwrEngine::GetAuxCandidateNum()
   691     {
   692     if ( iRecognizer )
   693         {
   694         return iRecognizer->GetAuxCandidateNum();
   695         }
   696     else
   697         {
   698         return KErrGeneral;
   699         }
   700     }
   702 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   703 // Set total candidate num that should be shown
   704 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   705 //
   706 TInt CAknFepHwrEngine::SetCandidatesMaxCount( TInt aCount )
   707     {
   708     if ( aCount > 0 )
   709         {
   710         iTotalCandidateNum = aCount;
   711         return KErrNone;
   712         }
   713     else
   714         {
   715         return KErrGeneral;
   716         }    
   717     }
   719 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   720 // Set language
   721 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   722 //
   723 void CAknFepHwrEngine::SetLanguageL( TInt aLanguage )
   724     {
   725     if ( ( iLanguage == aLanguage ) ||
   726          ( aLanguage != ELangPrcChinese && 
   727           aLanguage != ELangHongKongChinese && 
   728           aLanguage != ELangTaiwanChinese ) )
   729         {
   730         return;
   731         }
   733     iLanguage = aLanguage;
   734 	switch ( iLanguage )
   735     {
   736     case ELangPrcChinese:
   737         {
   738         if ( iPtiEngine->ActivateLanguageL( iLanguage, EPtiEnginePinyinVkb ) != KErrNone )
   739         	{
   740         	iPtiEngine->ActivateLanguageL( iLanguage, EPtiEnginePinyin );
   741         	}
   742         }
   743         break;
   744     case ELangHongKongChinese:
   745         if ( iPtiEngine->ActivateLanguageL( iLanguage, EPtiEngineStrokeByPhrase ) != KErrNone )
   746         	{
   747         	iPtiEngine->ActivateLanguageL( ELangHongKongChinese, EPtiEngineStroke );
   748         	}
   749         break;
   750     case ELangTaiwanChinese:
   751         if ( iPtiEngine->ActivateLanguageL( iLanguage, EPtiEngineZhuyinVkb ) != KErrNone )
   752         	{
   753         	iPtiEngine->ActivateLanguageL( ELangTaiwanChinese, EPtiEngineZhuyin );
   754         	}
   755         break;
   756     default:
   757         return;
   758     }
   760 	iRecognizer = NULL;
   762 	if( !iIdle->IsActive() )
   763 	    {
   764 	    iIdle->Start( TCallBack( BackgroundTaskL, this ) );
   765 	    }
   766     }
   768 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   769 // CAknFepHwrEngine::DoIdleConstructL
   770 // Do background construct.
   771 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   772 //
   773 void CAknFepHwrEngine::DoIdleConstructL()
   774     {
   775     if ( iRecognizer )
   776         {
   777         return;
   778         }
   780 	iRecognizer = iPtiEngine->GetHwrRecognizerL( TLanguage( iLanguage ) );
   782 	iOwner->SetStrokeEndMark();
   783 	SetPrimaryCandidateNum( KPremaryCandidateCount );
   784 	SetAuxCandidateNum( KAuxCandidateCount );
   786     if ( iNeedSetRange )
   787         {
   788         SetRanges( iNeedPermittedRanges );
   789         iNeedPermittedRanges.Reset();
   790         iNeedSetRange = EFalse;        
   791         }
   793     if ( iNeedSetCase )
   794         {
   795     	SetCase( iCase );
   796     	iNeedSetCase = EFalse;
   797         }
   799     if ( iNeedSetNumberMode )
   800         {
   801     	SetNumberMode( TAknEditorNumericKeymap( iNumberMode ) );
   802     	iNeedSetNumberMode = EFalse;
   803         }
   804     }
   806 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   807 // CAknFepHwrEngine::BackgroundConstructL
   808 // Do background construct.
   809 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   810 //
   811 TBool CAknFepHwrEngine::BackgroundTaskL( TAny* aPtr )
   812     {
   813     CAknFepHwrEngine* self = static_cast<CAknFepHwrEngine*>( aPtr );
   814     self->DoIdleConstructL();
   815     return EFalse;
   816     }
   818 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   819 // Set recognition range for hwr engine
   820 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   821 //
   822 void CAknFepHwrEngine::SetRecognitionRange( const TInt aRange, 
   823     TRecognitionRange& aRecognitionRange )
   824     {
   825     aRecognitionRange.iLanguage = TLanguage( iLanguage );
   827     switch ( aRange )
   828         {
   829         case ERangeNative:
   830 			{
   831             if ( iLanguage == ELangPrcChinese )
   832                 {
   833                 aRecognitionRange.iSubRange = EPtiRangePRCChinese;
   834                 }
   835             else if ( iLanguage == ELangHongKongChinese )
   836                 {
   837                 aRecognitionRange.iSubRange = EPtiRangeHKChinese;
   838                 }
   839             else
   840             	{
   841                 aRecognitionRange.iSubRange = EPtiRangeTWChinese;
   842                 }
   843             break;
   844 			}
   845         case ERangeEnglish:
   846             aRecognitionRange.iLanguage = ELangEnglish;
   847             aRecognitionRange.iSubRange = EPtiRangeLatin;
   849             break;
   850         case ERangeNumber:
   851             aRecognitionRange.iSubRange = EPtiRangeNumber;
   853             break;
   854         case ERangeSymbol:
   855             // The symbol mode is associated with iLanguage instead of iPremaryRange
   856             aRecognitionRange.iLanguage = TLanguage( iLanguage );
   857             aRecognitionRange.iSubRange = EPtiRangeSymbol;
   859             break;
   860         default:
   861             break;
   862         }
   863     }
   865 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   866 // Set recognition range for hwr engine
   867 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   868 //
   869 void CAknFepHwrEngine::SetCustomKeymapL( const TDesC& aKeyMap )
   870     {
   871     ResetCustomKeyMap();
   873     iCustomKeymap = HBufC::NewL( aKeyMap.Length() + KNumberString().Length() );
   874     iCustomKeymap->Des().Copy( KNumberString() );
   875     iCustomKeymap->Des().Append( aKeyMap );
   876     }
   878 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   879 // Set recognition range for hwr engine
   880 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   881 //
   882 void CAknFepHwrEngine::ResetCustomKeyMap()
   883     {
   884     delete iCustomKeymap;
   885     iCustomKeymap = NULL;
   886     }
   887 TInt CAknFepHwrEngine::SetInputAreaSize(TSize& aSize)
   888     {
   889     if(iRecognizer)
   890         {
   891         return iRecognizer->SetInputAreaSize(aSize);        
   892         }
   893     else
   894         {
   895         return KErrNotFound;
   896         } 
   897     }    
   898 TInt CAknFepHwrEngine::SetScreenSize(TSize& aSize)    
   899     {
   900       if(iRecognizer)
   901         {
   902         return iRecognizer->SetScreenSize(aSize);        
   903         }
   904     else
   905         {
   906         return KErrNotFound;
   907         }  
   908     }    
   909 //End Of File