changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
child 3 f5a1e66df979
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:eb1f2e154e89
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  vkb layout
    15 *
    16 */
    22 //  INCLUDES
    23 #include <aknfepglobalenums.h>
    24 #include <peninputlayout.h>
    25 #include <peninputlayoutplugininterface.h>
    26 #include "peninputvkblayoutcontext.h"
    27 #include "peninputcmdparam.h"
    29 /** class forward decalaration */
    30 class CAknFepVkbDataMgr;
    31 class CAknFepVkbUiStateMgr;
    32 class CAknFepVkbWindow;
    33 class CPtiEngine;
    35 /**
    36  *  peninputvkbcn layout interface implemtation
    37  *
    38  *  @lib peninputvkbcn.lib
    39  *  @since S60 v3.2
    40  */
    41 class CAknFepVkbLayoutImp : public CFepUiLayoutInterface
    42     {
    43 public:
    45     /**
    46      * Symbian constructor.
    47      *
    48      * @since S60 v3.2
    49      * @param aInitParams Init data for layout
    50      * @return Pointer to created CAknFepHwrBxLayoutImp object
    51      */
    52     static CAknFepVkbLayoutImp* NewL(TAny* aInitParams);
    55     static CAknFepVkbLayoutImp* NewFsqL( TAny* aInitParams );
    57     /**
    58      * destructor.
    59      *
    60      * @since S60 v3.2
    61      * @return None
    62      */    
    63     virtual ~CAknFepVkbLayoutImp();
    65 //from CFepUiLayoutInterface
    67     /**
    68      * From CFepUiLayoutInterface.
    69      * Handle layout command event
    70      *
    71      * @since S60 v3.2
    72      * @param aLayoutOwner The layout owner
    73      * @param aData The data for creating layout
    74      * @return Pointer to created CFepUiLayout object
    75      */
    76     CFepUiLayout* CreateFepUiLayoutL(MLayoutOwner* aLayoutOwner,const TAny* aData);
    78 private:
    80     /**
    81      * C++ default constructor
    82      *
    83      * @since S60 v3.2
    84      * @return None
    85      */          
    86     CAknFepVkbLayoutImp();
    88     /**
    89      * Symbian second-phase constructor
    90      *
    91      * @since S60 v3.2
    92      * @param aIsFsq Is Full screen qwert mode
    93      * @return None
    94      */          
    95     void ConstructL( TBool aIsFsq );
    97 private:// data
    98     TBool iIsFsq; 
    99     };
   101 /**
   102  *  peninputvkbcn layout
   103  *
   104  *  @lib peninputvkbcn.lib
   105  *  @since S60 v3.2
   106  */
   107 class CAknFepVkbLayout : public CFepUiLayout, 
   108                          public MAknFepVkbLayoutContext
   109     {
   111 public:
   113     /**
   114      * Symbian constructor.
   115      *
   116      * @since S60 v3.2
   117      * @param aInitData Init data for layout
   118      * @return Pointer to created CAknFepHwrBxLayout object
   119      */
   120     static CAknFepVkbLayout* NewL(MLayoutOwner* aLayoutOwner, const TAny* aInitData, TBool aIsFsq);
   122     /**
   123      * destructor.
   124      *
   125      * @since S60 v3.2
   126      * @return None
   127      */
   128     virtual ~CAknFepVkbLayout();
   130     /**
   131      * Get data manager.
   132      *
   133      * @since S60 v3.2
   134      * @return  The data manager
   135      */
   136     CAknFepVkbDataMgr* DataMgr() const;
   138     /**
   139      * Get vkb window.
   140      *
   141      * @since S60 v3.2
   142      * @return The vkb window
   143      */
   144     CAknFepVkbWindow* Window() const;
   146 //from CFepUiLayout
   148     /**
   149      * From CFepUiLayout.
   150      * Handle layout command event
   151      *
   152      * @since S60 v3.2
   153      * @param aCmd Command Id.
   154      * @param aData Data for command.
   155      * @return Errors when return value small than 0.        
   156      */
   157     TInt HandleCommand(TInt aCmd, TUint8* aData);
   159     /**
   160      * From CFepUiLayout.
   161      * Inform layout the size changing event
   162      *
   163      * @since S60 v3.2
   164      * @param pData The event data.
   165      * @return KErrNone if successfully size changing.        
   166      */
   167     TInt SizeChanged(const TAny* pData);
   169     /**
   170      * From CFepUiLayout.
   171      * Handle the event from control
   172      *
   173      * @since S60 v3.2
   174      * @param aEventType The event type
   175      * @param aCtrl  The sender
   176      * @param aEventData The event data.
   177      * @return None                
   178      */
   179     void HandleControlEvent(TInt aEventType, CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl, const TDesC& aEventData);
   181     /**
   182      * From CFepUiLayout.
   183      * Handle editor text coming
   184      * Called by animation dll when app editor text is coming.
   185      * If a ui layout has a editor area, it must implements this function to get the text
   186      *
   187      * @since S60 v3.2
   188      * @param aTotalTextLen The total editor text len
   189      * @param aTextStartPos The position of the selection in whole editor text
   190      * @param aCursolSel The cursor selection in the editor
   191      * @param aText The text sent by fep.
   192      * @return KErrNone is operation succeeded.
   193      */
   194     TInt OnAppEditorTextComing( const TFepInputContextFieldData& aData);
   196     /**
   197      * From CFepUiLayout.
   198      * Handle raw event key
   199      *
   200      * @since S60 v3.2
   201      * @param aData the key raw event data
   202      * @return ETrue if the key was handled, otherwise EFalse
   203      */
   204     TBool HandleRawKeyEventL(const TRawEvent& aKeyEvent);
   206     /**
   207      * From CFepUiLayout 
   208      * Get the layout type, vkb or hwr. It's now similar to LayoutType which defines in 
   209      * another interface.
   210      * 
   211      * @since S60 v3.2
   212      * @return The layout type
   213      */
   214     TInt PenInputType();
   216     void SetPositionFromOutside(const TPoint& aNewPos);
   218     void HandleAppInfoChange(const TDesC& aInfo, 
   219                              TPeninputAppInfo aType);
   221 //from MAknFepVkbLayoutContext
   224     /**
   225      * Send event to vkb window
   226      *
   227      * @since S60 v3.2
   228      * @param aEventType The event type
   229      * @param aCtrl  The sender
   230      * @param aEventData The event data.
   231      * @return None                
   232      */
   233     void SendEventToVkbControl(TInt aEventType, CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl, 
   234                                const TDesC& aEventData = KNullDesC);
   236     /**
   237      * Request data from data provider
   238      *
   239      * @since S60 v3.2
   240      * @param aDataType The data request 
   241      * @return The data you request
   242      */
   243     TInt RequestData(TAknFepDataType aDataType);
   245     /**
   246      * Get resource utils
   247      *
   248      * @since S60 v3.2
   249      * @param aEventType Event type
   250      * @param aData Event data
   251      * @return The resource utils
   252      */
   253     void SetData(TAknFepDataType aDataType,TInt aData);
   255     /**
   256      * Sendkey to fep
   257      *
   258      * @since S60 v3.2
   259      * @param aEventType Event type
   260      * @param aEventData Event data
   261      * @return None.
   262      */
   263     void Sendkey(TInt aEventType,const TDesC& aEventData = KNullDesC);
   265     /**
   266      * Force edit gain focus
   267      *
   268      * @since S60 v3.2
   269      * @param aWhichEdit The control id which will get focus
   270      * @return None.
   271      */
   272     void ForceEditGainFocus(TInt aWhichEdit);
   274     /**
   275      * Reset all status in layout
   276      *
   277      * @since S60 v3.2
   278      * @return None.
   279      */    
   280     void Reset();
   282     /**
   283      * Get the length in composition field
   284      *
   285      * @since S60 v3.2
   286      * @return The string length in composition field
   287      */    
   288     TInt CompositionFieldStringLength();
   290     /**
   291      * Get candidates
   292      *
   293      * @since S60 v3.2
   294      * @param aInputString the input string sent to engine
   295      * @param aIsPredictive The flag showing predictive or not
   296      * @param aForNextPage Is this for next page candidate
   297      * @return The canidates count
   298      */
   299     TInt GetCandidatesL(const TDesC& aInputString, 
   300                         const TBool aIsPredictive,
   301                         TBool aForNextPage = EFalse);
   303     /**
   304      * Clear trigger string
   305      *
   306      * @since S60 v3.2
   307      * @return None
   308      */
   309     void ClearTriggerString();
   311     /**
   312      * Set current range
   313      *
   314      * @since S60 v3.2
   315      * @param aRange The range need to set
   316      * @param aNeedSave The flag need to save or not
   317      * @return None.
   318      */    
   319     void SetCurrentRange(TInt aRange, TBool aNeedSave = EFalse, TBool aNotify = EFalse);
   321     /**
   322      * SemiTransparencyRequired. Tell whether this layout require transparency.
   323      * This is to save memory used in mask bitmap. If transparency not deeded,
   324      * We use black-white bitmap.
   325      *
   326      * @since S60 v3.2
   327      * @return ETrue if layout require transparency, otherwise EFalse.
   328      */
   329     TBool SemiTransparencyRequired();
   330 private:
   332     /**
   333      * C++ default constructor
   334      *
   335      * @since S60 v3.2
   336      * @return None
   337      */ 
   338     CAknFepVkbLayout(MLayoutOwner* aLayoutOwner);
   340     /**
   341      * Symbian second-phase constructor
   342      *
   343      * @since S60 v3.2
   344      * @param aInitData Init data of layout
   345      * @return None
   346      */   
   347     void ConstructL(const TAny* aInitData, TBool aIsFsq);
   349     /**
   350      * Change input language
   351      *
   352      * @since S60 v3.2
   353      * @param aLangID The language id you want to change to
   354      * @return None
   355      */   
   356     void ChangeInputLanguage(TInt aLangID);
   358     /**
   359      * do when case change
   360      *
   361      * @since S60 v3.2
   362      * @return None.
   363      */
   364 	void DoCaseChange(TInt aCase);
   366     /**
   367      * Handle focus gained event
   368      *
   369      * @since S60 v3.2
   370      * @param aCtrl  The sender
   371      * @param aEventData The event data.  
   372      * @return None
   373      */       
   374     void HandleFocusGained(CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl, const TDesC& aEventData);
   376     /**
   377      * From CFepUiLayout.
   378      * Test whether the position is valid. 
   379      * This is used to test the target position when draging controls to some place
   380      *
   381      * @since S60 v4.0
   382      * @param aRect The rect to be checked.
   383      * @param aDragbar The dragbar being dragged
   384      * @param aVInfo The valid information in vertial dirtection. ETrue is vertical
   385      *        moving is valid.It's only used when aRect is not valid but moving in 
   386      *        vertical direction is valid.
   387      * @param aHInfo The valid information in horizontal dirtection. ETrue is 
   388      *        horizontal moving is valid.It's only used when aRect is not 
   389      *        valid but moving in vertical direction is valid.
   390      * @param aFlag ETrue if whole layout is moving, otherwise, only components moving
   391      * @return ETue if aRect is a valid position. Otherwise, EFalse. 
   392      */       
   393     TBool IsValidDestination(const TRect& aRect,
   394                                                 CDragBar* aDragBar,
   395                                                 TBool& aVInfo,TBool& aHInfo,
   396                                                 TBool aFlag);
   398     void HandleMergedBtnClicked( TInt aCase );
   400     /**
   401      * Handle show tooltip command
   402      *
   403      * @since S60 v5.0
   404      * @param aData pointer is sent from FEP, point to a TPtrC
   405      * @return None
   406      */    
   407     void HandleShowTooltipOnFSQCmdL( TUint8* aData );
   409     /**
   410      * Handle show candidate list command
   411      *
   412      * @since S60 v5.0
   413      * @param aData pointer is sent from FEP, point to a TPtrC
   414      * @return None
   415      */    
   416     void HandleShowCandidateListOnFSQCmdL( TUint8* aData );
   418     /**
   419      * Read text stored in a block of memory into HBufC
   420      *
   421      * @since S60 v5.0
   422      * @param aData aStartPtr the starting address of a block of memory with a 
   423      *        string in it
   424      * @param aLength The length of the string
   425      * @return pointer of a HBufC storing the string in it
   426      */ 
   427     HBufC* ReadTextInfoHBufCL( const TUint16* aStartPtr, TInt aLength );    
   428 private: //data
   430     TInt iLayoutType;  
   431     /**
   432      * The data manager
   433      * Own
   434      */
   435     CAknFepVkbDataMgr* iDataMgr;
   437     /**
   438      * The ui state manager
   439      * Own
   440      */    
   441     CAknFepVkbUiStateMgr* iUiStateMgr;
   443     /**
   444      * The vkb window
   445      * Own
   446      */    
   447     CAknFepVkbWindow* iVkbWindow;
   449     /**
   450      * The flag showing need to deal focus gained or not
   451      * Own
   452      */    
   453     TBool iNeedDealFocusGained;
   455     /**
   456      * The vkb resource id
   457      */    
   458     TInt iResId;
   460     /**
   461      * The ptiengine
   462      * Not own
   463      */    
   464     CPtiEngine* iPtiEngine;
   466     /*
   467     * Indicate if ITI is enabled.
   468     */    
   469     TBool iITIEnabled;	
   470     };
   472 #endif // C_CAKNFEPVKBLAYOUT_H
   474 //End Of File