changeset 44 ecbabf52600f
equal deleted inserted replaced
43:ebd48d2de13c 44:ecbabf52600f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  drop-down list control
    15 *
    16 */
    22 #include "peninputlistmanager.h"
    23 #include "peninputbitmapdb.h"
    24 #include "peninputcandidate.h"
    25 #include "peninputpages.h"
    26 #include "peninputlayoutbubblectrl.h"
    28 // added by txin
    29 //#include "peninputlistmultirowrollwithicon.h"
    30 // end
    31 #include "peninputlist.h"
    32 #include <peninputlayoutrootctrl.h>
    33 #include <peninputlayoutbasecontrol.h>
    34 #include <peninputlayout.h>
    35 #include <peninputdropdownlist.h>
    36 #include <coemain.h>
    37 #include <AknUtils.h>
    39 // constant definition
    40 const TInt32 KInvalidResId = -1;
    42 // added by txin
    43 const TInt KInvalidCandIndex = -1;
    44 // end adding
    46 const TInt KPreviewBubbleOffset = 20;
    48 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    50 // Implementation of Class CFepCtrlDropdownList 
    52 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::NewL
    54 // factory function
    55 // (other items were commented in a header).
    56 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 //
    58 EXPORT_C CFepCtrlDropdownList* CFepCtrlDropdownList::NewL( const TPoint& aTopLeftPoint,
    59                                                            CFepUiLayout* aUiLayout,
    60                                                            TInt aControlId,
    61                                                            TResourceReader& aReader,
    62                                                            const TInt aCellWidth,
    63                                                            const TInt aCellHeight,
    64                                                            const TInt aNaviWidth,
    65                                                            const TInt aColNum,
    66                                                            const TInt aRowNum,
    67                                                            const CFont* aFont,
    68                                                            MListEventHandler* aHandler,
    69                                                            const CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlignment,
    70                                                            const TInt aTextMargin,
    71                                                            const TRgb aBorderColor,
    72                                                            const TRgb aBgColor,
    73                                                            const TRgb aNavigationBgColor,
    74                                                            const TRgb aTextColor,
    75                                                            const TRgb aSpecialTextColor,
    76                                                            const TRgb aHighLightTextColor,
    77                                                            const TRgb aHighLightBgColor,
    78                                                            const TRgb aButtonDownBgColor )
    79     {
    80     CFepCtrlDropdownList* self = NewLC(aTopLeftPoint,
    81                                        aUiLayout,
    82                                        aControlId,
    83                                        aReader,
    84                                        aCellWidth,
    85                                        aCellHeight,
    86                                        aNaviWidth,
    87                                        aColNum,
    88                                        aRowNum,
    89                                        aFont,
    90                                        aHandler,
    91                                        aAlignment,
    92                                        aTextMargin,                                       
    93                                        aBorderColor,
    94                                        aBgColor,
    95                                        aNavigationBgColor,
    96                                        aTextColor,
    97                                        aSpecialTextColor,
    98                                        aHighLightTextColor,
    99                                        aHighLightBgColor,
   100                                        aButtonDownBgColor);
   101     CleanupStack::Pop();
   102     return self;  
   103     } 
   105 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   106 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::NewLC
   107 // factory function
   108 // (other items were commented in a header).
   109 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   110 //
   112 EXPORT_C CFepCtrlDropdownList* CFepCtrlDropdownList::NewLC(const TPoint& aTopLeftPoint,
   113                                                            CFepUiLayout* aUiLayout,
   114                                                            TInt aControlId,
   115                                                            TResourceReader& aReader,
   116                                                            const TInt aCellWidth,
   117                                                            const TInt aCellHeight,
   118                                                            const TInt aNaviWidth,
   119                                                            const TInt aColNum,
   120                                                            const TInt aRowNum,
   121                                                            const CFont* aFont,
   122                                                            MListEventHandler* aHandler,
   123                                                      const CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlignment,
   124                                                            const TInt aTextMargin,
   125                                                            const TRgb aBorderColor,
   126                                                            const TRgb aBgColor,
   127                                                            const TRgb aNavigationBgColor,
   128                                                            const TRgb aTextColor,
   129                                                            const TRgb aSpecialTextColor,
   130                                                            const TRgb aHighLightTextColor,
   131                                                            const TRgb aHighLightBgColor,
   132                                                            const TRgb aButtonDownBgColor)
   133     {
   134     CFepCtrlDropdownList* self = new (ELeave) CFepCtrlDropdownList(aTopLeftPoint,
   135                                                                   aUiLayout,
   136                                                                   aControlId,
   137                                                                   aCellWidth,
   138                                                                   aCellHeight,
   139                                                                   aNaviWidth,
   140                                                                   aColNum,
   141                                                                   aRowNum,
   142                                                                   aFont,
   143                                                                   aHandler,
   144                                                                   aAlignment,
   145                                                                   aTextMargin,
   146                                                                   aBorderColor,
   147                                                                   aBgColor,
   148                                                                   aNavigationBgColor,
   149                                                                   aTextColor,
   150                                                                   aSpecialTextColor,
   151                                                                   aHighLightTextColor,
   152                                                                   aHighLightBgColor,
   153                                                                   aButtonDownBgColor);
   154     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   155     self->ConstructL(aTopLeftPoint,aReader);
   156     return self;  
   157     } 
   159 // txin
   160 EXPORT_C CFepCtrlDropdownList* CFepCtrlDropdownList::NewL(CFepUiLayout* aUiLayout,
   161                                                           TInt aControlId,
   162                                                           TInt aResId,
   163                                                           TPoint aTopLeftPoint,
   164                                                           TSize aCellSize,
   165                                                           TInt aColNum,
   166                                                           TInt aRowNum)
   167     {
   168     CFepCtrlDropdownList* self = new (ELeave) CFepCtrlDropdownList(aUiLayout,
   169                                                                    aControlId,
   170                                                                    aTopLeftPoint,
   171                                                                    aCellSize,
   172                                                                    aColNum,
   173                                                                    aRowNum);
   174     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   175     self->ConstructL(aTopLeftPoint, aResId);
   176     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   177     return self;
   178     }
   180 EXPORT_C CFepCtrlDropdownList* CFepCtrlDropdownList::NewL(CFepUiLayout* aUiLayout,
   181                                                           TInt aControlId,
   182                                                           TInt aResId,
   183                                                           TPoint aTopLeftPoint,
   184                                                           const CFont* aFont,
   185                                                           TSize aCellSize,
   186                                                           TInt aNaviWidth,
   187                                                           TInt aColNum,
   188                                                           TInt aRowNum,
   189                                                           TInt aSpinBtnHeight,
   190                                                           TInt aHorizontalCellMargin,
   191                                                           TInt aVerticalCellMargin,
   192                                                           THDirection aDirection,
   193                                                           TBool aPageShown)
   194     {
   195     CFepCtrlDropdownList* self = new (ELeave) CFepCtrlDropdownList(aUiLayout,
   196                                                                    aControlId,
   197                                                                    aResId,
   198                                                                    aTopLeftPoint,
   199                                                                    aFont,
   200                                                                    aCellSize,
   201                                                                    aNaviWidth,
   202                                                                    aColNum,
   203                                                                    aRowNum,
   204                                                                    aSpinBtnHeight,
   205                                                                    aHorizontalCellMargin,
   206                                                                    aVerticalCellMargin,
   207                                                                    aDirection,
   208                                                                    aPageShown);
   209     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   210     self->ConstructL(aTopLeftPoint, aResId);
   211     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   212     return self;
   213     }
   216 // end
   218 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   219 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::CFepCtrlDropdownList
   220 // construtor function
   221 // (other items were commented in a header).
   222 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   223 //  
   224 CFepCtrlDropdownList::CFepCtrlDropdownList(const TPoint& aTopLeftPoint,
   225                                            CFepUiLayout* aUiLayout,
   226                                            TInt aControlId,                           
   227                                            const TInt aCellWidth,
   228                                            const TInt aCellHeight,
   229                                            const TInt aNaviWidth,                               
   230                                            const TInt aColNum,
   231                                            const TInt aRowNum,
   232                                            const CFont* aFont,
   233                                            MListEventHandler* aHandler,
   234                                            const CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlignment,
   235                                            const TInt aTextMargin,
   236                                            const TRgb aBorderColor,
   237                                            const TRgb aBgColor,
   238                                            const TRgb aNavigationBgColor,
   239                                            const TRgb aTextColor,
   240                                            const TRgb aSpecialTextColor,
   241                                            const TRgb aHighLightTextColor,
   242                                            const TRgb aHighLightBgColor,
   243                                            const TRgb aButtonDownBgColor)
   244     : CFepUiBaseCtrl(TRect(), aUiLayout, aControlId),
   245     iEnableSecondary(EFalse),
   246     iFirstCandidateIndex(0),
   247     iLastCandidateIndex(0),
   248     iFont(aFont), iCellWidth(aCellWidth), iCellHeight(aCellHeight), iNaviWidth(aNaviWidth),
   249     iSpinBtnHeight(aCellHeight), 
   250     iCellHorizontalMargin(0),
   251     iCellVerticalMargin(0),
   252     iOriginalCandIdx(KInvalidCandIndex),
   253     iOriginalFirstCandIdx(KInvalidCandIndex),
   254     iUpdateListReDraw(ETrue),
   255     iAlignment(aAlignment), iTextMargin(aTextMargin), iColNum(aColNum), iRowNum(aRowNum), 
   256     iBorderColor(aBorderColor), iBgColor(aBgColor), iNavigationBgColor(aNavigationBgColor),
   257     iTextColor(aTextColor), iSpecialTextColor(aSpecialTextColor), 
   258     iHighLightTextColor(aHighLightTextColor),
   259     iHighLightBgColor(aHighLightBgColor), iButtonDownBgColor(aButtonDownBgColor), 
   260     iTopLeftPoint(aTopLeftPoint), 
   261     iEventIdForCandidateSelected(-1),
   262     iEventIdForNextPageCandidate(-1),
   263     iEventIdForPreviousPageCandidate(-1),
   264     iEventIdForCandidateExisted(-1),
   265     iListEventHandler(aHandler), iFirstTimeConstruct(ETrue), iListType(EListNoExpandable), 
   266     iFuzzyBoundry(0),
   267     iCandExpandType(ECandExpandDownward),
   268     iCandHDirection(ECandFromLToR),
   269     iPageCtrlShown(ETrue)
   270     {
   271     SetControlType(KDropDownListCtrlType);
   272     }
   274 // txin
   275 CFepCtrlDropdownList::CFepCtrlDropdownList(CFepUiLayout* aUiLayout,
   276                                            TInt aControlId,
   277                                            TPoint aTopLeftPoint,
   278                                            TSize aCellSize,
   279                                            TInt aColNum,
   280                                            TInt aRowNum)
   281     : CFepUiBaseCtrl(TRect(), aUiLayout, aControlId),
   282     iEnableSecondary(EFalse),
   283     iFirstCandidateIndex(0),
   284     iLastCandidateIndex(0),
   285     iCellWidth(aCellSize.iWidth), iCellHeight(aCellSize.iHeight), iNaviWidth(iCellWidth),
   286     iSpinBtnHeight(iCellHeight), 
   287     iCellHorizontalMargin(0),
   288     iCellVerticalMargin(0),
   289     iOriginalCandIdx(KInvalidCandIndex),
   290     iOriginalFirstCandIdx(KInvalidCandIndex),
   291     iUpdateListReDraw(ETrue),
   292     iAlignment(CGraphicsContext::ECenter), iTextMargin(3), iColNum(aColNum), iRowNum(aRowNum), 
   293     iBorderColor(KRgbBlack), iBgColor(TRgb(0xeeeeee)), iNavigationBgColor(TRgb(0xeeeeee)),
   294     iTextColor(KRgbBlack), iSpecialTextColor(KRgbBlack), iHighLightTextColor(KRgbBlack),
   295     iHighLightBgColor(TRgb(0xcccccc)), iButtonDownBgColor(KRgbGray), iTopLeftPoint(aTopLeftPoint), 
   296     iEventIdForCandidateSelected(-1),
   297     iEventIdForNextPageCandidate(-1),
   298     iEventIdForPreviousPageCandidate(-1),
   299     iEventIdForCandidateExisted(-1),
   300     iFirstTimeConstruct(ETrue), iListType(EListNoExpandable), 
   301     iFuzzyBoundry(0),
   302     iCandExpandType(ECandExpandDownward),
   303     iCandHDirection(ECandFromLToR),
   304     iPageCtrlShown(ETrue)
   305     {
   306     SetControlType(KDropDownListCtrlType);
   307     }
   309 CFepCtrlDropdownList::CFepCtrlDropdownList(CFepUiLayout* aUiLayout,
   310                          TInt aControlId,
   311                          TInt /*aResId*/,
   312                          TPoint aTopLeftPoint,
   313                          const CFont* /*aFont*/,
   314                          TSize aCellSize,
   315                          TInt aNaviWidth,
   316                          TInt aColNum,
   317                          TInt aRowNum,
   318                          TInt aSpinBtnHeight,
   319                          TInt aHorizontalCellMargin,
   320                          TInt aVerticalCellMargin,
   321                                                THDirection aDirection,
   322                                                TBool aPageShown)
   323     : CFepUiBaseCtrl(TRect(), aUiLayout, aControlId),
   324     iEnableSecondary(EFalse),
   325     iFirstCandidateIndex(0),
   326     iLastCandidateIndex(0),
   327     iCellWidth(aCellSize.iWidth), iCellHeight(aCellSize.iHeight), iNaviWidth(aNaviWidth),
   328     iSpinBtnHeight(aSpinBtnHeight), 
   329     iCellHorizontalMargin(aHorizontalCellMargin),
   330     iCellVerticalMargin(aVerticalCellMargin),
   331     iOriginalCandIdx(KInvalidCandIndex),
   332     iOriginalFirstCandIdx(KInvalidCandIndex),
   333     iUpdateListReDraw(ETrue),
   334     iAlignment(CGraphicsContext::ECenter), iTextMargin(3), iColNum(aColNum), iRowNum(aRowNum), 
   335     iBorderColor(KRgbBlack), iBgColor(TRgb(0xeeeeee)), iNavigationBgColor(TRgb(0xeeeeee)),
   336     iTextColor(KRgbBlack), iSpecialTextColor(KRgbBlack), iHighLightTextColor(KRgbBlack),
   337     iHighLightBgColor(TRgb(0xcccccc)), iButtonDownBgColor(KRgbGray), iTopLeftPoint(aTopLeftPoint), 
   338     iEventIdForCandidateSelected(-1),
   339     iEventIdForNextPageCandidate(-1),
   340     iEventIdForPreviousPageCandidate(-1),
   341     iEventIdForCandidateExisted(-1),
   342     iFirstTimeConstruct(ETrue), iListType(EListNoExpandable), 
   343     iFuzzyBoundry(0),
   344     iCandExpandType(ECandExpandDownward),
   345     iCandHDirection(aDirection),
   346     iPageCtrlShown(aPageShown)
   347     {
   348     SetControlType(KDropDownListCtrlType);
   349     }
   351 // end
   353 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   354 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::ConstructL
   355 // 2nd construct function
   356 // (other items were commented in a header).
   357 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   358 //
   359 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::ConstructL(const TPoint& aTopLeftPoint, TResourceReader& aReader)
   360     {
   361     BaseConstructL();
   363     iBitmapDb = CBitmapDb::NewL(aReader, 
   364                                 TSize(iCellWidth, iCellHeight),
   365                                 TSize(iNaviWidth, iCellHeight),
   366                                 TSize(iNaviWidth, iSpinBtnHeight));
   368     SetTextColor(iBitmapDb->TextColor());
   369     SetBorderColor(iBitmapDb->FrameColor());
   370     iFirstTimeConstruct = EFalse;
   372     iPages = CPages::NewL();
   374     iListManager = CListManager::NewL(this);
   376     iListManager->SetActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowWithoutIcon());
   378     SetRect( iListManager->ActiveList()->Rect() );
   380     const TSize& size = Rect().Size();
   381     TRect rect(aTopLeftPoint,size);
   382     SetRect(rect);
   383     }
   385 // txin
   386 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::ConstructL(TPoint aTopLeftPoint, TInt aResId)
   387     {
   388     SetResourceId(aResId);
   390     TResourceReader reader;
   391     CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC(reader, aResId);
   392     ConstructL(aTopLeftPoint, reader);
   393     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
   394     }
   395 // end    
   397 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   398 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::~CFepCtrlDropdownList
   399 // destructor function
   400 // (other items were commented in a header).
   401 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   402 //    
   403 EXPORT_C CFepCtrlDropdownList::~CFepCtrlDropdownList()
   404     {
   405     delete iBubbleCtrl;
   407     // destroy list objects
   408     delete iListManager;
   410     // Delete bitmapDb
   411     delete iBitmapDb;
   413     // Delete pages
   414     delete iPages;
   416     // Delete all candidate
   417     iCandidatelist.ResetAndDestroy();
   419     // Clear and close iSecondaryList
   420     iSecondaryList.Close();   
   422     // Clear and close iHighlightList
   423     iHighlightList.Close();       
   424     }
   426 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   427 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SizeChanged
   428 // size change function
   429 // (other items were commented in a header).
   430 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   431 //    
   432 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SizeChanged(const TInt aCellWidth,
   433                                                  const TInt aCellHeight,
   434                                                  const TInt aNaviWidth,
   435                                                  const TPoint aTopLeftPoint,
   436                                                  const TInt aColNum,
   437                                                  const TInt aRowNum)
   438     {
   439     iCellWidth = aCellWidth; 
   440     iCellHeight = aCellHeight; 
   441     iNaviWidth = aNaviWidth;
   442     iSpinBtnHeight = aCellHeight;
   444     iBitmapDb->SizeChanged(TSize(aNaviWidth, aCellHeight));
   446     if ( aTopLeftPoint != TPoint(0,0) )
   447         {
   448         iTopLeftPoint = aTopLeftPoint;        
   449         }
   451     if ( aColNum )
   452         iColNum = aColNum;
   453     if ( aRowNum )
   454         iRowNum = aRowNum;  
   456     iListManager->SizeChanged();
   458 	switch ( iListType )
   459 		{
   460 		case EListNoExpandable:
   461 	        ChangeActiveList( iListManager->ListOneRowWithoutIcon() );
   462 			break;
   463 		case EListNoExpandableWithBubble:
   464 	        {
   465 	        ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowWithoutIconWithBubble());
   466 	        }
   467 		    break;
   468 		case EListExpandable:
   469 		case EListExpandableWithoutIcon:
   470             {
   471             ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowWithIcon());
   472             }
   473             break;
   474 		case EListExpandableWithBubble:
   475 		    {
   476 		    ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowWithIconWithBubble());
   477             }
   478             break;
   479 		// txin
   480 		case EListExpandableRollWithIcon:
   481             {
   482             TInt onerowCandIdx = OneRowStartCandIdx();
   484             if (onerowCandIdx != KInvalidCandIndex)
   485                 {
   486                 ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIcon(), onerowCandIdx);
   487                 return;
   488                 }
   490             ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIcon());
   491             }
   492 	        break;
   493 		case EListExpandableRollWithIconWithBubble:
   494             {
   495             TInt onerowCandIdx = OneRowStartCandIdx();
   497             if (onerowCandIdx != KInvalidCandIndex)
   498                 {
   499                 ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIconWithBubble(), onerowCandIdx);
   500                 return;
   501                 }
   503             ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIconWithBubble());
   504             }
   505 	        break;
   507         case EListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIcon:
   508             {
   509             ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIcon());
   510             }
   511             break;
   512         case EListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIconWithBubble:
   513         	{
   514         	ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListMultiRowWithoutIconWithBubble());
   515         	}  
   516         	break;                
   517 	    default:
   518 	    	__ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, 
   519 	    			User::Panic( _L("TListType Error::SizeChanged()"), 0 ) );
   520 	    	break;
   521 		}
   522     }
   524 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   525 // CFepUiBaseCtrl::HandlePointerDownEventL
   526 // Handle pointer down event
   527 // (other items were commented in a header).
   528 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   529 //      
   530 EXPORT_C CFepUiBaseCtrl* CFepCtrlDropdownList::HandlePointerDownEventL(const TPoint& aPoint)
   531     {
   532     CFepUiBaseCtrl::HandlePointerDownEventL(aPoint);
   534     iListManager->ActiveList()->HandlePointerDownL(aPoint);
   536     return this;
   537     }
   539 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   540 // CFepUiBaseCtrl::HandlePointerUpEventL
   541 // Handle pointer up event
   542 // (other items were commented in a header).
   543 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   544 //    
   545 EXPORT_C CFepUiBaseCtrl*  CFepCtrlDropdownList::HandlePointerUpEventL(const TPoint& aPoint)
   546     {
   547     CFepUiBaseCtrl::HandlePointerUpEventL(aPoint);
   549     iListManager->ActiveList()->HandlePointerUpL(aPoint);
   551     return this;
   552     }
   554 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   555 // CFepUiBaseCtrl::HandlePointerMoveEventL
   556 // Handle pointer move event
   557 // (other items were commented in a header).
   558 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   559 //
   560 EXPORT_C CFepUiBaseCtrl* CFepCtrlDropdownList::HandlePointerMoveEventL(const TPoint& aPoint)
   561     {
   563     if(!PointerDown())
   564         {
   565         return NULL;
   566         }
   568     iListManager->ActiveList()->HandlePointerDragL(aPoint);
   570     return this;
   571     }
   573 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::HandlePointerLeave(const TPoint& aPoint)
   574     {
   575     CFepUiBaseCtrl::HandlePointerLeave(aPoint);
   576     if(!Hiden())
   577         iListManager->ActiveList()->HandlePointerLeave(aPoint);
   578     ClearBubble();
   579     }
   581 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   582 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::AddCandidatesL
   583 // Add candidate
   584 // (other items were commented in a header).
   585 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   586 //    
   587 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::AddCandidatesL(const RPointerArray<HBufC>& aCandidates,
   588                                                    const TListType /*aListType*/)
   589     {
   590     // add new candidates
   591     for (TInt i = iCandidatelist.Count(); i < aCandidates.Count(); i++)
   592         {
   593         CCandidate* candidate = CCandidate::NewL(*aCandidates[i], this);
   595         if (iCandidatelist.Append(candidate) != KErrNone)
   596             {
   597             delete candidate;
   598             }
   599         }
   600     }
   602 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   603 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetCandidatesL
   604 // Set candidate
   605 // (other items were commented in a header).
   606 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   607 //    
   608 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetCandidatesL(const RPointerArray<HBufC>& aCandidates, 
   609                                                    const TListType aListType,
   610                                                    const TDesC& aFixedText)
   611     {
   612     //clear last candidates which had been set    
   613     iCandidatelist.ResetAndDestroy();
   615 	iListManager->ResetStatus();        
   617     iHighlightList.Reset();
   619     iFixedText.Zero();
   620     iFixedText.Append(aFixedText);
   622     iFirstCandidateIndex = 0;
   623     iLastCandidateIndex = 0;
   624     // create or add new ones
   625     for( TInt i=0; i < aCandidates.Count(); i++ )
   626         {
   627         // CCandidate is s.c. self-containing class
   628         CCandidate* candidate = CCandidate::NewL(*aCandidates[i], this);
   629         // referring to memory object
   630         iCandidatelist.Append(candidate);
   631         }
   633 	iListType = aListType;
   635 	switch ( aListType )
   636 		{
   637 		case EListNoExpandable:
   638 		    {
   639 		    ChangeActiveList( iListManager->ListOneRowWithoutIcon() );
   640 		    }
   641 			break;
   642 		case EListNoExpandableWithBubble:
   643 		    {
   644 		    ChangeActiveList( iListManager->ListOneRowWithoutIconWithBubble() );
   645 		    }
   646 			break;
   647 		case EListExpandable:
   648 		case EListExpandableWithoutIcon:
   649 		    {
   650 		    ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowWithIcon());
   651 		    }
   652 		    break;
   653 		case EListExpandableWithBubble:
   654 		    {
   655 		    ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowWithIconWithBubble());
   656 		    }
   657 		    break;
   659 		// txin
   660 		case EListExpandableRollWithIcon:
   661 		    {
   662             SetOneRowStartCandIdx(KInvalidCandIndex);
   663             SetOriginalFirstCandIdx(KInvalidCandIndex);
   665             ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIcon());
   666 		    }
   667 	        break;
   668 		case EListExpandableRollWithIconWithBubble:
   669 		    {
   670             SetOneRowStartCandIdx(KInvalidCandIndex);
   671             SetOriginalFirstCandIdx(KInvalidCandIndex);
   673             ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIconWithBubble());
   674 		    }
   675 	        break;
   677 		case EListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIcon:
   678 		    {
   679             ChangeActiveList( iListManager->ListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIcon() );
   680 		    }
   681             break;
   683         case EListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIconWithBubble:
   684       	    {
   685       	    ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListMultiRowWithoutIconWithBubble());
   686       	    }  
   687       	    break;
   689 	    default:
   690 	    	__ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, 
   691 	    			User::Panic( _L("TListType Error::SetCandidatesL()"), 0 ) );
   692 	    	break;
   693 		}
   694     }
   696 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   697 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::Move
   698 // when the control is moved, the function will be called
   699 // (other items were commented in a header).
   700 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   701 //
   702 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::Move(const TPoint& aOffset)
   703     {
   704     ClearRect(Rect());
   705     Invalidate(Rect(),ETrue);    
   706     iListManager->Move(aOffset);
   707     SetRect(iListManager->ActiveList()->Rect());
   708     iListManager->ActiveList()->Draw();
   709     Invalidate(iListManager->ActiveList()->Rect());
   710     }
   712 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   713 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::OnDeActivate
   714 // when the control is hide, the function will be called
   715 // (other items were commented in a header).
   716 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   717 //
   718 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::OnDeActivate()
   719     {
   720 	iListManager->ResetStatus();
   721     }
   723 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   724 // Hide or show dropdown list.
   725 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   726 //    
   727 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::Hide( TBool aFlag )
   728     {
   729     ClearBubble();
   730     CFepUiBaseCtrl::Hide( aFlag );
   731     }
   733 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   734 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::FoldList
   735 // fold the drop down list control
   736 // (other items were commented in a header).
   737 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   738 //
   739 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::FoldList()
   740     {
   741     if ((iListManager->ActiveList() == iListManager->ListMultiRowWithIcon()) 
   742     	|| (iListManager->ActiveList() == iListManager->ListMultiRowWithoutIcon()))
   743         {
   744         ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowWithIcon(), iFirstCandidateIndex);            
   745         }
   746     // added by txin    
   747     else if (iListManager->ActiveList() == iListManager->ListMultiRowRollWithIcon())
   748         {
   749         TInt onerowCandIdx = OneRowStartCandIdx();
   751         if (onerowCandIdx != KInvalidCandIndex)
   752             {
   753             ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIcon(), onerowCandIdx);
   754             return;
   755             }
   757         ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIcon(), iFirstCandidateIndex);
   758         }
   759     else if (iListManager->ActiveList() == iListManager->ListMultiRowRollWithIconWithBubble())
   760         {
   761         TInt onerowCandIdx = OneRowStartCandIdx();
   763         if (onerowCandIdx != KInvalidCandIndex)
   764             {
   765             ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIconWithBubble(), onerowCandIdx);
   766             return;
   767             }
   769         ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIconWithBubble(), iFirstCandidateIndex);
   770         }
   771     else if(iListManager->ActiveList() == iListManager->ListMultiRowWithIconWithBubble())
   772         {
   773         ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowWithIconWithBubble(), iFirstCandidateIndex);
   774         }
   775     // end    
   776     }
   778 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   779 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::ResetAndClear
   780 // reset and clear and redraw the list
   781 // (other items were commented in a header).
   782 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   783 //        
   784 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::ResetAndClear(const TListType aListType)
   785     {
   786     //clear last candidates which had been set
   787     iCandidatelist.ResetAndDestroy();
   789     iFixedText.Zero();
   791     iFirstCandidateIndex = 0;
   792     iLastCandidateIndex = 0;
   794 	switch ( aListType )
   795 		{
   796 		case EListNoExpandable:
   797 	        ChangeActiveList( iListManager->ListOneRowWithoutIcon() );
   798 			break;
   799 		case EListNoExpandableWithBubble:
   800 	        ChangeActiveList( iListManager->ListOneRowWithoutIconWithBubble() );
   801 			break;
   803 		case EListExpandable:
   804 		case EListExpandableWithoutIcon:
   805 			{
   806 		    ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowWithIcon());
   807 		    NotifyClosePage();
   808 			}
   809 		    break;
   810 		case EListExpandableWithBubble:
   811 			{
   812 		    ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowWithIconWithBubble());
   813 		    NotifyClosePage();
   814 			}
   815 		    break;
   817 		// txin
   818 		case EListExpandableRollWithIcon:
   819 		    {
   820 		    ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIcon());
   821 		    NotifyClosePage();
   822 		    }
   823 	        break;
   824 		// end
   825 		case EListExpandableRollWithIconWithBubble:
   826 		    {
   827 		    ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIconWithBubble());
   828 		    NotifyClosePage();
   829 		    }
   830 	        break;
   831 		case EListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIcon:
   832 		    {
   833             ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIcon());
   834             NotifyClosePage();		    
   835 		    }
   836 		    break;
   838 		case EListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIconWithBubble:
   839       	    {
   840       	    ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListMultiRowWithoutIconWithBubble());
   841       	    NotifyClosePage();
   842       	    }  
   843       	  break;
   844 	    default:
   845 	    	__ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, 
   846 	    			User::Panic( _L("TListType Error::ResetAndClear()"), 0 ) );
   847 	    	break;
   848 		}
   849     }
   852 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   853 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::HandleEvent
   854 // when there is out event coming, the function will be called
   855 // (other items were commented in a header).
   856 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   857 //
   858 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::HandleControlEvent(TInt aEventType, 
   859                                                        CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl, 
   860                                                        const TDesC& aEventData)
   861     {
   862     if ( iListEventHandler )
   863         {
   864         iListEventHandler->HandleListOuterEvent(aEventType, aCtrl, aEventData);        
   865         }
   866     }
   868 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   869 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::Draw
   870 // draw the list
   871 // (other items were commented in a header).
   872 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   873 //
   874 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::Draw()
   875     {   
   876 	if(!AbleToDraw())
   877         return;
   879     if (!iFirstTimeConstruct)
   880     	{
   881         // if construct is not finished, then no need to draw
   882 ///DrawOpaqueMaskBackground();
   884         //ActivateBitmapContext();
   886   	    iListManager->ActiveList()->Draw();
   887   	    Invalidate(iListManager->ActiveList()->Rect());
   888     	}
   889     }
   891 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   892 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetHighlightCell
   893 // set or unset the high light effect for the cell
   894 // (other items were commented in a header).
   895 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   896 //
   897 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetHighlightCell(const TInt aCellIndex, 
   898                                                      TBool aHighlight, 
   899                                                      const TBool aIsDraw)
   900     {
   901     if (aHighlight)
   902         {
   904         iHighlightList.Reset();
   906         iHighlightList.Append(aCellIndex);
   908         if ((iListType == EListExpandableRollWithIcon ||
   909             iListType == EListExpandableRollWithIconWithBubble) && 
   910             (aCellIndex == GetFirstCandidateIndex()))
   911             {
   912             SetOneRowStartCandIdx(GetFirstCandidateIndex());
   913             }
   914         }
   915     else
   916         {
   917         TInt index = iHighlightList.Find(aCellIndex);
   919         if ( index != KErrNotFound )
   920             {
   921             iHighlightList.Remove(index);            
   922             }
   923         }
   925     if( aIsDraw )
   926         {
   927         iListManager->ActiveList()->SetHighlightCell(aCellIndex, aHighlight, EFalse);
   929         Draw();
   930         }
   931     }
   934 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   935 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::Rect
   936 // get the rect of the list
   937 // (other items were commented in a header).
   938 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   939 //      
   940 EXPORT_C const TRect& CFepCtrlDropdownList::Rect()
   941     {
   942     return iListManager->ActiveList()->Rect();
   943     }
   946 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   947 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetEventIdForCandidateSelected
   948 // set event id when candidate is selected
   949 // (other items were commented in a header).
   950 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   951 //      
   952 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetEventIdForCandidateSelected(TInt aEventId)
   953     {
   954     iEventIdForCandidateSelected = aEventId;
   955     }
   957 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   958 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetEventIdForNextPageCandidate
   959 // set event id when need get next page candidate
   960 // (other items were commented in a header).
   961 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   962 //      
   963 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetEventIdForNextPageCandidate(TInt aEventId)
   964     {
   965 	  iEventIdForNextPageCandidate = aEventId;
   966     }
   968 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   969 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetEventIdForPreviousPageCandidate
   970 // set event id when need get previous page candidate
   971 // (other items were commented in a header).
   972 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   973 //      
   974 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetEventIdForPreviousPageCandidate(TInt aEventId)
   975     {
   976 	  iEventIdForPreviousPageCandidate = aEventId;
   977     }
   979 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   980 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetEventIdForCandidateExisted
   981 // set event id when need judge if candidate exist
   982 // (other items were commented in a header).
   983 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   984 //      
   985 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetEventIdForCandidateExisted(TInt aEventId)
   986     {
   987     iEventIdForCandidateExisted = aEventId;
   988     }
   990 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   991 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetTopLeftPoint
   992 // set top left point of the list
   993 // (other items were commented in a header).
   994 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   995 //      
   996 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetTopLeftPoint(const TPoint aTopLeftPoint)
   997     {
   998     SizeChanged(iCellWidth, iCellHeight, iNaviWidth, aTopLeftPoint);
   999     }
  1001 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1002 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetCellWidth
  1003 // set cell width
  1004 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1005 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1006 //      
  1007 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetCellWidth(const TInt aCellWidth)
  1008     {
  1009     SizeChanged(aCellWidth, iCellHeight, iNaviWidth);
  1010     }
  1012 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1013 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetCellHeight
  1014 // set cell height
  1015 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1016 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1017 //      
  1018 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetCellHeight(const TInt aCellHeight)
  1019     {
  1020     SizeChanged(iCellWidth, aCellHeight, iNaviWidth);
  1021     }
  1023 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1024 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetNaviWidth
  1025 // set navigation width
  1026 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1027 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1028 //      
  1029 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetNaviWidth(const TInt aNaviWidth)      
  1030     {
  1031     SizeChanged(iCellWidth, iCellHeight, aNaviWidth);    
  1032     }
  1034 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1035 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetColNum
  1036 // set columns number
  1037 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1038 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1039 //      
  1040 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetColNum(const TInt aColNum)
  1041     {
  1042     SizeChanged(iCellWidth, iCellHeight, iNaviWidth, iTopLeftPoint, aColNum);
  1043     }
  1045 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1046 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetRowNum
  1047 // Set rows number
  1048 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1049 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1050 //      
  1051 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetRowNum(const TInt aRowNum)
  1052     {
  1053     SizeChanged(iCellWidth, iCellHeight, iNaviWidth, iTopLeftPoint, iColNum, aRowNum);    
  1054     }
  1056 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1057 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetBorderColor
  1058 // Set border color
  1059 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1060 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1061 //      
  1062 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetBorderColor(TRgb aBorderColor, TBool aReDraw)
  1063     {
  1064     iBorderColor = aBorderColor;
  1066     if ( aReDraw )
  1067         {
  1068         Draw();
  1069         }
  1070     }
  1072 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1073 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetBgColor
  1074 // Set background color for the whole DDl (drop down list)
  1075 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1076 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1077 //      
  1078 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetBgColor(TRgb aBgColor, TBool aReDraw)
  1079     {
  1080     iBgColor = aBgColor;
  1082     if ( aReDraw )
  1083         {
  1084         Draw();
  1085         }    
  1086     }
  1088 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1089 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetNavigationBgColor
  1090 // set background color for navigation area
  1091 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1092 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1093 //      
  1094 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetNavigationBgColor(TRgb aNavigationBgColor, TBool aReDraw)
  1095     {
  1096     iNavigationBgColor = aNavigationBgColor;
  1098     if ( aReDraw )
  1099         {
  1100         Draw();
  1101         }
  1102     }
  1104 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1105 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetTextColor
  1106 // set text color
  1107 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1108 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1109 //
  1110 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetTextColor(TRgb aTextColor, TBool aReDraw)
  1111     {
  1112     iTextColor = aTextColor;
  1114     if ( aReDraw )
  1115         {
  1116         Draw();
  1117         }
  1118     }
  1120 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1121 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetSpecialTextColor
  1122 // set special text color
  1123 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1124 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1125 //      
  1126 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetSpecialTextColor(TRgb aSpecialTextColor, TBool aReDraw)
  1127     {
  1128     iSpecialTextColor = aSpecialTextColor;
  1130     if ( aReDraw )
  1131         {
  1132         Draw();
  1133         }    
  1134     }
  1136 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1137 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetHighLightTextColor
  1138 // set text color for highlight
  1139 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1140 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1141 //      
  1142 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetHighLightTextColor(TRgb aHighLightTextColor, TBool aReDraw)
  1143     {
  1144     iHighLightTextColor = aHighLightTextColor;
  1146     if ( aReDraw )
  1147         {
  1148         Draw();
  1149         }
  1150     }
  1152 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1153 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetHighLightBgColor
  1154 // set background color for highlight
  1155 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1156 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1157 //      
  1158 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetHighLightBgColor(TRgb aHighLightBgColor, TBool aReDraw)
  1159     {
  1160     iHighLightBgColor = aHighLightBgColor;
  1162     if ( aReDraw )
  1163         {
  1164         Draw();
  1165         }
  1166     }
  1168 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1169 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetTextAlighment
  1170 // set text alignment
  1171 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1172 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1173 //      
  1174 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetTextAlighment(const CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlignment,
  1175                                                      TBool aReDraw)
  1176     {
  1177     iAlignment = aAlignment;
  1179     if ( aReDraw )
  1180         {
  1181         Draw();
  1182         }
  1183     }
  1185 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1186 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetTextAlighment
  1187 // set text alignment
  1188 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1189 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1190 //      
  1191 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetTextMargin(const TInt aTextMargin, TBool aReDraw)
  1192     {
  1193     iTextMargin = aTextMargin;
  1195     if ( aReDraw )
  1196         {
  1197         Draw();
  1198         }
  1199     }
  1201 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1202 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetCellColor
  1203 // set cell color
  1204 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1205 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1206 //      
  1207 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetSecondaryList(RArray<TInt>& aIndexList, TBool aReDraw)
  1208     {
  1209     iSecondaryList.Reset();
  1210     for (TInt i=0; i < aIndexList.Count(); i++)
  1211         {
  1212         iSecondaryList.Append(aIndexList[i]);
  1213         }
  1215     if ( aReDraw )
  1216         {
  1217         Draw();
  1218         }    
  1219     }
  1221 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1222 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetFont
  1223 // set text font
  1224 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1225 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1226 //      
  1227 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetFont(const CFont* aFont, TBool aReDraw)
  1228     {
  1229     iFont = aFont;
  1231     if ( aReDraw )
  1232         {
  1233 		switch ( iListType )
  1234 			{
  1235 			case EListNoExpandable:
  1236 		        ChangeActiveList( iListManager->ListOneRowWithoutIcon() );
  1237 				break;
  1238 			case EListExpandable:
  1239 			case EListExpandableWithoutIcon:
  1240 			    ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowWithIcon());
  1241 			    break;
  1242 			// txin
  1243 			case EListExpandableRollWithIcon:
  1244 		        ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIcon());
  1245 		        break;
  1246 			case EListExpandableRollWithIconWithBubble:
  1247 			    ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIconWithBubble());
  1248 			    break;
  1249 			case EListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIcon:
  1250 			    {
  1251                 ChangeActiveList( iListManager->ListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIcon() );
  1252 			    }
  1253                 break;
  1254 			case EListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIconWithBubble:
  1255 			  	{
  1256 			  	ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListMultiRowWithoutIconWithBubble());
  1257 			  	}
  1258 			  	break;
  1260 		    default:
  1261 		    	__ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, 
  1262 		    			User::Panic( _L("TListType Error::SetFont()"), 0 ) );
  1263 		    	break;
  1264 			}
  1265         }     
  1266     } 
  1268 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1269 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetListEventHandler
  1270 // set list event handler
  1271 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1272 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1273 //      
  1274 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetListEventHandler(MListEventHandler* aHandler)
  1275     {
  1276     iListEventHandler = aHandler;
  1277     }
  1279 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1280 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::CandidateCount
  1281 // get candidate count
  1282 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1283 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1284 //      
  1285 EXPORT_C TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::CandidateCount() const
  1286     {
  1287     return iCandidatelist.Count(); 
  1288     }                              
  1290 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1291 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetCellColorList
  1292 // get multi color list
  1293 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1294 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1295 //      
  1296 const RArray<TInt>& CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetSecondaryList() const
  1297     {
  1298     return iSecondaryList; 
  1299     }
  1301 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1302 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::EnableMultiColor
  1303 // enable multi color or not 
  1304 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1305 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1306 //      
  1307 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::EnableSecondary(TBool aEnable, TBool aReDraw)
  1308     {
  1309     iEnableSecondary = aEnable;
  1311     if ( aReDraw )
  1312         {
  1313         Draw();
  1314         }    
  1315     }
  1317 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1318 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::IsEnableSecondary
  1319 // get multi color is enable or disable
  1320 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1321 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1322 //      
  1323 EXPORT_C TBool CFepCtrlDropdownList::IsEnableSecondary() const
  1324     {
  1325     return iEnableSecondary;
  1326     }
  1328 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1329 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::DrawMask
  1330 // draw mask
  1331 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1332 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1333 //        
  1334 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::DrawMask(TRect aRect)
  1335     {
  1336     Gc()->Activate( MaskBitmapDevice() );
  1337     Gc()->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
  1338     Gc()->SetBrushColor( TRgb(KOpaqueColor) );
  1339     Gc()->SetPenSize(PenSize());
  1340     Gc()->SetPenColor( TRgb(KOpaqueColor) );
  1341     Gc()->DrawRect(aRect);    
  1342     }
  1344 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1345 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::ActivateBitmapContext
  1346 // active bitmap context
  1347 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1348 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1349 //      
  1350 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::ActivateBitmapContext()
  1351     {
  1352     Gc()->Activate(BitmapDevice());
  1353     } 
  1355 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1356 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::Gc
  1357 // return the graphics context
  1358 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1359 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1360 //      
  1361 CFbsBitGc* CFepCtrlDropdownList::Gc()
  1362     {
  1363     return static_cast<CFbsBitGc*>(BitGc());
  1364     }
  1366 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1367 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetFirstCandidateIndex
  1368 // get FirstCandidateIndex
  1369 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1370 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1371 //  
  1372 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetFirstCandidateIndex()
  1373     {
  1374     return iFirstCandidateIndex;
  1375     }
  1377 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1378 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetLastCandidateIndex
  1379 // get LastCandidateIndex
  1380 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1381 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1382 //  
  1383 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetLastCandidateIndex()
  1384     {
  1385     return iLastCandidateIndex;
  1386     }
  1388 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1389 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetFirstCandidateIndex
  1390 // set FirstCandidateIndex
  1391 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1392 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1393 //  
  1394 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetFirstCandidateIndex(TInt aFirstIndex)
  1395     {
  1396     iFirstCandidateIndex = aFirstIndex;
  1397     }
  1399 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1400 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetLastCandidateIndex
  1401 // Set LastCandidateIndex
  1402 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1403 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1404 //  
  1405 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetLastCandidateIndex(TInt aLastIndex)
  1406     {
  1407     iLastCandidateIndex = aLastIndex;
  1408     }
  1410 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1411 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetCandidate
  1412 // get candidate
  1413 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1414 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1415 //      
  1416 CCandidate* CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetCandidate(TInt aIndex)
  1417     {
  1418     if ( ( aIndex >= 0 ) && ( aIndex < iCandidatelist.Count() ) )
  1419         {
  1420         return iCandidatelist[aIndex];
  1421         }
  1423     return NULL;
  1424     }
  1426 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1427 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetTopLeftPoint
  1428 // get Top Left Point
  1429 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1430 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1431 //  
  1432 TPoint CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetTopLeftPoint()
  1433     {
  1434     return iTopLeftPoint;
  1435     }
  1437 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1438 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetCellWidth
  1439 // get width
  1440 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1441 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1442 //  
  1443 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetCellWidth()
  1444     {
  1445     return iCellWidth;
  1446     }
  1448 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1449 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetCellHeight
  1450 // get cell height
  1451 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1452 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1453 //  
  1454 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetCellHeight()
  1455     {
  1456     return iCellHeight;
  1457     }
  1459 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1460 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetNaviWidth
  1461 // get navigation width
  1462 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1463 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1464 //  
  1465 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetNaviWidth()
  1466     {
  1467     return iNaviWidth;
  1468     }
  1470 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1471 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetColNum
  1472 // get columns number
  1473 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1474 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1475 //  
  1476 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetColNum()
  1477     {
  1478     return iColNum;
  1479     }
  1481 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1482 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetRowNum
  1483 // get rows number
  1484 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1485 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1486 //  
  1487 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetRowNum()
  1488     {
  1489     return iRowNum;
  1490     }
  1492 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1493 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetFont
  1494 // get text font
  1495 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1496 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1497 //  
  1498 const CFont* CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetFont()
  1499     {
  1500     return iFont;
  1501     }
  1503 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1504 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetAlignment
  1505 // get alignment
  1506 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1507 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1508 //  
  1509 CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetAlignment()
  1510     {
  1511     return iAlignment;
  1512     }
  1514 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1515 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetAlignment
  1516 // get alignment
  1517 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1518 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1519 //  
  1520 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetTextMargin()
  1521     {
  1522     return iTextMargin;
  1523     }
  1525 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1526 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetBgColor
  1527 // get background color
  1528 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1529 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1530 //  
  1531 TRgb CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetBgColor()
  1532     {
  1533     return iBgColor;
  1534     }
  1536 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1537 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetButtonDownBgColor
  1538 // get button down color
  1539 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1540 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1541 //  
  1542 TRgb CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetButtonDownBgColor()
  1543     {
  1544     return iButtonDownBgColor;
  1545     }
  1547 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1548 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetBorderColor
  1549 // get border color
  1550 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1551 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1552 //      
  1553 TRgb CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetBorderColor()
  1554     {
  1555     return iBorderColor;
  1556     }
  1558 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1559 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetTextColor
  1560 // get text color
  1561 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1562 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1563 //  
  1564 TRgb CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetTextColor()
  1565     {
  1566     return iTextColor;
  1567     }
  1569 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1570 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetHighLightBgColor
  1571 // get highlight background color
  1572 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1573 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1574 //
  1575 TRgb CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetHighLightBgColor()
  1576     {
  1577     return iHighLightBgColor;
  1578     }
  1580 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1581 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetHighLightTextColor
  1582 // get highlignt text color
  1583 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1584 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1585 //  
  1586 TRgb CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetHighLightTextColor()
  1587     {
  1588     return iHighLightTextColor;
  1589     }
  1591 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1592 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetSpecialTextColor
  1593 // get special text color
  1594 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1595 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1596 //  
  1597 TRgb CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetSpecialTextColor()
  1598     {
  1599     return iSpecialTextColor;
  1600     }
  1602 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1603 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetFixedText
  1604 // get fixed text
  1605 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1606 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1607 //  
  1608 TDesC CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetFixedText()
  1609     {
  1610     return iFixedText;
  1611     }
  1613 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1614 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetHighlightList
  1615 // get bitmap manager
  1616 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1617 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1618 //  
  1619 const RArray<TInt>& CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetHighlightList() const
  1620     {
  1621     return iHighlightList;
  1622     }
  1624 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1625 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetPages
  1626 // get page manager
  1627 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1628 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1629 //  
  1630 CPages* CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetPages()
  1631     {
  1632     return iPages;
  1633     }
  1635 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1636 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetBitmapDb
  1637 // get bitmap manager
  1638 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1639 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1640 //      
  1641 CBitmapDb* CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetBitmapDb()
  1642     {
  1643     return iBitmapDb;
  1644     }
  1646 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1647 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::ReportCandidateSelectEvent
  1648 // report candidate selected event
  1649 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1650 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1651 //      
  1652 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::ReportCandidateSelectEventL(const TDesC& aCandidate,
  1653                                                       const TInt aSelectedIndex)
  1654     {
  1655     HBufC* bufc = HBufC::NewL( aCandidate.Length() + 1 );    
  1656     TPtr ptr = bufc->Des();
  1657     ptr.Copy( aCandidate );
  1658     ptr.Append( (TUint16*)&aSelectedIndex, 1 );
  1659     ReportEvent(iEventIdForCandidateSelected, *bufc);
  1660     delete bufc;
  1661     bufc = NULL;
  1662     }
  1664 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1665 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::Invalidate
  1666 // update the animation
  1667 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1668 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1669 //      
  1670 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::Invalidate(const TRect& aRect, TBool aUpdateAll)
  1671     {
  1672     RootControl()->UpdateArea(aRect,aUpdateAll);
  1673     }    
  1675 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1676 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::ChangeActiveList
  1677 // change active list
  1678 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1679 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1680 //
  1681 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::ChangeActiveList(CList* aList, TInt aLastIndex)
  1682     {
  1683     TRect rect = Rect();       
  1685     CList* beforeList = iListManager->ActiveList();
  1687     if( RootControl()->CtrlCapPointer() == this)
  1688         {
  1689         SetCapture(EFalse);
  1690         }
  1692 	switch ( iListType )
  1693 		{
  1694 		case EListNoExpandable:
  1695 		case EListNoExpandableWithBubble:
  1696 	        EnableSecondary(ETrue);
  1697 			break;
  1698 		case EListExpandable:
  1699 		case EListExpandableWithBubble:
  1700 		case EListExpandableWithoutIcon:
  1701 		// txin
  1702 		case EListExpandableRollWithIcon:
  1703 		case EListExpandableRollWithIconWithBubble:
  1704 		// end
  1705 	        EnableSecondary(EFalse);
  1706 	        break;
  1707 		case EListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIcon:
  1708 		case EListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIconWithBubble:	
  1709 		    break;
  1710 	    default:
  1711 	    	__ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, 
  1712 	    			User::Panic( _L("TListType Error::ChangeActiveList()"), 0 ) );
  1713 	    	break;
  1714 		}
  1716     iListManager->SetActiveList(aList);
  1717     SetRect(iListManager->ActiveList()->Rect());      
  1719     if ( aLastIndex )
  1720         {
  1721         SetLastCandidateIndex(aLastIndex); 
  1722         }
  1723     else
  1724         {
  1725         GetPages()->Reset();
  1726         SetFirstCandidateIndex(0);
  1727         SetLastCandidateIndex(0);
  1728         }
  1730     if(!Hiden() && Ready())
  1731         {
  1732         TRAP_IGNORE(iListManager->ActiveList()->UpdateListL());
  1733         }
  1735 	// If the list is shrink, then redraw
  1736     // txin
  1737 	if ( ( ( beforeList == iListManager->ListMultiRowWithIcon() )
  1738 		&& ( aList != iListManager->ListMultiRowWithIcon() ) ) 
  1739 		|| ( ( ( beforeList == iListManager->ListMultiRowWithoutIcon() )
  1740 	     && ( aList != iListManager->ListMultiRowWithoutIcon() ) ) ) 
  1741 	    || ( ( ( beforeList == iListManager->ListMultiRowRollWithIcon())
  1742 	     && ( aList != iListManager->ListMultiRowRollWithIcon() ) ) ) 
  1743 	     || ( ( ( beforeList == iListManager->ListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIcon() )
  1744 	     && ( aList != iListManager->ListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIcon() ) ) )
  1745 	     || ( ( ( beforeList == iListManager->ListMultiRowWithIconWithBubble() ))
  1746 	     && (aList != iListManager->ListMultiRowWithIconWithBubble() ) )
  1747 	     || ( ( ( beforeList == iListManager->ListMultiRowRollWithIconWithBubble() ))
  1748 	     && (aList != iListManager->ListMultiRowRollWithIconWithBubble() ) ) 
  1749 	     || ( ( ( beforeList == iListManager->ListMultiRowWithoutIconWithBubble() ))
  1750 	     && (aList != iListManager->ListMultiRowWithoutIconWithBubble() ) ))
  1751 		{
  1752 	    rect.Shrink(TSize(0,-1));
  1753 	    RootControl()->ReDrawRect(rect);
  1754 	    Invalidate(rect,ETrue);			
  1755 		}
  1756     // end
  1757     }
  1759 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1760 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetPenSize
  1761 // get pen size
  1762 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1763 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1764 //
  1765 const TSize CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetPenSize()
  1766     {
  1767     return PenSize();
  1768     }
  1770 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetCapture(TBool aFlag)
  1771     {
  1772     CapturePointer(aFlag);
  1773     }
  1775 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1776 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetActive
  1777 // Set active for the button
  1778 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1779 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1780 //
  1781 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetActive(TBool aActiveFlag)
  1782     {
  1783     if(IsActive() != aActiveFlag)
  1784         {
  1785         CFepUiBaseCtrl::SetActive(aActiveFlag);    
  1786         /*Draw();
  1787         UpdateArea(Rect(),EFalse);*/
  1788         }
  1789     }
  1791 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1792 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::ConstructFromResourceL
  1793 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1794 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1795 //
  1796 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::ConstructFromResourceL()
  1797 	{
  1798     if (iResourceId == KInvalidResId)
  1799     	{
  1800     	User::Leave(KErrArgument);
  1801     	}
  1803     // first time construct will not go this way
  1804     // only useful for skin change
  1805     if (!iFirstTimeConstruct)
  1806     	{
  1807         TResourceReader reader;
  1808         CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC(reader, iResourceId);
  1809 	    iBitmapDb->ConstructFromResourceL(reader, 
  1810 	                                      TSize(iCellWidth, iCellHeight),
  1811 	                                      TSize(iNaviWidth, iCellHeight),
  1812 	                                      TSize(iNaviWidth, iSpinBtnHeight));
  1813 	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
  1814         SetTextColor(iBitmapDb->TextColor());
  1815         SetBorderColor(iBitmapDb->FrameColor());
  1816         iListManager->ActiveList()->UpdateListL(AbleToDraw(),EFalse);
  1817 	    Draw();
  1818     	}
  1820     iFirstTimeConstruct = EFalse;	
  1821 	}
  1823 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1824 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::NotifyGetNextPage
  1825 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1826 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1827 //
  1828 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::NotifyGetNextPage()
  1829     {
  1830     ReportEvent(iEventIdForNextPageCandidate);
  1831     }
  1833 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1834 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::NotifyGetPreviousPage
  1835 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1836 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1837 //
  1838 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::NotifyGetPreviousPage()
  1839     {
  1840     ReportEvent(iEventIdForPreviousPageCandidate);
  1841     } 
  1843 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1844 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetFlagCandidateExist
  1845 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1846 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1847 //
  1848 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetFlagCandidateExist(TBool aFlag)
  1849     {
  1850     iCandidateExisted = aFlag;
  1851     }
  1853 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1854 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::NextCandidateExist
  1855 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1856 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1857 //
  1858 TBool CFepCtrlDropdownList::NextCandidateExist()
  1859     {
  1860     ReportEvent(iEventIdForCandidateExisted);
  1862     return iCandidateExisted;
  1863     }
  1865 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1866 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::AutoChangeActiveList
  1867 // change active list
  1868 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1869 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1870 //
  1871 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::AutoChangeActiveList( TInt aLastIndex )
  1872 	{
  1873 	switch ( iListType )
  1874 		{
  1875 		case EListExpandable:
  1876 			if ( iListManager->ActiveList() 
  1877 					== iListManager->ListOneRowWithIcon() )
  1878 				{
  1879 				ChangeActiveList( iListManager->ListMultiRowWithIcon(), aLastIndex );
  1880 				BringToTop();
  1881 				}
  1882 			else
  1883 				{
  1884 				BringToBack();
  1885 				ChangeActiveList( iListManager->ListOneRowWithIcon(), aLastIndex );
  1886 				NotifyClosePage();
  1887 				}
  1888 			break;
  1889 		case EListExpandableWithoutIcon:
  1890 			if ( iListManager->ActiveList() 
  1891 					== iListManager->ListOneRowWithIcon() )
  1892 				{
  1893 				ChangeActiveList( iListManager->ListMultiRowWithoutIcon(), aLastIndex );
  1894 				BringToTop();
  1895 				}
  1896 			else
  1897 				{
  1898 				BringToBack();
  1899 				ChangeActiveList( iListManager->ListOneRowWithIcon(), aLastIndex );
  1900 				}
  1901 			break;
  1902         // txin
  1903 		case EListExpandableRollWithIcon:
  1904 		    {
  1905 			if (iListManager->ActiveList() == iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIcon())
  1906 				{
  1907 				ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListMultiRowRollWithIcon(), aLastIndex);
  1908 				BringToTop();
  1909 				}
  1910 			else
  1911 				{
  1912 				BringToBack();
  1913 				ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIcon(), aLastIndex);
  1914 				NotifyClosePage();
  1915 				}
  1916 		    }
  1917 		    break;
  1918 		case EListExpandableRollWithIconWithBubble:
  1919 		    {
  1920 			if (iListManager->ActiveList() == iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIconWithBubble())
  1921 				{
  1922 				ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListMultiRowRollWithIconWithBubble(), aLastIndex);
  1923 				BringToTop();
  1924 				}
  1925 			else
  1926 				{
  1927 				BringToBack();
  1928 				ChangeActiveList(iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIconWithBubble(), aLastIndex);
  1929 				NotifyClosePage();
  1930 				}
  1931 		    }
  1932 		    break;
  1934 		case EListExpandableWithBubble:
  1935 		    {
  1936 			if ( iListManager->ActiveList() 
  1937 					== iListManager->ListOneRowWithIconWithBubble() )
  1938 				{
  1939 				ChangeActiveList( iListManager->ListMultiRowWithIconWithBubble(), aLastIndex );
  1940 				BringToTop();
  1941 				}
  1942 			else
  1943 				{
  1944 				BringToBack();
  1945 				ChangeActiveList( iListManager->ListOneRowWithIconWithBubble(), aLastIndex );
  1946 				NotifyClosePage();
  1947 				}
  1948 		    }
  1949 		    break;
  1950 		case EListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIcon:
  1951 		case EListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIconWithBubble:	
  1952 			break;              
  1953 		case EListNoExpandable:
  1954 		case EListNoExpandableWithBubble:
  1955 			break;
  1956 	    default:
  1957 	    	__ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, 
  1958 	    			User::Panic( _L("TListType Error::AutoChangeActiveList()"), 0 ) );
  1959 	    	break;
  1960 		}
  1962 	}
  1964 // added by txin in 2007.06.07
  1965 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetSpinBtnHeight(const TInt aHeight)
  1966     {
  1967     // make sure navi next, navi previous plus close, do not beyond row count 
  1968     TInt minExpandHeight = 2 * aHeight + GetCellHeight() + 4 * GetCellVerticalMargin();
  1969     TInt realExpandHeight = GetCellHeight() * GetRowNum() + 
  1970                             (GetRowNum() + 1) * GetCellVerticalMargin();
  1972     if ((aHeight > 0) && (minExpandHeight <= realExpandHeight))
  1973         {
  1974         iSpinBtnHeight = aHeight;
  1975         SizeChanged(iCellWidth, iCellHeight, iNaviWidth);
  1976         }
  1977     }
  1979 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetCellMargin(const TInt aHorizontalMargin, 
  1980                                                   const TInt aVerticalMargin)
  1981     {
  1982     if (((aHorizontalMargin > 0) && (aHorizontalMargin != iCellHorizontalMargin)) || 
  1983         ((aVerticalMargin > 0) && (aVerticalMargin != iCellVerticalMargin)))
  1984         {
  1985         iCellHorizontalMargin = aHorizontalMargin;
  1986         iCellVerticalMargin = aVerticalMargin;
  1988         SizeChanged(iCellWidth, iCellHeight, iNaviWidth); 
  1989         }
  1990     }
  1992 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetSpinBtnHeight()
  1993     {
  1994     return iSpinBtnHeight;
  1995     }
  1997 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetCellHorizontalMargin()
  1998     {
  1999     return iCellHorizontalMargin;
  2000     }
  2002 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetCellVerticalMargin()
  2003     {
  2004     return iCellVerticalMargin;
  2005     }
  2007 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::ListType()
  2008     {
  2009     return iListType;
  2010     }
  2012 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::OneRowStartCandIdx()
  2013     {
  2014     return iOriginalCandIdx;
  2015     }
  2017 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetOneRowStartCandIdx(TInt aOriginalCandIdx)
  2018     {
  2019     iOriginalCandIdx = aOriginalCandIdx;
  2020     }
  2022 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetOriginalFirstCandIdx()
  2023     {
  2024     return iOriginalFirstCandIdx;
  2025     }
  2027 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetOriginalFirstCandIdx(TInt aOriginalFirstCandIdx)
  2028     {
  2029     iOriginalFirstCandIdx = aOriginalFirstCandIdx;
  2030     }
  2032 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetCandTruncateType(const TCandTruncateType aTruncateType)
  2033     {
  2034     iCandTruncateType = aTruncateType;
  2035     }
  2037 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::CandTruncateType()
  2038     {
  2039     return iCandTruncateType;
  2040     }
  2042 CList* CFepCtrlDropdownList::ActiveList()
  2043     {
  2044     return iListManager->ActiveList();
  2045     }
  2047 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetUpdateListReDrawFlag(TBool aReDraw)
  2048     {
  2049     iUpdateListReDraw = aReDraw;
  2050     }
  2052 TBool CFepCtrlDropdownList::GetUpdateListRedrawFlag()
  2053     {
  2054     return iUpdateListReDraw;
  2055     }
  2057 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetFuzzyBoundry(TInt aFuzzyBoundry)
  2058     {
  2059     if (aFuzzyBoundry != iFuzzyBoundry && aFuzzyBoundry >= 0)
  2060         {
  2061         iFuzzyBoundry = aFuzzyBoundry;
  2062         }
  2063     }
  2065 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::FuzzyBoundry()
  2066     {
  2067     return iFuzzyBoundry;
  2068     }
  2070 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetCandExpandType(const TExpandType aType)
  2071     {
  2072     if (aType != iCandExpandType)
  2073         {
  2074         iCandExpandType = aType;
  2075         }
  2076     }
  2078 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::CandExpandType()
  2079     {
  2080     return iCandExpandType;
  2081     }
  2083 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::NotifyClosePage()
  2084 	{
  2085 	UiLayout()->RootControl()->Draw();
  2086 	}
  2088 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetDropdownListImgID(
  2089               TDropdownListDrawInfo aDropdownListDrawInfo)
  2090 	{
  2091 	iListManager->ListOneRowWithIcon()->SetDropdownListImgID(aDropdownListDrawInfo);
  2093 	iListManager->ListOneRowWithIconWithBubble()->SetDropdownListImgID(aDropdownListDrawInfo);
  2095 	iListManager->ListMultiRowWithIcon()->SetDropdownListImgID(aDropdownListDrawInfo);		
  2097 	iListManager->ListMultiRowWithIconWithBubble()->SetDropdownListImgID(aDropdownListDrawInfo);	
  2099 	iListManager->ListOneRowWithoutIcon()->SetDropdownListImgID(aDropdownListDrawInfo);		
  2101     iListManager->ListOneRowWithoutIconWithBubble()->SetDropdownListImgID(aDropdownListDrawInfo);			
  2103 	iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIcon()->SetDropdownListImgID(aDropdownListDrawInfo);
  2105 	iListManager->ListOneRowRollWithIconWithBubble()->SetDropdownListImgID(aDropdownListDrawInfo);		
  2107 	iListManager->ListMultiRowRollWithIcon()->SetDropdownListImgID(aDropdownListDrawInfo);
  2109 	iListManager->ListMultiRowRollWithIconWithBubble()->SetDropdownListImgID(aDropdownListDrawInfo);
  2111 	iListManager->ListExpandableMultiRowWithoutIcon()->SetDropdownListImgID(aDropdownListDrawInfo);
  2112 	iListManager->ListMultiRowWithoutIconWithBubble()->SetDropdownListImgID(aDropdownListDrawInfo);
  2113 	}
  2115 CFepUiLayout* CFepCtrlDropdownList::UiLayout()
  2116     {
  2117     return CFepUiBaseCtrl::UiLayout();
  2118     }
  2120 TInt CFepCtrlDropdownList::CandHDirection()
  2121     {
  2122     return iCandHDirection;
  2123     }
  2125 TBool CFepCtrlDropdownList::PageCtrlShown()
  2126     {
  2127     return iPageCtrlShown;
  2128     }
  2130 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2131 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::ShowBubble
  2132 // Set show preview bubble on/off
  2133 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2134 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2135 //
  2136 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::ShowBubble(TBool aFlag)
  2137     {  
  2138     TBool flag = iBubbleCtrl ? ETrue : EFalse;
  2139     iIsShowBubble = aFlag;
  2140     if ( flag != aFlag )
  2141         {
  2142         if(!flag)
  2143             {
  2144             TRAP_IGNORE(iBubbleCtrl = CBubbleCtrl::NewL(TRect(0,0,0,0),UiLayout(),-0xFFFF));
  2145             }
  2146         }
  2147     }    
  2149 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2150 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetBubbleBitmapParam
  2151 // Set preview bubble bitmap
  2152 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2153 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2154 //
  2155 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetBubbleBitmapParam(CFbsBitmap* aBmpId,
  2156                                                      CFbsBitmap* aMaskBmpId ,
  2157                                                      TAknsItemID aBgSkinId )
  2158     {
  2159     if ( iBubbleCtrl )
  2160         {
  2161         iBubbleCtrl->SetBitmapParam(aBmpId,aMaskBmpId,aBgSkinId);
  2162         }
  2163     }
  2165 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2166 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetBubbleTextFont
  2167 // Set preview bubble text font
  2168 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2169 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2170 //
  2171 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetBubbleTextFont(const CFont* aFont)
  2172     {
  2173     if ( iBubbleCtrl )
  2174         {
  2175         iBubbleFont = aFont;    
  2176         }
  2177     }
  2179 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2180 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetTextFormat
  2181 // Set preview bubble text format
  2182 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2183 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2184 //
  2185 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetTextFormat(TAknTextLineLayout aTextFormat)
  2186     {
  2187     if ( iBubbleCtrl )
  2188         {
  2189         iBubbleCtrl->SetTextFormat(aTextFormat);   
  2190         }
  2191     }
  2193 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2194 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetBubbleSize
  2195 // Set preview bubble size
  2196 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2197 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2198 //
  2199 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetFrameDiff(TInt aLeftDiff, TInt aTopDiff,
  2200                                              TInt aRightDiff,TInt aBottomDiff)
  2201     {
  2202     if ( iBubbleCtrl )
  2203         {
  2204         iBubbleCtrl->SetFrameDiff(aLeftDiff,aTopDiff,aRightDiff,aBottomDiff);    
  2205         }        
  2206     }    
  2208 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2209 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetBubbleSize
  2210 // Set preview bubble size
  2211 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2212 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2213 //
  2214 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::SetBubbleSize(const TSize& aSize)
  2215     {
  2216     iBubbleSize = aSize;
  2217     }
  2220 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2221 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::DrawBubble
  2222 // Show preview bubble
  2223 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2224 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2225 //
  2226 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::DrawBubble(const TRect aRect, const TDesC& aText)
  2227     {
  2228     if ( iBubbleCtrl && iIsShowBubble && !(iBubbleCtrl->IsShowing()))
  2229         {
  2230         if(iBubbleFont)
  2231             {
  2232             iBubbleSize.iWidth = iBubbleFont->TextWidthInPixels(aText) + KPreviewBubbleOffset;
  2233             }
  2235         if(iBubbleSize.iWidth < aRect.Width() + KPreviewBubbleOffset )
  2236             {
  2237             iBubbleSize.iWidth = aRect.Width() + KPreviewBubbleOffset;
  2238             }
  2241         TRect rect = iBubbleCtrl->Rect();
  2242         TRect parentWndRect = Rect();       
  2243         TInt x1 = aRect.iTl.iX - ( iBubbleSize.iWidth - aRect.Width() ) / 2;
  2244         TInt x2 = aRect.iBr.iX + ( iBubbleSize.iWidth - aRect.Width() ) / 2;
  2246         TRect screenRect;
  2247         AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screenRect); 
  2248         if ( x1 < 0 )
  2249             {
  2250             rect.iTl.iX = screenRect.iTl.iX;     
  2251             rect.iBr.iX = screenRect.iTl.iX + iBubbleSize.iWidth; 
  2252             }
  2253         else if ( x2 > screenRect.iBr.iX )
  2254             {
  2255             rect.iTl.iX = screenRect.iBr.iX - iBubbleSize.iWidth;     
  2256             rect.iBr.iX = screenRect.iBr.iX;                 
  2257             }
  2258         else
  2259             {
  2260             rect.iTl.iX = x1;     
  2261             rect.iBr.iX = x2;                 
  2262             }
  2264         rect.iTl.iY = iBubbleVerticalMargin + aRect.iTl.iY - 
  2265                       iBubbleSize.iHeight;
  2266         if ( rect.iTl.iY < 0 )
  2267         	{
  2268         	rect.iTl.iY = iBubbleVerticalMargin;
  2269         	}
  2271         rect.iBr.iY = rect.iTl.iY + iBubbleSize.iHeight;
  2273         if((TBidiText::TextDirectionality(aText) == TBidiText:: ERightToLeft) && (aText.Length() > 1))
  2274           {
  2276               HBufC* displayStr = aText.Alloc();			 
  2277 			  TInt i = 0;
  2278 			  TInt charNum = displayStr->Length();
  2280 			  while(i < charNum)
  2281 				  {
  2282 				  displayStr->Des()[i] = aText[(charNum-1)-i];
  2283 				  ++i;
  2284 				  }
  2285 			   TRAP_IGNORE(iBubbleCtrl->SetTextL(*displayStr)); 
  2287 			   delete displayStr;
  2289           }
  2290        else
  2291           {
  2292           TRAP_IGNORE(iBubbleCtrl->SetTextL(aText));
  2293           }
  2295         iBubbleCtrl->Popup(rect);
  2296         }
  2297     }
  2299 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2300 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::ClearBubble
  2301 // Hide preview bubble
  2302 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2303 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2304 //
  2305 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::ClearBubble()
  2306     {
  2307     if ( iBubbleCtrl && iBubbleCtrl->IsShowing())
  2308         {
  2309         iBubbleCtrl->Close();
  2310         }
  2311     }
  2313 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2314 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::ReDrawBubble
  2315 // ReDraw preview bubble
  2316 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2317 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2318 //
  2319 void CFepCtrlDropdownList::ReDrawBubble()
  2320     {
  2321     if(iBubbleCtrl && iBubbleCtrl->IsShowing())
  2322         {
  2323         iBubbleCtrl->Draw();
  2324         }
  2325     }
  2328 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2329 // CFepCtrlDropdownList::ReDrawRect
  2330 // ReDraw Dropdown list rect
  2331 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2332 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2333 //
  2334 EXPORT_C void CFepCtrlDropdownList::ReDrawRect(const TRect& /*aRect*/)
  2335     {   
  2336 	if(!AbleToDraw())
  2337         return;
  2339     if (!iFirstTimeConstruct)
  2340     	{
  2341   	    iListManager->ActiveList()->Draw();
  2342     	}
  2343     } 
  2345 // end adding
  2347 // End Of File