changeset 44 ecbabf52600f
child 56 8152b1f1763a
equal deleted inserted replaced
43:ebd48d2de13c 44:ecbabf52600f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  header for finger hwr UiLayout
    15 *
    16 */
    22 // INCLUDES
    23 #include "peninputpluginutils.h"
    24 #include "peninputlayout.h"
    25 #include "peninputfingerhwrarstoreconstants.h"
    26 #include "peninputfingerhwrarcontrolid.h"
    29 class CPeninputFingerHwrArStateManagerBase;
    30 class CPeninputFingerHwrArDataStore;
    31 class CRepository;
    32 class CPeninputFingerHwrArWnd;
    33 // class DECLARATIONS
    35 /**
    36  *  class CPeninputHwrfscnLayout.
    37  *
    38  *  Chinese full screen handwriting ui layout class.
    39  *
    40  *  @lib peninputfingerhwr.lib
    41  *  @since S60 v5.0
    42  */
    43 class CPeninputFingerHwrArLayout : public CFepUiLayout
    44     {
    45 public:
    46     /**
    47      * The writing speed.
    48      *
    49      *@since S60 v5.0
    50      */
    51     enum TWritingSpeed
    52         {
    53         EWritingSpeedVeryFast = 1,
    54         EWritingSpeedFast,
    55         EWritingSpeedNormal,
    56         EWritingSpeedSlow,
    57         EWritingSpeedVerySlow
    58         };
    59 public:
    60     /** 
    61      * Symbian constructor.
    62      *
    63      * @since S60 5.0
    64      * 
    65      * @param aLayoutOwner The MLayoutOwner
    66      * @param aInitData Init data for layout
    67      * @return Pointer to created CPeninputHwrfscnLayout object
    68      */
    69     static CPeninputFingerHwrArLayout* NewL(MLayoutOwner* aLayoutOwner,
    70             const TAny* aInitData);
    72 public:
    73     //from CFepUiLayout
    74     /**
    75      * From CFepUiLayout.
    76      * Handle layout command event
    77      *
    78      * @since Series 60 5.0
    79      * @param aCmd Command Id.
    80      * @param aData Data for command.
    81      * @return Errors when return value small than 0.    
    82      */
    83     TInt HandleCommand(const TInt aCmd, TUint8* aData);
    85     /**
    86      * From CFepUiLayout.
    87      * Handle layout command event
    88      *
    89      * @since Series 60 5.0
    90      * @param aCmd Command Id.
    91      * @param aData Data for command.
    92      * @return Errors when return value small than 0.    
    93      */
    94     TInt HandleCommandL(const TInt aCmd, TUint8* aData);
    96     /**
    97      * From CFepUiLayout.
    98      * Inform layout the size changing event
    99      *
   100      * @since Series 60 5.0
   101      * @param pData The event data.
   102      * @return KErrNone if successfully size changing. 
   103      */
   104     TInt SizeChanged(const TAny* pData);
   106     /**
   107      * From CFepUiLayout.
   108      * Handle editor text coming
   109      * Called by animation dll when app editor text is coming.
   110      * If a ui layout has a editor area, it must implements this function to get the text
   111      *
   112      * @since Series 60 5.0
   113      * @param aData The fep input context field data
   114      * @return KErrNone is operation succeeded.    
   115      */
   116     TInt OnAppEditorTextComing(const TFepInputContextFieldData& aData);
   118     /**
   119      * From CFepUiLayout.
   120      * Handle application info change
   121      *
   122      * @since Series 60 5.0
   123      * @param aInfo The information.
   124      * @param aType The information type.
   125      * @return none
   126      */
   127     void HandleAppInfoChange(const TDesC& aInfo, TPeninputAppInfo aType);
   130     /**
   131      * From CFepUiLayout
   132      * Called by owner when the system resource changed event.
   133      *
   134      * @since S60 v4.0
   135      * @param aType the event type
   136      * @return KErrNone if successfully size changing. 
   137      */
   138     TInt OnResourceChange(TInt aType);
   140     /**
   141      * From MPenUiLayoutBase
   142      * Return the peninput ui type
   143      *
   144      * @since Series 60 5.0
   145      * @return The ui type @see TPenInputUiType
   146      */
   147     TInt PenInputType();
   149     /**
   150      * From MFepLayoutBase        
   151      * Called by owner when the layout is going to be hidden
   152      *
   153      * @since S60 5.0
   154      * @return none
   155      */
   156     void OnDeActivate();
   157     void CallBackL();
   159 	/**
   160 	 * Check if the First string will be allowed to submitted directly to editor without selection 
   161 	 */
   162 	TBool IsAllowedToSubmitDefaultCandiate();
   164 public:
   165     //from MEventObserver;    
   166     /**
   167      * From MEventObserver 
   168      * handle control event.
   169      * 
   170      * @since Series 60 5.0
   171      * @param aEventType The event type
   172      * @param aCtrl The control who sends the event
   173      * @param aEventData The event data
   174      * @return none
   175      */
   176     void HandleControlEvent(TInt aEventType, CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl,
   177             const TDesC& aEventData);
   178     void HandleControlEventL(TInt aEventType, CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl,
   179             const TDesC& aEventData);
   181 public:
   183     /**
   184      * Get the data stroe object.
   185      * 
   186      * @since Series 60 5.0
   187      * @return The CPeninputHwrfscnDataStore reference
   188      */
   189     CPeninputFingerHwrArDataStore& DataStore();
   191     /**
   192      * Replace the char before the cursor in forground app with a new char.
   193      *
   194      * @since S60 5.0
   195      * @param aOldCharCode The old char need to be replaced
   196      * @param aNewCharCode The new char for replacing the old char
   197      * @return none
   198      */
   199     void Replace(const TDesC& aOldCharCode, const TDesC& aNewCharCode,
   200             const TBool aIsPart = EFalse);
   202     /**
   203      * Submit string to layout owner.
   204      *
   205      * @since S60 5.0
   206      * @param aCharCode The buffer needed to be submitted.
   207      * @return none
   208      */
   209     void SubmitStringToFep(const TDesC& aCharCode);
   211     /**
   212      * Submit char to layout owner.
   213      *
   214      * @since S60 5.0
   215      * @param aCharCode The buffer needed to be submitted.
   216      * @return none
   217      */    
   218     void SubmitCharToFep(const TInt aCharCode);
   220     /**
   221      * repository callback for settings.
   222      *
   223      * @since S60 5.0
   224      * @param aPtr callback data.
   225      * @return error code.
   226      */
   227     static TInt HandleGSRepositoryCallBack(TAny* aPtr);
   229     /**
   230      * load default settings.
   231      * 
   232      * @since S60 5.0
   233      * @param aSetPosFlag The buffer needed to be submitted.
   234      * @return none
   235      */
   236     void LoadAndPublishDefaultL();
   239     /**
   240      * sync stroke end mark of writingbox with hwr engine.
   241      * 
   242      * @param aEndMark a TPoint object as new stroke end mark.
   243      * @return none   
   244      */
   245     void SyncHwrStrokeEndMark(const TPoint&  aEndMark);
   247 private:
   248     /**
   249      * C++ constructor
   250      *
   251      * @since S60 5.0
   252      * @param aLayoutOwner The MLayoutOwner pointer.
   253      * @return none
   254      */
   255     CPeninputFingerHwrArLayout(MLayoutOwner* aLayoutOwner);
   257     /**
   258      * standard c++ destructor.
   259      *
   260      * @since S60 5.0
   261      * @return none
   262      */
   263     ~CPeninputFingerHwrArLayout();
   265     /**
   266      * Symbian second-phase constructor
   267      *
   268      * @since S60 5.0
   269      * @param aInitData The init data passed by layout engine.
   270      * @return none
   271      */
   272     void ConstructL(const TAny* aInitData);
   275     /**
   276      * Create the hwr box window
   277      *
   278      * @since S60 5.0
   279      * @return none
   280      */
   281     void CreateHwrWindowL();
   283     /**
   284      * Create the state manager
   285      *
   286      * @since S60 5.0
   287      * @return none
   288      */
   289     void CreateStateManagerL();
   292 private:
   293     /**
   294      * handler of button down event.
   295      *  
   296      * @since S60 5.0
   297      * @param aEventType event type id.
   298      * @param aCtrl event src.
   299      * @param aEventData event data.
   300      * @return none
   301      */
   302     void OnCtrlButtonDownL(TInt aEventType, CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl,  
   303             const TDesC& aEventData);
   305     /**
   306      * handler of button up event.
   307      *  
   308      * @since S60 5.0
   309      * @param aEventType event type id.
   310      * @param aCtrl event src.
   311      * @param aEventData event data.
   312      * @return none
   313      */
   314     void OnCtrlButtonUpL(TInt aEventType, CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl, 
   315             const TDesC& aEventData);
   317     /**
   318      * handler of rep-button clicked event.
   319      *  
   320      * @since S60 5.0
   321      * @param aCtrl event src.
   322      * @param aData event data.
   323      * @return none
   324      */    
   325     void OnRepButtonClickedL(CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl, const TDesC& aData);
   327     /**
   328      * clicked event handler of the BACKSPACE button.
   329      *  
   330      * @since S60 5.0
   331      * @return none
   332      */     
   333     void OnBackspaceClickedL();
   335     /**
   336      * handler of virtual key down event.
   337      *  
   338      * @since S60 5.0
   339      * @param aCtrl event src.
   340      * @param aData event data.
   341      * @return none
   342      */ 
   343     void OnVirtualKeyDownL(CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl, const TDesC& aData);
   345     /**
   346      * handler of virtual key up event.
   347      *  
   348      * @since S60 5.0
   349      * @param aCtrl event src.
   350      * @param aData event data.
   351      * @return none
   352      */     
   353     void OnVirtualKeyUpL(CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl, const TDesC& aData);
   355     /**
   356      * handler of candidate list event.
   357      *  
   358      * @since S60 5.0
   359      * @param aCtrl event src.
   360      * @param aData event data.
   361      * @return none
   362      */     
   363     void OnCandidateSelectedL(CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl, const TDesC& aData);
   365     /**
   366      * clicked event handler of icf.
   367      *  
   368      * @since S60 5.0
   369      * @return none
   370      */
   371     void OnIcfClicked();
   373     /**
   374      * handler of StrokeStarted event.
   375      *  
   376      * @since S60 5.0
   377      * @return none
   378      */
   379     void OnHwrStrokeStartedL();
   381     /**
   382      * handler of StrokeFinished event.
   383      *  
   384      * @since S60 5.0
   385      * @return none
   386      */    
   387     void OnHwrStrokeFinishedL();
   389     /**
   390      * handler of CharacterFinished event.
   391      *  
   392      * @since S60 5.0
   393      * @return none
   394      */    
   395     void OnHwrCharacterFinishedL();
   397 private:
   398     /**
   399      * get value from repository
   400      * 
   401      * @since S60 v5.0
   402      * @param aWatcher repository reader.
   403      * @param aId value id.
   404      * @return value
   405      */
   406     TInt GetNewValue(CAknFepRepositoryWatcher* aWatcher, const TInt aId);
   408     /**
   409      * get hwr trail color from repository
   410      * 
   411      * @since S60 v5.0
   412      * @return color value.
   413      */    
   414     TInt GetPenTrailColor();
   417     /**
   418      * set hwr writing speed.
   419      * 
   420      * @since S60 v5.0
   421      * @param aWritingSpeed speed
   422      * @return none
   423      */    
   424     void SetWritingSpeed(const TInt aWritingSpeed);
   426     /**
   427      * set hwr writing pen width.
   428      * 
   429      * @since S60 v5.0
   430      * @param aPenSize The pen size
   431      * @return none
   432      */     
   433     void SetBoxPenSize(const TSize aPenSize);
   435     /**
   436      * set hwr writing pen color.
   437      * 
   438      * @since S60 v5.0
   439      * @param aWritingSpeed speed
   440      * @return none
   441      */    
   442     void SetBoxPenColor(const TInt aPenColor);
   444     /**
   445      * set guide line on or off.
   446      * 
   447      * @since S60 v5.0
   448      * @param aGuideLineOn  guide line on or off.
   449      * @return none
   450      */    
   451     void SetGuideLineOn(const TBool aGuideLineOn);
   453     /**
   454      * change current state manager to standby state.
   455      * 
   456      * @since S60 v5.0
   457      * @return none 
   458      */
   459     void ChangeCurStateToStandby();
   461     /**
   462      * handler of NumMapping changed event.
   463      *  
   464      * @since S60 5.0
   465      * @return none
   466      */
   467     void OnNumMappingChangedL();
   468     /**
   469      * revert special characters direction before sending to editor.
   470      * 
   471      * @since S60 v5.2
   472      * @return none 
   473      */
   474     TBool RevertSymbolDirection(TInt aInChar, TInt & aOutChar);
   476 private:
   478     /**
   479      * main window.
   480      * not own
   481      */
   482     CPeninputFingerHwrArWnd* iHwrWnd;
   484     /**
   485      * The data store
   486      * Own
   487      */
   488     CPeninputFingerHwrArDataStore* iDataStore;
   490     /**
   491      * The state manager
   492      * Own
   493      */
   494     CPeninputFingerHwrArStateManagerBase* iStateMgr;
   496     /**
   497      * The resource Id
   498      * 
   499      */
   500     TInt iResId;
   502     /**
   503      * Repository watcher
   504      */
   505     CAknFepRepositoryWatcher* iGSRepositoryWatcher;
   507     /**
   508      * Repository object.
   509      */
   510     CRepository* iRepositorySetting;
   512 	/**
   513 	 * Check if the stroke of drawing the character on the 
   514 	 * HWR box is started
   515 	 */
   516 	TBool iIsStrokeOfDrawingCharacerStarted;
   518 	/**
   519 	 * Check if the editor is MFNE
   520 	 */
   521 	TBool iIsEditorMFNE;
   523     /**
   524      * Last overlap index.
   525      */
   526     TInt iLastOverlapIdx; 
   527     };