changeset 44 ecbabf52600f
parent 0 eb1f2e154e89
equal deleted inserted replaced
43:ebd48d2de13c 44:ecbabf52600f
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of the hwr ui state machine (Pen Wndwriting State)
    15 *
    16 */
    19 // System includes
    20 #include <peninputuistatemgr.h>
    22 // user includes
    23 #include "peninputhwrevent.h"
    24 #include "peninputhwrboxlayout.h"
    25 #include "peninputhwrboxdatamgr.h"       // use data mgr
    26 #include "peninputhwrboxuistatetype.h"         // UI state
    27 #include "peninputhwrboxwindow.h"        // use hwr window, which derived from base window
    28 #include "peninputhwrboxuistatepenendwriting.h"
    30 // constant definition
    32 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    34 // Implementation of Class CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting
    36 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    37 // CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting::NewL
    38 // (other items were commented in a header).
    39 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    40 //
    41 CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting* CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting::NewL(MPeninputUiStateMgr* aUiStateMgr,
    42                                                          MPeninputLayoutContext* aContext)
    43     {
    44     CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting* self = new ( ELeave ) CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting(aUiStateMgr,aContext);
    45     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    46     self->Construct();
    47     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    48     return self;
    49     }
    51 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 // CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting::~CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting
    53 // (other items were commented in a header).
    54 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 //
    56 CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting::~CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting()
    57     {
    58     }
    60 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 // CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting::HandleControlEventPenL
    62 // (other items were commented in a header).
    63 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 //
    65 void CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting::HandleControlEventPenL(TInt aEventType
    66                                                                    , const TDesC& aEventData
    67                                                                    , CPeninputHwrBoxLayout& aUiLayout
    68                                                                    , TDes& aCharCode
    69                                                                    , TBool& aHandled)
    70     {
    71     aHandled = ETrue;
    72     switch (aEventType)
    73         {
    74         case EPeninputLayoutHwrEventNewWriting:
    75         case EPeninputLayoutHwrEventBeginWriting:
    76             aUiLayout.DataMgr(0)->ClearCandidates();
    77             iUiStateMgr->SetCurrentUiState(EPeninputHwrUiStatePenBeginWriting);
    78             aUiLayout.HwrBoxWindow()->DimInputContextField(ETrue);    // BeginWriting::OnEntry()
    79             break;
    80         case EPeninputLayoutHwrEventCandidateSelected:
    81             {   // EndWriting::OnCandidateSelectedL(aEventData);
    82             aUiLayout.HwrBoxWindow()->CancelWriting();   // Standby::OnEntry()
    84             //There must be a charcode and length at least
    85             if (aEventData.Length() > 1)
    86                 {
    87                     //get the candidate index
    88                 const TInt cellNo = aEventData[aEventData.Length()-1];
    90                 //get and submit the candidate to fep
    91                 aUiLayout.DataMgr(0)->GetCandidate(cellNo, aCharCode);
    92                 aUiLayout.SubmitL(aCharCode);
    93                 }
    94             aUiLayout.ToPenStandBy();
    95             }
    96             break;
    97         case EPeninputLayoutHwrEventPointerOutsideWnd:
    98             aUiLayout.ToPenStandBy();
    99             break;
   100         case EPeninputLayoutHwrEventDropDownListExpanded:
   101             {    // dropdown list opened
   102             aUiLayout.HwrBoxWindow()->CancelWriting();   // timer cancel
   103             aUiLayout.HwrBoxWindow()->DropdownListDraw();
   104             ToCandidateSelecting(aUiLayout);
   105             aHandled = EFalse;
   106             }
   107             break;
   108         case EEventDraggingEnd:
   109         case EPeninputLayoutHwrEventEndWriting:
   110             {   // character time out
   111             ToCandidateSelecting(aUiLayout);
   112             }
   113             break;
   114         case EPeninputLayoutEventBack:
   115             {   // clear
   116             aUiLayout.ClearInputToPenStandByL();
   117             }
   118             break;
   119         default:
   120             {  // return EFalse;
   121             aUiLayout.ToPenStandBy();
   122             aHandled = EFalse;
   123             }
   124             break;
   125         }
   126     }
   128 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   129 // CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting::CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting
   130 // (other items were commented in a header).
   131 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   132 //
   133 CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting::CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting(MPeninputUiStateMgr* aUiStateMgr,
   134                                                    MPeninputLayoutContext* aContext)
   135     :CPeninputHwrBoxUiState(aUiStateMgr,aContext)
   136     {
   137     }
   139 void CPeninputHwrBoxUiStatePenEndWriting::ToCandidateSelecting(CPeninputHwrBoxLayout& aUiLayout)
   140     {
   141     iUiStateMgr->SetCurrentUiState(EPeninputHwrUiStatePenCandidateSelecting);
   142     if (aUiLayout.DataMgr(0)->CandidateCount() > 0)
   143         {
   144         //hight the first
   145         aUiLayout.HwrBoxWindow()->HighlightCell(0);
   146         }
   148     aUiLayout.WriteHwrStrokeLogNew();
   149 #endif // __PENINPUT_HWR_STROKE_LOG_ON
   150     }
   152 // End Of File