changeset 27 694fa80c203c
parent 24 fc42a86c98e3
child 35 0f326f2e628e
--- a/textinput/peninputcommonctrls/src/peninputdropdownlist/peninputlistmultirowwithicon.cpp	Wed Jun 23 04:57:58 2010 +0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1038 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Multi rows list with icon for drop-down list objects
-// Include 
-#include <fbs.h>
-#include <AknsUtils.h>
-#include <AknLayoutDef.h>
-#include <peninputdropdownlistcontext.h>
-#include <peninputdropdownlist.h>
-#include <AknsDrawUtils.h> 
-#include "peninputlistmultirowwithicon.h"
-#include "peninputlayout.h"
-// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
-// Implementation of Class CListMultiRowWithIcon 
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CListMultiRowWithIcon::CListMultiRowWithIcon
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CListMultiRowWithIcon::CListMultiRowWithIcon(CListManager* aManager, 
-                                             MFepCtrlDropdownListContext *aOwner)
-: CList(aManager, aOwner)
-    {
-    iIsMultiRows = ETrue; 
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CListMultiRowWithIcon::NewL
-// factory function
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CListMultiRowWithIcon* CListMultiRowWithIcon::NewL(CListManager* aManager, 
-                                                   MFepCtrlDropdownListContext *aOwner)
-    {
-    CListMultiRowWithIcon* self = new (ELeave) CListMultiRowWithIcon(aManager, aOwner);
-    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop();
-    return self;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CListMultiRowWithIcon::~CListMultiRowWithIcon
-// desstrutor function
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {     
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CListMultiRowWithIcon::HandlePointerDownL
-// handle pointer down 
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CListMultiRowWithIcon::HandlePointerDownL(const TPoint& aPoint)
-    {
-    CList::HandlePointerDownL(aPoint);
-    // also consider fuzzy boundry of drop down list
-    TRect fuzzyrect = iRect;
-    fuzzyrect.Grow(iOwner->FuzzyBoundry(), iOwner->FuzzyBoundry());
-    if (!fuzzyrect.Contains(aPoint))
-        {
-        iOwner->SetCapture(EFalse);
-        iOwner->AutoChangeActiveList(iOwner->GetFirstCandidateIndex());
-        return;
-        }
-    // If click in navigation rect and NextButton is not disable, then do 
-    if ( iNavigationRect.Contains(aPoint) )
-        {   
-        if ( iNavigationCloseRect.Contains(aPoint) && !iCloseButtonDisable )
-            {
-	        static_cast<CFepCtrlDropdownList*>(iOwner)->UiLayout()->
-	            DoTactileFeedback(ETouchFeedbackBasic);
-            iClickedRect.SetRect(iNavigationCloseRect.iTl, iNavigationCloseRect.iBr);
-            iIndicateButtonClicked = ETrue;
-            DrawSelection(iClickedRect, ETrue);                
-            }  
-        else if (!iOwner->PageCtrlShown())
-            {
-            iClickedRect = KDummyRect;
-            return;
-            }
-        else if ( iNavigationPreviousRect.Contains(aPoint) && !iPreviousButtonDisable )
-            {
-            static_cast<CFepCtrlDropdownList*>(iOwner)->UiLayout()->
-	            DoTactileFeedback(ETouchFeedbackBasic);
-            iClickedRect.SetRect(iNavigationPreviousRect.iTl, iNavigationPreviousRect.iBr);
-            iIndicateButtonClicked = ETrue;
-            DrawSelection(iClickedRect, ETrue);                
-            }
-        else if ( iNavigationNextRect.Contains(aPoint) && !iNextButtonDisable )
-            {
-            static_cast<CFepCtrlDropdownList*>(iOwner)->UiLayout()->
-            	            DoTactileFeedback(ETouchFeedbackBasic);    
-			#endif //RD_TACTILE_FEEDBACK  
-            iClickedRect.SetRect(iNavigationNextRect.iTl, iNavigationNextRect.iBr);
-            iIndicateButtonClicked = ETrue;
-            DrawSelection(iClickedRect, ETrue);                
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iClickedRect = KDummyRect;                                
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CListMultiRowWithIcon::HandlePointerDragL
-// handle pointer drag function
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CListMultiRowWithIcon::HandlePointerDragL(const TPoint& aPoint)
-    {
-    // Pass the event first to the base
-    CList::HandlePointerDragL(aPoint);
-    if ( !iClickedRect.IsEmpty() )  // clicked rect is not outside the whole DDL
-        {        
-        TInt index = -1;
-        CCandidate* candidate = FindCandidate(aPoint, index);
-        iMoveLatestRect = KEmptyRect;
-        if ( candidate )
-            {
-            iMoveLatestRect.SetRect(candidate->GetRect().iTl, candidate->GetRect().Size());
-            }
-        else if ( iNavigationRect.Contains(aPoint) )
-            {
-            if ( iNavigationCloseRect.Contains(aPoint) && !iCloseButtonDisable )
-                {
-                iMoveLatestRect.SetRect(iNavigationCloseRect.iTl, iNavigationCloseRect.iBr);
-                }
-            else if (!iOwner->PageCtrlShown())
-                {
-                return;
-                }
-            else if ( iNavigationPreviousRect.Contains(aPoint) && !iPreviousButtonDisable )
-                {
-                iMoveLatestRect.SetRect(iNavigationPreviousRect.iTl, iNavigationPreviousRect.iBr);
-                }
-            else if ( iNavigationNextRect.Contains(aPoint) && !iNextButtonDisable )
-                {
-                iMoveLatestRect.SetRect(iNavigationNextRect.iTl, iNavigationNextRect.iBr);
-                }
-            }
-        CompareRect(iMoveLatestRect, iClickedRect);                                    
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CListMultiRowWithIcon::HandlePointerUpL
-// handle pointer up function
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CListMultiRowWithIcon::HandlePointerUpL(const TPoint& aPoint)
-    {  
-    // Reset the button clicked flag to EFalse
-    iIndicateButtonClicked = EFalse;
-#ifdef __WINS__
-    // in emulator, double click will be treated as:
-    // 1 pointer down and 2 pointer up, which will cause error
-    if (iClickedRect.IsEmpty() && ((CFepUiBaseCtrl*)iOwner)->PointerDown()) 
-    if (iClickedRect.IsEmpty())
-#endif // __WINS__
-        {
-        iOwner->SetCapture(EFalse);
-        // Change active list object ie. close the dd-list
-        iOwner->AutoChangeActiveList( iOwner->GetFirstCandidateIndex() );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        if ( iContentRect.Contains(aPoint) )
-            {
-            if ( iClickedRect.Contains(aPoint) )
-                {
-                // Redraw the selected aread    
-                DrawSelection(iClickedRect, EFalse);
-                iOwner->SetCapture(EFalse);
-                // We have selected a candidate and iClickedCandidateIndex is the selected Index.
-                // Send the candidate to others
-                if (iClickedCandidateIndex != KErrNotFound)
-                    {
-			        iOwner->AutoChangeActiveList( iOwner->GetFirstCandidateIndex() );
-                    CCandidate* candidate = iOwner->GetCandidate(iClickedCandidateIndex);
-                    if ( candidate )
-                        {
-                        iOwner->ReportCandidateSelectEventL(candidate->GetCandidate(),
-                                                           iClickedCandidateIndex);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        else if ( iNavigationCloseRect.Contains(aPoint) )
-            {
-            if ( iNavigationCloseRect == iClickedRect )
-                {
-                iOwner->SetCapture(EFalse);
-		        iOwner->AutoChangeActiveList(iOwner->GetFirstCandidateIndex());
-                }
-            }
-        else if (!iOwner->PageCtrlShown())
-            {
-            iClickedRect = KEmptyRect;
-            return;
-            }
-        else if ( iNavigationNextRect.Contains(aPoint) )
-            {
-            if ( iNavigationNextRect == iClickedRect )
-                {
-                iOwner->NotifyGetNextPage();
-                UpdateListL();
-                }
-            }
-        else if ( iNavigationPreviousRect.Contains(aPoint) )
-            {
-            if ( iNavigationPreviousRect == iClickedRect )
-                {
-                // Change page to previous
-                iOwner->NotifyGetPreviousPage(); // do nothing, just to avoid clear candidate
-                TInt firstIndex = 0;
-                TInt lastIndex = 0;
-                if (iOwner->GetPages()->GetPreviousIndex(iOwner->GetLastCandidateIndex(), 
-                                                         firstIndex,lastIndex))    
-                    {
-                    iOwner->SetFirstCandidateIndex(firstIndex);
-                    iOwner->SetLastCandidateIndex(lastIndex);
-                    }
-                UpdateListL(ETrue, EFalse);
-                }             
-            }
-       	iClickedRect =  KEmptyRect;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CListMultiRowWithIcon::Draw
-// draw the list
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CListMultiRowWithIcon::Draw()
-    {
-    // Call draw in base class;
-    CList::Draw();
-    DrawCandidates();
-	const CFbsBitmap* bitmapBg = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapListBg);
-	const CFbsBitmap* bitmapBgMask = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapListBgMask);
-    if (!bitmapBg || !bitmapBgMask)
-    	{
-	    iOwner->Gc()->SetPenSize(iOwner->GetPenSize());
-	    if ((iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin() == 0) && (iOwner->GetCellVerticalMargin() == 0))
-	        {
-	        iOwner->Gc()->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
-	        }
-	    else
-	        {
-	        iOwner->Gc()->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
-	        }
-	    iOwner->Gc()->SetPenColor(iOwner->GetBorderColor());
-	    iOwner->Gc()->SetBrushColor(iOwner->GetBgColor());
-	    iOwner->Gc()->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );                
-	    // Draw the rect for navi
-	    iOwner->Gc()->DrawRect(iNavigationRect);
-    	}
-    else
-    	{
-        iOwner->Gc()->DrawBitmapMasked(iNavigationRect, bitmapBg, 
-                                       bitmapBg->SizeInPixels(), bitmapBgMask, ETrue);        
-    	}
-    iOwner->Gc()->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
-    // First draw down button
-    if ( iBButtonClose )
-        {
-	    //mask bitmaps
-	    TRect rect = iNavigationCloseRect;   
-	    if (iDropdownListDrawInfo.iSupportSkin)
-	    	{
-		    TRect innerRect = rect;
-		    innerRect.Shrink( 4, 4 );
-		    // ----- draw bitmaps -----
-			AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
-				                      *iOwner->Gc(), 
-				                      rect, 
-				                      innerRect,
-				                      iDropdownListDrawInfo.iNormalBtnImgID,
-				                      KAknsIIDDefault ); 
-		    iBButtonMaskClose = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapCloseMask);   
-			TRect srcRect( TPoint( 0, 0 ), iBButtonClose->SizeInPixels() );
-			iOwner->Gc()->BitBltMasked( iNavigationCloseRect.iTl, 
-							            iBButtonClose, 
-									    srcRect,
-									    iBButtonMaskClose,
-									    EFalse);	       
-	    	}
-        else 
-        	{
-	        // Draw the rect for navi next
-	        iOwner->Gc()->DrawLine(TPoint(iNavigationCloseRect.iTl.iX, iNavigationCloseRect.iBr.iY),
-	                               iNavigationCloseRect.iBr);
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            iOwner->Gc()->DrawLine(iNavigationCloseRect.iTl, 
-	                                   TPoint(iNavigationCloseRect.iTl.iX, 
-	                                          iNavigationCloseRect.iBr.iY));
-	            iOwner->Gc()->DrawLine(TPoint(iNavigationCloseRect.iBr.iX, 
-	                                          iNavigationCloseRect.iTl.iY),
-	                                   iNavigationCloseRect.iBr);                       
-	            }
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellVerticalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            iOwner->Gc()->DrawLine(iNavigationCloseRect.iTl, 
-	                                   TPoint(iNavigationCloseRect.iBr.iX, 
-	                                          iNavigationCloseRect.iTl.iY));
-	            }
-	        rect.Shrink(TSize(1,1));
-	        rect.iBr.iY = rect.iBr.iY + 1;
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            rect.iBr.iX = rect.iBr.iX + 1;
-	            }
-	        iOwner->Gc()->DrawBitmapMasked(rect, iBButtonClose, 
-	                                       iBButtonClose->SizeInPixels(), iBButtonMaskClose, ETrue);
-        	}
-        }
-    if (!iOwner->PageCtrlShown())
-        {
-        iOwner->Invalidate(iRect);
-        return;
-        }
-    // First draw down button
-    if ( iBButtonDown )
-        {
-	    //mask bitmaps
-	    TRect rect = iNavigationNextRect;
-	    if (iDropdownListDrawInfo.iSupportSkin)
-	    	{
-		    TRect innerRect = rect;
-		    innerRect.Shrink( 4, 4 );
-		    // ----- draw bitmaps -----
-			AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
-		                     *iOwner->Gc(), 
-		                     rect, 
-		                     innerRect,
-		                     iDropdownListDrawInfo.iNormalBtnImgID,
-		                     KAknsIIDDefault ); 
-		    iBButtonMaskDown = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapNextMask);   
-			TRect srcRect( TPoint( 0, 0 ), iBButtonDown->SizeInPixels() );
-			iOwner->Gc()->BitBltMasked( iNavigationNextRect.iTl, 
-									    iBButtonDown, 
-									    srcRect,
-									    iBButtonMaskDown,
-									    EFalse);	    
-	    	}
-		else
-			{
-	        // Draw the rect for navi next
-	        iOwner->Gc()->DrawLine(iNavigationNextRect.iTl,
-	                               TPoint(iNavigationNextRect.iBr.iX, iNavigationNextRect.iTl.iY));
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            iOwner->Gc()->DrawLine(iNavigationNextRect.iTl, 
-	                                  TPoint(iNavigationNextRect.iTl.iX, iNavigationNextRect.iBr.iY));
-	            iOwner->Gc()->DrawLine(TPoint(iNavigationNextRect.iBr.iX, iNavigationNextRect.iTl.iY),
-	                                   iNavigationNextRect.iBr);
-	            }
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellVerticalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            iOwner->Gc()->DrawLine(TPoint(iNavigationNextRect.iTl.iX, iNavigationNextRect.iBr.iY),
-	                                   iNavigationNextRect.iBr);
-	            }
-	        rect.Shrink(TSize(1,1));               
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            rect.iBr.iX = rect.iBr.iX + 1;
-	            }
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellVerticalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            rect.iBr.iY = rect.iBr.iY + 1;
-	            }
-	        iOwner->Gc()->DrawBitmapMasked(rect, iBButtonDown, 
-	                                       iBButtonDown->SizeInPixels(), iBButtonMaskDown, ETrue);				
-			}
-        }
-    // Second draw up button
-    if ( iBButtonUp )
-        {
-	    //mask bitmaps
-	    TRect rect = iNavigationPreviousRect;
-	    if (iDropdownListDrawInfo.iSupportSkin)
-	    	{
-		    TRect innerRect = rect;
-		    innerRect.Shrink( 4, 4 );
-		    // ----- draw bitmaps -----
-			AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
-		                     *iOwner->Gc(), 
-		                     rect, 
-		                     innerRect,
-		                     iDropdownListDrawInfo.iNormalBtnImgID,
-		                     KAknsIIDDefault ); 
-		    iBButtonMaskUp = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapPreviousMask);   
-			TRect srcRect( TPoint( 0, 0 ), iBButtonMaskUp->SizeInPixels() );
-			iOwner->Gc()->BitBltMasked( iNavigationPreviousRect.iTl, 
-									    iBButtonUp, 
-									    srcRect,
-									    iBButtonMaskUp,
-									    EFalse);	    
-	    	}
-		else
-			{
-	        // Draw the rect for navi next
-	        iOwner->Gc()->DrawLine(TPoint(iNavigationPreviousRect.iTl.iX, 
-	                                      iNavigationPreviousRect.iBr.iY),
-	                               iNavigationPreviousRect.iBr );
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            iOwner->Gc()->DrawLine(iNavigationPreviousRect.iTl, 
-	                         TPoint(iNavigationPreviousRect.iTl.iX, iNavigationPreviousRect.iBr.iY));
-	            iOwner->Gc()->DrawLine(
-	                         TPoint(iNavigationPreviousRect.iBr.iX, iNavigationPreviousRect.iTl.iY),
-	                                iNavigationPreviousRect.iBr);
-	            }
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellVerticalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            iOwner->Gc()->DrawLine(iNavigationPreviousRect.iTl, 
-	                         TPoint(iNavigationPreviousRect.iBr.iX, iNavigationPreviousRect.iTl.iY));
-	            }
-	        rect.Shrink(TSize(1,1));                
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            rect.iBr.iX = rect.iBr.iX + 1;
-	            }
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellVerticalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            rect.iBr.iY = rect.iBr.iY + 1;
-	            }
-	        iOwner->Gc()->DrawBitmapMasked(rect, iBButtonUp, 
-	                                       iBButtonUp->SizeInPixels(), iBButtonMaskUp, ETrue);
-			}
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CListMultiRowWithIcon::UpdateList
-// update the liset
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CListMultiRowWithIcon::UpdateListL(TBool aDrawFlag,TBool aRecalculate)
-    {
-    RefreshListL(aRecalculate);
-    if(aDrawFlag)
-        {
-        Draw(); 
-        iOwner->Invalidate(iRect); 
-        }
-    }
-void CListMultiRowWithIcon::RefreshListL(TBool aRecalculate)
-    {
-    // Recalculate the pos for the candidates
-    if ( aRecalculate )
-        {
-        iOwner->SetLastCandidateIndex(CalculatePositionsL());
-        }        
-    iOwner->GetPages()->AddPage(iOwner->GetFirstCandidateIndex(), iOwner->GetLastCandidateIndex());
-    iCloseButtonDisable = EFalse;
-    iBButtonClose = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapClose);
-    iBButtonMaskClose = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapCloseMask); 
-    if (iOwner->GetFirstCandidateIndex() == 0)  // First page, previous button can't be seen
-        {
-        iPreviousButtonDisable = ETrue;  
-        iBButtonUp = NULL;
-        iBButtonMaskUp = NULL; 
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iPreviousButtonDisable = EFalse;  
-        iBButtonUp = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapPrevious);
-        iBButtonMaskUp = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapPreviousMask);
-        }
-    if ((iOwner->GetLastCandidateIndex() < iOwner->CandidateCount()) || 
-         iOwner->NextCandidateExist())
-        {
-        iNextButtonDisable = EFalse;
-        iBButtonDown = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapNext);
-        iBButtonMaskDown = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapNextMask);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iNextButtonDisable = ETrue;
-        iBButtonDown = NULL;
-        iBButtonMaskDown = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CListMultiRowWithIcon::CalculateAreas
-// Calculate all kinds of rectangles
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CListMultiRowWithIcon::CalculateAreas()
-    {
-    iRect.iTl = iOwner->GetTopLeftPoint();
-    TInt width = iOwner->GetCellWidth() * iOwner->GetColNum() + 
-                 iOwner->GetNaviWidth() + 
-                 (iOwner->GetColNum() + 2) * iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin();
-    TInt height = iOwner->GetCellHeight() * iOwner->GetRowNum() + 
-                  (iOwner->GetRowNum() + 1) * iOwner->GetCellVerticalMargin();
-    iRect.SetSize(TSize(width, height));
-    if (iOwner->CandExpandType() == CFepCtrlDropdownList::ECandExpandUpward)
-        {
-        TInt onerowheight = iOwner->GetCellHeight() + 2 * iOwner->GetCellVerticalMargin();
-        iRect.Move(0, -(height - onerowheight));
-        }
-    TBool candHLToR = (iOwner->CandHDirection() == CFepCtrlDropdownList::ECandFromLToR);
-    TInt xPos = iRect.iTl.iX + iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin();
-    TInt yPos = iRect.iTl.iY + iOwner->GetCellVerticalMargin();
-    // width of content rect
-    TInt widthC = iOwner->GetCellWidth() * iOwner->GetColNum() + 
-                  (iOwner->GetColNum() - 1) * iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin();
-    height = iOwner->GetCellHeight() * iOwner->GetRowNum() + 
-             (iOwner->GetRowNum() - 1) * iOwner->GetCellVerticalMargin(); 
-    // width of navi rect
-    TInt widthN = iOwner->GetNaviWidth();
-    if (candHLToR)
-        {
-        iContentRect.iTl.SetXY(xPos, yPos);
-        iNavigationRect.iTl.SetXY(xPos + widthC + iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin(), 
-                                  yPos);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iNavigationRect.iTl.SetXY(xPos, yPos);
-        iContentRect.iTl.SetXY(xPos + widthN + iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin(), 
-                               yPos);
-        }
-    iContentRect.SetSize(TSize(widthC, height));    
-    iNavigationRect.SetSize(TSize(widthN, height));        
-    iNavigationCloseRect.iTl = iNavigationRect.iTl;
-    iNavigationCloseRect.SetSize(TSize(iOwner->GetNaviWidth(), iOwner->GetCellHeight()));
-    if (!iOwner->PageCtrlShown())
-        {
-        iNavigationPreviousRect = TRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
-        iNavigationNextRect = TRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
-        return; 
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iNavigationPreviousRect.iTl.SetXY(iNavigationCloseRect.iTl.iX, 
-                                          iNavigationCloseRect.iBr.iY + iOwner->GetCellVerticalMargin());
-        iNavigationPreviousRect.SetSize(TSize(iOwner->GetNaviWidth(), iOwner->GetSpinBtnHeight()));
-        iNavigationNextRect.iTl.SetXY(iNavigationRect.iTl.iX, 
-                                      iNavigationRect.iBr.iY - iOwner->GetSpinBtnHeight());
-        iNavigationNextRect.SetSize(TSize(iOwner->GetNaviWidth(), iOwner->GetSpinBtnHeight()));
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CListMultiRowWithIcon::CalculatePositionsL
-// calculate the position of all visible cells in the list
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CListMultiRowWithIcon::CalculatePositionsL()
-    {
-    TInt t = 0;
-    TPoint setpoints;
-    TInt count = iOwner->CandidateCount();
-    CCandidate* candidate = NULL;
-    if ( count > 0 )
-        {
-        TBool candHLToR = (iOwner->CandHDirection() == CFepCtrlDropdownList::ECandFromLToR);
-        candHLToR ? setpoints.SetXY(iContentRect.iTl.iX, iContentRect.iTl.iY) : 
-                    setpoints.SetXY(iContentRect.iBr.iX, iContentRect.iTl.iY);
-        TInt currentCellIndex = 0;
-        TInt lastUsedCellCount = 0;
-        TInt lastusedRow = 0;
-        iOwner->SetFirstCandidateIndex (iOwner->GetLastCandidateIndex());         
-        count = Min(count, iOwner->GetLastCandidateIndex() + iOwner->GetColNum() * iOwner->GetRowNum() );   
-        for(t = iOwner->GetLastCandidateIndex(); t < count ; t++)
-            {   
-            candidate = iOwner->GetCandidate(t);
-            if (!candidate)
-                {
-                continue;
-                }
-            lastUsedCellCount = candidate->SetPositionL(setpoints,
-                                                        iOwner->GetCellWidth(),
-                                                        iOwner->GetCellHeight(),
-                                                        iOwner->GetFont(),
-                                                        iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin());
-            currentCellIndex += lastUsedCellCount;
-            if ( currentCellIndex > iOwner->GetColNum() )
-                {
-                lastusedRow++;                
-                if ( lastusedRow >= iOwner->GetRowNum() )
-                    {
-                    break;
-                    }
-                currentCellIndex = 0;
-                setpoints.iY = setpoints.iY + 
-                               iOwner->GetCellHeight() + 
-                               iOwner->GetCellVerticalMargin();
-                candHLToR ? (setpoints.iX = iContentRect.iTl.iX) : (setpoints.iX = iContentRect.iBr.iX);
-                lastUsedCellCount = candidate->SetPositionL(setpoints,
-                                                            iOwner->GetCellWidth(),
-                                                            iOwner->GetCellHeight(),
-                                                            iOwner->GetFont(),
-                                                            iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin()); 
-                currentCellIndex += lastUsedCellCount; 
-                candHLToR ? (setpoints.iX += lastUsedCellCount*(iOwner->GetCellWidth() + iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin())) : 
-                            (setpoints.iX -= lastUsedCellCount*(iOwner->GetCellWidth() + iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin()));
-                }
-               else
-                {
-                candHLToR ? (setpoints.iX += lastUsedCellCount*(iOwner->GetCellWidth() + iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin())) : 
-                            (setpoints.iX -= lastUsedCellCount*(iOwner->GetCellWidth() + iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin()));
-                }                
-            } // for-loop
-        } // if candidate exist
-    return t; // as lastCandidateIndex
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CListMultiRowWithIcon::DrawNavigationPress
-// draw navigation button when pressed or un-pressed
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CListMultiRowWithIcon::DrawNavigationPress(const TRect& aRect,TBool aIndicate)
-    {
-    TBool retval = EFalse;
-    if ( aRect == iNavigationCloseRect )
-        {
-        retval = ETrue;  
-        // Activeate bitmap context
-        iOwner->ActivateBitmapContext();        
-        if (iDropdownListDrawInfo.iSupportSkin)
-        	{
-		    TRect rect = iNavigationCloseRect;        
-		    TRect innerRect = rect;
-		    innerRect.Shrink( 4, 4 );
-	        if ( aIndicate )
-	            {
-				AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
-	                 *iOwner->Gc(), 
-	                 rect, 
-	                 innerRect,
-	                 iDropdownListDrawInfo.iPressedBtnImgID,
-	                 KAknsIIDDefault ); 
-	            }
-	        else
-	            {
-				AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
-	                 *iOwner->Gc(), 
-	                 rect, 
-	                 innerRect,
-	                 iDropdownListDrawInfo.iNormalBtnImgID,
-	                 KAknsIIDDefault ); 
-	            }
-			iBButtonMaskClose = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapCloseMask);   
-			TRect srcRect( TPoint( 0, 0 ), iBButtonClose->SizeInPixels() );
-			iOwner->Gc()->BitBltMasked( iNavigationCloseRect.iTl, 
-							  			iBButtonClose, 
-							  			srcRect,
-							  			iBButtonMaskClose,
-							  			EFalse);	
-        	}
-		else
-			{
-	        if ( aIndicate )  // Pressed the button
-	            {
-	            iBButtonClose = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapClosePress);
-	            iBButtonMaskClose = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(
-                                                                 CBitmapDb::EBitmapClosePressMask);
-	            }
-	        else // Release the button
-	            {
-	            iBButtonClose = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapClose);
-	            iBButtonMaskClose = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapCloseMask);
-	            }
-	        // Begin draw navigation next button
-	        iOwner->DrawMask(iNavigationCloseRect);
-	        // Activeate bitmap context
-	        iOwner->ActivateBitmapContext();
-	        // Draw bitmap
-	        TRect rect = iNavigationCloseRect;        
-	        rect.Shrink(TSize(1,1));
-	        rect.iBr.iY += 1;        
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            rect.iBr.iX = rect.iBr.iX + 1;
-	            }
-	        iOwner->Gc()->DrawBitmapMasked(rect, iBButtonClose, 
-	                                       iBButtonClose->SizeInPixels(), iBButtonMaskClose, ETrue);
-			}
-       	iOwner->Invalidate(aRect);
-        }
-    else if (!iOwner->PageCtrlShown())
-        {
-        return retval;
-        }
-    else if ( aRect == iNavigationPreviousRect )
-        {
-        retval = ETrue;  
-        // Activeate bitmap context
-        iOwner->ActivateBitmapContext();
-		if (iDropdownListDrawInfo.iSupportSkin)
-			{
-		    TRect rect = iNavigationPreviousRect;        
-		    TRect innerRect = rect;
-		    innerRect.Shrink( 4, 4 );
-	        if ( aIndicate )
-	            {
-				AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
-	                 *iOwner->Gc(), 
-	                 rect, 
-	                 innerRect,
-	                 iDropdownListDrawInfo.iPressedBtnImgID,
-	                 KAknsIIDDefault ); 
-	            }
-	        else
-	            {
-				AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
-	                 *iOwner->Gc(), 
-	                 rect, 
-	                 innerRect,
-	                 iDropdownListDrawInfo.iNormalBtnImgID,
-	                 KAknsIIDDefault ); 
-	            }
-			iBButtonMaskUp = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapPreviousMask);   
-			TRect srcRect( TPoint( 0, 0 ), iBButtonUp->SizeInPixels() );
-			iOwner->Gc()->BitBltMasked( iNavigationPreviousRect.iTl, 
-							  			iBButtonUp, 
-										srcRect,
-										iBButtonMaskUp,
-										EFalse);	
-			}
-		else
-			{
-	        if ( aIndicate )  // Pressed the button
-	            {
-	            if ( iBButtonUp )
-	                {
-	                iBButtonUp = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapPreviousPress);
-	                iBButtonMaskUp = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(
-                                                              CBitmapDb::EBitmapPreviousPressMask);
-	                }          
-	            }
-	        else // Release the button
-	            {
-	            if ( iBButtonUp )
-	                {
-	                iBButtonUp = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapPrevious);
-	                iBButtonMaskUp = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapPreviousMask);
-	                }          
-	            }
-	        // Begin draw navigation next button
-	        iOwner->DrawMask(iNavigationPreviousRect);
-	        // Activeate bitmap context
-	        iOwner->ActivateBitmapContext();
-	        // Clear rect
-	        iOwner->Gc()->SetPenSize(iOwner->GetPenSize());
-	        iOwner->Gc()->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
-	        iOwner->Gc()->SetPenColor(iOwner->GetBorderColor());
-	        iOwner->Gc()->SetBrushColor(iOwner->GetBgColor());
-	        iOwner->Gc()->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );                
-	        iOwner->Gc()->DrawRect( iNavigationPreviousRect );
-	        // Draw bitmap
-	        TRect rect = iNavigationPreviousRect;        
-	        rect.Shrink(TSize(1,1));    
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            rect.iBr.iX = rect.iBr.iX + 1;
-	            }
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellVerticalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            rect.iBr.iY = rect.iBr.iY + 1;
-	            }
-	        iOwner->Gc()->DrawBitmapMasked(rect, iBButtonUp, 
-	                                       iBButtonUp->SizeInPixels(), iBButtonMaskUp, ETrue);
-			}
-        iOwner->Invalidate(aRect);
-        }        
-    else if ( aRect == iNavigationNextRect )
-        {
-        retval = ETrue;   
-        // Activeate bitmap context
-        iOwner->ActivateBitmapContext();
-		if (iDropdownListDrawInfo.iSupportSkin)
-			{
-		    TRect rect = iNavigationNextRect;        
-		    TRect innerRect = rect;
-		    innerRect.Shrink( 4, 4 );
-	        if ( aIndicate )
-	            {
-				AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
-	                 *iOwner->Gc(), 
-	                 rect, 
-	                 innerRect,
-	                 iDropdownListDrawInfo.iPressedBtnImgID,
-	                 KAknsIIDDefault ); 
-	            }
-	        else
-	            {
-				AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
-	                 *iOwner->Gc(), 
-	                 rect, 
-	                 innerRect,
-	                 iDropdownListDrawInfo.iNormalBtnImgID,
-	                 KAknsIIDDefault ); 
-	            }
-			iBButtonMaskDown = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapNextMask);   
-			TRect srcRect( TPoint( 0, 0 ), iBButtonDown->SizeInPixels() );
-			iOwner->Gc()->BitBltMasked( iNavigationNextRect.iTl, 
-										iBButtonDown, 
-										srcRect,
-										iBButtonMaskDown,
-										EFalse);	
-			}
-		else
-			{
-	        if ( aIndicate )  // Pressed the button
-	            {
-	            if ( iBButtonDown )
-	                {
-	                iBButtonDown = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapNextPress);
-	                iBButtonMaskDown = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(
-                                                                  CBitmapDb::EBitmapNextPressMask);
-	                }         
-	            }
-	        else // Release the button
-	            {
-	            if ( iBButtonDown )
-	                {
-	                iBButtonDown = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapNext);
-	                iBButtonMaskDown = iOwner->GetBitmapDb()->GetBitMap(CBitmapDb::EBitmapNextMask);
-	                }            
-	            }
-	        // Begin draw navigation next button
-	        iOwner->DrawMask(iNavigationNextRect);
-	        // Activeate bitmap context
-	        iOwner->ActivateBitmapContext();
-	        // Clear rect
-	        iOwner->Gc()->SetPenSize(iOwner->GetPenSize());
-	        iOwner->Gc()->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
-	        iOwner->Gc()->SetPenColor(iOwner->GetBorderColor());
-	        iOwner->Gc()->SetBrushColor(iOwner->GetBgColor());
-	        iOwner->Gc()->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );       
-	        iOwner->Gc()->DrawRect( iNavigationNextRect );
-	        // Draw bitmap
-	        TRect rect = iNavigationNextRect;        
-	        rect.Shrink(TSize(1,1));         
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellHorizontalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            rect.iBr.iX = rect.iBr.iX + 1;
-	            }
-	        if (iOwner->GetCellVerticalMargin() != 0)
-	            {
-	            rect.iBr.iY = rect.iBr.iY + 1;
-	            }
-	        iOwner->Gc()->DrawBitmapMasked(rect, iBButtonDown, 
-	                                       iBButtonDown->SizeInPixels(), iBButtonMaskDown, ETrue);
-			}
-        iOwner->Invalidate(aRect);
-        } 
-    return retval;
-    }
-// End Of File