changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
child 29 857bebeecec0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fep/aknfep/src/AknFepKeyCatcher.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:02:04 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:           
+*       Provides the CAknFepKeyCatcher methods.
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <eikappui.h>               //iEikonEnv
+#include <e32keys.h>                //keys
+#include <uikon.hrh>                //keys
+#include "AknFepKeyCatcher.h"
+#include "AknFepManager.h"
+#include "AknFepGlobalEnums.h"
+#include "AknFepPanic.h"
+#include "AknFepPluginManager.h"
+#include <AknDef.h>
+#include <PtiEngine.h>
+#include <PtiDefs.h>                //keys
+#include <featmgr.h>                //FeatureManager
+#include <AvkonInternalCRKeys.h>
+LOCAL_C void FepObserverHandleCompletionOfTransactionL(MCoeFepObserver& aFepObserver)
+    {
+    aFepObserver.HandleCompletionOfTransactionL();
+    }
+    {
+    }
+void CAknFepKeyCatcherInterface::HandleChangeInFocus()
+    {
+    }
+CAknFepKeyCatcher* CAknFepKeyCatcher::NewL(CAknFepManager& aFepMan)
+    {
+    CAknFepKeyCatcher* self=new(ELeave) CAknFepKeyCatcher(aFepMan);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(); //self
+    return self;
+    }
+    {
+    CloseWindow();
+    if(NULL != iEikonEnv->EikAppUi())
+        {
+        iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->RemoveFromStack(this);
+        (CEikonEnv::Static())->RemoveMessageMonitorObserver(*this); 
+#endif //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
+        }
+    }
+TKeyResponse CAknFepKeyCatcher::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aEventCode)
+    {
+#ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2     
+    if (aEventCode == EEventKeyUp && 
+        aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyNo)
+        {
+        iFepMan.HandleEndKeyL();
+        }
+#endif //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2 
+    // Temporary solution for Disable key tone when press key in Virtual ITUT
+    iFepMan.NeedDisableKeySound(aKeyEvent, aEventCode);
+    // sort out if we're doing long or short presses...
+    TKeyPressLength length = aKeyEvent.iRepeats ? ELongKeyPress : EShortKeyPress;
+    if (iKeyCatcherState == EAknFepStateNull)
+        {
+        if (aEventCode == EEventKeyUp && iLongPressedScanCode == aKeyEvent.iScanCode)
+            {
+            // An editor has lost focus during long key press (for example SCT popup 
+            // is shown during long keypress of star key).
+            // EFlagLongKeyPressHandled needs to be reseted also in this case.
+            ClearFlag(EFlagLongKeyPressHandled);
+            iLongPressedScanCode = 0;
+            }
+        if((aEventCode == EEventKeyDown) && (aKeyEvent.iScanCode==EStdKeyRightShift) 
+                && (iFepMan.KeyboardLayout()== EPtiKeyboard12Key) && !iFepMan.Japanese() 
+                &&  !iFepMan.IsChineseInputLanguage()  )
+            {
+            iFepMan.SetCcpuFlag(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateShiftkeyWasPressedBeforeLosingFocus);
+            }
+        else if ((aEventCode == EEventKeyUp) && (aKeyEvent.iScanCode==EStdKeyRightShift) 
+                && (iFepMan.KeyboardLayout()== EPtiKeyboard12Key) 
+                && iFepMan.IsCcpuFlagSet(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateShiftkeyWasPressedBeforeLosingFocus))
+            {
+            iFepMan.ClearCcpuFlag(CAknFepManager::ECcpuStateShiftkeyWasPressedBeforeLosingFocus);
+            }
+        TInt keyCode = aKeyEvent.iCode;
+        if (keyCode == EKeyF19 || keyCode == EKeyF22 ||
+            keyCode == EKeyF23 || keyCode == EKeyF24 )
+            {
+            // Internal FEP key events that are simulated by FEP are always 
+            // also consumed by FEP. In this situation FEP has simulated the
+            // key event but the editor is unfocused right after.
+            return EKeyWasConsumed;
+            }
+        // FEP does not handle any keyevents if there are not any FEP aware editor focused, except shift key. 
+        // Notice that shift key is handled only if CAknFepKeyCatcher is constructed by focusing some editor.
+        if (iFepMan.HashKeySelectionInUse())
+        	{        	
+        	// Hash key selection should work also with uneditable editors, therefore
+        	// we need to fake it as a shift key press here.
+	        if (aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyHash)
+    	    	{
+    	    	if (aEventCode == EEventKeyUp)
+    	    		{		
+    	    		if (iFepMan.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagLongShiftKeyPress))	   			    	    		
+    	    			{    	    			    	    		
+    	    			// We need to generate real shift up event for editor to
+    	    			// cancel ccpu-mode.
+		   				TKeyEvent ccpuStart = {0, EStdKeyLeftShift, 0, 0};
+    	 				CCoeEnv::Static()->SimulateKeyEventL(ccpuStart, aEventCode);
+    	    			}
+    	    		else
+    	    			{
+    	    			// CCpu-mode was not yet activated. Just cancel the timer.
+    	    			iFepMan.CancelShiftKeyTimer();
+    	    			}		
+    	 			return EKeyWasNotConsumed;       	    		
+    	    		}
+				else if (aEventCode == EEventKeyDown)   	    		
+					{
+					return iFepMan.HandleShiftKeyEventL(aEventCode);        							
+					}
+        		}
+    	    }
+    	if( keyCode == EKeyEscape )
+    		{
+    		return iFepMan.HandleKeyEventL(keyCode, length);	
+    		}
+        if ((aKeyEvent.iScanCode==EStdKeyRightShift || aKeyEvent.iScanCode==EStdKeyLeftShift))
+            {
+            if (aEventCode == EEventKeyUp)
+                {
+                iFepMan.SetExtendedFlag(CAknFepManager::EExtendedFlagShiftReleasedOnPopup);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                iFepMan.ClearExtendedFlag(CAknFepManager::EExtendedFlagShiftReleasedOnPopup);
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+            }
+        }
+     if(iKeyCatcherState != EAknFepStateNull)
+        {
+            if(iFepMan.IsFnKeyMapped() &&
+                (iFepMan.HandleFnKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aEventCode ) == EKeyWasConsumed))
+            {
+            return EKeyWasConsumed;        
+            }
+        }
+     if ( aEventCode == EEventKeyUp && 
+          aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyHash &&
+          iFepMan.IsExtendedFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EExtendedFlagShortPressHashKey) )
+         {
+         // We are here because of short press of has key. Since, we had consumed
+         // short press of hash key, we re-simulate is again, so that the respective
+         // application can handle it as per their need.
+         TKeyEvent keyHash = {EPtiKeyHash, EStdKeyHash, 0, 0};
+         CCoeEnv::Static()->SimulateKeyEventL(keyHash, EEventKey);
+         iFepMan.ClearExtendedFlag(CAknFepManager::EExtendedFlagShortPressHashKey);
+         }
+    // Check for the Wireless Keyboard Modifier Flag.
+    const TUint KModifierExternalKeyboard = 0x00200000;
+    if ( aKeyEvent.iModifiers & KModifierExternalKeyboard )
+        {        
+        if ( iFepMan.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagInsideInlineEditingTransaction |
+             CAknFepManager::EFlagInsideMultitapInlineEditingTransaction) ) 
+            {
+            if (iFepMan.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagInsideInlineEditingTransaction))
+                {
+                // Remove any no matching word indicator.
+                iFepMan.TryRemoveNoMatchesIndicatorL();
+                }
+            // Ensure the CBA is in the default state.
+            iFepMan.UpdateCbaL(NULL);
+            // Close FEP UI, commit the inline edit and show the cursor.            
+            iFepMan.TryCloseUiL(); 
+            }        
+        // Allow the key through to the underlying control.
+        return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+        }
+    TKeyResponse retCode;
+	if (iFepMan.HandleCcpuModeKeyEventL(aKeyEvent, aEventCode,
+	                                   retCode, IsFlagSet(EFlagLongKeyPressHandled)))
+		{
+		return retCode;	
+		}
+    // Set text selection when tap arrow keys
+	if(iFepMan.HandleSelModeArrowKeyEventL(aKeyEvent, aEventCode, retCode))
+        {
+        return retCode;
+        }        
+#endif //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2	
+    if ( ( aKeyEvent.iModifiers & EModifierCtrl
+           || aKeyEvent.iScanCode==EStdKeyRightCtrl
+           || aKeyEvent.iScanCode==EStdKeyLeftCtrl
+		 )
+        && aKeyEvent.iScanCode != EStdKeyBackspace  
+        && aKeyEvent.iScanCode != EStdKeyDelete )
+        {// Chinese qwerty increment input mode by Ctrl+Shift
+		return iFepMan.HandleQwertyControlKeyEventL(aKeyEvent, aEventCode);        
+        }
+    // handling hash key event in japanese input
+    if (iFepMan.IsFeatureSupportedJapanese()
+     && aKeyEvent.iScanCode==EStdKeyHash && !iFepMan.IsOnlyNumericPermitted())
+        {
+        return HandleHashKeyJapaneseL(aKeyEvent, aEventCode);
+        }
+    // Let FepMan handle chr key
+    if (aKeyEvent.iScanCode==EStdKeyLeftFunc)
+        {
+        if (iFepMan.HandleQwertyChrKeyEventL(aEventCode))
+            {
+            return EKeyWasConsumed;
+            }
+        }
+    //let FepMan handle shifts
+    if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode==EStdKeyRightShift || aKeyEvent.iScanCode
+            ==EStdKeyLeftShift )
+        {
+        // phrase creation
+        if ( iFepMan.IsPinyinPhraseCreation() )
+            {
+            return EKeyWasConsumed;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            return iFepMan.HandleShiftKeyEventL( aEventCode );
+            }
+        }
+    if (iFepMan.Japanese())
+        {
+        if ((aKeyEvent.iScanCode==EStdKeyDevice0) || (aKeyEvent.iScanCode==EStdKeyDevice1))
+            {
+            if (aEventCode != EEventKey)
+                {
+                return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    if (aEventCode==EEventKeyUp)
+        {
+        if ( iLongPressedScanCode == aKeyEvent.iScanCode )
+            {
+            ClearFlag(EFlagLongKeyPressHandled);
+            iLongPressedScanCode = 0;
+            }
+        if ( (EStdKeyDelete == aKeyEvent.iScanCode || 
+              EStdKeyBackspace == aKeyEvent.iScanCode))  
+                {
+                iFepMan.SetLongClearAfterCloseUI(EFalse);               
+                }
+        iFepMan.ClearFlag(CAknFepManager::EFlagCharacterAdded);
+        }
+    //let FepMan to try to handle Thai 0 key
+    TBool thai0Keyhandling = EFalse;
+    if (aKeyEvent.iScanCode==EPtiKey0 
+        && (!(aKeyEvent.iModifiers & EModifierSpecial)  // If the key is produced by hardware key
+          // In VKB and FSQ latin range 0 could be input with virtual keyboard
+          || (iFepMan.PluginInputMode() != EPluginInputModeFSQ  
+             && iFepMan.PluginInputMode() != EPluginInputModeVkb)))
+        {
+        if (iFepMan.HandleThai0KeyEvent(aEventCode, length, thai0Keyhandling) == EKeyWasConsumed)
+            {
+            return (EKeyWasConsumed); // Eats some key events to find out when o key goes up
+            }
+        if (thai0Keyhandling)
+            {
+            if(length == ELongKeyPress)
+                {
+                SetFlag(EFlagLongKeyPressHandled);
+                iLongPressedScanCode = aKeyEvent.iScanCode;
+                }
+            return (iFepMan.HandleKeyEventL(EPtiKey0, length));
+            }
+        }
+    TInt keyCode = aKeyEvent.iCode;
+    TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+    if ((aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyNkpAsterisk ||aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EPtiKeyStar )&& iFepMan.KeyboardLayout() == EPtiKeyboard12Key)
+    	{
+    	//For Special Editors like Java numeric editor, EventKeyUp is allowed to flow through FEP.
+    	//All other events for Special Editor is not consumed by FEP.
+    	if(iFepMan.IsSpecialNumericEditor() && iFepMan.IsOnlyNumericPermitted() && aEventCode != EEventKeyUp)
+    		{
+    		return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+    		}
+				// If Easy Dialing Feature in Phone Idle is turned on then,
+				// phoneIdleinEasyDialingNumericMode is set to True
+        TBool phoneIdleinEasyDialingNumericMode = EFalse;
+        phoneIdleinEasyDialingNumericMode = 
+        	(iFepMan.EditorType() == CAknExtendedInputCapabilities::EPhoneNumberEditor) &&
+        	(iFepMan.InputMode() == ENumber || iFepMan.InputMode() == ENativeNumber);
+    	// For all Numeric Editors, only Event Key is allowed to flow through
+    	// When Easy Dialing is on, the editor in not numeric, even though in this scenario only Event key is allowed throug FEP
+    	if ( (iFepMan.IsOnlyNumericPermitted()
+    		 || phoneIdleinEasyDialingNumericMode 
+    		 )&& 
+    	     aEventCode != EEventKey)
+    		{
+    		return EKeyWasConsumed;
+    		}
+    	/* 
+    	For Long Key press:
+    		We only have Event Key, and FEP handles it for launching SCT.
+    	For short key presses:
+    		For Non numeric editors:
+    			EventDown and Eventkey:
+    				FEP consumes it - if FEP is in Inline edit or it can launch SCT. It is consumed by below check and does not flow further.
+    				Else, these events flow through FEP. Later decision is made to consume the event or not.
+    			EventUpKey:
+    				FEP consumes it - if FEP is in Inline edit or it can launch SCT. Desired functionality is achieved after flowing through FEP.
+    				Else, these events flow through FEP. Later decision is made to consume the event or not.
+    		For Numeric Editors:
+    			FEP handles EventKey for star key looping or launching sct. Other events does not reach here.
+    	*/
+    	if ( length != ELongKeyPress && 
+    	     aEventCode != EEventKeyUp && 
+    	     (
+    	      iFepMan.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagInsideInlineEditingTransaction) ||
+    	      !iFepMan.IsAbleToLaunchSCT() 
+    	     ) &&
+    	     (!iFepMan.IsOnlyNumericPermitted()
+    		  && !phoneIdleinEasyDialingNumericMode 
+    	     )
+    	   )
+    		{
+            return EKeyWasConsumed;
+    		}
+    	keyCode = EPtiKeyStar;
+    	}
+    else
+    //only interested in EventKeys apart from for the shift key
+    if (aEventCode!=EEventKey)
+        {
+        // For Japanese, don't pass EEventKeyUp and EEventKeyDown
+        // event to application side if we are inputting Hiragana/Kanji.
+        if (iFepMan.Japanese() && iKeyCatcherState == EAknFepStateUIActive)
+            {
+            // arrow keys
+            if (aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDownArrow
+                  || aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyRightArrow
+                  || aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyLeftArrow
+                  || aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyUpArrow)
+                {
+                return EKeyWasConsumed;
+                }
+            }
+        if ((iKeyCatcherState == EAknFepStateInitial)
+            && (aEventCode == EEventKeyUp) && (aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyBackspace))
+            {
+            CCoeEnv::Static()->ForEachFepObserverCall(FepObserverHandleCompletionOfTransactionL);
+            }
+        return EKeyWasNotConsumed;  
+        }
+    //if we've done a long press, and we get repeats, don't pass it on to the fep man.
+    if (!(iFepMan.Japanese()&&
+          (aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyLeftArrow
+        || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyRightArrow
+        || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDownArrow
+        || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyUpArrow)))
+        {
+        if (!(aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyPrevious || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyNext))
+            {                	
+            if (IsFlagSet(EFlagLongKeyPressHandled)&&(aKeyEvent.iRepeats))
+                {
+                return EKeyWasConsumed;         
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    CAknFepFnKeyManager::TFnKeyState fnKeyStateBeforeKey = iFepMan.FnKeyState();
+	// the short key press was blocked, don't allow the long key press to go through
+	if ( IsFlagSet(EFlagBlockAllLongKeyPressEvents) && length == ELongKeyPress 
+								&& !IsNaviKey(aKeyEvent.iCode) )
+		{
+		return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+		}
+	// if the editor has no free space	
+	// the key press is a valid one 
+	// (it is not for eg. a simulated key press for case change)
+	// we are not in between multitapping
+	// block the subsequent long key press also	
+	if ( length == EShortKeyPress && !iFepMan.EditorHasFreeSpace() 
+		&& iFepMan.PtiEngine()->IsValidKey((TPtiKey)aKeyEvent.iScanCode)   
+		&& !iFepMan.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagInsideMultitapInlineEditingTransaction) ) 
+    	{
+    	SetFlag(EFlagBlockAllLongKeyPressEvents); // block the subsequent long key press also
+    	return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+    	}
+    else
+    	{
+    	ClearFlag(EFlagBlockAllLongKeyPressEvents);
+    	}	
+    if (iFepMan.HandleQwertyKeyEventL(aKeyEvent, response))
+        {
+		ClearFlag(EFlagBlockAllLongKeyPressEvents);	
+			TPtiKeyboardType keyboardType = iFepMan.KeyboardLayout();
+	        if( (length == ELongKeyPress) &&
+            (
+            iFepMan.LongPressNumberEntryOnQwerty()||
+#endif // __ITI_LONGPRESS_NUM_SHIFT_COPYPASTE__          
+            (keyboardType == EPtiKeyboardHalfQwerty)) &&
+            iFepMan.KeyMapsDifferentCharacterWithFn( (TPtiKey)aKeyEvent.iScanCode ) && 
+            fnKeyStateBeforeKey == CAknFepFnKeyManager::EFnKeyNone )
+            {
+            SetFlag(EFlagLongKeyPressHandled); // don't allow any more long presses to go through.
+            iLongPressedScanCode = aKeyEvent.iScanCode;
+            }
+        return response;
+        }
+        // key was not handled because there is no space in editor
+    else if( !iFepMan.EditorHasFreeSpace() && ( iFepMan.KeyboardLayout() != EPtiKeyboard12Key))
+    	{		
+    	SetFlag(EFlagBlockAllLongKeyPressEvents);
+    	}
+#endif // __ITI_LONGPRESS_NUM_SHIFT_COPYPASTE__          			
+	if (iFepMan.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagShiftKeyDepressed))
+		{
+		// If shift (ie. edit-key) is pressed in itu-t mode, block all the numeric keys, 
+		// otherwise they will be routed to edwin and prodec unwanted character.
+		if ((aKeyEvent.iScanCode >= EPtiKey1 && aKeyEvent.iScanCode <= EPtiKey9) ||
+		    aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EPtiKey0 || aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyFullStop )
+			{
+			return EKeyWasConsumed;
+			}		
+		}        
+	if (iFepMan.IsFlagSet(CAknFepManager::EFlagQwertyChrKeyDepressed))
+		{
+		if ((aKeyEvent.iScanCode >= EPtiKeyQwertyA && aKeyEvent.iScanCode <= EPtiKeyQwertyZ) ||
+		     aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyFullStop )
+			{
+			return EKeyWasConsumed;
+			}		
+		}        
+    // bulk of the selection.
+    switch(keyCode)
+        {
+    case EKeyLeftArrow: //fall through
+    case EKeyRightArrow:
+    case EKeyDownArrow:
+    case EKeyUpArrow:
+        response = iFepMan.HandleKeyEventL(keyCode, length);
+        break;
+    case EKeyCBA1:
+        {
+        TInt inputMode = iFepMan.InputMode();
+        if ( iKeyCatcherState == EAknFepStateUIActive && 
+            inputMode >= ECangJie && inputMode <= EStroke )
+            {
+            // Left softkey does not have functionality in Chinese input modes when 
+            // FEP UI is active.
+            // phrase creation
+            iFepMan.HandleKeyEventL( keyCode, length );
+            response = EKeyWasConsumed;
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+        //fall through
+    case EKeyOK:
+    case EKeyCBA2:
+    case EPtiKey0:
+    case EPtiKey1:
+    case EPtiKey2:
+    case EPtiKey3:
+    case EPtiKey4:
+    case EPtiKey5:
+    case EPtiKey6:
+    case EPtiKey7:
+    case EPtiKey8:
+    case EPtiKey9:
+    case EPtiKeyStar:
+    case EPtiKeyHash:
+    case EKeyEscape:
+        if(length == ELongKeyPress)
+            {
+            SetFlag(EFlagLongKeyPressHandled); // don't allow any more long presses to go through.
+            iLongPressedScanCode = aKeyEvent.iScanCode;
+            }
+        //fall through
+    case EKeyBackspace:
+    case EKeyDelete:
+        // This check is added to handle the case when user enters a consonant
+        // followed by a halant, follwed by digit using long key press.
+        // When backspace is done, first time, the digit gets deleted.
+        // Second time, only halant should be deleted. But since ZWS is
+        // present, the entire syllable gets deleted. Hence we forcefully
+        // remove the ZWS.
+        if( keyCode == EKeyBackspace && 
+            iFepMan.PreviousChar( ETrue ) == ( ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE ) )
+            {
+            // Remove the Zero Width Space
+	    	iFepMan.RemovePreviousCharacterL();
+            }
+#ifdef RD_MARATHI
+		if( ( keyCode == EKeyBackspace ) && 
+			iFepMan.PreviousChar( ETrue ) == ( ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER ))
+			{
+			// Remove the Zero Width Joiner
+			iFepMan.RemovePreviousCharacterL();
+			}
+#endif // RD_MARATHI
+		if( keyCode == EKeyBackspace && 
+			( (aKeyEvent.iModifiers & EModifierLeftShift) ||
+			  (aKeyEvent.iModifiers & EModifierRightShift) ||
+			  (aKeyEvent.iModifiers & EModifierShift) ))
+			{
+			keyCode = EKeyDelete;
+			}
+        response = iFepMan.HandleKeyEventL(keyCode, length, aEventCode );
+        break;
+    case EKeyF19: // Fep simulated event to asynchronously update the case.
+    case EKeyF22:
+    case EKeyF23:
+    case EKeyF24:
+        response = iFepMan.HandleKeyEventL(keyCode, length);
+        break;
+    case EKeyPowerOff:
+    case EKeyPhoneEnd:
+    case EKeyApplication:
+    		// To rip off suggested word completion when user press END / APPLICATION
+    			if(iFepMan.IsAutoCompleteOn())
+    			{
+    			iFepMan.RemoveSuggestedCompletionL();	
+    			}
+		response = iFepMan.HandleKeyEventL(keyCode, length);
+        break;
+    case EKeyPhoneSend:
+        // handling phone send key event in japanese input
+        if (iFepMan.IsFeatureSupportedJapanese())
+            {
+            if (iFepMan.Japanese() && iKeyCatcherState == EAknFepStateUIActive)
+                {
+                // Ensure the CBA is in the default state.
+                iFepMan.UpdateCbaL(NULL);
+                // Close FEP UI, commit the inline edit and show the cursor.            
+                iFepMan.TryCloseUiL();
+                }
+            }
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+        }
+    return response;
+    }
+void CAknFepKeyCatcher::SetState(const enum TAknFepManagerState aState)
+    {
+    iKeyCatcherState=aState;
+    }
+CAknFepKeyCatcher::CAknFepKeyCatcher(CAknFepManager& aFepMan)
+    : iFepMan(aFepMan),
+      iKeyCatcherState(EAknFepStateNull)
+    {
+    }
+void CAknFepKeyCatcher::ConstructL()
+    {
+    // Set up fep key catching control - front window, null size, non-focusing
+    CreateWindowL();
+    SetFocusing(EFalse);    
+    RWindow& window=Window();
+    window.SetOrdinalPosition(0, ECoeWinPriorityFep);
+    TPoint fepControlPos(0, 0);
+    SetExtent(fepControlPos, TSize(0,0));               //null size
+    window.SetExtent(fepControlPos, TSize(0,0));
+    window.SetNonFading(ETrue);
+    if(NULL == iEikonEnv->EikAppUi())
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrCancel);
+        }
+    iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->AddToStackL(this, ECoeStackPriorityFep, 
+                                       ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus|ECoeStackFlagSharable);
+    (CEikonEnv::Static())->AddMessageMonitorObserverL(*this); 
+#endif  //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
+    SetBlank();
+    }
+TKeyResponse CAknFepKeyCatcher::HandleHashKeyJapaneseL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, 
+                                                       TEventCode aEventCode)
+    {
+    // handling hash keypress event only
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aKeyEvent.iScanCode==EStdKeyHash, AknFepPanic(EAknFepPanicNotSupportKey));
+    // No handling case
+    if (aEventCode == EEventKeyDown
+     || iKeyCatcherState == EAknFepStateNull)
+        {
+        if (aEventCode == EEventKeyUp)
+            {
+            ClearFlag(EFlagLongKeyPressHandled);
+            }
+        return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+        }
+    // sort out if we're doing long or short presses...
+    TKeyPressLength length = aKeyEvent.iRepeats ? ELongKeyPress : EShortKeyPress;
+    // long keypress is handled once, after key event always is consumed.
+    if (aEventCode == EEventKey && IsFlagSet(EFlagLongKeyPressHandled) )
+        {
+        return EKeyWasConsumed;
+        }
+    if (length == ELongKeyPress && !IsFlagSet(EFlagLongKeyPressHandled))
+        {
+        SetFlag(EFlagLongKeyPressHandled);
+        }
+    // Always handling case
+    if (aEventCode != EEventKeyUp && IsFlagSet(EFlagLongKeyPressHandled)
+        || aEventCode == EEventKeyUp && !IsFlagSet(EFlagLongKeyPressHandled))
+        {
+        TKeyResponse response = iFepMan.HandleKeyEventL(EPtiKeyHash, length);
+        __ASSERT_DEBUG(response != EKeyWasNotConsumed, AknFepPanic(EAknFepPanicNotHandleHashKey));
+        }
+    else if (aEventCode == EEventKey
+          && iKeyCatcherState == EAknFepStateUIActive)
+        {
+        // Ensure the CBA is in the default state.
+        iFepMan.UpdateCbaL(NULL);
+        // Close FEP UI, commit the inline edit and show the cursor.
+        iFepMan.TryCloseUiL();
+        }
+    if (aEventCode == EEventKeyUp)
+        {
+        ClearFlag(EFlagLongKeyPressHandled);
+        }
+    return EKeyWasConsumed;
+    }
+void CAknFepKeyCatcher::HandleResourceChange(TInt aType)
+    {
+    if(aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch)  //If the layout has been changed, notify fep manager
+        {
+        iFepMan.HandleResourceChange(aType);
+        }
+    CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange(aType);
+    }
+TBool CAknFepKeyCatcher::IsNaviKey(TUint aCode)
+	{
+	switch(aCode)
+		{
+			case EKeyBackspace:
+			case EKeyLeftArrow:
+			case EKeyRightArrow:
+			case EKeyUpArrow:
+			case EKeyDownArrow:
+			case EKeyDelete:
+				return ETrue;
+			default:
+				return EFalse;	
+		}
+	}
+void CAknFepKeyCatcher::MonitorWsMessage(const TWsEvent& aEvent)
+    {
+	switch (aEvent.Type())
+		{
+	    case EEventPointer:
+            TRAP_IGNORE(iFepMan.HandlePointerEventL(*aEvent.Pointer()));
+		    break;
+		default:
+		    break;
+		}
+    }
+#endif //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2 
+// End of file