changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fep/frontendprocessor/include/FEPBCONFIG.H	Tue Feb 02 01:02:04 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __FEPBCONFIG_H__
+#define __FEPBCONFIG_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <coemain.h>	// class CCoeEnv
+class CRepository;
+/** Specifies the maximum size of a FEP attribute in bytes.
+@released */
+const TInt KCoeFepMaxAttribDataSize = 200;
+/** On or off key data for FEPs. 
+The CCoeFep class uses instances of this class to specify the key combination which 
+is used to turn the FEP on and off. These values are initialised during construction 
+of the FEP (see CCoeFep::BaseConstructL()).
+The class consists of three TUints. They represent: 
+- the character code of the key combination
+- a modifier mask which indicates which modifiers are relevant to the key combination
+- the modifier values which indicate which of the modifiers specified in the 
+modifier mask must be on and which must be off
+For example, if the key combination to turn the FEP off is Fn+Enter, where 
+the Shift modifier must not be down (and the state of all other modifiers 
+is irrelevant), the TFepOnOrOffKeyData object would be constructed as follows:
+TFepOnOrOffKeyData(EKeyEnter, EModifierFunc|EModifierShift, EModifierFunc) 
+Note that modifiers should not be set in the values if they are not also set 
+in the mask. 
+@released */
+class TFepOnOrOffKeyData
+	{
+	inline TFepOnOrOffKeyData(TUint aCharacterCodeForFoldedMatch, TUint aModifierMask, TUint aModifierValues) :iCharacterCodeForFoldedMatch(aCharacterCodeForFoldedMatch), iModifierMask(aModifierMask), iModifierValues(aModifierValues) 
+	/** The C++ constructor is used to construct the key data object with the character 
+	code, the modifier mask and the modifier values.
+	@param aCharacterCodeForFoldedMatch The character code.
+	@param aModifierMask The modifier mask.
+	@param aModifierValues The modifier values. */
+		{}
+	inline TUint CharacterCodeForFoldedMatch() const 
+	/** Gets the character code.
+	@return The character code. */
+		{return iCharacterCodeForFoldedMatch;}
+	inline TUint ModifierMask() const 
+	/** Gets the modifier mask.
+	@return The modifier mask. */
+		{return iModifierMask;}
+	inline TUint ModifierValues() const 
+	/** Gets the modifier values.
+	@return The modifier values. */
+		{return iModifierValues;}
+	/**
+	Checks if 2 TFepOnOrOffKeyData objects have the same values.
+	returns Etrue if the 2 objects have the same values, EFalse otherwise
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const TFepOnOrOffKeyData& aAnother) const;
+	/**
+	Checks if 2 TFepOnOrOffKeyData objects do not have the the same values.
+	returns Etrue if the 2 objects have the same values, EFalse otherwise
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TBool operator!=(const TFepOnOrOffKeyData& aAnother) const;
+	TUint iCharacterCodeForFoldedMatch;
+	TUint iModifierMask;
+	TUint iModifierValues;
+	};
+class CDictionaryStore;
+class RWriteStream;
+class RReadStream;
+/** Reads and writes generic FEP settings.
+Used by the CCoeFep class. The generic FEP settings are whether the FEP is 
+on or off and what key combinations should turn the FEP on or off. Also used 
+to synchronise these settings across all running instances of the FEP. These 
+settings are generic, unlike FEP attributes which are FEP-specific. FEP attributes 
+are stored, restored and synchronised using class MFepAttributeStorer. Generic 
+FEP settings are changed locally using the Set...() member functions. Then, 
+to store these as the system settings and to apply them globally, call StoreChangesAndBroadcastL().
+Class CCoeFep initialises its generic FEP settings from the global system 
+settings during construction. Its generic FEP settings are updated when the 
+settings are changed by a call to StoreChangesAndBroadcastL() by another running 
+instance of the FEP. 
+@released */
+class CFepGenericGlobalSettings : public CBase
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CFepGenericGlobalSettings* NewL(CCoeEnv& aConeEnvironment, const TFepOnOrOffKeyData& aDefaultOnKeyData, const TFepOnOrOffKeyData& aDefaultOffKeyData, TBool aDefaultIsOn);
+	IMPORT_C static CFepGenericGlobalSettings* NewLC(CCoeEnv& aConeEnvironment, const TFepOnOrOffKeyData& aDefaultOnKeyData, const TFepOnOrOffKeyData& aDefaultOffKeyData, TBool aDefaultIsOn);
+	IMPORT_C static CFepGenericGlobalSettings* NewL();
+	IMPORT_C static CFepGenericGlobalSettings* NewLC();
+	IMPORT_C TFepOnOrOffKeyData OnKeyData() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetOnKeyData(const TFepOnOrOffKeyData& aOnKeyData);
+	IMPORT_C TFepOnOrOffKeyData OffKeyData() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetOffKeyData(const TFepOnOrOffKeyData& aOffKeyData);
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsOn() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetIsOn(TBool aIsOn);
+	IMPORT_C void StoreChangesAndBroadcastL();
+	IMPORT_C void RefreshL();
+public: // not for external use
+	IMPORT_C static void ReadOnState(CRepository& aRepository, TBool& aOnState, TInt* aError=NULL);
+	IMPORT_C static void ReadOnOrOffKeyData(CRepository& aRepository, TFepOnOrOffKeyData& aOnOrOffKeyData, TUint32 aRepositoryKeyMask_OnOrOff, TInt* aError=NULL);
+	IMPORT_C static void WriteOnStateAndBroadcastL(CRepository& aRepository, TBool aOnState, TUint32 aRepositoryKeyMask_DefaultOrDynamic);
+	IMPORT_C static void WriteOnOrOffKeyDataAndBroadcastL(CRepository& aRepository, const TFepOnOrOffKeyData& aOnOrOffKeyData, TUint32 aRepositoryKey);
+	CFepGenericGlobalSettings();
+	void ConstructL();
+	enum
+		{
+		EFlagIsOn				=0x00000001,
+		// the EFlagStoreXxx flags below indicate whether this object has had any SetXxx functions called on it, which can be used to optimize what work StoreChangesAndBroadcastL has to do
+		EFlagStoreIsOn			=0x00000002,
+		EFlagStoreOnKeyData		=0x00000004,
+		EFlagStoreOffKeyData	=0x00000008
+		};
+	TUint iFlags;
+	TFepOnOrOffKeyData iOnKeyData;
+	TFepOnOrOffKeyData iOffKeyData;
+	};
+/** Protocol for storing, restoring and synchronising FEP attributes. 
+An abstract base class for CCoeFep, so FEPs must implement the pure virtual 
+functions declared in this class.
+Rather than using a single device-wide instance of a FEP, each application 
+has its own instance of the FEP. MFepAttributeStorer provides a framework 
+for synchronising FEP attributes across each running instance of the same 
+FEP. For this to happen, the FEP must implement MFepAttributeStorer::WriteAttributeDataToStreamL() 
+and MFepAttributeStorer::ReadAttributeDataFromStreamL().
+Attributes are FEP-specific, and are identified by a UID which can be accessed 
+using AttributeAtIndex(). An example of a FEP attribute might be whether inline 
+editing is enabled or disabled. 
+@released */
+class MFepAttributeStorer
+	{
+	IMPORT_C void ReadAllAttributesL(CCoeEnv& aConeEnvironment);
+	IMPORT_C void WriteAttributeDataAndBroadcastL(CCoeEnv& aConeEnvironment, TUid aAttributeUid);
+	IMPORT_C void WriteAttributeDataAndBroadcastL(CCoeEnv& aConeEnvironment, const TArray<TUid>& aAttributeUids);
+	/** Returns the total number of FEP attributes.
+	@return The number of FEP attributes. */
+	virtual TInt NumberOfAttributes() const=0;
+	/** Returns the UID of the FEP attribute at the index specified.
+	@param aIndex An array index.
+	@return The UID of the FEP attribute at aIndex. */
+	virtual TUid AttributeAtIndex(TInt aIndex) const=0;
+	/** Writes the value of the attribute specified to the specified write stream.
+	Called by MFepAttributeStorer::WriteAttributeDataAndBroadcastL() for each 
+	attribute passed to it.
+	@param aAttributeUid UID of the attribute to write to the stream.
+	@param aStream The stream to which to write the attribute. */
+	virtual void WriteAttributeDataToStreamL(TUid aAttributeUid, RWriteStream& aStream) const=0;
+	/** Reads the value of the attribute identified by the UID specified in aAttributeUid 
+	from the specified read stream.
+	You should take appropriate action if the attribute has changed, e.g. 
+	if inline editing has been disabled, you might cancel the current transaction.
+	This function is called by MFepAttributeStorer::ReadAllAttributesL() for all 
+	attributes. It is also called when the FEP receives a message that an attribute 
+	has been changed by another running instance of the FEP (using WriteAttributeDataAndBroadcastL()).
+	@param aAttributeUid Identifies the attribute whose value should be read.
+	@param aStream Read stream from which to read the attribute's value. */
+	virtual void ReadAttributeDataFromStreamL(TUid aAttributeUid, RReadStream& aStream)=0;
+	IMPORT_C virtual void MFepAttributeStorer_Reserved_1();
+	IMPORT_C virtual void MFepAttributeStorer_Reserved_2();
+	TInt NumberOfOccurrencesOfAttributeUid(TUid aAttributeUid) const;
+	};
+#endif	// __FEPBCONFIG_H__