--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/textinput/peninputarc/inc/pensrvcliinc/peninputanim.h Tue Feb 02 01:02:04 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: CPeninputAnim & CPeninputAnimDll from peninputanim.h
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <w32adll.h> // for CSpriteAnim and CAnimDll
+#include <e32msgqueue.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <akncapserverclient.h>
+#include "peninputmsgqueue.h"
+class CSubscriber;
+#include "peninputcmdparamext.h"
+ * Animation DLL creation class.
+ *
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ */
+class CPeninputAnimDll : public CAnimDll
+ {
+ //from base class CAnimDll
+ /**
+ * From CAnimDll
+ * Create instance
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ * @param aType Identifies an animation class to be constructed
+ */
+ CAnim *CreateInstanceL(TInt aType);
+ };
+//end of class CPeninputAnimDll
+//Advanced Tactile feedback REQ417-47932
+struct TTactileControlInfo
+ {
+ TInt iId;
+ TRect iArea;
+ TInt iTactileType;
+ TTactileControlInfo(TInt aId, TRect aArea, TInt aTactileType)
+ {
+ iId = aId;
+ iArea = aArea;
+ iTactileType = aTactileType;
+ }
+ };
+class MTactileFeedbackServer;
+// Modify for bug ETMA-7X2C5Y begin
+class CPenPointerEventSuppressor;
+// Modify for bug ETMA-7X2C5Y end
+ * CPeninputAnim
+ *
+ * CSpriteAnim derived class handling the semi-transparent UI of the PENINPUT.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ */
+class CPeninputAnim : public CSpriteAnim
+ {
+ // Constructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ */
+ CPeninputAnim();
+ /**
+ * Destructor. Frees all used resources.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ */
+ virtual ~CPeninputAnim();
+ // from base class MEventHandler
+ /**
+ * From MEventHandler.
+ * Handles the raw events received from the window server
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ * @param aRawEvent description of the event
+ * @return ETrue if event was handled by this function, EFalse otherwise
+ */
+ TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
+ //from base class CAnim
+ /**
+ * From CAnim.
+ * 2nd phrase constructor
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ * @param aArgs Construct data
+ */
+ void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs);
+ /**
+ * From CAnim.
+ * Main animation function called by the window server.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ * @param aDateTime time. See CAnim::Animate
+ */
+ void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime);
+ /**
+ * From CAnim.
+ * The window server calls this function in response to application
+ * call to the client side command function RAnim::Command()
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ * @param aOpCode command code
+ * @param aArgs command data
+ */
+ void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
+ /**
+ * From CAnim.
+ * The window server calls this function in response to application call
+ * to the client side command function RAnim::CommandReplyL().
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ * @param aOpCode command code
+ * @param aArgs command data
+ * @return KErrNone if command handled correctly.
+ */
+ TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
+ /**
+ * From CAnim.
+ */
+ void HandleNotification(const TWsEvent& aEvent);
+ /**
+ * Makes PENINPUT window visible
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ */
+ void Activate();
+ /**
+ * Makes PENINPUT window invisible
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ */
+ void Deactivate();
+ /**
+ * Sets new sprite position.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ * @param aNewPos The new sprite position
+ * @return Current position
+ */
+ TPoint SetPosition(const TPoint& aNewPos);
+ /**
+ * Update screen
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ * @param aRect The rect to be updated
+ * @param aFullUpdate Flag tells whether whole sprite neeeds updating
+ */
+ void UpdateArea(const TRect& aRect,TBool aFullUpdate);
+ /**
+ * Send event to pen input server. Usually it's buffered in the msg queue
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ * @param aRawEvent the event to be sent
+ */
+ void SendRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
+ /**
+ * Initial and start timer
+ */
+ void StartTimer();
+ /**
+ * Cancel timer
+ */
+ void StopTimer();
+ /**
+ * Process raw event, if handled retrun ETrue, or EFalse
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ * @param aRawEvent the event to be processed
+ * @return ETrue if the event is handled.
+ */
+ TBool OnRawKeyEvent(const TRawEvent& aRawEvent);
+ TBool OnRawButton1Down(const TRawEvent& aRawEvent);
+ TBool OnRawButton1Up(const TRawEvent& aRawEvent);
+ TBool OnRawPointerMove(const TRawEvent& aRawEvent);
+ /**
+ * Send all events in the buffer to the pen input server, and empty event buffer.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ */
+ TInt FlushRawEventBuffer();
+ /**
+ * Timer call back function for periodic timer.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ * @param aPtr The data sends to callback function
+ * @return KErrNone if no error.
+ */
+ static TInt FlushTimerCallBack(TAny *aPtr);
+ /**
+ * Save event to buffer. The event is sent to pen input server when
+ * buffer overflowed.
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ * @param aRawEvent the event to be saved
+ */
+ void PostRawEvent(const TRawEvent& aRawEvent);
+ /**
+ * Compare two TTactileControlInfo Item.
+ *
+ * @TTactileControlInfo& aFirst
+ * @const TTactileControlInfo& aSecond
+ */
+ static TBool MatchItemByControlID(const TTactileControlInfo& aFirst, const TTactileControlInfo& aSecond);
+ /**
+ * Compare two TTactileControlInfo Item.
+ *
+ * @TTactileControlInfo& aFirst
+ * @const TTactileControlInfo& aSecond
+ */
+ static TBool MatchItemByControlIDAndArea(const TTactileControlInfo& aFirst, const TTactileControlInfo& aSecond); /**
+ * give tactile feedback
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ * @param aPos the event position. It's screen coordinator.
+ */
+ void DoTactileFeedBack(const TPoint &aPos);
+ /**
+ * Panic current client if its request without parameter
+ *
+ * @since S60 v4.0
+ * @param aParam The param to be checked
+ */
+ inline void PanicClientIfNoParam(TAny* aParams)
+ {
+ if(!aParams)
+ {
+ iFunctions->Panic();
+ }
+ }
+ // Advanced Tactile feedback REQ417-47932
+ void GetFeedbackAreaDataL(RArray<TTactileControlInfo>& aTactileControlArray,
+ const RMessagePtr2* msg,
+ RArray<TRect>* aPrevRectArray = NULL);
+ void SetDSAState(TBool aFlag);
+ //For discreetPop
+ static TInt DiscreetPopChangeNotification(TAny* aObj);
+ void HandleDiscreetPopNotification();
+ void Refresh();
+private: // Data
+ /**
+ * Current state
+ */
+ TBool iIsActive;
+ /**
+ * Current position of the sprite
+ */
+ TPoint iSpritePosition;
+ /**
+ * Current sprite size
+ */
+ TSize iSpriteSize;
+ /**
+ * Flag tells whether pen input server needs the pointer event
+ */
+ TBool iIsPointerCaptured;
+ /**
+ * Flag tells whether the pen has been down inside the ui layout
+ */
+ TBool iIsPenDown;
+ /**
+ * Simulated event flag
+ */
+ TBool iIsSimulatedEvent;
+ /**
+ * message buffer for pointer and key event.
+ */
+ RMsgQueue<TRawEventBuffer> iMsgBufQueue;
+ /**
+ * Message buffer for key response. Key event must get the response immediately
+ */
+ RMsgQueue<TBool> iKeyMsgResponseQueue;
+ /**
+ * Event buffer for pointer.
+ */
+ TRawEventBuffer iEventBuffer;
+ /**
+ * Semaphore for key handling.
+ */
+ RSemaphore iResponseQueueSemaphore;
+ /**
+ * Timer to send pointer event to pen input server
+ */
+ CPeriodic* iFlushTimer;
+ /**
+ * Flag for tactile feedback support
+ */
+ TBool iTactileSupported;
+ /**
+ * Tactile Feedback instance
+ */
+ MTactileFeedbackServer* iFeedback;
+ /**
+ * Array of the Control info
+ * Advanced Tactile feedback REQ417-47932
+ */
+ RArray<TTactileControlInfo> iTactileControl;
+ /**
+ * Array of the backup Control info
+ * Advanced Tactile feedback REQ417-47932
+ */
+ RArray<TTactileControlInfo> iBackupTactileControl;
+ TBool iEnableSprite;
+ TBool iDSAState;
+ /**
+ * Pointer event suppressor to improve tap accuracy
+ */
+ CPenPointerEventSuppressor* iPointerEventSuppressor;
+ /**
+ * Pointer number of primary touch device.
+ * Any pointer event with different pointer number( TRawEvent.PointerNumber() ),
+ * is treated as multi-touch event and will be disabled.
+ */
+ TUint8 iPrimaryTouchPtNum;
+ /**
+ * Flag to detect primary touch device at startup
+ */
+ TBool iPrimaryTouchPtDetected;
+ CSubscriber* iDiscreetPopSubscriber;
+ RProperty iDiscreetPopProperty;
+ TBool iDiscreetPoped;
+ TBool iDiscreetPopedCapture;
+ TRect iDiscreetPopArea;
+ RAknUiServer iAknUiSrv;
+ TBool iDirty;
+ };
+class CSubscriber : public CActive
+ {
+ CSubscriber(TCallBack aCallBack, RProperty& aProperty);
+ ~CSubscriber();
+public: // New functions
+ void SubscribeL();
+ void StopSubscribe();
+private: // from CActive
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ TCallBack iCallBack;
+ RProperty& iProperty;
+ };
+// End of File