changeset 0 eb1f2e154e89
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/textinput/peninputhwrtrui/src/truishortcuteditcontainer.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:02:04 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1235 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Implement of class CTruiShortcutEditContainer
+#include <eikedwin.h>
+#include <aknbutton.h>
+#include <eiklabel.h>
+#include <barsread.h>
+#include <aknnavide.h>
+#include <aknnotewrappers.h> 
+#include <trui.rsg>
+#include <AknsBasicBackgroundControlContext.h>
+#include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
+#include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
+#include <avkon.rsg>
+#include <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>
+#include <akntoolbar.h>
+#include <aknSctDialog.h>
+#include "truicontainerbase.h"
+#include "truishortcuteditcontainer.h"
+#include "truihwrbox.h"
+#include "truiengine.h"
+#include "truiappui.h"
+#include "truishortcutsview.h"
+#include "truiapplication.h"
+#include "truiappradiobutton.h"
+#include "truishortcutsview.h"
+#include "truiapplication.h"
+#include "truishortcutedittextview.h"
+#include "trui.hrh"
+#include "truishortcuteditview.h"
+const TInt KSimilarMsgLength = 160;
+// The maximum number of lines for tips
+const TInt KIndicatorBufSize = 2;
+// The index of each item in radio button groups
+const TInt KOwnIndex = 0;
+const TInt KPresetIndex = 1;
+// Layout for portrait
+const TPoint KLabelTipPosPortrait = TPoint( 0, 0 );
+const TSize KLabelTipSizePortrait = TSize( 360, 60 );
+const TPoint KRadioPosPortrait = TPoint( 5, 73 );
+const TSize KRadioSizePortrait = TSize( 196, 99 );
+const TPoint KLeftBtnPosPotrait = TPoint( 115, 160 );
+const TPoint KIndicatorPosPotrait = TPoint( 165, 160 );
+const TPoint KRightBtnPosPotrait = TPoint( 215, 160 );
+const TPoint KHwrBoxPosPortrait = TPoint( 90, 215 );
+const TSize KButtonSize = TSize( 50, 50 );
+// Layout for landscape
+const TPoint KRadioPosLandscape = TPoint( 5, 18 );
+const TPoint KLabelTipPosLandscape = TPoint( 5, 120 );
+const TSize KLabelTipSizeLandscape = TSize( 250, 120 );
+const TPoint KLeftBtnPos = TPoint( 300, 15 );
+const TPoint KRightBtnPos = TPoint( 400, 15 );
+const TPoint KIndicatorPosLandscape = TPoint( 350, 15 );
+const TSize KHwrBoxSizeLandscape = TSize( 200, 200 );
+const TPoint KHwrBoxPosLandscape = TPoint( 275, 80 );
+const TInt KTooltipPopupTimeOut = 0;
+const TInt KTooltipStayTimeOut = 3000;
+const TInt KSctBufferSize = 32;
+const TInt KHwrTooltipY = 20;
+_LIT( KActiveCharFormat, "%c" );
+// Varity of landscape for common components
+const TInt KVarityLandscape = 3;
+// Varity of portrait for common components
+const TInt KVarityPortrait = 2;
+const TInt KVarityListPane = 1;
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+    {  
+    iActiveCharPos = KErrNotFound;
+    }
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect )
+    {    
+    // Initialize control array
+    InitComponentArrayL();
+    // Set parent control or owning window
+    CreateWindowL();
+    iBackGround = CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext::NewL
+                  ( KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaMain, Rect(), EFalse);
+    // Initialize controls
+    InitializeControlsL();       
+    // Get all presets from Engine
+    HBufC* presetHBuf = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_TRUI_PRESET_SYMBOLS );
+    for ( TInt i = 0; i < presetHBuf->Length(); i++ )
+        {
+        iPresets.Append( ( *presetHBuf )[i] );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( presetHBuf );        
+    // Load setting data
+    CTruiShortcutEditView* view = static_cast<CTruiShortcutEditView*>
+                           ( iAppUi->View( KTruiShortcutEditViewId ) );
+    if ( view->PreviousViewId() == TVwsViewId( KUidtruiApp, KTruiShortcutsViewId ) )
+        {
+        // Edit old shortcut
+        iEngine->GetShortcutModelL( iEngine->Shortcut(), 
+                                    iHwrBox->Model(), 
+                                    iUnicode );
+        // Backup shortcut model
+        BackupShortcutModel( iHwrBox->Model(), iUnicode );
+        // Load the current active char whether is own or preset.
+        iShortcutType = iUnicode ? KPresetIndex : KOwnIndex;
+        iIsEmptyHwrBox = iUnicode ? ETrue : EFalse;
+        if ( iUnicode )
+            {
+            // Edit preset shortcut
+            iActiveCharPos = iPresets.Find( iUnicode );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Edit own shortcut, get the first available preset shortcut
+            if ( FindFirstAvailableCharL( 0, iPresets.Count() - 1, 1, iUnicode ) )
+                {
+                iActiveCharPos = iPresets.Find( iUnicode );
+                }
+            else
+                {        
+                iActiveCharPos = KErrNotFound;
+                }            
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Create new shortcut        
+        // Load the current active char whether is own or preset.
+        iShortcutType = KOwnIndex;
+        iIsEmptyHwrBox = ETrue;
+        if ( FindFirstAvailableCharL( 0, iPresets.Count() - 1, 1, iUnicode ) )
+            {
+            iActiveCharPos = iPresets.Find( iUnicode );
+            }
+        else
+            {        
+            iActiveCharPos = KErrNotFound;
+            }
+        }
+    // Set radio button
+    iRadioButtonContainer->HandlePointerRadioButtonL( iShortcutType, 
+                                                      EEventRequestFocus );
+    SetRect( aRect );
+    ActivateL();
+    }
+CTruiShortcutEditContainer* CTruiShortcutEditContainer::NewL( const TRect& aRect )
+    {
+    CTruiShortcutEditContainer* self = CTruiShortcutEditContainer::NewLC( aRect );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+CTruiShortcutEditContainer* CTruiShortcutEditContainer::NewLC( const TRect& aRect )
+    {
+    CTruiShortcutEditContainer* self = new (ELeave) CTruiShortcutEditContainer();
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL( aRect );
+    return self;
+    }
+    {
+    delete iBackGround;
+    delete iLabeltext;
+    delete iWrappedLabelText;
+    iModelBak.Close();
+    iPresets.Close();
+    iLineWidthArray.Close();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create controls to be displayed in this container.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::InitializeControlsL()
+    {
+    // Create fixed toolbar
+    CAknToolbar* toolbar = iAppUi->View( KTruiShortcutEditViewId )->Toolbar();
+    // Get Clear button from toolbar    
+    CAknButton* clearButton = static_cast<CAknButton*>
+                    ( toolbar->ControlOrNull( EShortcutEditViewDelete ) );
+    CreateRadioButtonL();         
+    CcnstructButtonL();
+    CreateLabelL();
+    CreateHwrBoxL();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class CCoeControl.
+// Responds to changes to the size and position of the contents of this control.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::SizeChanged()
+    {
+    TInt varity = Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() ? KVarityLandscape
+                                                             : KVarityPortrait;
+    DoSizeChanged( varity );
+    // Set hwrbox's rect to engine and set guiding line to hwrbox
+    iHwrBox->SetDisplayBottomGuideLine( ETrue );
+    TBool isDisplayTopGuideLine = ( iEngine->CurrentLanguageScript() 
+                             == EMainViewSubmenuHebrew ) ? ETrue : EFalse;
+    iHwrBox->SetDisplayTopGuideLine( isDisplayTopGuideLine );
+    if ( varity == KVarityLandscape )
+        {
+        DoLayoutLandscape();
+        }
+    else if ( varity == KVarityPortrait )  
+        {
+        DoLayoutPortait();
+        }
+    if ( iBackGround )
+        {
+        iBackGround->SetRect( Rect() );
+        }    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Layout under landscape condition.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::DoLayoutLandscape()
+    {    
+    iRadioButtonContainer->SetRect( TRect( KRadioPosLandscape, 
+                                           KRadioSizePortrait ) );
+    iLeftBtn->SetRect( TRect( KLeftBtnPos, KButtonSize ) );
+    iRightBtn->SetRect( TRect( KRightBtnPos, KButtonSize ) );
+    iIndicator->SetRect( TRect( KIndicatorPosLandscape, KButtonSize ) );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Layout under portait condition.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::DoLayoutPortait()
+    {
+    iRadioButtonContainer->SetRect( TRect( KRadioPosPortrait, 
+                                           KRadioSizePortrait ) );    
+    iLeftBtn->SetRect( TRect( KLeftBtnPosPotrait, KButtonSize ) );
+    iRightBtn->SetRect( TRect( KRightBtnPosPotrait, KButtonSize ) );
+    iIndicator->SetRect( TRect( KIndicatorPosPotrait, KButtonSize ) );
+    }    
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Save own shortcut.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::SaveOwnShortcutL( const TDesC& aShortcut, 
+                                                   RArray<TPoint>& aModel,
+                                                   TDes& aErrMsg )
+    {
+    // Ensure the shortcut doesn't exist.
+    if ( iEngine->CheckShortcutModel( aShortcut ) )
+        {
+        iEngine->DeleteShortcut( aShortcut );
+        }
+    if ( aModel.Count() )
+        {
+        iEngine->SaveShortcutL( aShortcut, aModel, aErrMsg );
+        }
+    }    
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Save preset shortcut.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::SavePresetShortcutL( const TDesC& aShortcut, 
+                                                      TUint aUnicode )
+    {
+    // Ensure the shortcut doesn't exist.
+    if ( iEngine->CheckShortcutModel( aShortcut ) )
+        {
+        iEngine->DeleteShortcut( aShortcut );
+        }
+    // Check if aUnicode is in use.
+    RArray<TPoint> presetModel;
+    CleanupClosePushL( presetModel );
+    TBuf<KSimilarMsgLength> msg;
+    iEngine->GetPresetSymbolByUnicodeL( aUnicode, presetModel, msg );
+    if ( msg.Length() > 0 )
+        {
+        // In use, being assigned to some shortcut.
+        User::Leave( KErrInUse );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &presetModel );
+    iEngine->SavePresetShortcutL( aUnicode, aShortcut );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Backup shortcut model. It is probably to be restored when press Back to exit.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::BackupShortcutModel
+                                 ( const RArray<TPoint>& aOriginalModel,
+                                   TUint aOriginalUnicode )
+    {
+    iUnicodeBak = aOriginalUnicode;
+    if ( !iUnicodeBak )
+        {
+        // If old shortcut is own, it is necessary to store trails.
+        // If it is preset, backup is unecessary
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i < aOriginalModel.Count(); i++ )
+            {
+            iModelBak.Append( aOriginalModel[i] );
+            }        
+        }    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Set active char.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::SetActiveCharL( TUint aUnicode )
+    {
+    // Set active indicator
+    TBuf<KIndicatorBufSize> preset;
+    // Preset symbol
+    preset.Format( KActiveCharFormat, aUnicode );
+    iIndicator->SetTextL( preset );        
+    iIndicator->DrawNow();    
+    // Clear hwrbox and stop playing animation    
+    iHwrBox->ClearExistModel();
+    // Get model
+    TBuf<KSimilarMsgLength> similarMsg;
+    iEngine->GetPresetSymbolByUnicodeL( aUnicode, iHwrBox->Model(),
+                                        similarMsg );
+    // Play animation in HwrBox 
+    iHwrBox->ModelIsReady( ETrue );
+    if ( iShortcutType == KPresetIndex )
+        {
+        // As for preset, need to scale trails size firstly
+        iHwrBox->PlayAnimation( ETrue, CTruiContainerBase::OriginSymbolSize() );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iHwrBox->PlayAnimation();
+        }    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Find the first available preset symbol.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CTruiShortcutEditContainer::FindFirstAvailableCharL( TInt aStartPos, 
+                                                           TInt aEndPos,
+                                                           TInt aDirection, 
+                                                           TUint& aUnicode )
+    {
+    while ( aStartPos != aEndPos && aStartPos < iPresets.Count() )
+        {
+        if ( !CheckPresetSymbolInUseL( iPresets[aStartPos] ) )
+            {            
+            aUnicode = iPresets[aStartPos];
+            return ETrue;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // In use
+            if ( iUnicodeBak == iPresets[aStartPos] )
+                {
+                // But the preset symbol is the old preset 
+                // which users are editting, 
+                // Still display the symbol in indicator                
+                aUnicode = iPresets[aStartPos];
+                return ETrue;
+                }
+            }
+        if ( aDirection )
+            {
+            // Go right           
+            aStartPos = ( ++aStartPos + iPresets.Count() ) % iPresets.Count();
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Go left
+            aStartPos = ( --aStartPos + iPresets.Count() ) % iPresets.Count();
+            }                    
+        }
+    if ( aEndPos < iPresets.Count() && !CheckPresetSymbolInUseL( iPresets[aEndPos] ) )
+        {
+        aUnicode = iPresets[aEndPos];
+        return ETrue;
+        }      
+    return EFalse;           
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Return if the preset is in use.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CTruiShortcutEditContainer::CheckPresetSymbolInUseL( TUint aUnicode )
+    {
+    // Check if iUnicode is in use
+    RArray<TPoint> presetModels;
+    CleanupClosePushL( presetModels );
+    TBuf<KSimilarMsgLength> similarMsg;      
+    iEngine->GetPresetSymbolByUnicodeL( aUnicode,
+                                        presetModels,
+                                        similarMsg );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &presetModels );
+    if ( similarMsg.Length() )
+        {
+        return ETrue;
+        }
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Do something to response to size changed.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::DoSizeChanged( TInt aVarity )
+    {
+    TRect rect = Rect();
+    TAknWindowComponentLayout main_pane_layout = 
+                            AknLayoutScalable_Apps::main_hwr_training_pane();
+    TAknLayoutRect main_pane_layout_rect;
+    main_pane_layout_rect.LayoutRect( rect, main_pane_layout );
+    TRect main_pane_rect = main_pane_layout_rect.Rect();
+    // hwr_training_write_pane
+    TAknWindowComponentLayout write_pane_layout = 
+               AknLayoutScalable_Apps::hwr_training_write_pane( aVarity );
+    TAknLayoutRect write_pane_layout_rect;
+    write_pane_layout_rect.LayoutRect( main_pane_rect, write_pane_layout );
+    iHwrBox->SetRect( write_pane_layout_rect.Rect() );
+    TPoint hwrPos = iHwrBox->PositionRelativeToScreen();
+    iHwrBox->SetTooltipPosition( hwrPos + TPoint( iHwrBox->Size().iWidth, KHwrTooltipY ) );
+    // hwr_training_instruct_pane
+    TAknWindowComponentLayout instruct_pane_layout = 
+               AknLayoutScalable_Apps::hwr_training_instruct_pane( aVarity );
+    TAknLayoutRect instruct_pane_layout_rect;
+    instruct_pane_layout_rect.LayoutRect( main_pane_rect, instruct_pane_layout );    
+    // count of text rows
+    TInt count = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::
+                 list_single_hwr_training_instruct_pane_ParamLimits( KVarityListPane )
+                 .LastRow() + 1;
+    // array contains all text rows in help screen
+    RArray<TAknTextComponentLayout> textLayoutArray;
+    iLineWidthArray.Reset();
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
+        {
+        // pane area for each row
+        TAknWindowComponentLayout each_row_layout =  
+            AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_single_hwr_training_instruct_pane
+            ( KVarityListPane, 0, i );
+        TAknLayoutRect each_row_layout_rect;
+        each_row_layout_rect.LayoutRect( instruct_pane_layout_rect.Rect(), 
+                                         each_row_layout );
+        iLineWidthArray.Append( each_row_layout_rect.Rect().Width() );
+        // smaller pane for text itself
+        TAknTextComponentLayout each_row_text_layout =  
+            AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_single_hwr_training_instruct_pane_t1();
+        // composition of two latter componets
+        TAknTextComponentLayout textCompCompositionWiz = 
+            TAknWindowComponentLayout::ComposeText(
+                each_row_layout, each_row_text_layout );
+        TRAPD(error, textLayoutArray.AppendL( textCompCompositionWiz ) );
+        // if error in append function, then just exit the loop      
+        if ( error != KErrNone )
+            {
+            break;
+            }
+        }       
+    iMultilineLayout = TAknTextComponentLayout::Multiline( textLayoutArray ); 
+    if ( iLabeltext && iWrappedLabelText )
+        {
+        // Be ready to show label
+        TAknLayoutText multilineTextLayout;
+        multilineTextLayout.LayoutText( instruct_pane_layout_rect.Rect(), iMultilineLayout );    
+        const CFont* font = AknLayoutUtils::FontFromId( iMultilineLayout.FontId() );
+        TRAPD( err, WrapLabelTextL( font, *iLabeltext, iLineWidthArray, iWrappedLabelText ) );
+        if ( err == KErrNone )
+            {
+            TRAP_IGNORE( iLabelTip->SetTextL( *iWrappedLabelText ) );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            TRAP_IGNORE( iLabelTip->SetTextL( *iLabeltext ) );
+            }        
+        AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel( iLabelTip, 
+                                     instruct_pane_layout_rect.Rect(), 
+                                     iMultilineLayout );
+        }
+    textLayoutArray.Close();
+    TRgb labelColor = KRgbBlack;
+    TInt error = GetCachedLabelTextColor( labelColor );
+    if ( error == KErrNone )
+        {
+        TRAP_IGNORE( iLabelTip->OverrideColorL( EColorLabelText, labelColor ) );
+        TRAP_IGNORE( iIndicator->OverrideColorL( EColorLabelText, labelColor ) );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create radio button.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::CreateRadioButtonL()
+    {
+    iRadioButtonContainer = CTruiRadioButton::NewL( this,
+                                             CTruiRadioButton::ERadioButton,
+                                             this );
+    Components().AppendLC( iRadioButtonContainer );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( iRadioButtonContainer );
+    HBufC* radioTextOwn = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC
+    iRadioButtonContainer->AddItem( radioTextOwn, CTruiRadioButton::ENonSelected );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( radioTextOwn ); // transfered ownership
+    HBufC* radioTextPreset = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC
+    iRadioButtonContainer->AddItem( radioTextPreset, CTruiRadioButton::ENonSelected );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( radioTextPreset ); // transfered ownership
+    iRadioButtonContainer->HandleItemAdditionL();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create HWR box to write and play model
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::CreateHwrBoxL()
+    {
+    CTruiHwrBox* hwrBox = CTruiHwrBox::NewL( this, this, iBackGround );    
+    hwrBox->SetHwrBoxFlag( CTruiHwrBox::EFrameHwrBox );
+    Components().AppendLC( hwrBox );
+    hwrBox->ActivateL();    
+    CleanupStack::Pop( hwrBox );
+    iHwrBox = hwrBox;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create buttons.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::CcnstructButtonL()
+    {
+    // Left button for last character
+    CAknButton* preButton = CreateButtonL( R_MAINVIEW_BUTTON_LEFT,
+                                           this,
+                                           this );
+    Components().AppendLC( preButton );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( preButton );    
+    iLeftBtn = preButton;
+    // Right button for next character
+    CAknButton* nextButton = CreateButtonL( R_MAINVIEW_BUTTON_RIGHT,
+                                           this,
+                                           this );
+    Components().AppendLC( nextButton );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( nextButton );    
+    iRightBtn = nextButton;    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Create buttons.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::CreateLabelL()
+    {
+    //Create label tip
+    CEikLabel* tipLabel = new (ELeave) CEikLabel();
+    CleanupStack::PushL( tipLabel );    
+    tipLabel->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
+    tipLabel->SetTextL( KNullDesC );
+    tipLabel->ActivateL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( tipLabel );
+    Components().AppendLC( tipLabel );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( tipLabel );
+    iLabelTip = tipLabel;    
+    // Create active character indicator
+    CEikLabel* aknLabel = new (ELeave) CEikLabel();
+    CleanupStack::PushL( aknLabel );
+    aknLabel->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
+    aknLabel->SetObserver( this );
+    aknLabel->SetAlignment( 
+         TGulAlignmentValue ( EEikLabelAlignHCenter|EEikLabelAlignVCenter ) );
+    aknLabel->SetTextL( KNullDesC );
+    aknLabel->ActivateL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( aknLabel );
+    Components().AppendLC( aknLabel );    
+    CleanupStack::Pop( aknLabel );     
+    iIndicator = aknLabel;
+    iIndicator->SetObserver( this );    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Draw.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::Draw( const TRect& /*aRect*/ ) const
+    {
+    // Get the standard graphics context
+    CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
+    // Gets the control's extent
+    TRect rect( Rect());
+    // Clears the screen
+    gc.Clear( rect );
+    MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();  
+    if ( AknsDrawUtils::HasBitmapBackground( skin, iBackGround ) ) 
+        {
+        AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, iBackGround, gc, rect );
+        }   
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Switch to shortcuts view.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::SwitchToShortcutViewL()
+    {    
+    // Update shortcut list
+    iEngine->UpdateShortcutListL();
+    // Find the current shortcut's index in shortcut list
+    CDesCArray* shortcutList = iEngine->ShortcutTextList();
+    TInt index = DefaultSelectedIndex( shortcutList, iEngine->Shortcut() );
+    if ( index == KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        TInt oldIndex = iEngine->CurrentSelectedIndex();
+        if ( shortcutList )
+            {
+            index = ( oldIndex > shortcutList->Count() ) 
+                               ? shortcutList->Count() : oldIndex;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            index = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    // Set current index in Engine
+    iEngine->SetCurrentSelectedIndex( index );
+    // Close tooltip
+    iHwrBox->HideInfoPopupNote();
+    iAppUi->ActivateLocalViewL( KTruiShortcutsViewId );
+    // Show NaviDecorator
+    iAppUi->ShowNaviPaneL();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Go back to previous view
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::BackToPreviousViewL()
+    {
+    if ( iIsRestored )
+        {
+        // Check if restore the old shortcut
+        if ( iUnicodeBak )
+            {
+            // Old shortcut is preset, restore it.
+            SavePresetShortcutL( iEngine->Shortcut(), iUnicodeBak );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Old shortcut is own, restore it.
+            // Or create new shortcut
+            TBuf<KSimilarMsgLength> similarMsg;
+            SaveOwnShortcutL( iEngine->Shortcut(), iModelBak, similarMsg );
+            }        
+        }  
+    // Close tooltip
+    iHwrBox->HideInfoPopupNote();
+    // Show NaviDecorator      
+    CTruiShortcutEditView* view = static_cast<CTruiShortcutEditView*>
+                           ( iAppUi->View( KTruiShortcutEditViewId ) );
+    iAppUi->ActivateLocalViewL( view->PreviousViewId().iViewUid );
+    if ( view->PreviousViewId() == TVwsViewId( KUidtruiApp, KTruiShortcutsViewId ) )
+        {
+        iAppUi->ShowNaviPaneL();        
+        }    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Handles an event from an observed control.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* aControl,
+                                                      TCoeEvent aEventType )
+    {
+    if ( aControl == iLeftBtn && aEventType == EEventStateChanged )
+        {        
+        if ( iActiveCharPos != KErrNotFound )
+            {
+            // Edit an old preset
+            // Find first available preset, otherwise, show error note all in use
+            // Create a new preset shortcut but at least one is available
+            // Find first available preset, otherwise, nothing to do
+            TInt startPos = ( iActiveCharPos - 1 + iPresets.Count() ) 
+                            % iPresets.Count();
+            TInt endPos = ( iActiveCharPos + 1 + iPresets.Count() ) 
+                            % iPresets.Count();       
+            if ( FindFirstAvailableCharL( startPos, endPos, 0, iUnicode ) )
+                {
+                iActiveCharPos = iPresets.Find( iUnicode );
+                SetActiveCharL( iUnicode ); 
+                }
+            else if ( !iEngine->NewShortcut() )
+                {
+                // if Create a new preset shortcut but at least one is available
+                // nothing to do
+                // show error note : all in use
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Create a new preset, but all in use
+            // Show error note
+            }
+        }
+    else if ( aControl == iRightBtn && aEventType == EEventStateChanged )
+        {
+        if ( iActiveCharPos != KErrNotFound )
+            {
+            // Edit an old preset
+            // Find first available preset, otherwise, show error note all in use
+            // Create a new preset shortcut but at least one is available
+            // Find first available preset, otherwise, nothing to do
+            TInt startPos = ( iActiveCharPos + 1 + iPresets.Count() ) 
+                            % iPresets.Count();
+            TInt endPos = ( iActiveCharPos - 1 + iPresets.Count() ) 
+                            % iPresets.Count();       
+            if ( FindFirstAvailableCharL( startPos, endPos, 1, iUnicode ) )
+                {
+                iActiveCharPos = iPresets.Find( iUnicode );
+                SetActiveCharL( iUnicode ); 
+                }
+            else if ( !iEngine->NewShortcut() )
+                {
+                // show error note : all in use
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Create a new preset, but all in use
+            // Show error note
+            }
+        }
+    else if ( iShortcutType == KPresetIndex && aControl == iIndicator 
+              && aEventType == EEventRequestFocus )
+        {
+        PreviewShortcutModel();
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MTruiHWRBoxObserver.
+// Handle the save model event
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::SaveNewModelL()
+    {
+    // Carry out saving new model
+    if ( iShortcutType == KOwnIndex )
+        {
+        iIsRestored = ETrue;
+        // If shortcut is own, it will save new model
+        TBuf<KSimilarMsgLength> similarMsg;
+        TRAPD( err, SaveOwnShortcutL( iEngine->Shortcut(), 
+                                      iHwrBox->Model(), 
+                                      similarMsg ) );
+        switch ( err )
+            {
+            case KErrNone:
+                {
+                iIsEmptyHwrBox = EFalse;
+                CAknToolbar* toolbar = iAppUi->View( KTruiShortcutEditViewId )
+                                             ->Toolbar();
+                CAknButton* clearBtn = static_cast<CAknButton*>
+                          ( toolbar->ControlOrNull( EShortcutEditViewDelete ) );
+                clearBtn->SetDimmed( EFalse );
+                clearBtn->DrawNow(); 
+                CAknButton* previewBtn = static_cast<CAknButton*>
+                          ( toolbar->ControlOrNull( EShortcutEditViewPreviewModel ) );
+                previewBtn->SetDimmed( EFalse );
+                previewBtn->DrawNow(); 
+                TPoint hwrPos = iHwrBox->PositionRelativeToScreen();
+                HBufC* tooltipText = 
+                        iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_TRUI_TOOLTIP_SAVED );
+                iHwrBox->ShowTooltipL( *tooltipText, 
+                                  hwrPos + TPoint( iHwrBox->Size().iWidth, KHwrTooltipY ),
+                                       KTooltipPopupTimeOut, 
+                                       KTooltipStayTimeOut );
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tooltipText );
+                break;
+                }
+            case KErrAlreadyExists:
+                {
+                //Clear invalid model
+                ClearCurrentModelL();
+                //Popup err message
+                PopupTooltipL( R_TRUI_SHORTCUTEDITVIEW_ERROR_NOTE_IN_USE );
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }       
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MTruiHWRBoxObserver.
+// Handle the message event from the HWRBox
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::HandleEventL( TMessageType aMessage )
+    {
+    if ( aMessage == EModelExist )
+        {
+        PopupTooltipL( R_TRUI_NOTE_CLEAR_BOX );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MTruiHWRBoxObserver.
+// Notify that which radio button is selected.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::SelectChangedL( TInt aIndex )
+    {
+    // Change the text below radio buttons
+                              : R_TRUI_SHORTCUTEDITVIEW_OWN_SYMBOL;    
+    delete iLabeltext;
+    iLabeltext = NULL;
+    iLabeltext = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceL( tipResource );
+    delete iWrappedLabelText;
+    iWrappedLabelText = NULL;
+    // count of text rows
+    TInt lines = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::
+                 list_single_hwr_training_instruct_pane_ParamLimits( KVarityListPane )
+                 .LastRow() + 1;         
+    iWrappedLabelText = HBufC::NewL( iLabeltext->Length() + lines
+                                     + KExtraSize );
+    // Be ready to show label
+    const CFont* font = AknLayoutUtils::FontFromId( iMultilineLayout.FontId() );
+    TRAPD( err, WrapLabelTextL( font, *iLabeltext, iLineWidthArray, iWrappedLabelText ) );
+    if ( err == KErrNone )
+        {
+        iLabelTip->SetTextL( *iWrappedLabelText );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iLabelTip->SetTextL( *iLabeltext );
+        }
+    // Get Clear button from toolbar
+    CAknToolbar* toolbar = iAppUi->View( KTruiShortcutEditViewId )->Toolbar();
+    CAknButton* clearBtn = static_cast<CAknButton*>
+                ( toolbar->ControlOrNull( EShortcutEditViewDelete ) );
+    CAknButton* gridBtn = static_cast<CAknButton*>
+                ( toolbar->ControlOrNull( EShortcutEditViewGrid ) );
+    // Dim left and right buttons when selecting "own symbol"
+    TBool btnDimmed = aIndex ? EFalse : ETrue;
+    iLeftBtn->SetDimmed( btnDimmed );
+    iLeftBtn->DrawNow();
+    iRightBtn->SetDimmed( btnDimmed );
+    iRightBtn->DrawNow();
+    // Set grid button status
+    gridBtn->SetDimmed( btnDimmed );
+    gridBtn->DrawNow();
+    // Set active indicator
+    TBuf<KIndicatorBufSize> preset;
+    if ( aIndex && iUnicode )
+        {
+        // Preset symbol
+        preset.Format( KActiveCharFormat, iUnicode );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Own
+        preset.Copy( KNullDesC );
+        }
+    iIndicator->SetTextL( preset );        
+    iIndicator->DrawNow();    
+    // Update current shortcut type
+    iShortcutType = aIndex;   
+    // Clear hwrbox and stop playing animation    
+    iHwrBox->ClearExistModel();
+    if ( iShortcutType == KPresetIndex )
+        {
+        // If preset shortcut, get trail points.
+        TBuf<KSimilarMsgLength> similarMsg;
+        iEngine->GetPresetSymbolByUnicodeL( iUnicode, 
+                                            iHwrBox->Model(), similarMsg );
+        iHwrBox->ModelIsReady( ETrue );
+        iHwrBox->PlayAnimation( ETrue, CTruiContainerBase::OriginSymbolSize() );
+        }
+    else if ( !iIsEmptyHwrBox )
+        {
+        // If own shortcut, get trail points
+        TUint unicode = 0;
+        iEngine->GetShortcutModelL( iEngine->Shortcut(), iHwrBox->Model(),
+                                    unicode );
+        iHwrBox->ModelIsReady( ETrue );
+        iHwrBox->PlayAnimation();
+        }
+    // Set hwrbox model
+    if ( iShortcutType == KPresetIndex )
+        {        
+        iHwrBox->SetHwrBoxReadOnly( ETrue );        
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iHwrBox->SetHwrBoxReadOnly( EFalse );
+        }
+    // Set clear button's status
+    clearBtn->SetDimmed( !( iHwrBox->Model().Count() ) | aIndex );
+    clearBtn->DrawNow();
+    // Set preview button status
+    CAknButton* previewBtn = static_cast<CAknButton*>
+              ( toolbar->ControlOrNull( EShortcutEditViewPreviewModel ) );
+    previewBtn->SetDimmed( !( iHwrBox->Model().Count() | aIndex ) );
+    previewBtn->DrawNow();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Preview shortcut model
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::PreviewShortcutModel()
+    {
+    //even hwrbox know if current character has existing model.
+    //ask for engine to confirm this
+    iHwrBox->PlayAnimation(); 
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Check if model exist
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CTruiShortcutEditContainer::HasShortcutModel()
+    {    
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Prepare to exit
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CTruiShortcutEditContainer::PrepareToExitL()
+    {
+    iHwrBox->HideInfoPopupNote();
+    //If previous char's model is not saved, save it before exit.
+    if ( iHwrBox->BoxState() == CTruiHwrBox::ENewModelDraw )
+        {
+        //Call save function from hwrbox,
+        //in order to stop periodics in the hwrbox
+        iHwrBox->SaveModelByManuallyL();
+        }
+    //After saving model, if shortcut model is empty,
+    //notice user that shortcut will be delete.
+    if ( iHwrBox->Model().Count() == 0 )
+        {
+        // Not assign model to shortcut
+        CAknQueryDialog* dlg = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
+            {
+            // yes/ok pressed
+            iEngine->DeleteShortcut( iEngine->Shortcut() );
+            return ETrue;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            return EFalse;
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        if ( iShortcutType == KPresetIndex )
+            {
+            // Save preset
+            // No need to save own preset again, because it has been saved before.
+            TRAPD( err, SavePresetShortcutL( iEngine->Shortcut(), iUnicode ) );
+            if ( err == KErrInUse )
+                {
+                // Pop information note
+                HBufC* errMsg = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC
+                              ( R_TRUI_SHORTCUTEDITVIEW_ERROR_NOTE_IN_USE );
+                CAknConfirmationNote* note = new (ELeave) CAknConfirmationNote 
+                                                                    ( ETrue );
+                note->ExecuteLD( *errMsg );                
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( errMsg );
+                return EFalse;
+                }                
+            }
+        }
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Clear current model
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::ClearCurrentModelL()
+    {
+    // Get Clear button from toolbar
+    CAknToolbar* toolbar = iAppUi->View( KTruiShortcutEditViewId )->Toolbar();    
+    CAknButton* clearBtn = static_cast<CAknButton*>
+                ( toolbar->ControlOrNull( EShortcutEditViewDelete ) );    
+    clearBtn->SetDimmed( ETrue );
+    clearBtn->DrawNow();
+    // Set preview button status
+    CAknButton* previewBtn = static_cast<CAknButton*>
+              ( toolbar->ControlOrNull( EShortcutEditViewPreviewModel ) );
+    previewBtn->SetDimmed( ETrue );
+    previewBtn->DrawNow();
+    iHwrBox->ClearExistModel();
+    HBufC* tipText = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_TRUI_TOOLTIP_DELETED );
+    TPoint hwrPos = iHwrBox->PositionRelativeToScreen();
+    iHwrBox->ShowTooltipL( *tipText, 
+                           hwrPos + TPoint( iHwrBox->Size().iWidth, KHwrTooltipY ),
+                           KTooltipPopupTimeOut, KTooltipStayTimeOut );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tipText ); 
+    iIsEmptyHwrBox = ETrue;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Popup tooltip
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::PopupTooltipL( TInt aResourceID )
+    {
+    HBufC* tooltiptext =iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( aResourceID );
+    CAknInformationNote* note = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote( ETrue );
+    note->ExecuteLD( *tooltiptext );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tooltiptext );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This is called whenever the control gains or loses focus, 
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::FocusChanged( TDrawNow /*aDrawNow*/ )
+    {
+    if ( IsFocused() )
+        {
+        if ( iHwrBox->BoxState() == CTruiHwrBox::EExistModelStop )
+            {
+            iHwrBox->ResumePlaying();
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        if ( iHwrBox->BoxState() == CTruiHwrBox::EExistModelDraw )
+            {
+            iHwrBox->PausePlaying();
+            }
+        }
+    iHwrBox->SetFocus( IsFocused() );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Return the currently selected index, which will be set in Shortcuts view.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CTruiShortcutEditContainer::DefaultSelectedIndex( const CDesCArray* aItemList,
+                                                       const TDesC& aText )
+    {    
+    if ( aItemList )
+        {
+        for ( TInt i = 0; i < aItemList->Count(); i++ )
+            {        
+            if ( (*aItemList)[i].Compare( aText ) == 0 )
+                {
+                return i + 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    return KErrNotFound;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Popup SCT dialog.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::PopupSctDialogL()
+    {
+    TBuf<KSctBufferSize> selectedStr;
+    CAknCharMapDialog* sct = new (ELeave) CAknCharMapDialog( EAknSCTLowerCase, 
+                                           selectedStr, 
+                                           R_TRUI_SCT_CHARSET_PRESET );    
+    TInt keyboardMode = CurrentKeyBoardModeL(); 
+    if ( keyboardMode )
+        {
+        // QWERTY: Lock numeric keys.
+        sct->LockNumericKeys( ETrue );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // ITU-T: Unlock numeric keys.
+        sct->LockNumericKeys( EFalse );
+        }
+    sct->DisableRecentCharsRow();
+    if ( sct->ExecuteLD( R_TRUI_SCT_DIALOG ) )
+        {        
+        TInt selectedUnicode = selectedStr.Length() ? selectedStr[0] : NULL;
+        TBool isInUse = CheckPresetSymbolInUseL( selectedUnicode );
+        if ( isInUse && selectedUnicode != iUnicodeBak )
+            {
+            // Preset is in use
+            //Popup err message
+            return;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            TInt activePos = iPresets.Find( selectedUnicode );
+            // Set active char pos
+            iActiveCharPos = ( activePos != KErrNotFound ) ? activePos : 0;
+            iUnicode = iPresets[iActiveCharPos];
+            SetActiveCharL( selectedUnicode );            
+            }        
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class CCoeControl.
+// Handles a change to the control's resources.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CTruiShortcutEditContainer::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
+    {
+    CTruiContainerBase::HandleResourceChange( aType );
+    if ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch && iHwrBox )
+        {
+        if ( iHwrBox->BoxState() == CTruiHwrBox::ENewModelDraw )
+            {
+            TRAP_IGNORE( iHwrBox->SaveModelByManuallyL() );
+            }        
+        }    
+    if ( aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )
+        {
+        TRgb labelColor = KRgbBlack;
+        TInt error = GetCachedLabelTextColor( labelColor );
+        if ( error == KErrNone )
+            {
+            TRAPD( errLable, iLabelTip->OverrideColorL( EColorLabelText, 
+                                                        labelColor ) );
+            if ( errLable != KErrNone )
+                {
+                return;
+                }
+            TRAP_IGNORE( iIndicator->OverrideColorL( EColorLabelText, 
+                                                     labelColor ) );
+            }        
+        }         
+    }