--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/textinput/ptienginev2/inc/PtiEngineImpl.h Tue Feb 02 01:02:04 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Predective text input engine implementation class header
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include "PtiDefs.h"
+#include "PtiObserver.h"
+class CPtiCore;
+class MPtiLanguage;
+class CPtiCoreLanguage;
+class CPtiUserDictionary;
+class MPtiUserDictionary;
+class MPtiEngineCompositionDataInterface;
+class MPtiUserDictionaryEntry;
+class CPtiEngine;
+class CPtiMappings;
+class MPtiHwrRecognizer;
+class CHwrRecognizer;
+class CPtiHwrRecognizer;
+class MPtiKeyMappings;
+const TInt KPtiMaxKeymappingsLength = 32;
+* CPtiEngineImpl class.
+* Implementation class for main PtiEngine API. See file PtiEngine.h for actual documentation.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPtiEngineImpl) : public CBase
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Two phase constructor.
+ *
+ * @param aUseDefaultUserDictionary
+ * @return
+ */
+ static CPtiEngineImpl* NewL(CPtiEngine* aFrontEnd);
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ ~CPtiEngineImpl();
+ // The PtiEngine API.
+ // See the description of corresponding method in PtiEngine.h
+ TInt ActivateLanguageL(TInt aEpocLanguageID, TPtiEngineInputMode aMode);
+ void CloseCurrentLanguageL();
+ IMPORT_C MPtiCoreInfo* CoreInfo(TPtiEngineInputMode aMode) const;
+ inline MPtiLanguage* CurrentLanguage();
+ MPtiLanguage* GetLanguage(TInt aCode) const;
+ TInt NumberOfCandidates();
+ TPtrC AppendKeyPress(TPtiKey aKey);
+ TPtrC DeleteKeyPress();
+ TInt AddCoreL(const TUid aCoreUid, TBool aUseDefaultUserDictionary);
+ TInt GetCandidateListL(CDesCArray& aList);
+ TInt GetNextWordCandidateListL(CDesCArray& aList);
+ TPtrC FirstCandidate();
+ TPtrC NextCandidate();
+ TPtrC PreviousCandidate();
+ TInt SetInputMode(TPtiEngineInputMode aMode);
+ inline TPtiEngineInputMode InputMode() const;
+ TInt SetReordering(TBool aStatus);
+ TInt SetCurrentWord(TPtrC aWord);
+ inline TPtrC CurrentWord();
+ void ClearCurrentWord();
+ inline void SetCase(TPtiTextCase aCase);
+ inline TPtiTextCase Case() const;
+ void GetAvailableLanguagesL(CArrayFix<TInt>* aResult);
+ void GetAvailableLanguagesL(RArray<TInt>& aResult);
+ inline TInt NumberOfLanguages() const;
+ TInt CreateUserDictionaryL(TDesC& aFileName, CDesCArrayFlat* aWords,
+ TPtiEngineInputMode aMode);
+ MPtiUserDictionary* AttachUserDictionaryL(TDesC& aFileName);
+ MPtiUserDictionary* AttachDefaultUserDictionaryL(TUid aCoreUid, TInt aSymbolClass);
+ TInt DetachUserDictionary(TDesC& aFileName);
+ TInt DetachUserDictionary(TInt aId);
+ void GetLocalizedLanguageNameL(TInt aLangCode, TDes& aResult);
+ TInt CommitCurrentWord();
+ TInt CharConversion(TPtiCharConversion aType,
+ TAny* aInput,
+ TInt aInputLength,
+ TAny* aOutput);
+ TUint32 AvailableCharConversions() const;
+ TInt SetExternalKeyMapL(TPtiEngineInputMode aMode,
+ TPtiKey aKey,
+ TDesC& aKeyMap,
+ TPtiTextCase aCase);
+ inline TPtiKey LastEnteredKey() const;
+ inline TPtrC8 CurrentInputSequence() const;
+ TInt GetSpelling(TUint16 aInput, TDes& aOutput, TPtiSpelling aType);
+ TInt CancelTimerActivity();
+ TPtiKey CharacterToKey(TUint16 aChar);
+ TInt AddUserDictionaryEntry(MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aEntry);
+ TInt AddUserDictionaryEntry(MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aEntry, TInt aId);
+ TInt RemoveEntryFromUserDictionary(MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aEntry);
+ TInt RemoveEntryFromUserDictionary(MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aEntry, TInt aId);
+ TInt NumberOfEntriesInUserDictionary();
+ TInt GetUserDictionaryEntry(TInt aIndex, MPtiUserDictionaryEntry& aResult);
+ MPtiUserDictionary* DefaultUserDictionary(TPtiEngineInputMode aMode);
+ inline void SetObserver(MPtiObserver* aObserver);
+ inline MPtiObserver* Observer();
+ TInt HandleCommandL(TPtiEngineCommand aCommand, TAny* aParams);
+ TPtrC CandidatePage();
+ TBool NextCandidatePage();
+ TBool PreviousCandidatePage();
+ TBool MoreCandidatePages();
+ void SetCandidatePageLength(TInt aLength);
+ TPtrC GetPhoneticSpelling(TInt aIndex) const;
+ TInt PhoneticSpellingCount() const;
+ TBool SelectPhoneticSpelling(TInt aIndex);
+ TInt SelectedPhoneticSpelling() const;
+ void EnableToneMarks(TBool aValue);
+ void ResetToneMark();
+ TBool ToneMark(TText& aToneMark) const;
+ TBool IsToneMarkValidForSpelling() const;
+ TBool IncrementToneMark(TBool aOverrideInvalid);
+ TBool SetPredictiveChineseChar(const TDesC& aChar);
+ MPtiEngineCompositionDataInterface* CompositionData();
+ TPtrC ReadingTextL();
+ void GetModeNameIndexL(TPtiChineseVariant aVariant, RArray<TInt>& aResult);
+ TInt GetPhoneticSpellingsL(CDesCArray& aList);
+ TInt GetChinesePhraseCandidatesL(CDesCArray& aList);
+ TBool SetToneMark(TInt aToneMark);
+ void CreateDefaultUserDictionaryFileL(TUid aCoreUid, TInt aSymbolClass);
+ void WriteSecondaryDataFileL(TUid aCoreUid, TInt aIndexNumber, HBufC8* aData);
+ HBufC8* ReadSecondaryDataFileL(TUid aCoreUid, TInt aIndexNumber);
+ void MappingDataForKey(TPtiKey aKey, TDes& aResult, TPtiTextCase aCase);
+ void GetNumericModeKeysForQwertyL(TInt aLanguage, RArray<TPtiNumericKeyBinding>& aResult);
+ IMPORT_C HBufC* GetCandidatesByInputString(const TDesC& aInputString,
+ RPointerArray<HBufC>& aList,
+ const TBool aIsPredictive);
+ void InitializeL(TBool aUseDefaultUserDictionary);
+ MPtiHwrRecognizer* GetHwrRecognizerL(TLanguage aLanguage);
+ MPtiHwrRecognizer* GetHwrRecognizerL(TInt aImpId);
+ RArray<TUid>& ListHwrRecognizerL(TLanguage aLanguage);
+ void GetHwrAvailableLanguagesL(RArray<TInt>& aResult);
+ const RArray<TPtiNumericKeyBinding>& ExtendedNumericModeKeysForQwertyL(TInt aLanguage);
+ TInt SetAutoSubstitution(TBool aStatus);
+ TInt AddAutoSubstitutionEntry(const TDesC& aShortcut, const TDesC& aSubstituition);
+ TInt DeleteAutoSubstitutionEntry(const TDesC& aShortcut);
+ TInt NumberOfAutoSubstitutionEntries() const;
+ TInt GetAutoSubstitutionEntry(TInt aIndex, TDes& aShortcut,
+ TDes& aSubstitution);
+ TPtiKeyboardType KeyboardType() const;
+ TInt SetKeyboardType(TPtiKeyboardType aType);
+ void KeyboardTypesSupportedByLanguageL(TInt aLanguage,
+ RArray<TPtiKeyboardType>& aResult);
+ void GetNumericModeKeysForQwertyL(TInt aLanguage,
+ RArray<TPtiNumericKeyBinding>& aResult,
+ TPtiKeyboardType aKeyboardType);
+ const RArray<TPtiNumericKeyBinding>& ExtendedNumericModeKeysForQwertyL(TInt aLanguage, TPtiKeyboardType aKeyboardType);
+ TInt SetNumberCandidateStatus(TBool aStatus);
+ TBool IsValidKey(TPtiKey aKey) const;
+ TInt SetMaxLengthForAutoCompletedCandidates(TInt aMaxLenght);
+ void MarkAutoCapitalized();
+ inline TPtrC8 CaseSequence();
+ TInt AddPhrase(const TDesC& aNewPhrase);
+ TInt SetSecondaryInputL(TInt aEpocLanguageID);
+ MPtiKeyMappings* GetCombinedKeyMappings(TPtiKeyboardType aKeyboardType);
+ private:
+ enum
+ {
+ KPtiMaxWordSize = 255
+ };
+ private:
+ CPtiEngineImpl();
+ void ConstructL(CPtiEngine* aFrontEnd);
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPtiLangName>* CreateLanguageNamesListLC();
+ void FindLanguageName(CArrayFixFlat<TPtiLangName>*aList, TDes& aResult, TInt aLangCode);
+ void RefreshLanguageNamesL();
+ inline TBool IsCoreForInputMode(TPtiEngineInputMode aMode) const;
+ inline TBool IsCore() const;
+ inline CPtiCore* Core() const;
+ inline CPtiCore* CoreForInputMode(TPtiEngineInputMode aMode) const;
+ void DetachUserDictionaries();
+ CPtiCore* FindCoreByUid(TInt32 aUid);
+ void ConvertToKeySequence(TPtrC aIn, TDes8& aOut);
+ inline void ClearBuffers();
+ void Capitalize(TDes& aTextBuffer);
+ void MakeCaseSequence(TPtrC aWord);
+ void LoadCoresInDefaultDirL(TBool aUseDefaultUserDictionary);
+ CPtiUserDictionary* DefaultUserDictForCore(CPtiCore* aCore);
+ TInt ReadUidFromUserDictionaryFileL(const TDesC& aFileName);
+ CPtiCoreLanguage* CreateNumericLanguageL(CPtiCore* aCore);
+ inline TBool IsChinese() const;
+ TInt CountToneMarks(TPtrC aSpelling) const;
+ inline TBool SupportsUserDictionaries(CPtiCore* aCore);
+ inline TBool IsToneMarkOrSeparator(TInt aChar) const;
+ inline TBool IsModeChineseQwerty(TPtiEngineInputMode aMode) const;
+ TPtrC RedirectKeyForChineseQwerty(TPtiKey aKey, TBool& aRedirected);
+ void CreateUserDictName(TDes& aResult, TUid aCoreUid, TInt aSymbolClass);
+ void CreateSecondaryDataFileName(TDes& aResult, TUid aCoreUid, TInt aIndex);
+ TBool MapNumericChar(CPtiMappings* aMaps, TPtiNumericKeyBinding& aBinding,
+ TPtiKey aKey, TPtiTextCase aCase, TBool aUseExtendedSet,
+ TPtiEngineInputMode aMode);
+ inline TBool AllowCapitalize(TUint16 aChar) const;
+ void NumericModeKeysForQwertyL(TInt aLanguage,
+ RArray<TPtiNumericKeyBinding>& aResult,
+ TBool aUseExtendedSet,
+ TPtiKeyboardType aKeyboardtype = EPtiKeyboardNone);
+ TPtiKeyboardType ActiveKeyboardTypeL();
+ TPtiKeyboardType FindFirstAvailableQwertyKeyboardType(TInt aLang) const;
+ TPtiTextCase CaseForMappedCharacter(TChar aCharacter);
+ void RemoveTrailingPunctuations();
+ void RemoveTrailingPunctuations12Key();
+ void SearchKeySequenceInSecLang(TPtrC aIn, TDes8& aOut);
+ private:
+ /*
+ * Pointer to PtiEngine front end.
+ */
+ CPtiEngine* iFrontEnd;
+ /*
+ * Primary text buffer.
+ */
+ TBuf<KPtiMaxWordSize> iTextBuffer;
+ TBuf<KPtiMaxKeymappingsLength> iPunctuationCharacters;
+ /*
+ * Input sequence buffer. Holds scan codes for
+ * each key press for current word.
+ */
+ TBuf8<KPtiMaxWordSize> iInputSequence;
+ /*
+ * Case buffer. Holds the shift status for each key press.
+ */
+ TBuf8<KPtiMaxWordSize> iCaseBuffer;
+ /*
+ * Current input mode.
+ */
+ TPtiEngineInputMode iInputMode;
+ /*
+ * Pointer to currently active language.
+ */
+ CPtiCoreLanguage* iCurrentLanguage;
+ /*
+ * Current text case.
+ */
+ TPtiTextCase iCase;
+ /*
+ * The language list.
+ */
+ CArrayPtrFlat<CPtiCoreLanguage>* iLanguages;
+ /*
+ * Candidate buffer.
+ */
+ TBuf<KPtiMaxWordSize> iCandidateBuffer;
+ /*
+ * Core object array.
+ */
+ CArrayPtrFlat<CPtiCore>* iCores;
+ /*
+ * User dictionary array.
+ */
+ RPointerArray<CPtiUserDictionary> iUserDictionaries;
+ /*
+ * Pointer to registered PtiEngine observer.
+ */
+ MPtiObserver* iObserver;
+ /*
+ * Language for current extended numeric mode set.
+ */
+ TInt iExtendedNumricSetLang;
+ /*
+ * Extended numeric mode characters.
+ */
+ RArray<TPtiNumericKeyBinding> iExtendedNumricSet;
+ /**
+ * The array used to store hwr implementation uid list
+ */
+ RArray<TUid> iImpIdList;
+ /**
+ * The pointer points current active hwr implementation
+ */
+ CPtiHwrRecognizer* iCurrentHwrImpl;
+ /*
+ * Pointer to currently active language.
+ */
+ CPtiCoreLanguage* iSecondaryLanguage;
+ /**
+ * The pointer used to store current combined keymapping class
+ */
+ MPtiKeyMappings* iCombinedKeyMappings;
+ /*
+ * Pointer to currently active language.
+ */
+ TBuf16<4> iZhuyinSymbols;
+ /*
+ * current key inputted.
+ */
+ TPtiKey iKeyMuliTap;
+ /*
+ * index in zhuyin symbol array for mini qwerty zhuyin multi-tap .
+ */
+ TInt8 iIndex;
+ /*
+ * When cursor position in editor crossed max length in editor then set this flag
+ */
+ TBool iMaxEditorLengthCrossed;
+ /*
+ * Keeps count of the punctuation keys entered simultaneously
+ */
+ TInt iPunctuationsEntered;
+ /*
+ * Keeps track of the location of start of punct symbol
+ */
+ TInt iPunctuationLocation;
+ };
+#include "PtiEngine.inl"
+#endif _PTI_ENGINE_H
+// End of file