* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Defination for peninput server
#include <e32def.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <w32std.h>
//pen input animation client
class RPeninputAnim;
#include "peninputcmdparamext.h"
const TInt KMaxNum = 1;
* Class for handling animation command. This is the base class for all command
* @since S60 v4.0
class TAnimCmd
* Default constructor.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aAnim The animation cliet which executes the command
* @param aReayFlag The waiting flag indicats whether this command should be
* executed immediately. Deafult value is ETrue, i.e, execute the command.
TAnimCmd(RPeninputAnim& aAnim,TBool aReayFlag = ETrue);
* Set command waiting flag.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aFlag new waiting flag
inline void SetReady(TBool aFlag);
* Test whether this command is executable now.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if command is ready to run
inline TBool Ready() const;
* Execute the command
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if command has been executed successfully.
virtual TBool ExecuteAnimCommand() const;
* animation object which execute the command. Not owned.
RPeninputAnim& iAnim;
* flags tells whether this command can be execute immediately
TBool iReady;
} ;
//class TAnimActivateUiCmd
* Class for handling animation activation/deactivation command.
* @since S60 v4.0
class TAnimActivateUiCmd : public TAnimCmd
* Default constructor.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aAnim The animation cliet which executes the command
* @param aUiFlag The UI activation flag
* @param aReadyFlag indicates whether this command is ready. Default value is false
TAnimActivateUiCmd(RPeninputAnim& aAnim,TBool aUiFlag,TBool aReadyFlag = EFalse);
* Execute the command
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if command has been executed successfully.
virtual TBool ExecuteAnimCommand() const;
* The activation flag.
TBool iActiveFlag;
* Class for handling changing animation sprite size command.
* @since S60 v4.0
class TAnimChangeSizeCmd : public TAnimCmd
* Default constructor.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aAnim The animation cliet which executes the command
* @param aSize The new sprite size
TAnimChangeSizeCmd(RPeninputAnim& aAnim,const TSize& aSize);
* Execute the command
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if command has been executed successfully.
virtual TBool ExecuteAnimCommand() const;
* sprite new size
TSize iSize;
* Class for handling set animation sprite position command.
* @since S60 v4.0
class TAnimSetPosCmd : public TAnimCmd
* Default constructor.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aAnim The animation cliet which executes the command
* @param aPt The new position
TAnimSetPosCmd(RPeninputAnim& aAnim,const TPoint& aPt);
* Execute the command
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if command has been executed successfully.
virtual TBool ExecuteAnimCommand() const;
* The new sprite position
TPoint iPos;
* Class for handling change animation sprite display mode command.
* @since S60 v4.0
class TAnimChangeDispModeCmd : public TAnimCmd
* Default constructor.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aAnim The animation cliet which executes the command
* @param aSprite The sprite which needs to be changed.
* @param aMember The sprite member to be changed.
TAnimChangeDispModeCmd(RPeninputAnim& aAnim,
RWsSprite& aSprite,TSpriteMember& aMember);
* Execute the command
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if command has been executed successfully.
virtual TBool ExecuteAnimCommand() const;
* The sprite to be changed.
RWsSprite& iSprite;
* The sprite member to be changed.
TSpriteMember& iSpriteMember;
* Class for handling update animation sprite command.
* @since S60 v4.0
class TAnimUpdateUiRectCmd : public TAnimCmd
* Default constructor.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aAnim The animation cliet which executes the command
* @param aRect The rect to be updated
* @param aFullFlag Flag indicates whether full sprite should be updated.
TAnimUpdateUiRectCmd(RPeninputAnim& aAnim,
const TRect& aRect,TBool aFullFlag);
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aAnim The animation client which executes the command
* @param aArea* The pointer point to 1st TUpdateArea that need to be udpated
* @param aNum The count of TUpdateArea that need to be updated
TAnimUpdateUiRectCmd(RPeninputAnim& aAnim, TUpdateArea *aArea, TInt aNum);
* Destructor.
* @since S60 v4.0
* Execute the command
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if command has been executed successfully.
virtual TBool ExecuteAnimCommand() const;
* The rect to be updated
mutable RArray<TUpdateArea> iArea;
* The flag for full sprite updating. iRect is ignored if this flag is true
TBool iFullUpdateFlag;
TInt iRectNum;
* Class for handling capture pointer command.
* @since S60 v4.0
class TAnimCapturePtCmd : public TAnimCmd
* Default constructor.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aAnim The animation cliet which executes the command
* @param aFlag flag indicates capturing or releasing the point capture
TAnimCapturePtCmd(RPeninputAnim& aAnim,TBool aFlag, TInt aCaptureCtrlID);
* Execute the command
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if command has been executed successfully.
virtual TBool ExecuteAnimCommand() const;
* The capture flag
TBool iCaptureFlag;
TInt iCaptureCtrlID;
* Class for handling ignoring simuated event command.
* @since S60 v4.0
class TAnimSimulateEventCmd : public TAnimCmd
* Default constructor.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aAnim The animation cliet which executes the command
* @param aFlag The flag
TAnimSimulateEventCmd(RPeninputAnim& aAnim,const TRawEvent& aEvent);
* Execute the command
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if command has been executed successfully.
virtual TBool ExecuteAnimCommand() const;
* Event to be simulated.
TRawEvent iEvent;
* Class for handling flush ws session command.
* @since S60 v4.0
class TAnimFlushWsSessionCmd : public TAnimCmd
* Default constructor.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aAnim The animation cliet which executes the command
* @aWs The session to be flushed
TAnimFlushWsSessionCmd(RPeninputAnim& aAnim,RWsSession& aWs);
* Execute the command
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if command has been executed successfully.
virtual TBool ExecuteAnimCommand() const;
* The window session.
RWsSession& iWs;
//class TAnimFeedbackAreaCmd
* Class for handling register/de-register feedback area command
* @since S60 v4.0
class TAnimFeedbackAreaCmd : public TAnimCmd
enum TFeedbackAreaOpEnum
* Default constructor.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aAnim The animation cliet which executes the command
* @param aArea The feedback area data
* @param aOp command op tells whether register or deregister area.
* @param aReplyFlag Flag tells how the command sent to server.
TAnimFeedbackAreaCmd(RPeninputAnim& aAnim,
const TTactileFeedbackArea& aArea,
TFeedbackAreaOpEnum aOp,
TBool aReplyFlag);
* The constructor is not open yet.
* constructor.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aAnim The animation cliet which executes the command
* @param aArea The feedback area data
* @param aOp command op tells whether register or deregister area.
* @param aReplyFlag Flag tells how the command sent to server.
/*TAnimFeedbackAreaCmd(RPeninputAnim& aAnim,
const RArray<TTactileFeedbackArea>& aArea,
TFeedbackAreaOpEnum aOp,
TBool aReplyFlag);*/
* Execute the command
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if command has been executed successfully.
virtual TBool ExecuteAnimCommand() const;
* The feedback area list.
TTactileFeedbackArea iFeedbackAreaArray[KMaxNum];
* count of the area.
TInt iAreaCount;
* command op tells whether register or deregister area.
TFeedbackAreaOpEnum iCmdOp;
* Flags tells whether this command is send by Command or CommandReply.
TBool iCmdReplyFlag;
class TAnimEnableSpriteCmd : public TAnimCmd
TAnimEnableSpriteCmd(RPeninputAnim& aAnim,TBool aFlag);
* Execute the command
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if command has been executed successfully.
virtual TBool ExecuteAnimCommand() const;
TBool iSpriteFlag;
//class TAnimSetDiscreeptPopCmd
* Class for handling pop discreept window area command
* @since S60 v4.0
class TAnimSetDiscreeptPopCmd : public TAnimCmd
TAnimSetDiscreeptPopCmd(RPeninputAnim& aAnim,TRect aArea);
* Execute the command
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if command has been executed successfully.
virtual TBool ExecuteAnimCommand() const;
TRect iArea;
#include "peninputanimcommand.inl"