author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Wed, 09 Jun 2010 10:03:19 +0300
changeset 22 1bbdde98cc2d
parent 19 5e18d8c489d6
child 39 ac7e4d1d9209
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201021 Kit: 2010123

* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  header of main window of finger hwr.


#include <peninputlayoutctrlgroup.h>

class CFepLayoutMultiLineIcf;
class CAknFepCtrlEventButton;
class CAknFepCtrlRepeatButton;
class CFepCtrlDropdownList;
class CPeninputFingerHwrArLafManager;
class CPeninputArabicFingerHwrSymbolTable;
class CPeninputArabicFingerHwrIndicator;
class CPeninputArabicFingerHwrWritingWnd;
class CPeninputArabicFingerHwrNumSymbolTable;

 *  class CPeninputFingerHwrArWnd.
 *  Main window of finger hwr arabic. 
 *  @lib peninputfingerhwrar.lib
 *  @since Symbian TB9.2
class CPeninputFingerHwrArWnd : public CControlGroup

     * Symbian constructor.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aUiLayout The layout
     * @param aControlId The control id
     * @param aLandscapeStyle Current screen is landscape or not
     * @return Pointer to created CPeninputFingerHwrArWnd object
    static CPeninputFingerHwrArWnd* NewL( CFepUiLayout* aFepUiLayout,
            TInt aControlId, TBool aLandscapeStyle );

     * Symbian constructor.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aUiLayout The layout
     * @param aControlId The control id
     * @param aLandscapeStyle Current screen is landscape or not
     * @return Pointer to created CPeninputFingerHwrArWnd object
    static CPeninputFingerHwrArWnd* NewLC( CFepUiLayout* aFepUiLayout,
            TInt aControlId, TBool aLandscapeStyle );

     * standard c++ destructor.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return None
    virtual ~CPeninputFingerHwrArWnd();

public: //from base class CFepUiBaseCtrl
     * From CFepUiBaseCtrl.
     * Construct from resource. Handle resource change.
     * @since S60 v4.0
    void ConstructFromResourceL();
     * From CFepUiBaseCtrl
     * Draw control
     * @since S60 V4.0
    void Draw();
     * Resize according to LAF.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return None
    void SizeChangedL();
public: // target editor attributes
     * accept editor's text alignment.  
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aAlignment text alignment id. It can be one of the following: 
     *     EAknEditorAlignNone
     *     EAknEditorAlignCenter
     *     EAknEditorAlignLeft
     *     EAknEditorAlignRight
     *     EAknEditorAlignBidi
     * @param aLangId language id
     * @return none
    void SetTextAlignmentL( TInt aAlignment, TInt aLangId );
     * accept editor's text.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aData editor's text.
     * @return none
    void SetEditorTextL( const TFepInputContextFieldData& aData );
     * accept editor's promopt txt
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aPromoptData editor's promopt text
     * @return none
    void SetPromptTextL( TUint8* aPromoptData );
     * Dim option button
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aEnable Enable or disable option button
     * @return none
    void SetEnableSettingBtn(const TBool aEnable);
     * accept editor's bubble text.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aPromoptData editor's bubble text.
     * @return none
    void SetBubbleTextL( const TDesC& aInfo );    

public: //hwr 
     * get strokes from hwr writing box
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return a TPoint array of strokes
    const RArray<TPoint>& StrokeList();

     * set end mark of hwr
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aEndMark a TPoint object as end mark
     * @return none
    void SetStrokeEndMark( const TPoint& aEndMark );
     * set guide line on or off. 
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return none
    void SetGuideLineOn( const TBool aGuideLineOn);
     * set pen color of hwr writing 
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return none
    void SetBoxPenColor( const TInt aPenColor );
     * set pen size of hwr writing 
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return none
    void SetBoxPenSize( const TSize aPenSize );
     * set writing speed hwr writing 
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return none
    void SetBoxWritingSpeed( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aCharDelay );
     * retrieve rect of hwr writingbox.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return rect of hwr writingbox.
    TRect WritingBoxRect();
     * Cancel wrting
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return None
    void CancelWriting();    

public: // show symbol table page
     * Change symbol table page.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aPageNo page no.
     * @param aPos Specifies the interpretation of the aPageNo parameter:
            EPagePosPageNo - go to page aPageNo.
            EPagePosNextPage -  go to next page.
            EPagePosPrevPage -  go to previous page.
            EPagePosLastPage -  go to last page.
            EPagePosFirstPage  - go to first page.
     * @return none
    void ShowSymbolPage( TInt aPageNo, TInt aPos );
     * accept editor's number mapping restriction.
     * @since S60 v5.0
     * @param aNumMapping a string contains numbers and related char. max length is 16.
     * @return none
    void SetNumericMapping( const TDesC& aNumMapping );

public: //child control access
     * retrieve the ICF control. 
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return pointer to ICF
    CFepLayoutMultiLineIcf* Icf();

     * retrieve the candicate list control. 
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return pointer to candicate list 
    CFepCtrlDropdownList* CandidateList();
//    /**
//     * retrieve the number candicate list control. 
//     * 
//     * @since Symbian TB9.2
//     * @return pointer to candicate list 
//     */    
//    CFepCtrlDropdownList* NumCandidateList();
     * dim arrow buttons
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aDimArrow ETrue to dim arrow buttons, EFalse to set arrow buttons as not dimmed. 
     * @return none
    void DimArrowKeys( TBool aDimArrow );
public: // symbol table & candidate list    
     * Show preview bubble
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aShow Show/Hide flag
     * @return none
    void ShowBubble(TInt aShow);
     * Open the symble table
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return none
    void OpenSymbolTable();
     * Close the symble table
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return none
	void CloseSymbolTable();
     * Open the candidate list
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return none
	void OpenCandidateList();
     * Close the candidate list
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return none
	void CloseCandidateList();
     * Check if the symbol table is alreay opened up
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return ETrue if the symbol table was already opened up, EFalse otherwise
    TBool IsSymbolTableShowingUp();

     * Check if the candidate list was opened up
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return ETrue if the candidate list was already opened up, EFalse otherwise
	TBool IsCandidateShowup();

     * Hide the indicator of handwriting
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return none	 
    void HideIndicator();
	 * Get the char before the cursor
	 * @param aCharPos The the char position
	 * @param aCharBeforeCursor The char to be retrieved
	 * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return TBool ETrue if char have been retrieved, EFalse otherwise
	TBool GetCharBeforeCursor(TInt aCharPos, TUint16& aCharBeforeCursor); 
	 * Handle window open
	void HandleWindowOpenCommandL();
     * set arabic number mode.
     * @since s60 v5.2
     * @param aIsNativeNumMode a flag to indicate whether it is native number mode.
     * @return none.
    void SetNativeNumMode(const TBool aIsNativeNumMode);
     * set icf language.
     * @since s60 v5.2
     * @param aLang language id.
     * @return none.
    void SetIcfLanguage( TInt aLang );    

     * C++ constructor
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aFepUiLayout A Ui Layout environment (CFepUiLayout)
     * @param aControlId Control id
     * @return None
    CPeninputFingerHwrArWnd( CFepUiLayout* aFepUiLayout, TInt aControlId );


     * Symbian second-phase constructor
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aLandscapeStyle Current screen is landscape or not
     * @return None
    void ConstructL( TBool aLandscapeStyle );

     * create icf.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return None
    void CreateContextFieldL();

     * create candidate lists.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return None
    void CreateCandidateListL();
//    /**
//     * create number candidate lists.
//     * 
//     * @since Symbian TB9.2
//     * @return None
//     */
//    void CreateNumCandidateListL();
     * create writing box.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return None
    void CreateWritingBoxL();
     * create all function buttons. 
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return None
    void CreateButtonsL();
     * create virtual sct pad.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return None
    void CreateSymbolTableL();
     * create virtual number modesct pad.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return None
    void CreateNumSymbolTableL();
     * EventButton creation helper.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aCtrlId button control id.
     * @param aResId resource id.
     * @param aEvent event id;
     * @param aUnicode a unicode value to be sent
     * @return pointer to created CAknFepCtrlEventButton obj.
    CAknFepCtrlEventButton* CreateEventBtnL( TInt aCtrlId, TInt32 aResId, 
            TInt aEvent = 0xFFFF, TInt aUnicode=0 );
     * RepeatButton creation helper.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aCtrlId button control id.
     * @param aResId resource id.
     * @param aEvent event id;
     * @param aUnicode a unicode value to be sent
     * @return pointer to created CAknFepCtrlRepeatButton obj. 
    CAknFepCtrlRepeatButton* CreateRepBtnL( const TInt aCtrlId, TInt32 aResId,  
            const TInt aEvent, const TInt aUnicode );
     * load virtual sct keys.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aResId resource id.
     * @param aCellRects rects of virtual keys.
     * @return None
    void LoadSymbolVirtualKeysL( const TInt aResId, const RArray<TRect>& aCellRects );

     * load virtual number mode sct keys.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aResId resource id.
     * @param aCellRects rects of virtual keys.
     * @return None
    void LoadNumSymbolVirtualKeysL( const TInt aResId, const RArray<TRect>& aCellRects );
     * relayout full ui, reset all controls position. 
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return None
    void ResetLayoutL();

     * switch to arabic standby view
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return None
    void SwitchToStandbyView();
     * switch to symbol table view
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @return None
    void SwitchToSymbolTableView();

     * EventButton layout helper. Move button to specified rect.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aButton the button to move
     * @param aRect new rect of button
     * @param aXPadding horz padding of button icon.
     * @param aYPadding vert padding of button icon.
     * @param aReloadImages Specifies whether the images is to be reloaded.
     * @return None
    void MoveIconButton( CAknFepCtrlEventButton* aButton, const TRect& aRect, 
            TInt aXPadding=0, TInt aYPadding=0, TBool aReloadImages=ETrue );

     * read control's shadow info.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aResId resource id.
     * @return None
    void ReadShadowInfoL( const TInt aResId );
     * read control's background info.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aResId resource id.
     * @return None
    void ReadBackgroundInfoL( const TInt aResId );
     * read icf appearance info.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aResId resource id.
     * @return None
    void ReadICFInfoL( const TInt aResId );
     * read writingbox appearance info.
     * @since Symbian TB9.2
     * @param aResId resource id.
     * @return None
    void ReadWritingBoxInfoL( TInt aResId );
	 * Calcaulate the postion of guideline
	 * @since Symbian TB9.2
	 * @return None
    void CalculateGuideLinePos();
	 * Draw the guideline
	 * @since Symbian TB9.2
	 * @return None
    void DrawGuideLine();

private: // datas

     * Input context field control.
     * Not own.
    CFepLayoutMultiLineIcf* iContextField;

     * Candidate list control.
     * Not own.
    CFepCtrlDropdownList* iCandidateList;
     * Writing box control.
     * Not own.
    CPeninputArabicFingerHwrWritingWnd* iWritingBox;

     * Close button control.
     * Not own.
    CAknFepCtrlEventButton* iCloseBtn;

     * Option button control.
     * Not own.
    CAknFepCtrlEventButton* iOptionBtn;
     * Ime switch button control.
     * Not own.
    CAknFepCtrlEventButton* iImeSwitchBtn;

     * Backspace button control.
     * Not own.
    CAknFepCtrlRepeatButton* iBackspaceBtn;

     * Left arrow button control.
     * Not own.
    CAknFepCtrlRepeatButton* iArrowLeftBtn;
     * Right arrow button control.
     * Not own.
    CAknFepCtrlRepeatButton* iArrowRightBtn;
     * Up arrow button control.
     * Not own.
    CAknFepCtrlRepeatButton* iArrowUpBtn;
     * Down arrow button control.
     * Not own.
    CAknFepCtrlRepeatButton* iArrowDownBtn;
     * Sct selection button control.
     * Not own.
    CAknFepCtrlEventButton* iSymbolTableBtn;
     * enter button control.
     * Not own.
    CAknFepCtrlEventButton* iEnterBtn;
     * space button control.
     * Not own.
    CAknFepCtrlEventButton* iSpaceBtn;
     * Symbol table control.
     * Not own.
    CPeninputArabicFingerHwrSymbolTable* iSymbolTable;

     * Number mode Symbol table control.
     * Not own.
    CPeninputArabicFingerHwrNumSymbolTable* iNumSymbolTable;
     * L&F manager.
     * Own.
    CPeninputFingerHwrArLafManager* iLafManager;    

     * First time construct flag
    TBool iFirstTimeConstruct;

     * bit mask of permitted char ranges.
    TInt iPermittedRanges;
	 * Right Bottom point of guideline
	TPoint iGuideLineBottomTl;
	 * Right Bottom point of guideline
    TPoint iGuideLineBottomBr;
	 * Check if the symbol table has been opened up
	TBool iIsSymbolTableShowingUp;

     * Check if the guideline is switched on
    TBool iGuideLineOn;

	 * Handwring indicator
	CPeninputArabicFingerHwrIndicator* iHandwritingIndicator; 

// End Of File