* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Interface of project pen input plugin utils
#include <w32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <cenrepnotifyhandler.h>
#include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
#include <AvkonInternalCRKeys.h>
#include <bitmaptransforms.h> // required for enums
class CRepository;
class MAknFepTimerHandler;
//const TUid KCRUidAvkon = { 0x101F876E };
//const TUint32 KAknLayoutId = 0x00000001;
* CAknFepTimer Fep timer class
* This class inherit from CActive to send time event handling
* @lib peninputpluginutils.lib
* @since S60 v4.0
class CAknFepTimer : public CActive
* Symbian Constructor
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aTimerHandler The timer handler
* @return Pointer to created CAknFepHwrTimer object
IMPORT_C static CAknFepTimer* NewL(MAknFepTimerHandler* aTimerHandler);
* Destructor
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return None
IMPORT_C ~CAknFepTimer();
* Set timer delay.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aDelay The timer delay
* @return None
IMPORT_C void SetTimer(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aDelay);
* C++ constructor.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aTimerHandler The timer handler
* @return None
CAknFepTimer(MAknFepTimerHandler* aTimerHandler);
* Symbian second-phase constructor
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return None
void ConstructL();
// From CActive
* From CActive.
* Will be called when timer ends
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return None
void RunL();
* From CActive.
* Will be called if RunL leaves
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aError The leave code reported
* @return KErrNone if it handles the leave; otherwise return error code
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
* From CActive.
* Will be called when timer has been cancelled
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return None
void DoCancel();
private:// data
* Timer
RTimer iTimer;
* Timer event handler (Not own)
MAknFepTimerHandler* iTimerHandler;
* Class MAknFepTimerHandler Fep timer handler
* Interface for sending time event handling
* @lib peninputpluginutils.lib
* @since S60 v4.0
class MAknFepTimerHandler
* Handling time out event
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aTimer The timer which sent the request
* @return None
virtual void HandleTimerOut(const CAknFepTimer* aTimer) = 0;
class CAknFepRepositoryWatcher : public CBase, public MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
IMPORT_C static CAknFepRepositoryWatcher* NewL(
const TUid aUid,
const TUint32 aKey,
CCenRepNotifyHandler::TCenRepKeyType aKeyType,
TCallBack aCallBack,
CRepository* aRepository);
IMPORT_C static CAknFepRepositoryWatcher* NewL(
const TUid aUid,
TCallBack aCallBack,
CRepository* aRepository);
IMPORT_C ~CAknFepRepositoryWatcher();
IMPORT_C TUint32 ChangedKey();
public: // from MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
IMPORT_C void HandleNotifyInt (TUint32 aKey, TInt aNewValue);
IMPORT_C void HandleNotifyError (TUint32 aKey, TInt aError, CCenRepNotifyHandler* aHandler);
IMPORT_C void HandleNotifyGeneric(TUint32 aId);
const TUid aUid,
const TUint32 aKey,
TCallBack aCallBack,
CRepository* aRepository);
void ConstructL(CCenRepNotifyHandler::TCenRepKeyType aKeyType);
void ConstructL();
TUid iUid;
TUint32 iKey;
TUint32 iChangedKey;
TCallBack iCallBack;
CRepository* iRepository;
CCenRepNotifyHandler* iNotifyHandler;
* Class AknPenInputUtils
* This class provide some utility function for peninput
* @lib peninputpluginutils.lib
* @since S60 v4.0
class AknPenInputUtils
* Get ISO code accroding to language ID
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aLanguage Language ID for looking up
* @param aISOCode Pointer to ISO code according to language ID.
* @return ETrue if it has iso code; otherwise EFalse
IMPORT_C static TBool GetISOLanguageCode(const TLanguage aLanguage, TDes& aISOCode);
* Start application
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aAppname Application name
* @return void
IMPORT_C static void StartAppL( const TDesC& aAppName );
* Class AknPenImageUtils
* This class provide some utility function for image
* @lib peninputpluginutils.lib
* @since S60 v4.0
class AknPenImageUtils
* Combine two images into 1 image
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aBmp1 First image used to be combined
* @param aBmp2 Second image used to be combined
* @param aMode Color depth of new image
* @param aHorizontal ETrue means aBmp1 concatenate aBmp2 at horizontal
* direction to create new image, otherwise means aBmp1 concatenate aBmp2
* at vertical direction to create new image
* @return New image created, its size calculated by size of aBmp1 and aBmp2
IMPORT_C static CFbsBitmap* CombineTwoImagesL(const CFbsBitmap* aBmp1,
const CFbsBitmap* aBmp2,
TDisplayMode aMode,
TBool aHorizontal = ETrue);
* It only used for common button, not so long or so heigh.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aBoundRect The rect of the button
* @param aGraphicRect The calculated rect for graphics
* @return none
IMPORT_C static void CalculateGraphicRect(const TRect& aBoundRect, TRect& aGraphicRect);
* Calculate graphics rect for long button
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aBoundRect The rect of the button
* @param aGraphicRect The calculated rect for graphics
* @return none
IMPORT_C static void CalculateLongBtnGraphicRect(const TRect& aBoundRect, TRect& aGraphicRect);
* Class CPenInputColorIcon
* This class provide some encapulation for color icon
* Use AKN_FEP_COLOR_ICON_IMAGE resource struct to config color icon
* @lib peninputpluginutils.lib
* @since S60 v5.0
class CPenInputColorIcon : public CBase
virtual ~CPenInputColorIcon();
IMPORT_C static CPenInputColorIcon* NewL( TInt aResID );
IMPORT_C static CPenInputColorIcon* NewLC( TInt aResID );
IMPORT_C virtual void ConstructFromResourceL( TInt aResID );
IMPORT_C virtual void ResizeL( const TSize& aSize );
inline void ReConstructL();
inline void SetDimmed( TBool aIsDimmed );
inline TBool IsDimmed() const;
inline CFbsBitmap* Bitmap();
inline CFbsBitmap* BitmapMask();
inline CFbsBitmap* DimmedBitmapMask();
inline CPenInputColorIcon( TInt aResID );
inline void ConstructL();
void CreateDimmedMaskL( CFbsBitmap*& aDimmedMask,
const CFbsBitmap* aMask );
void DestroyRes();
CFbsBitmap* iBmp;
CFbsBitmap* iBmpMask;
CFbsBitmap* iDimmedBmp;
TBool iIsDimmed;
TInt iResID;
class CPenInput3PiecesColorIcons : public CBase
virtual ~CPenInput3PiecesColorIcons();
IMPORT_C static CPenInput3PiecesColorIcons* NewL(
TInt aFirstIconResID,
TInt aMiddleIconResID,
TInt aLastIconResID );
IMPORT_C static CPenInput3PiecesColorIcons* NewLC(
TInt aFirstIconResID,
TInt aMiddleIconResID,
TInt aLastIconResID );
IMPORT_C void SetDimmed( TBool aIsDimmed );
IMPORT_C void ReConstructL();
inline CPenInputColorIcon* FirstIcon();
inline CPenInputColorIcon* MiddleIcon();
inline CPenInputColorIcon* LastIcon();
inline CPenInput3PiecesColorIcons();
void ConstructFromResourceL( TInt aFirstIconResID,
TInt aMiddleIconResID,
TInt aLastIconResID );
CPenInputColorIcon* iFirstIcon;
CPenInputColorIcon* iMiddleIcon;
CPenInputColorIcon* iLastIcon;
* Class AknPenInputDrawUtils
* This class provide some utility function for draw skin image
* @lib peninputpluginutils.lib
* @since S60 v5.0
class AknPenInputDrawUtils
* This method used to draw 3 pieces skined frame
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aInstance Pointer to the skin instance. If NULL, the method returns immediately
* @param aGc Graphics context to be used for drawing
* @param aLeftOrTopRect one side rect, maybe left side or top side
* @param aCenterRect center rect
* @param aRightOrBottomRect one side rect, maybe right side or top side
* @param aSideLeftOrTopID skin ID left or top side
* @param aCenterID skin ID center
* @param aSideRightOrBottomID skin ID right or bottom side
* @return none
IMPORT_C static void Draw3PiecesFrame(MAknsSkinInstance *aInstance,
CFbsBitGc& aGc,
const TRect& aLeftOrTopRect,
const TRect& aCenterRect,
const TRect& aRightOrBottomRect,
const TAknsItemID& aSideLeftOrTopID,
const TAknsItemID& aCenterID,
const TAknsItemID& aSideRightOrBottomID);
* This method used to draw 3 pieces skined frame
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aInstance Pointer to the skin instance. If NULL, the method returns immediately
* @param aGc Graphics context to be used for drawing
* @param aOuterRect OutSide rect
* @param aInnerRect inside rect
* @param aSideLeftOrTopID skin ID left or top side
* @param aCenterID skin ID center
* @param aSideRightOrBottomID skin ID right or bottom side
* @return none
IMPORT_C static void Draw3PiecesFrame(MAknsSkinInstance *aInstance,
CFbsBitGc& aGc,
const TRect& aOuterRect,
const TRect& aInnerRect,
const TAknsItemID& aSideLeftOrTopID,
const TAknsItemID& aCenterID,
const TAknsItemID& aSideRightOrBottomID);
* This method used to draw color icon
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aColorIcon Pointer to the color icon. If NULL, the method returns immediately
* @param aGc Graphics context to be used for drawing
* @param aRect OutSide rect
IMPORT_C static void DrawColorIcon( CPenInputColorIcon *aColorIcon,
CFbsBitGc& aGc,
const TRect& aRect );
* This method used to draw 3 pieces color icon
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aColorIcon Pointer to the color icon. If NULL, the method returns immediately
* @param aGc Graphics context to be used for drawing
* @param aRect OutSide rect
IMPORT_C static void Draw3PiecesColorIcon( CPenInput3PiecesColorIcons *aColorIcon,
CFbsBitGc& aGc,
const TRect& aOuterRect,
const TRect& aInnerRect );
* The class is from the BitmapTransforms Library bitmap rotation.
* @internalTechnology
* @Note: This class can be only used for the small graphics' transforms.Please use
* CBitmapRotator when you have to handle any big graphics.
typedef CBitmapRotator::TRotationAngle TSyncRotationAngle;
class CPeninputSyncBitmapRotator : public CBase
IMPORT_C static CPeninputSyncBitmapRotator* NewL();
IMPORT_C TInt Rotate(CFbsBitmap& aSrcBitmap, CFbsBitmap& aTgtBitmap, TSyncRotationAngle aAngle);
IMPORT_C TInt Rotate(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, TSyncRotationAngle aAngle);
void ConstructL();
void Cleanup();
void DoRotate();
void FlipScanLine(TDes8& aDes, TInt aWidth);
void PutScanline(TInt aYPos);
TInt iCurOffset;
TInt iRows;
TSyncRotationAngle iAngle;
TSize iBitmapSize;
TDisplayMode iDisplayMode;
CFbsBitmap* iTempBitmap; // For the Rotate() with only one bitmap supplied
CFbsBitmap* iSrcBitmap;
CFbsBitmap* iTgtBitmap;
TUint32* iScanlineBuffer;
TDisplayMode iScanlineDisplayMode;
TInt iPixelSizeInBytes;
TPtr8 iScanlineDes;
CFbsBitmapDevice* iDevice;
CFbsBitGc* iGc;
CFbsBitmap* iScanlineBitmap; // Intermediate scanline bitmap
TUint iStartedAtFc; // Used for profiling
* Class CPenInputTrailColor
* This class provide some encapulation for trail color
* @lib peninputpluginutils.lib
* @since S60 v5.0
class AknPenInputTrailColorUtils
IMPORT_C static TBool CheckColorInColorTable(TInt aColor);
//IMPORT_C void SetDefaultColor(TRgb& color);
IMPORT_C static TInt ColorCount();
IMPORT_C static TRgb ColorAt(TInt aIndex);
IMPORT_C static TInt GetTrailColorByTheme();
inline CPenInputColorIcon::CPenInputColorIcon( TInt aResID )
iResID = aResID;
inline void CPenInputColorIcon::ConstructL()
ConstructFromResourceL( iResID );
inline void CPenInputColorIcon::SetDimmed( TBool aIsDimmed )
iIsDimmed = aIsDimmed;
inline TBool CPenInputColorIcon::IsDimmed() const
return iIsDimmed;
inline CFbsBitmap* CPenInputColorIcon::Bitmap()
return iBmp;
inline CFbsBitmap* CPenInputColorIcon::BitmapMask()
return iBmpMask;
inline CFbsBitmap* CPenInputColorIcon::DimmedBitmapMask()
return iDimmedBmp;
inline CPenInput3PiecesColorIcons::CPenInput3PiecesColorIcons()
inline CPenInputColorIcon* CPenInput3PiecesColorIcons::FirstIcon()
return iFirstIcon;
inline CPenInputColorIcon* CPenInput3PiecesColorIcons::MiddleIcon()
return iMiddleIcon;
inline CPenInputColorIcon* CPenInput3PiecesColorIcons::LastIcon()
return iLastIcon;
inline void CPenInputColorIcon::ReConstructL()
// End Of File