author hgs
Tue, 06 Jul 2010 22:37:11 +0800
changeset 27 694fa80c203c
parent 0 eb1f2e154e89
child 46 bd83ceabce89
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:           
*       Provides the CAknFepUIManagerBase definition.


#include <uikon.hrh>                        //TAknEditorNumericKeymap

#include "AknFepManagerUIInterface.h"
#include "AknFepManagerInterface.h"
#include "AknFepUIManagerStateInterface.h"






class CPtiEngine;
class TAknFepInputStateBase;

 *  CAknFepUIManagerBase class.
 *  @lib AknFep.lib
 *  @since 2.6
class CAknFepUIManagerBase : 
            public CBase,
            public MAknFepManagerInterface,
            public MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * private constants
        EBaseLanguageNumericKeymapIndex = 0x00FF,
        EMaskShiftOffset                = 8 

public: // Constructors and destructor
     * @since 2.6
    static CAknFepUIManagerBase* NewL(MAknFepManagerUIInterface* aFepMan, 
                                      CAknFepCaseManager* aCaseMan, TLanguage aLanguage);

     * @since 2.6
    virtual ~CAknFepUIManagerBase();

public: // Functions from base classes
     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * @since 2.6
    void SetMode(TInt aMode, TBool aPredictive, TBool aQwertyInputMode, 
                 TInt aKeyboardType = EPtiKeyboardNone);
    void SetMode(TInt aMode, TBool aPredictive, TBool aQwertyInputMode);

     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * @since 2.6
    void SetCase(TCase aCase);

     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * @since 2.6
    void SetNumberModeKeyMappingL(TAknEditorNumericKeymap aAknEditorNumericKeymap);

     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * @since 2.6
    const TDesC& NumberModeKeyMapping() const;

     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * @since 2.6
    TBool HandleKeyL(TInt aKey, TKeyPressLength aLength, TEventCode aEventCode = EEventKey );

     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * this is in base class only
     * @since 2.6
    void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommandId);
    void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommandId, TInt aParam);

     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * this should be implemented in each ui manager
     * @since 2.6
    void CloseUI();

     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * this is in base class only
     * @since 2.6
    void ExpireMultitapTimer();

     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * this is in base class only
     * @since 2.6
    TBool IsValidNumericLongKeyPress(TInt aKey) const;

     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * this api use in chinese and western
     * @since 2.6
    void AddTextToUserDictionaryL(const TDesC& aText);

     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * this should be implemented in each ui manager
     * @since 2.6
    void GetFormatOfFepInlineText(TCharFormat& aFormat, TInt& aNumberOfCharactersWithSameFormat, 
                                  TInt aPositionOfCharacter) const;

     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * @since 2.6
    virtual TInt SupportLanguage(TInt aMode) const;

     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * @since 2.6
    virtual void SetInputLanguageL(TLanguage aLanguage);

     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * @since 2.6
    TBool IsValidShiftKeyPress() const;
    TBool IsValidFnKeyPress() const;

    virtual TBool IsValidLongChrKeyPress() const;


     * From MAknFepManagerInterface
     * this api use in chinese ui only
     * @since 2.6
    void SetEditorContext(TInt aContext);

     * @since 2.6
    void ActivateUI();

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * this is in base class only
     * @since 2.6
    TUIState State() const;

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * this should be implemented in each ui manager
     * @since 2.6
    TUIState ChangeState(TUIState aState);

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * this is in base class only
     * @since 2.6
    MAknFepManagerUIInterface* FepMan() const;

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * using instead of PtiEngine()
     * @since 2.6
    CPtiEngine* PtiEngine() const;
    // the follow function for phrase creation
    MZhuyinKeyHandler* ZhuyinKeyHandler();
    CAknFepZhuyinAnalyser* ZhuyinAnalyser();
     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * this api use in chinese input states only
     * @since 2.6
    TBool IsValidChineseInputKey(TInt aKey) const;

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * this api use in chinese Qwerty input states only
     * @since 3.0
    TBool IsValidChineseInputKeyQwerty(TInt aKey) const;
     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * this api use in chinese Qwerty input states only
     * @since 3.0
    TBool IsQwertyZhuyinToneMarkKey(TInt aKey) const;

     * this api use in HK Qwerty input states only
     * @since 3.0
    virtual void UpdateCangJieState();
     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * this api use in chinese input states only
     * @since 3.0
    TBool IsValidChineseSymbol(TInt aKey) const;
     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * this is in base class only
     * TLanguage is Language identity enumeration defined in e32std.h
     * @since 2.6
    TLanguage GetLanguage() const;

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * @since 2.6
    CAknFepCaseManager* CaseMan() const;

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * @since 2.6
     * this api use in chinese ui only
    TPtr GetLatestDeliberateSelection() const;

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * Thai only
     * @since 2.6
    TInt ThaiSCTResourceId(TUint aPrewChar, TInt aKey);

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * Japanese only
     * @since 2.6
    CDesCArrayFlat* CandidateArray();

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * Japanese only
     * @since 2.6
    TBool IsPredictive() const;

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * Japanese only
     * @since 2.6
    void SetInlineEditUnderlineVisibility(TBool aFlag);

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * @since 3.0
    TBool IsQwerty() const;

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * @since 3.2
    void SetFepAwareEditorText(const TFepInputContextFieldData& /*aIcfData*/);

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * @since 3.2
    TInt EditorMaxLength();
     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * @since 3.2
    void ResourceChanged(TInt aType);

     * From MAknFepUIManagerStateInterface
     * @since 3.2
    void SetNextFepUI(MAknFepManagerInterface* /*aNextUi*/);

	 * Set the Star key flag
     * @param aSet TBool.
     * @return None
	void SetStarKeyFlag( TBool aSet );

protected: // New Functions
     * @since 2.6
    void ConstructL(TLanguage aLanguage);

     * @since 2.6
    CAknFepUIManagerBase(MAknFepManagerUIInterface* aFepMan, CAknFepCaseManager* aCaseMan);

     * @since 2.6
    virtual TAknFepInputStateBase* FepUIState();
     * Removes the character produced by the initial short key press and substitutes
     * it with the character found behind Fn. If no no Fn-mapping is available, the
     * function does nothing. Also, in non-QWERTY modes the function does nothing because
     * ITU-T input states handle long press internally.
     * @return  ETrue   if key was consumed and no further handling should be made.
     *                  This is the case when editor is filled up and no more characters can be entered.
     *          EFalse  if handling of the key event may continue. Either the mode has
     *                  been changed to Fn mode for the next character or nothing has
     *                  been done and normal key repeat should happen.
     * @since 3.2
    virtual TBool HandleLongKeyL( TInt aKey );
    * Removes the character produced by the last handled key press. Long press number
    * entry uses this to remove the character which was entered when the key was pressed
    * down ("the initially short press character") before the key press turned out to be
    * a long press.
    * @return   ETrue   if something was really removed
    *           EFalse  if nothing was removed (the previous key press had produced no charcters)
    * @since 3.2
    virtual TBool RollbackPreviousCharL();


protected: // Data
    TInt iMode;                         // 
    TInt iNumericKeymapResourceId;
    HBufC* iNumericKeymapBuffer;
    TLanguage iLanguage;                //

    CPtiEngine* iPtiEngine;             //owned

    TAknFepInputStateBase* iStatePtr;   // gcc workaround to force compiler to use vtable lookup.

    MAknFepManagerUIInterface* iFepMan; //not owned
    CAknFepCaseManager* iCaseMan;       //not owned
    TBool iPredictive;                  // ETrue: prediction is ON.
    // predictive QWERTY changes (e.g. XT9) ---->
    TBool iQwertyInputMode;             // ETrue: QWERTY mode is ON
    // predictive QWERTY changes (e.g. XT9) <----
    TInt iPreviousInputSeqLen;
    TInt iPreviousEditorTextLen;
    TInt iInputSeqLenDeltaWithLastKey;
    TInt iEditorTextLenDeltaWithLastKey;
    TUIState iInitialFepUIState;        //
    TInt     iCaseBeforeLongKey;


// End of file