Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
# Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: Sets up bld.inf file for language dlls.
($time_second, $time_minute, $time_hour, # time/date
$date_day, $date_month, $date_year,
$day_week, $day_year, $isdst) = localtime(time);
if ($date_year < 70) {$date_year += 2000;} # add century
else {$date_year += 1900;}
$keymapdata_interface_uid = "10281896";
$keymapsdirstart = "..\/keymaps\/";
$keymapsdir = $keymapsdirstart;
$langdir = "..\/languages\/";
$output_dll = "PtiKeymappings_";
$iby_file_prefix_path = "..\/rom\/";
$iby_file_prefix = "PtiKeymappings_variant_";
$VariantFolder = "";
@lang_name_array = ();
$use_block_12_key = 0;
$use_block_qwerty_standard = 0;
$use_block_qwerty_mini = 0;
$use_block_qwerty_3x11 = 0;
$use_block_qwerty_half = 0;
$use_block_custom = 0;
# Create empty body for languages
# bld.inf file
# Make sure the language directory is in there.
mkdir "$langdir";
if ( ! open(INFFILE,">${langdir}bld.inf") )
die "Could not create bld.inf file for language databases!";
print(INFFILE "/*\n");
print(INFFILE "* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).\n");
print(INFFILE "* All rights reserved.\n");
print(INFFILE "* This component and the accompanying materials are made available\n");
print(INFFILE "* under the terms of the License \"Eclipse Public License v1.0\"\n");
print(INFFILE "* which accompanies this distribution, and is available\n");
print(INFFILE "* at the URL \"\".\n");
print(INFFILE "*\n");
print(INFFILE "* Initial Contributors:\n");
print(INFFILE "* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.\n");
print(INFFILE "*\n");
print(INFFILE "* Contributors:\n");
print(INFFILE "*\n");
print(INFFILE "* Description: Build info file for language keymapping dlls.\n");
print(INFFILE "*\n");
print(INFFILE "*/\n");
print(INFFILE "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
# Open configuration source file
if ( ! open(MASTERVARFILE,"MasterVariants.txt") )
die "ERROR: Could not find MastersVariants.txt!";
foreach $line (@master_raw_data)
if (index($line, "#") >= 0)
# Comment line, just skip
elsif (index($line, "USE Folder") >= 0)
$use_block_12_key = 0;
$use_block_qwerty_standard = 0;
$use_block_qwerty_mini = 0;
$use_block_qwerty_3x11 = 0;
$use_block_qwerty_half = 0;
$use_block_custom = 0;
chop($line); # Remove '\n'
@words = split(/ +/,$line); # Split into words.
$VariantFolder = $keymapsdirstart . $words[2];
# Open configuration source file
if ( ! open(VARFILE,"${VariantFolder}\/Variants.txt") )
print("\nWARNING: Could not find ${VariantFolder}\\Variants.txt! \n");
goto endblock;
foreach $line (@raw_data)
if (index($line, "#") >= 0)
# Comment line, just skip
elsif (index($line, "[PACKAGE") >= 0)
# Finalize and close files from previous round.
print(CHHFILE "#endif\n");
print(CHHFILE "\n// End of file. \n");
# Finalize factory class from previous round.
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE " return NULL;\n");
print(CFFFILE " }\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "void CPtiVariant${variant_name}DataFactory::ListLanguagesL(RArray<TInt>& aResult)\n");
print(CFFFILE " {\n");
for ($ii = 0; $ii < scalar(@lang_name_array); $ii++)
if (@lang_name_array[$ii] eq "Basque" || @lang_name_array[$ii] eq "Galician")
print(CFFFILE " aResult.AppendL(KLang@lang_name_array[$ii]);\n");
print(CFFFILE " aResult.AppendL(ELang@lang_name_array[$ii]);\n");
print(CFFFILE " }\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "// End of file\n");
# Start a new variant
$impl_uid = "";
$dll_uid = "";
$variant_name = "";
$wins_only = 0;
$no_wins = 0;
while (scalar(@lang_name_array) > 0)
# Clear array.
$line =~ s/<.*?>//sg;
@words = grep(/./,("\n",split(/[^[:alnum:]]+/s,$line)));
$variant_name = $words[1] . "_" . $words[2];
$impl_uid = $words[3];
$dll_uid = $words[4];
$target_name = $output_dll . $variant_name;
# Do we want to build only for wins, not for wins at all or for both wins and armv5
if ($words[5] eq "NOWINS")
$no_wins = 1;
elsif ($words[5] eq "WINSONLY")
$wins_only = 1;
print("**** Generating variant $variant_name ****\n");
print(" implementation uid: $impl_uid \n");
print(" dll uid: $dll_uid \n");
# Create ecom resource file.
if ( ! open(RESFILE,">${langdir}${dll_uid}.rss") )
die "Could not create res file for $language";
print(RESFILE "/*\n");
print(RESFILE "* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).\n");
print(RESFILE "* All rights reserved.\n");
print(RESFILE "* This component and the accompanying materials are made available\n");
print(RESFILE "* under the terms of the License \"Eclipse Public License v1.0\"\n");
print(RESFILE "* which accompanies this distribution, and is available\n");
print(RESFILE "* at the URL \"\".\n");
print(RESFILE "*\n");
print(RESFILE "* Initial Contributors:\n");
print(RESFILE "* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.\n");
print(RESFILE "*\n");
print(RESFILE "* Contributors:\n");
print(RESFILE "*\n");
print(RESFILE "* Description: PtiEngine language keymapping ecom resource file.\n");
print(RESFILE "*\n");
print(RESFILE "*/\n");
print(RESFILE "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
print(RESFILE "#include <eikon.rh>\n");
print(RESFILE "#include <ecom/registryinfo.rh>\n");
print(RESFILE "\n");
print(RESFILE "\n");
print(RESFILE " {\n");
print(RESFILE " dll_uid = 0x${dll_uid};\n");
print(RESFILE " interfaces = \n");
print(RESFILE " {\n");
print(RESFILE " {\n");
print(RESFILE " interface_uid = 0x${keymapdata_interface_uid};\n");
print(RESFILE " implementations =\n");
print(RESFILE " {\n");
print(RESFILE " {\n");
print(RESFILE " implementation_uid = 0x${impl_uid}; // Variant $variant_name\n");
print(RESFILE " version_no = 1;\n");
print(RESFILE " display_name = \"PtiEngine keymappings\";\n");
print(RESFILE " }\n");
print(RESFILE " };\n");
print(RESFILE " }\n");
print(RESFILE " };\n");
print(RESFILE " }\n");
print(RESFILE "\n");
print(RESFILE "// End of file\n");
print(RESFILE "\n");
# Create MPP file.
if ( ! open(MMPFILE,">${langdir}${target_name}.mmp") )
die "Could not create mmp file for variant $variant_name \n";
print(MMPFILE "/*\n");
print(MMPFILE "* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).\n");
print(MMPFILE "* All rights reserved.\n");
print(MMPFILE "* This component and the accompanying materials are made available\n");
print(MMPFILE "* under the terms of the License \"Eclipse Public License v1.0\"\n");
print(MMPFILE "* which accompanies this distribution, and is available\n");
print(MMPFILE "* at the URL \"\".\n");
print(MMPFILE "*\n");
print(MMPFILE "* Initial Contributors:\n");
print(MMPFILE "* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.\n");
print(MMPFILE "*\n");
print(MMPFILE "* Contributors:\n");
print(MMPFILE "*\n");
print(MMPFILE "* Description: Project file for $langname keymapping data dll.\n");
print(MMPFILE "*\n");
print(MMPFILE "*/\n");
print(MMPFILE "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
print(MMPFILE "#include <platform_paths.hrh>\n");
print(MMPFILE "\n");
print(MMPFILE "TARGET ${target_name}.dll\n");
print(MMPFILE "targettype PLUGIN\n");
print(MMPFILE "UID 0x10009D8D 0x$dll_uid \n");
print(MMPFILE "\n");
print(MMPFILE "sourcepath . \n");
print(MMPFILE "\n");
print(MMPFILE "userinclude . \n");
print(MMPFILE "\n");
print(MMPFILE "\n");
#print(MMPFILE "systeminclude ..\/INC\n");
print(MMPFILE "\n");
print(MMPFILE "source ${output_dll}${variant_name}.cpp\n");
print(MMPFILE "source PtiFactory_${variant_name}.cpp\n");
print(MMPFILE "\n");
print(MMPFILE "START RESOURCE ${dll_uid}.rss\n");
print(MMPFILE "TARGET ${target_name}.rsc\n");
print(MMPFILE "END\n");
print(MMPFILE "\n");
print(MMPFILE "library PtiEngine.lib\n");
print(MMPFILE "\n");
print(MMPFILE " baseaddress 0x7dd10000\n");
print(MMPFILE "END\n");
print(MMPFILE "\n");
# Add this mmp to bld.inf file
if ($no_wins == 1)
print(INFFILE "#if !defined(WINS)\n");
elsif ($wins_only == 1)
print(INFFILE "#if defined(WINS)\n");
print(INFFILE "${target_name}.mmp\n");
if ($no_wins == 1 || $wins_only == 1)
print(INFFILE "#endif\n");
# Create and open empty body for variantion iby-file.
# It will be filled later.
$iby_file_name = $iby_file_prefix_path.$iby_file_prefix.${variant_name}."\.iby";
if ( ! open(IBYFILE,">$iby_file_name") )
die "ERROR: Could not create variation iby-file\n";
print(IBYFILE "/*\n");
print(IBYFILE "* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).\n");
print(IBYFILE "* All rights reserved.\n");
print(IBYFILE "* This component and the accompanying materials are made available\n");
print(IBYFILE "* under the terms of the License \"Eclipse Public License v1.0\"\n");
print(IBYFILE "* which accompanies this distribution, and is available\n");
print(IBYFILE "* at the URL \"\".\n");
print(IBYFILE "*\n");
print(IBYFILE "* Initial Contributors:\n");
print(IBYFILE "* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.\n");
print(IBYFILE "*\n");
print(IBYFILE "* Contributors:\n");
print(IBYFILE "*\n");
print(IBYFILE "* Description: This iby-file was generated by\n");
print(IBYFILE "*\n");
print(IBYFILE "*/\n");
print(IBYFILE "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
print(IBYFILE "#ifndef __PTI_VARIATION_${variant_name}_IBY__\n");
print(IBYFILE "#define __PTI_VARIATION_${variant_name}_IBY__\n");
print(IBYFILE "\n");
# Update iby-file
if ($wins_only == 0)
print(IBYFILE "\n");
print(IBYFILE "ECOM_PLUGIN(${target_name}.dll, ${impl_uid}.rsc)\n");
print(IBYFILE "\n");
print(IBYFILE "\n");
print(IBYFILE "#endif //__PTI_VARIATION_${variant_name}_IBY__\n");
print(IBYFILE "\n");
if ($wins_only != 1)
$exportpath = "\/epoc32\/rom\/include\/".$iby_file_prefix.${variant_name}."\.iby";
print(INFFILE "$iby_file_name $exportpath\n");
# Create body for main CPP file.
if ( ! open(CPPFILE,">${langdir}${output_dll}${variant_name}.cpp") )
die "Could not create main cpp file for variant ${variant_name}\n";
print(CPPFILE "/*\n");
print(CPPFILE "* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).\n");
print(CPPFILE "* All rights reserved.\n");
print(CPPFILE "* This component and the accompanying materials are made available\n");
print(CPPFILE "* under the terms of the License \"Eclipse Public License v1.0\"\n");
print(CPPFILE "* which accompanies this distribution, and is available\n");
print(CPPFILE "* at the URL \"\".\n");
print(CPPFILE "*\n");
print(CPPFILE "* Initial Contributors:\n");
print(CPPFILE "* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.\n");
print(CPPFILE "*\n");
print(CPPFILE "* Contributors:\n");
print(CPPFILE "*\n");
print(CPPFILE "* Description: Keymapping data implementation for ${langconstant}\n");
print(CPPFILE "*\n");
print(CPPFILE "*/\n");
print(CPPFILE "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
print(CPPFILE "#include <PtiKeyMapData.h>\n");
print(CPPFILE "\n#include <languages.hrh>\n");
print(CPPFILE "\n");
print(CPPFILE "#include \"${output_dll}${variant_name}.h\"\n");
print(CPPFILE "\n");
# Create body for main header file.
if ( ! open(CHHFILE,">${langdir}${output_dll}${variant_name}.h") )
die "Could not create main header file for variant ${variant_name}\n";
print(CHHFILE "/*\n");
print(CHHFILE "* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).\n");
print(CHHFILE "* All rights reserved.\n");
print(CHHFILE "* This component and the accompanying materials are made available\n");
print(CHHFILE "* under the terms of the License \"Eclipse Public License v1.0\"\n");
print(CHHFILE "* which accompanies this distribution, and is available\n");
print(CHHFILE "* at the URL \"\".\n");
print(CHHFILE "*\n");
print(CHHFILE "* Initial Contributors:\n");
print(CHHFILE "* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.\n");
print(CHHFILE "*\n");
print(CHHFILE "* Contributors:\n");
print(CHHFILE "*\n");
print(CHHFILE "* Description: Keymapping data implementation for ${langconstant}\n");
print(CHHFILE "*\n");
print(CHHFILE "*/\n");
print(CHHFILE "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
print(CHHFILE "#ifndef __PTI_LANGUAGES_${variant_name}_H__\n");
print(CHHFILE "#define __PTI_LANGUAGES_${variant_name}_H__\n");
print(CHHFILE "\n");
print(CHHFILE "#include <PtiKeyMapData.h>\n");
print(CHHFILE "\n");
# Create body for factory cpp file.
if ( ! open(CFFFILE,">${langdir}PtiFactory_${variant_name}.cpp") )
die "Could not create main cpp file for variant ${variant_name}\n";
print(CFFFILE "/*\n");
print(CFFFILE "* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).\n");
print(CFFFILE "* All rights reserved.\n");
print(CFFFILE "* This component and the accompanying materials are made available\n");
print(CFFFILE "* under the terms of the License \"Eclipse Public License v1.0\"\n");
print(CFFFILE "* which accompanies this distribution, and is available\n");
print(CFFFILE "* at the URL \"\".\n");
print(CFFFILE "*\n");
print(CFFFILE "* Initial Contributors:\n");
print(CFFFILE "* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.\n");
print(CFFFILE "*\n");
print(CFFFILE "* Contributors:\n");
print(CFFFILE "*\n");
print(CFFFILE "* Description: Keymapping data implementation for ${langconstant}\n");
print(CFFFILE "*\n");
print(CFFFILE "*/\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
print(CFFFILE "#include <ECom/ImplementationProxy.h>\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n#include <Languages.hrh>\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "#include \"${output_dll}${variant_name}.h\"\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "class CPtiVariant${variant_name}DataFactory : public CPtiKeyMapDataFactory\n");
print(CFFFILE " {\n");
print(CFFFILE " public:\n");
print(CFFFILE " CPtiVariant${variant_name}DataFactory() {}\n");
print(CFFFILE " static CPtiVariant${variant_name}DataFactory* NewL();\n");
print(CFFFILE " MPtiKeyMapData* KeyMapDataForLanguageL(TInt aLanguageCode);\n");
print(CFFFILE " void ListLanguagesL(RArray<TInt>& aResult);\n");
print(CFFFILE " };\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "CPtiVariant${variant_name}DataFactory* CPtiVariant${variant_name}DataFactory::NewL()\n");
print(CFFFILE " {\n");
print(CFFFILE " return new (ELeave) CPtiVariant${variant_name}DataFactory();\n");
print(CFFFILE " }\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =\n");
print(CFFFILE " {\n");
print(CFFFILE " IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(0x$impl_uid, CPtiVariant${variant_name}DataFactory::NewL)\n");
print(CFFFILE " };\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(TInt& aTableCount)\n");
print(CFFFILE " {\n");
print(CFFFILE " aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);\n");
print(CFFFILE " return ImplementationTable;\n");
print(CFFFILE " }\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "MPtiKeyMapData* CPtiVariant${variant_name}DataFactory::KeyMapDataForLanguageL(TInt aLanguageCode)\n");
print(CFFFILE " {\n");
elsif (index($line, ".txt") > 0)
$line =~ s/<.*?>//sg;
@words = grep(/./,("\n",split(/[^_[:alnum:]]+/s,$line)));
$lang_name = $words[0];
$map_file_name = $words[1] . ".txt";
print(" Adding $map_file_name for $lang_name \n");
#check that the given file exists
if ( ! open(LANGFILE,"${keymapsdir}${map_file_name}") )
die "ERROR: Unable to locate $map_file_name \n";
push(@lang_name_array, $lang_name);
# Update factory file
if ($lang_name eq "Basque" || $lang_name eq "Galician")
print(CFFFILE " if (aLanguageCode == KLang${lang_name})\n");
print(CFFFILE " if (aLanguageCode == ELang${lang_name})\n");
print(CFFFILE " {\n");
print(CFFFILE " return CPtiLangDataImpl${lang_name}::NewL();\n");
print(CFFFILE " }\n");
$blocks_in_use = "";
if ($use_block_12_key == 1)
$blocks_in_use = $blocks_in_use . "12-KEY_";
if ($use_block_qwerty_standard == 1)
$blocks_in_use = $blocks_in_use . "STANDARD_";
if ($use_block_qwerty_mini == 1)
$blocks_in_use = $blocks_in_use . "4X10_";
if ($use_block_qwerty_3x11 == 1)
$blocks_in_use = $blocks_in_use . "3X11_";
if ($use_block_qwerty_half == 1)
$blocks_in_use = $blocks_in_use . "HALF_";
if ($use_block_custom == 1)
$blocks_in_use = $blocks_in_use . "CUSTOM_";
if ($blocks_in_use eq "")
die "ERROR: No data blocks selected (see USE BLOCK keyword)\n";
system("perl $keymapsdir $map_file_name $lang_name $variant_name $blocks_in_use");
# Finalize header file.
if ( ! open(CHHFILE,">>${langdir}${output_dll}${variant_name}.h") )
die "Could not finalize header file for variant ${variant_name}\n";
elsif (index($line, "USE BLOCK") >= 0)
if (index($line, "12-KEY") >= 0)
$use_block_12_key = 1;
elsif (index($line, "QWERTY STANDARD") >= 0)
$use_block_qwerty_standard = 1;
elsif (index($line, "QWERTY 4X10") >= 0)
$use_block_qwerty_mini = 1;
elsif (index($line, "QWERTY 3X11") >= 0)
$use_block_qwerty_3x11 = 1;
elsif (index($line, "QWERTY HALF") >= 0)
$use_block_qwerty_half = 1;
elsif (index($line, "CUSTOM") >= 0)
$use_block_custom = 1;
elsif (index($line, "USE DATASET") >= 0)
chop($line); # Remove '\n'
@words = split(/ +/,$line); # Split into words.
$keymapsdir = $keymapsdirstart;
$keymapsdir = $keymapsdir . $words[2] . "\/";
# Close bld.inf file.
# Finalize and close factory file for last round.
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE " return NULL;\n");
print(CFFFILE " }\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "void CPtiVariant${variant_name}DataFactory::ListLanguagesL(RArray<TInt>& aResult)\n");
print(CFFFILE " {\n");
for ($ii = 0; $ii < scalar(@lang_name_array); $ii++)
if (@lang_name_array[$ii] eq "Basque" || @lang_name_array[$ii] eq "Galician")
print(CFFFILE " aResult.AppendL(KLang@lang_name_array[$ii]);\n");
print(CFFFILE " aResult.AppendL(ELang@lang_name_array[$ii]);\n");
print(CFFFILE " }\n");
print(CFFFILE "\n");
print(CFFFILE "// End of file\n");
# Finalize and close header file for last round.
print(CHHFILE "#endif\n");
print(CHHFILE "\n// End of file. \n");
# Close remaining resources.
# End of file