* Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: header file of peninput ui layout
#include <s32std.h>
#include "peninputuilayoutownerinf.h"
#include "peninputuilayoutbase.h"
#include <touchfeedback.h>
#include "peninputlayoutminterface.h"
#include "peninputlayoutbasecontrol.h"
#include "peninputcmdparam.h"
class MAknsSkinInstance;
class CFepUiCursor;
class CControlGroup;
class CDragBar;
class CFepUiLayoutRootCtrl;
class CCoeControl;
const TInt KMaxDragBarNum = 4;
* class CFepUiLayout
* This is main class for Fep UI framework.
* @lib peninputlayoutcontrol.lib
* @since S60 v4.0
class CFepUiLayout : public CBase,
public MPenUiLayoutBase,
public MEventObserver
* Destructor.
* @since S60 v4.0
IMPORT_C virtual ~CFepUiLayout();
* BaseConstructL
* Does the base construction. Derivated class must call this when constructed.
* @since S60 v4.0
IMPORT_C virtual void BaseConstructL();
* AddControlL
* Add a control to layout.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aControl The control to be added. The ownership transferred to layout
* @param aEventObserverFlag ETrue if layout is this control's event observer.
* Otherwise not. Default value is ETrue.
IMPORT_C void AddControlL(CFepUiBaseCtrl* aControl,
TBool aEventObserverFlag = ETrue);
* AddControlL
* Add a control to layout.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aControl The control to be added. The ownership transferred to layout
* @param aEventObserverFlag ETrue if layout is this control's event observer.
* Otherwise not. Default value is ETrue.
IMPORT_C void AddControlL(CCoeControl* aControl,
TBool aEventObserverFlag = ETrue);
* RemoveControl
* Remove a control from layout.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aControl The control to be removed.
IMPORT_C void RemoveControl(CFepUiBaseCtrl* aControl);
* RemoveControl
* Remove a control from layout.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aControl The control to be removed.
IMPORT_C void RemoveControl(CCoeControl* aControl);
* Get ui layout control list
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return The control list.
inline const RPointerArray<CFepUiBaseCtrl>& ControlList();
* Report layout event to layout owner
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aEventType the event type
* @param aEventData Event data
IMPORT_C void SignalOwner(TInt aEventType,
const TDesC& aEventData = KNullDesC);
* Test whether the position is valid.
* This is used to test the target position when draging controls to some place
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aRect The rect to be checked.
* @param aDragbar The dragbar being dragged
* @param aVInfo The valid information in vertial dirtection. ETrue is vertical
* moving is valid.It's only used when aRect is not valid but moving in
* vertical direction is valid.
* @param aHInfo The valid information in horizontal dirtection. ETrue is
* horizontal moving is valid.It's only used when aRect is not
* valid but moving in vertical direction is valid.
* @param aFlag ETrue if whole layout is moving, otherwise, only components moving
* @return ETue if aRect is a valid position. Otherwise, EFalse.
IMPORT_C virtual TBool IsValidDestination(const TRect& aRect,
CDragBar* aDragBar,
TBool& aVInfo,TBool& aHInfo,
TBool aFlag);
* Enable whole layout moved by a dragbar.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aDragBar The dragging bar drags the layout
IMPORT_C void EnableLayoutMoving(CDragBar* aDragbar);
* Get ui layout root control
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aPos The new position.
inline CFepUiLayoutRootCtrl* RootControl();
* Get the layout owner
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return The layout owner
inline MLayoutOwner* LayoutOwner();
* Set the layout size. It will update region-aware control's valid region
* It will call owner's LayoutSizeChanged if size changed.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aRect The layout size.
IMPORT_C void SetRect(const TRect& aRect);
* Set the layout shadow size. Shadow will draw between shadow rect and
* layout rect. Ui layout rect is then changed to shadow rect.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aRect The layout shadow size.
IMPORT_C void SetShadowRect(const TRect& aRect);
* Set shadow rect for a shadow area.
* The nth shadow is drawn in this shadow rect
* @since S60 V4.0
* @param aRect The shadow rect.The rect's coordinate is relative to layout.
* @param aIndex The index position for shadow rect
IMPORT_C void SetShadowAreaRect(const TRect& aRect,
TShadowBitmapIndex aIndex);
* set layout's shadow bitmap and mask bmp
* @since S60 V4.0
* @param The shadow background bitmap. Ownership transferred
* @param The shadow background mask bitmap. Ownership transferred
* @param aIndex The shadow bitmap position index. See CFepUiBaseCtrl's
* SetShadowBmp the defination of TShadowBitmapIndex
IMPORT_C void SetShadowBmp(CFbsBitmap* aBmp,CFbsBitmap* aMaskBmp,
TShadowBitmapIndex aIndex);
* Set whole screen size.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aSize The screen size
inline void SetScreenSize(const TSize& aSize);
* get whole screen size.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return The screen size
inline const TSize& ScreenSize();
* Lock a area
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aRect The locked area
* @param aOwner The owner of the locked area
IMPORT_C void LockArea(const TRect& aRect, CFepUiBaseCtrl* aOwner);
* unlock a area
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aRect The locked area
* @param aCtrl The owner of the locked area
IMPORT_C void UnLockArea(const TRect& aRect, CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl);
* get the locked area
* @since S60 v5.0
* @reeturn return current locked area.
inline const TRect& LockedArea();
* get the locked area owner
* @since S60 v5.0
* @reeturn return current locked area owner.
inline const CFepUiBaseCtrl* LockareaOwner() const;
/** Update layout area, cause flush in screen
* @since S60 V4.0
* @param aCtrl The control who requires the update
* @param aRect the rect to be flushed in screen
* @param aUpdateFlag ETrue if full update.
* @param aImmedFlag flag tells whethere updating is executing immediately
IMPORT_C void UpdateArea(const CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl,const TRect& aRect,
TBool aUpdateFlag,TBool aImmedFlag = EFalse);
* Call back function. Called when cursor in input context field changed by pointer.
* Just signal layout owner this event in default implementation
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aCursorSel Current cursor selection in input context field
IMPORT_C virtual void SetAppEditorCursor(const TCursorSelection& aCursorSel,
TBool aReqMoreText = EFalse);
* Get layout status. Layout is only ready after initialized.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return The layout status
inline TBool LayoutReady();
//from base class MPenUiLayoutBase
* From MPenUiLayoutBase
* Init.
* Do layout initialization. It's called by layout owner
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return The layout rect including the shadow rect
IMPORT_C TRect Init();
* From MPenUiLayoutBase
* HandleEventL. Handle UI event.
* There are only 3 kinds of UI event right now: raw event,
* pointer and pointer buffer event.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aType The event type. See TEventType
* @param aEventData The event data.
* @return The control which processes the event
IMPORT_C TBool HandleEventL(TEventType aType, const TAny* aEventData);
* From MPenUiLayoutBase
* HandleCommand. Handle layout command event.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aCmd Command Id.
* @param aData Data for command.
* @return precessing result. Errors when return value small than 0.
IMPORT_C TInt HandleCommand(TInt aCmd, TUint8* aData) ;
* From MPenUiLayoutBase
* Draw layout.
* @since S60 v4.0
IMPORT_C virtual void Draw() ;
* From MPenUiLayoutBase
* OnResourceChange. Inform layout the system resource changed.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aType the event type
* @return KErrNone if successfully size changing.
IMPORT_C virtual TInt OnResourceChange(TInt aType);
* From MPenUiLayoutBase
* HandleAppInfoChange. Inform UI that application infomation changed.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aInfo The information.
* @param aType The information type
IMPORT_C virtual void HandleAppInfoChange(const TDesC& aInfo, TPeninputAppInfo aType);
* Handle editor text coming
* Called by animation dll when app editor text is coming.
* If a ui layout has a editor area, it must implements this function to get the text
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aData The fep input context field data
* @return KErrNone is operation succeeded.
IMPORT_C virtual TInt OnAppEditorTextComing(const TFepInputContextFieldData& aData);
* From MPenUiLayoutBase
* Get the max editor length which the input context field can hold
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return The editor length
IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetInputContextFieldMaxLen();
* Get layout start position
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return The layout start position
IMPORT_C virtual TPoint Position();
* Get layout area
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return The layout size in rect
IMPORT_C virtual TRect Rect();
* From MPenUiLayoutBase
* Destroy layout
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return The layout size in rect
IMPORT_C virtual void Destroy();
* From MPenUiLayoutBase
* OnActivate. Called by owner when the layout is going to be shown.
* @since S60 v4.0
IMPORT_C void OnActivate();
* From MPenUiLayoutBase
* OnDeActivate. Called by owner when the layout is going to be hidden
* @since S60 v4.0
IMPORT_C void OnDeActivate();
* SemiTransparencyRequired. Tell whether this layout requires semi-transparency.
* This is to save memory used in mask bitmap. If transparency not deeded,
* We use black-white bitmap.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if layout require transparency, otherwise EFalse.
IMPORT_C TBool SemiTransparencyRequired();
* Set layout position
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param The layout position
IMPORT_C void SetLayoutPos(const TPoint& aPt);
IMPORT_C TInt GetEnabledPluginMode( );
* RegisterFeedbackArea. Register the area which requires tactile feedback.
* Note, if two control have the same area, you need to register twice.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aId The unique id of this area
* @param aRect The tactile area.
IMPORT_C void RegisterFeedbackArea(TInt aId,const TRect& aRect);
* DeRegisterFeedbackArea. Remove the area which has required tactile feedback.
* Nothing happends if the area not registered before.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aId The unique id of this area. Don't use negative id.
* @param aRect The tactile area.
IMPORT_C void DeRegisterFeedbackArea(TInt aId,const TRect& aRect);
* ChangeFeedbackArea. Change the area which has required tactile feedback.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aId The unique id of this area
* @param aNew The new registered area
* @param aOld Previous area for tactile feedback.
IMPORT_C void ChangeFeedbackArea(TInt aId,const TRect& aNew,const TRect& aOld);
* This function can be used to check, whether touch feedback is
* supported at all in the device.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return ETrue if touch feedback is supported in this device.
IMPORT_C TBool SupportTactileFeedback();
* Gives instant feedback.
* Notice that the feedback might not be actually played, if
* for example user has disabled the feedback from the settings.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aType - The logical feedback type to play.
IMPORT_C void DoTactileFeedback(TInt aType);
* Gives instant feedback.
* Notice that the feedback might not be actually played, if
* for example user has disabled the feedback from the settings.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aType - The logical feedback type to play.
* @param aVibraEnable - Enable Audio Feedback.
* @param aAudioEnable - Enable Vibra Feedback.
IMPORT_C void DoTactileFeedback(TInt aType, TBool aVibraEnable, TBool aAudioEnable);
* Create the cursor. There is only one cursor within a pen ui.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return The cursor instance
IMPORT_C CFepUiCursor* CreateCursor();
* SetPositionFromOutside. Inform UI that the position is change from outside of UI.
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aInfo The information.
* @param aType The information type
IMPORT_C void SetPositionFromOutside(const TPoint& aNewPos);
* RegisterFeedbackArea. Register the area which requires tactile feedback.
* Note, if two control have the same area, you need to register twice.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aId The unique id of this area
* @param aRect The tactile area.
//Advanced Tactile feedback REQ417-47932
IMPORT_C void RegisterFeedbackArea(TInt aId,const TRect& aRect, TInt aTactileType);
* ChangeFeedbackType. Change the tactile feedback which has required tactile feedback.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aId The unique id of this feedback type
* @param aRect The area
* @param aNewTactileType new feedback type.
//Advanced Tactile feedback REQ417-47932
IMPORT_C void ChangeFeedbackType(TInt aId, TInt aNewTactileType);
IMPORT_C TBool NotDrawToLayoutDevice();
IMPORT_C void DisableLayoutDrawing(TBool aFlag);
* Get the layout SkinInstance
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return SkinInstance
inline MAknsSkinInstance* SkinInstance();
* Get the layout TouchFeedbackInstance
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return TouchFeedbackInstance
inline MTouchFeedback* TouchFeedbackInstance();
* Constructor
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aLayoutOwner The layout owner
IMPORT_C CFepUiLayout(MLayoutOwner* aLayoutOwner);
* OnSkinChange. Called when system skin changed.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @return KErrNone if successfully handling.
IMPORT_C virtual TInt OnSkinChange();
* Handle raw key event. Call back function. Called when raw key event happens
* Do nothing in default implementation
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aKeyEvent Key event
* @return EFalse if the key has not been processed. Otherwise ETrue.
* If key is not processed, it will be passed to CONE's control stack.
IMPORT_C virtual TBool HandleRawKeyEventL(const TRawEvent& aKeyEvent);
* Handle pointer down/up event while this event is outside of the layout
* Do nothing in default implementation
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aEvent The raw event
* @return EFalse if the event needs forward on. Otherwise ETrue.
IMPORT_C virtual TBool OnPointerEventOutsideLayout(const TRawEvent& aEvent);
* IsSemiTransparencyRequired. Tell whether one of the contorl require transparency.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aCtrlList The control list
* @return ETrue if layout require transparency, otherwise EFalse.
TBool IsSemiTransparencyRequired(const RPointerArray<CFepUiBaseCtrl>& aCtrlList);
* SizeChanged. Called when screen size changed.
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aData the event data
* @return KErrNone if successfully size changing.
IMPORT_C virtual TInt SizeChanged(const TAny* aData);
* Send editor text and cursor pos
* @since S60 v4.0
* @param aData Editor text and cursor pos information
void SendEditorTextAndCursorPosL(TUint8* aData);
void SetSelfBmpDeviceFlag(TBool aFlag);
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CFepUiLayoutExt) : public CBase
TBool iTactileSupported;
* Used to Cache skins instance
MAknsSkinInstance* iSkinInstance;
* Used to Cache TouchFeedback instance
MTouchFeedback* iTouchFeedbackInstance;
TBool iSelfBmpDeviceFlag;
TBool iDisableDrawing;
* Layout dragging position. Same as iLayoutPos, but only used when layout is
* dragging.
TPoint iLayoutDraggingPos;
* screen size
TSize iScreenSize;
* Root control. It's a control group.
* Own
CFepUiLayoutRootCtrl* iRootCtrl;
* Layout owner.
* Not own
MLayoutOwner* iLayoutOwner;
* layout dragbar number.
TInt iDragbarNum;
* dragbar list
CDragBar* iDragbarList[KMaxDragBarNum];
* locked area. There may be one locked area which only the locker can
* update the area.
TRect iLockedArea;
* The owner of the locked area
CFepUiBaseCtrl* iLockedAreaOwner;
* State indicates layout ready to be drawn
TInt iLayoutReady;
CFepUiLayoutExt* iExtension;
* Reserved item1
TInt iReserved1;
friend class CFepUiBaseCtrl;
#include "peninputlayout.inl"
// End of file