* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: peninput VKB data manager
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <AknLayoutDef.h>
#include <PeninputLayoutWindowExt.h>
class CAknFepCtrlLabel;
class CAknFepCtrlRangeBar;
class CPeninputGenericVkbLafMgr;
class CPeninputCommonChoiceList;
class MPeninputUiStateMgr;
class CPeninputVkbKrWindow : public CPeninputLayoutWindowExt
static CPeninputVkbKrWindow* NewLC(
CFepUiLayout* aUiLayout,
MPeninputLayoutContext* aLayoutContext,
MPeninputUiStateMgr* aUiStateMgr);
static CPeninputVkbKrWindow* NewL(
CFepUiLayout* aUiLayout,
MPeninputLayoutContext* aLayoutContext,
MPeninputUiStateMgr* aUiStateMgr);
virtual ~CPeninputVkbKrWindow();
CFepUiLayout* aUiLayout,
MPeninputLayoutContext* aLayoutContext,
MPeninputUiStateMgr* aUiStateMgr);
void ConstructL();
void HandleControlEvent(
TInt aEventType,
CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl,
const TDesC& aEventData );
* Get id of window config resource
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return The id of window config resource
virtual TInt GetWindowConfigResId();
* Get id of window resource
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return The id of window resource
virtual TInt GetWindowResId();
* Get numeric keymapping resource id
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return The id of numeric keymapping
virtual TInt GetNumKeymappingResId();
* Get file name of window config resource
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aLangID The id of language
* @return The file name of window config resource
virtual const TDesC&
GetWindowConfigResFileName( TInt aLangID );
* Get file name of window resource
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return The file name of window resource
virtual const TDesC& GetWindowResFileName();
* Change unit size
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return The rect of whole window
virtual const TRect ChangeUnitSize();
* Change size of client area
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aLeftTopPoint The left top point of client area
* @return None
virtual void ChangeClientSize();
* Construct all controls specified in resource(implementation will be
* postponed in subclass)
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return None
virtual void CreateAllControlsL();
* Set control fonts. Fonts info comes from resource
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return None
virtual void SetControlsFont();
* Pop up choice list
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return None
virtual void PopupChoiceList();
* Re-organize all controls in the assigned client area layout
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aClientLayoutId The id of client area layout
* @return None
virtual void ReorganizeControls( TInt aClientLayoutId, TBool aNeedReset );
* Do when case changed
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aNewCase The new case
* @return None
virtual void DoCaseChange( TInt aNewCase );
virtual TBool CreateCustomControlL( TInt16 aControlId, TInt32 aImageId );
virtual void AddCustomControlGroupL(CFepUiBaseCtrl* aCtrl);
void SetVkbLayoutSize();
void ConstructFromResourceL();
void SetRangeBarSizeL(TInt x, TInt y);
CAknFepCtrlEventButton* AddButtonL(
const TInt aControlId,
const TInt aEventId,
const TInt aResId,
const TInt aUnicode = 0,
const TBool aIsRepeat = EFalse );
void ReorgnizeTitleBar();
void ReorgnizeTableUpDown();
void ResetAccentButton();
void UpdateICFTextL();
static TInt BackgroundTaskL(TAny* aPtr);
void PopupWindowSizeChange();
void DoIdleConstructL();
void GetPopupWndInfoFromResL(
TResourceReader aRes,
const TRect& aRect );
void PopupSwitchWindowL();
TBool IsSymbolRange();
void FakeClientLayoutUpdateL(const TInt& aVkbLayoutId=0);
void SetPromptTextL(TUint8* aData);
void SetSwitchlistSecretFlag(TBool aSecret);
void DimArrowKeys( TBool aDimArrow );
void ShowBubble(TInt aShow);
void PreProcessRange(const TInt& aRange);
void UpdateLafData();
MPeninputUiStateMgr* iUiStateMgr;
TAknWindowLineLayout iBubbleSize;
TAknTextLineLayout iBubbleTextLayout;
CAknFepCtrlRangeBar* iRangeBar;
CPeninputVkbCtrlExt* iVkbCtrl;
CPeninputGenericVkbLafMgr* iLafMgr;
CAknFepCtrlDragButton* iMoveButton;
CAknFepCtrlRepeatButton* iArrowLeftButton;
CAknFepCtrlRepeatButton* iArrowRightButton;
CAknFepCtrlRepeatButton* iTableUpButton;
CAknFepCtrlRepeatButton* iTableDownButton;
CAknFepCtrlEventButton* iTablePageLabel;
TBool iFirstConstruct;
CIdle *iIdle;
TBool iPopupSet;
TBool iPopupInited;
TRect iAppWndRect;
TRect iPopupItemRect;
CPeninputCommonChoiceList* iPopupWnd;
CFbsBitmap* iPopupWndBgImg;
CFbsBitmap* iPopupWndFocusImg;