changeset 0 307788aac0a8
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Header file for definitions related to RTP
    15 *              : (Real-time Transport Protocol) library
    16 *
    17 */
    22 #ifndef __RTPDEF_H
    23 #define __RTPDEF_H
    25 //  INCLUDES
    27 #include <e32std.h>
    28 #include <in_sock.h>
    29 #include <es_sock.h>
    31 // CONSTANTS
    32 const TUint KMaxRtcpAppData = 512;
    33 const TInt KMaxRtcpReason = 255; // max of RTCP APP packet in bytes
    34 const TUint KMaxSdesItemSize = 255;
    35 const TUint KSocketBufSize = 4096;
    36 const TInt KMinRtpHeaderSize = 12; // 96 bits in header, 96/8 = 12
    38 // DATA TYPES
    40 typedef TUint32 TRtpId;
    41 const TRtpId KNullId = 0xffffffff;
    43 typedef TUint32 TRtpSSRC;       //
    44 typedef TUint8 TRtpPayloadType; // payload type of the RTP packet
    45 typedef TUint16 TRtpSequence;   // sequence number of the RTP packet
    46 typedef TUint32 TRtpTimeStamp;  // timestamp of the RTP packet
    48 //
    49 // TRtcpAppName, TRtcpAppSubType, TRtcpApp - RTCP APP packet
    50 // related data types. See RFC1889.txt for detailed description
    51 //
    52 typedef TUint8 TRtcpAppName[4]; // APP packet name
    53 typedef TInt TRtcpAppSubType;   // subtype ID under the same name
    56 class TRtpSendHeader;
    57 class TRtpRecvHeader;
    61 /**
    62 *  RTCP APP class. 
    63 *
    64 *  @lib RtpService.dll
    65 */
    66 class TRtcpApp
    67     {
    68     public:
    69         inline TRtcpApp() 
    70             : iSubType( 0 ), 
    71               iAppDataLen( 0 )
    72             {};
    73         TRtcpAppSubType iSubType;
    74         TRtcpAppName iName;
    75         TUint8 iAppData[KMaxRtcpAppData];
    76         TUint iAppDataLen;
    77     };
    79 /**
    80 *  Parameters for creating session. 
    81 *
    82 *  @lib RtpService.dll
    83 */
    84 class TCreateSessionParams
    85     {
    86     public:
    87         inline TCreateSessionParams()
    88             : iPriority( EPriorityStandard ), iSocketBufSize( KSocketBufSize ) {};
    90         enum TPriority
    91             {
    92             EPriorityIdle                   = -100,
    93             EPriorityLow                    = -20,
    94             EPriorityStandard               = 0,
    95             EPriorityUserInput              = 10,
    96             EPriorityHigh                   = 20
    97             };
    98         TPriority iPriority;
    99         TInt iSocketBufSize;                // For RTP sending only;
   100     };
   102 /**
   103 *  RTCP SDES class. 
   104 *
   105 *  @lib RtpService.dll
   106 */
   107 class TRtpSdesParams
   108     {
   109     public:
   110         inline TRtpSdesParams& operator = ( const TRtpSdesParams& aParams );
   111         TPtrC8 iCName; 
   112         TPtrC8 iUserName;
   113         TPtrC8 iEmail;
   114         TPtrC8 iPhoneNumber;
   115         TPtrC8 iLocation;
   116         TPtrC8 iSwToolName;
   117         TPtrC8 iNoticeStatus;
   118         TPtrC8 iPrivate;
   119     };
   121 TRtpSdesParams& TRtpSdesParams::operator = ( const TRtpSdesParams& aParams )
   122     {
   123     iCName.Set( aParams.iCName );
   124     iUserName.Set( aParams.iUserName );
   125     iEmail.Set( aParams.iEmail );
   126     iPhoneNumber.Set( aParams.iPhoneNumber );
   127     iLocation.Set( aParams.iLocation );
   128     iSwToolName.Set( aParams.iSwToolName );
   129     iNoticeStatus.Set( aParams.iNoticeStatus );
   130     iPrivate.Set( aParams.iPrivate );
   132     return *this;
   133     }
   135 /**
   136 *  Parameters for creating receiving stream. 
   137 *
   138 *  @lib RtpService.dll
   139 */
   140 class TRcvStreamParams
   141     {
   142     public:
   143         TRtpPayloadType iPayloadType;
   144     };
   146 /**
   147 *  Parameters for creating transmit stream. 
   148 *
   149 *  @lib RtpService.dll
   150 */
   151 class TTranStreamParams
   152     {
   153     public:
   154         TRtpPayloadType iPayloadType;
   155     };
   157 /**
   158 *  Statistics for each stream. 
   159 *
   160 *  @lib RtpService.dll
   161 */
   162 class TRtpPeerStat
   163     {
   164     public:
   165         // sender related stat
   166         TInt iNumPacketsSent;            // cumulative number of packets sent
   167         TInt iCumNumOctetsSent;          // cumulative number of octets sent
   168         TUint iRoundTripDelay;           // Round trip delay
   169         TUint iTxBandwidth;              // transmitter bandwidth (bps)
   171         // receiver related stat
   172         TInt iCumNumPacketsLost;         // packets lost
   173         TUint8 iFractionLost;            // fraction of packets lost between last two reports
   174         TInt iArrivalJitter;             // arrival jitter in tenth of millsecond.
   175         TUint iRxBandwidth;              // receiver bandwidth (bps) calculated by the transmitter
   176         TUint iChannelBufferSize;        // an estimate of the channel buffer size
   177         TUint32 iNTPTimeStampSec;        // NTP seconds
   178         TUint32 iNTPTimeStampFrac;       // NTP fraction
   179         TRtpTimeStamp iTimeStamp;        // RTP Time stamp of last packet sent by TX stream
   180     };
   182 /**
   183 *  RTCP parameters for RTCP interval calculation and timeout. 
   184 *
   185 *  @lib RtpService.dll
   186 */
   187 class TRtcpParams
   188     {
   189     public:
   190         TUint iSessionBWidth; // Session bandwidth in bps
   191         TReal iRtcpFraction;  // Fraction of session bandwidth to be allocated to RTCP
   192         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iRtcpTimeOut; // Time out for RTCP asynchronous sending 
   193     };
   195 /**
   196 *  Time stamps from RTCP report for A/V sync. 
   197 *
   198 *  @lib RtpService.dll
   199 */
   200 class TTimeStamps
   201     {
   202     public:
   203         TUint32 iNTPTimeStampSec;         // NTP seconds
   204         TUint32 iNTPTimeStampFrac;        // NTP fraction of second
   205         TRtpTimeStamp iTimeStamp;         // RTP Time stamp
   206     };
   210 /**
   211  * An interface to the callback functions for asynchronous event
   212  * notifications from RTP module.
   213  *
   214  * The class is a mixin and is intended to be inherited by the client
   215  * class which is observing RTP module error. A reference to
   216  * this object is passed as a parameter when constructing an RTP object.
   217  */
   218 class MRtpErrNotify
   219 {
   220 public:
   222     /**
   223     * Error call back 
   224     * @param aErrCode - System wide error code
   225     */
   226     virtual void ErrorNotify( TInt aErrCode ) = 0;
   227 };
   230 /**
   231 *  callback function for received rtp packet. 
   232 *
   233 *  @lib RtpService.dll
   234 */
   235 class MRtpObserver
   236     {
   237     public:
   238         /**
   239         * Callback function to receive an RTP packet.
   240         * @param TRtpId aStreamId - RTP receive-stream ID
   241         * @param TRtpRecvHeader& aHeaderInfo - Header info of RTP packet received
   242         * @param TDesC8& aPayloadData - Payload data of RTP packet received
   243         * @return None
   244         */
   245         virtual void RtpPacketReceived( TRtpId aStreamId, 
   246                                         const TRtpRecvHeader& aHeaderInfo, 
   247                                         const TDesC8& aPayloadData ) = 0;
   248     };
   250 /**
   251 *  callback functions for received rtcp packet. 
   252 *
   253 *  @lib RtpService.dll
   254 */
   255 class MRtcpObserver
   256     {
   257     public:
   258         /**
   259         * Callback function to receive an RTCP SDES (Source Description) packet.
   260         * @param TRtpSSRC aSSRC - SSRC value
   261         * @param TRtpSdesParams& aParams - SDES parameters received
   262         * @return None
   263         */
   264         virtual void SdesReceived( TRtpSSRC aSSRC, const TRtpSdesParams& aParams ) = 0;
   266         /**
   267         * Callback function to receive an RTCP BYE packet.
   268         * @param TRtpId aStreamId - RTP stream ID
   269         * @param TRtpSSRC aSSRC - SSRC value
   270         * @param TDesC8& aReason - Reason for leaving
   271         * @return None
   272         */
   273         virtual void ByeReceived( TRtpId aStreamId, TRtpSSRC aSSRC, const TDesC8& aReason ) = 0;
   275         /**
   276         * Callback function to receive an RTCP APP packet.
   277         * @param TRtpId aStreamId - RTP stream ID
   278         * @param TRtpSSRC aSSRC - SSRC value
   279         * @param TRtcpApp& aApp - APP contain
   280         * @return None
   281         */
   282         virtual void AppReceived( TRtpId aStreamId, TRtpSSRC aSSRC, const TRtcpApp& aApp ) = 0;
   284         /**
   285         * Callback function to receive an RTCP SR packet.
   286         * @param TRtpId aStreamId - RTP stream ID
   287         * @param TRtpSSRC aSSRC - SSRC value
   288         * @param TTimeStamps& aTimeStamps - RTP and NTP timestamps for A/V synch.
   289         * @return None
   290         */
   291         virtual void SrReceived( TRtpId aStreamId, TRtpSSRC aSSRC, const TTimeStamps& aTimeStamps ) = 0;
   293         /**
   294         * Callback function to receive an RTCP RR packet.
   295         * @param TRtpId aStreamId - RTP stream ID or Session ID if empty RR received.
   296         * @param TRtpSSRC aSSRC - SSRC value
   297         * @return None
   298         */
   299         virtual void RrReceived( TRtpId aStreamId, TRtpSSRC aSSRC ) = 0;
   300     };
   302 /**
   303 *  callback functions for any received non-RTP (control) packets. 
   304 *
   305 *  @lib RtpService.dll
   306 */
   307 class MNonRTPDataObserver
   308     {
   309     public:
   310         /**
   311         * Callback function to receive a non-RTP packet.
   312         * @param TUint aPort - port ID
   313         * @param TBool aRTPport - RTP port true, RTCP port false        
   314         * @param TDesC8& aNonRTPData - non-RTP packet received
   315         * @return None
   316         */
   317         virtual void NonRTPDataReceived( TUint aPort, TBool aRTPport, const TDesC8& aNonRTPData ) = 0;
   319     };
   321 #endif // __RTPDEF_H