changeset 0 307788aac0a8
child 55 36ea1f90a3d8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:307788aac0a8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // RTCPFlow Implementation
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 /**
    19  @file
    20  @internalComponent
    21 */
    23 #include <comms-infras/ss_log.h>
    25 #include "rtcpflow.h"
    26 #include "rtppint.h"
    28 #include "rtp_cfmessages.h"
    30 #if defined(ESOCK_LOGGING_ACTIVE)
    31 _LIT8(KRtcpFlowSubTag, "RtcpFlow");
    32 #endif
    34 CRtcpFlow::CRtcpFlow(ESock::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase& aFactory, const Messages::TNodeId& aSubConnId, ESock::CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf)
    35 :CRtpBaseFlow(aFactory, aSubConnId, aProtocolIntf)
    36 {
    37 	LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8(" CRtcpFlow %08x:\t "), this));
    38 	LOG_NODE_CREATE(KESockFlowTag, CRtcpFlow);
    39 }
    42 CRtcpFlow* CRtcpFlow::NewL(CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase& aFactory, const Messages::TNodeId& aSubConn, CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf)
    43 	{
    44 	CRtcpFlow *pRtcpFlow = new (ELeave) CRtcpFlow(aFactory, aSubConn, aProtocolIntf);
    46 	CleanupStack::PushL(pRtcpFlow);
    47 	pRtcpFlow->ConstructL();
    48 	/* Register the flow with Rtp Pint */
    49 	((CRtpProtocolIntf*)aProtocolIntf)->RegisterSubConnProvIDL(pRtcpFlow,aSubConn);
    50 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    52 	return pRtcpFlow;
    53 	}
    55 void CRtcpFlow::ConstructL()
    56 	{
    57 	iRtcpHandler = CCFRtpHandler::NewL(this,EPriorityNormal);
    58 	iRtcpHandler->SetType(ERtcp);
    59 	iRtcpBuffer.CreateL(KRtcpDefBufSz);
    60 	iRtcpTempBuffer.CreateL(KRtcpDefBufSz);
    61 	}
    64 CRtcpFlow::~CRtcpFlow()
    65 	{
    66 	iRtcpBuffer.Close();
    67 	iRtcpTempBuffer.Close();
    68 	LOG_NODE_DESTROY(KESockFlowTag, CRtcpFlow);
    69 	LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8(" ~CRtcpFlow %08x:\t "), this));
    70 	}
    72 void CRtcpFlow::CanSend()
    73 	{
    74 	LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\t CanSend() "), this));
    75 	if(!iBlockedWrite)
    76 		{
    77 		/* This can happen if after doing a write any buffer allocations
    78 		   failed or an internal error happened. Just return and in the
    79 		   next timeout will try writing again */
    80 		LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\t CanSend() iBlockedWrite is false"), this));
    81 		return;
    82 		}
    84 	TInt nwr = -1;
    85 	/* Alloc the RMBuff Chain. The allocation might fail 
    86 	   because there are not enough MBufs. This needs to be
    87 	   handled */
    88 	TInt ret = iRtcpDataChain.Alloc(iRtcpTempBuffer.Size()); 
    89 	if(ret == KErrNone)
    90 		{
    91 		iRtcpDataChain.CopyIn(iRtcpTempBuffer);
    92 		if(iSSPData)
    93 			{
    94 			nwr = iSSPData->Write(iRtcpDataChain, 0 , &iDestAddr);	
    95 			}
    96 		if(nwr == 0)
    97 			{
    98 			/* This will be a Strange Behaviour because we are in cansend() */
    99     		LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\t CanSend() nwr is 0"), this));	
   100 			/* Free the MBuf */
   101 			iRtcpDataChain.Free();
   102 			return; /* IsBlocked is still ture */
   103 			}
   104 		iRtcpDataChain.Free();
   105 		}
   106 	iBlockedWrite = EFalse;
   107 	return;	
   108 	}
   110 TInt CRtcpFlow::Write(RMBufChain& aData, TUint, TSockAddr* anAddr)
   111 	{
   112 	TInt nwr = -1;
   114 	/* Findout the amount of Data contained in the RMbuf Chain */
   115 	TInt rmbuflen = aData.Length();
   116 	LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\t Write() Len %d"), this, rmbuflen));
   117 	if(iRtcpBuffer.MaxLength() < rmbuflen)
   118 		{
   120 		TInt ret;
   121 		iRtcpBuffer.SetLength(0);
   122 		ret = iRtcpBuffer.ReAlloc(rmbuflen);
   124 		if(KErrNone != ret)
   125 			{
   126 			/* In case of error a protocol is supposed to Error and then return 0 */
   127 			LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\t Write() Alloc failed!"), this));
   128 			iSessionControlNotify->Error(ret,MSessionControlNotify::EErrorSend);
   129 			return 0;
   130 			}
   131 		}
   133 	/* Copy the Data from RMbuf to Descriptor. Then Pass it to the RtpStack */
   134 	iRtcpBuffer.SetLength(rmbuflen);
   135 	aData.CopyOut(iRtcpBuffer);
   137 	/* The responsibility of the Upper Layer ends here. */
   138 	if(!NonRtcpSendData())
   139 		{
   140 		TRAPD(errPack,iRtpSession->ProcessRTCPRequestL(iRtcpBuffer));
   141 		if(KErrNone != errPack)
   142 			{
   143 	 		LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\tSendRTCPPacketL Leave with code %d"), this, errPack));
   144 			iSessionControlNotify->Error(errPack,MSessionControlNotify::EErrorSend);
   145 			return errPack;
   146 			}	
   147 		}
   148 	else
   149 		{
   150 		TRequestStatus stat;
   151 		stat = KRequestPending;
   152 		if(anAddr)
   153 			{
   154 			SendData(iRtcpBuffer, *anAddr, 0, stat);
   155 			}
   156 		else
   157 			{
   158 			SendData(iRtcpBuffer, iRtcpHandler->DefaultRemoteAddress(), 0, stat);
   159 			}
   160 		User::WaitForRequest(stat);
   161 		//Errors are ingnored
   162 		}
   164 	/* Uncomment this to bypass RTP Stack */ 
   165 	//SendData(*anAddr, iRtcpBuffer); 
   168 	nwr = 1; //Always Success.	
   170 	/* Correct Protocol behaviour is to free this data even though CSocket frees
   171 	 * it. */
   172     aData.Free();	
   173 	return nwr;
   174 	}
   177 void CRtcpFlow::ReceivedL(const Messages::TRuntimeCtxId& aSender, const Messages::TNodeId& aRecipient, Messages::TSignatureBase& aMessage)
   178     {    
   179 	CRtpBaseFlow::ReceivedL(aSender,aRecipient,aMessage);
   181 	if ( aMessage.IsMessage<Messages::TEBase::TError>() )
   182 		{
   183         LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\tGot TError from Sunconn"), this));
   184         HandleError(static_cast<Messages::TEBase::TError&>(aMessage).iValue);
   185 		}	
   186 	else if (Messages::TEChild::ERealmId == aMessage.MessageId().Realm())
   187         {  	
   188         switch (aMessage.MessageId().MessageId())
   189         	{        	
   190         	case Messages::TEChild::TDestroy::EId:
   191                 Destroy();
   192                 break;
   193         	}
   195         }
   196 	else if (TCFDataClient::ERealmId == aMessage.MessageId().Realm())
   197 		{	
   198         switch (aMessage.MessageId().MessageId())
   199         	{
   200 		     case TCFDataClient::TStart::EId :
   201           		{
   202             	/* Check if we Have a Bearer. If we donot Have
   203             	   complete when we Have one */
   204 	        	User::LeaveIfError(iStartRequest.Open(iSubConnectionProvider,aSender));
   205             	if(iSSPData)
   206             		{
   207             		CompleteStart(KErrNone);
   208             		}
   209             	else
   210             		{
   211             		LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\tGot TDataClientStart no SP iIsStarting=>ETrue"), this));
   212             		iIsStarting = ETrue;		
   213             		}
   214             	}
   215                 break;
   217             case TCFDataClient::TStop::EId :
   218             	{
   219             	StopFlow(static_cast<TCFDataClient::TStop&>(aMessage));
   220 				LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\t DataClientStopped"), this));
   221                 break;
   222             	}
   224             case TCFDataClient::TProvisionConfig::EId:
   225             	{
   226         		TCFDataClient::TProvisionConfig& aMess = Messages::message_cast<TCFDataClient::TProvisionConfig>(aMessage);
   228 				iAccessPointConfig.Close();
   229 				iAccessPointConfig.Open(aMess.iConfig);
   231 				const CRtpProvisionConfig& rtpProv = static_cast<const CRtpProvisionConfig&>(AccessPointConfig().FindExtensionL(STypeId::CreateSTypeId(KRtpProvisionUid, KRtpProvisionConfigType)));
   232 				DoProvisionL(&rtpProv);
   234 				/* Deafult Processing */
   235 				HandleProvisionMessage(aMessage);	
   236             	break;
   237             	}
   239             case TCFDataClient::TBindTo::EId :
   240 				{
   241 				TCFDataClient::TBindTo& bindToMsg(static_cast<TCFDataClient::TBindTo&>(aMessage));
   242                 TRAPD(err,BindToL(bindToMsg));
   244                 if(err)
   245                     {
   246                     Messages::RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(Id(), aSender,  Messages::TEBase::TError(TCFDataClient::TBindTo::Id(), err).CRef());
   247                     }
   248                 else
   249                     {
   250                     Messages::RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(Id(), aSender, TCFDataClient::TBindToComplete().CRef());
   251                     }
   253 				//If we have received TDataClientStart before (when we did not yet have a bearer),
   254 				//we complete the start here as well
   255 				if (iIsStarting)
   256 					{
   257 					CompleteStart(err);
   258 					}
   260 				HandleBindToMessage(aMessage,err);
   261                 break;
   262 				}
   264         	}
   266 		}
   267 	else if (TCFControlProvider::ERealmId == aMessage.MessageId().Realm())
   268 		{	
   269         switch (aMessage.MessageId().MessageId())
   270         	{
   271         	}
   272 		}
   273     }
   276 void CRtcpFlow::DoProvisionL(const CRtpProvisionConfig *apRtpProv)    
   277 	{
   279 	LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\tDoProvisionL()"), this));	
   281 	LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow: \t RtpTimeNow=%d RtpTimeConv=%d "),apRtpProv->RtpTimeNow(),apRtpProv->RtptimeConversion()));	 
   283 	/* Now that the Provision is available. Bring the RTCP Stack up. */
   284 	// RTCP given more priority .. Verify :=@
   285 	iRtpSession->CreateRtcpL(iRtcpHandler,apRtpProv->GetCNAME());
   287 	iRtpSession->SetSessionBandwidth(apRtpProv->BandWidth());
   288 	iRtpSession->SetRTPTimeConversion(apRtpProv->RtpTimeNow(),apRtpProv->RtptimeConversion());
   290 	/* Auto Send Option */
   291 	iRtpSession->SetAutoSendOption(apRtpProv->RtpAutoSend());
   293 	TInetAddr destAddr = apRtpProv->GetDefDestinationAddr();
   294 	destAddr.SetPort(destAddr.Port()+1);
   295 	iRtcpHandler->SetDefaultRemoteAddress(destAddr);
   297 	/* Report Interval */
   298 	iRtpSession->SetRtcpInterval(apRtpProv->GetRtcpReportInterval());
   300 	}
   302 TInt CRtcpFlow::GetData(RMBufChain& aData, TUint aLength, TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* anAddr)
   303 	{
   304 	ASSERT(iSSPData);
   305 	TInt ret;
   307     LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\tGetData()"), this));	
   309 	ret = iSSPData->GetData(aData, aLength, aOptions, anAddr);
   310 	if(ret < 0)
   311 		{
   312 		/* The Read failed. Just pass the error up */
   313 		return ret;
   314 		}
   316 	/* Findout the amount of Data contained in the RMbuf Chain */
   317 	TInt rbuflen = aData.Length();
   319 	if(iRtcpBuffer.MaxLength() < rbuflen)
   320 		{
   321 		TInt ret;
   322 		iRtcpBuffer.SetLength(0);
   323 		ret = iRtcpBuffer.ReAlloc(rbuflen);
   325 		if(KErrNone != ret)
   326 			{
   327 			return ret;
   328 			}	
   329 		}
   331 	/* Copy the Data from RMbuf to Descriptor. Then Pass it to the RtpStack*/
   332 	iRtcpBuffer.SetLength(rbuflen);		
   333 	aData.CopyOut(iRtcpBuffer);
   334 	if(anAddr)
   335 		{
   336 		iRtcpHandler->SetRecvAddress(*anAddr);
   337 		}
   338 	else
   339 		{
   340 		/* Connected Socket */
   341 		if(!iConnected)
   342 			{
   343 			return KErrArgument;
   344 			}
   345 		iRtcpHandler->SetRecvAddress(iDestAddr);
   346 		}
   348 	TRAP(ret,iRtpSession->DoReceiveL(iRtcpBuffer,ERtcp))
   349 	if(KErrNone == ret)
   350 		{
   351 		aData.CopyIn(iRtcpBuffer);
   352 		}
   354 	return ret;
   355 	}
   357 /* RTP Stack calls this function when ever it needs to send
   358    an RTCP report */
   359 void CRtcpFlow::SendData(TDes8& aBuffer, TSockAddr &aAddr, TInt , TRequestStatus  &aStatus)
   360 	{
   362 	LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\t RtcpSend()"), this));
   363 	/* See if a Write is already pending. If it is then just update the buffered data with the new report
   364 	   and return */
   365 	 if(iBlockedWrite)
   366 	 	{
   367 		LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\t RtcpSend() Write Blocked already-OVERWRITE"), this));
   368 	 	HandleWriteBlocked(aAddr, aBuffer);
   369 		TRequestStatus *pStat = &aStatus;
   370 		User::RequestComplete(pStat,KErrNone);
   371 	 	return;
   372 	 	}
   375 	TInt nwr = -1;
   376 	/* Alloc the RMBuf Chain. The allocation might fail 
   377 	   because there are not enough MBufs. 
   378 	   [TO BE DONE] This needs to be handled */
   379 	TInt ret = iRtcpDataChain.Alloc(aBuffer.Size()); 
   380 	if(ret == KErrNone)
   381 		{
   382 		iRtcpDataChain.CopyIn(aBuffer);
   383 		if(iSSPData)
   384 			{
   385 			nwr = iSSPData->Write(iRtcpDataChain, 0 /* Shud be ok */, &aAddr);	
   386 			}
   387 		else
   388 			{
   389 			LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\t RtcpSend(): iSSPData is NULL (Flow was Stopped??"), this));
   390 			}
   392 		if(nwr == 0)
   393 			{
   394 			LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\t RtcpSend(): WriteBlocked"), this));
   395 			/* Flow not able to accept our data. Set the blocked flag and
   396 			   make a temporary copy */
   397 	 		 HandleWriteBlocked(aAddr, aBuffer);
   398 			 }
   399 		/* Free the Descriptor */
   400 		iRtcpDataChain.Free();
   401 		}
   402 	else
   403 		{
   404 		LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\t RtcpSend(): RmbufChain Alloc Failed"), this));
   405 		}
   406 	TRequestStatus *pStat = &aStatus;
   407 	User::RequestComplete(pStat,KErrNone);
   408 	return;
   409 	}
   411 void CRtcpFlow::SetRtpSession(CRtpController *apRtpSession)
   412 	{
   413 	iRtpSession = apRtpSession;
   414 	//iRtpSession->CreateRtcpL();
   415 	}
   417 void CRtcpFlow::NewData(TUint aCount)
   418 	{
   419 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionDataNotify,User::Panic(KRtpFlowPanic, RtpFlowPanics::KPanicNoControlProvider));
   420 	LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\t NewData(): Count %d"), this, aCount));
   421 	iSessionDataNotify->NewData(aCount);
   422 	}
   424 /* Buffer the data and Set the Blocked flag to True when a write failure
   425    happens */
   426 void CRtcpFlow::HandleWriteBlocked(TSockAddr& aAddr,TDes8& aBuffer)
   427 	{
   428 	TInt ret;
   429 	LOG( ESockLogExternal::Printf(KESockFlowTag,KRtcpFlowSubTag,_L8("CRtcpFlow %08x:\t HandleWriteBlocked()"), this));
   430 	if(iRtcpTempBuffer.MaxLength() < aBuffer.Length())
   431 		{
   432 		iRtcpTempBuffer.SetLength(0);
   433 		ret = iRtcpTempBuffer.ReAlloc(aBuffer.Length());
   434 		if(KErrNone != ret)
   435 			{
   436 			/* donot do anything and just return. Write is already blocked
   437 			   in CanSend() isBlockedWrite flag will not be True and normal
   438 			   flow will be resumed */
   439 			return;
   440 			}
   441 		}
   442 	iBlockedWrite = ETrue;
   443 	iRtcpTempBuffer = aBuffer;
   444 	iDestAddr = aAddr;
   445 	}
   447 void CRtcpFlow::DoCanClose(MSessionControlNotify::TDelete )
   448 /**
   449 Called from protocol to indicate that a graceful close has completed
   450 */
   451 	{
   452 	/* There is nothing much to Do here for RTCP. The Cleaning up will be done
   453 	   by the base class. The RTPSession is owned by the RTPFlow and the Cleaning will
   454 	   be handled from there */
   455 	return;
   456 	}
   458 void CRtcpFlow::DoUpdateLocalAddress(const TSockAddr& )
   459 /* Called by BaseFlow to notify that Local address has been 
   460    Updated. Ideally called only once */
   461 	{
   462 	/* Not handled Now */
   463 	}
   466 TInt CRtcpFlow::DoGetOption(TUint level, TUint name, TDes8 &aOption) const
   467 	{
   468 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   469 	/* Socket option for RTP */
   470 	if(KSolRtcp == level)
   471 		{
   472 		switch(name)
   473 			{
   474 			case KSoRtcpAutoSend:
   475 				{
   476 				TInt rtcpAutoSend = iRtpSession->AutoSendOption();
   477 				CopyOptionToDesc(aOption,rtcpAutoSend);
   478 				break;
   479 				}
   480 			case KSoRtcpStatistics:
   481 				{
   482 				/* The SSRC is specified in the Params structue.*/
   483 				TRtcpStatisticsParams rtcpStatistics;
   484 				GETOPTION_OR_RETURN(aOption,rtcpStatistics);
   485 				err = iRtpSession->RtcpStatistics(rtcpStatistics.iSsrc,rtcpStatistics);
   486                 if(KErrNone == err)
   487 					{
   488 					CopyOptionToDesc(aOption,rtcpStatistics);
   489 					}
   490 				break;	
   491 				}
   493 			default:
   494 				{
   495 				return KErrNotSupported;
   496 				}
   497 			}
   498 		return KErrNone;
   499 		}
   500 	if(iSSP)
   501 	 return iSSP->GetOption(level,name,aOption);
   502 	return KErrNone;
   503 	}
   505 TInt CRtcpFlow::DoSetOption(TUint level, TUint name, const TDesC8 &aOption)
   506 	{
   507 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   508 	/* Socket option for RTP */
   509 	if(KSolRtcp == level)
   510 		{
   511 		switch(name)
   512 			{
   513 			case KSoRtcpAutoSend:
   514 				{
   515 				TInt optInt=0;
   516 				GETOPTION_OR_RETURN(aOption,optInt);
   517 				iRtpSession->SetAutoSendOption(optInt);
   518 				break;
   519 				}
   520 			case KSoRtcpTimeInterval:
   521 				{
   522 				TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 timeInterval;
   523 				GETOPTION_OR_RETURN(aOption,timeInterval);
   524 				iRtpSession->SetRtcpInterval(timeInterval);
   525 				break;
   526 				}			
   527 			case KSoRtcpCNAME:
   528 				{
   529 				TRAPD(err,iRtpSession->CreateRtcpL(iRtcpHandler,aOption));
   530 				return err;
   531 				}
   532 			case KSoDefaultDestAddr:
   533 				{
   534 				TSockAddr destAddr;
   535 				GETOPTION_OR_RETURN(aOption,destAddr);
   536 				iRtcpHandler->SetDefaultRemoteAddress(destAddr);
   537 				break;
   538 				}
   540 			case KSoSendNonRtcpData:
   541 				{
   542 				TBool nonRtcpData = EFalse;
   543 				GETOPTION_OR_RETURN(aOption,nonRtcpData);
   544 				SetNonRtcpSendData(nonRtcpData);
   545 				break;	
   546 				}
   548 			case KSoReceiveNonRtcpData:
   549 				{
   550 				TInt nonRtcpData = 0;
   551 				GETOPTION_OR_RETURN(aOption,nonRtcpData);
   552 				iRtpSession->SetNonRtcpData(nonRtcpData);
   553 				break;	
   554 				}
   555 			default:
   556 				{
   557 				return KErrNotSupported;
   558 				}
   559 			}
   560 		return err;
   561 		}
   563 	if(iSSP)
   564 		return iSSP->SetOption(level,name,aOption);
   565 	return err;
   566 	}
   568 void CRtcpFlow::SetNonRtcpSendData(TBool aNonRtcpData)
   569 	{
   570 	iNonRtcpSendData = aNonRtcpData;
   571 	}
   573 TBool CRtcpFlow::NonRtcpSendData()
   574 	{
   575 	return iNonRtcpSendData;
   576 	}