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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 * Name          : CSIPRegistrationMgr.h
    16 * Part of       : Registration
    17 * Version       : SIP/5.0 
    18 *
    19 */
    24 /**
    25  @internalComponent
    26 */
    31 #include <e32base.h>
    32 #include <in_sock.h>
    33 #include "MSipRegistrations.h"
    34 #include "MSipRegistrationContact.h"
    35 #include "MConnectionStateObserver.h"
    36 #include "SipStackServerDefs.h"
    37 #include "_sipcodecdefs.h"
    39 class CSIPRegistrationBindingStore;
    40 class CSIPRegistrarStore;
    41 class CSIPRouteHeader;
    42 class CSIPFromHeader;
    43 class CSIPRequest;
    44 class CSIPContactHeader;
    45 class CURIContainer;
    46 class CSIPURI;
    47 class MTransactionUser;
    48 class MSipRefreshMgr;
    49 class MTimerManager;
    50 class CSIPSec;
    51 class MSIPSecUser;
    52 class MSigComp;
    53 class MSIPTransportMgr;
    54 class MRegistrationOwner;
    55 class TSIPTransportParams;
    56 class MTransactionOwner;
    59 /**
    60  * This class implements interface functions of Sip Registration subsystem.
    61  */
    62 class CSIPRegistrationMgr : public CBase,
    63 						    public MSipRegistrations,
    64 							public MSipRegistrationContact,
    65 							public MConnectionStateObserver
    66 	{
    67 public: // Constructors and destructor
    69 	static CSIPRegistrationMgr* NewL(MTransactionUser& aTU, 
    70 									 MSipRefreshMgr& aRefreshMgr,
    71 									 MTimerManager& aTimerManager,
    72 									 CSIPSec& aSIPSec,
    73 									 MSigComp& aSigComp,
    74 									 MSIPTransportMgr& aTransportMgr);
    76 	~CSIPRegistrationMgr();
    79 public: // From MSipRegistrations
    81 	TBool CheckRequestURI(CURIContainer& aRequestUri);
    83 	const CSIPRouteHeader* OutboundProxy(TRegistrationId aRegistrationId);
    85 	TBool HasOutboundProxy(TRegistrationId aRegistrationId) const;
    87     TBool IsOutboundProxy(const CURIContainer& aUri);
    89     void URIFailed(CURIContainer& aUri);
    91     TBool IsCacheOutboundProxyIPEanbled(
    92     	TRegistrationId aRegistrationId) const;
    94     CSIPRouteHeader& OutboundProxyIPL(
    95     	TRegistrationId aRegistrationId) const;
    97 public: // From MSipRegistrationContact
    99 	void ContactL(TUint32                     aIapId,
   100 	              TRegistrationId             aRegistrationId,
   101 		          const CSIPFromToHeaderBase* aFromToHeader,
   102 	              CSIPContactHeader&          aContact);
   105 public: // From MConnectionStateObserver		
   107 	void ConnectionStateChangedL (TUint32                aIapId,
   108                                   CSIPConnection::TState aState);
   111 public: // New functions
   113 	/** 
   114 	 * Function sends a Register request to registration subsystem.  
   115 	 *
   116 	 * @pre aRequest!=0
   117 	 * @pre aRegistrationOwner!=0
   118 	 *
   119 	 * @param  aTransactionId; On return contains the id 
   120 	 *         of the created transaction.
   121 	 * @param  aRegistrationId; On return contains the id 
   122 	 *         of the created registration binding object.
   123 	 * @param  aRequest; a sip request. the ownership is transferred.
   124      * @param  aRemoteTarget; a remote target to be copied to the
   125      *         registrar if it the registrar does not already exist.
   126      *         The ownership is NOT transferred.
   127 	 * @param  aOwner; the ownership is NOT transferred.
   128 	 * @param  aSIPSecUser a user for SIPSec	
   129 	 * @param  aOutboundProxy; an outbound proxy to be used with the
   130 	 *         binding to be created. The ownership is transferred.
   131 	 *         If 0 no outbound proxy will be used.
   132 	 * @param aSendWithExpires when set to EFalse REGISTER message is sent
   133 	 *        without expires value
   134 	 * @param aCacheOutboundProxyIP when set to ETrue outbiund proxy IP
   135 	 *        of REGISTER message is cached in registration context
   136 	 * @param  aRefresh; If ETrue, the request will be refreshed.
   137 	 */
   138     void RegisterL(TTransactionId& aTransactionId,
   139                    TRegistrationId& aRegistrationId,
   140                    CSIPRequest* aRequest,
   141                    CURIContainer& aRemoteTarget,
   142                    MRegistrationOwner* aOwner,
   143                    MSIPSecUser& aSIPSecUser,
   144                    CSIPRouteHeader* aOutboundProxy=0,
   145                    TBool aRefresh=EFalse,
   146                    TBool aSendWithExpires=ETrue,
   147                    TBool aCacheOutboundProxyIP=EFalse);
   149 	/** 
   150 	 * Function sends an update request.
   151 	 * Registration fills To, From, Call-ID and CSeq.
   152 	 * Also Contact will be filled if not present.
   153 	 * If a different CSIPAddress is provided in Contact, leaves
   154 	 * with KErrArgument. Leaves with KErrSIPInvalidRegistrationState
   155 	 * if no registration binding was found.
   156 	 *
   157 	 * @pre aRequest!=0
   158 	 * @param  aRegistrationId; the id of the registration binding to be
   159 	 *         updated.
   160 	 * @param  aTransactionId;  an empty transaction id that will 
   161 	 *         be filled by TU.
   162 	 * @param  aRequest; a sip request. The ownership is transferred.
   163 	 * @param  aOwner the owner that must match to the original owner
   164 	 */
   165     void UpdateRegistrationL(const TRegistrationId& aRegistrationId,
   166                              TTransactionId& aTransactionId,
   167                              CSIPRequest* aRequest,
   168                              const MRegistrationOwner* aOwner);
   170 	/** 
   171 	 * Function sends an unregister request.
   172 	 * Registration fills To, From, Contact, Call-ID, CSeq.
   173 	 * Contact-header's expire-parameter is updated to 0 by
   174 	 * registration before added to the request.
   175 	 * Leaves with CSIPClient::ENonExistingRegistrationId if 
   176 	 * no registration binding was found.
   177 	 *
   178 	 * @pre aRequest!=0
   179 	 * @param  aRegistrationId; the id of the registration binding to be
   180 	 *         removed by unregistering.
   181 	 * @param  aTransactionId;  an empty transaction id that will be 
   182 	 *         filled by TU.
   183 	 * @param  aRequest; a sip request. The ownership is transferred.
   184 	 *         No Contact is allowed to be present. Panics if there is.
   185 	 * @param  aOwner the owner that must match to the original owner
   186 	 */
   187     void UnRegisterL(const TRegistrationId& aRegistrationId,
   188                      TTransactionId& aTransactionId,
   189                      CSIPRequest* aRequest,
   190                      const MRegistrationOwner* aOwner);
   192 	/** 
   193 	 * Function sets an outbound proxy for a registration binding.
   194 	 * Leaves if the binding was not found. 
   195 	 *
   196 	 * @pre aOutboundProxy != 0
   197 	 * @param  aRegistrationId; the id of the registration binding
   198 	 *         for which the outbound proxy should be set.
   199 	 * @param  aOutboundProxy; an outbound proxy to be used with the
   200 	 *         binding to be created. The ownership is transferred.
   201 	 * @param  aOwner the owner that must match to the original owner        
   202 	 */	
   203     void SetOutboundProxyL(const TRegistrationId& aRegistrationId,
   204                            CSIPRouteHeader* aOutboundProxy,
   205                            const MRegistrationOwner* aOwner);
   207 	/** 
   208 	 * Function removes an outbound proxy for a specified registration
   209 	 * binding.
   210 	 *
   211 	 * @param  aRegistrationId; the id of the registration binding
   212 	 *         from where the outbound proxy should be removed.
   213 	 *
   214 	 * @param  aOwner the owner that must match to the original owner
   215 	 *
   216 	 * @return KErrNotFound if the binding
   217 	 *         with a given id was not found, otherwise KErrNone.          
   218 	 */
   219     TInt RemoveOutboundProxy(const TRegistrationId& aRegistrationId,
   220                              const MRegistrationOwner* aOwner);
   222 	/** 
   223 	 * Fetch all the registrations. Leaves on failure.
   224 	 *
   225      * @pre aRequest!=0
   226 	 * @pre !aRequest.HasHeader(KContactHeaderFullName)
   227      * @pre aRemoteTarget!=0
   228      * @pre aTransactionOwner!=0
   229      *
   230      * @param  aTransportParams transport parameters to be used by TU
   231 	 * @param  aTransactionId; an empty transaction id that is filled by TU.
   232 	 * @param  aRequest; a sip request. the ownership is transferred.
   233      * @param  aRemoteTarget; The remote target to be used.
   234      * @param  aTransactionOwner; To be passed as such to TU.
   235      *         The ownership is NOT transferred.
   236 	 *
   237 	 */
   238     void FetchRegistrationsL(const TSIPTransportParams& aTransportParams,
   239                              TTransactionId& aTransactionId,
   240                              CSIPRequest* aRequest,
   241                              CURIContainer& aRemoteTarget,
   242                              MTransactionOwner* aTransactionOwner);
   245 	/** 
   246 	 * Copies the POINTERS of the Route-set objects for 
   247      * the given registration-id to the givena array.
   248      * If a Route-set was not found, the function silently returns
   249      * without filling anything.
   250 	 *
   251 	 * @param  aRegistrationId; the id of the registration
   252 	 *         for which the Route-set should be filled.
   253      * @param  aRouteSet. IN: empty array, OUT: array filled with pointers
   254      *         to the stored Route-headers.
   255      * @param  aAddOutboundProxy
   256      *         If ETrue, add pointer to the outbound proxy as the FIRST entry. 
   257      *         If ETrue and there is no Service-Route but an outbound proxy,
   258      *         do NOT add anything.
   259      *         If EFalse ignore outbound proxy, but add Service-Route if any. 
   260      *
   261 	 */
   262     void GetRouteL(const TRegistrationId& aRegistrationId,
   263                    RPointerArray<CSIPRouteHeader>& aRouteSet,
   264                    TBool aAddOutboundProxy=EFalse);
   266     /**
   267      * Creates a from header by giving registration Id.
   268      *
   269      * @param aRegistrationId; a registrationId of existing registration,
   270      *
   271      * @returns a new From-header instance. The ownership is transferred.
   272      */
   273     CSIPFromHeader* CreateFromLC(const TRegistrationId& aRegistrationId);
   275 	/** 
   276 	 * Delete all the registration bindings related to the registration 
   277 	 * owner passed as parameter. Does NOT delete the registration owner.
   278 	 *
   279 	 * @param  aOwner; a owner
   280 	 *
   281 	 * @return KErrNone if the owner was found and all related bindings 
   282 	 *         were detached.
   283 	 */
   284     TInt ClearRegistrationOwner(const MRegistrationOwner* aOwner);		   
   286     /* Terminates a registration with a given registration id abnormally. 
   287 	 * Deletes the binding immediately.
   288      *
   289 	 * @param aRegistrationId; a registration Id of an existing registration. 
   290      *
   291      * @param  aOwner the owner that must match to the original owner
   292      *
   293 	 * @returns KErrNotFound if no registration
   294 	 *          with the given id was found, otherwise KErrNone.
   295      */
   296     TInt TerminateRegistration (const TRegistrationId& aRegistrationId,
   297                                 const MRegistrationOwner* aOwner);
   299     /**
   300      * Gets a pointer to the contact header related 
   301      * to the registration binding having the given ID
   302      *
   303      * @param aRegistrationId a ID of a registration binding
   304      *
   305      * @returns a pointer to a Contact-header if the binding was found.
   306      *          NULL if the binding was not found
   307      *          The ownership is not transferred.
   308      */    
   309     const CSIPContactHeader* Contact(const TRegistrationId& aRegistrationId);
   311     /**
   312      * Gets the transport parameters used for a registration binding.
   313      *
   314      * @param aRegistrationId a ID of a registration binding
   315      * @param aTransportParams on return contains the 
   316      *        transport parameters if found
   317      *
   318      * @returns ETrue if the registration binding was found and 
   319      *          the transport parameters were filled, otherwise EFalse.
   320      */    
   321     TBool FillTransportParams(
   322         const TRegistrationId& aRegistrationId,
   323         TSIPTransportParams& aTransportParams);
   325 	/**
   326 	 * Gets the MSIPSecUser related to the given registration id.
   327      *
   328      * @param aRegistrationId the registration id
   329      *
   330      * @returns the user related to the given registration id if found,
   331      *          otherwise NULL.
   332 	 */    
   333     const MSIPSecUser* SIPSecUser(const TRegistrationId& aRegistrationId);         
   335 	/**
   336 	 * Gets a MSIPSecUser related to a transaction.
   337      *
   338      * @param aTransactionId the transaction id
   339      *
   340      * @return MSIPSecUser related to the given transaction id, if found,
   341      *         otherwise NULL.
   342 	 */    
   343     const MSIPSecUser* SIPSecUserForTransaction(
   344         const TTransactionId& aTransactionId);
   347 private: // New functions
   349 	CSIPRegistrationMgr(MTransactionUser& aTU, 
   350 						MSipRefreshMgr&   aRefreshMgr,
   351 						MTimerManager&    aTimerManager,
   352 						CSIPSec&          aSIPSec,
   353 						MSigComp&         aSigComp,
   354 						MSIPTransportMgr& aTransportMgr);
   356 	void ConstructL();
   358     void FillHostWithLocalIPL (TUint32 aIapId, CSIPURI& aSipUri);    
   360 	static void DetachBinding(TAny* aBinding);
   363 private: // Data
   365 	MTransactionUser&             iTU;
   366 	MSipRefreshMgr&               iRefreshMgr;
   367 	MTimerManager&                iTimerMgr;
   368 	CSIPSec&                      iSIPSec;
   369 	MSigComp&                     iSigComp;
   370 	MSIPTransportMgr&             iTransportMgr;
   371 	CSIPRegistrationBindingStore* iBindingStore;
   372 	CSIPRegistrarStore*           iRegistrarStore;
   374 private: // For testing purposes
   376 	UNIT_TEST(CSIPRegistrationMgrTest)
   377 	};
   381 // End of File