changeset 0 307788aac0a8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:307788aac0a8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Name          : CSIPSecDigestPlugin.cpp
    15 // Part of       : SIPDigestPlugin
    16 // Version       : SIP/6.0
    17 //
    21 #include "SipLogs.h"
    22 #include "siprequest.h"
    23 #include "sipresponse.h"
    24 #include "sipauthorizationheader.h"
    25 #include "sipauthenticationinfoheader.h"
    26 #include "sipsecurityclientheader.h"
    27 #include "sipsecurityserverheader.h"
    28 #include "sipsecurityverifyheader.h"
    29 #include "sipstrings.h"
    30 #include "sipstrconsts.h"
    31 #include "SipSecUtils.h"
    32 #include "tsipsecmechanisminitparams.h"
    33 #include "CSIPSecDigestPlugin.h"
    34 #include "sipsecdigestcontext.h"
    35 #include "sipsecdigestcache.h"
    36 #include "CSIPSecUserRecord.h"
    37 #include "sipprivatecrkeys.h"
    38 #include <centralrepository.h>
    41 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    43 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::NewL
    45 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46 //
    47 CSIPSecDigestPlugin* CSIPSecDigestPlugin::NewL( TAny* aInitParams ) 
    48     {
    49     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aInitParams, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
    51     TSIPSecMechanismInitParams* initParams =
    52     	static_cast<TSIPSecMechanismInitParams*>( aInitParams );
    53 	CSIPSecDigestPlugin* self =
    54 		new ( ELeave ) CSIPSecDigestPlugin( initParams->iEngineContext );
    55 	CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    56 	self->ConstructL( initParams->iTimer );
    57 	CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    58 	return self;
    59     }
    61 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::ConstructL
    63 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 //
    65 void CSIPSecDigestPlugin::ConstructL( MTimerManager& aTimerMgr )
    66     {
    67     iDigestMechanism = CSIPSecDigest::NewL();
    68 	iCache = CSIPSecDigestCache::NewL( aTimerMgr );
    70 	CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidSIP );
    71 	TInt emptyResponseAfterSqnFailure( 0 );
    72 	if ( repository->Get(KSIPSendEmptyResponseParameterAfterSqnFailure,
    73 		 				 emptyResponseAfterSqnFailure ) == KErrNone &&
    74 		 emptyResponseAfterSqnFailure )
    75 		{
    76 		iSendEmptyResponseParameterAfterSqnFailure = ETrue;
    77 		}
    78 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
    79     }
    81 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::CSIPSecDigestPlugin
    83 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 //
    85 CSIPSecDigestPlugin::CSIPSecDigestPlugin( MSIPSecEngineContext& aEngineContext )
    86   : iEngineContext( aEngineContext )
    87     {
    88     }
    90 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::~CSIPSecDigestPlugin
    92 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 //
    94 CSIPSecDigestPlugin::~CSIPSecDigestPlugin()
    95     {
    96     delete iDigestMechanism;
    97     delete iCache;
    98     }
   100 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::Name
   102 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   103 //
   104 const TDesC8& CSIPSecDigestPlugin::Name() const
   105     {
   106     return iDigestMechanism->Name();
   107     }
   109 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   110 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::InitializeSecurityClientL
   111 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   112 //
   113 void CSIPSecDigestPlugin::InitializeSecurityClientL(
   114 	CSIPSecurityClientHeader& aSecurityClient )
   115     {
   116     aSecurityClient.SetMechanismNameL( Name() );
   117     }
   119 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::ProcessSecurityVerifyL
   121 // Find Security-Server and Security-Verify with a matching mechanism, and
   122 // process them.
   123 // A2 is computed from all Sec-Server headers, e.g.
   124 // "Security-Server:ipsec-ike;q=0.1,tls;q=0.2". I.e. "Security-Server" followed
   125 // by all mechanisms and parameters. Resulting digest-verify parameter is put to
   126 // the Security-Verify header that has "digest" mechanism.
   127 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128 //
   129 void CSIPSecDigestPlugin::ProcessSecurityVerifyL(
   130 	TSIPTransportParams& /*aTransportParams*/,
   131 	CSIPRequest& aRequest,
   132 	TInetAddr& /*aNextHop*/,
   133 	const CUri8& aRemoteTarget,
   134 	const TDesC8& aOutboundProxy,
   135 	MSIPSecUser* aUser,
   136 	TRegistrationId aRegistrationId,
   137 	RPointerArray<CSIPSecurityServerHeader>& aSecurityServer,        
   138 	RPointerArray<CSIPSecurityVerifyHeader>& aSecurityVerify )
   139     {
   140     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aUser, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
   142 	CSIPSecurityServerHeader* secServer = NULL;
   143 	for ( TInt i = 0; i < aSecurityServer.Count() && !secServer; ++i )
   144 		{
   145 		if ( aSecurityServer[ i ]->MechanismName().CompareF( Name() ) == 0 )
   146             {
   147             secServer = aSecurityServer[ i ];
   148             }
   149 		}
   150 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( secServer, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
   152 	CSIPSecurityVerifyHeader* secVerify = NULL;
   153 	for ( TInt j = 0; j < aSecurityVerify.Count() && !secVerify; ++j )
   154 		{
   155 		if ( aSecurityVerify[ j ]->MechanismName().CompareF( Name() ) == 0 )
   156             {
   157             secVerify = aSecurityVerify[ j ];
   158             }        
   159 		}
   160 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( secVerify, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
   162     iDigestMechanism->InitializeL( *secServer );
   163     TSIPSecPluginCtxVerify secVerifyContext( *this, aRemoteTarget,
   164     										 aOutboundProxy, aRequest,
   165                                              *secVerify, aSecurityServer, 
   166                                              *aUser, aRegistrationId );
   167     TSIPSecDigestCacheIterator cacheIter( secVerifyContext );
   168     iCache->InitializeIterator( cacheIter );
   170     CSIPSecDigestCacheEntry* entry = NULL;
   171 	while ( ( entry = cacheIter.Next() ) != NULL )
   172 		{
   173 		if ( entry->Match( secVerifyContext ) )
   174 		    {
   175 		    entry->HandleL( secVerifyContext );
   176     		return;
   177 		    }
   178 		}
   179     }
   181 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::AddSecurityParamsL
   183 // Nothing is done for ACK.
   184 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   185 //
   186 void CSIPSecDigestPlugin::AddSecurityParamsL(
   187 	TSIPTransportParams& /*aTransportParams*/,
   188 	CSIPRequest& aRequest,
   189 	TRegistrationId aRegistrationId,
   190 	TTransactionId aTransactionId,
   191 	TInetAddr& /*aNextHop*/,
   192 	const CUri8& aRemoteTarget,
   193 	const TDesC8& aOutboundProxy,
   194 	MSIPSecUser* aUser )
   195 	{
   196 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( aUser, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );	
   198 	if ( SipSecUtils::Match( SipStrConsts::EAck, aRequest.Method() ) )
   199 		{
   200 		return;
   201 		}
   203 	TSIPSecPluginCtxRequest requestContext( *this,
   204 											aRemoteTarget,
   205 											aOutboundProxy,
   206 											aRequest,
   207 											*aUser,
   208 											aRegistrationId,
   209 											aTransactionId );
   210 	TSIPSecDigestCacheIterator cacheIter( requestContext );
   211 	iCache->InitializeIterator( cacheIter );
   213     // Cleanup
   214     CSIPAuthorizationHeader* nonDigestHeader = PrepareRequestL( aRequest );
   216 	CSIPSecDigestCacheEntry* entry = NULL;
   217 	while ( ( entry = cacheIter.Next() ) != NULL )
   218 		{
   219 		if ( nonDigestHeader &&
   220 		     entry->Type( requestContext ) == CSIPSecDigest::EEndPoint )
   221 		    {
   222 		    User::LeaveIfError( aRequest.RemoveHeader( nonDigestHeader ) );
   223 		    delete nonDigestHeader;
   224 		    nonDigestHeader = NULL;
   225 		    }
   227 		entry->UpdateL( requestContext );
   228 		}
   229 	}
   231 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   232 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::PrepareRequestL
   233 // Remove all Proxy-Authorization headers. Remove Authorization headers
   234 // selectively, based on response value.
   235 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   236 //
   237 CSIPAuthorizationHeader*
   238 CSIPSecDigestPlugin::PrepareRequestL( CSIPRequest& aRequest ) const
   239     {
   240     aRequest.DeleteHeaders(
   241     	SIPStrings::StringF( SipStrConsts::EProxyAuthorizationHeader ) );
   243     const RStringF auth =
   244     	SIPStrings::StringF( SipStrConsts::EAuthorizationHeader );
   246 	CSIPAuthorizationHeader* nonDigestHeader = NULL;
   247     if ( aRequest.HeaderCount( auth ) > 0 )
   248         {
   249     	TSglQueIter<CSIPHeaderBase> authHeaders = aRequest.Headers( auth );
   251         CSIPAuthorizationHeader* header = NULL;
   252         while ( ( header =
   253                   static_cast<CSIPAuthorizationHeader*>( authHeaders++ ) )
   254                   != NULL )
   255             {
   256             if ( header->DesParamValue( SIPStrings::StringF(
   257             	SipStrConsts::EResponse ) ).Length() == 0 )
   258                 {
   259                 nonDigestHeader = header;
   260                 }
   261             else
   262                 {
   263                 // This is created by digest plugin -> can be deleted now
   264     		    User::LeaveIfError( aRequest.RemoveHeader( header ) );
   265     		    delete header;
   266     		    header = NULL;
   267                 }
   268             }
   269         }
   271     return nonDigestHeader;
   272     }    
   274 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   275 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::ResponseReceivedL
   276 // If 2xx, try to update with authentication info.
   277 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   278 //
   279 TBool CSIPSecDigestPlugin::ResponseReceivedL(
   280 	TSIPTransportParams& /*aTransportParams*/,
   281 	CSIPResponse& aResponse,
   282 	CSIPRequest& aRequest,
   283 	TRegistrationId aRegistrationId,
   284 	TTransactionId aTransactionId,
   285 	TInetAddr& /*aNextHop*/,
   286 	const CUri8& aRemoteTarget,
   287 	const TDesC8& aOutboundProxy,
   288 	MSIPSecUser* aUser,
   289 	MSIPSecSecurityMechanismObserver& aObserver )
   290     {
   291     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aUser, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
   293 	User::LeaveIfError( iCache->CountResponses( aResponse,
   294 		aRequest,
   295 		aTransactionId,
   296 		iDigestMechanism->Algorithm() ) );
   298     if ( aResponse.ResponseCode() == 401 || // WWW Authorization
   299          aResponse.ResponseCode() == 407 || // Proxy Authorization
   300          aResponse.ResponseCode() == 494 )  // Security Agreement
   301    		{
   302         TSIPSecPluginCtxResponse respContext( *this,
   303     										  aRemoteTarget,
   304     										  aOutboundProxy,
   305     										  aResponse,
   306 										      *iCache,
   307 										      aObserver,
   308 										      *aUser,
   309 										      aRegistrationId,
   310 										      aTransactionId );
   311 		return iDigestMechanism->UpdateCacheL( respContext );
   312         }
   314 	CSIPAuthenticationInfoHeader* authInfo( NULL );
   315     if ( ( aResponse.Type() == CSIPResponse::E2XX ) &&
   316          ( authInfo = AuthenticationInfo( aResponse ) ) != NULL )
   317         {
   318         TSIPSecPluginCtxInfo authInfoCtx( *this,
   319         								  aRemoteTarget,
   320         								  aOutboundProxy,
   321         								  aResponse,
   322         								  *authInfo,
   323 									      *iCache,
   324 									      aObserver,
   325 									      *aUser,
   326 									      aRegistrationId );
   327     	TSIPSecDigestCacheIterator cacheIterator( authInfoCtx );
   328     	iCache->InitializeIterator( cacheIterator );
   329 		CSIPSecDigestCacheEntry* entry( NULL );
   331 		while ( ( entry = cacheIterator.Next() ) != NULL )
   332 			{
   333 			// Let each matching cache entry handle the Authentication-Info
   334 			entry->HandleL( authInfoCtx );
   335 			}
   336         }
   337     return EFalse;
   338     }
   340 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   341 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::IsServerInitiatedSecAgreeAllowed
   342 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   343 //
   344 TBool CSIPSecDigestPlugin::IsServerInitiatedSecAgreeAllowed() const
   345 	{
   346 	return ETrue;
   347 	}
   349 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   350 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::ParametersUpdatedL
   351 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   352 //
   353 TBool CSIPSecDigestPlugin::ParametersUpdatedL( MSIPSecUser* /*aUser*/ )
   354 	{
   355 	return EFalse;
   356 	}
   358 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   359 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::CancelPendingOperations
   360 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   361 //
   362 void CSIPSecDigestPlugin::CancelPendingOperations(
   363 	MSIPSecSecurityMechanismObserver* aObserver )
   364     {
   365 	iCache->CancelPendingOperations( aObserver );
   366     }
   368 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   369 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::ClearCache
   370 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   371 //
   372 void CSIPSecDigestPlugin::ClearCache( MSIPSecUser* aUser )
   373     {
   374     if ( aUser )
   375     	{
   376     	iCache->ClearCache( *aUser );	
   377     	}
   378 	iCache->CleanObservers();
   379     }
   381 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   382 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::SetCredentialsL
   383 // Cache can have just one record for a realm and transaction id pair.
   384 // SIPSec users with PassOnlyRealmsToUser == ETrue set aTransactionId to value
   385 // KEmptyTransactionId. Correct operation is not guaranteed if several of them
   386 // use the same realm.
   387 //
   388 // This function will eventually be removed and clients start to use
   389 // SetCredentialsL( const MSIPSecUser& .. ) instead.
   390 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   391 //
   392 void CSIPSecDigestPlugin::SetCredentialsL( TTransactionId aTransactionId,
   393                                            const TDesC8& aRealm,
   394                                            const TDesC8& aOutboundProxy, 
   395                                            const TDesC8& aUserName,
   396                                            const TDesC8& aPassword )
   397 	{
   398 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( aRealm.Length() > 0, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
   400 	CSIPSecUserRecord* record = iCache->SearchRecord( aRealm, aTransactionId );
   401 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( record != NULL, User::Leave( KErrNotFound ) );
   403 	SetCredentialsToRecordL( *record, aOutboundProxy, aUserName, aPassword );
   404 	}
   406 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   407 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::SetCredentialsL
   408 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   409 //
   410 void CSIPSecDigestPlugin::SetCredentialsL( const MSIPSecUser& aUser,
   411                                            const TDesC8& aRealm,
   412                                            const TDesC8& aOutboundProxy, 
   413                                            const TDesC8& aUserName,
   414                                            const TDesC8& aPassword )
   415 	{
   416 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( aRealm.Length() > 0, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );	
   418 	CSIPSecUserRecord* record = iCache->SearchRecord( aRealm, aUser );
   419 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( record != NULL, User::Leave( KErrNotFound ) );
   421 	SetCredentialsToRecordL( *record, aOutboundProxy, aUserName, aPassword );
   422 	}
   424 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   425 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::SetCredentialsToRecordL
   426 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   427 //
   428 void CSIPSecDigestPlugin::SetCredentialsToRecordL( CSIPSecUserRecord& aRecord,
   429 												   const TDesC8& aOutboundProxy,
   430                                            		   const TDesC8& aUserName,
   431                                            		   const TDesC8& aPassword )
   432 	{
   433 	TBool valid = aRecord.SetUserCredentialsL( aUserName, aPassword );
   434 	if ( valid )
   435 	    {
   436 		aRecord.SetOutboundProxyL( aOutboundProxy );
   438     	TSIPSecDigestCacheIterator cacheIterator;
   439     	iCache->InitializeIterator( cacheIterator );
   441 		CSIPSecDigestCacheEntry* entry( NULL );
   442 		while ( ( entry = cacheIterator.Next() ) != NULL )
   443 			{
   444 			entry->UpdateL( aRecord );
   445 			}
   446 	    }
   448 	aRecord.Updated();
   450 	if ( !valid )
   451 		{
   452 		iCache->ClearCache( aRecord, EFalse );
   453 		}
   455     iCache->CleanObservers();
   456 	}
   458 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   459 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::IgnoreChallenge
   460 // If aTransactionId is KEmptyTransactionId removes cache entries with
   461 // PassOnlyRealmsToUser == ETrue.
   462 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   463 //
   464 TInt CSIPSecDigestPlugin::IgnoreChallenge( TTransactionId aTransactionId,
   465                                            const TDesC8& aRealm,
   466                                            const MSIPSecUser* aTrustedUser )
   467 	{
   468 	return iCache->Cancel( aTransactionId, aRealm, aTrustedUser );
   469     }
   471 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   472 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::RemoveCredentials
   473 // Only remove cache entries for which PassOnlyRealmsToUser == ETrue.
   474 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   475 //
   476 TInt CSIPSecDigestPlugin::RemoveCredentials( const TDesC8& aRealm )    
   477     {
   478     return iCache->Remove( aRealm );
   479     }
   481 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   482 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::EngineContext
   483 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   484 //
   485 MSIPSecEngineContext& CSIPSecDigestPlugin::EngineContext()
   486     {
   487     return iEngineContext;
   488     }
   490 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   491 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::EmptyResponseAfterSqnFailure
   492 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   493 //
   494 TBool CSIPSecDigestPlugin::EmptyResponseAfterSqnFailure() const
   495 	{
   496 	return iSendEmptyResponseParameterAfterSqnFailure;
   497 	}
   499 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   500 // CSIPSecDigestPlugin::AuthenticationInfo
   501 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   502 //
   503 CSIPAuthenticationInfoHeader*
   504 CSIPSecDigestPlugin::AuthenticationInfo( CSIPResponse& aResponse ) const
   505     {
   506     CSIPAuthenticationInfoHeader* header( NULL );
   508     if ( aResponse.Type() == CSIPResponse::E2XX )
   509         {
   510         const RStringF authInfo =
   511     		SIPStrings::StringF( SipStrConsts::EAuthenticationInfoHeader );
   512 	    TInt count = aResponse.HeaderCount( authInfo );
   513 	    if ( count > 0 )
   514 	        {
   515 	    	TSglQueIter< CSIPHeaderBase > headers =
   516 	    		aResponse.Headers( authInfo );
   517     		for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   518                 {
   519                 header =
   520                 	static_cast< CSIPAuthenticationInfoHeader* >( headers++ );
   521                 }
   522 	        }
   523         }
   525     return header;
   526     }