changeset 0 307788aac0a8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:307788aac0a8
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   
    15 *
    16 */
    21 // INCLUDES
    23 #include <e32base.h>
    24 #include <e32std.h>
    26 #include "rtpstppacket.h"
    28 //
    29 // RTPLite header
    30 //
    31 // ****************************************
    32 // Extract from "PoC Core Network RTP RP01" 
    33 // ****************************************
    34 //                       1                   2                   3
    35 //    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    36 //   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    37 //   |F M R C S|  PT | Sequence nbr  |      Checksum (optional)      |
    38 //   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
    39 //
    40 //  Full header indication (F)  1 bit
    41 //                              If this bit is set to zero then header format
    42 //                              is reduced (otherwise full)
    43 //
    44 //  Marker (M)                  1 bit
    45 //                              Indication of the start of speech item (value 1).
    46 //                              It is set on the Nth first RTP packets including 
    47 //                              speech frames within the RTP payload. N is expected
    48 //                              to have a constant value in the order of 3 to 5. 
    49 //                              Note: M-bit is zero for all embedded control packets.
    50 //
    51 //  Reserved bit (R)            1 bit
    52 //                              This bit is reserved for future use. Default value is 1. 
    53 //
    54 //  Checksum indication (C)     1 bit
    55 //                              C-bit is an indication if header includes at the end an
    56 //                              optional checksum field. Value 1 indicates that checksum
    57 //                              field exist on the header.
    58 //
    59 //  Speech Item toggle indication (S)   1 bit
    60 //                              S-bit is used as an indication (toggled value) that speech
    61 //                              item has been changed (toggled between two speech items 
    62 //                              from same source; toggled between two speech items from 
    63 //                              different users; toggled between two speech items from 
    64 //                              different groups 1-to-1 call). This bit is on the same
    65 //                              position for the respective leader, speech and trailing
    66 //                              packets.
    67 //
    68 //  Payload Type (PT)           3 bits
    69 //                              PT-field indicates what kind of information
    70 //                              is carried on the paylaod area. Only two codes
    71 //                              (000 and 001) are reserved at the first phase, 
    72 //                              other values are reserved for future use.000 is
    73 //                              used to indicate that embedded control signal
    74 //                              information is in payload area and 001 indicates
    75 //                              that payload contains speech packets coded with
    76 //                              IETF AMR speech coding 8. In case of embedded 
    77 //                              control signal coding then the first byte on the payload
    78 //                              area has special coding rules, which are defined on section 5.3.4.
    79 //                              Note: GSM HR (HalfRate) will be used for 1st integration testing 
    80 //                              and related PT is 010.
    81 //                              Note: Standard RTP header uses 7 bits for the same indication.
    82 //
    83 // Sequence Nbr (SN)            8 bits
    84 //                              The sequence nbr increments by one for each
    85 //                              RTP data packet sent, and may be used by the
    86 //                              receiver to detect packet loss and restore
    87 //                              packet sequence. The initial value (when S 
    88 //                              bit is toggled) of the sequence number is zero. 
    89 //                              Note one exception: during talkspurt 
    90 //                              (for 1-to-1 call or group call) if one/few 
    91 //                              RTP packets are not sent (on N*20ms interval)
    92 //                              due to DTX usage (silence periods not sent) 
    93 //                              the sequency number at the originator side 
    94 //                              is anyhow incremented by one with the N*20ms 
    95 //                              frequency. The value for N is 3 by default. 
    96 //                              Very probably RTP packets are always sent in
    97 //                              GPRS terminals during talkspurt to avoid TBF
    98 //                              drop. RTP packet payload contains during 
    99 //                              silence periods three NO_DATA -indication
   100 //                              bytes to AMR decoder. In the future extented
   101 //                              TFB timer feature may change this behaviour, 
   102 //                              i.e. the sending of NO_DATA -indication bytes
   103 //                              might be dropped (over GPRS).Within standard
   104 //                              version of RTP header the length of SN is 16
   105 //                              bits , but within PoC application it is enough
   106 //                              to have 8 bits; it provides 7.62s (127*3*20ms)
   107 //                              jitter buffering without any special number wrap
   108 //                              control tricks (shown values are valid with N=3). 
   109 //                              Note: On the uplink direction on each speech item,
   110 //                              the Sequency Nbr is zero for all leading packets
   111 //                              (the first leading packet is replicated few times,
   112 //                              but the replicated messages are identical 
   113 //                              (even concerning the SN field)) and the first RTP
   114 //                              packet containing speech has SN value one.
   115 //                              Note: for all embedded control signals the SN
   116 //                              is set to zero.
   117 //
   118 //  CheckSum (CS)               16 bits (optional)
   119 //                              Checksum field is optional and the existence
   120 //                              of this field is indicated on the first octet
   121 //                              by C-bit.  Checksum will be needed with RP01
   122 //                              interface if RLC/LLC/UDP checksums are not
   123 //                              available/used. UDP checksum is optional 
   124 //                              with IPv4. Further more by using RTP level
   125 //                              CRC in combination of UDP-lite it would be 
   126 //                              possible to implement more efficient unequal
   127 //                              error protection on AMR bits than UDP-lite 
   128 //                              alone would offer.If checksum error is detected
   129 //                              then whole RTP packet is discarded.
   130 //                              Note: Checksum information is not available 
   131 //                              within standard RTP header.
   132 //                              Note: Taking the other aspects (header compression
   133 //                              with Degermark) into account it currently means 
   134 //                              that if checksum is included on RTPLite header
   135 //                              the whole packet does fit to 8 kbit/s channel
   136 //                              on the AIR interface only with AMR 4.75 coding.
   138 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
   140 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   141 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
   142 // might leave.
   143 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   144 // 
   145 CRtpStpPacket::CRtpStpPacket() :
   146     iSize( 0 ),
   147     iData( 0 ),
   148     iDataPtr( 0 ),
   149     iSessionId( 0 )
   150     {
   151     }
   153 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   154 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
   155 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   156 //
   157 void CRtpStpPacket::ConstructL( TUint aPacketSize, TRtpId aSessionId )
   158     {
   159     iBuf = HBufC8::NewL( aPacketSize );
   160     iData = ( TUint8* ) iBuf->Des().Ptr();
   161     iSize = 0;
   162     iDataPtr = iData;
   163     iSessionId = aSessionId;
   164     }
   166 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   167 // Destructor
   168 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   169 // 
   170 CRtpStpPacket::~CRtpStpPacket()
   171     {
   172     delete iBuf;
   173     }
   175 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   176 // CRtpStpPacket::Close()
   177 // works as destructor
   178 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   179 //
   180 void CRtpStpPacket::Close()
   181     {
   182     delete this;
   183     }
   185 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 // CRtpStpPacket::RtpPacketReset()
   187 // 
   188 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 //
   190 void CRtpStpPacket::RtpPacketReset()
   191     {
   192     iSize = 0;
   193     iDataPtr = iData;
   194     }
   196 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   197 // CRtpStpPacket::RtpPacketResetPtr()
   198 // 
   199 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   200 //
   201 void CRtpStpPacket::RtpPacketResetPtr()
   202     {
   203     iDataPtr = iData;
   204     }
   206 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   207 // TInt CRtpStpPacket::RtpPacketBuild()
   208 // 
   209 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   210 //
   211 TInt CRtpStpPacket::RtpPacketBuild( const TRtpSendHeader& aHeader, const TDesC8& aPayloadData )
   212     {
   213     TUint8* dataP;
   215     dataP = iData;
   217     // build the packet content
   218     Mem::FillZ( dataP, 4 );
   220     // Full header indication (F)
   221     dataP[0] |= ( 0 << 7 );
   223     // Marker (M) 
   224     dataP[0] |= static_cast<TUint8>( aHeader.iMarker << 6 );
   226     // Padding bit (P) = 1
   227     dataP[0] |= static_cast<TUint8>( aHeader.iPadding << 5 );
   229     // Checksum indecation (C)  if checkSumInd == 1, need checksum in the header
   230     dataP[0] |= static_cast<TUint8>( aHeader.iChecksumInd << 4 );
   232     // Speech Item toggle indication (S)
   233     dataP[0] |= static_cast<TUint8>( aHeader.iSpeechItemToggle << 3 );
   235     // payload type
   236     dataP[0] |= ( aHeader.iPayloadType & 0x07 );
   238     // sequence number
   239     dataP[1] = aHeader.iSeqNum;
   240     dataP += 2;
   242     // Optinal checksum
   243     if ( aHeader.iChecksumInd == 1 )
   244         {
   245         write16( dataP, aHeader.iChecksum );
   246         dataP += 2;
   247         }
   249     // copy payload data 
   250     Mem::Copy( dataP, aPayloadData.Ptr(), aPayloadData.Length() );
   251     iSize = aPayloadData.Length() + ( dataP - iData );
   253     return 0;
   254     }
   256 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   257 // CRtpStpPacket::RtpPacketProcess()
   258 // Return Value:
   259 //    KErrNone if STP packet has been processed OK, or
   260 //    KErrCorrupt if packet is invalid or some other error has occured
   261 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   262 //
   263 TInt CRtpStpPacket::RtpPacketProcess( TUint8* aBuf, TInt* aLength )
   264     {
   265     TRtpRecvHeader header;
   266     TUint8* dataP;
   268     dataP = iData;
   270     // Full header indication (F) 
   271     if ( ( dataP[0] & 0x80 ) != 0 )
   272         return KErrCorrupt;
   274     // Marker (M)
   275     header.iMarker = ( TUint8 ) ( ( dataP[0] & 0x40 ) >> 6 );
   277     // Padding bit (P)
   278     header.iPadding = ( TUint8 ) ( ( dataP[0] & 0x20 ) >> 5 );
   280     // Checksum indication (C) 
   281     header.iChecksumInd = ( TUint8 ) ( ( dataP[0] & 0x10 ) >> 4 );
   283     // Speech item toggle indication (S) 
   284     header.iSpeechItemToggle = ( TUint8 ) ( ( dataP[0] & 0x08 ) >> 3 );
   286     // Payload type (PT)
   287     header.iPayloadType = ( TUint8 ) ( ( dataP[0] & 0x07 ) );
   289     // Sequence number
   290     header.iSeqNum = ( TUint8 ) ( dataP[1] );
   291     dataP += 2;
   293     // Optinal checksum
   294     if ( header.iChecksumInd == 1 )
   295         {
   296         header.iChecksum = ( TUint16 ) read16( dataP ); 
   297         dataP += 2;
   298         }
   300     *aLength = iSize - ( dataP - iData );
   301     aBuf = ( TUint8 * ) dataP;
   303     TPtrC8 buf( aBuf, *aLength );
   305     if ( iObserver )
   306         iObserver->RtpPacketReceived( iSessionId /* streamId */, header, buf );
   308     return KErrNone;
   309     }
   311 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   312 // Write a 16-bit value as 2 consecutive bytes in MSB order
   313 // Memory (at least 2 bytes) must have been allocated to pointer
   314 // before the function is called.
   315 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   316 //
   317 void CRtpStpPacket::write16( TUint8* const aPointer, TUint32 aValue )
   318     {
   319     // check value range (16 bits)
   320     aPointer[0] = ( TUint8 ) ( ( aValue & 0xFF00 ) >> 8 );
   321     aPointer[1] = ( TUint8 ) ( aValue & 0x00FF );
   322     }
   324 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   325 // Read a 16-bit value given as 2 consecutive bytes in MSB order
   326 // Memory (at least 2 bytes) must have been allocated to pointer
   327 // before the function is called.
   328 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   329 //
   330 TUint32 CRtpStpPacket::read16( const TUint8* const aPointer )
   331     {
   332     return( aPointer[1] + ( ( TUint32 ) aPointer[0] << 8 ) );
   333     }
   336 #if !defined ( EKA2 ) && !defined ( RTP_UNIT_TEST )
   337 // The E32Dll() entry point function
   338 GLDEF_C TInt E32Dll( TDllReason /*aReason*/ )
   339     {
   340     return( KErrNone );
   341     }
   342 #endif // EKA2
   344 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   345 // Function to construct a CRtpPacketExt object. Note that this function
   346 // is exported at ordinal 1 and is not a member of any class.
   347 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   348 //
   349 EXPORT_C MRtpPacketExt* NewL()
   350     {
   351     return new ( ELeave ) CRtpStpPacket;
   352     }
   355 // End of File