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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  WLAN-specific error code definitions.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 // TODO: When this header file is released in SDK, delete this local copy of
    20 // wlanerrorcodes.h from sip_wlanplugin's own inc-directory.
    23 #ifndef WLANERRORCODES_H
    24 #define WLANERRORCODES_H
    26 /**
    27  * @defgroup rconn Error codes returned via RConnection API
    28  * @{
    29  */
    31 /**
    32  * @defgroup rconn_cfg Errors due to mismatching configuration
    33  * @defgroup rconn_other Errors due to other failures
    34  */
    36 /**
    37  * A failure inside WLAN subsystem has occurred. Typically caused by an
    38  * unexpected WLAN HW event.
    39  * @ingroup rconn_other
    40  */
    41 const TInt KErrWlanInternalError                           = -30171;
    42 /**
    43  * WLAN AP has refused 802.11 open system authentication.
    44  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
    45  */
    46 const TInt KErrWlanOpenAuthFailed                          = -30172;
    47 /**
    48  * WLAN AP requires 802.11 shared key authentication.
    49  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
    50  */
    51 const TInt KErrWlanSharedKeyAuthRequired                   = -30173;
    52 /**
    53  * 802.11 shared key authentication has failed.
    54  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
    55  * @details Most likely caused by misconfigured WEP keys either in
    56  *          the IAP settings or the WLAN AP. 
    57  */
    58 const TInt KErrWlanSharedKeyAuthFailed                     = -30174;
    59 /**
    60  * WLAN AP requires Wi-Fi Protected Access security but
    61  * the IAP doesn't have matching settings.
    62  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
    63  */
    64 const TInt KErrWlanWpaAuthRequired                         = -30175;
    65 /**
    66  * Wi-Fi Protected Access authentication has failed.
    67  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
    68  */
    69 const TInt KErrWlanWpaAuthFailed                           = -30176;
    70 /**
    71  * Legacy 802.1x authentication has failed.
    72  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
    73  */
    74 const TInt KErrWlan802dot1xAuthFailed                      = -30177;
    75 /**
    76  * Wi-Fi Protected Access authentication w/ a preshared key
    77  * has failed.
    78  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
    79  * @details Most likely caused by a misconfigured preshared key
    80  *          either in the IAP settings or the WLAN AP.
    81  */
    82 const TInt KErrWlanIllegalWpaPskKey                        = -30178;
    83 /**
    84  * Wi-Fi Protected Access connections are not allowed as
    85  * countermeasures are active due to MIC failures.
    86  * @ingroup rconn_other
    87  * @details The countermeasures are active for 60 seconds after
    88  *          having been started.
    89  */
    90 const TInt KErrWlanWpaCounterMeasuresActive                = -30179;
    91 /**
    92  * No WLAN APs matching the IAP settings have been found.
    93  * @ingroup rconn_other
    94  */
    95 const TInt KErrWlanNetworkNotFound                         = -30180;
    96 /**
    97  * The IAP has an illegal key WEP key configuration.
    98  * @ingroup rconn_cfg 
    99  */
   100 const TInt KErrWlanIllegalEncryptionKeys                   = -30181;
   101 /**
   102  * Roaming between WLAN APs has failed irreversibly.
   103  * @ingroup rconn_other
   104  */
   105 const TInt KErrWlanRoamingFailed                           = -30182;
   106 /**
   107  * Connection to the WLAN network has unexpectedly been lost.
   108  * @ingroup rconn_other
   109  */
   110 const TInt KErrWlanNetworkLost                             = -30183;
   111 /**
   112  * WLAN AP requires Wi-Fi Protected Access authentication w/ a preshared key.
   113  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
   114  */
   115 const TInt KErrWlanPskModeRequired                         = -30184;
   116 /**
   117  * WLAN AP requires Wi-Fi Protected Access authentication w/ EAP.
   118  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
   119  */
   120 const TInt KErrWlanEapModeRequired                         = -30185;
   121 /**
   122  * EAP-SIM authentication has failed.
   123  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
   124  */
   125 const TInt KErrWlanEapSimFailed                            = -30186;
   126 /**
   127  * EAP-TLS authentication has failed.
   128  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
   129  */
   130 const TInt KErrWlanEapTlsFailed                            = -30187;
   131 /**
   132  * EAP-PEAP authentication has failed.
   133  * @ingroup rconn_cfg 
   134  */
   135 const TInt KErrWlanEapPeapFailed                           = -30188;
   136 /** 
   137  * EAP-MSCHAPv2 authentication has failed.
   138  * @ingroup rconn_cfg 
   139  */
   140 const TInt KErrWlanEapMsChapv2                             = -30189;
   141 /**
   142  * EAP-AKA authentication has failed.
   143  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
   144  */
   145 const TInt KErrWlanEapAkaFailed                            = -30190;
   146 /**
   147  * EAP-TTLS authentication has failed.
   148  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
   149  */
   150 const TInt KErrWlanEapTtlsFailed                           = -30191;
   151 /** 
   152  * EAP-LEAP authentication has failed.
   153  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
   154  */
   155 const TInt KErrWlanLeapFailed                              = -30192;
   156 /**
   157  * EAP-GTC authentication has failed.
   158  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
   159  */
   160 const TInt KErrWlanEapGtcFailed                            = -30193;
   161 /**
   162  * EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA authentication has failed due to a missing
   163  * SIM card.
   164  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
   165  */
   166 const TInt KErrWlanSimNotInstalled                         = -30194;
   167 /**
   168  * EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA authentication has failed due to missing
   169  * service subscription.
   170  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
   171  */
   172 const TInt KErrWlanNotSubscribed                           = -30195;
   173 /**
   174  * EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA authentication has failed due to user being
   175  * barred from the service.
   176  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
   177  */
   178 const TInt KErrWlanAccessBarred                            = -30196;
   179 /**
   180  * EAP-MSCHAPv2 authentication has failed due to expired password.
   181  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
   182  */
   183 const TInt KErrWlanPasswordExpired                         = -30197;
   184 /**
   185  * EAP-MSCHAPv2 authentication has failed due to permissions.
   186  * @ingroup rconn_cfg 
   187  */
   188 const TInt KErrWlanNoDialinPermissions                     = -30198;
   189 /**
   190  * EAP-MSCHAPv2 authentication has failed due to disabled account.
   191  * @ingroup rconn_cfg 
   192  */
   193 const TInt KErrWlanAccountDisabled                         = -30199;
   194 /**
   195  * EAP-MSCHAPv2 authentication has failed due to restricted logon hours.
   196  * @ingroup rconn_cfg 
   197  */
   198 const TInt KErrWlanRestrictedLogonHours                    = -30200;
   199 /**
   200  * EAP authentication using certificates failed due to an
   201  * expired certificate.
   202  * @ingroup rconn_cfg 
   203  */
   204 const TInt KErrWlanServerCertificateExpired                = -30201;
   205 /**
   206  * EAP authentication using certificates failed due to a
   207  * certificate that couldn't be verified.
   208  * @ingroup rconn_cfg 
   209  */
   210 const TInt KErrWlanCerficateVerifyFailed                   = -30202;
   211 /**
   212  * EAP authentication using certificates failed due to a
   213  * missing user certificate.
   214  * @ingroup rconn_cfg 
   215  */
   216 const TInt KErrWlanNoUserCertificate                       = -30203;
   217 /**
   218  * EAP authentication using certificates failed due to a
   219  * mismatching certificate configuration.
   220  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
   221  */ 
   222 const TInt KErrWlanNoCipherSuite                           = -30204;
   223 /**
   224  * EAP authentication using certificates failed due to the server
   225  * not accepting the user certificate.
   226  * @ingroup rconn_cfg
   227  */
   228 const TInt KErrWlanUserRejected                            = -30205;
   229 /**
   230  * EAP authentication using certificates failed due to an
   231  * expired user certificate.
   232  * @ingroup rconn_cfg 
   233  */
   234 const TInt KErrWlanUserCertificateExpired                  = -30206;
   235 /**
   236  * WLAN connection could not be started because one is already active.
   237  * @ingroup rconn_other
   238  */
   239 const TInt KErrWlanConnAlreadyActive                       = -30207;
   241 /**
   242  * @} 
   243  */
   245 #endif // WLANERRORCODES_H