--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/realtimenetprots/sipfw/SIP/TransactionUser/src/SIPMessageUtility.h Tue Feb 02 01:03:15 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Name : SIPMessageUtility.h
+* Part of : TransactionUser
+* Version : SIP/5.0
+ @internalComponent
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "SipStackServerDefs.h"
+#include "SipLogs.h" //USE_SIP_LOGS is defined here
+#include "TransactionBase.h"
+class RStringF;
+class TInetAddr;
+class CURIContainer;
+class CSIPMessage;
+class CSIPResponse;
+class CSIPHeaderBase;
+class CSIPFromToHeaderBase;
+class CSIPViaHeader;
+class CUserAgent;
+ * Miscellaneous SIP message related functions
+ */
+class CSIPMessageUtility : public CBase
+ {
+public: // Constructor and destructor
+ CSIPMessageUtility();
+ ~CSIPMessageUtility();
+public: // New functions
+ /**
+ * Compares two TInetAddr objects.
+ *
+ * @pre aAddr2 has port filled
+ * @param aAddr TInetAddr to compare
+ * @param aTransportProtocol Transport protocol of aAddr
+ * @param aAddr2 Another TInetAddr to compare
+ * @return value ETrue if ip-addresses and ports match, EFalse otherwise
+ */
+ static TBool CompareTInetAddr(const TInetAddr& aAddr,
+ RStringF aTransportProtocol,
+ const TInetAddr& aAddr2);
+ /**
+ * Adds random characters to the given descriptor.
+ *
+ * @pre aBuf must have space for at least aLength additional characters
+ *
+ * @param aBuf Descriptor into which the random characters are added
+ * @param aLength Amount of characters added to aBuf
+ * @param aCaseSensitive ETrue if both upper and lowercase characters are
+ * allowed to be added into aBuf. EFalse if only lowercase characters are
+ * to be used.
+ * @param aMsg SIP message, contains useful input for generating random
+ * data. Can be NULL. Ownership isn't transferred.
+ * @param aTransactionId Id of the associated transaction
+ * @param aUserAgent Address of the associated UserAgent object, can be
+ * NULL. Ownership isn't transferred.
+ */
+ void AddRandomStringL(TDes8& aBuf,
+ TInt aLength,
+ TBool aCaseSensitive,
+ CSIPMessage* aMsg,
+ TTransactionId aTransactionId,
+ const CUserAgent* aUserAgent);
+ /**
+ * Computes a checksum over the data pointed by aPtr, and adds the result
+ * into aBuf.
+ *
+ * @param aBuf Buffer to which the result is appended
+ * @param aPtr Pointer to data for which the checksum is calculated
+ * @param aLength Length of the data to be checksummed
+ */
+ static void ComputeChecksum(TDes8& aBuf, const TAny* aPtr, TInt aLength);
+ /**
+ * Returns a reference to the method of the SIP message. In case of request
+ * this is the request method, and in case of response, it is the method in
+ * CSeq header.
+ *
+ * @param aMsg SIP message
+ * @return value Reference to method
+ */
+ static RStringF MessageMethod(CSIPMessage& aMsg);
+ /**
+ * Returns the transaction type.
+ *
+ * @param aMsg SIP message
+ * @param aIncomingMsg
+ * ETrue if the message was received from remote endpoint
+ * EFalse if the message is sent by the local endpoint
+ * @return Transaction type
+ */
+ static CTransactionBase::TTransactionType
+ TransactionType(CSIPMessage& aMsg, TBool aIncomingMsg);
+ /**
+ * Checks whether the top Via header has a branch beginning with the magic
+ * cookie.
+ *
+ * @param aMsg SIP message
+ * @return value ETrue if top via has branch beginning with the magic
+ * cookie
+ */
+ static TBool HasViaMagicCookie(CSIPMessage& aMsg);
+ /**
+ * Checks whether aTransport has an allowed value.
+ *
+ * @param aTransport Transport protocol
+ * @return value ETrue if aTransport is valid, EFalse otherwise
+ */
+ static TBool CheckTransport(RStringF aTransport);
+ /**
+ * Reads transport protocol from the top Via header of aMsg, and fills the
+ * value into aTransport.
+ *
+ * @param aMsg IN: SIP message
+ * @param aTransport OUT: transport protocol from aMsg
+ * @return ETrue: Transport was found and set, EFalse: Transport not found,
+ * or has unknown value
+ */
+ static TBool TransportProtocol(CSIPMessage& aMsg, RStringF& aTransport);
+ /**
+ * Updates the top via header's transport parameter to match the value of
+ * aTransport.
+ *
+ * @pre CheckTransport(aTransport) == ETrue
+ * aMsg has Via header
+ *
+ * @param aMsg SIP message
+ * @param aTransport Transport protocol
+ */
+ static void UpdateViaTransportL(CSIPMessage& aMsg, RStringF aTransport);
+ /**
+ * Compares tags of two To (or From) headers.
+ *
+ * @param aHeader To (or From) header
+ * @param aHeader2 To (or From) header
+ * @return value ETrue if the tags are equal, EFalse otherwise
+ */
+ static TBool CompareTags(const CSIPFromToHeaderBase& aHeader,
+ const CSIPFromToHeaderBase& aHeader2);
+ /**
+ * Copies the specified headers from aSrc into aDest, maintaining the
+ * order.
+ *
+ * @param aSrc SIP message from where the headers are copied
+ * @param aDest SIP message to which the headers are copied. If aDest
+ * contains same headers before copying, the old headers are removed.
+ * @param aHeaderName Identifies the headers
+ */
+ static void CopyHeadersL(CSIPMessage& aSrc,
+ CSIPMessage& aDest,
+ RStringF aHeaderName);
+ /**
+ * Copies the Authorization and Proxy-Authorization headers from aSrc into
+ * aDest. If aSrc is NULL, nothing is done.
+ *
+ * @param aSrc SIP message from where the headers are copied, can be NULL.
+ * Ownership is not transferred.
+ * @param aDest SIP message to which the headers are copied. If aDest
+ * contains same headers before copying, the old headers are removed.
+ */
+ static void CopyAuthorizationHeadersL(CSIPMessage* aSrc,
+ CSIPMessage& aDest);
+ /**
+ * Makes a copy of the specified header, and returns a pointer to it.
+ * This function only copies one header, and if there are multiple headers
+ * in aMsg, only the first is copied.
+ *
+ * @param aMsg SIP message from where the header is copied
+ * @param aHeaderName Identifies the header
+ * @return Copy of the header, or NULL if header wasn't present in aMsg.
+ * Ownership is transferred.
+ */
+ static CSIPHeaderBase* CopyHeaderFromMsgL(CSIPMessage& aMsg,
+ RStringF aHeaderName);
+ /**
+ * Fills the CSeq header into aMsg. If aMsg already contains a CSeq header,
+ * it isn't changed.
+ *
+ * @param aMsg IN/OUT: SIP message
+ * @param aSeq CSeq sequence number
+ * @param aMethod CSeq method
+ */
+ static void FillCSeqL(CSIPMessage& aMsg,
+ TUint aSeq,
+ RStringF aMethod);
+ /**
+ * Checks whether the SIP message is an ACK request
+ *
+ * @param aMsg SIP message
+ * @return ETrue aMsg is ACK, EFalse otherwise
+ */
+ static TBool IsAck(const CSIPMessage& aMsg);
+ /**
+ * Checks whether the SIP response is a final response.
+ *
+ * @param aResp SIP response
+ * @return ETrue aResp is a final response (2xx-6xx),
+ * EFalse Otherwise
+ */
+ static TBool IsFinalResponse(const CSIPResponse& aResp);
+ /**
+ * Checks whether the URI has a parameter comp=sigcomp
+ *
+ * @param aUri URI
+ * @return ETrue If aUri has a parameter comp=sigcomp, EFalse otherwise
+ */
+ static TBool HasSigCompParam(const CURIContainer& aUri);
+ /**
+ * Checks whether the SIP message is a 2xx class response
+ *
+ * @param aMsg SIP message
+ * @return ETrue aMsg is a 2xx response, EFalse otherwise
+ */
+ static TBool Is2xxResponse(const CSIPMessage& aMsg);
+ /**
+ * Returns the topmost Via header of SIP message.
+ *
+ * @param aMsg SIP message
+ * @return Via header, or NULL if no Via header exists in aMsg. Ownership
+ * is not transferred.
+ */
+ static CSIPViaHeader* TopVia(CSIPMessage& aMsg);
+ static const TDesC8& BranchMagicCookie();
+ static const TDesC8& UriDescriptor(const CURIContainer& aUri);
+ /**
+ * Determines if the local address is in the IPv4 private address space.
+ *
+ * @param aTransportMgr TransportMgr
+ * @param aIapId IAP-id
+ * @return ETrue Local address is a private address
+ * EFalse Otherwise
+ */
+ static TBool IsPrivateAddressL(MSIPTransportMgr& aTransportMgr,
+ TUint32 aIapId);
+ static HBufC* ConvertUtf8LC(const TDesC8& aUtf8);
+ /**
+ * Returns the SIP port of aAddr.
+ *
+ * @param aAddr Address
+ * @param aTransportProtocol Transport protocol
+ * @return value Port number
+ */
+ static TUint SIPPort(const TInetAddr& aAddr, RStringF aTransportProtocol);
+ /**
+ * Builds a buffer containing random data.
+ *
+ * @param aLength Amount of bytes the buffer will contain
+ * @param aMsg SIP message, contains useful input for generating random
+ * data. Can be NULL. Ownership isn't transferred.
+ * @param aTransactionId Id of the associated transaction
+ * @param aUserAgent Address of the associated UserAgent object, can be
+ * NULL. Ownership isn't transferred.
+ * @return value Buffer containing random data. Ownership is transferred.
+ */
+ HBufC8* BuildInputDataL(TUint aLength,
+ CSIPMessage* aMsg,
+ TTransactionId aTransactionId,
+ const CUserAgent* aUserAgent);
+ /**
+ * Checks if there is space left for aSize amount of bytes in the aBuf.
+ *
+ * @param aBuf Descriptor
+ * @param aSize Amount of bytes
+ * @return value ETrue if aBuf has free space for at least aSize bytes,
+ * EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+ static TBool FitsInBuf(const TDes8& aBuf, TInt aSize);
+ /**
+ * Returns aBits long sequence of bits from the aBuf.
+ *
+ * @param aBuf Descriptor from where the bits are read
+ * @param aBits How many bits are read
+ * @param aCounter Offset into the descriptor aBuf, indicating the position
+ * from where the bits are read. Zero means the bits are read from the
+ * beginning of aBuf.
+ * @return value Bit sequence containing aBits bits
+ */
+ static TUint8 GetNextBits(const TDesC8& aBuf,
+ TInt aBits,
+ TUint& aCounter);
+ /**
+ * Adds random data into the aBuf. The random data is generated using the
+ * SIP message (aMsg) as input.
+ *
+ * @param aMsg SIP message, can be NULL. Ownership isn't transferred
+ * @param aBuf Random data is appended to this buffer
+ */
+ void AddCheckSumOfSipMessageL(CSIPMessage* aMsg, TDes8& aBuf);
+ /**
+ * Adds random data into the aBuf. The random data is generated using
+ * aHeader and iCounter as inputs and by combining the user, host and tag
+ * into a single descriptor, and calculating a checksum over the data.
+ *
+ * @param aHeader To or From header
+ * @param aBuf Random data is appended to this buffer
+ */
+ void AddCheckSumOfFromToHeaderL(CSIPFromToHeaderBase& aHeader,
+ TDes8& aBuf);
+ /**
+ * Adds random data into the aBuf. The random data is generated using the
+ * CSeq sequence number of the aMsg as input.
+ *
+ * @param aMsg SIP message
+ * @param aBuf Random data is appended to this buffer
+ */
+ static void AddCheckSumOfCSeq(CSIPMessage& aMsg, TDes8& aBuf);
+ /**
+ * Adds random data into the aBuf. The random data is generated using the
+ * iCounter and current time as inputs.
+ *
+ * @param aBuf Random data is appended to this buffer
+ */
+ void AddCheckSumOfClock(TDes8& aBuf) const;
+ /**
+ * Adds random data into the aBuf. The random data is generated using the
+ * iCounter and aTransactionId as inputs.
+ *
+ * @param aTransactionId Id of the associated transaction
+ * @param aBuf Random data is appended to this buffer
+ */
+ void AddCheckSumOfTaIdL(TTransactionId aTransactionId, TDes8& aBuf);
+ /**
+ * Adds random data into the aBuf. The random data is generated using the
+ * request method and Request URI of the aMsg as inputs. If aMsg is a
+ * response, nothing is added to aBuf.
+ *
+ * @param aMsg SIP message
+ * @param aBuf Random data is appended to this buffer
+ */
+ static void AddCheckSumOfRequestLineL(CSIPMessage& aMsg, TDes8& aBuf);
+ /**
+ * Adds random data into the aBuf. The random data is generated using the
+ * clock, amount of free and used memory and the inactivity time.
+ *
+ * @param aBuf Random data is appended to this buffer
+ */
+ void AddSystemInfo(TDes8& aBuf) const;
+private: // Data
+ //Seed value for Math::Rand()
+ TInt64 iSeed;
+ //Counter value used for generating random values
+ TInt32 iCounter;
+private: // For testing purposes
+ friend class CSIPMessageUtility_Test;
+ };
+#endif // end of SIPMESSAGEUTILITY_H
+// End of File