changeset 0 307788aac0a8
child 4 dd3853b8dc3f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sipproviderplugins/sipprovider/sipstatemachine/inc/transitionengine.h	Tue Feb 02 01:03:15 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// CSIPTransitionEngine definition file
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <sip.h>
+#include <sipobserver.h>
+#include <sipconnectionobserver.h>
+#include <sipprofileregistryobserver.h>
+#include <sipprofile.h>
+#include <sipprofileregistry.h>
+#include <sipfromheader.h>
+#include <siptoheader.h>
+#include <sipcontactheader.h>
+#include <sipmessageelements.h>
+#include <siprequestelements.h>
+#include <sipresponseelements.h>
+#include <siprefresh.h>
+#include <sipregistrationbinding.h>
+#include <sipdialog.h>
+#include <sipinvitedialogassoc.h>
+#include <sipsubscribedialogassoc.h>
+#include <sipnotifydialogassoc.h>
+#include <sipreferdialogassoc.h>
+#include <sipservertransaction.h>
+#include <sipclienttransaction.h>
+#include <sipaddress.h>
+#include <sdpdocument.h>
+#include <sipcontenttypeheader.h>
+#include <sdpcodecstringconstants.h>
+#include <sdpcodecstringpool.h>
+#include <sipstrings.h>
+#include <sipstrconsts.h>  
+#include <sipcseqheader.h>
+#include <sipeventheader.h>
+#include <sipexpiresheader.h>
+#include <sipacceptheader.h>
+#include "siphlcommontypes.h"
+#include <siperr.h>
+#include <siphttpdigestchallengeobserver.h>
+#include <siphttpdigest.h>
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+	// This will do the logging if logging is enabled
+    #include <comms-infras/ss_log.h>
+class CSipStateMachine;
+class MSIPRegistrationClient
+To be implemented by whoever uses CSIPTransitionEngine to Register
+at the SIP registrar - see CSIPTransitionEngine::RegisterL
+	{
+	public:
+	/**
+	Called by the TE when the requested registration is complete
+	@param aError error indication, if KErrNone - the registration 
+	has been successful, non-successful otherwise.
+	*/	
+	virtual void RegistrationComplete(TInt aError) = 0;
+	/**
+	Called by the TE when 'this' has been unregistered either as a result of:
+	- previously issued deregistration request
+	- unregistered by the registrar
+	@param aError error indication
+	*/	
+	virtual void DeRegistrationComplete(TInt aError) = 0;
+	/**
+	Called by the TE when a error occurs which has to be notified to "its"
+	connection providers
+	@param aError error indication
+	*/
+	virtual void ErrorOccurred(TInt aError) = 0;
+	/**
+	Called by the State Machine to flag that a peer is calling.
+    @return the SIP profileId the TE will use to identify 'this'
+	*/	
+	virtual TUint32 GetProfileId() = 0;
+	/**
+	Called by the TransitionEngien Manager to obtain the AppUId of the
+	Conn Provider when Detaching
+	@return the appUid stored by the ConnProvider
+	*/
+	virtual TUid	GetAppUid() = 0;
+	};   
+class CSIPTransitionEngine : public CBase,
+							 MSIPConnectionObserver,
+							 MSIPProfileRegistryObserver,
+							 MSIPHttpDigestChallengeObserver
+ SIPTransitionEngine 
+ This class implements the following set of methods
+ - Call back methods which are called by the Sip stack. These trigger transition in the State Machines
+ - Call back methods which are triggered by the Profile Manager (for Registration, Profile events)
+@released since v9.2
+	{
+	friend class CSIPTransitionEngineBundle;
+	//New Functions - Services provided by CSIPTransitionEngine
+	/**
+	This method is called by a Connection Provider to initialize
+	Registration
+	@param aRegistrationClient , an object which implements MSIPRegistrationClient  interface ( a SIPCPR)
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void RegisterL(MSIPRegistrationClient* aConnProv);
+	/**
+	This method is called by a Connection Provider to initialize
+	DeRegistration
+	@param aRegistrationClient , an object which implements MSIPRegistrationClient interface ( a SIPCPR)
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void Deregister(MSIPRegistrationClient* aConnProv);
+	/**
+	This method is called by a State Machine, to register itself
+	with the TransitionEngine
+	@param aStateMachine Register Instance of State machine with TE
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void AddStateMachineL(CSipStateMachine* aStateMachine);
+	/**
+	This method is called by a Connection Provider to initialize
+	Registration
+	@return profile id of a matching profile already available with TransitionEngine
+	@param  aProfileId , profile id to be matached
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TUint32 FindDuplicateProfile(TUint32 aProfileId);
+	/**
+	This method is called to add a Credentials structure to a list of credentials
+	maintained by the TransitionEngine
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C void AddCredentialsL(TSIPCredentials aCredential);
+	/**
+	Returns the 'from' field associated with the given profile. 
+	@param aProfileId the id of the profile the 'from' field should pertain to.
+	@return the 'from' field associated with aProfileId. Given 'this' has been
+	asked to register the profile.
+	*/
+    IMPORT_C const TDesC8* GetFromField(TUint32 aProfileId) const;
+	/**
+	This method associates the SIP transaction with a particular State machine
+	@param  aStateMachine	Instance of the state machine
+	@param  aTransaction	which will be associated with the state machine
+	*/
+	void	SetTransaction(CSipStateMachine* aStateMachine, CSIPTransactionBase* aTransaction);
+	/**
+	This method associates the SIP Dialog association with a particular State machine
+	@param  aStateMachine	Instance of the state machine
+	@param  aDialoAssoc		which will be associated with the state machine
+	*/
+	void	SetDialogAssoc(CSipStateMachine* aStateMachine, CSIPDialogAssocBase* aDialoAssoc);
+	/**
+	This method will cleanup the transition engine related to a particular state machine
+	@param  aStateMachine	which needs to be cleaned up
+	*/
+	void	Cleanup(CSipStateMachine * aStateMachine);
+	/**
+	This method will find the state machine to handle the incoming call.
+	*/
+	CSipStateMachine* 	FindSMForIncomingCall();
+	/**
+	This method will find the state machine which is associated with the particular
+	transaction.
+	@param  aTransaction which needs to be matched with SM
+	*/
+	CSipStateMachine*	FindStateMachine(CSIPTransactionBase& aTransaction);
+	/**
+	This method will find the state machine which is associated with the particular
+	Dialog.
+	@param  aDialogAssoc which needs to be matched with SM
+	*/
+	CSipStateMachine*	FindStateMachine(CSIPDialogAssocBase& aDialogAssoc);
+	/**
+	Overloaded method will find the state machine which is associated with the particular
+	Dialog.
+	@param  aDialogAssoc which needs to be matched with SM
+	*/
+	CSipStateMachine*	FindStateMachine(CSIPDialogAssocBase* aDialogAssoc);
+	/**
+	Overloaded method will find the state machine which is associated with the particular
+	Dialog.
+	@param  aDialogAssoc which needs to be matched with SM
+	*/
+	CSipStateMachine*	FindStateMachine(CSIPDialog& aDialogAssoc);
+	/**
+	Overloaded method will find the state machine which is associated with the particular
+	Dialog.
+	@param  aTransaction which needs to be matched with SM
+	*/
+	CSipStateMachine*	FindStateMachine(const CSIPTransactionBase* aTransaction);
+	/**
+	This method will return the SIP connection associated with the Transition Engine
+	*/
+	CSIPConnection* 	GetSipConnection();
+	/**
+	This method returns the handle of the registration client associated with the 
+	profile Id
+	@param  aProfileId for registration association
+	*/
+	MSIPRegistrationClient*	FindRegistrationClient(TUint32 aProfileId);
+	/**
+	This function increases the reference count 
+    */
+	void Attach();
+	/**
+	This function decreases the reference count 
+    */
+    //todo
+    TInt Detach();
+   	//TInt Detach(MSIPRegistrationClient* aRegClient);
+	/**
+	This function returns an IAP id
+    */
+	TInt IapId();
+	// Methods from base classes
+	// From MSIPConnectionObserver
+	/**
+	A SIP request outside a dialog has been received from the network.
+	@param aTransaction SIP server transaction. The ownership is transferred.
+    */
+	void	IncomingRequest( CSIPServerTransaction* aTransaction );
+	/**
+	A SIP request within a dialog has been received 
+	@param aTransaction SIP server transaction. The ownership is transferred.
+	@param aDialog the dialog that this transaction belongs to.        
+	*/
+	void IncomingRequest( CSIPServerTransaction* aTransaction,
+						  CSIPDialog& aDialog );
+	/**
+	IncomingResponse (from MSIPConnectionObserver)
+	*/
+	void IncomingResponse( CSIPClientTransaction& aTransaction );
+	/**
+	A SIP response that is within a dialog association or creates a dialog association.
+    @param aTransaction contains response elements.
+	@param aDialogAssoc a dialog association.        
+	*/
+	void IncomingResponse( CSIPClientTransaction& aTransaction,
+						   CSIPDialogAssocBase& aDialogAssoc );
+    /**
+	IncomingResponse (from MSIPConnectionObserver)
+	Multiple SIP responses have been received to the single INVITE due to the forking proxy. 
+	Note that each response creates a separate INVITE dialog association.Multiple responses 
+	can arrive until SIP stack completes UAC core INVITE transaction.If clients deletes INVITE 
+	transaction after first SIP response other possible responses will be consumed by the implementation.
+	@param aTransaction contains response elements
+	@param aDialogAssoc INVITE dialog association;
+	*/
+	void IncomingResponse( CSIPClientTransaction& aTransaction,
+						   CSIPInviteDialogAssoc* aDialogAssoc );
+	/**
+	IncomingResponse (from MSIPConnectionObserver)
+	@param aTransaction contains response elements
+	@param aRegistration contains the Registration Binding
+	*/
+	void IncomingResponse( CSIPClientTransaction& aTransaction,
+						   CSIPRegistrationBinding& aRegistration );
+	/**
+	An asynchronous error has occurred in the stack related to the
+	request indicated by the given transaction.
+	@param aError system wide or sip error code
+	@param aTransaction failed transaction.
+	@param aSIPConnection a SIP connection        
+	*/
+	void ErrorOccured( TInt aError, CSIPTransactionBase& aTransaction );
+	/**
+	An asynchronous error has occurred in the stack related
+	to the request indicated by the given transaction.
+	@param aError system wide or sip error code
+	@param aTransaction the failed transaction.
+	@param aRegistration the failed registration.        
+	*/
+	void ErrorOccured( TInt aError,
+					   CSIPClientTransaction& aTransaction,
+					   CSIPRegistrationBinding& aRegistration );
+	/**
+	An asynchronous error has occured related to a request within an existing dialog.
+	@param aError system wide or sip error code
+	@param aTransaction the failed transaction.
+	@param aDialogAssoc the failed dialog associoation.        
+	*/
+	void ErrorOccured( TInt aError,
+					   CSIPTransactionBase& aTransaction,
+					   CSIPDialogAssocBase& aDialogAssoc );
+	/**
+	An asynchronous error has occured related to a refresh 
+    @param aError system wide or sip error code
+	@param aSIPRefresh original refresh object.        
+	*/
+	void ErrorOccured( TInt aError, CSIPRefresh& aSIPRefresh );
+	/**
+	An asynchronous error has occured related to a periodical refresh
+    that relates to a registration.
+    @param aError system wide or sip error code; 
+	@param aRegistration associated registration.
+	*/
+	void ErrorOccured( TInt aError,
+					   CSIPRegistrationBinding& aRegistration );
+	/**
+	An asynchronous error has occured related to a periodical refresh
+    that belongs to SIP dialog association.
+    @param aError system wide or sip error code; 
+	@param aDialogAssoc SIP dialog association.        
+	*/
+	void ErrorOccured( TInt aError,
+					   CSIPDialogAssocBase& aDialogAssoc );
+    /**
+	SIP stack has completed UAC core INVITE transaction 64*T1 seconds after the reception of 
+	the first 2xx response. No more 2xx responses can be received to the issued single INVITE.
+    If the INVITE transaction does not create a dialog, or the INVITE transaction encounters 
+    an error, this event will not be sent.
+    @param aTransaction a complete UAC core INVITE transaction
+	*/
+    void InviteCompleted( CSIPClientTransaction& aTransaction );
+   	/**
+    Invite was canceled with the CANCEL
+    @param aTransaction a canceled INVITE UAS transaction
+    */
+    void InviteCanceled( CSIPServerTransaction& aTransaction );
+	/**
+	Connection state has changed.If connection state has changed to EInactive or EUnavailable,
+	SIP stack has removed all stand-alone SIP refreshes, registrations and dialog associations 
+	that client requested to refresh. Client may re-issue refresh requests (stand-alone, 
+	registration or dialog association related) when connection becomes EActive again.
+	SIP stack also terminates all pending sip client transactions and no errors are reported back 
+	to the client about the terminated transactions nor about removed refreshes in order to 
+	avoid event flood.
+	@param aState indicates the current connection state        
+	*/
+	void ConnectionStateChanged( CSIPConnection::TState aState );
+	//From MSIPProfileRegistryObserver
+	/** 
+	An event related to SIP Profile has accorred
+	@param aProfileId a profile Id
+	@param aEvent an occurred event
+	*/
+	void ProfileRegistryErrorOccurred(TUint32 aProfileId, TInt aError);
+	/**
+	An asynchronous error has occurred related to SIP profile Event is send to 
+	those observers, who have the corresponding profile instantiated.
+	@param aProfileId the id of failed profile 
+	@param aError an occurred error
+	*/
+	void ProfileRegistryEventOccurred(TUint32 aProfileId, TEvent aEvent);
+	/**
+	SIP request resulted in 401/407 response that contains
+	a challenge.
+	@param aRealm a realm for which the challenge was received
+	*/
+	void ChallengeReceived(const TDesC8& aRealm);
+	/**
+	Instantiation function will be called from a friend class
+	@param  aSip 	Handle to the SIP
+	@param  aIapId	IAP on which the connection will be created
+	*/
+	static CSIPTransitionEngine* NewL(CSIP& aSip, TInt aIapId);
+	/**
+	constructor of the class
+	*/
+	CSIPTransitionEngine(CSIP& aSip, TInt aIapId);
+	/**
+	destructor of the class
+	*/
+	~CSIPTransitionEngine();
+	/**
+	2nd phase construction of the class
+	*/
+	void	ConstructL();
+	/**
+	This method handles the incoming request if it comes outside of a existing dialog
+	@param  aTransaction The transaction associated with the new dialog.
+	*/
+	void IncomingRequestL( CSIPServerTransaction* aTransaction );
+	/**
+	This method handles the requests coming inside a Dialog
+	@param  aTransaction The transaction associated with the new dialog.
+	@param  aDialog  Handle to the dialog itself
+	*/
+	void IncomingRequestL( CSIPServerTransaction* aTransaction, CSIPDialog& aDialog );
+	/**
+	This method is used to walkthrough the array of credentials 
+	and set them once a challenge is recieved
+	@param aRealm - Realm of the issuer of the challenge
+	*/
+	TBool FindAndSetCredentials(const TDesC8& aRealm);
+	// For Logging
+	// The IAP id of the CSipConnection
+	TUint 						iIapId;
+	// The connection state 
+	CSIPConnection::TState		iConnState;
+	// Handle to the SIP stack
+	CSIP&						iSIP;
+	// Handle to the SIP connection towards a particular IAP
+	CSIPConnection*				iConnection;
+	// Handle to the SIP Profile Registry
+	CSIPProfileRegistry*		iProfileRegistry;
+	// Handle to the wait till the Connection Starts
+	CActiveSchedulerWait		iActiveWait;
+	// Reference count 
+	TInt 						iRefCount;
+	//Digest Class Instance for Setting Credentials
+	CSIPHttpDigest				*iDigest;
+	// Holder of Registration clients		
+	RPointerArray<MSIPRegistrationClient>	iRegClientArray;
+	// Holder of SIP profiles
+	RPointerArray<CSIPProfile>		iProfileArray;
+	// Holder of SIP state machine
+	RPointerArray<CHLStateMachine>	iSMArray;
+	//Holder of TSIPCredentials	
+	RArray<TSIPCredentials>	iCredentialsArray;
+	};
+inline CSIPConnection * CSIPTransitionEngine::GetSipConnection()
+Return the CSIp connection
+	{
+	return iConnection;
+	}
+inline void CSIPTransitionEngine::Attach()
+Increments the refrence count
+	{
+	iRefCount++;
+	}
+inline TInt CSIPTransitionEngine::Detach()
+//inline TInt CSIPTransitionEngine::Detach(MSIPRegistrationClient* aRegClient)
+Decrements the reference count
+	{
+	return --iRefCount;
+	}	
+inline TInt CSIPTransitionEngine::IapId()
+returns the IAP id
+	{
+	return iIapId;	
+	}