author shivsood
Sat, 12 Jun 2010 14:30:11 +0530
changeset 25 505ad3f0ce5c
child 58 cdb720e67852
permissions -rw-r--r--
MSRP Chat and File Sharing FrameWork - Initial Contribution from Nokia. MSRP Implementation as per RFC 4975 and RCS specifications that supports 1. Multiple one to one chat data sessions as per RCS/RFC 4975 specifications. 2. Multiple file Sharing sessions as per RCS. 3. Data Chunking requirements as per 4975. 3. MSRP Connection sharing requirements as per RFC 4975

* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL ""
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* MSRP Implementation

TARGET		  msrpclient.dll
UID			 0x1000008d 0x2002B59C


USERINCLUDE ../../inc 
USERINCLUDE ../../MsrpHeader/inc

SOURCE CMSRPImplementation.cpp 
SOURCE CMSRPSession.cpp 
SOURCE CMSRPSessionImplementation.cpp 
SOURCE CMSRPSessionParams.cpp 
SOURCE RMSRPSession.cpp 
SOURCE CMSRPListenerBase.cpp 
SOURCE CMSRPConnectionListener.cpp 
SOURCE CMSRPIncomingListener.cpp 
SOURCE CMSRPSendResultListener.cpp

// In order to use .def files to freeze code you must use one or more DEFFILE lines;
// see the ones commented out below for examples.
// By default, the build tools look for the WINSCW def file in a BWINS directory
// (at the same level as the directory containing the mmp file), 
// the GCC ARM def file in a BMARM directory, and the ARMV5 def file in a EABI directory. 
// If your .def files are stored in these default locations, you can simply specify the
// .def filename(s) with no path. If you want to store .def files in non-default 
// locations, you will need to specify the paths in the DEFFILE statement(s).

//The following commented out code shows how the build system uses the implicit
// location for defiles. To create the DEF files Choose Project > Freeze Exports from Carbide
// or run 'abld freeze' from the command-line
//#if defined (WINS)
//  DEFFILE ..\bwins\MSRPClient.def
//#elif defined (GCC32)
//  DEFFILE ..\bmarm\MSRPClient.def
//  DEFFILE ..\eabi\MSRPClient.def

CAPABILITY      All -Tcb

LIBRARY		 euser.lib 
LIBRARY		 msrpheader.lib
LIBRARY 	 inetprotutil.lib
LIBRARY 	 estor.lib
LIBRARY 	 bafl.lib 

DEBUGLIBRARY      flogger.lib
