author shivsood
Sat, 12 Jun 2010 14:30:11 +0530
changeset 25 505ad3f0ce5c
parent 0 307788aac0a8
permissions -rw-r--r--
MSRP Chat and File Sharing FrameWork - Initial Contribution from Nokia. MSRP Implementation as per RFC 4975 and RCS specifications that supports 1. Multiple one to one chat data sessions as per RCS/RFC 4975 specifications. 2. Multiple file Sharing sessions as per RCS. 3. Data Chunking requirements as per 4975. 3. MSRP Connection sharing requirements as per RFC 4975

// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Name          : CSIPPreParser.cpp
// Part of       : SIP Codec
// Version       : SIP/4.0 

#include "CSIPPreParser.h"
#include "CSIPHeaderNameValue.h"
#include "sipcodecerr.h"

_LIT8 (KCRLFCRLF, "\r\n\r\n");
_LIT8 (KCRCRLF, "\r\r\n");
_LIT8 (KLFCRLF, "\n\r\n");

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSIPPreParser* CSIPPreParser::NewL (HBufC8* aSipMessageBuf)
	CSIPPreParser* self= CSIPPreParser::NewLC (aSipMessageBuf);
	return self;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::NewLC
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSIPPreParser* CSIPPreParser::NewLC (HBufC8* aSipMessageBuf)
	__ASSERT_ALWAYS (aSipMessageBuf!=0, User::Leave(KErrSipCodecPreParser));
	__ASSERT_ALWAYS (aSipMessageBuf->Length()>0, User::Leave(KErrSipCodecPreParser));

	CSIPPreParser* self= new(ELeave)CSIPPreParser (*aSipMessageBuf);
	return self;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::CSIPPreParser
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSIPPreParser::CSIPPreParser (const TDesC8& aSipMessageDes)
 : iLexBuf(aSipMessageDes)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSIPPreParser::ConstructL (HBufC8* aSipMessageBuf)
	CreateHeaderBufL (*aSipMessageBuf);
	ParseL ();
	// aSipMessageBuf ownership taken only after the pre-parsing has succeeded.
	iSipMessageBuf = aSipMessageBuf;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::~CSIPPreParser
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSIPPreParser::~CSIPPreParser ()
	delete iHeaderBuf;
	delete iSipMessageBuf;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::ParseL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSIPPreParser::ParseL ()
	TChar chr = GetCharL();
	while (chr == ' ' || chr == '\t' || chr == '\r' || chr == '\n')
		chr = GetCharL();

	TBool headerPartEnds = EFalse;
	while (!headerPartEnds)
		switch (chr)
			case '\n': headerPartEnds = HandleLfL(); break;
			case '\r': headerPartEnds = HandleCrL(); break;
			default: iHeaderBuf->Des().Append(chr); break;
		if (!headerPartEnds)
		    chr = GetChar();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::FirstLineL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC8 CSIPPreParser::FirstLineL ()
	// The first line of any SIP message is a request line or a status line.
	TPtrC8 firstLine(GetLineL(0));
	return firstLine;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::ContentL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* CSIPPreParser::ContentL ()
	// The ownership of the content is given to the caller.
	// The function is not re-entrant. Content can be only asked once.
	// The purpose of this is to avoid unnecessary copying.
	__ASSERT_ALWAYS (iSipMessageBuf != 0, User::Leave (KErrSipCodecPreParser));

	// Delete the header part from the original SIP message. "Delete" does not
	// free any memory. It just changes the starting position of the descriptor
	// in the original buffer.
	TInt originalLength = iSipMessageBuf->Length();
	iSipMessageBuf->Des().Delete (0, iOriginalHeaderPartLength);
	TInt contentLength = originalLength - iOriginalHeaderPartLength;

	// With relatively big content parts try to avoid unnecessary copying. 
	HBufC8* content = NULL;
	if (contentLength < iOriginalHeaderPartLength)
		// Relatively small content part. Make a copy. See HBufC8::ReAllocL.
		content = iSipMessageBuf->ReAllocL (contentLength);
		// Relatively big content part. Do not copy into smaller buffer.
		content = iSipMessageBuf;
	iSipMessageBuf = 0;
	return content;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::HeaderCount
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint CSIPPreParser::HeaderCount ()
	return iHeaderStartArray.Count();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::ParseNameValueL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSIPHeaderNameValue* CSIPPreParser::ParseNameValueL (TInt aIndex)
	__ASSERT_ALWAYS (aIndex < iHeaderStartArray.Count(), 

	TUint lineStartPos = iHeaderStartArray[aIndex];
    TPtrC8 line (GetLineL(lineStartPos));
	TInt colonPos = line.Locate (':'); // find the first colon

	__ASSERT_ALWAYS (colonPos > 0, User::Leave(KErrSipCodecPreParser));

	TPtrC8 name(line.Left(colonPos));
	TPtrC8 value(line.Mid(colonPos+1));

	return CSIPHeaderNameValue::NewL(name, value);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::GetLineL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC8 CSIPPreParser::GetLineL (TInt aLineStartPosition)
    __ASSERT_ALWAYS (aLineStartPosition < iHeaderBuf->Length(),

	TPtrC8 lineStartBuf (iHeaderBuf->Des().Mid (aLineStartPosition));

	// All the line ends (CR,LF or CRLF) have been replaced by LF.
	TInt lineEndPosition = lineStartBuf.Locate('\n');
    __ASSERT_ALWAYS (lineEndPosition > 0, User::Leave (KErrSipCodecPreParser));

	return lineStartBuf.Left(lineEndPosition);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::CreateHeaderBufL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSIPPreParser::CreateHeaderBufL (const TDesC8& aSipMessageDes)
	TLex8 lex(aSipMessageDes);
    TInt headerPartEndPosition = 0;
    FindHeaderPartEndPositionL (lex.Remainder(),headerPartEndPosition);
	if (headerPartEndPosition <= 0) 
		User::Leave (KErrSipCodecPreParser);
	iHeaderBuf = HBufC8::NewL(headerPartEndPosition+1);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::FindHeaderPartEndPositionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSIPPreParser::FindHeaderPartEndPositionL (
    const TDesC8& aSipMessageDes,
    TInt& aPosition)
	// The header part may end only with CRLFCRLF, CRCRLF or LFCRLF
	RArray<TInt> positions;

	TInt CrLfCrLfPos = aSipMessageDes.Find(KCRLFCRLF);
    if (CrLfCrLfPos >= 0) 
	TInt CrCrLfPos = aSipMessageDes.Find(KCRCRLF);
	if (CrCrLfPos >= 0) 
	TInt LfCrLfPos = aSipMessageDes.Find(KLFCRLF);
	if (LfCrLfPos >= 0) 

	if (positions.Count() == 0)

	aPosition = positions[0];
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // positions

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::HandleLfL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSIPPreParser::HandleLfL ()
	TChar chr = GetCharL ();
	switch (chr)
		case ' ' : // LFSP 
		case '\t': // LFHTAB
			// The header continues on the next line.
			SkipSpacesAndTabsL ();
			iHeaderBuf->Des().Append(' '); // replace by one space

		case '\r': // LFCR
			chr = GetCharL ();
			if (chr == '\n') // LFCRLF
				// Header part ends according to the old SIP specs.
				// Replace LFCRLF with LF to simplify name-value parsing.
				return ETrue; 
			else // LFCR"AnyText" not allowed.
				User::Leave (KErrSipCodecPreParser);

		case '\n': // LFLF not allowed.
			User::Leave (KErrSipCodecPreParser);

		default: // LF"AnyText"
			MoveToNextLineL ();
	return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::HandleCrL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSIPPreParser::HandleCrL ()
	TChar chr = GetCharL ();
	switch (chr)
		case ' ' : // CRSP
		case '\t': // CRHTAB
			// The header continues on the next line.
			SkipSpacesAndTabsL ();
			iHeaderBuf->Des().Append(' '); // replace by one space

		case '\r': // CRCR
			chr = GetCharL ();
			if (chr == '\n') // CRCRLF
				// Header part ends according to the old SIP specs.
				// Replace CRCRLF with LF to simplify name-value parsing.
				return ETrue;
			else // CRCR"AnyText" not allowed.
				User::Leave (KErrSipCodecPreParser); 

		case '\n': // CRLF
			chr = GetCharL ();
			switch (chr)
				case '\n': // CRLFLF not allowed.
					User::Leave (KErrSipCodecPreParser);

				case ' ' : case '\t': // CRLFSP or CRLFHTAB
					// The header continues on the next line.
					SkipSpacesAndTabsL ();
					iHeaderBuf->Des().Append(' '); // replace by one space

				case '\r': // CRLFCR
					chr = GetCharL ();
					if (chr == '\n') // CRLFCRLF. Header part ends.
						// Replace with LF to simplify name-value parsing.
						return ETrue;
					else // CRLFCR"AnyText" not allowed.
						User::Leave (KErrSipCodecPreParser); 

				default: // CRLF"AnyText"
					MoveToNextLineL ();
		default: // CR"AnyText"
			MoveToNextLineL ();
	return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::SkipSpacesAndTabsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSIPPreParser::SkipSpacesAndTabsL ()
	TChar chr = GetCharL ();
	while (chr == ' ' || chr == '\t')
		chr = GetCharL();
	UnGetChar(); // Put back the last one that was not a space or a tab

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::MoveToNextLineL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSIPPreParser::MoveToNextLineL ()
	// Replace the line end (CR, LF or CRLF) with LF
	TUint nextLineStartPosition = iHeaderBuf->Length();
	User::LeaveIfError (iHeaderStartArray.Append(nextLineStartPosition));

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::GetCharL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline TChar CSIPPreParser::GetCharL()
    TChar chr = GetChar();
	if (chr == 0) 
        User::Leave (KErrSipCodecPreParser);
    return chr;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::GetChar
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline TChar CSIPPreParser::GetChar()
	TChar chr = iLexBuf.Get();
	if (chr != 0) iOriginalHeaderPartLength++;
    return chr;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSIPPreParser::UnGetChar
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void CSIPPreParser::UnGetChar()