MSRP Chat and File Sharing FrameWork - Initial Contribution from Nokia.
MSRP Implementation as per RFC 4975 and RCS specifications that supports
1. Multiple one to one chat data sessions as per RCS/RFC 4975 specifications.
2. Multiple file Sharing sessions as per RCS.
3. Data Chunking requirements as per 4975.
3. MSRP Connection sharing requirements as per RFC 4975
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#ifndef __RTPSESSION_H
#define __RTPSESSION_H
#include <e32base.h>
#include <rtpheader.h>
#include "rtputil.h"
#include "rtptimer.h"
#include "rtpsdes.h"
#include "rtpsessiondef.h"
#include "rtppacket.h"
#include "rtppacketext.h"
#include "rtppacketparam.h"
#include "rtpstreamdef.h"
#include "rtptranstream.h"
#include "rtprecvstream.h"
#include "rtpasignuniqueid.h"
#include "rtpcomm.h"
#include "rtpcommdef.h"
* class for rtp session.
* @lib RtpService.dll
class CRtpSession :
public CBase,
public MReceivedNotify,
public MTimeOutNotify,
public MSsrcCheckCallback
enum TStreamType
ETxStream = 0,
public: // new functions
static CRtpSession* NewL( const TCreateSessionParams& aParams,
TUint& aPort,
TBool aEnableRtcp,
const TRtcpParams* aRtcpParams,
RSocketServ& aSocketServ,
RConnection& aRConn,
const TRtpId aSessionId,
const CRtpSDES* aSdes,
const TUint32* aProfileRTPTimeRates,
const TBool aStandardRtp,
const RLibrary& aLibrary,
MRtpErrNotify& aErrNotify,
MRtpAsignUniqueID& aAssignUniqueID );
TRtpSSRC SSRC() const;
TInt StartSession();
TInt SetRemoteAddress( TInetAddr& aRemoteAddr );
TInt SetRemoteRtcpAddress( TInetAddr& aRemoteAddr );
TInt CreateReceiveStreamL( TRtpId aStreamId, const TRtpPayloadType aPayloadType );
TInt CreateTransmitStreamL( TRtpId aStreamId, const TRtpPayloadType aPayloadType, TUint32& aSSRC );
TInt CreateTransmitStreamExtL( TRtpId aStreamId, const TRtpPayloadType aPayloadType, const TUint32 aSSRC );
void CloseStream( TRtpId aStreamId );
void ResetTxStreamStats();
void ResetRxStreamStats();
TInt RegisterRtpObserver( MRtpObserver& aObserver );
void UnregisterRtpObserver();
TInt SetNonRTPDataObserver( MNonRTPDataObserver* aNonRTPDataObserver );
TInt SendRtpPacket( TRtpId aTranStreamId, const TRtpSendHeader& aHeaderInfo,
const TDesC8& aPayloadData );
TInt SendRtpPacket( TRtpId aTranStreamId,
const TRtpSendHeader& aHeaderInfo,
const TDesC8& aPayloadData,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
TInt SendRtpPacket( const TRtpSendHeader& aHeaderInfo, const TDesC8& aPayloadData );
TInt SendRtpPacket( const TRtpSendHeader& aHeaderInfo, const TDesC8& aPayloadData,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
TInt SendRtpPacket( TRtpId aTranStreamId,
TRtpSequence aSequenceNum,
const TRtpSendHeader& aHeaderInfo,
const TDesC8& aPayloadData,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
void SendData( TBool aUseRTPSocket,
const TDesC8& aData,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
void CancelSend();
TInt RegisterRtcpObserver( MRtcpObserver& aObserver );
void UnregisterRtcpObserver();
TInt SendRtcpByePacketL( TRtpId aTranStreamId, const TDesC8& aReason );
TInt SendRtcpAppPacketL( TRtpId aTranStreamId, const TRtcpApp& aApp );
TInt SendRtcpSrPacketL( TRtpId aTranStreamId );
TInt SendRtcpRrPacketL( TRtpId aRecvStreamId );
RSocket* GetRtpSocket();
RSocket* GetRtcpSocket();
TInt GetStreamStatistics( TRtpId aStreamId, TRtpPeerStat& aStat );
TInt SetRtcpParameters( const TRtcpParams& aRtcpParams );
TRtpId GetSessionId();
TInt StopRtcpSending();
TInt ResumeRtcpSending();
* Gets the status of automatic RTCP sending.
* @param TBool& aAutoSending - ETrue: RTCP atuo sending is on
* EFalse: RTCP auto sending is off
* @return TInt - KErrNone if successful; KErrNotSupported if RTCP
* disabled; system wide error code otherwise
TInt IsRtcpSendingSuspended( TBool& aAutoSending );
public: // from MSsrcCheckCallback
* Checks if a newly received SSRC collides with the SSRC's of the
* existing Tx streams in this session, and reacts appropriately.
* This is SSRC collision handling.
* @param aSSRC a newly received SSRC
TInt CheckRemoteSsrcL( TRtpSSRC& aSSRC );
TBool CheckRemoteAddr();
public: // from MTimeOutNotify
void OnExpiredL( TInt aStatus );
public: // from MReceivedNotify
void OnRtpReceivedL();
void OnRtcpReceivedL();
void OnReceptionError( TPortType aPort, TInt aError );
void OnPacketRejected(TPortType aPort);
TBool IsSrtp();
protected: // construction
CRtpSession( const TRtpId aSessionId,
const TUint32* aProfileRTPTimeRates,
const TBool aStandardRtp,
MRtpErrNotify& aErrNotify,
const CRtpSDES* aSdesInfo,
MRtpAsignUniqueID& aAssignUniqueID );
void ConstructL( const TCreateSessionParams& aParams,
TUint& aPort,
TBool aEnableRtcp,
const TRtcpParams* aRtcpParams,
RSocketServ& aSocketServ,
RConnection& aRConn,
const RLibrary& aLibrary,
MRtpErrNotify& aErrNotify );
void FindRtpRxStreamSSRC(TRtpSSRC& aSSRC);
TInt FindStream( const TRtpId aMagicKey, TUint& aStreamAddress );
TInt IssueRtpRecv();
virtual void SendSRTCPReportL(TRtpSSRC aSSRC);
void AverageRtcpSize( TUint aRtcpReportSize );
TInt IssueRtcpRecv();
TInt InitialiseRtcp( const TRtcpParams* aParams );
void ScheduleRtcpSendL();
void StartReceiveRtcpPacket();
void StopReceiveRtcpPacket();
TBool DoBuildSendRTCPReportIfNotSentL();
void DoBuildSendRTCPReportL();
TBool ShouldBuildEmptyRR( CRtpTranStream* aTempTranStream );
* Determines the source count and length before an RTCP report is sent
* @param aSourceCount reference to the source count variable to update
* @param aLength reference to the packet length variable to update
* @param aRxActive a list of active/not active streams
* @return None
void DetermineSourceCountAndLength( TInt& aSourceCount,
TInt& aLength,
TBool aRxActive[] );
* Determines parameters before an RTCP report with SR (RR) and SDES
* sections is sent.
* @param aTranStream The stream that will send the RTCP report
* @param aStreamParam pointer to the stream parameters
* @param aInitParam pointer to the initialisation parameters
* @param aRxActive a list of active/not active streams
* @return None
void SetParamsForFullRTCPReport( CRtpTranStream* aTranStream,
TRtpPacketStreamParam* aStreamParam,
TRtpPacketIOParam* aInitParam,
TBool aRxActive[] );
void BuildSendRTCPReportL();
TInt BuildRTCPReport( CRtpTranStream* tempStream, TInt aLastReport );
void BuildSrSection( CRtpTranStream* aTempTranStream );
void BuildRrSection( TInt aNumRcvStreams,
TBool aRxActive[KMaxNumActiveRcvStreams],
TInt aLastReport );
void BuildEmptyRr( CRtpTranStream* aTempTranStream );
void BuildSdesSection( CRtpTranStream* aTempTranStream );
void SendRTCPReport();
void CreateSDES( TInt aFCNameOnly, TRtpSSRC aSSRC );
* Launches the processing of individual sections of RTCP reports.
* @param extractParam pointer to the stream parameters
* @param aSourceSSRC The synchronisation source value of the sender
* @return Symbian OS error code
TRtpRtcpEnum ProcessOneRTCPReportSectionL(
const TRtpPacketIOParam& aExtractParam,
TRtpSSRC aSourceSSRC );
* Processes an RTCP report.
* @return An RTP-specific error code
TRtpRtcpEnum ProcessRTCPReportL();
* Processes the SR section of an RTCP report.
* @return An RTP-specific error code
TRtpRtcpEnum ProcessSRSectionL( TInt aSourceCount );
* Processes the RR section of an RTCP report.
* @return An RTP-specific error code
TRtpRtcpEnum ProcessRRSectionL( TInt aSourceCount );
* Processes the SDES section of an RTCP report.
* @return An RTP-specific error code
TRtpRtcpEnum ProcessSDESSectionL( TRtpSSRC aSourceSSRC );
* Processes the BYE section of an RTCP report.
* @return An RTP-specific error code
TRtpRtcpEnum ProcessBYESectionL();
* Processes the APP section of an RTCP report.
* @return An RTP-specific error code
TRtpRtcpEnum ProcessAPPSectionL( TInt aTotalPacketLen, TInt aSubType );
* Processes the data contained in an SDES section.
* @return An RTP-specific error code
TRtpRtcpEnum ProcessSDESDataL( TRtpPacketStreamParam& aStreamParam,
TRtpPacketIOParam& aExtractParam,
TRtpSSRC aSourceSSRC );
* Gets the SDES values from the data contained in an SDES section.
* Either aRecvStream or aSourceSdes is always NULL.
* @param aTargetSdes the SDES in which the data will be stored
* @param aRecvStream the stream that contains the SDES
* @param aSourceSdes the SDES in which the data resides
* @return KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code otherwise
TInt GetSDESFromSDESData( TRtpSdesParams* aTargetSdes,
const CRtpRecvStream* aRecvStream,
CRtpSDES* aSourceSdes );
* Logs the SDES data from the data contained in an SDES section.
* @param aStreamParam stream parameters
* @param aRecvStream the receiving stream
* @param aSdes the new SDES
* @param aSdesSession indicates whether the SDES was assigned to the
* session
#ifdef _DEBUG
void LogSDESData( const TRtpPacketStreamParam& aStreamParam,
const CRtpRecvStream* aRecvStream,
const CRtpSDES* aSdes,
const TBool aSdesSession );
TRtpSSRC GetUniqueSSRC();
TRtpSSRC GenerateSSRC();
TInt AddStream( const TStream aArrayID, TStreamType aStreamType );
TInt FindStream( const TRtpId aMagicKey, TUint& aStreamAddress,
TStreamType& aStreamType );
TInt RemoveStream( const TRtpId aMagicKey, TStreamType& aStreamType );
void RemoveAllStreams();
TInt MatchSSRCToStream( TUint& aRcvStreamAddress, TRtpSSRC aSSRC,
TStreamType& aStreamType );
TInt FindRtpRxStreamL();
TInt AssignRtpRxStreamL();
TInt StreamSendBYEPacket();
TInt StreamSendAPPPacket();
TBool FindStreamForSSRC( TRtpSSRC aSSRC );
* Finds if a send stream is already using the given SSRC
* @param aSSRC the synchronisation source value
* @param a pointer to a stream pointer. If a Tx stream is found for
* the specified SSRC, the stream pointer contains the address of the
* Tx stream when this function returns.
TBool FindTxStreamForSSRC( TRtpSSRC aSSRC,
CRtpTranStream** streamPointerPointer );
TBool RcvStreamActive( TInt aIndex );
TBool AnyRcvStreamReceivedRtpPacket();
TBool RcvStreamReceivedRtpPacket( TInt aIndex );
CRtpRecvStream* GetRcvStreamByIndex( TInt aIndex );
void RedistributeBandwidth();
CRtpSDES* DoAddSdesToArrayL( TRtpPacketIOParam* aExtractParam );
TBool AddSdesToArrayL( TUint& aSdesAddress, TRtpPacketIOParam* extractParam );
* Compares the specified SDES values with the ones in the parameters
* and updates the SDES where the values differ
* @param aTempSdes the target SDES
* @param aExtractParam the parameters to compare with
* @param aUpdateCName indicates whether to include the CName
* @return ETrue if the SDES was updated
TBool CompareAndUpdateSdes( CRtpSDES* aTempSdes,
TRtpPacketIOParam* aExtractParam,
TBool aUpdateCName );
TInt RemoveSdesFromArray( TRtpSSRC aSSRC );
void NextRtcpInterval();
void DeallocateMemoryForSdes( TRtpPacketIOParam* aParam );
// Methods for getting random numbers
TInt Random();
TReal Random64();
void SendRTCPByewithBanedSSRCL();
TBool CheckifBanded();
void CreateNewRecvStreamL();
TBool iStandardRtp;
TRtpId iSessionId; // session ID value
TInetAddr iRemoteAddr[KMaxPorts]; // store here remote addresses
TBool iRemoteAddrSet;
// default values for this session when no transmit stream has been created.
TRtpSSRC iDefaultSSRC; // default SSRC value
const CRtpSDES* iLocalSdes; // iManager->GetSdes();
TRtpSdesParams* iNewSdes; // Sdes to send to observer
TInt iSendSdesCounter; // keeps track of SDES packets sent
CRtpPacket* iPktSnd;
CRtpPacket* iPktRcv;
TPtr8 iRtpRecvBuf; // receive buf of iPktRtpRcv;
TPtr8 iRtcpRecvBuf; // receive buf of iPktRtcpRcv;
CRtpComm* iCommNet;
MRtpPacketExt* iPktExtSnd;
TBool iIsSrtp;
TBool iRtcpEnabled;
CRtpTimer* iSndRtcpTimer; // timer for period sending RTCP packets
// packets allocated for reporting, sending, receiving
CRtpPacket* iPktRtcpSnd;
CRtpPacket* iPktRtcpRcv;
// packets allocated for extended rtp packet
MRtpPacketExt* iPktExtRcv;
// Flags
TBool iFirstRTCPSent; // flag that indicates if the first RTCP Packet has been sent
TBool iFPortsInit; // indicates if the local port has been initialized
TUint16 iNumOfTxStreams; // total number of send streams
TUint16 iNumOfRxStreams; // total number of receive streams
CArrayFixFlat<TStream>* iStreamTxArray; //array to keep Transmit stream objects
CArrayFixFlat<TStream>* iStreamRxArray; //array to keep Receive stream objects
CArrayPtrFlat<CRtpSDES>* iSdesArray; //array to keep remote participants SDES object
RArray<TRtpSSRC> iRxSSRCArray; //array to keep ReceiveStreamSSRC Array
const TUint32* iProfileRTPTimeRates;
TReal iAverageRtcpSize; // average RTCP report size updated everytime a RTCP report is send or/and received
TUint iBandWidth; // session bandwidth
TReal iFraction; // fraction of the session bandwidth to be used for RTCP report
TUint iRtcpTimeInterval; // RTCP report interval (milliseconds)
TUint iTotalParticipantsSession;// keeps track of total participants in session
MRtpObserver* iRtpObserver;
MRtcpObserver* iRtcpObserver;
MNonRTPDataObserver* iNonRTPDataObserver;
MRtpErrNotify& iErrNotify;
MRtpAsignUniqueID& iAssignUniqueID;
TBool iSessionStarted;
TInt iSSRCJumps;
TInt iRtcpErrors;
TBool iRtcpSendingSuspended;
TInt64 iSeed;
friend class UT_CRtpAPI;
friend class UT_CRtpSession;
friend class UT_CRtpSessionSrtp;
#if defined( _DEBUG ) && defined( RTP_UNIT_TEST )
friend class CRtpUtRtpSession;
#endif // __RTPSESSION_H
// End of File