// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Name : sipimsagent.mmp
// Part of : SIP Profile Agent
// Version : SIP/6.0
TARGET sipimsagnt.dll
// ECom Dll recognition UID followed by the unique UID for this dll
UID 0x10009D8D 0x10203358
SOURCE sipimsprofileagent.cpp
SOURCE implementationproxy.cpp
SOURCE Sipimsprofilecontext.cpp
SOURCE Sipimsconnectioncontext.cpp
SOURCE CSIPRegInfoElement.cpp
SOURCE CSIPNotifyXmlBodyParser.cpp
SOURCE CSIPRegistrationElement.cpp
SOURCE CSIPContactElement.cpp
SOURCE CSIPRegEventSubscriber.cpp
SOURCE CSIPRegEventHandler.cpp
SOURCE TSIPRegEventSubscriptionStateBase.cpp
SOURCE TSIPRegEventStateNotSubscribed.cpp
SOURCE TSIPRegEventStateSubscribed.cpp
SOURCE TSIPRegEventStateSubscribing.cpp
SOURCE TSIPRegEventStateReSubscribing.cpp
SOURCE Sipimsprofilesimrecord.cpp
SOURCE Sipimsprofileusimprovider.cpp
SOURCE sipimsprofilemccandmnc.cpp
SOURCE sipprofilesimauthorization.cpp
SOURCE sipprofileimsauthorization.cpp
SOURCE authinfomonitor.cpp
//SIP Profile Agent
USERINCLUDE ../Profile/Inc
USERINCLUDE ../PluginMgr/Inc
//SIP Profile Fsm
USERINCLUDE ../profile_fsm/inc
//SIP Proxy Resolver
USERINCLUDE ../ProxyResolver/inc
START RESOURCE 10203358.rss
TARGET sipimsagnt.rsc
LIBRARY euser.lib
LIBRARY ecom.lib
LIBRARY bafl.lib
LIBRARY charconv.lib
LIBRARY insock.lib
LIBRARY sipcodec.lib
LIBRARY sipclient.lib
LIBRARY sipprofile.lib
LIBRARY sipprofilefsm.lib
LIBRARY sipproxyrsv.lib
LIBRARY inetprotutil.lib
LIBRARY xmlframework.lib
LIBRARY etel.lib
LIBRARY etelmm.lib
LIBRARY commsdat.lib
LIBRARY flogger.lib
LIBRARY efsrv.lib
LIBRARY satclient.lib
VENDORID 0x70000001
CAPABILITY ProtServ NetworkServices ReadDeviceData WriteDeviceData NetworkControl