* Copyright (c) 2003 - 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Utility class for manipulating profiles and their attributes
#include <escapeutils.h>
#include <delimitedpathsegment8.h>
#include <sipmanagedprofile.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>
#include <uriutils.h>
#include <sipstrings.h>
#include <sipaddress.h>
#include <gssipsettingspluginrsc.rsg> //GUI Resource
#include <e32const.h>
#include "gssipprofileutil.h"
#include "tgssipserverdata.h"
#include "tsipsettingsdata.h"
#include "gssippluginlogger.h"
const TUint32 KDefaultSNAPIdentifier = KMaxTUint32;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::GSSIPProfileUtil
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::GSSIPProfileUtil" )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyProfileAttributesL
// Copies profile attributes from temp data structure to profile
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyProfileAttributesL(
CSIPManagedProfile* aProfile,
const TSIPSettingsData& aProfileData )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyProfileAttributesL Start" )
// Service provider name
HBufC8* providerName =
EscapeUtils::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L( aProfileData.iProviderName );
CleanupStack::PushL( providerName );
aProfile->SetParameter( KSIPProviderName, providerName->Des() ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( providerName ) ;
// Service profile
aProfile->SetType( aProfileData.iServiceProfile );
if ( aProfileData.iSNAPIndex != KDefaultSNAP )
// SNAP index
User::LeaveIfError( aProfile->SetParameter(
KSIPSnapId, (TUint32)aProfileData.iSNAPIndex ) );
// AP index
User::LeaveIfError( aProfile->SetParameter(
KSIPAccessPointId, (TUint32)aProfileData.iAPIndex ) );
// Publib username / address of record
if ( aProfileData.iUsername.Length() )
TBool protocolFound( EFalse );
TBuf<KSIPProtocolHeaderLength + 1> sipHeader( KSIPProtocolHeader );
sipHeader.Append( KSIPColonSeparator );
TBuf<KSIPSProtocolHeaderLength + 1> sipsHeader( KSIPSProtocolHeader );
sipsHeader.Append( KSIPColonSeparator );
EscapeUtils::TEscapeMode mode = EscapeUtils::EEscapeNormal;
HBufC8* conv =
EscapeUtils::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L( aProfileData.iUsername );
CleanupStack::PushL( conv );
HBufC8* enc = EscapeUtils::EscapeEncodeL( conv->Des(), mode );
CleanupStack::PushL( enc );
// Set public username if "sip:" was found.
if ( aProfileData.iUsername.Length() > KSIPProtocolHeaderLength )
TBuf<KSIPProtocolHeaderLength + 1> lowerCase;
lowerCase.Copy( aProfileData.iUsername.Left(
KSIPProtocolHeaderLength + 1 ) );
if ( !sipHeader.Compare( lowerCase ) )
aProfile->SetParameter( KSIPUserAor, enc->Des() ) );
protocolFound = ETrue;
// Set public username if "sips:" was found.
if ( aProfileData.iUsername.Length() > KSIPSProtocolHeaderLength )
TBuf<KSIPSProtocolHeaderLength + 1> lowerCase;
lowerCase.Copy( aProfileData.iUsername.Left(
KSIPSProtocolHeaderLength + 1 ) );
if ( !sipsHeader.Compare( lowerCase ) )
aProfile->SetParameter( KSIPUserAor, enc->Des() ) );
protocolFound = ETrue;
// Set scheme and public username
if ( !protocolFound )
TInt length = enc->Length() + sipHeader.Length();
HBufC8* username = HBufC8::NewLC( length );
username->Des().Append( sipHeader );
username->Des().Append( enc->Des() );
// Cut some characters if length exceeds max. username length.
if ( length > KMaxUsernameLength )
KMaxUsernameLength, length - KMaxUsernameLength );
aProfile->SetParameter( KSIPUserAor, username->Des() ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( username );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( enc );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( conv );
aProfile->SetParameter( KSIPUserAor, KNullDesC8 ) );
// Compression setting
TBool compression = ( aProfileData.iCompression == EGSComprYes );
User::LeaveIfError( aProfile->SetParameter( KSIPSigComp, compression ) );
// Registration mode
if ( aProfileData.iRegistrationMode == EGSWhenNeeded )
aProfile->SetParameter( KSIPAutoRegistration, EFalse ) );
aProfile->SetParameter( KSIPAutoRegistration, ETrue ) );
// Security negotiation
TBool security = ( aProfileData.iSecurity == EGSSecurityOn );
aProfile->SetParameter( KSIPSecurityNegotiation, security ) );
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyProfileAttributesL End" )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyServerAttributesL
// Copies server attributes from temp data structure to profile
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyServerAttributesL(
CSIPManagedProfile* aProfile,
TUint32 aServer,
const TGSSIPServerData& aProfileData )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyServerAttributesL Start" )
TInt err( KErrNone );
EscapeUtils::TEscapeMode mode = EscapeUtils::EEscapeNormal;
// Digest realm
HBufC8* realm =
EscapeUtils::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L( aProfileData.iRealm );
CleanupStack::PushL( realm );
HBufC8* encRealm = EscapeUtils::EscapeEncodeL( realm->Des(), mode );
ReplaceEscapedSpace( encRealm );
err = aProfile->SetParameter(
aServer, KSIPDigestRealm, encRealm->Des() );
delete encRealm;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( realm );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// Username
HBufC8* uname =
EscapeUtils::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L( aProfileData.iUsername );
CleanupStack::PushL( uname );
HBufC8* encUname = EscapeUtils::EscapeEncodeL( uname->Des(), mode );
err = aProfile->SetParameter(
aServer, KSIPDigestUserName, encUname->Des() );
delete encUname;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( uname );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// Password
if ( aProfileData.iPasswordChanged )
HBufC8* passw =
EscapeUtils::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L( aProfileData.iPassword );
CleanupStack::PushL( passw );
err = aProfile->SetParameter(
aServer, KSIPDigestPassword, passw->Des() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( passw );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// Address
GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyServerURIL( aProfile, aServer, aProfileData );
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyServerAttributesL End" )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyToTempStructL
// Copies profile attributes from profile to temp data struct
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyToTempStructL(
CSIPManagedProfile* aProfile,
TSIPSettingsData& aProfileData )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyToTempStructL Start" )
// Profile ID
TUint32 id( KErrNone );
aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPProfileId, id );
aProfileData.iID = id;
// Service provider name
const TDesC8* providerName;
aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPProviderName, providerName );
HBufC* providerName16 =
EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( *providerName );
providerName16->Des().LeftTPtr( KMaxSIPProviderNameLength ) );
delete providerName16;
// Profile type
aProfileData.iServiceProfile = aProfile->Type();
// Access Point ID
aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPAccessPointId, id );
aProfileData.iAPIndex = id;
// Destination ID
TInt err( KErrNone );
err = aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPSnapId, id );
if ( !err && ( static_cast<TInt>(id) != KErrNotFound) )
aProfileData.iSNAPIndex = id;
aProfileData.iSNAPIndex = KDefaultSNAP;
// Public username / address of record
const TDesC8* userName;
aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPUserAor, userName );
HBufC8* decodedUsername = EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL( *userName );
CleanupStack::PushL( decodedUsername );
HBufC* userName16 =
EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( decodedUsername->Des() );
userName16->Des().LeftTPtr( KMaxUsernameLength ) );
delete userName16;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( decodedUsername );
// Registration mode
TBool mode;
aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPAutoRegistration, mode );
if ( mode )
aProfileData.iRegistrationMode = EGSAlwaysOn;
aProfileData.iRegistrationMode = EGSWhenNeeded;
// Signal compression
TBool compression;
aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPSigComp, compression );
if( compression )
aProfileData.iCompression = EGSComprYes;
aProfileData.iCompression = EGSComprNo;
// Security negotiation
TBool negotiation;
aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPSecurityNegotiation,negotiation );
if( negotiation )
aProfileData.iSecurity = EGSSecurityOn;
aProfileData.iSecurity = EGSSecurityOff;
// Private user identity
const TDesC8* privateIdentity;
aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPPrivateIdentity, privateIdentity );
HBufC8* decodedIdentity = EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL( *privateIdentity );
CleanupStack::PushL( decodedIdentity );
HBufC* privateIdentity16 =
EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( decodedIdentity->Des() );
privateIdentity16->Des().LeftTPtr( KMaxServerPrivateIdentityLength ) );
delete privateIdentity16;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( decodedIdentity );
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyToTempStructL End" )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyServerSettingsToTempStructL
// Copies server attributes from profile to temp data struct
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyServerSettingsToTempStructL(
CSIPManagedProfile* aProfile,
TUint32 aServer,
TGSSIPServerData& aProfileData )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyServerSettingsToTempStructL Start" )
// Digest realm
const TDesC8* realm;
TInt err = aProfile->GetParameter( aServer, KSIPDigestRealm, realm );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
HBufC8* decodedRealm = EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL( *realm );
CleanupStack::PushL( decodedRealm );
HBufC* realm16 =
EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( decodedRealm->Des() );
aProfileData.iRealm.Copy( realm16->Des().LeftTPtr( KMaxRealmLength ) );
delete realm16;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( decodedRealm );
// Username
const TDesC8* uName;
err = aProfile->GetParameter( aServer, KSIPDigestUserName, uName );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
HBufC8* decodedUname = EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL( *uName );
CleanupStack::PushL( decodedUname );
HBufC* uName16 =
EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( decodedUname->Des() );
uName16->Des().LeftTPtr( KMaxServerUsernameLength ) );
delete uName16;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( decodedUname );
// Server address and other params
const TDesC8* uri;
err = aProfile->GetParameter( aServer, KSIPServerAddress, uri );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
if ( !uri->Length() )
// Set default settings if URI is empty.
aProfileData.iPortNumber = KDefaultPortNumber;
aProfileData.iTransportProtocol = EGSTranspProtocolAuto;
if ( aServer == KSIPOutboundProxy )
aProfileData.iLooseRouting = EGSLooseRoutingOn;
// Parse uri
TUriParser8 parser;
User::LeaveIfError( parser.Parse( *uri ) );
// Scheme
if ( parser.IsPresent( EUriScheme ) )
const TDesC8& scheme = parser.Extract( EUriScheme );
HBufC* scheme16 = EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L(scheme);
TPtr trimmedScheme ( scheme16->Des().LeftTPtr(
KMaxProxyLength-aProfileData.iAddress.Length() ) );
aProfileData.iAddress.Append( trimmedScheme );
aProfileData.iAddress.Append( KSIPColonSeparator );
delete scheme16;
aProfileData.iAddress.Append( KSIPProtocolHeader );
aProfileData.iAddress.Append( KSIPColonSeparator );
// Host
if ( parser.IsPresent( EUriHost ) )
const TDesC8& host = parser.Extract( EUriHost );
UriUtils::TUriHostType type = UriUtils::HostType( host );
if ( type == UriUtils::EIPv6Host )
HBufC8* ipv6Host8 = HBufC8::NewLC( host.Length() + 2 );
ipv6Host8->Des().Copy( host );
GSSIPProfileUtil::AddBrackets( ipv6Host8->Des() );
HBufC* ipv6Host16 =
EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( *ipv6Host8 );
TPtr trimmedHost ( ipv6Host16->Des().LeftTPtr(
KMaxProxyLength-aProfileData.iAddress.Length() ) );
aProfileData.iAddress.Append( trimmedHost );
delete ipv6Host16;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ipv6Host8 );
HBufC* ipv4Host16 =
EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( host );
TPtr trimmedHost ( ipv4Host16->Des().LeftTPtr(
KMaxProxyLength-aProfileData.iAddress.Length() ) );
aProfileData.iAddress.Append( trimmedHost );
delete ipv4Host16;
// Port
if ( parser.IsPresent( EUriPort ) )
const TDesC8& port = parser.Extract( EUriPort );
TLex8 lex( port );
lex.Val( aProfileData.iPortNumber );
if ( aProfileData.iPortNumber < 0 )
aProfileData.iPortNumber = KDefaultPortNumber;
aProfileData.iPortNumber = KDefaultPortNumber;
// Loose routing and transport
if ( parser.IsPresent( EUriPath ) )
const TDesC8& path = parser.Extract( EUriPath );
TDelimitedPathSegmentParser8 pathSegmentParser;
pathSegmentParser.Parse( path );
TPtrC8 segment;
// Set temporary values for loose routing and transport.
aProfileData.iLooseRouting = EGSLooseRoutingOff;
aProfileData.iTransportProtocol = EGSTranspProtocolAuto;
while( pathSegmentParser.GetNext( segment ) == KErrNone )
TBuf<KMaxSegmentLength> seg;
seg.Copy( segment );
// Loose routing
if ( !seg.Compare( KLooseRoutingParam ) )
aProfileData.iLooseRouting = EGSLooseRoutingOn;
// Transport
if ( !seg.Find( KTransportParamPrefix ) )
if ( !seg.Right( KTCP().Length() ).Compare( KTCP ) )
aProfileData.iTransportProtocol = EGSTranspProtocolTCP;
if ( !seg.Right( KUDP().Length() ).Compare( KUDP ) )
aProfileData.iTransportProtocol = EGSTranspProtocolUDP;
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyServerSettingsToTempStructL End" )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::ProfileModificationsL
// Compares profile attributes with the ones on the temporary structure
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool GSSIPProfileUtil::ProfileModificationsL(
CSIPManagedProfile* aProfile,
const TSIPSettingsData& aProfileData )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::ProfileModificationsL Start" )
TInt err( KErrNone );
TBool modifs = EFalse;
// Service provider name
const TDesC8* pName;
HBufC8* providerName =
EscapeUtils::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L( aProfileData.iProviderName );
CleanupStack::PushL( providerName );
aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPProviderName, pName );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TBool nameComp = providerName->Des().Compare( *pName ) != 0;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( providerName );
// Public username / address of record
const TDesC8* aor;
HBufC8* userName =
EscapeUtils::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L( aProfileData.iUsername );
CleanupStack::PushL( userName );
err = aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPUserAor, aor );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
HBufC8* decodedAor = EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL( *aor );
TBool uNameComp = userName->Des().Compare( decodedAor->Des() ) != 0;
delete decodedAor;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( userName );
// Destination
TUint32 snapid;
TBool snapComp = EFalse;
TBool snapUsed = EFalse;
err = aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPSnapId, snapid );
if ( err == KErrNotFound )
if ( aProfileData.iSNAPIndex != KDefaultSNAP )
snapComp = ETrue;
if(snapid == KDefaultSNAPIdentifier && aProfileData.iSNAPIndex == KDefaultSNAP)
User::LeaveIfError( err );
snapUsed = ETrue;
snapComp = TUint( aProfileData.iSNAPIndex ) != snapid;
// Access Point
TUint32 apid;
err = aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPAccessPointId, apid );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TBool iapComp (EFalse);
if ( !snapUsed )
iapComp = TUint( aProfileData.iAPIndex ) != apid;
// Signaling compression
TBool sigcomp;
err = aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPSigComp, sigcomp );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TBool comprComp =
aProfileData.iCompression == (TInt)sigcomp ? EFalse : ETrue;
// Registration method
TBool registration;
TBool registrationComp = EFalse;
err = aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPAutoRegistration, registration );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
if ( aProfileData.iRegistrationMode == EGSWhenNeeded )
if ( registration )
registrationComp = ETrue;
else if ( aProfileData.iRegistrationMode == EGSAlwaysOn )
if ( !registration )
{ // was WhenNeeded or 'only on home network'
registrationComp = ETrue;
// Security negotiation
TBool negation;
err = aProfile->GetParameter( KSIPSecurityNegotiation, negation );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TBool securityComp =
aProfileData.iSecurity == (TInt)negation ? EFalse : ETrue;
TBool serviceComp = ( aProfileData.iServiceProfile.iSIPProfileName !=
aProfile->Type().iSIPProfileName ) ||
( aProfileData.iServiceProfile.iSIPProfileClass !=
aProfile->Type().iSIPProfileClass );
if ( nameComp || iapComp || snapComp || comprComp || registrationComp ||
securityComp || uNameComp || serviceComp )
modifs = ETrue;
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::ProfileModificationsL End" )
return modifs;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::ServerModifciationsL
// Compares server attributes with the ones on the temporary structure
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool GSSIPProfileUtil::ServerModificationsL(
CSIPManagedProfile* aProfile,
TUint32 aServer,
const TGSSIPServerData& aData )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::ServerModificationsL" )
TGSSIPServerData serverData;
aProfile, aServer, serverData );
TBool addrComp = serverData.iAddress != aData.iAddress;
TBool lrComp = ( serverData.iLooseRouting != aData.iLooseRouting &&
aServer != KSIPRegistrar );
TBool realmComp = serverData.iRealm != aData.iRealm;
TBool uNameComp = serverData.iUsername != aData.iUsername;
TBool tpComp = serverData.iTransportProtocol != aData.iTransportProtocol;
TBool portComp = serverData.iPortNumber != aData.iPortNumber;
return ( addrComp || lrComp || realmComp || uNameComp || aData.iPasswordChanged ||
tpComp || portComp );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyProfileL
// Copies profile attributes from one profile to another
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyProfileL(
CSIPManagedProfile* aOrigProfile,
CSIPManagedProfile* aCopiedProfile )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyProfileL Start" )
TInt err( KErrNone );
// Copy profile settings
aCopiedProfile->SetType( aOrigProfile->Type() );
TUint32 apid;
err = aOrigProfile->GetParameter( KSIPAccessPointId, apid );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aCopiedProfile->SetParameter( KSIPAccessPointId, apid );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
const TDesC8* aor;
err = aOrigProfile->GetParameter( KSIPUserAor, aor );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aCopiedProfile->SetParameter( KSIPUserAor, *aor );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
const TDesC8* identity;
err = aOrigProfile->GetParameter(KSIPPrivateIdentity, identity );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aCopiedProfile->SetParameter( KSIPPrivateIdentity, *identity );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
const TDesC8* provider;
err = aOrigProfile->GetParameter( KSIPProviderName, provider );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aCopiedProfile->SetParameter(KSIPProviderName, *provider );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TBool sigcomp;
err = aOrigProfile->GetParameter( KSIPSigComp,sigcomp );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aCopiedProfile->SetParameter( KSIPSigComp,sigcomp );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TBool autoregistration;
err = aOrigProfile->GetParameter( KSIPAutoRegistration,autoregistration );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aCopiedProfile->SetParameter( KSIPAutoRegistration,autoregistration );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TBool negation;
err = aOrigProfile->GetParameter( KSIPSecurityNegotiation, negation );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aCopiedProfile->SetParameter( KSIPSecurityNegotiation, negation );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TBool defaultValue;
err = aOrigProfile->GetParameter( KSIPDefaultProfile, defaultValue );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
if ( defaultValue )
err = aCopiedProfile->SetParameter( KSIPDefaultProfile, defaultValue );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// Copy Proxy settings
const TDesC8* address;
err = aOrigProfile->GetParameter( KSIPOutboundProxy, KSIPServerAddress, address );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aCopiedProfile->SetParameter( KSIPOutboundProxy, KSIPServerAddress, *address );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
const TDesC8* realm;
err = aOrigProfile->GetParameter( KSIPOutboundProxy, KSIPDigestRealm, realm );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aCopiedProfile->SetParameter( KSIPOutboundProxy, KSIPDigestRealm, *realm );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
const TDesC8* user;
err = aOrigProfile->GetParameter( KSIPOutboundProxy, KSIPDigestUserName, user );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aCopiedProfile->SetParameter( KSIPOutboundProxy, KSIPDigestUserName, *user );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// Copy Registrar server settings
err = aOrigProfile->GetParameter( KSIPRegistrar, KSIPServerAddress, address );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aCopiedProfile->SetParameter( KSIPRegistrar, KSIPServerAddress, *address );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aOrigProfile->GetParameter( KSIPRegistrar, KSIPDigestRealm, realm );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aCopiedProfile->SetParameter( KSIPRegistrar, KSIPDigestRealm, *realm );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aOrigProfile->GetParameter( KSIPRegistrar, KSIPDigestUserName, user );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aCopiedProfile->SetParameter( KSIPRegistrar, KSIPDigestUserName, *user );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyProfileL End" )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyServerURIL
// Copies server URI to the profile
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyServerURIL(
CSIPManagedProfile* aProfile,
TUint32 aServer,
const TGSSIPServerData& aProfileData )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyServerURIL Start" )
// Set settings to KSIPServerAddress param.
if ( aProfileData.iAddress.Length() > 0 )
HBufC8* finalAddress = HBufC8::NewLC( KMaxProxyLength * 2 );
// Convert address to 8-bit descriptor format.
TPtrC addr = aProfileData.iAddress;
HBufC8* conv = EscapeUtils::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L( addr );
CleanupStack::PushL( conv );
// Parse address.
TUriParser8 parser;
User::LeaveIfError( parser.Parse( conv->Des() ) );
// Append scheme to final address if needed.
if ( !parser.IsPresent( EUriScheme ) )
finalAddress->Des().Append( KSIPProtocolHeader );
finalAddress->Des().Append( KSIPColonSeparator );
// Append proxy/registrar address to final address.
finalAddress->Des().Append( conv->Des() );
// Check host type. Add brackets for ipv6 type of address.
TUriParser8 parser2;
User::LeaveIfError( parser2.Parse( finalAddress->Des() ) );
if ( parser2.IsPresent( EUriHost ) )
const TDesC8& scheme = parser2.Extract( EUriScheme );
const TDesC8& host = parser2.Extract( EUriHost );
UriUtils::TUriHostType type = UriUtils::HostType( host );
if ( type == UriUtils::EIPv6Host )
HBufC8* ipv6Address = HBufC8::NewL( KMaxProxyLength );
ipv6Address->Des().Append( host );
GSSIPProfileUtil::AddBrackets( ipv6Address->Des() );
TBuf8<1> colon ( KNullDesC8 );
colon.Copy( KSIPColonSeparator );
ipv6Address->Des().Insert( 0, colon );
ipv6Address->Des().Insert( 0, scheme );
finalAddress->Des().Copy( ipv6Address->Des() );
delete ipv6Address;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( conv );
// Set used port if it's not default one.
if ( aProfileData.iPortNumber != KDefaultPortNumber )
TBuf8<KMaxLengthForPort> port;
port.Num( aProfileData.iPortNumber );
finalAddress->Des().Append( KSIPColonSeparator );
finalAddress->Des().Append( port );
// Set uri path part if there is something to be added.
HBufC8* finalPath = HBufC8::NewLC( KMaxLengthForPath );
ParseUriPathL( aProfile, aServer, aProfileData, finalPath );
finalAddress->Des().Append( finalPath->Des() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( finalPath );
// Set final address to profile.
TInt err = aProfile->SetParameter(
aServer, KSIPServerAddress, finalAddress->Des() );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( finalAddress );
// If host is set to empty, empty KSIPServerAddress param.
TInt err = aProfile->SetParameter(
aServer, KSIPServerAddress, KNullDesC8 );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::CopyServerURIL End" )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::ParseUriPathL
// Parses uri path.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GSSIPProfileUtil::ParseUriPathL(
CSIPManagedProfile* aProfile,
TUint32 aServer,
const TGSSIPServerData& aProfileData,
HBufC8* aFinalPath )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::ParseUriPathL Start" )
TInt err( KErrNone );
// Add Loose routing param. (if needed)
if ( aServer != KSIPRegistrar &&
aProfileData.iLooseRouting == EGSLooseRoutingOn )
aFinalPath->Des().Append( KSegmentSeparator );
aFinalPath->Des().Append( KLooseRoutingParam );
// Add Transport param TCP. (if needed)
if ( aProfileData.iTransportProtocol == EGSTranspProtocolTCP )
aFinalPath->Des().Append( KSegmentSeparator );
aFinalPath->Des().Append( KTransportParamPrefix );
aFinalPath->Des().Append( KTCP );
// Add Transport param UDP. (if needed)
if ( aProfileData.iTransportProtocol == EGSTranspProtocolUDP )
aFinalPath->Des().Append( KSegmentSeparator );
aFinalPath->Des().Append( KTransportParamPrefix );
aFinalPath->Des().Append( KUDP );
// Get path data from saved profile.
const TDesC8* serverTxt;
err = aProfile->GetParameter( aServer, KSIPServerAddress, serverTxt );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
if ( serverTxt->Length() )
// Parse address.
TUriParser8 parser;
User::LeaveIfError( parser.Parse( *serverTxt ) );
if ( parser.IsPresent( EUriPath ) )
const TDesC8& path = parser.Extract( EUriPath );
// Put any other params than lr and transport back to string.
TDelimitedPathSegmentParser8 pathSegmentParser;
pathSegmentParser.Parse( path );
TPtrC8 segment;
while( pathSegmentParser.GetNext( segment ) == KErrNone )
TBuf<KMaxSegmentLength> seg;
seg.Copy( segment );
if ( seg.Compare( KLooseRoutingParam ) &&
seg.Find( KTransportParamPrefix ) )
aFinalPath->Des().Append( KSegmentSeparator );
aFinalPath->Des().Append( seg );
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::ParseUriPathL End" )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::SchemeIncluded
// Checks if sip or sips scheme included.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt GSSIPProfileUtil::SchemeIncluded( const TDesC8& aAddr,
TBool aHostBrackets )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::SchemeIncluded" )
TLex8 lex( aAddr );
TUint chrCount = 0;
TChar chr = lex.Get();
while ( chr != 0 && chr != ':' )
chr = lex.Get();
TBool sipSchemeIncluded( EFalse );
if ( chr != 0 )
chrCount++; //include ':' too
TPtrC8 remainder = lex.RemainderFromMark();
_LIT8(KSIPScheme, "sip:");
_LIT8(KSIPSScheme, "sips:");
// set scheme to lovercase because of comparing
HBufC8* scheme = HBufC8::New( chrCount );
scheme->Des().Copy( remainder.Left( chrCount ) );
if ( !scheme->Compare( KSIPScheme ) ||
!scheme->Compare( KSIPSScheme ) )
sipSchemeIncluded = ETrue;
delete scheme;
if ( aHostBrackets )
{ // check host brackets
if ( sipSchemeIncluded )
{ // scheme separated from uri, check host
if( GSSIPProfileUtil::BracketsIncluded(
remainder.Right( aAddr.Length() - chrCount ) ) == -1 )
sipSchemeIncluded = -1;
{ // scheme not included, check host == aAddr
if( GSSIPProfileUtil::BracketsIncluded( aAddr ) == -1)
sipSchemeIncluded = -1;
return sipSchemeIncluded;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::BracketsIncluded
// Check if brackets included correctly in IPv6 reference.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt GSSIPProfileUtil::BracketsIncluded( TPtrC8 aHost )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::BracketsIncluded" )
TBool ret ( ETrue );
UriUtils::TUriHostType type = UriUtils::HostType( aHost );
if ( type == UriUtils::EIPv6Host )
TLex8 lex( aHost );
TUint chrCount = 0;
TChar chr = lex.Get();
TInt lBracket( KErrNotFound );
TInt rBracket( KErrNotFound );
TInt separator( KErrNotFound );
while ( chr != 0 )
if ( chr == '[' )
lBracket = chrCount;
else if ( chr == ']' )
rBracket = chrCount;
else if ( chr == '@' )
separator = chrCount;
chr = lex.Get();
chrCount--; // the last character
if ( lBracket == KErrNotFound && rBracket == KErrNotFound )
{ //bracets not included, add them
ret = EFalse;
else if ( ( lBracket == KErrNotFound && rBracket != KErrNotFound) ||
( lBracket != KErrNotFound && rBracket == KErrNotFound ) )
{ // both brackets not found
ret = KErrNotFound;
else if ( lBracket != KErrNotFound && rBracket != KErrNotFound )
{ //brackets are found
if ( !( lBracket == 0 && rBracket == chrCount ) &&
!( separator > 0 && lBracket == separator + 1
&& rBracket == chrCount ) )
{ // brackets are placed incorrectly
ret = KErrNotFound;
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::AddBrackets
// Adds brackets into IPv6 reference.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GSSIPProfileUtil::AddBrackets( TPtr8 aHost )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::AddBrackets" )
_LIT8( KLBracket, "[" );
_LIT8( KRBracket, "]" );
aHost.Insert( 0, KLBracket );
aHost.Append( KRBracket );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::RemoveBrackets
// Remove brackets from IPv6 reference.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GSSIPProfileUtil::RemoveBrackets( TPtr8 aHost )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::RemoveBrackets" )
TInt index;
index = aHost.Locate( '[' );
if ( index != KErrNotFound )
aHost.Delete( index, 1 );
index = aHost.Locate( ']' );
if ( index != KErrNotFound )
aHost.Delete( index, 1 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::URIValid
// Checks if reference is valid URI.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt GSSIPProfileUtil::URIValid( const TDesC8& aValue )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::URIValid" )
TUriParser8 parser;
return parser.Parse(aValue);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSSIPProfileUtil::ReplaceEscapedSpace
// Replace %20 to ' '.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GSSIPProfileUtil::ReplaceEscapedSpace( HBufC8* aValue )
__GSLOGSTRING("GSSIPProfileUtil::ReplaceEscapedSpace" )
_LIT8( KEscapedSpace, "%20" );
_LIT8( KSpace, " " );
TInt pos = KErrNone;
while ( pos != KErrNotFound )
pos = aValue->Des().Find( KEscapedSpace );
if ( pos != KErrNotFound )
aValue->Des().Replace( pos, 3, KSpace );
// End of File