author Petteri Saari <>
Thu, 25 Nov 2010 13:59:42 +0200
changeset 58 cdb720e67852
parent 25 505ad3f0ce5c
child 60 7634585a4347
permissions -rw-r--r--
This release addresses the following issues: 1. The crash bug fix when receiving file 2. Now the sending is based on MSRP messages, there is no longer file receiving or sending. Client sends data as MSRP was designed. 3. Soma MSRP stack was created so that the client told the correct session-id, Symbian stack generated it by itself. This is not allowed, it was changed so that clients tell the session-id (same as used in SIP INVITE). 4. Unnecessary division of data to chunks removed when there is no need to interrupt sending. The message is sent in as few chunks as possible. 5. Stack can now receive files and chunks with ?unlimited? size. Old stack wrote the incoming data to memory and did not utilize disk space until the end of chunk was reached (large chunks from another client crashed it). 6. Now when writing the incoming data to file, it will take into account the byte-range header values. So, this complies with the RFC4975 requirements that stack must be able to handle chunks that come in any sequence. 7. Some buffering changes to outgoing/incoming data. 8. The outgoing data is now checked that it does not contain the created transaction-id before sending the data. 9. MSRP success reports are now implemented and tested against servers. 10. Progress report system fixed so progress is now visible on client (all the way to 100%). 11. Message Cancel receiving / Cancel sending now corrected and made to work as rfc4975 requires. (termination from sender and error code from receiver when cancelling). 12. Bug correction related to messages received not belonging to any session, old stack implementation did send error response, but after response was written it did give the buffer to client anyway. Now corrected.

* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL ""
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* MSRP Implementation

//  Include Files
#include "CMSRPSessionImplementation.h"
#include "msrpstrings.h"
#include "MSRPStrConsts.h"
#include "RMSRPSession.h"
#include "MMSRPSessionObserver.h"
#include "CMSRPConnectionListener.h"
#include "CMSRPIncomingListener.h"
#include "CMSRPSendResultListener.h"
#include "CMSRPMessage.h"
#include "CMSRPReport.h"
#include "CMSRPToPathHeader.h"
#include "CMSRPFromPathHeader.h"
#include "CMSRPMessageIdHeader.h"
#include "CMSRPSuccessReportHeader.h"
#include "CMsrpFailureReportHeader.h"
#include "CMsrpContentTypeHeader.h"
#include "CMSRPSessionParams.h"
#include "CMSRPStatusHeader.h"
#include "CMSRPByteRangeHeader.h"

#include <e32math.h>

// Constants
const TInt KMsrpFixedLength=19; // fixed length of a uri

//  Member Functions

CMSRPSessionImplementation* CMSRPSessionImplementation::NewL( 
    MMSRPSessionObserver& aObserver,
    const TUint aIapId,
    const TDesC8& aSessionId )
	CMSRPSessionImplementation *self = CMSRPSessionImplementation::NewLC( 
	        aRMSRP, aObserver, aIapId, aSessionId );

	return self;

CMSRPSessionImplementation* CMSRPSessionImplementation::NewLC( 
    MMSRPSessionObserver& aObserver,
    const TUint aIapId,
    const TDesC8& aSessionId )
    CMSRPSessionImplementation *self = new (ELeave) CMSRPSessionImplementation( aRMSRP, aObserver );                                                            

    self->ConstructL( aIapId, aSessionId );
    return self;

CMSRPSessionImplementation::CMSRPSessionImplementation( RMSRP& aRMSRP,
                                                        MMSRPSessionObserver& aObserver )

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::ConstructL( const TUint aIapId, const TDesC8& aSessionId )
	MSRPLOG("CMSRPSessionImplementation::ConstructL enter");
	iMSRPSession = new ( ELeave ) RMSRPSession();
	User::LeaveIfError(iMSRPSession->CreateServerSubSession( iRMSRP, aIapId, aSessionId ) );
	MSRPLOG("Sub session opened successfully!");
	RBuf8 localHost;
	localHost.CreateL( KMaxLengthOfHost );
	CleanupClosePushL( localHost );
	iMSRPSession->GetLocalPathL( localHost );
	iLocalMsrpPath.CreateL( KMsrpUriScheme, KMsrpFixedLength + localHost.Length() + aSessionId.Length() );
	iLocalMsrpPath.Append( localHost );
	iLocalMsrpPath.Append( KColon );
	iLocalMsrpPath.AppendNum( KMsrpPort );
	iLocalMsrpPath.Append( KForwardSlash );   
	iLocalMsrpPath.Append( aSessionId );
	iLocalMsrpPath.Append( KSemicolon );
	iLocalMsrpPath.Append( KTransport );
	iConnectionListener = CMSRPConnectionListener::NewL(
	        *this, *iMSRPSession );
	iSendResultListener = CMSRPSendResultListener::NewL(
	        *this, *iMSRPSession, aSessionId );
	iIncomingListener = CMSRPIncomingListener::NewL(
            *this, *iMSRPSession );
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ); // localHost
	MSRPLOG("CMSRPSessionImplementation::ConstructL exit");

    MSRPLOG("CMSRPSessionImplementation::Dtor Entered");
    delete iConnectionListener;
    delete iIncomingListener;
    delete iSendResultListener;
    if( iMSRPSession )
    delete iMSRPSession;

    MSRPLOG("CMSRPSessionImplementation::Dtor Exit");    

TDesC8& CMSRPSessionImplementation::LocalMSRPPath()
    return iLocalMsrpPath;

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::SetSessionParams( CMSRPSessionParams& aSessionParams )
    iSuccessReport = aSessionParams.SuccessReportHeader();
    iFailureReport = aSessionParams.FailureReportHeader();

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::GetRemotePathComponentsL( TPtrC8& aRemoteHost, TUint& aRemotePort, TPtrC8& aRemoteSessionID )
    MSRPLOG("CMSRPSessionImplementation::GetRemotePathComponentsL enter");
    TUriParser8 parser;
    User::LeaveIfError( parser.Parse( iRemoteMsrpPath ) ); 
    aRemoteHost.Set( parser.Extract( EUriHost ) );
    const TDesC8& remPort = parser.Extract( EUriPort );

    TLex8 portLex(remPort);
    User::LeaveIfError( portLex.Val( aRemotePort ) );
    const TDesC8& remotePath = parser.Extract( EUriPath );
    TInt loc = remotePath.Find( KSemicolon );
    aRemoteSessionID.Set( remotePath.Mid( 1, loc-1) );    
    MSRPLOG("CMSRPSessionImplementation::GetRemotePathComponentsL exit");

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::ConnectL( const TDesC8& aRemoteMsrpPath )
    MSRPLOG("CMSRPSessionImplementation::ConnectL enter");
    iRemoteMsrpPath.CreateL( aRemoteMsrpPath );
    TPtrC8 remoteHost;
    TPtrC8 remoteSessionID;
    TUint remotePort;
    GetRemotePathComponentsL( remoteHost, remotePort, remoteSessionID );
    iConnectionListener->ConnectL( remoteHost, remotePort, remoteSessionID );
    MSRPLOG("CMSRPSessionImplementation::ConnectL exit");

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::ListenL( const TDesC8& aRemoteMsrpPath )
    MSRPLOG("CMSRPSessionImplementation::ListenL enter");
    iRemoteMsrpPath.CreateL( aRemoteMsrpPath );
    TPtrC8 remoteHost;
    TPtrC8 remoteSessionID;
    TUint remotePort;
    GetRemotePathComponentsL( remoteHost, remotePort, remoteSessionID );
    iIncomingListener->ListenConnections( remoteHost, remotePort, remoteSessionID );     
    MSRPLOG("CMSRPSessionImplementation::ListenL exit");

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::ConnectionEstablishedL( TInt aStatus )
    MSRPLOG("CMSRPSessionImplementation::ConnectionEstablished enter");
    if ( aStatus == KErrNone )
        // start listening to incoming messages directed to this session
        iIncomingListener->ListenMessages( );

        // start listening when message has been sent,  to responses
        iSendResultListener->ListenSendResultL( );        
    MSRPLOG("CMSRPSessionImplementation::ConnectionEstablished exit");

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::HandleIncomingMessageL(
    const TDesC8& aIncomingMessage, TInt aStatus )
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::HandleIncomingMessageL enter" )

    // the incoming buffer must be internalized
    RDesReadStream readStream( aIncomingMessage );

    if ( CMSRPMessage::IsMessage( aIncomingMessage ) )
        CMSRPMessage* message = NULL;
        message = CMSRPMessage::InternalizeL( readStream );
        MSRPLOG2( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::HandleIncomingMessageL, content = %d", message->IsContent()  )
        MSRPLOG2( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::HandleIncomingMessageL, FN = %S", &message->GetFileName()  )
        HBufC8* contentType = NULL;
        if( message->IsContent() )
            HBufC8* messageContent = NULL;
            if ( message->Content().Length() )
                messageContent = HBufC8::NewL(message->Content().Length());
                CleanupStack::PushL( messageContent );
                *messageContent = message->Content();
                messageContent = HBufC8::NewL(KNullDesC8().Length());
                CleanupStack::PushL( messageContent );
                *messageContent = KNullDesC8();
            if( message->ContentTypeHeader() )
                contentType = message->ContentTypeHeader()->ToTextValueLC();

            iSessionObserver.IncomingMessageInBuffer( messageContent, contentType, aStatus );
            CleanupStack::Pop( messageContent );
            if( message->ContentTypeHeader() )
                contentType = message->ContentTypeHeader()->ToTextValueLC();
            iSessionObserver.IncomingMessageInFile( message->GetFileName(), contentType, aStatus );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( message );
    else if ( CMSRPReport::IsReport( aIncomingMessage ) )
        CMSRPReport* report = CMSRPReport::InternalizeL( readStream );
        MSRPLOG2( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::HandleIncomingMessageL, status = %d", report->StatusHeader()->StatusCode() )
        MSRPLOG2( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::HandleIncomingMessageL, startpos = %d", report->ByteRangeHeader()->StartPosition() )
        MSRPLOG2( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::HandleIncomingMessageL, endpos = %d", report->ByteRangeHeader()->EndPosition() )
        MSRPLOG2( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::HandleIncomingMessageL, total = %d", report->ByteRangeHeader()->TotalLength() )

            report->ByteRangeHeader()->TotalLength() );
        delete report;
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::HandleIncomingMessageL exit" )

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::ReceiveProgress( 
    const TDesC8& aMessageId, 
    TInt aBytesReceived, 
    TInt aTotalBytes )
    iSessionObserver.ReceiveProgress( aMessageId, aBytesReceived, aTotalBytes);

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::SendProgress( 
    const TDesC8& aMessageId,
    TInt aBytesSent, 
    TInt aTotalBytes )
    iSessionObserver.SendProgress( aMessageId, aBytesSent, aTotalBytes);    

CMSRPMessage* CMSRPSessionImplementation::CreateMsrpMessageL(
    const TDesC8& aMessage, const TDesC8& aToPath,
    const TDesC8& aFromPath, const TDesC8& aMimeType )
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::CreateMsrpMessageL enter" )
    // To path
    CMSRPMessage* msrpMessage = new ( ELeave ) CMSRPMessage();
    CleanupStack::PushL( msrpMessage );
    CMSRPToPathHeader* toPath = CMSRPToPathHeader::DecodeL( aToPath );
    msrpMessage->SetToPathHeader( toPath );

    // from path
    CMSRPFromPathHeader* fromPath = CMSRPFromPathHeader::DecodeL( aFromPath );
    msrpMessage->SetFromPathHeader( fromPath );

    // message id header
    TTime now;
    TInt64 seed = now.Int64();
    // Create a random number as the session ID
    TInt random = Math::Rand( seed );
    TBuf8< 100 > idString;
    idString.AppendNum( random );
    CMSRPMessageIdHeader* messageIdHeader = CMSRPMessageIdHeader::NewL( idString );
    msrpMessage->SetMessageIdHeader( messageIdHeader );

    // success report header
    if( iSuccessReport != ENo )
        RStringF string = MSRPStrings::StringF( MSRPStrConsts::EYes );
        CMSRPSuccessReportHeader* successReportHeader = CMSRPSuccessReportHeader::NewL( string );
        msrpMessage->SetSuccessReportHeader( successReportHeader );
    // failure report header
    if( iFailureReport != EYes )
        RStringF string;
        if( iFailureReport == ENo )
            string = MSRPStrings::StringF( MSRPStrConsts::ENo );
            string = MSRPStrings::StringF( MSRPStrConsts::EPartial );
        CMSRPFailureReportHeader* failureReportHeader = CMSRPFailureReportHeader::NewL( string );
        msrpMessage->SetFailureReportHeader( failureReportHeader );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // string
    // content type
        CMSRPContentTypeHeader* contentType = CMSRPContentTypeHeader::NewL( aMimeType );
        msrpMessage->SetContentTypeHeader( contentType );
        if( aMessage.Length() )
            // content of the message
            HBufC8* contentOfMessage = HBufC8::NewL( aMessage.Length() );
            *contentOfMessage = aMessage;

            msrpMessage->SetContent( contentOfMessage );
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::CreateMsrpMessageL exit" )
    return msrpMessage;

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::SendMessageL( CMSRPMessage* aMessage )
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::SendMessageL enter" )

    iSentMessages.AppendL( aMessage );

    // making sure the required headers are included
    if ( !aMessage->FromPathHeader() || !aMessage->ToPathHeader() || !aMessage->MessageIdHeader() )
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );

    CBufSeg* buf1 = CBufSeg::NewL( KBufExpandSize );
    CleanupStack::PushL( buf1 );
    RBufWriteStream writeStream( *buf1 );
    CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );

    aMessage->ExternalizeL( writeStream );

    // MSRP message externalized to buffer, now let's move it to flat buffer
    if ( buf1->Size() > KMaxLengthOfIncomingMessageExt )
        // invalid message size
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );

    buf1->Read( 0, iExtMessageBuffer, buf1->Size() );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // buf1, writestream

    // message creation complete, send the message
    // synchronously sent the message
    User::LeaveIfError( iMSRPSession->SendMessage( iExtMessageBuffer ) );
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::SendMessageL exit" )

HBufC8* CMSRPSessionImplementation::SendBufferL(
    const TDesC8& aMessage,
    const TDesC8& aMimeType )
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::SendBufferL enter" )
    CMSRPMessage* msrpMessage = CreateMsrpMessageL(
                                aMessage, iRemoteMsrpPath, iLocalMsrpPath, aMimeType );
    CleanupStack::PushL( msrpMessage );
    SendMessageL( msrpMessage );
    HBufC8* messageId = msrpMessage->MessageIdHeader()->ToTextValueLC();
    CleanupStack::Pop( msrpMessage );
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::SendBufferL exit" )
    return messageId;

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::CancelSendingL( TDesC8& aMessageId )
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::CancelSendingL " )
    // then let's send a message to server to cancel sending
    User::LeaveIfError( iMSRPSession->CancelSending( aMessageId ) );

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::CancelReceivingL( TDesC8& aMessageId )
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::CancelReceivingL " )
    // then let's send a message to server to cancel receiving
    User::LeaveIfError( iMSRPSession->CancelReceiving( aMessageId ) );

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::SendStatusL( TInt aStatus, const TDesC8& aMessageid )
    MSRPLOG2( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::SendStatus = %d", aStatus )
    for ( TInt i = 0; i < iSentMessages.Count(); i++ )
        HBufC8* messageid = iSentMessages[ i ]->MessageIdHeader()->ToTextValueLC();
        if ( *messageid == aMessageid )
            // match
            delete iSentMessages[ i ];
            iSentMessages.Remove( i );
            iSessionObserver.SendResult( aStatus, aMessageid );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(messageid); // messageid from above
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(messageid); // messageid from above
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::SendStatus exit" )

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::HandleConnectionErrors( TInt aErrorStatus )
    MSRPLOG2( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::HandleConnectionErrors Error = %d", aErrorStatus )

HBufC8* CMSRPSessionImplementation::SendFileL(const TFileName& aFileName, const TDesC8& aMimeType)
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::SendFileL enter" );   
    if(aFileName.Length() && !aMimeType.Length())
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
    CMSRPMessage* file = SetFileParamsL( aFileName,iRemoteMsrpPath, iLocalMsrpPath,aMimeType );
    CleanupStack::PushL( file );
    iSentMessages.AppendL( file );
    CleanupStack::Pop(); // file
    CBufSeg* buf = CBufSeg::NewL( KBufExpandSize ); 
    //todo need to check what's optimal value here
    CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
    RBufWriteStream writeStr( *buf );
    CleanupClosePushL( writeStr );
    file->ExternalizeL( writeStr );
    // MSRP message externalized to buffer, now let's move it to flat buffer
    if ( buf->Size() > KMaxLengthOfIncomingMessageExt )
        // invalid message size
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );

    buf->Read( 0, iExtMessageBuffer, buf->Size() );
    HBufC8* messageId = file->MessageIdHeader()->ToTextValueLC();
    CleanupStack::Pop(); // messageid
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // buf, writestream
    CleanupStack::PushL( messageId );
    // send the filename
    User::LeaveIfError( iMSRPSession->SendMessage( iExtMessageBuffer ) );
    CleanupStack::Pop( messageId ); 
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::SendFileL exit" );
    return messageId;

CMSRPMessage* CMSRPSessionImplementation::SetFileParamsL(const TFileName& aFileName,const TDesC8& aToPath,
                                                        const TDesC8& aFromPath, 
                                                        const TDesC8& aMimeType )
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::SetFileParamsL enter" );
    CMSRPMessage* msrpMessage = new ( ELeave ) CMSRPMessage();
    CleanupStack::PushL( msrpMessage );
    //set filename
    msrpMessage->SetFileName( aFileName );
    //set to path
    CMSRPToPathHeader* toPath = CMSRPToPathHeader::DecodeL( aToPath );
    msrpMessage->SetToPathHeader( toPath );
    //set from path
    CMSRPFromPathHeader* fromPath = CMSRPFromPathHeader::DecodeL( aFromPath );
    msrpMessage->SetFromPathHeader( fromPath );
    //set content type
      CMSRPContentTypeHeader* contentType = CMSRPContentTypeHeader::NewL( aMimeType );
      msrpMessage->SetContentTypeHeader( contentType );
    //set  message id header
    TTime now;
    TInt64 seed = now.Int64();
    // Create a random number as the session ID
    TInt random = Math::Rand( seed );
    TBuf8< 100 > idString;
    idString.AppendNum( random );
    CMSRPMessageIdHeader* messageIdHeader = CMSRPMessageIdHeader::NewL( idString );
    msrpMessage->SetMessageIdHeader( messageIdHeader );
      // success report header
    if( iSuccessReport != ENo )
        RStringF string = MSRPStrings::StringF( MSRPStrConsts::EYes );
        CMSRPSuccessReportHeader* successReportHeader = CMSRPSuccessReportHeader::NewL( string );
        msrpMessage->SetSuccessReportHeader( successReportHeader );
    // failure report header
    if( iFailureReport != EYes )
        RStringF string;
        if( iFailureReport == ENo )
            string = MSRPStrings::StringF( MSRPStrConsts::ENo );
            string = MSRPStrings::StringF( MSRPStrConsts::EPartial );
        CMSRPFailureReportHeader* failureReportHeader = CMSRPFailureReportHeader::NewL( string );
        msrpMessage->SetFailureReportHeader( failureReportHeader );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // string
    CleanupStack::Pop(msrpMessage); // msrpMessage
    MSRPLOG( "CMSRPSessionImplementation::SetFileParamsL enter" );
	return msrpMessage;

void CMSRPSessionImplementation::NotifyProgress(TBool aFlag)
    iMSRPSession->SetProgressReports( aFlag );

// End of file