This release addresses the following issues:
1. The crash bug fix when receiving file
2. Now the sending is based on MSRP messages, there is no longer file receiving or sending. Client sends data as MSRP was designed.
3. Soma MSRP stack was created so that the client told the correct session-id, Symbian stack generated it by itself. This is not allowed, it was changed so that clients tell the session-id (same as used in SIP INVITE).
4. Unnecessary division of data to chunks removed when there is no need to interrupt sending. The message is sent in as few chunks as possible.
5. Stack can now receive files and chunks with ?unlimited? size. Old stack wrote the incoming data to memory and did not utilize disk space until the end of chunk was reached (large chunks from another client crashed it).
6. Now when writing the incoming data to file, it will take into account the byte-range header values. So, this complies with the RFC4975 requirements that stack must be able to handle chunks that come in any sequence.
7. Some buffering changes to outgoing/incoming data.
8. The outgoing data is now checked that it does not contain the created transaction-id before sending the data.
9. MSRP success reports are now implemented and tested against servers.
10. Progress report system fixed so progress is now visible on client (all the way to 100%).
11. Message Cancel receiving / Cancel sending now corrected and made to work as rfc4975 requires. (termination from sender and error code from receiver when cancelling).
12. Bug correction related to messages received not belonging to any session, old stack implementation did send error response, but after response was written it did give the buffer to client anyway. Now corrected.
_ZN7CRtpAPI10CancelSendEm @ 1 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI11CloseStreamEm @ 2 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI12CloseSessionEm @ 3 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI12GetRtpSocketEm @ 4 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI12GetSessionIdEm @ 5 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI12SetLocalSdesERK14TRtpSdesParams @ 6 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI12StartSessionEm @ 7 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI13GetRtcpSocketEm @ 8 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI13SendRtpPacketEmRK14TRtpSendHeaderRK6TDesC8 @ 9 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI13SendRtpPacketEmRK14TRtpSendHeaderRK6TDesC8R14TRequestStatus @ 10 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI13SendRtpPacketEmtRK14TRtpSendHeaderRK6TDesC8R14TRequestStatus @ 11 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI14CreateSessionLERK20TCreateSessionParamsRjiPK11TRtcpParams @ 12 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI15GetSamplingRateEh @ 13 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI15SetSamplingRateEhm @ 14 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI15StartConnectionEi @ 15 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI16SetRemoteAddressEmRK9TInetAddr @ 16 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI17CustomCommandSyncEiRK6TDesC8S2_R5TDes8 @ 17 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI17SendRtcpAppPacketEmRK8TRtcpApp @ 18 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI17SendRtcpByePacketEmRK6TDesC8 @ 19 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI17SetRtcpParametersEmRK11TRtcpParams @ 20 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI18CustomCommandAsyncEiRK6TDesC8S2_R5TDes8R14TRequestStatus @ 21 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI18GetLocalIPAddressLEv @ 22 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI19GetStreamStatisticsEmR12TRtpPeerStat @ 23 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI19RegisterRtpObserverEmR12MRtpObserver @ 24 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI20CreateReceiveStreamLEmRK16TRcvStreamParams @ 25 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI20RegisterRtcpObserverEmR13MRtcpObserver @ 26 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI21CreateTransmitStreamLEmRK17TTranStreamParamsRm @ 27 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI21UnregisterRtpObserverEm @ 28 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI22UnregisterRtcpObserverEm @ 29 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI24CreateTransmitStreamExtLEmRK17TTranStreamParamsm @ 30 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI4NewLER13MRtpErrNotify @ 31 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI5CloseEv @ 32 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI5OpenLERK14TRtpSdesParamsPK7TDesC16PK11RSocketServPK11RConnection @ 33 NONAME
_ZNK7CRtpAPI7VersionEv @ 34 NONAME
_ZTI10CRtpPacket @ 35 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTI10CRtpStream @ 36 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTI11CRtpManager @ 37 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTI11CRtpSession @ 38 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTI12CRtpCommRecv @ 39 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTI12CRtpCommSend @ 40 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTI14CRtpRecvStream @ 41 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTI14CRtpTranStream @ 42 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTI18CLocalAddrResolver @ 43 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTI7CRtpAPI @ 44 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTI8CRtpComm @ 45 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTI8CRtpSDES @ 46 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTI9CRtpTimer @ 47 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTV10CRtpPacket @ 48 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTV10CRtpStream @ 49 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTV11CRtpManager @ 50 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTV11CRtpSession @ 51 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTV12CRtpCommRecv @ 52 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTV12CRtpCommSend @ 53 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTV12CRtpSendItem @ 54 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTV14CRtpRecvStream @ 55 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTV14CRtpTranStream @ 56 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTV18CLocalAddrResolver @ 57 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTV7CRtpAPI @ 58 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTV8CRtpComm @ 59 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTV8CRtpSDES @ 60 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZTV9CRtpTimer @ 61 NONAME ; #<VT>#
_ZN7CRtpAPI11CancelStartEv @ 62 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI15StartConnectionER14TRequestStatusi @ 63 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI16SendRtcpRrPacketEm @ 64 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI16SendRtcpSrPacketEm @ 65 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI18SuspendRtcpSendingEmi @ 66 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI20SetRemoteRtcpAddressEmRK9TInetAddr @ 67 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI22IsRtcpSendingSuspendedEmRi @ 68 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI29NotInUseSetNonRTPDataObserverEv @ 69 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI14CreateSessionLERK20TCreateSessionParamsRjiPK11TRtcpParamsR12CSRTPSession @ 70 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI21SetNonRTPDataObserverEmP19MNonRTPDataObserver @ 71 NONAME
_ZN7CRtpAPI9SendDataLEmiRK6TDesC8R14TRequestStatus @ 72 NONAME
_ZTI12CRtpSendItem @ 73 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTI15CRtpSessionSrtp @ 74 NONAME ; #<TI>#
_ZTV15CRtpSessionSrtp @ 75 NONAME ; #<VT>#