This release addresses the following:
- Multiple concurrent file transfer bug fixes. i.e. one device is concurrently receiving multiple files from multiple devices
* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: The class for using SIP profiles
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include <sipprofileregistryobserver.h>
#include "sipprofileregistrybase.h"
class CSIP;
class CSIPConnection;
class CSIPProfile;
class MSIPProfileRegistryObserver;
class MSIPConnectionObserver;
// STUB stuff
typedef TInt TSIPProfileBehavior;
const TSIPProfileBehavior KRegistryLeaveAtConstruct = 1;
const TSIPProfileBehavior KSIPProfileIdFetchFails = 2;
const TSIPProfileBehavior KSIPIapIdFetchFails = 3;
const TSIPProfileBehavior KSIPConnectionLeaveAtConstruct = 4;
class CSIPProfileBehaviorTls : public CBase
static void OpenL();
static void Close();
static CSIPProfileBehaviorTls* Storage();
void Reset();
TSIPProfileBehavior iRegistryBehavior;
TSIPProfileBehavior iProfileBehavior;
TSIPProfileBehavior iConnectionBehavior;
* @publishedAll
* @released
* The class for retrieving SIP profiles from permanent storage.
* This class provides services for retreiving SIP profiles
* and enabling/disabling them for the usage.
* The user can create only one instance of this class (a singleton class).
* @lib sipprofilecli.lib
class CSIPProfileRegistry: public CSIPProfileRegistryBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* This constructor should be used if the client intends
* to use SIP services with profiles.
* @param aSip a SIP client providing connection to SIP stack.
* @param aObserver a observer for SIP profile change events.
IMPORT_C static CSIPProfileRegistry* NewL(
CSIP& aSip,
MSIPProfileRegistryObserver& aObserver);
* Two-phased constructor.
* This constructor should be used if the client intends
* to use SIP services with profiles.
* Constructs an object and adds the pointer to the cleanup stack;
* @param aSip a SIP client providing connection to SIP stack.
* @param aObserver a observer for SIP profile change events.
IMPORT_C static CSIPProfileRegistry* NewLC(
CSIP& aSip,
MSIPProfileRegistryObserver& aObserver);
* Destructor
IMPORT_C ~CSIPProfileRegistry();
public: // New functions
* Gets handle to the SIP server
* @return handle to the SIP server
* Gets the SIP connection to be used with this SIP profile.
* @pre IsEnabled() == ETrue
* @param aProfile a sip profile
* @return a SIP connection to be used; the owneship is transfered
* @leave KErrNoMemory if out of memory
* @capability NetworkServices
IMPORT_C CSIPConnection* ConnectionL(
CSIPProfile& aProfile);
* Enables the SIP profile for use.
* Enabling the SIP profile will cause the SIP profile to
* be registered if its status was unregistered.
* The user must check the profile status after calling this
* function. In case the profile is not registered the user must
* wait until the it is notified about profile registration
* on MSIPProfileRegistryObserver-callback interface.
* @param aProfile a sip profile to enable
* @param aObserver a observer for SIP connection events
* @leave KErrNotFound if non-existing profile is provided
* @capability NetworkServices
IMPORT_C void EnableL(
CSIPProfile& aProfile,
MSIPConnectionObserver &aObserver);
* Disables the usage of SIP profile
* @param aProfile a sip profile to disable
* @return KErrNone if SIP profile was successfully disabled;
* system wide error otherwise
* @capability NetworkServices
IMPORT_C TInt Disable(CSIPProfile& aProfile);
* Tests is the SIP profile enabled for the use
* @param aProfile a SIP profile to be checked
* @return ETrue if SIP profile is enabled; EFalse otherwise
IMPORT_C TBool IsEnabled(const CSIPProfile& aProfile) const;
CSIPProfile* NewInstanceL();
CSIPProfileRegistry(CSIP& aSip, MSIPProfileRegistryObserver& aObserver);
void ConstructL();
TBool iProfileDisabled;
mutable TBool iProfileEnabled;
CSIP& iSip;
MSIPConnectionObserver* iConnectionObserver;
// Constants
_LIT8 ( KProviderNameValue, "MyProvider");
_LIT8 ( KUserAorValue, "i@" );
const TUint KSnapIdValue (10);
const TUint KAccessPointIdValue (2);
const TBool KSigCompValue (EFalse);
const TBool KAutoRegistrationValue (ETrue);
const TBool KAllowAutoRegistrationOnlyOnHomeNetworkValue (ETrue);
const TBool KSecurityNegotiationValue (EFalse);
class CSIPProfileRegistryObserver : public CBase, public MSIPProfileRegistryObserver
static CSIPProfileRegistryObserver* NewLC();
static CSIPProfileRegistryObserver* NewL();
virtual ~CSIPProfileRegistryObserver();
void ProfileRegistryEventOccurred (TUint32 aProfileId, TEvent aEvent);
void ProfileRegistryErrorOccurred (TUint32 aProfileId, TInt aError);
void ConstructL();