changeset 0 1bce908db942
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Connection handler is responsible for creating connections
    15 *                to Connection Multiplexer and TURN Client. It is responsible
    16 *                to handle data received from different observers it
    17 *                implements. Connection handler implements 3 Connection
    18 *                Multiplexer's observers and STUNClientObserver.
    19 *
    20 */
    29 #include <e32base.h>
    30 #include <e32std.h>
    31 #include <es_sock.h>
    32 #include <in_sock.h>
    34 #include "mncmconnectionobserver.h"
    35 #include "mncmincomingconnectionobserver.h"
    36 #include "mncmoutgoingconnectionobserver.h"
    37 #include "mncmmessageobserver.h"
    38 #include "natfwstunclientobserver.h"
    40 #include "natfwrefreshobserver.h"
    41 #include "natfwtimerobserver.h"
    43 // forward declarations
    44 class MNATFWPluginObserver;
    45 class MNcmConnectionMultiplexer;
    46 class CNATFWCandidate;
    47 class CNATFWTurnRefreshTimer;
    48 class CSTUNRelayBinding;
    49 class CSTUNClient;
    50 class TStreamData;
    51 class TConnectionData;
    52 class CNATFWNatSettingsApi;
    53 class MNATFWTurnSettings;
    54 class CNATFWTurnActiveDestinationTimer;
    55 class CTurnAsyncCallback;
    56 class CNATFWPluginApi;
    57 class MNATFWServerSettings;
    58 class CTurnServerSettings;
    60 /**
    61  *  Connection handler for TURN Plug-in.
    62  *
    63  *  Connection handler is responsible for creating connections to Connection
    64  *  Multiplexer and TURN Client. It creates TURN Binding and it is responsible
    65  *  to handle data received from different observers it implements. Connection
    66  *  handler implements 3 Connection Multiplexer's observers and
    67  *  STUNClientObserver.
    68  *
    69  *  @lib turnplugin.lib
    70  *  @since S60 v3.2
    71  */
    72 class CNATFWTurnConnectionHandler : public CBase,
    73                                     public MSTUNClientObserver,
    74                                     public MNcmConnectionObserver,
    75                                     public MNcmIncomingConnectionObserver,
    76                                     public MNcmOutgoingConnectionObserver,
    77                                     public MNcmMessageObserver,
    78                                     public MNATFWRefreshObserver,
    79                                     public MNATFWTimerObserver
    80     {
    82     friend class UT_CNATFWTurnConnectionHandler;
    84 public:
    86     /**
    87      * Two-phased constructor.
    88      * @param aTurnPlugin The TURN plugin instance
    89      * @param aPluginObserver Observer for callbacks to STUN plug-in's client
    90      */
    91     static CNATFWTurnConnectionHandler* NewL(
    92         const CNATFWPluginApi& aTurnPlugin,
    93         MNATFWPluginObserver& aPluginObserver );
    95     /**
    96      * Two-phased constructor.
    97      * @param aTurnPlugin The TURN plugin instance
    98      * @param aPluginObserver Observer for callbacks to STUN plug-in's client
    99      */
   100     static CNATFWTurnConnectionHandler* NewLC(
   101         const CNATFWPluginApi& aTurnPlugin,
   102         MNATFWPluginObserver& aPluginObserver );
   105     ~CNATFWTurnConnectionHandler();
   107     /**
   108      * Initializes TURN Connection Handler.
   109      *
   110      * @since S60 v3.2
   111      * @param aIapId        IAP ID used in retrieving IAP settings from
   112      *                      NAT FW NAT Settings
   113      * @param aDomain       Domain name used in creating instance of NATFW
   114      *                      NAT Settings to get STUN server address and port.
   115      * @param aMultiplexer  Reference to the Connection Multiplexer
   116      */
   117     void PluginInitializeL( TUint32 aIapId,
   118                             const TDesC8& aDomain,
   119                             MNcmConnectionMultiplexer& aMultiplexer );
   121     /**
   122      * Finds out a STUN Server and establishes a connection to it.
   123      * 
   124      * MNATFWPluginObserver::Notify is called with event code EServerConnected
   125      * when connecting has completed.
   126      *
   127      * FetchCandidateL can be called after successful connecting.
   128      *
   129      * This is done asynchronously.
   130      * 
   131      * @since   S60 v3.2
   132      * @param   aSocketServ         The handle to socket server session
   133      * @param   aConnectionName     The unique name of the RConnection
   134      */
   135     void ConnectServerL( const RSocketServ& aSocketServ,
   136         const TName& aConnectionName );
   138     /**
   139      * Fetches available candidates for a specified stream using given
   140      * retransmission timeout for STUN transactions.
   141      * 
   142      * RTO value 0 indicates default retransmission timeout as specified
   143      * in STUN specification.
   144      * 
   145      * @since   S60 v3.2
   146      * @param   aStreamId       Stream identifier
   147      * @param   aRtoValue       Retransmission timeout in milliseconds
   148      * @param   aAddrFamily     KAFUnspec / KAfInet / KAfInet6
   149      * @param   aBaseAddr       Address from which to create connection
   150      */
   151     void FetchCandidateL( TUint aStreamId, TUint aRtoValue, TUint aAddrFamily,
   152         const TInetAddr& aBaseAddr );
   154     /**
   155      * Gets identifier for a connection that is associated with the
   156      * given local end point.
   157      * 
   158      * @since   S60 v3.2
   159      * @param   aLocalCandidate     The local end point for a media
   160      * @param   aStreamId           The stream identifier
   161      * @param   aConnectionId       Reference to found ID
   162      */
   163     void GetConnectionIdL( const CNATFWCandidate& aLocalCandidate,
   164         TUint aStreamId, TUint& aConnectionId );
   166     /**
   167      * Starts TURN Refresh timer. Sends periodically keepalive messages to
   168      * TURN client, which will keep the bindings to TURN Server active.
   169      *
   170      * @since   S60 v3.2
   171      */
   172     void StartTurnRefresh();
   174     /**
   175      * Creates TURN Binding and calls AllocateRequestL().
   176      *
   177      * @since S60 v3.2
   178      * @param aStreamId      Stream ID of current TURN Binding
   179      * @param aConnectionId  Connection ID of current TURN Binding
   180      */
   181     void CreateTURNBindingL( TUint aStreamId, TUint aConnectionId );
   183     /**
   184      * Enables/disables media receiving for the specified local candidate.
   185      * 
   186      * MNATFWPluginObserver::Notify is called with event code
   187      * EReceivingActivated/EReceivingDeactivated when status change has 
   188      * completed. While activated incoming data is delivered to the media
   189      * engine.
   190      * 
   191      * @since   S60 v3.2
   192      * @pre     FetchCandidate(/s) and possible ICE processing have completed
   193      * @param   aLocalCandidate The local end point for a media
   194      * @param   aState          The receiving state
   195      */
   196     void SetReceivingStateL( const CNATFWCandidate& aLocalCandidate,
   197         TNATFWStreamingState aState );
   199     /**
   200      * Once the client wants to primarily receive from one peer, it can send
   201      * a SetActiveDestination request.  All subsequent data received from
   202      * the active peer is forwarded directly to the client and vice versa,
   203      * except that it is wrapped or framed according to the protocol used
   204      * between the STUN relay client and STUN relay server.
   205      * The SetActiveDestination Request does not close other bindings. Data
   206      * to and from other peers is still wrapped in Send and Data indications
   207      * respectively.
   208      *
   209      * @since   S60 v3.2
   210      * @param   aLocalCandidate The local end point for a media
   211      * @param   aState          The sending state
   212      * @param   aDestAddr       The remote end point for a media
   213      */
   214     void SetSendingStateL( const CNATFWCandidate& aLocalCandidate,
   215         TNATFWStreamingState aState, const TInetAddr& aDestAddr );
   217     /**
   218      * Validates that is outgoing message a TURN request or Send Indication.
   219      *
   220      * @since   S60 v3.2
   221      * @param   aMessage    Message from which will be validated if
   222      *                      it is TURN request or Send Indication
   223      * @return ETrue if the message is TURN request or Send Indication
   224      */
   225     TBool IsRequestOrIndicationL( const TDesC8& aMessage ) const;
   227     /**
   228      * Validates that is incoming message a TURN response.
   229      *
   230      * @since   S60 v3.2
   231      * @param   aMessage    Message from which will be validated if
   232      *                      it is TURN response
   233      * @return ETrue if the message is TURN response
   234      */
   235     TBool IsTurnResponseL( const TDesC8& aMessage ) const;
   237 // From base class MStunClientObserver
   239     /**
   240      * Indicates that asynchronous initialization of the related
   241      * CSTUNClient has been completed and it can be used for 
   242      * creating CSTUNRelayBinding(s).
   243      *
   244      * @since S60 v3.2
   245      * @param aClient         Handle to STUN client
   246      * @param aCompletionCode Completion code
   247      */
   248     void STUNClientInitCompleted( const CSTUNClient& aClient,
   249                                   TInt aCompletionCode );
   251     /**
   252      * A TURN binding related event occurred. After this callback
   253      * the aBinding can be used again by calling its SendRequestL
   254      * function.
   255      *
   256      * @since S60 v3.2
   257      * @param aEvent   Binding event occurred
   258      * @param aBinding Handle to CBinding
   259      */
   260     void STUNBindingEventOccurredL( TSTUNBindingEvent aEvent,
   261                                     const CBinding& aBinding );
   263     /**
   264      * Error occurred during IP address resolution. This callback
   265      * will also be called if STUNBindingEventOccurredL leaves.
   266      *
   267      * @since S60 v3.2
   268      * @param aBinding Handle to CBinding
   269      * @param aError   Error code
   270      */
   271     void STUNBindingErrorOccurred( const CBinding& aBinding,TInt aError );
   273  // from base class MNcmConnectionObserver
   275     /**
   276      * Called by Connection Multiplexer when connection connecting completes.
   277      *
   278      * @since S60 v3.2
   279      * @param aStreamId     Stream of target of notify
   280      * @param aConnectionId Target of notify
   281      * @param aType         Type of notify
   282      * @param aError        Error code
   283      */
   284     void ConnectionNotify( TUint aStreamId,
   285                            TUint aConnectionId,
   286                            TConnectionNotifyType aType,
   287                            TInt aError );
   289 // from base class MNcmIncomingConnectionObserver
   291     /**
   292      * Called by Connection Multiplexer when incoming message is found.
   293      *
   294      * @since   S60 v3.2
   295      * @param   aStreamId           The ID identifying stream
   296      * @param   aMessage            Message is a reference to constant message
   297      * @param   aConsumed           Flag to indicate is this message consumed
   298      * @param   aLocalAddr          A stream local address.
   299      * @param   aFromAddr           A remote source address. ( From socket )
   300      * @param   aPeerRemoteAddr     A peer remote address.
   301      * @param   aConsumed           A reference to a boolean variable which MUST
   302      *                              be set by observer: ETrue is message was 
   303      *                              consumed, EFalse otherwise.
   304      */
   305     void IncomingMessageL( TUint aStreamId, const TDesC8& aMessage,
   306         const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr, const TInetAddr& aFromAddr,
   307         const TInetAddr& aPeerRemoteAddr, TBool& aConsumed );
   309 // from base class MNcmOutgoingConnectionObserver
   311     /**
   312      * Called by Connection Multiplexer when outgoing message is found.
   313      *
   314      * @since S60 v3.2
   315      * @param aStreamId             Stream where message was found
   316      * @param aConnectionId         Connection where message was found
   317      * @param aDestinationAddress   Destination address where the packet
   318      *                              is being sent to. If this is set then
   319      *                              connection ID is ignored       
   320      * @param aMessage              Message is a reference to constant message
   321      *                              which was found
   322      * @param aConsumed             Is reference to a boolean variable which
   323      *                              MUST be set by observer: ETrue is message
   324      *                              was consumed, EFalse otherwise.
   325      */
   326     void OutgoingMessageL( TUint aStreamId, TUint aConnectionId,
   327         const TInetAddr& aDestinationAddress, const TDesC8& aMessage,
   328         TBool& aConsumed );
   330 // from base class MNcmMessageObserver
   332     /**
   333      * Called by Connection Multiplexer when incoming message is found.
   334      * Allows connection observer to observe and make modifications to found
   335      * message by offering an own copy of content with modification(s).
   336      *
   337      * TURN Plug-in must fill the peer address, because only TURN Plug-in can
   338      * know currently activated destination.
   339      *
   340      * @since   S60 v3.2
   341      * @param   aStreamId           The ID identifying stream
   342      * @param   aMessage            Message is a reference to constant message
   343      * @param   aLocalAddr          A stream local address.
   344      * @param   aFromAddr           A remote source address. ( From socket )
   345      * @param   aPeerRemoteAddr     A peer remote address.
   346      * @return  Pointer to a heap descriptor with new content for message,
   347      *          otherwise NULL is returned. Ownership of the heap descriptor
   348      *          is transferred to connection multiplexer ( from observer ).
   349      */
   350     HBufC8* IncomingMessageNotify( TUint aStreamId,
   351                                    const TDesC8& aMessage,
   352                                    const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr,
   353                                    const TInetAddr& aFromAddr,
   354                                    TInetAddr& aPeerRemoteAddr );
   356 // from base class MNcmMessageObserver
   358     /**
   359      * Called by Connection Multiplexer when outgoing message is found.
   360      * Allows connection observer to observe and make modifications to found
   361      * message by offering an own copy of content with modification(s).
   362      *
   363      * @since S60 v3.2
   364      * @param aStreamId             The ID identifying stream
   365      * @param aConnectionId         The ID identifying connection
   366      * @param aDestinationAddress   Destination address where the packet
   367      *                              is being sent to.   
   368      * @param aMessage              Message is a reference to constant message
   369      *                              which was found
   370      * @return pointer to a heap descriptor with new content for message,
   371      *         otherwise NULL is returned. Ownership of the heap descriptor is
   372      *         transferred to multiplexer (from observer).
   373      */
   374     HBufC8* OutgoingMessageNotify( TUint aStreamId,
   375                                    TUint aConnectionId,
   376                                    const TInetAddr& aDestinationAddress,
   377                                    const TDesC8& aMessage );
   379  // from base class MNATFWRefreshObserver
   381     /**
   382      * Sends binding requests to TURN Bindings.
   383      *
   384      * @since S60 v3.2
   385      */
   386     void BindingRefreshL();
   388 // from base class MNATFWTimerObserver
   390     /**
   391      * Notifies when active destination timer has triggered.
   392      *
   393      * @since S60 v3.2
   394      * @param  aStreamId        To identify the binding that the
   395      *                          triggering was related to
   396      * @param  aConnectionId    To identify the binding that the
   397      *                          triggering was related to
   398      */
   399     void TimerTriggeredL( TUint aStreamId, TUint aConnectionId );
   401 private:
   403     CNATFWTurnConnectionHandler( const CNATFWPluginApi& aTurnPlugin );
   405     void ConstructL( MNATFWPluginObserver& aPluginObserver );
   407     void DeleteStream( TUint aStreamInd, TBool aRemoveMuxConn );
   409     HBufC8* HandleIncomingMessageL( TUint aStreamId, const TDesC8& aMessage, 
   410         const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr, const TInetAddr& aFromAddr, 
   411         TInetAddr& aPeerRemoteAddr );
   413     TInt IndexByStreamId( TUint aStreamId );
   415     TConnectionData* ConnectionById( TUint aStreamInd, TUint aConnectionId );
   417     TConnectionData* ConnectionByIndex( TUint aStreamInd,
   418         TUint aConnectionInd );
   420     void GenerateServerListL();
   422     void TryNextServerL();
   424     TConnectionData* FindConnection( TUint aStreamId,
   425         const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr );
   427     TBool MatchAddresses( const TInetAddr& aAddr1, const TInetAddr& aAddr2 );
   429 private:
   431     /**
   432      * Flag defining whether TURN refresh has been started
   433      */
   434     TBool iTurnRefreshStarted;
   436     /**
   437      * Currently selected index in list of servers ( iServerList )
   438      */    
   439     TInt iServerIndex;
   441     /**
   442      * Handle to the socket server.
   443      */
   444     RSocketServ iSocketServ;
   446     /**
   447      * Handle to the connection.
   448      * Own.
   449      */
   450     RConnection iConnection;
   452     /**
   453      * Pointer to domain name data.
   454      * Own.
   455      */
   456     HBufC8* iDomain;
   458     /**
   459      * Array for storing data for each stream
   460      */
   461     RArray<TStreamData> iStreamArray;
   464 // Instances from other C -classes
   466     /**
   467      * STUN and TURN client handle.
   468      * Own.
   469      */
   470     CSTUNClient* iStunClient;
   472     /**
   473      * Set up stream for client.
   474      * Not own.
   475      */
   476     MNcmConnectionMultiplexer* iConnMux;
   478     /**
   479      * Sends keepalive messages periodically.
   480      * Own.
   481      */
   482     CNATFWTurnRefreshTimer* iTurnRefreshTimer;
   484     /**
   485      * Timer for setting Active Destination.
   486      * Own.
   487      */
   488     CNATFWTurnActiveDestinationTimer* iActiveDestinationTimer;
   490     /**
   491      * Pointer to timer for STUN Client.
   492      * Own.
   493      */
   494     CDeltaTimer* iTimerServ;
   496     /**
   497      * Pointer to NAT Settings.
   498      * Own.
   499      */
   500     CNATFWNatSettingsApi* iNatSettings;
   502     /**
   503      * Pointer to TURN related NAT Settings.
   504      * Not own.
   505      */
   506     MNATFWTurnSettings* iTurnSettings;
   508     /**
   509      * TURN UDP Refresh interval.
   510      */
   511     TUint iTurnRefreshInterval;
   513     /**
   514      * TURN Plug-in
   515      * Not own.
   516      */
   517     const CNATFWPluginApi& iTurnPlugin;
   519     /**
   520      * Async callback handler
   521      * own.
   522      */
   523     CTurnAsyncCallback* iAsyncCallback;
   525     /**
   526      * Array of server related settings
   527      * Own.
   528      */    
   529     RPointerArray<CTurnServerSettings> iServerList;
   530     };