changeset 0 1bce908db942
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/multimediacommscontroller/mmccavcpayloadformat/src/avcpayloadformatread.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:04:58 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:    AVC Payload Format Read .. DePayloadizes incoming RTP packets
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <mmf/common/mmffourcc.h>
+#include <Sysutil.h>
+#include "MccRtpDataSource.h"
+#include "avcpayloadformatread.h"
+#include "avcrtpstruct.h"
+#include "MccInternalDef.h"
+_LIT8(AVCPSC, "\x0\x0\x0\x1");
+// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::CAvcPayloadFormatRead
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead default constructor, can NOT contain any code,
+// that might leave
+// Phase #1 of 2-phase constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAvcPayloadFormatRead::CAvcPayloadFormatRead ( ) :
+    iDecoder( NULL )
+    {
+    iFourCC.Set( TFourCC( 'H','2','6','4' ) );
+    iUsingJitterBufferExtension = ETrue;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// Phase #2 of 2-phase constructor
+// Initializes the State machine and rest of the members.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::ConstructL ( MDataSource* aSource )
+    {
+    iRtpDataSource = aSource;
+    iBufferToReadExists = EFalse;
+    iFourCC.Set( TFourCC( 'H','2','6','4' ) );
+    // Initialize decoding state machine
+    iStateMachine = CFormatDecodeStateMachine::NewL( this );
+    iStateMachine->ChangeState( EDecodeIdle );
+    iPayloadBuffer = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL(KAvcMaxRxPacketSize); 
+    iFrameBuffer = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL(KAvcMaxRxPacketSize + sizeof(TRTPInfo)); 
+    iCounter = 0;
+		iCurDataSource = aSource;
+		iUsingJitterBufferExtension = ETrue;
+		iNalSent = 0;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// Static function for creating and constructing an instance of the AVC format.
+// Returns:  CAvcPayloadFormatRead* : pointer to created instance
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAvcPayloadFormatRead* CAvcPayloadFormatRead::NewL ( MDataSource* aSource )
+    {
+    if ( NULL == aSource )
+        {
+        User::Leave ( KErrArgument );
+        }
+    if ( KRtpSourceUID != aSource->DataSourceType( ) )
+        {
+        User::Leave ( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    CAvcPayloadFormatRead* self = new ( ELeave ) CAvcPayloadFormatRead();
+    CleanupStack::PushL ( self );
+    self->ConstructL ( aSource );
+    CleanupStack::Pop ( );
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::~CAvcPayloadFormatRead
+// Destructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAvcPayloadFormatRead::~CAvcPayloadFormatRead ( )
+    {
+    // commented out CreateSourceBufferL now sets aReference to ETrue.
+    // datapath doesn't clean this buffer any longer.
+    if ( iFrameBuffer )
+        {
+        delete iFrameBuffer;
+        }
+    if ( iPayloadBuffer)
+    	delete iPayloadBuffer;
+ if ( iStateMachine )
+        {
+        iStateMachine->Cancel( );
+        delete iStateMachine;
+        }
+    delete iDecoder;
+    iRtpDataSource = NULL;
+    iSink = NULL;
+    iCurDataSource = NULL;    
+	iPayloadTypes.Close();
+    }
+// Virtual functions from CMMFFormatDecode    
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::FrameTimeInterval
+// Return the frame time interval for the given media
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CAvcPayloadFormatRead::FrameTimeInterval( TMediaId aMediaId ) const
+    {
+    if ( aMediaId.iMediaType == KUidMediaTypeVideo)
+        {
+        return TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds( 0 );  // return some correct value as required
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        return TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds( 0 );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::Streams
+// Return the frame time interval for the given media
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TUint CAvcPayloadFormatRead::Streams(TUid /*aMediaType*/) const
+ {
+ 	  return 0;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::Duration
+// Return the clip duration for the given media.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CAvcPayloadFormatRead::Duration( TMediaId /*aMediaType*/ ) const
+    {
+    return TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds( 1000000000 );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::Initialize
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::InitializeL( )
+    {
+   		if(!iDecoder)
+				iDecoder = CRFC3984Decode::NewL();
+    }
+//    The following functions are virtual function implementation from MDataSource
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::FillBufferL
+// Fill Buffer
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::FillBufferL( CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, 
+                                         MDataSink* aConsumer, 
+                                         TMediaId aMediaId )
+    {
+    if ( aMediaId.iMediaType != KUidMediaTypeVideo )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    if ( aBuffer->Type( ) != KUidMmfDataBuffer )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    iSink = aConsumer;
+    iMediaId = aMediaId;
+    iFillRequested = ETrue;
+	if(iNalSent < iNalCount)
+	{
+		CAvcRtpStruct * ptr = NULL;
+        TBufC8<4> buf(AVCPSC);
+        ptr = NULL;
+    //   	while((ptr = iDecoder->GetNalUnit(iNalSent++)) != NULL && iCounter < 2)
+       		{
+       			ptr = iDecoder->GetNalUnit(iNalSent++);
+       			if(ptr)
+       				{
+       				iCounter++;
+		        	TDes8& dataDes = STATIC_CAST( CMMFDataBuffer*, iFrameBuffer )->Data( );
+		        	TPtr8 pDes = ptr->iDes->Des( );
+		        	if(iUsingJitterBufferExtension)
+		        	{
+		        		TRTPInfo info;
+		        		info.TS	= (ptr->iTimeStamp*1000)/90;
+		        		info.SN = ptr->iSeqNo;
+						info.DON = ptr->iDon;
+						info.PT = ptr->iPacketType;
+						info.FUH = ptr->iFUHeader; 	// copying FU-Header
+						dataDes.Copy((TUint8*)&info, sizeof(TRTPInfo));
+		    			if(ptr->iPacketType != PACKET_FU_A && ptr->iPacketType != PACKET_FU_B)
+		    				dataDes.Append(AVCPSC);
+		    			dataDes.Append(pDes.Ptr( ), pDes.Length( ));
+		        	}
+		        	else
+		    		{
+		    			dataDes.Copy(pDes.Ptr( ), pDes.Length( ));
+		    			if(ptr->iPacketType != PACKET_FU_A && ptr->iPacketType != PACKET_FU_B)
+		    				dataDes.Insert(0, AVCPSC);//Add PSC to each packet 
+		    		}
+		    		iFrameBuffer->SetTimeToPlay(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds((ptr->iTimeStamp*1000)/90));//us
+		    		iFrameBuffer->SetFrameNumber(ptr->iSeqNo);
+		    		// sending first NAL unit to the jitter buffer
+		    		iSink->BufferFilledL(iFrameBuffer);	
+       				}
+       		//	else
+       		//		break;
+       			if(iNalSent == iNalCount)
+				{
+					iNalSent++;
+					iDecoder->ClearBuffer();
+			        iNalCount = 0;
+					iStateMachine->ChangeState( EWaitSourceData ); // No payload ask for it
+				}
+	        }	 	
+        iCounter = 0;
+	}
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::FillSourceBufferL
+// Send fill buffer request to RTP Data Soure
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::FillSourceBufferL( )
+    {
+//    iRtpDataSource->FillBufferL( iPayloadBuffer, this, iMediaId ); // RtpSourceSink doesn't really need the Media Id.  
+     // RTP will fill buffer when it receives a packet      
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SourceThreadLogon
+// Log in to the source thread
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SourceThreadLogon( MAsyncEventHandler& aEventHandler )
+    {
+	static_cast<CMCCRtpDataSource*>(iRtpDataSource)->SetPayloadSize( 1500 );
+    iCurDataSource->SourceThreadLogon( aEventHandler );
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::NegotiateSourceL( MDataSink& aDataSink )
+// Negotiate source settings to match data sink object.
+// Re-size frame buffers if needed
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::NegotiateSourceL( MDataSink& aDataSink )
+    {
+	iSink = static_cast<MDataSink*>( &aDataSink );//aDataSink;
+	iCurDataSource->NegotiateSourceL( *this );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SourceThreadLogoff
+// Log out of the source thread.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SourceThreadLogoff( )
+    {
+    iCurDataSource->SourceThreadLogoff( );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::BufferFilledL
+// Called after the data buffer is filled. Update the number of bytes read
+// and the current read position for the next read operation.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::BufferFilledL( CMMFBuffer* aBuffer, 
+                                           const TRtpRecvHeader& aRtpHeader )
+    {
+    User::LeaveIfNull( aBuffer );
+    if ( KUidMmfDataBuffer != aBuffer->Type() )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    //        RDebug::Print ( _L ( "start CMMFAmrWbFormatRead::BufferFilledL" ) );
+    //        RDebug::Print ( _L ( "M = %d, R = %d, CSI = %d, SIT = %d, PT = %d, SN = %d, CS = %d" ),
+    //            aRtpHeader.iMarker, aRtpHeader.reserved, aRtpHeader.iChecksumInd,
+    //            aRtpHeader.iSpeechItemToggle, aRtpHeader.iPayloadType,
+    //            aRtpHeader.iSeqNum, aRtpHeader.iChecksum );
+    //#endif
+    // Copy received buffer
+    iPayloadBuffer->Data().Copy( static_cast<CMMFDataBuffer*>( aBuffer )->Data() );
+	iRecvHeader = aRtpHeader;
+    iBufferToReadExists = ETrue;
+    // Get a reference to the data
+    TDes8& srcData = static_cast<CMMFDataBuffer*>( iPayloadBuffer )->Data();
+	// Decode the payload
+	iNalCount = 0;
+	iDecoder->DePayloadizeFrameL(srcData, iRecvHeader.iTimestamp, iRecvHeader.iTimestamp, iRecvHeader.iSeqNum 
+					, iRecvHeader.iMarker, iNalCount);            
+    // Whenever BufferFilledL is called from RtpSourceSink
+    // Data has been depayloadized, now read the data and send it to the sink (DataPath)
+     iStateMachine->ChangeState( EEmptyDataToSink ); 
+	 SendDataToSinkL();		// sending data to sink
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SendDataToSinkL
+// Send full frame buffer to Data Path
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SendDataToSinkL( )
+    {
+        TInt count = 0;
+        CAvcRtpStruct * ptr = NULL;
+        TBufC8<4> buf(AVCPSC);
+    		RDebug::Print ( _L ( "CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SendDataToSinkL( ) - START" ) );
+    		#endif
+        iFillRequested = EFalse;
+        // We give data to jitter buffer through the iSink->BufferFilledL() function below. Now when the jitter
+        // buffer has handled the data, it calls back FillBufferL() and there we check if all the data is given
+        // and if so, delete the buffers. Otherwise give data back to it again.
+        iNalSent = 0;   // starting from 0 and going to iNalCount (in FillBuffer)
+       	ptr = NULL;
+       	ptr = iDecoder->GetNalUnit(iNalSent++);
+        if(ptr)
+        {
+        	TDes8& dataDes = STATIC_CAST( CMMFDataBuffer*, iFrameBuffer )->Data( );
+        	TPtr8 pDes = ptr->iDes->Des( );
+        	if(iUsingJitterBufferExtension)
+        	{
+        		TRTPInfo info;
+        		info.TS	= (ptr->iTimeStamp*1000)/90;
+        		info.SN = ptr->iSeqNo;
+				info.DON = ptr->iDon;
+				info.PT = ptr->iPacketType;
+				info.FUH = ptr->iFUHeader; 	// copying FU-Header
+				dataDes.Copy((TUint8*)&info, sizeof(TRTPInfo));
+    			if(ptr->iPacketType != PACKET_FU_A && ptr->iPacketType != PACKET_FU_B)
+    				dataDes.Append(AVCPSC);
+    			dataDes.Append(pDes.Ptr( ), pDes.Length( ));
+        	}
+        	else
+    		{
+    			dataDes.Copy(pDes.Ptr( ), pDes.Length( ));
+    			if(ptr->iPacketType != PACKET_FU_A && ptr->iPacketType != PACKET_FU_B)
+    				dataDes.Insert(0, AVCPSC);//Add PSC to each packet 
+    		}
+    		iFrameBuffer->SetTimeToPlay(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds((ptr->iTimeStamp*1000)/90));//us
+    		iFrameBuffer->SetFrameNumber(ptr->iSeqNo);
+    		// sending first NAL unit to the jitter buffer
+    		iSink->BufferFilledL(iFrameBuffer);
+        }
+        // Clear buffers and then reset iNalCount
+        //iDecoder->ClearBuffer();
+        //iNalCount = 0;
+    RDebug::Print ( _L ( "CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SendDataToSinkL( ) - DONE" ) );
+    #endif
+    }
+/*void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SendDataToSinkL( )
+    {
+        TInt count = 0;
+        CAvcRtpStruct * ptr = NULL;
+        TBufC8<4> buf(AVCPSC);
+    		RDebug::Print ( _L ( "CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SendDataToSinkL( ) - START" ) );
+    		#endif
+        iFillRequested = EFalse;
+        for(count = 0; count < iNalCount; count++)
+        {
+        	ptr = NULL;
+        	ptr = iDecoder->GetNalUnit(count);
+        	if(ptr)
+        	{
+        		TDes8& dataDes = STATIC_CAST( CMMFDataBuffer*, iFrameBuffer )->Data( );
+        		TPtr8 pDes = ptr->iDes->Des( );
+        		if(iUsingJitterBufferExtension)
+        		{
+        			TRTPInfo info;
+        			info.TS	= (ptr->iTimeStamp*1000)/90;
+        			info.SN = ptr->iSeqNo;
+					info.DON = ptr->iDon;
+					dataDes.Copy((TUint8*)&info, sizeof(TRTPInfo));
+    				dataDes.Append(AVCPSC);
+    				dataDes.Append(pDes.Ptr( ), pDes.Length( ));
+        		}
+        		else
+    			{
+    				dataDes.Copy(pDes.Ptr( ), pDes.Length( ));
+    				dataDes.Insert(0, AVCPSC);//Add PSC to each packet 
+    			}
+    			iFrameBuffer->SetTimeToPlay(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds((ptr->iTimeStamp*1000)/90));//us
+    			iFrameBuffer->SetFrameNumber(ptr->iSeqNo);
+    			iSink->BufferFilledL(iFrameBuffer);
+        	}
+        }
+        // Clear buffers and then reset iNalCount
+        iDecoder->ClearBuffer();
+        iNalCount = 0;
+    RDebug::Print ( _L ( "CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SendDataToSinkL( ) - DONE" ) );
+    #endif
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SourceDataTypeCode
+// Return the source data type ( four CC code ) for the given media
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TFourCC CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SourceDataTypeCode( TMediaId aMediaId )
+    {
+    if ( aMediaId.iMediaType == KUidMediaTypeVideo )
+        {
+        return iFourCC;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        return TFourCC( ); //defaults to 'NULL' fourCC
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SetSourceDataTypeCode
+// Set the source data type to the given four CC code for the given media
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SetSourceDataTypeCode( TFourCC aSourceFourCC, 
+                                                   TMediaId aMediaId )
+    {
+   if ( KUidMediaTypeVideo != aMediaId.iMediaType ) 
+        {
+        return KErrNotSupported;
+        }
+    iFourCC = aSourceFourCC;
+    iMediaId = aMediaId;
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::CreateSourceBufferL
+// Create a source buffer for the given media and indicate in aReference if buffer
+// is created.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMMFBuffer* CAvcPayloadFormatRead::CreateSourceBufferNowL( TMediaId aMediaId, 
+                                                        TBool &aReference )
+    {
+    if ( aMediaId.iMediaType != KUidMediaTypeVideo )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    // the source buffers belong to AmrPayloadFormatRead not to datapath
+    // aference should be set to ETrue and destried by AmrPayloadFormatRead itself.
+    aReference = ETrue;
+    return iFrameBuffer; 
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::CreateSourceBufferL
+// Create a source buffer for the given media, setting frame size to match
+// the given sink buffer
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMMFBuffer* CAvcPayloadFormatRead::CreateSourceBufferL( TMediaId aMediaId,
+                                                        //CMMFBuffer& /*aSinkBuffer*/,
+                                                        TBool &aReference )
+    {
+    if ( aMediaId.iMediaType != KUidMediaTypeVideo )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    return CreateSourceBufferNowL( aMediaId, aReference );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SinkDataTypeCode()
+// Returns the datatype code for this Format Decoder
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TFourCC CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SinkDataTypeCode( TMediaId aMediaId )
+    {
+    if( KUidMediaTypeVideo == aMediaId.iMediaType )
+        {
+        return iFourCC;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        return TFourCC();
+        }
+    };
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::CancelDlRequest( )
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::CancelDlRequest( )
+    {
+    iStateMachine->Cancel( );
+    iStateMachine->ChangeState( EDecodeIdle );
+    iBufferToReadExists = EFalse;
+    iFillRequested = EFalse;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SourcePrimeL( )
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SourcePrimeL( )
+    {
+    iCurDataSource->SourcePrimeL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SourcePlayL( )
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SourcePlayL( )
+    {
+   	iCurDataSource->SourcePlayL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SourcePauseL( )
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SourcePauseL( )
+    {
+    iCurDataSource->SourcePauseL( );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SourceStopL( )
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SourceStopL( )
+    {
+    //CancelDlRequest( );
+    iCurDataSource->SourceStopL( );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SetPayloadType
+// Sets the payloadtype to be accepted.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::SetPayloadType( TUint8 aPayloadType )
+    {
+    iPayloadTypes.Reset();
+    iPayloadTypes.Append( aPayloadType );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAvcPayloadFormatRead::FillSinkBufferL
+// Fill the sink buffer, not needed, currently sendDataToSinkL fills the sink buffers before sending.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::FillSinkBufferL( )
+	TFourCC();
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::UseRTPInfoExtension()
+	iUsingJitterBufferExtension = EFalse;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAvcPayloadFormatRead::ConfigurePayloadFormatL( const TDesC8& /*aConfigParams*/ )
+	// Fill this function when integrating AVC decoder
\ No newline at end of file