changeset 0 1bce908db942
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/multimediacommscontroller/mmccrtpwrapper/src/rtp_wrapper.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:04:58 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1895 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// class for the rtpwrapper unit test cases
+ @file
+#include <e32math.h>
+#include <commdbconnpref.h> 
+#include <rtp.h>
+#include <rtcp.h>
+#include <COMMDB.H> 
+#include <srtpsession.h>
+#include "rtpheader.h"
+#include "rtpmanager.h"
+TInt RtpSessionLinearOrderFunc(const  CRtpSessionInfo& aNew, const CRtpSessionInfo &aArrElem)
+	{
+	return aNew.iPortNumber - aArrElem.iPortNumber;
+	}
+CRtpSessionInfo* CRtpSessionInfo::NewL()
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpSessionInfo::NewL");
+	CRtpSessionInfo *self = new(ELeave) CRtpSessionInfo();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpSessionInfo::NewL");
+	return self;
+	}
+void CRtpSessionInfo::ConstructL()
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpSessionInfo::ConstructL");
+	}
+/* Creates a CrtpManager object */
+CRtpManager* CRtpManager::NewL(MRtpErrNotify& aErrNotify )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::NewL");
+    CRtpManager *self = new(ELeave) CRtpManager();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aErrNotify);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::NewL");
+	return self;
+	}
+CRtpManager::CRtpManager( )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::CRtpManager");
+	iOwnsConnection   = EFalse;
+	iOwnsSocketServer = EFalse;
+	LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::CRtpManager");
+	}
+CRtpManager::~CRtpManager( )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::~CRtpManager");
+	Close();
+	/* Clean up the Arrays */
+	iRtpSessionArr.Close();
+	iRtpStreamsArr.Close();
+	if(iOwnsConnection)
+		delete iConnection;
+	if(iOwnsSocketServer)
+		delete iSocketServ;
+	LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::~CRtpManager");
+	}
+void CRtpManager::ConstructL(MRtpErrNotify& aErrNotify )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::ConstructL");
+	iRtpErrNotify = &aErrNotify;
+	LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::ConstructL");
+	}
+TInt CRtpManager::OpenL( const TRtpSdesParams& aSdesInfo,  const TDesC* aRtpPacketDll,
+                         const RSocketServ* aSocketServPtr, const RConnection* aConnPtr )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::OpenL");
+	/* The current implementation do not support having a different
+	 * aRtpPacketDll
+	 * So the argument is ignored */
+	(void)aRtpPacketDll;
+	if(aSocketServPtr)
+		{
+		iSocketServ = const_cast<RSocketServ*>(aSocketServPtr);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iSocketServ = new(ELeave) RSocketServ();
+		iOwnsSocketServer = ETrue;
+		}
+	if(aConnPtr)
+		{
+		iConnection = const_cast<RConnection*>(aConnPtr);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iConnection = new(ELeave) RConnection();
+		iOwnsConnection = ETrue;
+		}
+	iSdesInfo  = aSdesInfo;
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSocketServ->Connect());
+	User::LeaveIfError(iConnection->Open(*iSocketServ));
+	LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::OpenL");
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+ /**
+  * Open and initialize the CRtpAPI object.
+  * @param aIapId - [input] IAP ID. If -1, no IAP selection dialog
+  *   will pop up. Instead, the default IAP will be used.
+  * @return KErrNone if successful; system wide error code otherwise
+ */
+TInt CRtpManager::StartConnection( TInt aIapId )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::StartConnection");
+	__RTP_LOG1("IapId = %d",aIapId)
+	if(aIapId != -1)
+		{
+		TCommDbConnPref prefs;
+		prefs.SetDialogPreference(ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt);
+		prefs.SetDirection(ECommDbConnectionDirectionOutgoing);
+		prefs.SetIapId(aIapId);
+		iIapId = aIapId;
+		return iConnection->Start(prefs);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TRAPD(err,iIapId = GetDefaultIapIdL());
+		if(KErrNone != err)
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG1("GetDefaultIapIdL returned  %d",err)
+			return err;
+			}
+		__RTP_LOG1("GetDefaultIapIdL default Iap:  %d",iIapId)
+		LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::StartConnection");
+		return iConnection->Start();
+		}
+	}
+TInt CRtpManager::StartConnection( TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt aIapId)
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::StartConnection-Async");
+	__RTP_LOG1("aIapId = %d",aIapId);
+	TCommDbConnPref prefs;
+	prefs.SetDialogPreference(ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt);
+	prefs.SetDirection(ECommDbConnectionDirectionOutgoing);
+	if(aIapId != -1)
+		{
+		prefs.SetIapId(aIapId);	
+		iConnection->Start(prefs, aStatus);
+		iIapId = aIapId;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TRAPD(err,iIapId = GetDefaultIapIdL());
+		if(KErrNone != err)
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG1("GetDefaultIapIdL returned  %d",err)
+			return err;
+			}
+		__RTP_LOG1("GetDefaultIapIdL default Iap:  %d",iIapId)
+		prefs.SetIapId(iIapId);
+		iConnection->Start(prefs, aStatus);
+		}
+	LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::StartConnection-Async");
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+* Cancels asynchoronous start of connection.
+* Any open requests will be completed with KErrCancel.
+* @return None
+void CRtpManager::CancelStart()
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::CancelStart");
+	return;
+	}
+void CRtpManager::Close()
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::Close");
+	/* Iterate through the session array and close */
+	for(int i=0; i < iRtpSessionArr.Count(); i++)
+		{
+		__RTP_LOG1("Closing Session Key %u",iRtpSessionArr[i]->iKey);
+		iRtpSessionArr[i]->iRtpSession.Close();
+		ASSERT(iRtpSessionArr[i]->iPendingReqQue->IsEmpty());
+		delete iRtpSessionArr[i]->iPendingReqQue;
+		iRtpSessionArr[i]->iPendingReqQue = NULL;
+		}
+	if(iConnection)
+		iConnection->Close();
+	if(iSocketServ)
+		iSocketServ->Close();
+	LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::Close");
+	}
+* Set SDES (Source Description) information of the local participant.
+* Participant is defined as an application program and
+* only one local participant is allowed.
+ void CRtpManager::SetLocalSdes( const TRtpSdesParams& aSDES)
+	{
+	/* Should the SDES list be updated again here ? */
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::SetLocalSdes");
+	iSdesInfo = aSDES;
+	}
+* Get the local IP address
+* @param None
+* @return local ip address.
+ TInetAddr& CRtpManager::GetLocalIPAddressL()
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::GetLocalIPAddressL");
+	/* Open an RSocket and find its address */
+	RSocket socket;
+	User::LeaveIfError(socket.Open(*iSocketServ, KAfInet, KSockDatagram, KProtocolInetUdp,*iConnection));
+	CleanupClosePushL(socket);
+	TSoInetInterfaceInfo networkInfo;
+	TPckg<TSoInetInterfaceInfo> opt(networkInfo);
+	User::LeaveIfError(socket.SetOpt(KSoInetEnumInterfaces, KSolInetIfCtrl));
+	TSoInetIfQuery query;
+	TPckg<TSoInetIfQuery> queryBuf(query);
+	TInt res = KErrNone;
+	do 
+	{
+		res = socket.GetOpt(KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, opt);
+		if (!res && opt().iState == EIfUp)
+		{
+			query.iName = opt().iName;
+			res = socket.GetOpt(KSoInetIfQueryByName, KSolInetIfQuery, queryBuf);
+			if (!res && query.iZone[1] == iIapId)
+			{
+				networkInfo = opt();
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	while (res == KErrNone);
+    if(res!= KErrNone)
+    	{
+    	__RTP_LOG1("Found nothing! ret %d",res)
+    	/* Didn't find :( */
+    	User::Leave(res);
+    	}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);
+    iSockAddr = networkInfo.iAddress;
+    LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::GetLocalIPAddressL");
+	return iSockAddr;
+	}
+ /**
+ * Makes a CName that is unique for a given seesion 
+ */
+void CRtpManager::MakeACnameL(TDes8 &aCname)
+	{
+	/* As of now putting the IP Address. But this is not enough.
+	 * multiple sessions should have unique CNAMES 
+	 * */
+	TBuf<50> ipAddr;
+	TInetAddr locAddr = GetLocalIPAddressL();
+	locAddr.Output(ipAddr);
+	aCname.Format(_L8("%d@"),iRtpSessionArr.Count()+1);
+	aCname.Append(ipAddr);
+	}
+* Create a new RTP Session and return the Session ID as well as the
+* local port number assigned for RTP. RTP uses an even port number and
+* RTCP, if enabled, uses the next higher (odd) port number.
+ TRtpId CRtpManager::CreateSessionL(const TCreateSessionParams& aSessionParams,
+                           	                TUint& aPort, TBool aEnableRtcp, const TRtcpParams* aRtcpParams )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::CreateSessionL");
+	__RTP_LOG1("RTCP stat %d",aEnableRtcp)
+	TInt localPort;
+	/* The RTP Session create takes in the LocalPort.*/
+	if(iRtpSessionArr.Count() == 0)
+		{
+		//In this case start from begining. Start by using the default Even RTP
+		//Port.
+		localPort = KDefaultStartRtpAddress;
+		__RTP_LOG1("LocalPort used %d",localPort)
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		/* Pick the next highest port number */
+		localPort = iRtpSessionArr[iRtpSessionArr.Count()-1]->iPortNumber + 2;
+		__RTP_LOG1("LocalPort used %d",localPort)
+		}
+	//if the user has specified a port then override our selection
+	if(aPort)
+		{
+		localPort = aPort;
+		}
+	//Now use this Port and try opening the RTP Session. If the Session Open
+	//fails try opening with the next even port.
+    //Its much more easier to use the API which takes RSocket directly here. But
+	//ths would mean we cannot use the New CFRTP API.
+	TInetAddr locAddr(0,localPort);
+	/* Remote address is uninitialized. Unfortunately its required by Symbian
+	 * RTP stack. */
+	TInetAddr remAddr;
+	RRtpSession rtpSession;
+	#else
+	RRtpSession_Internal rtpSession;
+	#endif	
+	TPtrC8 cnameTptr((TUint8*)"", 0);;
+	if(aEnableRtcp)
+		{
+		TBuf8<50> cnameBuf;
+		if(iSdesInfo.iCName == KNullDesC8)
+			{
+			MakeACnameL(cnameBuf);
+			iSdesInfo.iCName.Set(cnameBuf);
+			}
+		cnameTptr.Set(iSdesInfo.iCName);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		cnameTptr.Set(KNullDesC8);
+		}
+	TInt tryCount = 0;
+	TInt errOpenl = KErrNone;
+	__RTP_LOG1("Starting Port alloc and OpenL tryCount %d",tryCount);
+	__RTP_LOG1("aSessionParams.iSocketBufSize    %d",aSessionParams.iSocketBufSize);	
+   aPort = locAddr.Port();
+    while(tryCount < 5 )
+		{
+    	TRAP(errOpenl,rtpSession.OpenL(*iSocketServ, locAddr, remAddr, aSessionParams.iSocketBufSize, *iConnection, EPriorityNormal, cnameTptr));
+		if(errOpenl != KErrNone)
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG2("OpenL Failed with Error Code %d TryCount %d",errOpenl, tryCount);
+			tryCount ++;
+			locAddr.SetPort(locAddr.Port()+tryCount+1);
+			localPort += tryCount+1;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+    User::LeaveIfError(errOpenl);
+	__RTP_LOG(",rtpSession.OpenL Success!!");
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 rtcpInterval;
+	if(aEnableRtcp && aRtcpParams)
+		{
+		rtpSession.SetBandwidth(aRtcpParams->iSessionBWidth);
+		__RTP_LOG1(" aRtcpParams->iRtcpTimeOut %d", aRtcpParams->iRtcpTimeOut.Int());
+		if(aRtcpParams->iRtcpTimeOut.Int())
+		    {
+			rtcpInterval = aRtcpParams->iRtcpTimeOut.Int();
+		    }
+		else
+		    {
+		    //TODO fix me!
+		    //default 500 ms
+		    rtcpInterval = 1000000;
+		    }
+        rtpSession.SetRtcpInterval(rtcpInterval);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__RTP_LOG("Setting default RTCP Properties!!");
+		//Default Bandwidth.
+		rtpSession.SetBandwidth(KRtpDefaultBandWidth);	
+		rtcpInterval = 1000000;
+		rtpSession.SetRtcpInterval(rtcpInterval);
+		}
+	//Phew! Now put these in our Array
+	CRtpSessionInfo* sessionInfo = CRtpSessionInfo::NewL();
+	//Assign a Key for this session.
+	sessionInfo->iKey         = Math::Random();
+	sessionInfo->iPortNumber  = localPort;
+	sessionInfo->iRtpSession  = rtpSession;
+	sessionInfo->iRtpManager  = this;
+	sessionInfo->iRtcpEnabled = aEnableRtcp;
+	sessionInfo->iPendingReqQue = new(ELeave)  TSglQue<TRtpSendReqNode>(_FOFF(TRtpSendReqNode,iLink));
+	iRtpSessionArr.InsertInOrder(sessionInfo, TLinearOrder<CRtpSessionInfo>(RtpSessionLinearOrderFunc)); //InsertInOrder(sessionInfo,TLinearOrder<CRtpSessionInfo>(RtpSessionLinearOrderFunc));
+	__RTP_LOG1("Session Created Key %u",sessionInfo->iKey)
+    //Get back the reference to the object in Array.
+	TInt idx = FindSessionL(sessionInfo->iKey);
+    //Register for the Events  
+	RegisterEventsOnSessionL(iRtpSessionArr[idx]);
+	aPort = localPort;
+	//TODO: Fix this in RTP Stack.
+	/* Remote Address is uninitialized now. So if RTCP is enabled disable autosend so that
+	 * no data is send to incorrect address.
+	 */
+	if(aEnableRtcp)
+		{
+		rtpSession.SetRTCPAutoSend(EFalse);
+		}
+	LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::CreateSessionL");
+	return sessionInfo->iKey;
+	}
+ *Create a new, secure RTP Session and return the Session ID as well as the
+* local port number assigned for RTP. RTP uses an even port number and
+* RTCP, if enabled, uses the next higher (odd) port number.
+* User is expected to create corresponding SRTP session prior to calling this
+* function. 
+ TRtpId CRtpManager::CreateSessionL( const TCreateSessionParams& aSessionParams, TUint& aPort, 
+	                				TBool aEnableRtcp, const TRtcpParams* aRtcpParams, CSRTPSession& aSRTPSession)
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::CreateSessionL");
+	__RTP_LOG("SRTP is not supported Leaving..!!")
+	TUint32 key = CreateSessionL(aSessionParams, aPort, aEnableRtcp, aRtcpParams);
+	TInt idx = FindSessionL(key);
+	iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iSRTPSession = &aSRTPSession;
+	iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iRtpSession.SetPrePostProcessingRegisterCallback(iRtpSessionArr[idx]);
+	return key;
+	}
+* Start an RTP Session. If enabled, RTCP associated with the given
+* session is also started.
+ TInt CRtpManager::StartSession( TRtpId aSessionId )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::StartSession");
+	if(FindSession(aSessionId)!= KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		/* Well we found the session. But Really nothing to do */
+		//TODO verify
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return KErrNotFound;
+		}
+	}
+* Close an RTP Session.
+ void CRtpManager::CloseSession( TRtpId aSessionId )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::CloseSession");
+	__RTP_LOG1("SessID %u",aSessionId)
+	TInt idx;
+	idx = FindSession(aSessionId);
+	if(KErrNotFound != idx)
+		{
+		/* This takes care of all cleaning up */
+		iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iRtpSession.Close();
+		/* There should be no more Pending requests on this session */
+		ASSERT(iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iPendingReqQue->IsEmpty());
+		delete iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iPendingReqQue;
+		CRtpSessionInfo *session = iRtpSessionArr[idx];
+		iRtpSessionArr.Remove(idx);
+		delete session;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__RTP_LOG("Session not found")
+	    //So already cleaned?	
+		}
+	LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::CloseSession");
+	}
+* Set remote IP address and port number to RTP Session.
+* Port number for RTP must be an even number and the corresponding
+* RTCP, if enabled, will be set to use the next higher (odd) port.
+ TInt CRtpManager::SetRemoteAddress( TRtpId aSessionId,const TInetAddr& aRemoteAddr )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::SetRemoteAddress");
+	__RTP_LOG1("SessID %u",aSessionId)
+	__RTP_LOG_STMT(TBuf<50> buf; aRemoteAddr.Output(buf););
+	__RTP_LOG2("RemoteAddressAddress %S, Port %u", &buf, aRemoteAddr.Port());
+	TInt ret;
+	TInetAddr addr = aRemoteAddr;
+	if((ret =FindSession(aSessionId))!= KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.SetRemoteAddress(addr);
+		iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRemoteAddress = aRemoteAddr;
+		/* SET the RTCP address as well here */
+		iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRemoteRTCPAddress = aRemoteAddr;
+		iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRemoteRTCPAddress.SetPort(aRemoteAddr.Port()+1);
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return KErrNotFound;
+		}
+	}
+* Set remote RTCP IP address and port number to RTP Session accoring to RFC 3605
+* i.e. this should be used if RTCP port is different than RTP port + 1
+TInt CRtpManager::SetRemoteRtcpAddress( TRtpId aSessionId, const TInetAddr&  aRemoteAddr)
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::SetRemoteRtcpAddress");
+	__RTP_LOG1("SessID %u",aSessionId)
+	__RTP_LOG_STMT(TBuf<50> buf; aRemoteAddr.Output(buf););
+	__RTP_LOG2("RemoteAddressAddress %S, Port %u", &buf, aRemoteAddr.Port());
+	TInt ret;
+	TInt port = aRemoteAddr.Port();
+	if((ret =FindSession(aSessionId))!= KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.SetRemoteRtcpPort(port);
+		iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRemoteRTCPAddress = aRemoteAddr;
+		/*
+		//VS Experiment. Try sending Door opener here to Remote end
+    	TRequestStatus 	stat;
+		__RTP_LOG("CRtpManager::SetRemoteAddress -- Sending DoorOpener --RTCP");
+		RSocket *sock = NULL;
+		sock = GetRtcpSocket(aSessionId);
+		sock->SendTo(_L8("OpenSesame"),iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRemoteAddress,0,stat);
+		User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+        __RTP_LOG1("DoorOpener --RTCP sent retCode %d", stat.Int());
+		LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::SetRemoteRtcpAddress");
+		*/
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return KErrNotFound;
+		}
+	}
+* Create a Receive stream for an RTP Session and return the stream
+* ID which is unique for all RTP Sessions.
+ TRtpId CRtpManager::CreateReceiveStreamL( TRtpId aSessionId, const TRcvStreamParams& aParams )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::CreateReceiveStreamL");
+	__RTP_LOG1("SessID %u",aSessionId)
+	/* Valide the session */
+	FindSessionL(aSessionId);
+	/* Check for Post-Created Streams. If present use it */
+	for(TInt i=0; i < iRtpStreamsArr.Count(); i++)
+		{
+		if(iRtpStreamsArr[i].iSessionKey == aSessionId &&
+				iRtpStreamsArr[i].iState == TRtpStreamInfo::eStreamPostCreated && 
+				iRtpStreamsArr[i].iPayloadType == aParams.iPayloadType	)
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG1("Found Post Created Stream Key %u",iRtpStreamsArr[i].iKey)
+			/* Post created stream exists. Return it */
+			iRtpStreamsArr[i].iState = TRtpStreamInfo::eStreamReadyToUse;
+			return iRtpStreamsArr[i].iKey;
+			}
+		}
+	/* OK found nothing. So create a Pre-Created stream and return its ID */
+	TRtpStreamInfo strmInfo;
+	strmInfo.iKey = Math::Random();
+	strmInfo.iSessionKey = aSessionId;
+	strmInfo.iState = TRtpStreamInfo::eStreamPreCreated;
+	strmInfo.iPayloadType = aParams.iPayloadType;
+	strmInfo.iRtpManager = this;
+	iRtpStreamsArr.AppendL(strmInfo);
+	__RTP_LOG1("Created PreCreated Stream Key %u",strmInfo.iKey)
+	LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::CreateReceiveStreamL");
+	return strmInfo.iKey;
+	}
+ /**
+  * Create a Transmit stream for an RTP Session and return the stream
+  * ID which is unique for all RTP Sessions. SSRC value assigned for the
+  * very first Transmit stream will be the same as the default SSRC
+  * value reserved internally by CreateSession function. This function
+  * is normally used to create a transmit stream where SSRC value is
+  * randomly generated.
+  */
+   TRtpId CRtpManager::CreateTransmitStreamL( TRtpId aSessionId,
+                      const TTranStreamParams& aParams,
+                      TRtpSSRC& aSSRC )
+	   {
+	   LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::CreateTransmitStreamL");
+	   __RTP_LOG1("SessID %u",aSessionId)
+	   TInt idx = FindSessionL(aSessionId);
+	   if(!iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iRtpSendSource.IsOpen())
+		   {
+		   iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iRtpSendSource = iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iRtpSession.NewSendSourceL();
+		   /* Now register for events in this session */
+		   iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iRtpSendSource.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpSendSucceeded,
+				                                          RtpSessionLevelCB,
+				                                          iRtpSessionArr[idx],
+				                                          ERtpNotOneShot);
+		   iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iRtpSendSource.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpSendFail,
+				                                          RtpSessionLevelCB,
+				                                          iRtpSessionArr[idx],
+				                                          ERtpNotOneShot);
+		   aSSRC = iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iRtpSendSource.GetLocalSSRC();
+		   iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iPayloadType = aParams.iPayloadType;
+		   iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iRtpSendSource.SetPayloadType(aParams.iPayloadType);
+           //Note: The key is same as the SessionKey. We donot support
+           //more than one Transmit Streams in one Session.
+           LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::CreateTransmitStreamL");
+           return iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iKey;
+           }
+	   __RTP_LOG("A SendStream was already Opened!")
+	   //Already called still there might be Applications calling this
+	   //API twice
+	   //
+	   LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::CreateTransmitStreamL");
+	   return 0;
+	   }
+  /**
+  * Create a Transmit stream, with a given SSRC value, for an RTP Session
+  * and return the stream ID which is unique for all RTP Sessions. This
+  * extended function is used for a special case where a specific SSRC
+  * value needs to be associated with the transmit stream being created,
+  * e.g. for retransmission purpose.
+  */
+   TRtpId CRtpManager::CreateTransmitStreamExtL( TRtpId , const TTranStreamParams& ,
+                      							const TRtpSSRC )
+	   {
+	   LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::CreateTransmitStreamL");
+	   __RTP_LOG("NotSuppoted SSRC cannot be changed")
+	   //This is not supported as of now.
+	   //SSRC cannot be specified by Applications.
+	   return 0;
+	   }
+   /**
+    * Close a Transmit or Receive stream.
+    */
+void CRtpManager::CloseStream( TRtpId aRtpID)
+	   {
+	   LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::CloseStream");
+	   __RTP_LOG1("Stream ID %u",aRtpID)
+       (void)aRtpID;
+	   //Streams are closed when session is closed.
+	   //so no requirement for an explicit close
+	   //TODO Verify Requirements
+	   return;
+	   }
+ * Register a callback object for receiving RTP data packets from an RTP
+ * Session. Only one receiver callback object is allowed to be
+ * registered for one Session.
+ */
+TInt CRtpManager::RegisterRtpObserver( TRtpId aSessionId, MRtpObserver& aRtpObserver )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::RegisterRtpObserver");
+	__RTP_LOG1("SessID %u",aSessionId)
+	TInt ret = FindSession(aSessionId);
+	if(ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpObserver = &aRtpObserver;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+ /**
+  * Unregister RTP observer callback object associated with an RTP
+  * session.
+  */
+void CRtpManager::UnregisterRtpObserver(TRtpId aSessionId)
+	{	
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::UnregisterRtpObserver");
+	__RTP_LOG1("SessID %u",aSessionId)
+	TInt ret = FindSession(aSessionId);
+	if(ret >= 0)
+		iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpObserver = NULL;
+	}
+* Sets/resets the observer for the non-RTP data.
+* Only one receiver callback object is allowed to be
+* registered for one Session.
+* called when a non-RTP data packet is received.
+ TInt CRtpManager::SetNonRTPDataObserver( TRtpId aSessionId, MNonRTPDataObserver* aNonRtpObserver)
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::SetNonRTPDataObserver");
+	__RTP_LOG1("SessID %u",aSessionId);
+	TInt ret = FindSession(aSessionId);
+	if(ret < 0)
+		return ret;
+	iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iNonRtpDataObserver = aNonRtpObserver;
+	TRAPD(err,iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.RegisterEventCallbackL(ENonRtpDataReceived,
+			                                          RtpSessionLevelCB,
+			                                          iRtpSessionArr[ret],
+			                                          ERtpOneShot));
+	if(KErrNone != err)
+		{
+		__RTP_LOG1("err %d",err);
+		return err;
+		}
+	TRAP(err,iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.RegisterEventCallbackL(ENonRtcpDataReceived,
+				                                          RtpSessionLevelCB,
+				                                          iRtpSessionArr[ret],
+				                                          ERtpOneShot));
+	if(KErrNone != err)
+		{
+		/* The already registered callback will be deleted when the first
+		 * NonRtp data comes
+		 */
+		iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iNonRtpDataObserver = 0;
+		}
+	return err;
+	}
+* Send an RTP data packet in a Transmit stream synchronously.
+ TInt CRtpManager::SendRtpPacket( TRtpId aTranStreamId,
+                             const TRtpSendHeader& aHeaderInfo,
+                             const TDesC8& aPayloadData )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::SendRtpPacket");
+	__RTP_LOG1("aTranStreamId: %u",aTranStreamId)
+	/* The Transmit Id and Session ID are same. So
+	 * find the session */
+	TInt ret = FindSession(aTranStreamId);
+	if(ret<0)
+		return ret;
+	ASSERT(iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSendSource.IsOpen());
+	RRtpSendPacket sendPkt;
+	TInt pktLen = 0;
+    pktLen += aPayloadData.Length();
+    __RTP_LOG1("pktLen: %d", pktLen );	
+    if(iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iSRTPSession)
+		{
+		/* SRTP is enabled so allocate more bytes for MKI and AuthTag */
+		pktLen += ( KSrtpMaxAuthTagLength + KSrtpMaxMKILen );
+	    __RTP_LOG1("Added extra bytes for SRTP new pktLen: %d", pktLen );	
+		}	
+	TRAPD(err,sendPkt = iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSendSource.NewSendPacketL(pktLen, aHeaderInfo.iHeaderExtension?aHeaderInfo.iHeaderExtension->iLength:KRtpNoExtension));
+	if(err != KErrNone)
+		return err;
+	__RTP_LOG2("TS: %u, PayloadType %d",aHeaderInfo.iTimestamp, aHeaderInfo.iPayloadType)
+	sendPkt.SetTimestamp(aHeaderInfo.iTimestamp);
+	sendPkt.SetMarker(aHeaderInfo.iMarker);
+	sendPkt.SetPayloadType(aHeaderInfo.iPayloadType);
+	if(iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iFirstPacketSent == EFalse)
+	    {
+	    iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.SetRTPTimeConversion(aHeaderInfo.iTimestamp, iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iSamplingRate/1000);
+	    iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iFirstPacketSent = ETrue;
+	    }
+	TDes8 &wrtPayload = sendPkt.WritePayload();
+	wrtPayload = aPayloadData;
+	ret = sendPkt.SendSync();
+	//TODO pre allocate a Max Size
+	sendPkt.Close();
+	LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::SendRtpPacket");	
+	return ret;
+	}
+ /**
+   * Send an RTP data packet in a Transmit stream asynchronously.
+   */
+ TInt CRtpManager::SendRtpPacket( TRtpId aTranStreamId,
+                                const TRtpSendHeader& aHeaderInfo,
+                                const TDesC8& aPayloadData,
+                                TRequestStatus& aStatus )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::SendRtpPacket");
+	__RTP_LOG1("aTranStreamId: %u",aTranStreamId)
+	/* The Transmit Id and Session ID are same. So
+	 * find the session */
+	TInt ret = FindSession(aTranStreamId);
+	if(ret<0)
+		return ret;
+	ASSERT(iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSendSource.IsOpen());
+	RRtpSendPacket sendPkt;
+	TInt pktLen = 0;
+    pktLen += aPayloadData.Length();
+    __RTP_LOG1("pktLen: %d", pktLen );	
+    if(iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iSRTPSession)
+		{
+		/* SRTP is enabled so allocate more bytes for MKI and AuthTag */
+		pktLen += ( KSrtpMaxAuthTagLength + KSrtpMaxMKILen );
+	    __RTP_LOG1("Added extra bytes for SRTP new pktLen: %d", pktLen );	
+		}	
+	TRAPD(err,sendPkt = iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSendSource.NewSendPacketL(pktLen,aHeaderInfo.iHeaderExtension?aHeaderInfo.iHeaderExtension->iLength:KRtpNoExtension));
+	if(err != KErrNone)
+		return err;
+    __RTP_LOG2("TS: %u, PayloadType %d",aHeaderInfo.iTimestamp, aHeaderInfo.iPayloadType);	
+	sendPkt.SetTimestamp(aHeaderInfo.iTimestamp);
+	sendPkt.SetMarker(aHeaderInfo.iMarker);
+	sendPkt.SetPayloadType(aHeaderInfo.iPayloadType);
+	if(iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iFirstPacketSent == EFalse)
+		{
+		iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.SetRTPTimeConversion(aHeaderInfo.iTimestamp, 1000*1000/iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iSamplingRate);
+		iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iFirstPacketSent = ETrue;
+		}
+	TDes8 &wrtPayload = sendPkt.WritePayload();
+	wrtPayload = aPayloadData;
+	/* This is an Async Send. So insert this packet in to the 
+	 * the send queue.
+	 */
+	TRtpSendReqNode *sendReqNode = NULL;
+	sendReqNode = new TRtpSendReqNode();
+	if(!sendReqNode)
+		{
+		sendPkt.Close();
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	sendReqNode->iPktToSend = sendPkt;
+	sendReqNode->iStatus = &aStatus;
+	iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iPendingReqQue->AddFirst(*sendReqNode);
+	*sendReqNode->iStatus = KRequestPending;
+	/* If this is the only pending element in the queue schedule immediately */
+	if(iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iPendingReqQue->IsLast(sendReqNode))
+		{
+		__RTP_LOG("Async Send ..Sending Immediately!");
+	    return SendRtpDataFromPendingQueue(iRtpSessionArr[ret]);	
+		}
+	__RTP_LOG("Async Send ..Packet Queued!");
+	//TODO pre allocate a Max Size
+    // The packet will be closed when Send is completed
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+ /**
+   * Send an RTP data packet asynchronously, with a given sequence number,
+   * in a Transmit stream mainly for retransmission purpose.
+ */
+ TInt CRtpManager::SendRtpPacket( TRtpId aTranStreamId,
+                                TRtpSequence ,
+                                const TRtpSendHeader& aHeaderInfo,
+                                const TDesC8& aPayloadData,
+                                TRequestStatus& aStatus )
+	{
+    LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::SendRtpPacket - With Sequence Called!!");
+    //TODO We SHOULD consider the Sequence number as well!	
+	return SendRtpPacket(aTranStreamId, aHeaderInfo, aPayloadData, aStatus) ;
+	}
+  * Send a non-RTP (control) data packet asynchronously
+ void CRtpManager::SendDataL( TRtpId aSessionId, TBool aUseRTPSocket, 
+		                      const TDesC8& aData, TRequestStatus&  aStatus)
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::SendDataL");
+	__RTP_LOG1("aSessionId: %u",aSessionId)
+	TInt ret = FindSessionL(aSessionId);
+	RSocket *sock = NULL;
+	TInetAddr remAddr = iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRemoteAddress;
+	if(aUseRTPSocket)
+		{
+		sock = GetRtpSocket(aSessionId);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		if(!iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpEnabled)
+			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+		sock = GetRtcpSocket(aSessionId);
+		remAddr = iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRemoteRTCPAddress;
+		}
+	/* Send the data out through the Socket */
+	sock->SendTo(aData,remAddr,0,aStatus);
+	return;
+	}
+ /**
+  * Cancel an outstanding SendRtpPacket() operation.
+  */
+ void CRtpManager::CancelSend( TRtpId aSessId)
+	 {
+	 /* Its a Bit tricky here. 
+	  * We have two levels of Active Objects and the Symbian stack
+	  * do not provide any API to cancel the Send request. As a workarnd we accesses the
+	  * RTP Socket directly and cancels the send ( RSocket::CancelSend())
+	  * Internal statistics are not rolled back in this case, but surely we can
+	  * live with that.
+	  * 
+	  * The Active object who issued this call will do a User::WaitForRequest() 
+	  * immediatly after calling Cancel. (See CActive::Cancel() implementation).
+	  * This means we should complete the request with KErrCancel here itself or
+	  * thread will block (Because we are not exactly an Async Service provider).
+	  * Once the request is completed we can expect a ESendFail callback or an
+	  * ESendSuccess callback from stack ( Second one beacuse the request might have
+	  * been completed already).
+	  */
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::CancelSend");
+	__RTP_LOG1("SessId: %u",aSessId)
+	TInt ret = FindSession(aSessId);
+	if(ret < 0)
+		{
+		ASSERT(ret!=KErrNone);
+		return;
+		}
+	if(iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iPendingReqQue->IsEmpty())
+		{
+		/* There is no pending request. This probably means the request was
+		 * already completed but the App is yet to see it..
+		 */
+		__RTP_LOG("NO pending request .. Returning!")
+		return;
+		}
+	TRtpSendReqNode *reqNode = iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iPendingReqQue->Last();
+    /* Once send is canceled complete Applications request. Also if the pending
+	 * queue is not empty schedule a new transmission here itself */
+	iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSendSource.Cancel();
+	User::RequestComplete(reqNode->iStatus, KErrCancel);
+	iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iPendingReqQue->Remove(*reqNode);
+	reqNode->iPktToSend.Close();
+	delete reqNode;
+	if(!iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iPendingReqQue->IsEmpty())
+		{
+		__RTP_LOG("Scheduling another send from PendingQueue")
+		SendRtpDataFromPendingQueue(iRtpSessionArr[ret]);
+		}
+	return;
+	}
+  /**
+  * Register a callback object for receiving RTCP packets associated with
+  * a given RTP Session. Only one observer callback object is allowed to
+  * be registered. One of aRtcpObserver object's callback functions is
+  * called when an RTCP packet of that type is received.
+  */
+ TInt CRtpManager::RegisterRtcpObserver( TRtpId aSessionId, MRtcpObserver& aRtcpObserver )
+	 {
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::RegisterRtcpObserver");
+	__RTP_LOG1("SessId: %u",aSessionId)
+	 TInt ret = FindSession(aSessionId);
+	 if(ret < 0)
+	 	return ret;
+	 iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpObserver = &aRtcpObserver;
+	 return KErrNone;
+	 }
+  /**
+  * Unregister RTCP observer callback object associated with an RTP
+  * session.
+  */
+ void CRtpManager::UnregisterRtcpObserver( TRtpId aSessionId )
+	 {
+	 LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::UnregisterRtcpObserver");
+	 __RTP_LOG1("SessId: %u",aSessionId)
+	 TInt ret = FindSession(aSessionId);
+	 if(ret >= 0)
+		 iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpObserver = NULL; 
+	 return;
+	 }
+ /**
+ * Send an RTCP APP packet for a Transmit stream.
+ */
+ TInt CRtpManager::SendRtcpAppPacket( TRtpId aTranStreamId, const TRtcpApp& aApp )
+	 {
+	 LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::SendRtcpAppPacket");
+	 __RTP_LOG1("aTranStreamId: %u",aTranStreamId)
+	 /* A send stream should be open to send an RTCP Bye packet */
+	 //Transmit Stream ID and Session Id are same
+	 TInt ret = FindSession(aTranStreamId);
+	 if(ret < 0)
+	 	return ret;
+	 ASSERT(iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpEnabled);
+	 TPtrC8 appName;
+	 appName.Set(aApp.iName,4); //Name is 4 Characters RFC 3550 Sec 6.7
+	 TPtrC8 appData;
+	 appData.Set(aApp.iAppData,aApp.iAppDataLen);
+	 TUint8 subType = aApp.iSubType;
+	 TRAPD(err,iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.SendAPPL(appName,appData, subType));
+	 return err;
+	 }
+ /**
+  * Send an RTCP BYE packet for a Transmit stream.
+ */
+ TInt CRtpManager::SendRtcpByePacket( TRtpId aTranStreamId, const TDesC8& aReason)
+	 {
+	 LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::SendRtcpByePacket");
+	 __RTP_LOG1("aTranStreamId: %u",aTranStreamId)
+	 /* A send stream should be open to send an RTCP Bye packet */
+	 //Transmit Stream ID and Session Id are same
+	 TInt ret = FindSession(aTranStreamId);
+	 if(ret < 0)
+	 	return ret;
+	 ASSERT(iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSendSource.IsOpen());
+	 TRAPD(err,iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSendSource.ByeL(const_cast<TDesC8&>(aReason)));
+	 return err;
+	 }
+ * Send an RTCP RR packet for a Reception stream.
+TInt CRtpManager::SendRtcpRrPacket( TRtpId aRcvStreamId )
+	{
+	 LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::SendRtcpRrPacket");
+	 __RTP_LOG1("aRcvStreamId: %u",aRcvStreamId)
+    /* No specific way to Send an RR Report alone */
+	//Do we need to?
+	TInt ret = FindStream(aRcvStreamId);
+	if(ret<0)
+		{
+		return ret;
+		}
+	ret = FindSession(iRtpStreamsArr[ret].iSessionKey);
+	TUint8 flg = 0x81;
+	TBuf8<1> flags;
+	flags.Copy(&flg,1);
+	TRAP(ret, iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.SendRTCPPacketL(flags));
+	return ret;
+	}
+ /** 
+ * Send an RTCP SR packet for a Transmit stream.
+ */
+ TInt CRtpManager::SendRtcpSrPacket( TRtpId aTranStreamId )
+ 	{
+	 LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::SendRtcpSrPacket");
+	 __RTP_LOG1("aTranStreamId: %u",aTranStreamId)
+	//NOTE: TransID same as SessionId
+	TInt ret = FindSession(aTranStreamId);
+	if(ret<0)
+		return ret;
+	TUint8 flg = 0x81;
+	TBuf8<1> flags;
+	flags.Copy(&flg,1);
+    TRAP(ret, iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.SendRTCPPacketL(flags));
+    return ret;  
+ 	}
+ * Suspend RTCP sending on/off, calculations will continue. 
+TInt CRtpManager::SuspendRtcpSending( TRtpId aSessionId, TBool aAutoSending )
+	{
+	 LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::SuspendRtcpSending");
+	 __RTP_LOG2("aSessionId: %u aAutoSending %d",aSessionId,aAutoSending)
+	//NOTE: TransID same as SessionId
+	TInt ret = FindSession(aSessionId);
+	if(ret<0)
+		return ret;
+	if(iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpEnabled)
+		{
+		iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.SetRTCPAutoSend(aAutoSending);
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return KErrNotSupported;
+		}
+	}
+ * Gets the status of automatic RTCP sending.
+ */
+TInt CRtpManager::IsRtcpSendingSuspended( TRtpId aSessionId, TBool& aAutoSending )
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::IsRtcpSendingSuspended");
+	TInt ret = FindSession(aSessionId);
+	if(ret<0)
+		return ret;
+	if(iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpEnabled)
+		{
+		aAutoSending = iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.RTCPAutoSend();
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return KErrNotSupported;
+		}
+	}
+* Get the session ID of a stream, which belongs to that session.
+ TRtpId CRtpManager::GetSessionId( TRtpId aStreamId )
+	 {
+	 TInt ret = FindStream(aStreamId);
+	 if(ret<0)
+		{
+		TInt idx = FindSession(aStreamId);
+		if(idx < 0)
+		    {
+		    return idx;
+		    }
+		if(iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iRtpSendSource.IsOpen())
+		    {
+		    return iRtpSessionArr[idx]->iKey;
+		    }
+		return ret;
+		}
+	 return iRtpStreamsArr[ret].iSessionKey;
+	 }
+* Get address of Socket object used by a given RTP Session
+* to send/receive RTP data packets.
+ RSocket* CRtpManager::GetRtpSocket( TRtpId aSessionId )
+ 	{
+ 	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::GetRtpSocket");
+ 	__RTP_LOG1("aSessId %u",aSessionId)
+	TInt ret = FindSession(aSessionId);
+	if( ret<0 )
+		return NULL;
+ 	return iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.RtpSocket();
+ 	}
+* Get address of Socket object used by a given RTP Session
+* to send/receive RTCP control packets.
+ RSocket* CRtpManager::GetRtcpSocket( TRtpId  aSessionId)
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::GetRtcpSocket");
+ 	__RTP_LOG1("aSessId %u",aSessionId)
+	TInt ret = FindSession(aSessionId);
+	if(ret<0 || !iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpEnabled)
+		return NULL;
+ 	return iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.RtcpSocket();
+	}
+ /**
+ * Retrieve statistical information for a stream
+ * based on the reports from RTCP SR & RR packets.
+ * @param aStreamId - [input] ID of stream
+ * @param aStat - [output] Statistical information
+ * @return KErrNone if successful; system wide error code otherwise
+ */
+ TInt CRtpManager::GetStreamStatistics( TRtpId aStreamId, TRtpPeerStat& aStat )
+	 {
+	 LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::GetStreamStatistics");
+	 /* Find the session and the stream */
+	 TInt ret = FindStream(aStreamId);
+	 if(ret<0)
+		{
+		return ret;
+		}
+	 RRtcpSRPart srPart = iRtpStreamsArr[ret].iRecvSource.GetSR();
+	 //Filling up the SR part first
+	 aStat.iNumPacketsSent   = srPart.PacketCount();    
+	 aStat.iCumNumOctetsSent = srPart.ByteCount();       
+	 aStat.iRoundTripDelay   = 0; //TODO To be supported       
+	 aStat.iTxBandwidth = 0; //TODO find the use cases
+	 return KErrNone;
+	 }
+ /**
+ * Get sampling rate setting for a payload type.
+ */
+ TUint32 CRtpManager::GetSamplingRate( TUint8 aPayloadType )
+	  {
+	  LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::GetSamplingRate");
+	  __RTP_LOG1("PayLoadType %d",aPayloadType);
+	  /* Iterate through the sessions and return its sampling rate*/
+	  for(int i=0; i< iRtpSessionArr.Count(); i++)
+		  {
+		  __RTP_LOG1("iPayloadtype -->> :%d", iRtpSessionArr[i]->iPayloadType);
+		  __RTP_LOG1("aPayloadtype -->> :%d", aPayloadType);
+		  if(iRtpSessionArr[i]->iPayloadType == aPayloadType)
+			  {
+			  return iRtpSessionArr[i]->iSamplingRate;
+			  }
+		  }
+	  //Not found
+	  return 0;
+	  }
+ /**
+ * Set sampling rate for a payload type.
+ */
+ TInt CRtpManager::SetSamplingRate( TUint8 aPayloadType, TUint32 aSamplingRate )
+	 {
+	 LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::SetSamplingRate");
+	 __RTP_LOG2("PayloadType %d SamplingRate %u",aPayloadType,aSamplingRate)
+	  /* Iterate through the sessions and set its sampling rate*/
+	  for(int i=0; i< iRtpSessionArr.Count(); i++)
+		  {
+		  if(iRtpSessionArr[i]->iPayloadType == aPayloadType || KRtpPayloadTypeUnspecified == iRtpSessionArr[i]->iPayloadType)
+			  {
+			  iRtpSessionArr[i]->iPayloadType = aPayloadType;
+			  iRtpSessionArr[i]->iSamplingRate = aSamplingRate;
+			  iRtpSessionArr[i]->iRtpSession.SetRTPTimeConversion(0,aSamplingRate/1000);
+			  }
+		  /* Also update the Sampling rates so that received streams are properly handled */
+		  iRtpSessionArr[i]->iRtpSession.SetSamplingRate(aPayloadType,aSamplingRate);
+		  }
+	  return KErrNone;
+	 }
+ /**
+ * Set RTCP parameters for a given RTP Session.
+ * This function does nothing if RTCP was not enabled previously.
+ */
+ TInt CRtpManager::SetRtcpParameters( TRtpId aSessionId, const TRtcpParams& aRtcpParams )
+	 {
+	 TInt ret = FindSession(aSessionId);
+	 if(ret<0)
+	 	return ret;
+	 ASSERT(iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpEnabled);
+	 iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.SetRtcpInterval(const_cast<TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32&>(aRtcpParams.iRtcpTimeOut));
+	 iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpSession.SetBandwidth(aRtcpParams.iSessionBWidth);
+	 return KErrNone;
+	 }
+ /**
+  * Synchronous custom command interface for future extensions.
+  * Input/output data and return value are defined by each custom command
+  */
+   TInt CRtpManager::CustomCommandSync( TInt , const TDesC8& ,
+                           const TDesC8& , TDes8&  )
+	   {
+	   /* Not Supported. But is it ok to Fail? */
+	   return KErrNotSupported;
+	   }
+  /**
+  * ASynchronous custom command interface for future extensions.
+  * Input/output data and return value are defined by each custom command
+  */
+   TInt CRtpManager::CustomCommandAsync( TInt , const TDesC8& ,  const TDesC8& ,
+                                    	 TDes8& ,TRequestStatus&  )
+	   {
+	   /* Not Supported. But is it ok to Fail? */
+	   return KErrNotSupported;
+	   }
+ TInt CRtpManager::FindSession(TRtpId aSessionId)
+	{
+	/* A simple iteration to find the session */
+	for(TInt i=0; i < iRtpSessionArr.Count(); i++)
+		{
+		if(iRtpSessionArr[i]->iKey == aSessionId)
+			{
+			return i;
+			}
+		}
+	__RTP_LOG("****FindSession Session Not Found!****")
+	return KErrNotFound;
+	}
+TInt CRtpManager::FindSessionL(TRtpId aSessionId)
+	{
+	TInt ret = FindSession(aSessionId);
+	User::LeaveIfError(ret);
+	return ret;
+	}
+TInt CRtpManager::FindStream(TRtpId aStreamId)
+	{
+	/* A simple iteration to find the session */
+	for(TInt i=0; i < iRtpStreamsArr.Count(); i++)
+		{
+		if(iRtpStreamsArr[i].iKey == aStreamId)
+			{
+			return i;
+			}
+		}
+	__RTP_LOG("****FindStream Stream Not Found!****")
+	return KErrNotFound;
+	}
+TInt CRtpManager::FindStreamL(TRtpId aStreamId)
+	{
+	TInt ret = FindStream(aStreamId);
+	User::LeaveIfError(ret);
+	return ret;
+	}
+TInt CRtpManager::GetDefaultIapIdL()
+	{
+	LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::GetDefaultIapIdL");
+	TInt apId;
+	CCommsDatabase* db = CCommsDatabase::NewL(EDatabaseTypeIAP);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(db);
+	CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView* view= db->OpenConnectionPrefTableInRankOrderLC(ECommDbConnectionDirectionOutgoing);
+	CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIapConnectionPref Pref;
+	view->GotoFirstRecord();
+	view->ReadConnectionPreferenceL(Pref);
+	apId = Pref.iBearer.iIapId;
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
+	__RTP_LOG1("IapId %d",apId)
+	LOG_FUNC_EXIT("CRtpManager::GetDefaultIapIdL");
+	return apId;
+	}
+/* Schedules RTP transmission from the Head of the pending queue
+ */
+TInt CRtpManager::SendRtpDataFromPendingQueue(CRtpSessionInfo *aSessInfo)
+	{
+	ASSERT(!aSessInfo->iPendingReqQue->IsEmpty());
+	TRtpSendReqNode *reqNode = aSessInfo->iPendingReqQue->Last();
+	reqNode->iPktToSend.Send();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void CRtpManager::RegisterEventsOnSessionL(CRtpSessionInfo *aSessionInfo)
+	{
+	RRtpSession session = aSessionInfo->iRtpSession;
+	session.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpSessionFail,
+			                       RtpSessionLevelCB,
+			                       aSessionInfo,
+			                       ERtpNotOneShot);	
+	session.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpNewSource,
+			                       RtpSessionLevelCB,
+			                       aSessionInfo,
+			                       ERtpNotOneShot);			                       
+	session.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpNewRR,
+			                       RtpSessionLevelCB,
+			                       aSessionInfo,
+			                       ERtpNotOneShot);			                       
+	session.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpBufferOverflow,
+			                       RtpSessionLevelCB,
+			                       aSessionInfo,
+			                       ERtpNotOneShot);			                       
+	session.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpUndersizedPacket,
+			                       RtpSessionLevelCB,
+			                       aSessionInfo,
+			                       ERtpNotOneShot);			                       	                       
+	}
+void CRtpManager::RegisterEventsOnRtpRcvSourceL(RRtpReceiveSource &aRcvSrc, TRtpStreamInfo *apStrmInfo)
+	{
+        aRcvSrc.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpPacketReceived,
+				                         CRtpManager::RtpStreamLevelCB,
+				                         apStrmInfo,
+				                         ERtpNotOneShot);		
+		aRcvSrc.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpSourceFail,
+				                         CRtpManager::RtpStreamLevelCB,
+				                         apStrmInfo,
+				                         ERtpNotOneShot);
+		aRcvSrc.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpAPP,
+				                         CRtpManager::RtpStreamLevelCB,
+				                         apStrmInfo,
+				                         ERtpNotOneShot);
+		aRcvSrc.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpBYE,
+				                         CRtpManager::RtpStreamLevelCB,
+				                         apStrmInfo,
+				                         ERtpNotOneShot);
+		aRcvSrc.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpSR,
+				                         CRtpManager::RtpStreamLevelCB,
+				                         apStrmInfo,
+				                         ERtpNotOneShot);
+		aRcvSrc.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpRR,
+				                         CRtpManager::RtpStreamLevelCB,
+				                         apStrmInfo,
+				                         ERtpNotOneShot);
+		aRcvSrc.RegisterEventCallbackL(ERtpSDES,
+				                         CRtpManager::RtpStreamLevelCB,
+				                         apStrmInfo,
+				                         ERtpNotOneShot);                      	                       
+	}
+void CRtpManager::HandleNonRtpDataL(CRtpSessionInfo *apSessionInfo)
+    {
+    apSessionInfo->iNonRtpDataObserver->NonRTPDataReceived(apSessionInfo->iPortNumber,
+                                                           ETrue,
+                                                           apSessionInfo->iRtpSession.NonRtpDataL());
+    apSessionInfo->iRtpSession.RegisterEventCallbackL(ENonRtpDataReceived,
+                                                       RtpSessionLevelCB,
+                                                       apSessionInfo,
+                                                       ERtpOneShot);
+    }
+void CRtpManager::HandleNonRtcpDataL(CRtpSessionInfo *apSessionInfo)
+    {
+     apSessionInfo->iNonRtpDataObserver->NonRTPDataReceived(apSessionInfo->iPortNumber+1,
+                                                             EFalse,
+                                                             apSessionInfo->iRtpSession.NonRtcpDataL());
+     apSessionInfo->iRtpSession.RegisterEventCallbackL(ENonRtcpDataReceived,
+                                                       RtpSessionLevelCB,
+                                                       apSessionInfo,
+                                                       ERtpOneShot);
+    }
+void CRtpManager::RtpSessionLevelCB(CRtpSessionInfo* apSessionInfo, const TRtpEvent& aEvent)
+	{
+	 LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::RtpSessionLevelCB");
+	 __RTP_LOG1("EventType %x",aEvent.Type())
+	 CRtpManager *pSelf = apSessionInfo->iRtpManager;
+	/* Event Send succeded or Failed */
+	if(ERtpSendSucceeded == aEvent.Type() || ERtpSendFail == aEvent.Type())
+		{
+		/* We are  here only if Async Send was initiated */
+		TInt retCode = (aEvent.Type()==ERtpSendFail)?aEvent.Status():KErrNone;
+		/* An Async send is Complete. Notify the Application and schedule for next
+		 * transmission if send queue is not empty */
+		ASSERT(!apSessionInfo->iPendingReqQue->IsEmpty());
+		TRtpSendReqNode *reqNode = apSessionInfo->iPendingReqQue->First();
+		reqNode->iPktToSend.Close();
+		__RTP_LOG("Complete Async Request")
+		/* Complete the Async Request */
+		User::RequestComplete(reqNode->iStatus,retCode);
+		apSessionInfo->iPendingReqQue->Remove(*reqNode);
+		delete reqNode;
+		if(!apSessionInfo->iPendingReqQue->IsEmpty())
+			{
+			//OK to ignore Send Errors ?
+			apSessionInfo->iRtpManager->SendRtpDataFromPendingQueue(apSessionInfo);
+			}
+		}
+	/* A new source was detected */
+	if(ERtpNewSource == aEvent.Type())
+		{
+		/* Create a ReceiveSource for this stream. */
+		RRtpReceiveSource rtpRcvSrc;
+		TRAPD(err, rtpRcvSrc = apSessionInfo->iRtpSession.NewReceiveSourceL());
+	    if(err)
+	         {
+	          __RTP_LOG1("Receive source could not be created %d Returning", err)
+	          return;
+	         }
+		/* See if there is a Pre-Created stream that will accept this PayloadType.
+		   If there are no Pre Created stream that accepts this PayloadType just
+		   Blindly latch on to the First PreCreated Stream. This behaviour is not
+		   really correct but is inline with the S60 RTP Stack behaviour. */
+		TUint32 strmKey = 0;
+		TInt tmpIdx = -1; //Used to remember the last index of a eStreamPreCreated stream
+		TUint payloadType = 0;
+		TRAP(err, payloadType=rtpRcvSrc.PayLoadTypeL());
+		if(err == KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG1("Payload type was not found", err)
+			}
+		__RTP_LOG1("PayloadType %d",payloadType)
+		for(int i=0; i<pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr.Count();i++)
+			{
+			if(pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr[i].iState == TRtpStreamInfo::eStreamPreCreated)
+				{
+				/* To make later access easier */
+				tmpIdx = i;
+				}
+			/* Try to match the Payload type first */
+			if(pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr[i].iPayloadType ==  payloadType
+					&& pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr[i].iState == TRtpStreamInfo::eStreamPreCreated)
+				{
+				__RTP_LOG1("Found PreCreated Stream at %d",i);
+				/* Ok so there is a PreCreated stream available */
+				pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr[i].iIsRecvStream = ETrue;
+				pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr[i].iRecvSource = rtpRcvSrc;
+				pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr[i].iState = TRtpStreamInfo::eStreamReadyToUse;
+				strmKey = pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr[i].iKey;
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		if(!strmKey && tmpIdx>=0)
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG1("No PreCreated Stream : Using ID %d",tmpIdx)
+			/* Latch on to the unspecified stream */
+			pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr[tmpIdx].iIsRecvStream = ETrue;
+			pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr[tmpIdx].iRecvSource = rtpRcvSrc;
+			pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr[tmpIdx].iState = TRtpStreamInfo::eStreamReadyToUse;
+			strmKey = pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr[tmpIdx].iKey;
+			/* Because we ignored the original user selection */
+			pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr[tmpIdx].iPayloadType = payloadType;
+			}
+		if(!strmKey)
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG("No PreCreated Stream : Creating a New Stream")
+			/* Create a new stream */
+			TRtpStreamInfo strmInfo;
+			strmInfo.iKey = Math::Random();
+			strmInfo.iSessionKey = apSessionInfo->iKey;
+			strmInfo.iState = TRtpStreamInfo::eStreamPostCreated;
+			strmInfo.iRecvSource  = rtpRcvSrc;
+			TRAPD(error, strmInfo.iPayloadType = rtpRcvSrc.PayLoadTypeL());
+			if(error == KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG1("Payload type was not found", error)
+			}
+			strmInfo.iRtpManager  = pSelf;
+			/* Append to the Array */
+			pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr.Append(strmInfo); //TODO handle append failures
+			strmKey = strmInfo.iKey;
+			__RTP_LOG1("Session Did not have a PreCreated Stream New StreamID %u",strmInfo.iKey)
+			}
+		/* Get a reference to the Strm from Array for Callback Registration */
+		TInt idx = pSelf->FindStream(strmKey);
+	    TRAP_IGNORE(pSelf->RegisterEventsOnRtpRcvSourceL(rtpRcvSrc,  &(pSelf->iRtpStreamsArr[idx])));
+		}
+	if(ERtpNewRR == aEvent.Type())
+		{
+		/* Session Level RTCP RR . An Empty RR was received */
+		if(apSessionInfo->iRtcpObserver)
+			{
+			apSessionInfo->iRtcpObserver->RrReceived(apSessionInfo->iKey,aEvent.Status());
+			}
+		}
+	if(ENonRtpDataReceived == aEvent.Type())
+		{
+		/* Session Level CB. A non rtp data was received */
+		if(apSessionInfo->iNonRtpDataObserver)
+			{
+			TRAP_IGNORE(pSelf->HandleNonRtpDataL(apSessionInfo));
+			}
+		}
+	if(ENonRtcpDataReceived == aEvent.Type())
+		{
+		/* Session Level CB. A non rtp data was received */
+		if(apSessionInfo->iNonRtpDataObserver)
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG("CRtpManager::RtpSessionLevelCB");
+			__RTP_LOG("Non rtcp data - issuing non rtp data received callback");
+			TRAP_IGNORE(pSelf->HandleNonRtcpDataL(apSessionInfo));    
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CRtpManager::RtpStreamLevelCB(TRtpStreamInfo* apStrmInfo, const TRtpEvent& aEvent)
+	{
+	 LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CRtpManager::RtpStreamLevelCB");
+	 __RTP_LOG1("EventType %x",aEvent.Type())
+	TInt ret;
+	if(ERtpPacketReceived == aEvent.Type())
+		{
+		/* New Packet Arrived. Issue callback */
+		TRtpRecvHeader rcvHeader;
+		RRtpReceivePacket pkt  = apStrmInfo->iRecvSource.Packet();
+		rcvHeader.iMarker      = pkt.Marker();
+		rcvHeader.iPadding     = 0; //TODO Pading bits are stripped by Stack? Verify
+		rcvHeader.iPayloadType = pkt.PayloadType();
+		rcvHeader.iSeqNum      = pkt.SequenceNumber();
+		rcvHeader.iTimestamp   = pkt.Timestamp();
+		ret = apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->FindSession(apStrmInfo->iSessionKey);
+		ASSERT(ret>=0);
+		if(apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpObserver)
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG("Issuing RtpReceived callback")
+			apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtpObserver->RtpPacketReceived(apStrmInfo->iKey,rcvHeader,pkt.Payload());
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG("Session Did not have RTP Observer Registered")
+			}
+		pkt.Close();
+		}
+	if(ERtpRR == aEvent.Type())
+		{
+		/* Fetch the information on the RR Received from specif SSRC */
+		ret = apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->FindSession(apStrmInfo->iSessionKey);
+		ASSERT(ret>=0);
+		if(apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpObserver)
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG("Issuing RtcpRrReceived callback")
+			apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpObserver->RrReceived(apStrmInfo->iKey, aEvent.Status());
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG("Session Did not have RCTP Observer Reqistered")
+			}
+		}	
+	if(ERtpSDES == aEvent.Type())
+		{
+		/* Fetch the information on the SDES Received from specif SSRC */
+		ret = apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->FindSession(apStrmInfo->iSessionKey);
+		ASSERT(ret>=0);
+		if(apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpObserver)
+			{
+			TBuf8<100> cname;
+			TBuf8<100> name;
+			TBuf8<100> email;
+			/* Extract the SDES information and pass it up */
+			TRtpSdesParams sdesParams;
+			if(KErrNotFound != apStrmInfo->iRecvSource.GetSDES(1,cname))
+				{
+				sdesParams.iCName.Set(cname);
+				}
+			if(KErrNotFound != apStrmInfo->iRecvSource.GetSDES(2,name))
+				{
+				sdesParams.iUserName.Set(name);
+				}
+			if(KErrNotFound != apStrmInfo->iRecvSource.GetSDES(3,email))
+				{
+				sdesParams.iEmail.Set(name);
+				}
+			__RTP_LOG("Issuing SdesReceived callback")
+			apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpObserver->SdesReceived(aEvent.Status(),sdesParams);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG("RTCP Observer was not registered. Callback not issued")
+			}
+		}
+	if(ERtpSR == aEvent.Type())
+		{
+		/* Fetch the information on the SR Received from specific SSRC */
+		ret = apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->FindSession(apStrmInfo->iSessionKey);
+		ASSERT(ret>=0);
+		if(apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpObserver)
+			{
+			RRtcpSRPart srPart(apStrmInfo->iRecvSource.GetSR());
+			TTimeStamps timeStamps;
+			srPart.NTPTimestamp(timeStamps.iNTPTimeStampSec, timeStamps.iNTPTimeStampFrac);
+			timeStamps.iTimeStamp = srPart.RTPTimestamp();
+			__RTP_LOG("Issuing SrReceived callback")
+			apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpObserver->SrReceived(apStrmInfo->iKey, apStrmInfo->iRecvSource.SSRC(), timeStamps);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG("RTCP Observer was not registered. Callback not issued")
+			}
+		}	
+	if(ERtpAPP == aEvent.Type())
+		{
+		/* Fetch the information on the RR Received from specif SSRC */
+		ret = apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->FindSession(apStrmInfo->iSessionKey);
+		ASSERT(ret>=0);
+		if(apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpObserver)
+			{
+			TRtcpApp app;
+			TPtrC8 name;
+			TPtrC8 appData;
+			TUint  subType;
+			apStrmInfo->iRecvSource.GetLastApp(name, appData, subType );
+			//Create Tpr8 from TRtcpApp ..Duh!!
+			TPtr8 name1(app.iName,4);
+			TPtr8 appData1(app.iAppData,KMaxRtcpAppData);
+			name1 = name;
+			appData1 = appData;
+			app.iAppDataLen = appData.Length();
+			app.iSubType = subType;
+			__RTP_LOG("Issuing SrReceived callback")
+			apStrmInfo->iRtpManager->iRtpSessionArr[ret]->iRtcpObserver->AppReceived(apStrmInfo->iKey, aEvent.Status(),app );
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			__RTP_LOG("RTCP Observer was not registered. Callback not issued")
+			}
+		}	
+	}
+// Decrypting RTP Packet recieved from network
+TInt CRtpSessionInfo::PreRtpProcessing(TDes8 &aRTPPacket)
+	{
+	__RTP_LOG("CRtpSessionInfo::PreRtpProcessing")
+	//SSRC of recieved packet KRtpSSRCOffset (8)
+	const TUint KRtpSSRCOffset = 8;
+    HBufC8 *rtpPacket = NULL;
+	TUint8* packet = const_cast<TUint8*>(aRTPPacket.Ptr());
+	TUint32 ssrc = (*(packet+KRtpSSRCOffset+3))+
+						(*(packet+KRtpSSRCOffset+2)<<8)+
+						(*(packet+KRtpSSRCOffset+1)<<16)+
+						(*(packet+KRtpSSRCOffset)<<24);
+	TRAPD(error, rtpPacket = iSRTPSession->UnprotectRTPL(ssrc, aRTPPacket));
+	if(error == KErrNone)
+		{
+		__RTP_LOG("RTP Packet Decrypted sucessfully")
+		aRTPPacket.Copy(rtpPacket->Des());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__RTP_LOG("RTP Packet Decrypted Failed")
+		error = KErrCorrupt;
+		}
+	delete rtpPacket;
+	return error;
+	}
+// Encrypting RTP packet before sending
+void CRtpSessionInfo::PostRtpProcessing(TDes8 &aRTPPacket)
+	{
+	__RTP_LOG("CRtpSessionInfo::PostRtpProcessing")
+	//SSRC of recieved packet KRtpSSRCOffset (8)
+	const TUint KRtpSSRCOffset = 8;
+    HBufC8 *rtpPacket = NULL;
+	TUint8* packet = const_cast<TUint8*>(aRTPPacket.Ptr());
+	TUint32 ssrc = (*(packet+KRtpSSRCOffset+3))+
+						(*(packet+KRtpSSRCOffset+2)<<8)+
+						(*(packet+KRtpSSRCOffset+1)<<16)+
+						(*(packet+KRtpSSRCOffset)<<24);
+    TRAPD(error, rtpPacket = iSRTPSession->ProtectRTPL(ssrc, aRTPPacket));
+    if(error != KErrNone) 
+        { 
+        __RTP_LOG("RTP Packet was not encrypted") 
+        aRTPPacket.FillZ(); 
+        } 
+    else 
+        { 
+        __RTP_LOG("RTP Packet was encrypted successfully") 
+        aRTPPacket.Copy(rtpPacket->Des());   
+        delete rtpPacket;            
+        }
+	}
+// DeCrypting RTCP Packet recieved from network
+TInt CRtpSessionInfo::PreRtcpProcessing(TDes8 &aRTCPPacket) 
+	{
+	__RTP_LOG("CRtpSessionInfo::PreRtcpProcessing")
+	//SSRC of recieved packet KRtcpSSRCOffset (4)
+	const TUint KRtcpSSRCOffset = 4;
+	HBufC8 *rtcpPacket = NULL;
+	TUint8* packet = const_cast<TUint8*>(aRTCPPacket.Ptr());
+	TUint32 ssrc = (*(packet+KRtcpSSRCOffset+3))+
+						(*(packet+KRtcpSSRCOffset+2)<<8)+
+						(*(packet+KRtcpSSRCOffset+1)<<16)+
+						(*(packet+KRtcpSSRCOffset)<<24);
+	TRAPD(error, rtcpPacket = iSRTPSession->UnprotectRTCPL(ssrc, aRTCPPacket));
+	if(error == KErrNone)
+		{
+		__RTP_LOG("RTCP Packet Decrypted sucessfully")
+		aRTCPPacket.Copy(rtcpPacket->Des());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__RTP_LOG("RTCP Packet Decrypted Failed")
+		error = KErrCorrupt;
+		}
+	delete rtcpPacket;
+	return error;
+	}
+// Encrypting RTCP Packet before sending
+void CRtpSessionInfo::PostRtcpProcessing(TDes8 &aRTCPPacket) 
+	{
+	__RTP_LOG("CRtpSessionInfo::PostRtcpProcessing")
+	//SSRC of recieved packet KRtcpSSRCOffset (4)
+	const TUint KRtcpSSRCOffset = 4;
+	HBufC8 *rtcpPacket = NULL;
+	// Assign a pointer to a packet
+	TUint8* packet = const_cast<TUint8*>(aRTCPPacket.Ptr());
+	TUint32 ssrc = (*(packet+KRtcpSSRCOffset+3))+
+						(*(packet+KRtcpSSRCOffset+2)<<8)+
+						(*(packet+KRtcpSSRCOffset+1)<<16)+
+						(*(packet+KRtcpSSRCOffset)<<24);
+	TRAPD(error, rtcpPacket = iSRTPSession->ProtectRTCPL(ssrc, aRTCPPacket)); 
+	if(error != KErrNone) 
+        { 
+        __RTP_LOG("RCTP Packet was not encrypted") 
+        aRTCPPacket.FillZ(); 
+        } 
+	else 
+        { 
+        __RTP_LOG("RCTP Packet was encrypted Successfully")
+        aRTCPPacket.Copy(rtcpPacket->Des());   
+        delete rtcpPacket;            
+        }
+	}