changeset 0 1bce908db942
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/multimediacommscontroller/mmccsubcontroller/src/mccrtcpreceiver.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:04:58 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:    RTCP Receiver class from RTP Datasource
+#include "mccrtcpreceiver.h"
+#include "mccdef.h"
+#include "mccinternaldef.h"
+#include "mccsubcontrollerlogs.h"
+#include "mccinternalevents.h"
+#include "mccresources.h"
+#include "mccrtpmanager.h"
+// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpReceiver::CMccRtcpReceiver
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CMccRtpManager* aRtpManager,
+    MAsyncEventHandler& aEventHandler, 
+    MMccResources& aMccResources,
+    CRtpAPI& aRtpAPI ) : 
+    iStream( KNullId ),
+    iEventHandler( aEventHandler ), 
+    iMccResources( aMccResources ),
+    iRtpAPI( aRtpAPI ),
+    iSessionId( KNullId ),
+    iRtpManager( aRtpManager )
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpReceiver::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMccRtcpReceiver* CMccRtcpReceiver::NewL( 
+    CMccRtpManager* aRtpManager,
+    MAsyncEventHandler& aEventHandler, 
+    MMccResources& aMccResources,
+    CRtpAPI& aRtpAPI )
+    {
+    CMccRtcpReceiver* self = new( ELeave ) CMccRtcpReceiver( aRtpManager,
+                                                             aEventHandler,
+                                                             aMccResources, 
+                                                             aRtpAPI );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpReceiver::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMccRtcpReceiver::ConstructL( )
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpReceiver::~CMccRtcpReceiver
+// Destructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    __SUBCONTROLLER( "CMccRtcpReceiver::~CMccRtcpReceiver()" )
+    if ( iSessionId != KNullId )
+        {
+        iRtpAPI.SetNonRTPDataObserver( iSessionId, NULL );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpReceiver::HandleReceiving
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
+TInt CMccRtcpReceiver::HandleReceiving( TRtpId aSessionId, TBool aEnableReceiving )
+    {
+    __SUBCONTROLLER( "CMccRtcpReceiver::HandleReceiving()" )
+    TInt err = KErrNone;
+    // TBD! Never disable (maybe disabling is needed in future)
+    //
+    aEnableReceiving = ETrue;
+    if ( iEnableRtcp != aEnableReceiving )
+        { 
+        iSessionId = aSessionId;
+        iEnableRtcp = aEnableReceiving;
+        if ( iEnableRtcp )
+            {
+            __SUBCONTROLLER( "CMccRtcpReceiver::HandleReceiving(), enabling" )
+            err = iRtpAPI.RegisterRtcpObserver( iSessionId, *this );
+            if ( !err )
+                {
+                err = iRtpAPI.SetNonRTPDataObserver( iSessionId, this ); 
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            __SUBCONTROLLER( "CMccRtcpReceiver::HandleReceiving(), disabling" )
+            iRtpAPI.UnregisterRtcpObserver( iSessionId );
+            iRtpAPI.SetNonRTPDataObserver( iSessionId, NULL );
+            }
+        }
+    return err;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpReceiver::SdesReceived()
+// From MRtcpObserver
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMccRtcpReceiver::SdesReceived( TRtpSSRC aSSRC, 
+                                     const TRtpSdesParams& aParams )
+    { 
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SdesReceived() SSRC:", aSSRC )
+    // Take copies of sdes member data and create new sdes object which will point
+    // to those new data. This will prevent data loss while transfering the event
+    // through IPC.
+    TPckgBuf<TRtpSdesParams> tempSdesPackage( aParams );
+    TInt sdesPackageLen( sizeof( tempSdesPackage ) );
+    TInt sdesLen = sdesPackageLen +
+                   aParams.iCName.Length() + 
+                   aParams.iUserName.Length() + 
+                   aParams.iEmail.Length() + 
+                   aParams.iPhoneNumber.Length() + 
+                   aParams.iLocation.Length() + 
+                   aParams.iSwToolName.Length() + 
+                   aParams.iNoticeStatus.Length() + 
+                   aParams.iPrivate.Length();
+    if ( sdesLen <= KMccMaxRtcpPacketDataLength )
+        {
+        ClearEventData();
+        TRtpSdesParams sdes;
+        iEventData.iSsrc = aSSRC;
+        TUint8* currentPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>( iEventData.iRtcpPacketData.Ptr() );
+        currentPtr += sdesPackageLen;
+        iEventData.iRtcpPacketData.SetLength( sdesPackageLen );
+        TInt currentPos( sdesPackageLen );
+        DoSdesMemberCopy( sdes.iCName, &currentPtr, currentPos, 
+                          iEventData.iRtcpPacketData, aParams.iCName );
+        DoSdesMemberCopy( sdes.iUserName, &currentPtr, currentPos, 
+                          iEventData.iRtcpPacketData, aParams.iUserName );
+        DoSdesMemberCopy( sdes.iEmail, &currentPtr, currentPos, 
+                          iEventData.iRtcpPacketData, aParams.iEmail ); 
+        DoSdesMemberCopy( sdes.iPhoneNumber, &currentPtr, currentPos, 
+                          iEventData.iRtcpPacketData, aParams.iPhoneNumber ); 
+        DoSdesMemberCopy( sdes.iLocation, &currentPtr, currentPos, 
+                          iEventData.iRtcpPacketData, aParams.iLocation ); 
+        DoSdesMemberCopy( sdes.iSwToolName, &currentPtr, currentPos, 
+                          iEventData.iRtcpPacketData, aParams.iSwToolName ); 
+        DoSdesMemberCopy( sdes.iNoticeStatus, &currentPtr, currentPos, 
+                          iEventData.iRtcpPacketData, aParams.iNoticeStatus );
+        DoSdesMemberCopy( sdes.iPrivate, &currentPtr, currentPos, 
+                          iEventData.iRtcpPacketData, aParams.iPrivate );
+        // Finally copy sdes into beginning of the data
+        TPckgBuf<TRtpSdesParams> sdesPackage( sdes );
+        iEventData.iRtcpPacketData.Insert( 0, sdesPackage );
+        SendRtcpEventToClient( KRtcpSdesPacket, ETrue, EFalse );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpReceiver::ByeReceived()
+// From MRtcpObserver
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMccRtcpReceiver::ByeReceived( TRtpId aStreamId, 
+                                    TRtpSSRC aSSRC, 
+                                    const TDesC8& aReason )    
+    {
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT2( "CMccRtcpReceiver::ByeReceived() STREAM:", aStreamId, 
+                          "SSRC:", aSSRC )
+    iStream = aStreamId;
+    SendRtcpEventWithPacketDataToClient( KRtcpByePacket, aSSRC, aReason, ETrue );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpReceiver::AppReceived()
+// From MRtcpObserver
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMccRtcpReceiver::AppReceived( TRtpId aStreamId, 
+                                    TRtpSSRC aSSRC, 
+                                    const TRtcpApp& aApp )    
+    {
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT2( "CMccRtcpReceiver::AppReceived() STREAM:", aStreamId,
+                          "SSRC:", aSSRC )
+    iStream = aStreamId;
+    TPckgBuf<TRtcpApp> app( aApp );
+    SendRtcpEventWithPacketDataToClient( KRtcpAppPacket, aSSRC, app, ETrue );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived()
+// From MRtcpObserver
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived( TRtpId aStreamId, 
+                                   TRtpSSRC aSSRC, 
+                                   const TTimeStamps& aTimeStamps )
+    {
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT2( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived() STREAM:", aStreamId,
+                          "SSRC:", aSSRC )
+    iStream = aStreamId;
+    ClearEventData();
+    iEventData.iSsrc = aSSRC;
+    iEventData.iTimeStamps = aTimeStamps;
+    iRtpAPI.GetStreamStatistics( iStream, iEventData.iStats );
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived() packets sent:", iEventData.iStats.iNumPacketsSent )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived() octets sent:", iEventData.iStats.iCumNumOctetsSent )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived() roundtrip delay:", iEventData.iStats.iRoundTripDelay )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived() tx bandwidth:", iEventData.iStats.iTxBandwidth )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived() packets lost:", iEventData.iStats.iCumNumPacketsLost )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived() fractions lost:", iEventData.iStats.iFractionLost )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived() arrival jitter:", iEventData.iStats.iArrivalJitter )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived() rx bandwidth:", iEventData.iStats.iRxBandwidth )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived() channelbuffer size:", iEventData.iStats.iChannelBufferSize )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived() ntp timestamp sec:", iEventData.iStats.iNTPTimeStampSec )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived() ntp timestamp frac:", iEventData.iStats.iNTPTimeStampFrac )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SrReceived() timestamp:", iEventData.iStats.iTimeStamp )
+    SendRtcpEventToClient( KRtcpSrPacket, EFalse, ETrue );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived()
+// From MRtcpObserver
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived( TRtpId aStreamId, TRtpSSRC aSSRC )
+    {
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT2( "CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived() STREAM:", aStreamId,
+                          "SSRC:", aSSRC )
+    iStream = aStreamId;
+    ClearEventData();
+    iEventData.iSsrc = aSSRC;
+    iRtpAPI.GetStreamStatistics( iStream, iEventData.iStats );
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived() packets sent:", iEventData.iStats.iNumPacketsSent )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived() octets sent:", iEventData.iStats.iCumNumOctetsSent )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived() roundtrip delay:", iEventData.iStats.iRoundTripDelay )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived() tx bandwidth:", iEventData.iStats.iTxBandwidth )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived() packets lost:", iEventData.iStats.iCumNumPacketsLost )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived() fractions lost:", iEventData.iStats.iFractionLost )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived() arrival jitter:", iEventData.iStats.iArrivalJitter )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived() rx bandwidth:", iEventData.iStats.iRxBandwidth )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived() channelbuffer size:", iEventData.iStats.iChannelBufferSize )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived() ntp timestamp sec:", iEventData.iStats.iNTPTimeStampSec )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived() ntp timestamp frac:", iEventData.iStats.iNTPTimeStampFrac )
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::RrReceived() timestamp:", iEventData.iStats.iTimeStamp )
+    SendRtcpEventToClient( KRtcpRrPacket, EFalse, ETrue );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpReceiver::NonRTPDataReceived()
+// From MRtcpObserver
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMccRtcpReceiver::NonRTPDataReceived( TUint /*aPort*/,
+                                           TBool aRTPPort,
+                                           const TDesC8& aNonRTPData )
+    {
+    __SUBCONTROLLER( "CMCCRtcpReceiver::NonRTPDataReceived()" )
+    // Currently, Non-RTP data is accepted only on the RTCP port
+    if ( !aRTPPort )
+        {
+        SendRtcpEventWithPacketDataToClient( KRtcpPacketUndefined, 
+                                             0, 
+                                             aNonRTPData,
+                                             EFalse );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpEvent::SendRtcpEventWithPacketDataToClient()
+// Constructs RTCP event containing RTCP packet data and sends the event to
+// client side
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMccRtcpReceiver::SendRtcpEventWithPacketDataToClient( 
+    TMccRtcpPacketType aPacketType, 
+    const TRtpSSRC& aSSRC,
+    const TDesC8& aData,
+    TBool aResolveEndpointBySsrc )
+    {
+    if ( aData.Length() > KMccMaxRtcpPacketDataLength )
+        {
+        __SUBCONTROLLER( "CMCCRtcpReceiver::SendRtcpEventWithPacketDataToClient(), data size too big ")
+        return KErrOverflow;
+        }
+    ClearEventData();
+    iEventData.iSsrc = aSSRC;
+    iEventData.iRtcpPacketData.Copy( aData );
+    SendRtcpEventToClient( aPacketType, aResolveEndpointBySsrc, EFalse );
+    return KErrNone;   
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpEvent::SendRtcpEventToClient()
+// Sends the RTCP event to client side
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMccRtcpReceiver::SendRtcpEventToClient( 
+    TMccRtcpPacketType aPacketType,
+    TBool aResolveEndpointBySsrc,
+    TBool aResolveEndpointByRtpStreamId )
+    {    
+    __SUBCONTROLLER_INT1( "CMccRtcpReceiver::SendRtcpEventToClient() packetType:", aPacketType )
+    TUint32 endpointId( 0 );
+    if ( aResolveEndpointBySsrc )
+        {
+        __SUBCONTROLLER( "CMCCRtcpReceiver::SendRtcpEventToClient(), resolve endpointId by ssrc" )
+        MDataSource* source = 0;
+        MDataSink* sink = 0;
+        if ( !iMccResources.FindNetworkResourceByRtpSsrc( iEventData.iSsrc, &source, &sink ) )
+            {
+            __SUBCONTROLLER( "CMCCRtcpReceiver::SendRtcpEventToClient(), resolved" )
+            endpointId = source != 0 ? MCC_ENDPOINT_ID( source ) : 
+                                       MCC_ENDPOINT_ID( sink );
+            }
+        }
+    if ( aResolveEndpointByRtpStreamId )
+        {
+        __SUBCONTROLLER( "CMCCRtcpReceiver::SendRtcpEventToClient(), resolve endpointId by streamId" )
+        MDataSource* source = 0;
+        MDataSink* sink = 0;
+        if ( !iMccResources.FindNetworkResourceByRtpStreamId
+                ( iRtpManager->MccSessionId(), iStream, &source, &sink ) )
+            {
+            __SUBCONTROLLER( "CMCCRtcpReceiver::SendRtcpEventToClient(), resolved" )
+            endpointId = source != 0 ? MCC_ENDPOINT_ID( source ) : 
+                                       MCC_ENDPOINT_ID( sink );
+            }
+        }
+    iEventData.iRtcpPacketType = aPacketType;
+    TMccEvent event;
+    event.iEventCategory = KMccEventCategoryRtcp;
+    event.iEventType = KMccRtcpReceived;
+    event.iEndpointId = endpointId;
+    // Save some stack memory
+    {
+    event.iEventData.Copy( TMccRtcpEventDataPackage( iEventData ) );
+    }
+    TMccInternalEvent internalEvent( KMccRtpSourceUid, 
+                                     EMccInternalEventNone,
+                                     event );
+    // Stream id, link id and session id will be filled on the way up
+    iEventHandler.SendEventToClient( internalEvent );	
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpEvent::DoSdesMemberCopy()
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMccRtcpReceiver::DoSdesMemberCopy( 
+    TPtrC8& aDestination,
+    TUint8** aCurrentPtr, 
+    TInt& aCurrentPos,
+    TDes8& aRtcpPacketData, 
+    const TDesC8& aSource )
+    {
+    TInt len( aSource.Length() );
+    if ( aCurrentPos + len <= aRtcpPacketData.MaxLength() )
+        {
+        aRtcpPacketData.Insert( aCurrentPos, aSource );
+        aDestination.Set( *aCurrentPtr, len );
+        *aCurrentPtr += len;
+        aCurrentPos += len;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        aDestination.Set( *aCurrentPtr, 0 );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMccRtcpEvent::ClearEventData()
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMccRtcpReceiver::ClearEventData()
+    {
+    iEventData = TMccRtcpEventData();
+    }
+// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
+//  End of File