changeset 0 1bce908db942
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/multimediacommsengine/mmcesrv/mmceevent/inc/mcecomevent.h	Tue Feb 02 01:04:58 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:    Server side SIP event class
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include "mcerefer.h"
+#include "mceeventcontext.h"
+#include "mcesipevent.h"
+#include "mceclientserver.h"
+class CMceEventContext;
+*  Server side SIP event base class.
+*  @lib 
+*  @since
+class CMceComEvent : public CBase
+    {
+    public:  // Constructors and destructor
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        */
+        static CMceComEvent* NewL( CMceSipEvent& aSIPEvent,
+                                   TUint32 aRefreshInterval );
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        virtual ~CMceComEvent();
+    public: // New functions
+        /**
+        * Passes an Subscribe action initialized by MCE Client to the event 
+        * state machine
+        * @since Series 60 3.0
+        * @param aEventAction The initialized action as ITC function.
+        * @return None
+        */
+        void PerformActionL( TMceItcFunctions aEventAction );
+        /**
+        * Notifies the subscribe event, that the ongoing client or server 
+        * transaction  proceeds. The transaction is already 
+        * stored in the event.It is for passing incoming response 
+        * and sip error occured
+        * @param None
+        * @return None
+        */
+        void ProceedL();
+        /**
+        * Passes the server transaction to the event.
+        * @param aServerTransaction The server transaction
+        * @param aDialog the dialog belong to the transaction
+        * @return None
+        */
+        void ReceivedRequestL();
+        /**
+        * Returns the event context
+        * @param None
+        * @return CMCESipEventContext& Reference to the event context
+        */
+        CMceEventContext& EventContext();
+        /**
+        * Returns the previous event action.
+        * @param None
+        * @return The action as ITC function
+        */
+        TInt PreviousAction() const;
+        /**
+        * Set the previous event action.
+        * @param aEventAction The action as ITC function.
+        * @return None
+        */
+        void SetPreviousAction( TInt aEventAction );
+        /**
+        * Returns the refresh interval.It is using for SubscribeEvent
+        * @param None
+        * @return The refresh interval and expire value for the subscribe event
+        */
+        TUint32 RefreshInterval();
+        /**
+        * Sets the refresh interval. Applicable for MO subscribe.
+        * @param aInterval The refresh interval
+        * @return None
+        */
+        void SetRefreshInterval( TUint32 aInterval );
+        /**
+        * set the Msg header array from client, ownership is transfered
+        * @param aMsgHeaders the list of Msg headers from client
+        * @return none
+        */
+        void SetMsgHeaders( CDesC8Array* aMsgHeaders);
+        /**
+        * Saves the content from client
+        * @since Series 60 3.0
+        * @param aMsgContent. Contains the content taken from client
+        * @return None
+        */
+        void SetMsgContentL(HBufC8* aContentType, 
+        					HBufC8* aContent );
+        /**
+        * Returns the content from client
+        * @param None
+        * @return iMsgContent. Contains the content taken from client. 
+        *                      Ownership is transfered.
+        */
+        HBufC8* MsgContent();
+        /**
+        * Returns the content from client
+        * @param None
+        * @return iMsgContent. Contains the content taken from client
+        */
+        TDesC8& MsgContentType();
+        /**
+        * Returns the message headers from client. If not set in this class,
+        * returns the default headers from c/s session by the given method.
+        * @param aMethodInd the SIP string index for the method 
+        *                   headers are asked for.
+        * @return CDesC8Array& the headers;
+        */
+        CDesC8Array& MsgHeaders( TInt aMethodInd );
+        /**
+        * Saves the response reasonphrase from client
+        * @since Series 60 3.0
+        * @param aReasonPhrase. Contains the ReasonPhrase taken from client
+        * @return None
+        */
+        void SetReasonPhraseL( TUint32 aStatusCode,
+        					   HBufC8* aReasonPhrase );
+        /**
+        * Returns the Reason parameters
+        * @param None
+        * @return iReason
+        */
+        TDesC8& ReasonPhrase();
+        /**
+        * Returns the statuscode
+        * @param None
+        * @return iStatusCode
+        */
+        TUint32 StatusCode() const;
+        /*
+        * Sets the type, applicable only for REFER.
+        * Possible types:
+        *   ENoSuppression : The subscription is established.
+        *   ESuppressed : The subscription is proposed not to
+        *                 be established. 
+        *   EMultipleRefer : The subscription is required not 
+        *                    to be established.
+        * @param aType The type.
+        * @return None
+        */
+        void SetReferType( CMceRefer::TType aType );
+        /*
+        * Returns truth value is the suppression on or off.
+        * @return TBool The suppression value
+        */
+        CMceRefer::TType ReferType() const;
+        /**
+        * Sets the silen suppression on. Used for REFER, when the
+        * client application requested for suppression,
+        * but the remote end did not understand it.
+        */
+        void SetSilentSuppressionOn();
+        /**
+        * Returns the value of silent suppression.
+        * @return TBool silent suppression
+        */
+        TBool SilentSuppression() const;
+        /**
+        * Sets the id value, used for matching NOTIFY:s
+        * @param aIdValue the id value, ownership is taken
+        */
+        void SetIdValue( TUint aIdValue );
+        /**
+        * Returns the id value used for matcing NOTIFY:s
+        * @return the id value
+        */
+        TUint IdValue() const;
+    public: 
+    	CMceSipEvent& SIPEvent();
+    protected:  // New functions
+        /**
+        * Creates the event context
+        * @param None
+        * @return None
+        */
+        void CreateEventContextL();
+    protected:  // Functions from base classes
+         /**
+        * C++ default constructor.
+        */
+        CMceComEvent( CMceSipEvent& aSIPEvent,
+                      TUint32 aRefreshInterval );
+        /**
+        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
+        */
+        void ConstructL();
+    private:  // Data
+        // Message headers
+        CDesC8Array* iMsgHeaders;
+        // The event observer.
+        CMceSipEvent& iSIPEvent;
+        // The event context, holds the state machine
+        CMceEventContext* iEventContext;
+        HBufC8* iMsgContent;
+        HBufC8* iMsgContentType;
+        HBufC8* iReason;
+        TUint32 iStatusCode;
+        // The previous event action indicated by the MCE Client
+        TInt iPreviousAction;
+        // Event refresh interval
+        TUint32  iRefreshInterval;
+        CMceRefer::TType iReferType;
+        TBool iSilentSuppression;
+        TUint iIdValue;
+     private: //friend class
+     	friend class UT_CMceComEvent; 
+ 		friend class UT_CMceEventReferMtEstablishedState;
+    };
+#endif      //CMCECOMEVENT_H
+// End of File