--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/multimediacommsengine/mmcesrv/mmceserver/inc/mceclientresolver.h Tue Feb 02 01:04:58 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <sipclientdiscoveryobserver.h>
+#include "mcesrv.h"
+class CSIPClientDiscovery;
+class CSIPServerTransaction;
+class CMceSipConnection;
+class CSIPRequestElements;
+class CSIPHeaderBase;
+* Client resolver observer
+* @lib
+class MMceClientResolverObserver
+ {
+ /**
+ * Called when client discovery subsystem has resolved
+ * the client the transaction should go to
+ *
+ * @param aClientUid Client's uid
+ * @param aConnection the connection used
+ * @param aRequest the transaction
+ */
+ virtual void IncomingResolvedRequest( TUid aClientUid,
+ CMceSipConnection& aConnection,
+ CSIPServerTransaction* aRequest ) = 0;
+ };
+* Client resolver class
+* @lib
+class CMceClientResolver : public CBase,
+ public MSIPClientDiscoveryObserver
+ {
+ /**
+ * Routing request class
+ *
+ * @lib
+ */
+ class CMceRoutingRequest : public CBase
+ {
+ public: // Constructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param aResolverRequestId request id given by the client discovery
+ * @param aConnection the connection
+ * @param aRequest the request whose information has been given to CD
+ */
+ CMceRoutingRequest( TUint32 aResolverRequestId,
+ CMceSipConnection& aConnection,
+ CSIPServerTransaction* aRequest );
+ /**
+ * Destructor
+ */
+ ~CMceRoutingRequest ();
+ public: // New functions
+ /**
+ * Link offset
+ */
+ static TInt LinkOffset();
+ /**
+ * Returns request id given by the client discovery
+ * @return request id given by the client discovery
+ */
+ TUint32 ResolverRequestId() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns request. Ownership is transferred
+ * @return the request
+ */
+ CSIPServerTransaction* Request();
+ /**
+ * Returns connection.
+ * @return the connection
+ */
+ CMceSipConnection& Connection() const;
+ private: // Data
+ TSglQueLink iLink;
+ TUint32 iResolverRequestId;
+ CSIPServerTransaction* iRequest;
+ CMceSipConnection& iConnection;
+ //definitions for unit testing
+ };
+public: // Contstructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param aRequestHandler who is handling the resolved request
+ */
+ static CMceClientResolver* NewL( MMceClientResolverObserver& aRequestHandler );
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param aRequestHandler who is handling the resolved request
+ */
+ static CMceClientResolver* NewLC( MMceClientResolverObserver& aRequestHandler );
+ /**
+ * Destructor
+ */
+ ~CMceClientResolver ();
+public: // New functions
+ /**
+ * Registers client
+ *
+ * @param aClientUid the client's uid
+ */
+ void RegisterClientL( TUid aClientUid );
+ /**
+ * De-registers client
+ *
+ * @param aClientUid the client's uid
+ */
+ void DeregisterClient( TUid aClientUid );
+ /**
+ * Starts client resolving process for a transaction
+ *
+ * @param aRequest the transaction. Ownership is transferred
+ * @param aConnection the connection
+ */
+ void RegisterIncomingRequestL( CSIPServerTransaction* aRequest,
+ CMceSipConnection& aConnection );
+public: // from MSIPClientDiscoveryObserver
+ /**
+ * Channel UID was resolved for the SIP request
+ * @param aChannel a channel UID to which the SIP request
+ * must be routed
+ * @param aRequest a request ID
+ */
+ void ChannelResolvedL(TUid aChannel, TUint32 aRequestId);
+ /**
+ * The client channel UID was not found.
+ * The implementation of this callback should generate
+ * a SIP response with the provided elements and send it to network.
+ * @param aRequest a request ID
+ * @param aStatusCode contains a SIP response status code
+ * for the SIP response that should be generated.
+ * @param aReasonPhrase contains a SIP response reason phrase
+ * for the SIP response that should be generated.
+ * @param aHeaders contains well-formed optional SIP headers
+ * that include additional information why the client
+ * could not be found. For example Accept-headers that describe
+ * the content-types currently supported.
+ * The ownership is transferred.
+ * @param aContent the body of the response. NULL if not present.
+ * The ownership is transferred.
+ */
+ void ClientNotFoundL(TUint32 aRequestId,
+ TUint aStatusCode,
+ RStringF aReasonPhrase,
+ RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase> aHeaders,
+ HBufC8* aContent);
+ /**
+ * Error occurred during resolution of the client's channel UID.
+ * This callback will also be called if one of the callbacks
+ * ChannelResolvedL or ClientNotFoundL leaves using the leave code.
+ * @param aError error code.
+ */
+ void ErrorOccurred(TInt aError, TUint32 aRequestId);
+private: // Second phase constructors
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param aRequestHandler who is handling the resolved request
+ */
+ CMceClientResolver ( MMceClientResolverObserver& aRequestHandler );
+ /**
+ * Second phase constructor
+ *
+ */
+ void ConstructL ();
+ CMceClientResolver::CMceRoutingRequest* Find( TUint32 aRequestId );
+ void RemoveAndDelete( CMceClientResolver::CMceRoutingRequest* aRequest );
+ void AllHeadersL( const CSIPRequestElements& aRequestElements,
+ RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>& aAllHeaders );
+private: // Data
+ CSIPClientDiscovery* iDiscovery;
+ MMceClientResolverObserver& iRequestHandler;
+ TSglQue<CMceClientResolver::CMceRoutingRequest> iList;
+ //definitions for unit testing
+ };
+// End of File