changeset 0 1bce908db942
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/multimediacommsengine/mmcesrv/mmceserver/tsrc/ut_server/src/UT_CMCECSSubSession.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:04:58 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+#include "ut_cmcecssubsession.h"
+#include <digia/eunit/eunitmacros.h>
+#include "MCETestHelper.h"
+#include "mcecssubsession.h"
+#include "mcecssessionimplementation.h"
+#include "mceservercore.h"
+#include "mcecssession.h"
+#include "mcecssubsessionreceiver.h"
+#include "mcecsserveritc.h"
+#include "mceserver.pan"
+#include "mceserial.h"
+#include "mcecomsession.h"
+#include "mcecomaudiostream.h"
+#include "mcecomamrcodec.h"
+#include "mcecomrtpsink.h"
+#include "mcecomrtpsource.h"
+#include "mcemessagedispatcher.h"
+_LIT8( KReceiveMessage, "received");
+UT_CMceCsSubSession* UT_CMceCsSubSession::NewL()
+    {
+    UT_CMceCsSubSession* self = UT_CMceCsSubSession::NewLC(); 
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return self;
+    }
+UT_CMceCsSubSession* UT_CMceCsSubSession::NewLC()
+    {
+    UT_CMceCsSubSession* self = new( ELeave ) UT_CMceCsSubSession();
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+	self->ConstructL(); 
+    return self;
+    }
+// Destructor (virtual by CBase)
+    {
+    }
+// Default constructor
+    {
+    }
+// Second phase construct
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::ConstructL()
+    {
+    // The ConstructL from the base class CEUnitTestSuiteClass must be called.
+    // It generates the test case table.
+    CEUnitTestSuiteClass::ConstructL();
+    }
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::SetupL(  )
+    {
+    CMCETls::OpenL();
+    SdpCodecStringPool::OpenL();
+    //TMceIds ids;
+    iIds.iProfileID = 1;
+    iIds.iManagerType = KMceCSSIPSession;
+    iIds.iDialogType = KMceDlgTypeInvite;
+    iServerCore = CMceServerCore::NewL();
+    iStorage = CMCETls::Storage();
+	CDesC8ArrayFlat* params = new (ELeave) CDesC8ArrayFlat( KMceArrayGranularity );
+	CleanupStack::PushL( params );
+	params->AppendL( _L8("User <user2@host>") );
+	params->AppendL( _L8("User <user@host>") );
+    CMceMsgTextArray* msgParams = new (ELeave) CMceMsgTextArray( *params );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( msgParams );
+    iStorage->StoreL( iIds, *msgParams );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msgParams );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( params );
+    iSession = CMceCsSession::NewL( *iServerCore );
+    iSession->CreateSubSessionL(iIds, RMessage2());
+    iSubSession =  static_cast<CMceCsSubSession*>((iSession->Implementation().SubSessions())[0]);
+    } 
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::Teardown(  )
+    {
+    CMCETls::Close();
+    delete iSession;
+    delete iServerCore;
+    SdpCodecStringPool::Close();
+    }
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::UT_CMceCsSubSession_GetFunctionsL(  )
+    {
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->Type() == KMceCSSIPSession );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->DialogId() == 1 );
+    CSIPDialogAssocBase* dialog = iSubSession->Dialog();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( dialog != NULL);
+    CSIPServerTransaction& request = iSubSession->Request();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( &request == NULL);
+    CSIPClientTransaction& response = iSubSession->Response();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( &response == NULL);
+    CMceCsSessionImplementation& session = iSubSession->Client();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT(&session != NULL);
+    CMceSipConnection& sipconnection = iSubSession->SIPConnection();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT(&sipconnection != NULL);
+    CMceSipManager& manager = iSubSession->Manager();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT(&manager != NULL);
+    const RPointerArray<CSIPClientTransaction>& pendingTransactions = 
+        iSubSession->PendingTransactions();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( pendingTransactions.Count() == 0 );
+    const CFCSession* fc = iSubSession->FCSession();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT(&fc != NULL);
+//test setting and getting of spare slots of TMceIds    
+    MCEIDS_DEFINE_SPARE_INDEX_1( kSpare1 );    
+    MCEIDS_DEFINE_SPARE_INDEX_2( kSpare2 );    
+    MCEIDS_DEFINE_SPARE_INDEX_3( kSpare3 );    
+    iIds.iSpare1 = 1;
+    iIds.iSpare2 = 2;
+    iIds.iSpare3 = 3;
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iIds.Get( kSpare1 ) == 1 );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iIds.Get( kSpare2 ) == 2 );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iIds.Get( kSpare3 ) == 3 );
+    iIds.Set( kSpare1, 0 );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iIds.Get( kSpare1 ) == 0 );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iIds.iSpare1 == 0 );
+    iIds.Set( kSpare2, 0 );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iIds.Get( kSpare2 ) == 0 );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iIds.iSpare2 == 0 );
+    iIds.Set( kSpare3, 0 );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iIds.Get( kSpare3 ) == 0 );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iIds.iSpare3 == 0 );
+    }
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::UT_CMceCsSubSession_ServiceLL()
+    {
+    HBufC8* message = KReceiveMessage().AllocLC();
+    iSubSession->iReceiver->SendToClientL( iStorage->iIds, message );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( message );
+    iStorage->iCompletionCode = -1;
+    iStorage->iItcFunction = EMceItcReceive;
+    iSubSession->ServiceL( iIds, EMceItcReceive, RMessage2() );
+	EUNIT_ASSERT( iStorage->iCompletionCode == 0 );
+	EUNIT_ASSERT( iStorage->iContextServer != NULL );
+	EUNIT_ASSERT( iStorage->iContextServer->Compare( KReceiveMessage ) == 0 );
+    HBufC8* returnMessage = NULL;
+    CMceMsgBase* msg = NULL;
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_LEAVE( iSubSession->CMceCsSubSession::DoServiceL( iIds, EMceItcSetAppUid, *returnMessage ) );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_LEAVE( iSubSession->CMceCsSubSession::DoServiceL( iIds, EMceItcSetAppUid, KNullDesC8 ) );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT_LEAVE( iSubSession->CMceCsSubSession::DoServiceL( iIds, EMceItcSetAppUid, *msg ) );
+    }
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::UT_CMceCsSubSession_SetPendingTransactionLL(  )
+    {
+    CSIPClientTransaction* cltrans2 = 
+        MCETestHelper::ClientTransactionLC( SipStrConsts::EBye );
+    CSIPClientTransaction* cltrans = 
+        MCETestHelper::ClientTransactionLC( SipStrConsts::EInvite );
+    CSIPTransactionBase* bstrans = ( CSIPTransactionBase* ) cltrans;
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingTransactions().Count() == 0 );
+    iSubSession->SetPendingTransactionL( cltrans );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( cltrans );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingTransactions().Count() == 1 );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingTransactions()[0] == cltrans );
+    iSubSession->SetPendingTransactionL( cltrans2 );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( cltrans2 );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingTransactions().Count() == 2 );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingTransactions()[1] == cltrans2 );
+    }
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::UT_CMceCsSubSession_ClientReadyToReceiveL(  )
+    {
+    iSubSession->ServiceL(iIds, EMceItcClientReadyToReceive, RMessage2() );
+    TRAPD(err, iSubSession->ClientReadyToReceiveL(RMessage2()));
+    EUNIT_ASSERT(err == KErrAlreadyExists);
+    }
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::UT_CMceCsSubSession_CancelClientReceiveL(  )
+    {
+    iSubSession->ServiceL(iIds, EMceItcClientReadyToReceive, RMessage2() );
+    iSubSession->ServiceL(iIds, EMceItcClientCancelReceive, RMessage2() );
+    TRAPD(err, iSubSession->CancelClientReceiveL());
+    EUNIT_ASSERT(err == KErrNotFound);
+    }
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::UT_CMceCsSubSession_InviteCompletedL()
+    {
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingTransactions().Count() == 0 );
+    CSIPClientTransaction* clitransaction = 
+        MCETestHelper::ClientTransactionLC( SipStrConsts::EInvite );
+    //not found
+    iSubSession->InviteCompleted( *clitransaction );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingTransactions().Count() == 0 );
+	iSubSession->SetPendingTransactionL( clitransaction );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( clitransaction );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingTransactions().Count() == 1 );
+    iSubSession->InviteCompleted( *clitransaction );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingTransactions().Count() == 0 );
+    }
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::UT_CMceCsSubSession_PopRequestL(  )
+    {
+    CSIPServerTransaction* trx = 
+        MCETestHelper::ServerTransactionL( SipStrConsts::EInvite );
+    CleanupStack::PushL(trx);
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( &iSubSession->Request() == NULL );
+    iSubSession->iPendingReceivedRequests.AppendL( trx );
+    CleanupStack::Pop(trx);
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( &iSubSession->Request() == trx );
+    CSIPServerTransaction* req = iSubSession->PopRequest();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( req == trx );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( &iSubSession->Request() == NULL );
+    delete req;
+    }
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::UT_CMceCsSubSession_PopResponseL(  )
+    {
+    CSIPClientTransaction* clitransaction = 
+        MCETestHelper::ClientTransactionLC( SipStrConsts::EBye );
+    iSubSession->SetPendingTransactionL( clitransaction );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( clitransaction );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingTransactions().Count() == 1 );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( &iSubSession->Response() == NULL );
+    iSubSession->iResponse = clitransaction;
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( &iSubSession->Response() == clitransaction );
+    CSIPClientTransaction* rsp = iSubSession->PopResponse();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( rsp == NULL );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( &iSubSession->Response() == clitransaction );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingTransactions().Count() == 1 );
+    clitransaction->iState = CSIPTransactionBase::ECompleted;
+    iSubSession->RemovePendingTrx( *clitransaction );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingTransactions().Count() == 0 );
+    rsp = iSubSession->PopResponse();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( rsp == clitransaction );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( &iSubSession->Response() == NULL );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingTransactions().Count() == 0 );
+    delete rsp;
+    }
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::UT_CMceCsSubSession_ClientExistsL()
+    {
+    EUNIT_ASSERT(!iSubSession->ClientExists() )
+    }
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::UT_CMceCsSubSession_DecodeLL()
+    {
+    CMceMsgBase* decodedMessage = NULL;
+    TAny* object = NULL;
+    TMceMessageDispatcher<CMceCsSubSession> dispacther( *iSubSession, iSubSession->iReceiver->ITC() );
+    CMceComSession* session = CMceComSession::NewL( CMceComSession::EOutSession );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( session );
+    CMceMsgObject<CMceComSession>* sessionMsg = new (ELeave) CMceMsgObject<CMceComSession>( *session, EMceItcMsgTypeSession );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( sessionMsg );
+    sessionMsg->EncodeL();
+    decodedMessage = dispacther.DecodeL( sessionMsg->Type(), sessionMsg->EncodeBuffer().Ptr( 0 ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sessionMsg );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( session );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( decodedMessage != NULL );
+    decodedMessage->Close();
+    delete decodedMessage;
+    CMceComAudioStream* stream = CMceComAudioStream::NewLC();
+    CMceMsgObject<CMceComMediaStream>* streamMsg = new (ELeave) CMceMsgObject<CMceComMediaStream>( *stream, EMceItcMsgTypeStream );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( streamMsg );
+    streamMsg->EncodeL();
+    decodedMessage = dispacther.DecodeL( streamMsg->Type(), streamMsg->EncodeBuffer().Ptr( 0 ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( streamMsg );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( stream );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( decodedMessage != NULL );
+    decodedMessage->Close();
+    delete decodedMessage;
+    TBuf8<KMceMaxSdpNameLength> amr;
+    amr.Append( _L("AMR") );
+    CMceComAMRCodec* codec = CMceComAMRCodec::NewLC( amr );
+    CMceMsgObject<CMceComAudioCodec>* codecMsg = new (ELeave) CMceMsgObject<CMceComAudioCodec>( *codec, EMceItcMsgTypeCodec );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( codecMsg );
+    codecMsg->EncodeL();
+    decodedMessage = dispacther.DecodeL( codecMsg->Type(), codecMsg->EncodeBuffer().Ptr( 0 ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codecMsg );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codec );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( decodedMessage != NULL );
+    decodedMessage->Close();
+    delete decodedMessage;
+    CMceComRtpSink* sink = CMceComRtpSink::NewLC();
+    CMceMsgObject<CMceComMediaSink>* sinkMsg = new (ELeave) CMceMsgObject<CMceComMediaSink>( *sink, EMceItcMsgTypeSink );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( sinkMsg );
+    sinkMsg->EncodeL();
+    decodedMessage = dispacther.DecodeL( sinkMsg->Type(), sinkMsg->EncodeBuffer().Ptr( 0 ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sinkMsg );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sink );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( decodedMessage != NULL );
+    decodedMessage->Close();
+    delete decodedMessage;
+    CMceComRtpSource* source = CMceComRtpSource::NewLC();
+    CMceMsgObject<CMceComMediaSource>* sourceMsg = new (ELeave) CMceMsgObject<CMceComMediaSource>( *source, EMceItcMsgTypeSource );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( sourceMsg );
+    sourceMsg->EncodeL();
+    decodedMessage = dispacther.DecodeL( sourceMsg->Type(), sourceMsg->EncodeBuffer().Ptr( 0 ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sourceMsg );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( source );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( decodedMessage != NULL );
+    decodedMessage->Close();
+    delete decodedMessage;
+    HBufC8* reason = _L8("reason").AllocLC();
+    HBufC8* contentType = _L8("contentType").AllocLC();
+    CDesC8Array* sipHeaders = new (ELeave) CDesC8ArrayFlat( KMceArrayGranularity );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( sipHeaders );
+    CMceMsgSIPReply* replyMsg = new (ELeave) CMceMsgSIPReply( *reason, 405,
+                                                              *sipHeaders, *contentType );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( replyMsg );
+    replyMsg->EncodeL();
+    decodedMessage = dispacther.DecodeL( replyMsg->Type(), replyMsg->EncodeBuffer().Ptr( 0 ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( replyMsg );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sipHeaders );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contentType );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( reason );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( decodedMessage != NULL );
+    decodedMessage->Close();
+    delete decodedMessage;
+    sipHeaders = new (ELeave) CDesC8ArrayFlat( KMceArrayGranularity );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( sipHeaders );
+    CMceMsgTextArray* hdrsMsg = new (ELeave) CMceMsgTextArray( *sipHeaders );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( hdrsMsg );
+    hdrsMsg->EncodeL();
+    decodedMessage = dispacther.DecodeL( hdrsMsg->Type(), hdrsMsg->EncodeBuffer().Ptr( 0 ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hdrsMsg );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sipHeaders );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( decodedMessage != NULL );
+    decodedMessage->Close();
+    delete decodedMessage;
+    }
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::UT_CMceCsSubSession_ProfileL()
+    {
+  	CSIPProfile* profile = &iSubSession->Profile();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( profile != NULL );  	
+    }    
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::UT_CMceCsSubSession_HasInitialInviteTransactionBeenCompletedL()
+    {
+    CSIPClientTransaction* initialInviteTransaction = 
+        MCETestHelper::ClientTransactionLC( SipStrConsts::EInvite );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( initialInviteTransaction );  
+    iSubSession->iInitialInvite = initialInviteTransaction;
+    // Transaction not completed
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( !iSubSession->HasInitialInviteTransactionBeenCompleted() )
+    // Transaction completed but exists
+    initialInviteTransaction->SetState( CSIPTransactionBase::ECompleted );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->HasInitialInviteTransactionBeenCompleted() )
+    // Transaction terminated but exists
+    initialInviteTransaction->SetState( CSIPTransactionBase::ETerminated );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->HasInitialInviteTransactionBeenCompleted() )
+    // Transaction does not exist
+    delete iSubSession->iInitialInvite;
+    iSubSession->iInitialInvite = NULL;
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->HasInitialInviteTransactionBeenCompleted() )
+    }
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::UT_CMceCsSubSession_GetRequestL()
+    {
+    const RPointerArray<CSIPClientTransaction>& pendingReceivedRequest = 
+        iSubSession->PendingTransactions();
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingReceivedRequests().Count() == 0 );
+    CSIPServerTransaction* trx =         
+    MCETestHelper::ServerTransactionL( SipStrConsts::EInfo );
+    CleanupStack::PushL(trx);
+    iSubSession->iPendingReceivedRequests.AppendL( trx );
+    CleanupStack::Pop(trx);
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingReceivedRequests().Count() == 1 );
+    EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingReceivedRequests()[0] == trx );
+    }
+void UT_CMceCsSubSession::UT_CMceCsSubSession_DialogRequestReceivedL  ()
+	{
+    CSIPServerTransaction* srvtransaction = 
+        MCETestHelper::ServerTransactionL( SipStrConsts::EInfo );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( srvtransaction );
+	TBool consumed = iSubSession->DialogRequestReceived( srvtransaction, iSubSession->Dialog()->Dialog() );
+  	EUNIT_ASSERT( iSubSession->PendingReceivedRequests()[0] == srvtransaction );
+  	CleanupStack::Pop( srvtransaction );
+	}
+    UT_CMceCsSubSession,
+    "UT_CMceCsSubSession",
+    "UNIT" )
+    "GetFunctions - test ",
+    "CMceCsSubSession",
+    "GetFunctions",
+    SetupL, UT_CMceCsSubSession_GetFunctionsL, Teardown)
+    "ServiceL - test ",
+    "CMceCsSubSession",
+    "ServiceL",
+    SetupL, UT_CMceCsSubSession_ServiceLL, Teardown)
+    "SetPendingTransactionL - test ",
+    "CMceCsSubSession",
+    "SetPendingTransactionL",
+    SetupL, UT_CMceCsSubSession_SetPendingTransactionLL, Teardown)
+    "ClientReadyToReceive - test ",
+    "CMceCsSubSession",
+    "ClientReadyToReceive",
+    SetupL, UT_CMceCsSubSession_ClientReadyToReceiveL, Teardown)
+    "CancelClientReceive - test ",
+    "CMceCsSubSession",
+    "CancelClientReceive",
+    SetupL, UT_CMceCsSubSession_CancelClientReceiveL, Teardown)
+    "InviteCompleted - test ",
+    "CMceCsSubSession",
+    "InviteCompleted",
+    SetupL, UT_CMceCsSubSession_InviteCompletedL, Teardown)
+    "PopRequest - test ",
+    "CMceCsSubSession",
+    "PopRequest",
+    SetupL, UT_CMceCsSubSession_PopRequestL, Teardown)
+    "PopResponse - test ",
+    "CMceCsSubSession",
+    "PopResponse",
+    SetupL, UT_CMceCsSubSession_PopResponseL, Teardown)
+    "ClientExists - test ",
+    "CMceCsSubSession",
+    "ClientExists",
+    SetupL, UT_CMceCsSubSession_ClientExistsL, Teardown)
+    "DecodeL - test ",
+    "CMceCsSubSession",
+    "DecodeL",
+    SetupL, UT_CMceCsSubSession_DecodeLL, Teardown)
+    "Profile - test ",
+    "CMceCsSubSession",
+    "Profile",
+    SetupL, UT_CMceCsSubSession_ProfileL, Teardown)
+    "HasInitialInviteTransactionBeenCompleted - test ",
+    "CMceCsSubSession",
+    "HasInitialInviteTransactionBeenCompleted",
+    SetupL, UT_CMceCsSubSession_HasInitialInviteTransactionBeenCompletedL, Teardown)
+    "Pending Request - test ",
+    "CMceCsSubSession",
+    "GetRequest",
+    SetupL, UT_CMceCsSubSession_GetRequestL, Teardown)
+    "DialogRequestReceived - test ",
+    "CMceCsSubSession",
+    "DialogRequestReceived",
+    SetupL, UT_CMceCsSubSession_DialogRequestReceivedL, Teardown)