--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/natfw/natfwconnectionmultiplexer/src/cncmconnection.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:04:58 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Connection multiplexer connection abstraction.
+#include <commdbconnpref.h>
+#include "cncmconnection.h"
+#include "cncmtcpsender.h"
+#include "cncmudpsender.h"
+#include "cncmtcpreceiver.h"
+#include "cncmudpreceiver.h"
+#include "cncmconnectionobserverhandler.h"
+#include "ncmconnectionmultiplexerlogs.h"
+#include "mncmmultiplexerconnectionobserver.h"
+#include "ncmconnectionmultiplexerassert.h"
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::CNcmConnection
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNcmConnection::CNcmConnection( TUint aSessionId, TUint aStreamId,
+ TUint aConnectionId, const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr,
+ MNcmMultiplexerConnectionObserver& aObserver,
+ CNcmConnectionObserverHandler& aConnectionObserverHandler,
+ TInt aQos, RSocketServ& aSocketServ, RConnection& aConnection,
+ TUint aProtocol, TBool aReuseAddress ) :
+ CActive( EPriorityStandard ), iSessionId( aSessionId ),
+ iStreamId( aStreamId ), iConnectionId( aConnectionId ),
+ iLocalAddr( aLocalAddr ), iObserver( aObserver ),
+ iConnectionObserverHandler( aConnectionObserverHandler ),
+ iIpTOS( aQos ), iProtocol( aProtocol ), iReuseAddress( aReuseAddress ),
+ iSocketServ( aSocketServ ), iConnection( aConnection ),
+ iDestinationAddress( KInetAddrNone, 0 ),
+ iReceiverState( EStreamingStatePassive ),
+ iSenderState( EStreamingStatePassive ),
+ iTcpConnectionState( ETcpConnectionUnspecifiedState )
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNcmConnection* CNcmConnection::NewL(TUint aSessionId, TUint aStreamId,
+ TUint aConnectionId, const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr,
+ MNcmMultiplexerConnectionObserver& aObserver,
+ CNcmConnectionObserverHandler& aConnectionObserverHandler,TInt aQos,
+ RSocketServ& aSocketServ, RConnection& aConnection,
+ TUint aProtocol, TBool aReuseAddress )
+ {
+ CNcmConnection* self =
+ CNcmConnection::NewLC( aSessionId, aStreamId, aConnectionId,
+ aLocalAddr, aObserver, aConnectionObserverHandler, aQos,
+ aSocketServ, aConnection, aProtocol, aReuseAddress );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::NewLC
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNcmConnection* CNcmConnection::NewLC( TUint aSessionId, TUint aStreamId,
+ TUint aConnectionId, const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr,
+ MNcmMultiplexerConnectionObserver& aObserver,
+ CNcmConnectionObserverHandler& aConnectionObserverHandler, TInt aQos,
+ RSocketServ& aSocketServ, RConnection& aConnection, TUint aProtocol,
+ TBool aReuseAddress )
+ {
+ CNcmConnection* self =
+ new( ELeave ) CNcmConnection( aSessionId, aStreamId, aConnectionId,
+ aLocalAddr, aObserver, aConnectionObserverHandler, aQos,
+ aSocketServ, aConnection, aProtocol, aReuseAddress );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::ConstructL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::ConstructL()
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER( "CNcmConnection::ConstructL" )
+ switch( iProtocol )
+ {
+ case KProtocolInetTcp:
+ {
+ InitializeTcpL();
+ break;
+ }
+ case KProtocolInetUdp:
+ {
+ InitializeUdpL();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ "CNcmConnection::ConstructL - EXIT - LOCAL ADDRESS: ", iLocalAddr )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::~CNcmConnection
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER( "CNcmConnection::~CNcmConnection" )
+ Cancel();
+ delete iSender;
+ delete iReceiver;
+ iSocket.Close();
+ iListenSocket.Close();
+ delete iMessage;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::OpenTcpConnectionL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::OpenTcpConnectionL( TNATFWTcpConnectionSetup aConfig,
+ const TInetAddr& aDestAddr )
+ {
+ KProtocolInetTcp == iProtocol, KErrArgument );
+ ETcpConnectionUnspecifiedState == iTcpConnectionState, KErrInUse );
+ "CNcmConnection::OpenTcpConnectionL - DEST ADDRESS: ", aDestAddr )
+ "CNcmConnection::OpenTcpConnectionL - LOCAL ADDRESS: ", iLocalAddr )
+ iConnSetupConf = aConfig;
+ iDestinationAddress = aDestAddr;
+ if ( ETcpSetupActive == aConfig )
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError( iSocket.Open( iSocketServ, KAfInet,
+ KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp, iConnection ) );
+ User::LeaveIfError(
+ iSocket.SetOpt( KSoIpTOS, KSolInetIp, iIpTOS ) );
+ // Listener socket has same local address.
+ User::LeaveIfError(
+ iSocket.SetOpt( KSoReuseAddr, KProtocolInetIp, 1 ) );
+ User::LeaveIfError( iSocket.Bind( iLocalAddr ) );
+ iSocket.Connect( iDestinationAddress, iStatus );
+ }
+ else if ( ETcpSetupPassive == aConfig )
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError( iSocket.Open( iSocketServ ) );
+ if ( !iIsListening )
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError( iListenSocket.Listen( 1 ) );
+ iIsListening = ETrue;
+ }
+ iListenSocket.Accept( iSocket, iStatus );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ "CNcmConnection::OpenTcpConnectionL - Default branch" )
+ }
+ iTcpConnectionState = ETcpConnectionConnectingState;
+ SetActive();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::CloseTcpConnectionL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::CloseTcpConnectionL()
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER( "CNcmConnection::CloseTcpConnectionL" )
+ KProtocolInetTcp == iProtocol, KErrArgument );
+ ETcpConnectionUnspecifiedState != iTcpConnectionState, KErrNotReady );
+ // Cancel all outstanding operations
+ iSender->Cancel();
+ iReceiver->Cancel();
+ Cancel();
+ // Close the socket
+ iListenSocket.CancelAll();
+ iSocket.Close();
+ iSenderState = EStreamingStatePassive;
+ iReceiverState = EStreamingStatePassive;
+ if ( ETcpConnectionConnectingState == iTcpConnectionState )
+ {
+ iObserver.ConnectionNotify( iStreamId, iConnectionId,
+ EMultiplexerTcpSetupCompleted, KErrCancel );
+ }
+ iTcpConnectionState = ETcpConnectionUnspecifiedState;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::SetReceivingStateL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::SetReceivingStateL(
+ TNATFWStreamingState aState )
+ {
+ switch( aState )
+ {
+ case EStreamingStateActive:
+ this->ActivateReceivingL();
+ break;
+ case EStreamingStatePassive:
+ this->DeactivateReceivingL();
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::SetSendingStateL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::SetSendingStateL(
+ const TInetAddr& aDestAddr, TNATFWStreamingState aState )
+ {
+ switch( aState )
+ {
+ case EStreamingStateActive:
+ this->ActivateSendingL( aDestAddr );
+ break;
+ case EStreamingStatePassive:
+ this->DeactivateSendingL();
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::CheckSenderValidityToSending
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CNcmConnection::CheckSenderValidityToSending(
+ const TInetAddr& aDestinationAddr )
+ {
+ if ( iIsGenericDestination && KProtocolInetUdp == iProtocol )
+ {
+ static_cast<CNcmUdpSender*>( iSender )->SetDestination(
+ aDestinationAddr );
+ }
+ TBool validity( EFalse );
+ if ( EStreamingStateActive == iSenderState
+ && iDestinationAddress.CmpAddr( aDestinationAddr ) )
+ {
+ "CNcmConnection::CheckSenderValidityToSending TRUE" )
+ validity = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ "CNcmConnection::CheckSenderValidityToSending FALSE" )
+ }
+ return validity;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::DestinationAddress
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TInetAddr& CNcmConnection::DestinationAddress() const
+ {
+ return iDestinationAddress;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::CancelMessageSendL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::CancelMessageSendL(
+ const MNcmSenderObserver* aSenderObserver )
+ {
+ iSender->CancelMessageSendL( aSenderObserver );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::IsGenericDestination
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CNcmConnection::IsGenericDestination() const
+ {
+ "CNcmConnection::IsGenericDestination", iIsGenericDestination )
+ return iIsGenericDestination;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::SetAcceptedFromAddressL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::SetAcceptedFromAddressL( const TInetAddr& aAddress )
+ {
+ "CNcmConnection::SetAcceptedFromAddressL - Entry, aAddress: ", aAddress )
+ "CNcmConnection::SetAcceptedFromAddressL - Entry, iAcceptedFromAddr: ", iAcceptedFromAddr )
+ KProtocolInetUdp == iProtocol, KErrArgument );
+ if ( !IsActive() )
+ {
+ iAcceptedFromAddr = aAddress;
+ iSender->Cancel();
+ iReceiver->Cancel();
+ if ( KAFUnspec != aAddress.Address() )
+ {
+ iSocket.Connect( iAcceptedFromAddr, iStatus );
+ SetActive();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iReuseAddress = ETrue;
+ iSocket.Close();
+ this->InitializeUdpL();
+ if ( iReceiverState == EStreamingStateActive )
+ {
+ iReceiver->Activate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER( "CNcmConnection::SetAcceptedFromAddressL - State not valid" )
+ }
+ "CNcmConnection::SetAcceptedFromAddressL - Exit, iAcceptedFromAddr: ", iAcceptedFromAddr )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::Send
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::Send( const TDesC8& aMessage,
+ const TInetAddr& aDestinationAddress,
+ MNcmSenderObserver* aSenderObserver )
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER( "CNcmConnection::Send" )
+ // Notify source observer from message
+ this->OutgoingMessageAvailable( aMessage, aSenderObserver,
+ aDestinationAddress );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::SendDirectlyToNetwork
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::SendDirectlyToNetwork( const TDesC8& aMessage,
+ MNcmSenderObserver* aSenderObserver )
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER( "CNcmConnection::SendDirectlyToNetwork" )
+ if ( EStreamingStateActive != iSenderState )
+ {
+ iObserver.ConnectionNotify( iStreamId,
+ iConnectionId,
+ EMultiplexerConnectionError,
+ KErrNotReady );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSender->Send( aMessage, aSenderObserver );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::ConnectionId
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TUint CNcmConnection::ConnectionId() const
+ {
+ return iConnectionId;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::LocalAddress
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInetAddr& CNcmConnection::LocalAddress()
+ {
+ return iLocalAddr;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MNcmSourceObserver
+// CNcmConnection::OutgoingMessageAvailable
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::OutgoingMessageAvailable( const TDesC8& aMessage,
+ MNcmSenderObserver* aSenderObserver, const TInetAddr& aDestAddr )
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER( "CNcmConnection::OutgoingMessageAvailable" )
+ TBool consumed( EFalse );
+ TInt error( KErrNoMemory );
+ // get message
+ delete iMessage;
+ iMessage = NULL;
+ iMessage = aMessage.Alloc();
+ if ( iMessage )
+ {
+ error = KErrNone;
+ // see if observing objects need this message
+ TRAP( error, consumed =
+ iConnectionObserverHandler.RevealOutgoingMessageL(
+ iStreamId, iConnectionId, iMessage, aDestAddr ) )
+ }
+ if ( KErrNone != error || !iMessage )
+ {
+ iObserver.ConnectionError( iSessionId,
+ iStreamId,
+ iConnectionId,
+ EMultiplexerConnectionError,
+ error );
+ }
+ else if ( !consumed )
+ {
+ "CNcmConnection::OutgoingMessageAvailable - lets send message to network" )
+ SendDirectlyToNetwork( *iMessage, aSenderObserver );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ "CNcmConnection::OutgoingMessageAvailable - message consumed" )
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MNcmReceiverSenderObserver
+// CNcmConnection::MessageAvailable
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::MessageAvailable()
+ {
+ "CNcmConnection::MessageAvailable - connection ID: ", iConnectionId )
+ TBool consumed( EFalse );
+ TInt error( KErrNoMemory );
+ // get message
+ delete iMessage;
+ iMessage = NULL;
+ iMessage = iReceiver->Message().Alloc();
+ if ( iMessage )
+ {
+ error = KErrNone;
+ TRAP( error, consumed = iConnectionObserverHandler.RevealIncomingMessageL(
+ iStreamId, iMessage, iLocalAddr, iReceiver->FromAddress() ) )
+ }
+ // see if observing objects need this message
+ if ( KErrNone != error || !iMessage )
+ {
+ iObserver.ConnectionError( iSessionId,
+ iStreamId,
+ iConnectionId,
+ EMultiplexerConnectionError,
+ error );
+ }
+ else if ( !consumed )
+ {
+ "CNcmMessageHandler::HandleIncomingMessageL - message not consumed" )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ "CNcmMessageHandler::HandleIncomingMessageL - message consumed" )
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class MNcmReceiverSenderObserver
+// CNcmConnection::Error
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::Error( TInt aError )
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER( "CNcmConnection::Error" )
+ iObserver.ConnectionNotify( iStreamId,
+ iConnectionId,
+ EMultiplexerConnectionError,
+ aError );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class CActive
+// CNcmConnection::RunL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::RunL()
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER_INT1( "CNcmConnection::RunL", iStatus.Int() )
+ if ( KProtocolInetTcp == iProtocol )
+ {
+ ETcpConnectionConnectingState == iTcpConnectionState,
+ KErrNotReady );
+ iTcpConnectionState = ( KErrNone == iStatus.Int() ) ?
+ ETcpConnectionConnectedState : ETcpConnectionUnspecifiedState;
+ iObserver.ConnectionNotify( iStreamId, iConnectionId,
+ EMultiplexerTcpSetupCompleted, iStatus.Int() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( iReceiverState == EStreamingStateActive )
+ {
+ iReceiver->Activate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From class CActive
+// DoCancel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::DoCancel()
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER( "CNcmConnection::DoCancel" )
+ if ( KProtocolInetTcp == iProtocol )
+ {
+ iListenSocket.CancelAll();
+ }
+ iSocket.CancelAll();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::InitializeUdpL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::InitializeUdpL()
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER( "CNcmConnection::InitializeUdpL" )
+ delete iSender;
+ iSender = NULL;
+ delete iReceiver;
+ iReceiver = NULL;
+ User::LeaveIfError( iSocket.Open( iSocketServ, KAfInet,
+ KSockDatagram, KProtocolInetUdp, iConnection ) );
+ User::LeaveIfError( iSocket.SetOpt( KSoIpTOS, KSolInetIp, iIpTOS ) );
+ TUint port( iLocalAddr.Port() );
+ // Checks port validity
+ if ( !iReuseAddress )
+ {
+ TBool requiredPortOpen( EFalse );
+ TInt error( KErrNone );
+ while ( !requiredPortOpen )
+ {
+ error = iSocket.SetLocalPort( port );
+ if ( KErrNone != error )
+ {
+ iObserver.GetNewFreePort(
+ iStreamId, iConnectionId, port );
+ if ( 0 == port )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ requiredPortOpen = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ iLocalAddr.SetPort( port );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(
+ iSocket.SetOpt( KSoReuseAddr, KProtocolInetIp, 1 ) );
+ User::LeaveIfError( iSocket.SetLocalPort( iLocalAddr.Port() ) );
+ }
+ iSender = CNcmUdpSender::NewL( iSocket, *this );
+ iReceiver = CNcmUdpReceiver::NewL( iSocket, *this );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::InitializeTcpL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::InitializeTcpL()
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER( "CNcmConnection::InitializeTcpL" )
+ // Open listen socket and check port validity
+ User::LeaveIfError( iListenSocket.Open( iSocketServ, KAfInet,
+ KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp, iConnection ) );
+ TUint port( iLocalAddr.Port() );
+ // Checks port validity
+ if ( !iReuseAddress )
+ {
+ TBool requiredPortOpen( EFalse );
+ TInt error( KErrNone );
+ while ( !requiredPortOpen )
+ {
+ error = iListenSocket.Bind( iLocalAddr );
+ if ( KErrNone != error )
+ {
+ iObserver.GetNewFreePort(
+ iStreamId, iConnectionId, port );
+ if ( 0 == port )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+ }
+ iLocalAddr.SetPort( port );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ requiredPortOpen = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(
+ iListenSocket.SetOpt( KSoReuseAddr, KProtocolInetIp, 1 ) );
+ User::LeaveIfError( iListenSocket.Bind( iLocalAddr ) );
+ }
+ iSender = CNcmTcpSender::NewL( iSocket, *this );
+ iReceiver = CNcmTcpReceiver::NewL( iSocket, *this );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::ActivateReceivingL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::ActivateReceivingL()
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER( "CNcmConnection::ActivateReceivingL - Entry" )
+ if ( KProtocolInetUdp == iProtocol )
+ {
+ iReceiverState = EStreamingStateActive;
+ iReceiver->Activate();
+ }
+ else if ( KProtocolInetTcp == iProtocol )
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( ETcpConnectionConnectedState == iTcpConnectionState,
+ User::Leave( KErrNotReady ) );
+ iReceiverState = EStreamingStateActive;
+ iReceiver->Activate();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ iObserver.ConnectionNotify( iStreamId, iConnectionId,
+ EMultiplexerReceivingActivated, KErrNone );
+ "CNcmConnection::ActivateReceivingL - EXIT - LOCAL ADDRESS: ", iLocalAddr )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::DeactivateReceivingL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::DeactivateReceivingL()
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER( "CNcmConnection::DeactivateReceivingL" )
+ EStreamingStatePassive != iReceiverState, KErrNotReady );
+ iReceiver->Deactivate();
+ iReceiverState = EStreamingStatePassive;
+ iObserver.ConnectionNotify( iStreamId, iConnectionId,
+ EMultiplexerReceivingDeactivated, KErrNone );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::ActivateSendingL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::ActivateSendingL( const TInetAddr& aDestAddr )
+ {
+ "CNcmConnection::ActivateSendingL - DEST ADDRESS: ",
+ aDestAddr )
+ "CNcmConnection::ActivateSendingL - Connection ID: ",
+ iConnectionId )
+ iDestinationAddress = aDestAddr;
+ // Check if this destination can be used to send data to the arbitrary
+ // remote address.
+ aDestAddr.IsUnspecified() ?
+ iIsGenericDestination = ETrue : iIsGenericDestination = EFalse;
+ if ( KProtocolInetUdp == iProtocol )
+ {
+ static_cast<CNcmUdpSender*>( iSender )->SetDestination(
+ iDestinationAddress );
+ iSender->Activate();
+ iSenderState = EStreamingStateActive;
+ }
+ else if ( KProtocolInetTcp == iProtocol )
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( ETcpConnectionConnectedState == iTcpConnectionState,
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported ) );
+ iSenderState = EStreamingStateActive;
+ iSender->Activate();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ iObserver.ConnectionNotify( iStreamId, iConnectionId,
+ EMultiplexerSendingActivated, KErrNone );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcmConnection::DeactivateSendingL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcmConnection::DeactivateSendingL()
+ {
+ __CONNECTIONMULTIPLEXER( "CNcmConnection::DeactivateSendingL" )
+ EStreamingStatePassive != iSenderState, KErrNotReady );
+ iSender->Deactivate();
+ iSenderState = EStreamingStatePassive;
+ iObserver.ConnectionNotify( iStreamId, iConnectionId,
+ EMultiplexerSendingDeactivated, KErrNone );
+ }