Added API documentation and example code.
* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <mceevent.h>
class CSIPProfile;
class CMceManager;
class CMceSession;
class CMceRefer;
* Class for mobile originated MCE events.
* CMceOutEvent represents outgoing request to remote terminal to establish event dialog.
* After the event has been succesfylly set up, it can be later updated and
* must be finally terminated.
* The notification send by remote terminal are passed through
* MMceEventObserver::NotifyReceived(). the responses to these notifications are
* send by MCE server.
* If for any reason instance of this class is deleted while in active state,
* event is automatically terminated by MCE server.
* @lib mceclient.lib
class CMceOutEvent:public CMceEvent
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aManager, reference to event manager
* @param aProfile, reference to used SIP profile
* @param aRecipient, recipient of the event.
* @param aEventHeader, Event header
* @param aRefreshInterval, a resfresh interval
* @param aOriginator, originator of the event.
IMPORT_C static CMceOutEvent* NewL(
CMceManager& aManager,
CSIPProfile& aProfile,
const TDesC8& aRecipient,
const TDesC8& aEventHeader,
TUint32 aRefreshInterval,
HBufC8* aOriginator = 0 );
* Two-phased constructor. Should be used when event is associated
* to existing session. This guarantees that event is sent
* to same remote terminal with the session.
* @param aSession, session to be bound to this event
* @param aEventHeader Event header
* @param aRefreshInterval a resfresh interval
IMPORT_C static CMceOutEvent* NewL(
CMceSession& aSession,
const TDesC8& aEventHeader,
TUint32 aRefreshInterval );
* Two-phased constructor. Should be used when event is associated
* to existing event. This guarantees that events sre sent
* to same remote terminal.
* @param aEvent, event to be bound to this event
* @param aEventHeader Event header
* @param aRefreshInterval a resfresh interval
IMPORT_C static CMceOutEvent* NewL(
CMceEvent& aEvent,
const TDesC8& aEventHeader,
TUint32 aRefreshInterval );
* Two-phased constructor. Should be used when event is associated
* to existing refer. This guarantees that event is sent
* to same remote terminal with the refer.
* @param aRefer, refer to be bound to this event
* @param aEventHeader Event header
* @param aRefreshInterval a resfresh interval
IMPORT_C static CMceOutEvent* NewL(
CMceRefer& aRefer,
const TDesC8& aEventHeader,
TUint32 aRefreshInterval );
* Destructor.
IMPORT_C ~CMceOutEvent();
public: // New functions
* Subscribe to an event.
* @pre State() == CMceEvent::EIdle
* @post State() == CMceEvent::EPending
* @param aHeaders, headers of received message. Ownership is
* transferred.
* @param aContentType, a type of received content. Ownership
* is transferred.
* @param aContent, content to be added in body. Ownership is
* transferred.
IMPORT_C void SubscribeL(
CDesC8Array* aHeaders = 0,
HBufC8* aContentType = 0,
HBufC8* aContent = 0 );
* Updates the subscription.
* @pre State() == CMceEvent::EActive
* @post State() == CMceEvent::EPending
* @param aRefreshInterval, new resfresh interval
* @param aHeaders, headers of received message. Ownership is
* transferred.
* @param aContentType, a type of received content. Ownership
* is transferred.
* @param aContent, content to be added in body. Ownership is
* transferred.
IMPORT_C void UpdateL(
TUint32 aRefreshInterval,
CDesC8Array* aHeaders = 0,
HBufC8* aContentType = 0,
HBufC8* aContent = 0 );
public: // New functions
* Two-phased constructor for internal use.
* @param aManager, reference to event manager
* @param aProfileId, id of the used SIP profile
* @param aRecipient, recipient of the event.
* @param aEventHeader, Event header
* @param aRefreshInterval, a resfresh interval
* @param aOriginator, originator of the event.
* @param aDialogType, the dialog type
* @param aParams, array of parameters used for subsession creation,
* if NULL, the event specific parameters are created
static CMceOutEvent* NewL( CMceManager& aManager,
TUint32 aProfileId,
const TDesC8& aRecipient,
const TDesC8& aEventHeader,
TUint32 aRefreshInterval,
HBufC8* aOriginator,
TUint32 aDialogId,
TUint32 aDialogType,
CDesC8Array* aParams );
public: // New functions
* Gets the type of the event
* @return ETrue in InEvent
TBool IsInEvent() const;
* C++ default constructor.
* @param aManager, reference to event manager.
* @param aProfileId, id of the sip profile used for the event.
* @param aDialogId,
* @param aRefreshInterval,
CMceManager& aManager,
TUint32 aProfileId,
TUint32 aDialogId,
TUint32 aRefreshInterval );
* second-phase constructor
void ConstructL( const TDesC8& aEventHeader,
const TDesC8& aRecipient,
HBufC8* aOriginator,
TUint32 aDialogType,
CDesC8Array* aParams );
* second-phase constructor
void ConstructL( const TDesC8& aEventHeader,
const TDesC8& aRecipient,
const TDesC8& aOriginator,
TUint32 aDialogType );