Added API documentation and example code.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class is used for passing events.
#include <e32std.h>
#include <rtpapi.h>
typedef TInt TMccEventCategory;
typedef TInt TMccEventType;
typedef TInt TMccRtcpPacketType;
typedef TInt TMccDtmfEventType;
const TInt KMccMaxEventDataLength = 1024;
const TInt KMccMaxDtmfStringLength = 100;
const TMccEventCategory KMccEventCategoryStream = 1;
const TMccEventCategory KMccEventCategoryRtcp = 2;
const TMccEventCategory KMccEventCategoryRtp = 3;
const TMccEventCategory KMccEventCategoryDtmf = 4;
const TMccEventCategory KMccEventCategoryTranscode = 5;
const TMccEventType KMccEventNone = 1;
const TMccEventType KMccStreamPrepared = 2;
const TMccEventType KMccStreamStarted = 3;
const TMccEventType KMccStreamPaused = 4;
const TMccEventType KMccStreamResumed = 5;
const TMccEventType KMccStreamStopped = 6;
const TMccEventType KMccStreamClosed = 7;
const TMccEventType KMccInactivityEvent = 8;
const TMccEventType KMccActivityEvent = 9;
const TMccEventType KMccStreamPlaying = 10;
const TMccEventType KMccStreamBuffering = 11;
const TMccEventType KMccStreamIdle = 12;
const TMccEventType KMccStreamMMFEvent = 13;
const TMccEventType KMccStreamError = 14;
const TMccEventType KMccRtcpControl = 15;
const TMccEventType KMccRtcpReceived = 16;
const TMccEventType KMccDtmfControl = 17;
const TMccEventType KMccDtmfReceived = 18;
const TMccEventType KMccResourceReserved = 19;
const TMccEventType KMccResourceReleased = 20;
const TMccEventType KMccResourceNotAvailable = 21;
const TMccEventType KMccTranscodeInProgress = 22;
const TMccEventType KMccTranscodeCompleted = 23;
const TMccEventType KMccAudioRoutingChanged = 24;
const TMccEventType KMccLinkCreated = 25;
const TMccEventType KMccTranscodeCancelled = 26;
const TMccEventType KMccUnknownMediaReceived = 27;
const TMccEventType KMccMediaQualityStatus = 28;
const TMccEventType KMccMasterKeyStaled = 29;
const TMccRtcpPacketType KRtcpPacketUndefined = 0;
const TMccRtcpPacketType KRtcpSdesPacket = 1;
const TMccRtcpPacketType KRtcpByePacket = 2;
const TMccRtcpPacketType KRtcpAppPacket = 3;
const TMccRtcpPacketType KRtcpSrPacket = 4;
const TMccRtcpPacketType KRtcpRrPacket = 5;
const TMccRtcpPacketType KRtcpAnyPacket = 6;
const TMccDtmfEventType KMccDtmfUnknown = 0;
const TMccDtmfEventType KMccDtmfSigStartTone = 1;
const TMccDtmfEventType KMccDtmfSigStopTone = 2;
const TMccDtmfEventType KMccDtmfSigSendString = 3;
const TMccDtmfEventType KMccDtmfSigContinueSending = 4;
const TMccDtmfEventType KMccDtmfSigCancelSending = 5;
const TMccDtmfEventType KMccDtmfSendingComplete = 6;
const TMccDtmfEventType KMccDtmfManualStart = 7;
const TMccDtmfEventType KMccDtmfManualStop = 8;
const TMccDtmfEventType KMccDtmfManualAbort = 9;
const TMccDtmfEventType KMccDtmfSequenceStart = 10;
const TMccDtmfEventType KMccDtmfSequenceStop = 11;
const TMccDtmfEventType KMccDtmfSequenceAbort = 12;
const TMccDtmfEventType KMccDtmfStopInDtmfString = 13;
// Disabling PC-lint warnings 1554 and 1555, for getting rid of them otherwise
// might not be possible
/*lint -e1554 -e1555*/
* MCC Event
* @lib mmccinterface.dll
class TMccEvent
public: // Constructors
* Default constructor
inline TMccEvent() :
iSessionId( 0 ), iLinkId( 0 ), iStreamId( 0 ), iEndpointId( 0 ),
iEventCategory( 0 ), iEventType( KMccEventNone ), iErrorCode( KErrNone ),
iEventNumData( 0 ), iEventData( KNullDesC8 ),
iReserved( 0 ), iReserved2( NULL )
* Parametrized constructor
inline TMccEvent( TUint32 aSessionId, TUint32 aLinkId,
TUint32 aStreamId, TUint32 aEndpointId, TMccEventCategory aCategory,
TMccEventType aEvent, TInt aError, const TDesC8& aData ) :
iSessionId( aSessionId ), iLinkId( aLinkId ), iStreamId( aStreamId ),
iEndpointId( aEndpointId ), iEventCategory( aCategory ), iEventType( aEvent ),
iErrorCode( aError ), iEventNumData( 0 ), iEventData( aData ),
iReserved( 0 ), iReserved2( NULL )
* Copy constructor
inline TMccEvent( const TMccEvent& aEvent ):
iSessionId( aEvent.iSessionId ), iLinkId( aEvent.iLinkId ),
iStreamId( aEvent.iStreamId ), iEndpointId( aEvent.iEndpointId ),
iEventCategory( aEvent.iEventCategory ), iEventType( aEvent.iEventType ),
iErrorCode( aEvent.iErrorCode ), iEventNumData(aEvent.iEventNumData),
iEventData( aEvent.iEventData ),
iReserved( aEvent.iReserved ), iReserved2( aEvent.iReserved2 )
inline TMccEvent& operator=(
const TMccEvent& aEvent )
if ( &aEvent != this )
iSessionId = aEvent.iSessionId;
iLinkId = aEvent.iLinkId;
iStreamId = aEvent.iStreamId;
iEndpointId = aEvent.iEndpointId;
iEventCategory = aEvent.iEventCategory;
iEventType = aEvent.iEventType;
iErrorCode = aEvent.iErrorCode;
iEventNumData = aEvent.iEventNumData;
iEventData.Copy( aEvent.iEventData );
iReserved = aEvent.iReserved;
iReserved2 = aEvent.iReserved2;
return *this;
public: // Data
// Session identifier
TUint32 iSessionId;
// Link identifier
TUint32 iLinkId;
// Stream identifier
TUint32 iStreamId;
// Endpoint (source/sink) identifier
TUint32 iEndpointId;
// Event category
TMccEventCategory iEventCategory;
// Event type
TMccEventType iEventType;
// Error code for event
TInt iErrorCode;
// Numeric data for event
TUint32 iEventNumData;
// Event data
TBuf8<KMccMaxEventDataLength> iEventData;
// Reserved for future use
TUint32 iReserved;
// Reserved for future use
TAny* iReserved2;
typedef TPckgBuf<TMccEvent> TMccEventPackage;
* The class TMccRtcpEventData implements the RTCP signalling in the MCC.
const TInt KMccMaxRtcpPacketDataLength = KMccMaxEventDataLength -
TInt(sizeof( TMccRtcpPacketType )) -
TInt(sizeof( TUint32 )) -
TInt(sizeof( TTimeStamps )) -
TInt(sizeof( TRtpPeerStat )) -
/* TPckgBuf overhead */
TInt(sizeof( TMccEventPackage ))
+ TInt(sizeof( TMccEvent ));
* Rtp SourceSink event data
class TMccRtpEventData
* Default constructor
inline TMccRtpEventData() :
iJitterEstimate( 0 ),
iPacketsReceived( 0 ),
iPrevTransTime( 0 ),
iTriggeredJitterLevel( 0 )
* Copy constructor
inline TMccRtpEventData( const TMccRtpEventData& aEvent ) :
iJitterEstimate( aEvent.iJitterEstimate ),
iPacketsReceived( aEvent.iPacketsReceived ),
iPrevTransTime( aEvent.iPrevTransTime ),
iTriggeredJitterLevel( aEvent.iTriggeredJitterLevel )
* parametrized constructor
inline TMccRtpEventData( TInt64 aEstimate,
TUint32 aPcksRec,
TInt64 aPrevTransTime,
TUint64 aTriggeredJitterLevel ) :
iJitterEstimate( aEstimate ),
iPacketsReceived( aPcksRec ),
iPrevTransTime( aPrevTransTime ),
iTriggeredJitterLevel( aTriggeredJitterLevel )
public: // Data
// Current jitter estimate
TUint64 iJitterEstimate;
// Number of received packets
TUint32 iPacketsReceived;
// Previous packet transit time
TInt64 iPrevTransTime;
// Triggered jitter level
TUint64 iTriggeredJitterLevel;
typedef TPckgBuf<TMccRtpEventData> TMccRtpEventDataPackage;
class TMccRtcpEventData
public: // Constructors
* Constructor
inline TMccRtcpEventData() :
iRtcpPacketData( KNullDesC8 ),
iRtcpPacketType( KRtcpPacketUndefined ),
iSsrc( 0 )
iStats.iNumPacketsSent = 0;
iStats.iCumNumOctetsSent = 0;
iStats.iRoundTripDelay = 0;
iStats.iTxBandwidth = 0;
iStats.iCumNumPacketsLost = 0;
iStats.iFractionLost = 0;
iStats.iArrivalJitter = 0;
iStats.iRxBandwidth = 0;
iStats.iChannelBufferSize = 0;
iStats.iNTPTimeStampSec = 0;
iStats.iNTPTimeStampFrac = 0;
iStats.iTimeStamp = 0;
iTimeStamps.iNTPTimeStampSec = 0;
iTimeStamps.iNTPTimeStampFrac = 0;
iTimeStamps.iTimeStamp = 0;
* Copy constructor
inline TMccRtcpEventData( const TMccRtcpEventData& aEventData ) :
iRtcpPacketData( aEventData.iRtcpPacketData ),
iRtcpPacketType( aEventData.iRtcpPacketType ),
iSsrc( aEventData.iSsrc ),
iTimeStamps( aEventData.iTimeStamps ),
iStats( aEventData.iStats )
public: // Data
// RTCP packet data
TBuf8<KMccMaxRtcpPacketDataLength> iRtcpPacketData;
// Type of the RTCP data
TMccRtcpPacketType iRtcpPacketType;
// Synchronization source of RTCP packet
TUint32 iSsrc;
TTimeStamps iTimeStamps;
TRtpPeerStat iStats;
typedef TPckgBuf<TMccRtcpEventData> TMccRtcpEventDataPackage;
* The class TMccDtmfEventData implements the DTMF signalling in the MCC.
class TMccDtmfEventData
public: // Constructors
* Constructor
inline TMccDtmfEventData() :
iDtmfEventType( KMccDtmfUnknown ),
iContinue( EFalse ),
iDtmfString( NULL ),
iTimeStamp( 0 ),
iSeqNum( 0 )
* Copy constructor
inline TMccDtmfEventData( const TMccDtmfEventData& aEventData ) :
iDtmfEventType( aEventData.iDtmfEventType ),
iContinue( aEventData.iContinue ),
iDtmfString( aEventData.iDtmfString ),
iTimeStamp( aEventData.iTimeStamp ),
iSeqNum( aEventData.iSeqNum )
public: // Data
// Encapsulates type of the event
TMccDtmfEventType iDtmfEventType;
// Indicates is Dtmf sending continued after stop
TBool iContinue;
// Dtmf string to send
TBuf8<KMccMaxDtmfStringLength> iDtmfString;
// For internal usage
TUint32 iTimeStamp;
// For internal usage
TUint32 iSeqNum;
typedef TPckgBuf<TMccDtmfEventData> TMccDtmfEventDataPackage;
* Rtp SourceSink event data, extended version
class TMccRtpEventDataExtended : public TMccRtpEventData
* Default constructor
inline TMccRtpEventDataExtended() :
iPacketLoss( 0 ),
iTriggeredPacketLoss( 0 )
* Copy constructor
inline TMccRtpEventDataExtended( const TMccRtpEventDataExtended& aEvent ) :
TMccRtpEventData( aEvent ),
iPacketLoss( aEvent.iPacketLoss ),
iTriggeredPacketLoss( aEvent.iTriggeredPacketLoss )
* parametrized constructor
inline TMccRtpEventDataExtended( TInt64 aEstimate,
TUint32 aPcksRec,
TInt64 aPrevTransTime,
TUint64 aTriggeredJitterLevel,
TInt aPacketLoss,
TInt aTriggeredPacketLoss ) :
TMccRtpEventData( aEstimate,
aTriggeredJitterLevel ),
iPacketLoss( aPacketLoss ),
iTriggeredPacketLoss( aTriggeredPacketLoss )
public: // Data
// Current packet loss percentage
TInt iPacketLoss;
// Triggered packet loss percentage
TInt iTriggeredPacketLoss;
typedef TPckgBuf<TMccRtpEventDataExtended> TMccRtpEventDataExtendedPackage;
#endif // MMCCEVENTS_H
// End of File