Added API documentation and example code.
* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class is used for configuring AMR codec.
#ifndef __MCC_CODEC_AMR_H__
#define __MCC_CODEC_AMR_H__
#include "mmcccodecinformation.h"
const TUint KDefaultModeChangePeriod = 1;
// AMR-NB Codec possible bitrates
const TInt KAmrNbBitrate475( 4750 );
const TInt KAmrNbBitrate515( 5150 );
const TInt KAmrNbBitrate590( 5900 );
const TInt KAmrNbBitrate670( 6700 );
const TInt KAmrNbBitrate740( 7400 );
const TInt KAmrNbBitrate795( 7950 );
const TInt KAmrNbBitrate102( 10200 );
const TInt KAmrNbBitrate122( 12200 );
const TUint KMccAllowedAmrNbBitrate475 = 0x0001;
const TUint KMccAllowedAmrNbBitrate515 = 0x0002;
const TUint KMccAllowedAmrNbBitrate590 = 0x0004;
const TUint KMccAllowedAmrNbBitrate670 = 0x0008;
const TUint KMccAllowedAmrNbBitrate740 = 0x0010;
const TUint KMccAllowedAmrNbBitrate795 = 0x0020;
const TUint KMccAllowedAmrNbBitrate102 = 0x0040;
const TUint KMccAllowedAmrNbBitrate122 = 0x0080;
const TUint KMccAllowedAmrNbBitrateAll = 0x00FF;
// Allowed bitrates bitfield can contain additional information
const TUint KMccAllowedAmrAdditionalInfo = 0x0F00;
// If this bit is not present, mode-change-period=1
const TUint KMccAllowedModeChangePeriod2 = 0x0100;
// If this bit is not present, mode-change-neighbor=0
const TUint KMccAllowedModeChangeNeighbor1 = 0x0200;
const TUint KAmrNbSamplingFreq( 8000 );
const TInt KAMRDefaultHwFrameTime( 20 );
const TInt KAMRDefaultFrameSize( 32 );
const TInt KAMRDefaultPTime( 20 );
const TInt KAMRDefaultMaxPTime( 400 );
const TUint KModTen( 10 );
const TInt KAMRMode0( 0 );
const TInt KAMRMode1( 1 );
const TInt KAMRMode2( 2 );
const TInt KAMRMode3( 3 );
const TInt KAMRMode4( 4 );
const TInt KAMRMode5( 5 );
const TInt KAMRMode6( 6 );
const TInt KAMRMode7( 7 );
// Max five frames is used with AMR FEC redundancy
const TInt KMaxAmrFecRedCount = 5;
_LIT8( KMatchModeSet, "*mode-set*");
_LIT8( KTxtModeSet, "mode-set=");
_LIT8( KMatchOctetAlign, "*octet-align*");
_LIT8( KMatchModeChangePeriod, "*mode-change-period*");
_LIT8( KMatchModeChangeNeighbor, "*mode-change-neighbor*");
_LIT8( KCrc,"*crc*" );
_LIT8( KRobustSorting,"*robust-sorting*" );
_LIT8( KInterleaving,"*interleaving*" );
_LIT8( KMaxRed,"*max-red*" );
* Container class for the codec information.
* @lib MCCInterface.dll
* @since Series 60 3.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMccCodecAMR ) : public CMccCodecInformation
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CMccCodecAMR* NewL();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CMccCodecAMR();
public: // New functions
public: // From CMccCodecInformation
* From CMccCodecInformation
TBool RequireSignalling( const CMccCodecInformation& aCandidate ) const;
* From CMccCodecInformation
CMccCodecInformation* CloneDefaultsL();
* From CMccCodecInformation
CMccCodecInformation* CloneDetailedL();
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Set functions
* From CMccCodecInformation. Enable / Disable Voice Activity Detection.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aEnableVAD Boolean indicating whether to enable Voice Activity Detection
* @return KErrNotSupported if codec doesn't support VAD; otherwise KErrNone.
TInt EnableVAD( TBool aEnableVAD );
* From CMccCodecInformation. Sets bitrate used with codec.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aBitrate New bitrate value
* @return KErrNotSupported if codec doesn't support bitrate value issued; otherwise KErrNone.
TInt SetBitrate( TUint aBitrate );
* From CMccCodecInformation. Sets the sampling frequency.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aSamplingFreq Sampling frequency to be used
* @return KErrNotSupported if codec doesn't support sampling frequency issued; otherwise KErrNone.
TInt SetSamplingFreq( TUint32 aSamplingFreq );
* From MccCodecInformation. Sets the packet time.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aPTime PacketTime.
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt SetPTime( TUint aPTime );
* From MccCodecInformation. Sets max packet time.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aMaxPTime Maximum PacketTime
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt SetMaxPTime( TUint aMaxPTime );
* From CMccCodecInformation. Sets the sdp name.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aRtpId - [input] RTP session ID
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt SetSdpName( const TDesC8& aSdpName );
* From CMccCodecInformation. Sets the payload type.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aRtpId - [input] RTP session ID
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt SetPayloadType( TUint8 aPayloadType );
* From CMccCodecInformation. Sets the codec mode.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aMode Codec mode ( e.g. ULAW/ALAW, Bandwidth efficient / octet aligned )
* @return KErrNotSupported if codec doesnt' support codec mode value issued; otherwise KErrNone.
TInt SetCodecMode( TCodecMode aCodecMode );
* Sets the allowed bitrates for the codec.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aBitrateMask bitrate mask.
* @return KErrNotSupported if codec doesnt' support the bitrate mask
* value issued; otherwise KErrNone.
TInt SetAllowedBitrates( TUint aBitrateMask );
* Set number of channels. Range between 1 to 8. Refer to RFC3551 4.1
* for interpretation of channels value. Default value is 1.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt SetChannels( TInt aNumOfChannels );
* From CMccCodecInformation.
* Sets the redundancy level. Setting is effective only if some
* redundancy algorithm is set with SetAlgo().
* @param aRedCount The level of redundancy
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt SetRedCount( TUint aRedCount );
* Sets the upper limit on the usage of redundancy in milliseconds.
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @param aMaxRed maximum redundancy
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt SetMaxRed( TInt aMaxRed );
* New virtual functions
* Sets bitrate used with codec.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aBitrateMask bitrate mask, sets the largest bitrate
* @return KErrNotSupported if codec doesn't support bitrate value
* issued; otherwise KErrNone.
virtual TInt SetBitrateFromBitrateMask( TUint aBitrateMask );
* From CMccCodecInformation. Gets the mode set of a bitrate.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aBitrate The bitrate value
* @return mode set value
virtual TInt GetBitrateModeSet( TUint aBitrate );
* From CMccCodecInformation. Gets the bitrate mask from the mode set .
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aMode The mode set
* @param aBitrateMask reference to bitrateMask
* @return KErrNotSupported if codec doesnt' support the bitrate mask
* value issued; otherwise KErrNone.
virtual TInt GetBitrateMaskFromMode( TUint aMode, TUint& aBitrateMask );
* Gets the allowed bitrates for the codec.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aBitrateMask RArray<TUint> reference
* @return KErrNotSupported if codec doesnt' support the function
* otherwise KErrNone.
virtual TInt GetAllowedBitratesArrayL( RArray<TUint>& aBitratesArray );
* Sets the bitrate from the mode set .
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aBitrate The mode set
* @return mode set value
virtual void SetBitrateModeSet( TUint aModeSet );
* Get number of channels.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt GetChannels( TInt& aNumOfChannels ) const;
* FMTP functions
public: //Public FMTP functions
* Get the fmtp string
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return Fmtp.
TDesC8& GetFmtpL( );
* Parses the fmtp attributes, and updates the internal values
* except the iFmtpAttr attribute
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aFmtp Fmtp attribute
* @return True if any param was updated
TBool ParseFmtpAttrL( const TDesC8& aFmtp );
* Creates the fmtp string from internal values
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return void
void CreateFmtpAttrListL();
* Creates the fmtp string from internal values and the given bitrates
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return void
void CreateFmtpAttrListL( const RArray<TUint>& aBitrates );
protected: // New functions for derived classes
* C++ default constructor.
* Parses the fmtp attribute and updates the right param
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aFmtp Fmtp attribute
* @return ETrue if any params were updated
TBool ParseFmtpSegmentL( const TDesC8& aFmtp );
* Parses the fmtp attribute and updates the octet-align value
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aFmtp Fmtp attribute
* @return ETrue if any params were updated
TBool ParseFmtpOctetAlignL( const TDesC8& aFmtpOctetAlign );
* Parses the fmtp attribute and updates the mode-change-period value
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aFmtp Fmtp attribute
* @return ETrue if any params were updated
TBool ParseFmtpModeChangePeriodL( const TDesC8& aFmtpModeChangePeriod );
* Parses the fmtp attribute and updates the mode-change-neighbor value
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aFmtp Fmtp attribute
* @return ETrue if any params were updated
TBool ParseFmtpModeChangeNeighborL( const TDesC8& aFmtpModeChangeNeighbor );
* Parses the fmtp attribute and updates the crc value
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aFmtp Fmtp attribute
* @return ETrue if any params were updated
TBool ParseFmtpCrcL( const TDesC8& aFmtpCrc );
* Parses the fmtp attribute and updates the robust sorting value
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aFmtp Fmtp attribute
* @return ETrue if any params were updated
TBool ParseFmtpRobustSortingL( const TDesC8& aFmtpRobustSorting );
* Creates the octet-align value of the FMTP
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aBuf The buffer to modify
* @return ETrue if any params were updated
TBool CreateFmtpOctetAlign( TDes8& aBuf );
* Creates the mode-change-period value of the FMTP
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aBuf The buffer to modify
* @return ETrue if any params were updated
TBool CreateFmtpModeChangePeriod( TDes8& aBuf );
* Creates the mode-change-neigbor value of the FMTP
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aBuf The buffer to modify
* @return ETrue if any params were updated
TBool CreateFmtpModeChangeNeighbor( TDes8& aBuf );
* Creates the max-red value of the FMTP
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @param aBuf The buffer to modify
* @return ETrue if any params were updated
TBool CreateFmtpMaxRed( TDes8& aBuf );
* Parses the fmtp attribute and updates the max red value
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @param aFmtpMaxRed Fmtp attribute
* @return ETrue if any params were updated
TBool ParseFmtpMaxRedL( const TDesC8& aFmtpMaxRed );
* Parses the fmtp attribute and updates the mode-set value
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aFmtp Fmtp attribute
* @return ETrue if any params were updated
TBool ParseFmtpModeSetL( const TDesC8& aFmtpModeSet );
* Creates the mode-set value of the FMTP according to the bitrates
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aBuf The buffer to modify
* @param aBitrates Supported bitrates of the codec
* @return ETrue if the buffer was modified
TBool CreateFmtpModeSet( TDes8& aBuf,
const RArray<TUint>& aBitrates );
* Parses the fmtp attribute and updates the interleaving value
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @param aFmtp Fmtp attribute
* @return ETrue if any params were updated
TBool ParseFmtpInterleavingL( const TDesC8& aFmtpInterleaving );
* Specifies the number of frame blocks,
* that is the interval at which codec mode changes are allowed
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt SetModeChangePeriod( const TInt aPeriod );
* Get specified number of frame blocks
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt ModeChangePeriod( ) const;
* Set boolean variable, which indicates change between two modes.
* With default value 1 changes are only allowed to the
* neighboring mode.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt SetModeChangeNeighbor( const TBool aNeighbor );
* Get boolean variable, which indicates change between two modes.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return Return iNeighbor
TBool ModeChangeNeighbor( ) const;
* Set boolean type frame CRC value. With value 1 CRC shall be
* included in the payload, otherwise not. 1 also implies that
* octet-alignet operation shall be used for the session.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt SetCrc( const TBool aCrc );
* Get boolean type CRC value.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return iCrc
TBool GetCrc( ) const;
* Set robust sorting on/off with boolean value. With value 1
* the payload SHALL employ robust sorting. Implies automatically
* that octet-aligned operation SHALL be used for the session.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt SetRobustSorting( const TBool aRobust );
* Get boolean type robust sorting value
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return iRobust
TBool GetRobustSorting( ) const;
* Set interleaving as unsigned integer. Number range is 0-63.
* Indicates that frame-block level interleaving SHALL be
* used for the session and it's value defines the max number of
* frame-blocks allowed in interleaving group. Implies automatically
* that octet-aligned operation SHALL be used.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt SetInterleaving( const TInt aFrameBlockCount );
* Get Interleavin value.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return iFrameBlockCount
TInt GetInterleaving( ) const;
void SetBitrateMask( TUint aBitrateMask, TBool aKeepAdditionalInfo = EFalse );
void SetBitrateMaskAdditionalInfo( TUint aAdditionalInfo );
protected: // Data
TUint iDefaultBitrateMask;
TUint iDefaultBitrate;
TUint iAdditionalInfoMask;
TInt iMaxModeSetVal;
private: // Data
* Mode-set exist in FMTP
TBool iModesExist;
* Octet-align exist in FMTP
TBool iOctetAlignExist;
* Mode-change-period exist in FMTP
TBool iModeChangePeriodExist;
* Mode-change-neighbor exist in FMTP
TBool iModeChangeNeighborExist;
* Max-red exist in FMTP
TBool iMaxRedExist;
friend class UT_CMccCodecAMR;
friend class UT_CMccCodecAmrWb;
#endif // __MCC_CODEC_AMR_H__
// End of File