* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation.
#include <bldvariant.hrh>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <eiklabel.h>
#include "CTcTestRunner.h"
#include "CTcContainer.h"
#include "TestClientConstants.h"
#ifdef __SERIES90_
#include <cknenv.h> // skin support
#ifdef __SERIES60_
#include <akndef.h>
CTcContainer* CTcContainer::NewL( const TRect& aRect )
CTcContainer* self = new( ELeave ) CTcContainer;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aRect );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// Delete all labels
: iLabels( 1 ) // Minimum granularity
void CTcContainer::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect )
// Create a window for this application view
#ifdef __SERIES90_
// Set skin configuration
CCknSkinBase& skin = CknEnv().Skin();
skin.SetAppViewType( ESkinAppViewNoCbaNoToolband );
CreateLabelsL( aRect );
// Set windows size and activate it
SetRect( aRect );
void CTcContainer::Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const
// Clear the view area
CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
gc.Clear( aRect );
#ifdef __SERIES90_
CknEnv().Skin().DrawAppView( gc, aRect );
TInt CTcContainer::CountComponentControls() const
// Return amount of label control
return iLabels.Count();
CCoeControl* CTcContainer::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const
// Return pointer to a label control
return iLabels[ aIndex ];
void CTcContainer::Update( CTcTestRunner& aRunner )
// Update "Value" labels
SetLabelText( ETestCaseValue, aRunner.CurrentTestCaseName() );
SetLabelText( ERequestValue, aRunner.CurrentRequestName() );
// Force screen update NOW
void CTcContainer::UpdateStatus( const TDesC8& aStatus )
// Update "Status" label
SetLabelText( EStatusValue, aStatus );
// Force screen update NOW
CEikLabel* CTcContainer::CreateLabelL( const TRect& aRect, const TDesC& aText )
// Create new label and add it to the label array
CEikLabel* label = new( ELeave ) CEikLabel;
CleanupStack::PushL( label );
iLabels.AppendL( label );
CleanupStack::Pop( label );
// Set label container, area and text
label->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
label->SetRect( aRect );
label->SetTextL( aText );
return label;
void CTcContainer::SetLabelText( TInt aLabelId, const TDesC8& aText )
// 8bit to unicode conversion
TBuf< KMaxLabelSize > tmp16;
tmp16.Copy( aText );
// replace an empty text with "<none>"
if( tmp16 == KNullDesC )
tmp16 = KNone;
// Set text, ignore any errors
TRAP_IGNORE( iLabels[ aLabelId ]->SetTextL( tmp16 ) )
#ifdef __SERIES60_
void CTcContainer::SizeChanged()
ReLayoutAllLabels( Rect() );
void CTcContainer::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange( aType );
if ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch )
TRect mainPaneRect;
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane,
mainPaneRect );
SetRect( mainPaneRect );
AknLayoutUtils::SAknLayoutTextMultiline CTcContainer::GetLabelLayout(
const TRect& aRect, TInt aLabelBase, TAknLogicalFontId aFontId ) const
SAknLayoutTextMultiline struct:
@param iFont font id, ELatinPlain12, ELatinBold12, ELatinBold13 etc..
@param iC colour index, 0..255
@param iL left margin
@param iR right margin
@param iB Baseline from top of the parent rectangle
@param iW text width in pixels
@param iJ justification. ELayoutAlignNone; ELayoutAlignCenter;
ELayoutAlignLeft; ELayoutAlignRight; ELayoutAlignBidi
@param iNumberOfLinesShown
@param iNextLineB baseline of 2nd line for multi-line labels/editors
const TInt KFontColorIndexBlack( 200 );
AknLayoutUtils::SAknLayoutTextMultiline labelLayout;
labelLayout.iFont = aFontId;
labelLayout.iC = KFontColorIndexBlack;
labelLayout.iL = KLabelTlX;
labelLayout.iR = KLabelTlX;
labelLayout.iB = aLabelBase;
labelLayout.iW = aRect.Width() - labelLayout.iL - labelLayout.iR;
labelLayout.iJ = ELayoutAlignLeft;
labelLayout.iNumberOfLinesShown = 1;
return labelLayout;
TInt CTcContainer::FontTotalHeightInPixels( TAknLogicalFontId aFontId ) const
const CFont* font = AknLayoutUtils::FontFromId( aFontId );
_LIT( KPanicCntx, "TestClient" );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( font, User::Panic( KPanicCntx(), KErrNotFound ) );
return font->HeightInPixels();
void CTcContainer::CreateLabelsL( const TRect& aRect )
// Create labels
CEikLabel* label;
TInt primaryFontTotalHeight( FontTotalHeightInPixels( EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont ) );
TInt secondaryFontTotalHeight( FontTotalHeightInPixels( EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont ) );
TInt labelBase = KLabelTlY + primaryFontTotalHeight;
AknLayoutUtils::SAknLayoutTextMultiline labelLayout =
GetLabelLayout( aRect, labelBase, EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont );
TRect rect( KLabelTlX, KLabelTlY,
aRect.Width() - KLabelTlX, KLabelTlY + primaryFontTotalHeight );
label = CreateLabelL( rect, KTestCase );
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel( label, rect, labelLayout );
rect.Move( 0, secondaryFontTotalHeight );
labelBase += secondaryFontTotalHeight;
labelLayout = GetLabelLayout( aRect, labelBase, EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont );
label = CreateLabelL( rect, KNone );
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel( label, rect, labelLayout );
rect.Move( 0, primaryFontTotalHeight );
labelBase += primaryFontTotalHeight;
labelLayout = GetLabelLayout( aRect, labelBase, EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont );
label = CreateLabelL( rect, KRequest );
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel( label, rect, labelLayout );
rect.Move( 0, secondaryFontTotalHeight );
labelBase += secondaryFontTotalHeight;
labelLayout = GetLabelLayout( aRect, labelBase, EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont );
label = CreateLabelL( rect, KNone );
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel( label, rect, labelLayout );
rect.Move( 0, primaryFontTotalHeight );
labelBase += primaryFontTotalHeight;
labelLayout = GetLabelLayout( aRect, labelBase, EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont );
label = CreateLabelL( rect, KStatus );
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel( label, rect, labelLayout );
rect.Move( 0, secondaryFontTotalHeight );
labelBase += secondaryFontTotalHeight;
labelLayout = GetLabelLayout( aRect, labelBase, EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont );
label = CreateLabelL( rect, KNone );
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel( label, rect, labelLayout );
void CTcContainer::ReLayoutAllLabels( const TRect& aRect )
if ( iLabels.Count() != 6 )
CEikLabel* label;
TInt primaryFontTotalHeight( FontTotalHeightInPixels( EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont ) );
TInt secondaryFontTotalHeight( FontTotalHeightInPixels( EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont ) );
TInt labelBase = KLabelTlY + primaryFontTotalHeight;
AknLayoutUtils::SAknLayoutTextMultiline labelLayout =
GetLabelLayout( aRect, labelBase, EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont );
TRect rect( KLabelTlX, KLabelTlY,
aRect.Width() - KLabelTlX, KLabelTlY + primaryFontTotalHeight );
label = iLabels[ 0 ];
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel( label, rect, labelLayout );
rect.Move( 0, secondaryFontTotalHeight );
labelBase += secondaryFontTotalHeight;
labelLayout = GetLabelLayout( aRect, labelBase, EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont );
label = iLabels[ 1 ];
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel( label, rect, labelLayout );
rect.Move( 0, primaryFontTotalHeight );
labelBase += primaryFontTotalHeight;
labelLayout = GetLabelLayout( aRect, labelBase, EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont );
label = iLabels[ 2 ];
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel( label, rect, labelLayout );
rect.Move( 0, secondaryFontTotalHeight );
labelBase += secondaryFontTotalHeight;
labelLayout = GetLabelLayout( aRect, labelBase, EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont );
label = iLabels[ 3 ];
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel( label, rect, labelLayout );
rect.Move( 0, primaryFontTotalHeight );
labelBase += primaryFontTotalHeight;
labelLayout = GetLabelLayout( aRect, labelBase, EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont );
label = iLabels[ 4 ];
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel( label, rect, labelLayout );
rect.Move( 0, secondaryFontTotalHeight );
labelBase += secondaryFontTotalHeight;
labelLayout = GetLabelLayout( aRect, labelBase, EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont );
label = iLabels[ 5 ];
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel( label, rect, labelLayout );
void CTcContainer::CreateLabelsL( const TRect& /*aRect*/ )
// Create labels
CEikLabel* label;
TRect rect( KLabelTlX, KLabelTlY, KLabelBrX, KLabelBrY );
label = CreateLabelL( rect, KTestCase );
rect.Move( 0, KLabelSpacing );
label = CreateLabelL( rect, KNone );
// Use smaller for for this label
label->SetFont( CEikonEnv::Static()->AnnotationFont() );
rect.Move( 0, KLabelSpacing );
label = CreateLabelL( rect, KRequest );
rect.Move( 0, KLabelSpacing );
label = CreateLabelL( rect, KNone );
// Use smaller for for this label
label->SetFont( CEikonEnv::Static()->AnnotationFont() );
rect.Move( 0, KLabelSpacing );
label = CreateLabelL( rect, KStatus );
rect.Move( 0, KLabelSpacing );
label = CreateLabelL( rect, KNone );
// Use smaller for for this label
label->SetFont( CEikonEnv::Static()->AnnotationFont() );
#endif // __SERIES60_