* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Connection handler is responsible for creating connections
* to Connection Multiplexer and TURN Client. It is responsible
* to handle data received from different observers it
* implements. Connection handler implements 3 Connection
* Multiplexer's observers and STUNClientObserver.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <es_sock.h>
#include <in_sock.h>
#include "mncmconnectionobserver.h"
#include "mncmincomingconnectionobserver.h"
#include "mncmoutgoingconnectionobserver.h"
#include "mncmmessageobserver.h"
#include "natfwstunclientobserver.h"
#include "natfwrefreshobserver.h"
#include "natfwtimerobserver.h"
// forward declarations
class MNATFWPluginObserver;
class MNcmConnectionMultiplexer;
class CNATFWCandidate;
class CNATFWTurnRefreshTimer;
class CSTUNRelayBinding;
class CSTUNClient;
class TStreamData;
class TConnectionData;
class CNATFWNatSettingsApi;
class MNATFWTurnSettings;
class CNATFWTurnActiveDestinationTimer;
class CTurnAsyncCallback;
class CNATFWPluginApi;
class MNATFWServerSettings;
class CTurnServerSettings;
* Connection handler for TURN Plug-in.
* Connection handler is responsible for creating connections to Connection
* Multiplexer and TURN Client. It creates TURN Binding and it is responsible
* to handle data received from different observers it implements. Connection
* handler implements 3 Connection Multiplexer's observers and
* STUNClientObserver.
* @lib turnplugin.lib
* @since S60 v3.2
class CNATFWTurnConnectionHandler : public CBase,
public MSTUNClientObserver,
public MNcmConnectionObserver,
public MNcmIncomingConnectionObserver,
public MNcmOutgoingConnectionObserver,
public MNcmMessageObserver,
public MNATFWRefreshObserver,
public MNATFWTimerObserver
friend class UT_CNATFWTurnConnectionHandler;
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aTurnPlugin The TURN plugin instance
* @param aPluginObserver Observer for callbacks to STUN plug-in's client
static CNATFWTurnConnectionHandler* NewL(
const CNATFWPluginApi& aTurnPlugin,
MNATFWPluginObserver& aPluginObserver );
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aTurnPlugin The TURN plugin instance
* @param aPluginObserver Observer for callbacks to STUN plug-in's client
static CNATFWTurnConnectionHandler* NewLC(
const CNATFWPluginApi& aTurnPlugin,
MNATFWPluginObserver& aPluginObserver );
* Initializes TURN Connection Handler.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aIapId IAP ID used in retrieving IAP settings from
* NAT FW NAT Settings
* @param aDomain Domain name used in creating instance of NATFW
* NAT Settings to get STUN server address and port.
* @param aMultiplexer Reference to the Connection Multiplexer
void PluginInitializeL( TUint32 aIapId,
const TDesC8& aDomain,
MNcmConnectionMultiplexer& aMultiplexer );
* Finds out a STUN Server and establishes a connection to it.
* MNATFWPluginObserver::Notify is called with event code EServerConnected
* when connecting has completed.
* FetchCandidateL can be called after successful connecting.
* This is done asynchronously.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aSocketServ The handle to socket server session
* @param aConnectionName The unique name of the RConnection
void ConnectServerL( const RSocketServ& aSocketServ,
const TName& aConnectionName );
* Fetches available candidates for a specified stream using given
* retransmission timeout for STUN transactions.
* RTO value 0 indicates default retransmission timeout as specified
* in STUN specification.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aStreamId Stream identifier
* @param aRtoValue Retransmission timeout in milliseconds
* @param aAddrFamily KAFUnspec / KAfInet / KAfInet6
* @param aBaseAddr Address from which to create connection
void FetchCandidateL( TUint aStreamId, TUint aRtoValue, TUint aAddrFamily,
const TInetAddr& aBaseAddr );
* Gets identifier for a connection that is associated with the
* given local end point.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aLocalCandidate The local end point for a media
* @param aStreamId The stream identifier
* @param aConnectionId Reference to found ID
void GetConnectionIdL( const CNATFWCandidate& aLocalCandidate,
TUint aStreamId, TUint& aConnectionId );
* Starts TURN Refresh timer. Sends periodically keepalive messages to
* TURN client, which will keep the bindings to TURN Server active.
* @since S60 v3.2
void StartTurnRefresh();
* Creates TURN Binding and calls AllocateRequestL().
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aStreamId Stream ID of current TURN Binding
* @param aConnectionId Connection ID of current TURN Binding
void CreateTURNBindingL( TUint aStreamId, TUint aConnectionId );
* Enables/disables media receiving for the specified local candidate.
* MNATFWPluginObserver::Notify is called with event code
* EReceivingActivated/EReceivingDeactivated when status change has
* completed. While activated incoming data is delivered to the media
* engine.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @pre FetchCandidate(/s) and possible ICE processing have completed
* @param aLocalCandidate The local end point for a media
* @param aState The receiving state
void SetReceivingStateL( const CNATFWCandidate& aLocalCandidate,
TNATFWStreamingState aState );
* Once the client wants to primarily receive from one peer, it can send
* a SetActiveDestination request. All subsequent data received from
* the active peer is forwarded directly to the client and vice versa,
* except that it is wrapped or framed according to the protocol used
* between the STUN relay client and STUN relay server.
* The SetActiveDestination Request does not close other bindings. Data
* to and from other peers is still wrapped in Send and Data indications
* respectively.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aLocalCandidate The local end point for a media
* @param aState The sending state
* @param aDestAddr The remote end point for a media
void SetSendingStateL( const CNATFWCandidate& aLocalCandidate,
TNATFWStreamingState aState, const TInetAddr& aDestAddr );
* Validates that is outgoing message a TURN request or Send Indication.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aMessage Message from which will be validated if
* it is TURN request or Send Indication
* @return ETrue if the message is TURN request or Send Indication
TBool IsRequestOrIndicationL( const TDesC8& aMessage ) const;
* Validates that is incoming message a TURN response.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aMessage Message from which will be validated if
* it is TURN response
* @return ETrue if the message is TURN response
TBool IsTurnResponseL( const TDesC8& aMessage ) const;
// From base class MStunClientObserver
* Indicates that asynchronous initialization of the related
* CSTUNClient has been completed and it can be used for
* creating CSTUNRelayBinding(s).
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aClient Handle to STUN client
* @param aCompletionCode Completion code
void STUNClientInitCompleted( const CSTUNClient& aClient,
TInt aCompletionCode );
* A TURN binding related event occurred. After this callback
* the aBinding can be used again by calling its SendRequestL
* function.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aEvent Binding event occurred
* @param aBinding Handle to CBinding
void STUNBindingEventOccurredL( TSTUNBindingEvent aEvent,
const CBinding& aBinding );
* Error occurred during IP address resolution. This callback
* will also be called if STUNBindingEventOccurredL leaves.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aBinding Handle to CBinding
* @param aError Error code
void STUNBindingErrorOccurred( const CBinding& aBinding,TInt aError );
// from base class MNcmConnectionObserver
* Called by Connection Multiplexer when connection connecting completes.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aStreamId Stream of target of notify
* @param aConnectionId Target of notify
* @param aType Type of notify
* @param aError Error code
void ConnectionNotify( TUint aStreamId,
TUint aConnectionId,
TConnectionNotifyType aType,
TInt aError );
// from base class MNcmIncomingConnectionObserver
* Called by Connection Multiplexer when incoming message is found.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aStreamId The ID identifying stream
* @param aMessage Message is a reference to constant message
* @param aConsumed Flag to indicate is this message consumed
* @param aLocalAddr A stream local address.
* @param aFromAddr A remote source address. ( From socket )
* @param aPeerRemoteAddr A peer remote address.
* @param aConsumed A reference to a boolean variable which MUST
* be set by observer: ETrue is message was
* consumed, EFalse otherwise.
void IncomingMessageL( TUint aStreamId, const TDesC8& aMessage,
const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr, const TInetAddr& aFromAddr,
const TInetAddr& aPeerRemoteAddr, TBool& aConsumed );
// from base class MNcmOutgoingConnectionObserver
* Called by Connection Multiplexer when outgoing message is found.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aStreamId Stream where message was found
* @param aConnectionId Connection where message was found
* @param aDestinationAddress Destination address where the packet
* is being sent to. If this is set then
* connection ID is ignored
* @param aMessage Message is a reference to constant message
* which was found
* @param aConsumed Is reference to a boolean variable which
* MUST be set by observer: ETrue is message
* was consumed, EFalse otherwise.
void OutgoingMessageL( TUint aStreamId, TUint aConnectionId,
const TInetAddr& aDestinationAddress, const TDesC8& aMessage,
TBool& aConsumed );
// from base class MNcmMessageObserver
* Called by Connection Multiplexer when incoming message is found.
* Allows connection observer to observe and make modifications to found
* message by offering an own copy of content with modification(s).
* TURN Plug-in must fill the peer address, because only TURN Plug-in can
* know currently activated destination.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aStreamId The ID identifying stream
* @param aMessage Message is a reference to constant message
* @param aLocalAddr A stream local address.
* @param aFromAddr A remote source address. ( From socket )
* @param aPeerRemoteAddr A peer remote address.
* @return Pointer to a heap descriptor with new content for message,
* otherwise NULL is returned. Ownership of the heap descriptor
* is transferred to connection multiplexer ( from observer ).
HBufC8* IncomingMessageNotify( TUint aStreamId,
const TDesC8& aMessage,
const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr,
const TInetAddr& aFromAddr,
TInetAddr& aPeerRemoteAddr );
// from base class MNcmMessageObserver
* Called by Connection Multiplexer when outgoing message is found.
* Allows connection observer to observe and make modifications to found
* message by offering an own copy of content with modification(s).
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aStreamId The ID identifying stream
* @param aConnectionId The ID identifying connection
* @param aDestinationAddress Destination address where the packet
* is being sent to.
* @param aMessage Message is a reference to constant message
* which was found
* @return pointer to a heap descriptor with new content for message,
* otherwise NULL is returned. Ownership of the heap descriptor is
* transferred to multiplexer (from observer).
HBufC8* OutgoingMessageNotify( TUint aStreamId,
TUint aConnectionId,
const TInetAddr& aDestinationAddress,
const TDesC8& aMessage );
// from base class MNATFWRefreshObserver
* Sends binding requests to TURN Bindings.
* @since S60 v3.2
void BindingRefreshL();
// from base class MNATFWTimerObserver
* Notifies when active destination timer has triggered.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aStreamId To identify the binding that the
* triggering was related to
* @param aConnectionId To identify the binding that the
* triggering was related to
void TimerTriggeredL( TUint aStreamId, TUint aConnectionId );
CNATFWTurnConnectionHandler( const CNATFWPluginApi& aTurnPlugin );
void ConstructL( MNATFWPluginObserver& aPluginObserver );
void DeleteStream( TUint aStreamInd, TBool aRemoveMuxConn );
HBufC8* HandleIncomingMessageL( TUint aStreamId, const TDesC8& aMessage,
const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr, const TInetAddr& aFromAddr,
TInetAddr& aPeerRemoteAddr );
TInt IndexByStreamId( TUint aStreamId );
TConnectionData* ConnectionById( TUint aStreamInd, TUint aConnectionId );
TConnectionData* ConnectionByIndex( TUint aStreamInd,
TUint aConnectionInd );
void GenerateServerListL();
void TryNextServerL();
TConnectionData* FindConnection( TUint aStreamId,
const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr );
TBool MatchAddresses( const TInetAddr& aAddr1, const TInetAddr& aAddr2 );
* Flag defining whether TURN refresh has been started
TBool iTurnRefreshStarted;
* Currently selected index in list of servers ( iServerList )
TInt iServerIndex;
* Handle to the socket server.
RSocketServ iSocketServ;
* Handle to the connection.
* Own.
RConnection iConnection;
* Pointer to domain name data.
* Own.
HBufC8* iDomain;
* Array for storing data for each stream
RArray<TStreamData> iStreamArray;
// Instances from other C -classes
* STUN and TURN client handle.
* Own.
CSTUNClient* iStunClient;
* Set up stream for client.
* Not own.
MNcmConnectionMultiplexer* iConnMux;
* Sends keepalive messages periodically.
* Own.
CNATFWTurnRefreshTimer* iTurnRefreshTimer;
* Timer for setting Active Destination.
* Own.
CNATFWTurnActiveDestinationTimer* iActiveDestinationTimer;
* Pointer to timer for STUN Client.
* Own.
CDeltaTimer* iTimerServ;
* Pointer to NAT Settings.
* Own.
CNATFWNatSettingsApi* iNatSettings;
* Pointer to TURN related NAT Settings.
* Not own.
MNATFWTurnSettings* iTurnSettings;
* TURN UDP Refresh interval.
TUint iTurnRefreshInterval;
* TURN Plug-in
* Not own.
const CNATFWPluginApi& iTurnPlugin;
* Async callback handler
* own.
CTurnAsyncCallback* iAsyncCallback;
* Array of server related settings
* Own.
RPointerArray<CTurnServerSettings> iServerList;