* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: DTMF RTP payload encoder for named telephone events
* and tones.
#include <mmf/server/mmfdatabuffer.h>
#include "dtmfpayloadformatdefs.h"
#include "dtmfpayloadencoder.h"
#include "dtmfeventpayloadinfo.h"
#include "dtmftonepayloadinfo.h"
#include "streamformatter.h"
const TInt KEventLengthInBytes = 8;
const TInt KByteIndex = 2;
const TInt KReservedBits = 4;
#include <voip_trace.h>
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDTMFPayloadEncoder::CDTMFPayloadEncoder
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDTMFPayloadEncoder::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDTMFPayloadEncoder* CDTMFPayloadEncoder::NewL()
VoipTrace( "%x %x", MCC_TRACE, MCC_DTMF_PLF_ENC_NEWL );
CDTMFPayloadEncoder* self = new( ELeave ) CDTMFPayloadEncoder;
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDTMFPayloadEncoder::~CDTMFPayloadEncoder
// Destructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDTMFPayloadEncoder::EncodeEvent
// Forms payload for named events.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| event |E|R| volume | duration |
TInt CDTMFPayloadEncoder::EncodeEvent(
const TDTMFEventPayloadInfo& aEventInfo,
CMMFBuffer* aOutputBuffer )
VoipTrace( "%x %x", MCC_TRACE, MCC_DTMF_PLF_ENC_ENCEV );
if ( EDTMFPayloadFormatRedEvents == iPayloadFormat )
return EncodeRedundantEventPayload( aEventInfo, aOutputBuffer );
if ( aOutputBuffer )
// Possible events are: 0-9, * (10), # (11), A-D (12-15)
TInt eventAsInteger = EventAsInteger( aEventInfo.Event() );
TStreamEncoder streamEncoder;
TDes8& dataDes =
static_cast<CMMFDataBuffer*>( aOutputBuffer )->Data();
const TUint8* seekPtr = dataDes.Ptr();
// 32 bits
dataDes.SetLength( KEventBlockLengthInBytes );
streamEncoder.Initialize( const_cast<TUint8*>( seekPtr ), 0, 0 );
// Encode Event Field
streamEncoder.Encode( eventAsInteger, KEventFieldBits );
// Encode end bit for final packet.
streamEncoder.Encode( aEventInfo.EndBit(), 1 );
// Encode reserved bit
streamEncoder.Encode( 0, 1 );
// Encode volume field. Volume must be encoded only if it is relevant
// to the event. Otherwise it must be set to zero.
streamEncoder.Encode( aEventInfo.Volume(), KVolFieldBits );
// Encode duration field
streamEncoder.Encode( aEventInfo.Duration(), KDurationFieldBits );
// Update event array for redundant events encoding
iEventArray.Append( aEventInfo );
if ( KDTMFDefaultRedundancyCount < iEventArray.Count() )
iEventArray.Remove( 0 );
return KErrNone;
return KErrArgument;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDTMFPayloadEncoder::EncodeRedundantEventPayload
// Encodes events to Event Payload Format using Multi-Event Redundancy.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
|F| block PT | timestamp offset | block length |
|1| 97 | 11200 | 4 |
|F| block PT | timestamp offset | block length |
|1| 97 | 11200 - 6400 = 4800 | 4 |
|F| Block PT |
|0| 97 |
| digit |E R| volume | duration |
| 9 |1 0| 7 | 1600 |
| digit |E R| volume | duration |
| 1 |1 0| 10 | 2000 |
| digit |E R| volume | duration |
| 1 |0 0| 20 | 400 |
TInt CDTMFPayloadEncoder::EncodeRedundantEventPayload(
const TDTMFEventPayloadInfo& aEventInfo, CMMFBuffer* aOutputBuffer )
if ( aOutputBuffer )
TStreamEncoder streamEncoder;
TDes8& dataDes =
static_cast<CMMFDataBuffer*>( aOutputBuffer )->Data();
const TUint8* seekPtr = dataDes.Ptr();
// Count length of packet. Event consists of 4 byte header and 4 byte
// payload. Length of the redundancy header of last event is one byte.
TInt length( iEventArray.Count() * KEventLengthInBytes - 3 );
if ( length > 0 && length < dataDes.MaxSize() )
dataDes.SetLength( length );
streamEncoder.Initialize( const_cast<TUint8*>( seekPtr ), 0, 0 );
// Update event array
iEventArray.Append( aEventInfo );
if ( KDTMFDefaultRedundancyCount < iEventArray.Count() )
iEventArray.Remove( 0 );
// Encode redundancy headers
TInt eventCount( iEventArray.Count() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < eventCount; i++ )
if ( i != eventCount - 1 )
// F-bit
streamEncoder.Encode( 1, 1 );
streamEncoder.Encode( iPayloadType, KBlockPTBits );
// Encode Timestamp offset
TUint offset( iEventArray[eventCount - 1].TimeStamp().Int()
- iEventArray[i].TimeStamp().Int() );
streamEncoder.Encode( offset, KTimeStampOffsetBits );
streamEncoder.Encode( KEventBlockLengthInBytes,
KBlockLengthBits );
// Last redundancy header
// F-bit
streamEncoder.Encode( 0, 1 );
streamEncoder.Encode( iPayloadType, KBlockPTBits );
// Encode payload blocks
for ( TInt index = 0; index < eventCount; index++ )
// Possible events are: 0-9, * (10), # (11), A-D (12-15)
TInt eventAsInteger =
EventAsInteger( iEventArray[index].Event() );
// Encode digit field
streamEncoder.Encode( eventAsInteger, KEventFieldBits );
// Encode E-bit
if ( index != eventCount - 1 )
streamEncoder.Encode( 1, 1 );
// Last event
streamEncoder.Encode( 0, 1 );
// Encode Reserved bit
streamEncoder.Encode( 0, 1 );
// Encode Volume Field
streamEncoder.Encode( iEventArray[index].Volume(),
KVolFieldBits );
// Encode Duration Field
streamEncoder.Encode( iEventArray[index].Duration(),
KDurationFieldBits );
return KErrNone;
return KErrArgument;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDTMFPayloadEncoder::EncodeTone
// Forms tone payload for DTMF digit.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| modulation |T| volume | duration |
|R R R R| frequency |R R R R| frequency |
|R R R R| frequency |R R R R| frequency |
|R R R R| frequency |R R R R| frequency |
TInt CDTMFPayloadEncoder::EncodeTone( const TDTMFTonePayloadInfo& aToneInfo,
CMMFDataBuffer* aOutputBuffer ) const
if ( aOutputBuffer )
TInt toneAsInteger = EventAsInteger( aToneInfo.Tone() );
if ( toneAsInteger < 0 || toneAsInteger >= KDtmfGroupFrequencyCount )
return KErrArgument;
TUint lowGroupFrequency( KDTMFLowGroupFrequencies[ toneAsInteger ] );
TUint highGroupFrequency(
KDTMFHighGroupFrequencies[ toneAsInteger ] );
TStreamEncoder streamEncoder;
TDes8& dataDes =
STATIC_CAST( CMMFDataBuffer*, aOutputBuffer )->Data();
const TUint8* seekPtr = dataDes.Ptr();
// 2 * 32 bits
dataDes.SetLength( KEventLengthInBytes );
streamEncoder.Initialize( const_cast<TUint8*>( seekPtr ), 0, 0 );
// Encode modulation field
streamEncoder.Encode( aToneInfo.Modulation(), KModulationBits );
// Encode T bit
streamEncoder.Encode( 0, 1 );
// Encode Volume Field
streamEncoder.Encode( aToneInfo.Volume(), KVolFieldBits );
// Encode Duration Field
streamEncoder.Encode( aToneInfo.Duration(), KDurationFieldBits );
// Encode four R(eserved) bits
streamEncoder.Encode( 0, KReservedBits );
// Encode first Frequency Field
streamEncoder.Encode( lowGroupFrequency, KFrequencyBits );
// Encode four R(eserved) bits
streamEncoder.Encode( 0, KReservedBits );
// Encode second Frequency Field
streamEncoder.Encode( highGroupFrequency, KFrequencyBits );
return KErrNone;
return KErrArgument;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDTMFPayloadEncoder::UpdateEventPayload
// Updates previously created event payload according to parameters.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDTMFPayloadEncoder::UpdateEventPayload( const TBool aFinalPacket,
const TUint aDuration,
CMMFDataBuffer* aOutputBuffer ) const
if ( aOutputBuffer )
TStreamEncoder streamEncoder;
TDes8& dataDes = STATIC_CAST( CMMFDataBuffer*,
aOutputBuffer )->Data();
const TUint8* seekPtr = dataDes.Ptr();
// End bit starts from the beginning of second byte
streamEncoder.Initialize( const_cast<TUint8*>( seekPtr ), 1, 0 );
// Encode End Bit
if ( aFinalPacket )
streamEncoder.Encode( 1, 1 );
// Duration Field starts from third byte
streamEncoder.SetBitIndex( 0 );
streamEncoder.SetByteIndex( KByteIndex );
// Encode Duration Field with new value
streamEncoder.Encode( aDuration, KDurationFieldBits );
return KErrNone;
return KErrArgument;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDTMFPayloadEncoder::UpdateTonePayload
// Updates previously created tone payload according to parameters.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDTMFPayloadEncoder::UpdateTonePayload( const TUint aToneDuration,
CMMFDataBuffer* aOutputBuffer ) const
if ( aOutputBuffer )
TStreamEncoder streamEncoder;
TDes8& dataDes = STATIC_CAST( CMMFDataBuffer*,
aOutputBuffer )->Data();
const TUint8* seekPtr = dataDes.Ptr();
// Duration Field starts from third byte
streamEncoder.Initialize( const_cast<TUint8*>( seekPtr ), 3, 0 );
// Encode Duration Field with a new value
streamEncoder.Encode( aToneDuration, KDurationFieldBits );
return KErrNone;
return KErrArgument;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDTMFPayloadEncoder::PayloadFormat
// Returns payload format in use.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TDTMFPayloadFormat CDTMFPayloadEncoder::PayloadFormat( ) const
return iPayloadFormat;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDTMFPayloadEncoder::SetPayloadFormat
// Sets payload format in use.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDTMFPayloadEncoder::SetPayloadFormat(
TDTMFPayloadFormat aPayloadFormat )
VoipTrace( "%x %x %d", MCC_TRACE, MCC_DTMF_PLF_ENC_SETPLF, aPayloadFormat );
if ( EDTMFPayloadFormatEvent != aPayloadFormat
&& EDTMFPayloadFormatTone != aPayloadFormat
&& EDTMFPayloadFormatRedEvents != aPayloadFormat )
return KErrNotSupported;
iPayloadFormat = aPayloadFormat;
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDTMFPayloadEncoder::PayloadType
// Returns payload type in use.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CDTMFPayloadEncoder::PayloadType( ) const
return iPayloadType;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDTMFPayloadEncoder::SetPayloadType
// Sets payload type in use.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDTMFPayloadEncoder::SetPayloadType( TUint8 aPayloadType )
iPayloadType = aPayloadType;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDTMFPayloadEncoder::EventAsInteger
// Converts DTMF digit / Tone represented as TChar to the integer encoding
// used in payload.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDTMFPayloadEncoder::EventAsInteger( const TChar& aEvent ) const
TInt returnValue( KErrNotFound );
// Conversion because of PC_LINT warning #1561
TChar argument( aEvent );
// For PC_LINT error #1023
TUint nullChar( '0' );
if ( '0' <= aEvent && '9' >= aEvent )
returnValue = argument - nullChar;
switch ( aEvent )
case '*':
returnValue = KEventCodeForAsterisk;
case '#':
returnValue = KEventCodeForHashMark;
case 'a':
case 'A':
returnValue = KEventCodeForA;
case 'b':
case 'B':
returnValue = KEventCodeForB;
case 'c':
case 'C':
returnValue = KEventCodeForC;
case 'd':
case 'D':
returnValue = KEventCodeForD;
return returnValue;
// End of File